
Thursday, July 18, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 15, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! We have a new TN starting this week—MAREA DE PASIONES!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: Ep. 4-5

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    Odd that Marcelo would even think that Luisa was still harboring feelings for him just because she kept the engagement ring and returned it.

    ANNOYING! Can’t anyone put a lid on Isela (Juan’s) wife already! Has she nothing better to do but harass María and give expensive jewelry to the prosecutor for favors?

    Uh, oh. Looks like Zaid has Juan’s daughter right where he wants her with promises of her replacing her daddy.

    Does Marcelo have a loose screw telling his buddy Goyo he wants to kidnap Natalia so Luisa and Zaid suffer and suffer some more? I do not like his bad temper which is very un-galán like.

    Oooo, looks like Goyo might have vandalized Zaid’s car.

    Oh, noes! The prosecutor thinks it will take a year to get file on Grajales murder case from Colombia to take Marcelo to trial. Zaid wants it tomorrow.

    María supports Marcelo leaving and starting a new life. Better than committing another crime.

    Okay, they have included an LGBTQ plot with Anita who is Luisa's sister. She couldn’t take her eyes off a female server at the pool.

    We were cut short by another 5 minutes!

  2. Marea

    I watched the last 5 minutes on my iPad. No closed captions so not sure what was said. Goyo got on a boat with him. They got off at a beach with a hotel and Marcelo started turning over the lounge chairs. Two men dragged him away and they had a fight. A third man joined in, when Marcelo was down they walked away. If Marcelo wants people to believe he’s innocent he needs to behave nicer! Also if he wants someone to hire him! Not sure if it was on the show or iPad but he gave his brother something in a plastic bag, maybe the matches.

    So Maria has a relationship with Natalia. I’m sure her parents don’t know about it but wasn’t sure of everything she said.

    Thank goodness Marcelo shaved and changed his clothes. He should have done that before he approached Luisa, she might have felt that attraction, which she apparently doesn’t feel with Zaid.

    When Zaid told the mother-in-law he was there to take care of the business and all of them she had a strange look on her face.

    Juan’s wife is really crazy. But he told her he loved her. But wouldn’t promise to not visit Maria.


  3. Thanks, Liz. Okay, sounds like Marcelo was being taught a lesson/given payback by someone.

  4. MAREA

    Thank you very much Jarifa and Liz.

    I had this on but was doing other things and didn't pay close attention. To be honest, even when I did watch the first two episodes quite closely it was very hard for me to understand what was transpiring.

    So, Alfredo Gatica is coming as Alfonso. I am staying with this primarily to see what his character is like.

    Isela is so unlikeable and shrewish. Her incessant whining is so tiresome.


  5. Marea

    I didn't get home until late last night , so I hope the show recorded . I did not like Marcelo's scruffy look.

    I still don't have all the people sorted out, especially the young characters.

    Diana, oooh, I am looking forward to seeing Alfredo Gatica. He has so many looks . I wonder how this character will look and if he will be a good guy or another bad guy .

    Did everyone notice Benjamin from Invencible ???


  6. MAREA

    Okay, it was Zaid who ordered the beatdown.

    Diana, I will have to keep my eye open for him.

    Susan, I recognized him but couldn’t place him, thanks.

  7. MAREA

    Susan, I did recognized Benja!! He looked so much younger here...

    Gatica plays good quite well but his villains are even better. I'm thinking he might be a good guy but not sure. Zaid is doing bad fabulously all by himself.


  8. Marea
    I can see I'm going to have to pay more attention to this show than others that get a full recap. Hope my Spanish is up to the challenge.

    Can someone remind me who the cop is that Zaid spoke with and what did he do with Zaid. Part of the theft from the safe or something else.

    Natalia with her unbeknownst to each other abuela ( Marcelo 's mother) was sweet. I was confused why she was there, was it a daycare or a street market? See these are the things I miss when I don't pay close enough attention.

  9. Marea

    Thank you Jarifa for your recaps, especially of the beginning episodes! I wouldn't have been able to put whose who together as quickly without it! I watched the first 4 episodes, but I haven't had time to comment yet. I'm not sure I'll stick with this, but it has some appeal - like the amazing scenery!!

    I am a fan of Oka Giner, and it's been pretty interesting watching her Michel Duval playing brother and sister who snip at each other constantly! They played a couple for multiple seasons on Senora Acero.

    I am not a fan of Matias Novoa but I actually kind of like the scruffy look - which is going to be gone completely soon enough, I'm guessing - but only because I've only ever seen Matias play extremely buttoned up straight-laced boring businessmen and it's nice to see some personality! I don't mean to sound harsh but it's my honest opinion. I think he's a pretty face with only marginal acting talent.

    It would be really interesting if the family couldn't prosecute Marcello due to lack of proof! A nice change from the novela staple where innocent people are easily found guilty on no prove and accusations. To see the frustrations the good members of the family go through struggling to get 'justice' with their hands tied by lack of proof. It would definitely be a departure.

    We only saw her for a moment but I think that was Margarita Munoz at the very end of the episode who had found and tended to Marcello. One very lucky woman!! But not because she's tending to Marcelo, because she's married to Michel Brown IRL! LOL

    I don't remember what the cop did with Zaid, Kat, sorry.

  10. MAREA #5

    Kat, Zaid was pressuring the cop to get the file with all of the evidence against Marcelo from Colombia ASAP. It seems like he has gotten the file at the beginning of this episode.

    Darcy, YES, Michel Brown is very easy on the eyes. I am still on the fence about this novela , too.

    Yuck! Zaid looks Leonor-his mother-in-law up and down and seems to be interested in putting the moves on her.

    Disgusting! Zaid sees Natalia at the top of staircase and thinks how she could fall, then remembers how he drowned Marcelo’s little sister by throwing a ball into the ocean and encouraging her to go get it. He smiles.

    Lucky Guy! Not so fast! The beaten Marcelo is rescued by Helena who seems to be open to doing anything to help him feel better. She is a Zaid plant charged to keep Marcelo in town but looks like she wants to help him.

    Punched out! Juan tells his daughter about Zaid and the shell companies and how she made an illegal deposit to a bank in Hong Kong. They will fight on together!

    In a $$$ bind! Where will María get money to keep her business going? Isela? Nope.

    Once a creep always a creep! SANTIAGO gets punched out for getting “handsy.”

    Pressure! Felipe is assigned the “Hong Kong deposit” case in his role as police investigator.

    Uh, oh! The evidence file is missing. Zaid blames Helena. She denies it but it looks like she took it.

    FINALLY! María tells Marcelo to came back home because Natalia is probably his child.

  11. MAREA

    I have to admit it: In spite of not liking the majority of characters, I enjoyed this episode!

  12. Marea

    Zaid is truely evil. Throwing the ball in the ocean so Marcelo’s sister dies. I really thought he was going to hurt Natalia when she was at the top of the stairs. He’s raising the daughter of the man he’s out to destroy. Does he really love her?

    Last night was the second time he looked at his mother-in-law in a way that made her uncomfortable. It was creepy. Plus it seems everyone is doing his bidding. I hope this Helena turns against him.

    Isela was so cruel to Maria. Why does Juan put up with her.

    So Felipe had to investigate Juan’s daughter. And he’s trying to get a loan from her. This could get sticky. At least she knows she did something wrong and knows who’s behind it.

    I wonder what made Maria think Natalia is her granddaughter.


  13. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you . I am still not sure about the character names. What is Bengy's name in his show? Looks like he is playing another nice, young guy.

    Zaid is over the top....killed Luisa's dad ...responsible for Marcelo's sister drowning...dirty business dealings . Now Creepy McCreeperson Is putting the moves on his mother in law. Okay. These villains get more and more bizarro.

    This galan is very low energy. He didn't do anything for me in Heridas , and he's not doing it for me here. However, I am going to continue watching .

  14. MAREA

    "Yuck", "disgusting", "pressure" and "punched out" were perfect Jarifa.

    Zaid's lasvicious look at his MIL was truly heinous. She looked shocked; I had hoped she would call him on it but nopis.

    I didn't realize that was a young Marcelo; Zaid drowning his sister was sickening.

    I really like Matias but he's too truculent for me right now. Hopefully, that will change.

    I tune out when Isela is on the screen. She's terrible.

    Like most of us, I'm on the fence about continuing to watch.


  15. Marea

    Oh dear, not only do I have to learn the characters names, I guess I need to also learn the names of the actors that play those characters. I'm so confused! I have never seen any of these actors before to my knowledge.

    They actually found young actors that almost looked like the current day in that flashback scene.

    The two cousins Ana and ? were given spiked drinks of some sort, right. Why did they want to keep them out of the VIP lounge? Who was the guy that hit on cousin #2. Was that the first time he was introduced or has he been in other scenes? I didn't quite understand what the college girls gossiped about in the rest room that the cousins over heard.

    Santiago is a good looking man. Why does he have to sexually harass all his female employees. You would think there would be plenty of opportunities to get it on with the unattached female tourists that flock to the hotel.

  16. MAREA

    If you are having problems with identifying characters, do a search on “Marea de pasiones full cast”. A couple of rows of thumb nail photos will pop up with the actor and character names. You can also look at the IMDB listing for more thumbnails/actors/characters and Wiki for a list of actors and characters. The problem for me is that there are not enough thumbnail photos.

  17. Marea

    Kat, I think Santiago is a smarmy weasel who enjoys hitting on and intimidating employees. Very icky.

  18. OT
    Jarifa, or the thumbnail photos don't look like the characters they play, especially when watching older TN's. And as you said, they don't provide enough thumbnails.

  19. Kat, Exactly. I wish I was better acquainted with these actors. It sure would make it easier.

  20. OT

    Kat, I don't think it's necessary for you to learn the actor's names as well as the characters. It's helpful for me and I'm guessing for a lot of others because when you are just 'meeting' all these characters and having a bunch of names thrown out you it's difficult (maybe impossible) to remember all those names, but when you know who the actors are it's another point of recognition to associate. Like 'Oh, they just called Oka Ginger, Lusia, she must be Lusia, here' etc. That's also why when you see a first episode recap like the wonderful one Jarifa did, a lot of the times the recapper will put the actor's name by the character name the first time they are mentioned in the recap.

    But if you are not familiar with the actor, then it's a lost association unless you look on IMDB as Jarifa suggested, but usually that doesn't help me much because I forget what I read on IMDB two hours later. The longer you watch novelas, the more you'll start recognizing actors, and some you'll never recognize because there's always fresh faces.

    Sorry, if it was an extra step of confusion to have all the real names thrown in all the comments this week - and sorry for adding even more such as the name of one actress's husband who isn't even in the story; but as we progress people will start talking more and more about the story and the characters and the references to actors by the real names will be far and few between!

    I haven't watched episode 5 yet so I don't know any of the answers to your other questions, but I'll try to watch later today and catch what the cousins and gossipers are talking about.

  21. Marea

    Cousin #2 is named Cami (Camile). Even while trying to watch for it, I didn't notice whether or not the girls' drinks were spiked or anything about the VIP. The guy who approached Cami was a new guy, I think just some random cute guy, they kept talking about him being Italian. The girls in the bathroom were gossiping about that same Italian guy and saying how he gave some girl an STD, my Spanish for medical terms isn't great so I can't tell you exactly what, but I could tell they were talking about him have some STD and being indiscriminate in his sexual activities anyway and not caring who he gives it to. Ana asked Cami if she had used protection with the guy and Cami looked worried.

  22. Marea,
    Thanks Darcy for clearing that up. It is probably an important piece of information going forward.

  23. Thanks, Darcy , for providing info on a plot lime I have no interest in.
