
Sunday, July 21, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 88 - Viernes, 19 de julio, 2024 - "Mayday, mayday! Depressing episode detected!"

Geez, that was a dark and depressing episode. I hope I at least made you guys laugh a bit after all this gloom. 

This is your recapper speaking. The flight to Telenovelaland will last approximately an hour, finally landing at Recetaport. We apologize for the long delay. Weather forecast's not ideal, we're expecting Despair clouds and Stupidity showers. Please make sure you're following the safety rules that follow:

1. Keep your beanies tightened. You never know when we'll hit Frustration winds, so it's recommended to keep 'em tight throughout the entire flight.

2. Should the oxygen masks fall, put them on and take deep breaths in order for you not to start throwing stuff at your airplane, aka, your television.

3. Locate your nearest Emergency Exit, aka, your nearest TV Remote Control if things get too annoying for you.

Thank you for flying Caray Caray!

We take off with a 10 minute long scene of Hum on his deathbed. We learn that Mir is getting better. Everyone has good things to say to Hum about him, even the priest. I'm sure Hum would have appreciated all this flattering words if he wasn't DYING. He knows he's dying, he tells everyone that weirdly enough he feels alive. He says he's happy Paz is with Esteban and compliments her. Everyone is crying, Porf is in the worst condition of all (except Hum. Oh wait never mind, he's worse than Hum). Esteban and Hum call each other "hermano" and they hug. Hum makes Porf and Esteban promise/swear a bunch of things that are out of their control. Eh, anything to make Hum a bit happier. Porf refuses to accept that Hum's dying and orders him to get better. Okay, I know it's inappropriate, but I laughed. At last, he flat lines. Porf and Esteban start grieving and screaming, everyone else is in tears except the priest, who says some post mortem prayers. Okay... No one tried CPR? No? I can just hear Doctor Mike in the background going all "CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS". On the screen we see "Humberto died for love". Okay? Ten minutes in the flight and we already get into Despair clouds. A reminder to keep your beanies tightened through the entire flight.

At this point, I just want to step in and say I don't get WHY they killed off Hum. Was this to fuel the good guys to go against Ginebra? Why? Hasn't she done enough to make any person want her dead? Did they do it to make the viewers mad? I wanted to jump inside the television and make Gin swallow her own poisons without Hum's death, thanks. Wouldn't it be a weird plot twist if Porf kills her off? It would make his make sense a bit. Or are we just killing off characters for ultimate injustice before the Gran Final?

Anyway, in a fancy hotel room, Mauro asks Gin about Mir. They have the usual convo of Mau liking Mir and Gin being too horrible yada yada. I was basically doing a Marina Satti yawn IRL (without being rude to anyone, unlike her) until Sabón just OPENS THE DOOR and walks in. What? Why does he have a key/key card? No one questions this. Sabón mocks Mau for crying, Mau grabs his by his throat, says he knows he told his sister about him meeting with Mir, slaps him and spits at him. Sabón, having a poker face on, just wipes the spit off him. Mau screams at Gin that Sabón's playing with them, insults Big Boss, calling him an old man and Sabón says something about Mau's eyes burning when he sees Big Boss. Gin takes notes to make a poison to burn people's eyes just by looking at someone while evil laughing and thinking Paz, Esteban and Elvira are all going to BUUUUURN! But then she remembers she doesn't know how to make it, so she takes Big Boss' side so he can give her the recipe. Mau leaves and Gin tells Sabón her cemetery isn't full and there are people who she wants them to die already. Creepy.

Gala and Bosco angrily say that Ginebra must have been behind this. Bosco says his head is going to explode. I have been feeling like this for about a year. Welcome to the club, brother. Gala manages to calm him down. (And Gala going to become a lawyer/judge? No. Just... No.)

Meanwhile, Esteban continues his favourite hobby of bullying Castro the cop. The cameras didn't record anything again. Paz calms Esteban down a bit, Esteban talks about a specific gun Gin has in her house (I missed why it's so special, can anyone with subtitles add anything?). Castro still can't do anything, he needs more proof, Esteban says he'll find the proof.

The flight's going more smoothly now. Elvira and Fobo are hugging while standing in a Persian rug/carpet. I guess they ran out of yoga mats. The kids (Sammaría, Monito and Eder) see them and the adults confess they're in love. The kids actually go all "finally, we knew you liked each other ages ago!". They approve of it. 

Back to misery, because we really didn't have enough yet *eyerolls*. Lupe is consoling Porf about Hum's death. Porf thanks her for being here and mentions Mir. Lupe says they can't see her anywhere in her current state. The priest, who kind of looks like he took the wrong amount of sleeping pills, starts talking about God and whatnot. Paz and Esteban enter, Mir's still grave but she's better, they can see her. Porf apologises to Esteban and Est says he'll deliver justice. At some point he says now they have a guardian angel from the skies to watch over them (Hum).

Gala and Bosco are gathering clothes to give to Salo and Pepa at the hospital. Elvira tells them Fobo should escort them there. She'll tell the kids about Hum, she knows they've been through a lot but they'll find out anyway. Won't they EVER hire a child psychologist? They exist for a REASON. 

It's raining Stupidity now, it's not going to be a fun trip. Esteban just goes to confront Gin ALONE, in HER hotel room. He tries to choke her again and she tells him to leave her neck to talk. She basically mocking him the entire conversation (sooooo unusual). He flips, shatters the mirror behind him and grabs a piece. He grabs her by her neck, holding the piece centimetres away. And then Mauro enters, pointing a gun at Esteban's head. Who could have guessed that confronting a psycho alone in their room with their contacts nearby could lead to this? Hmmmmm, I wonder. I can picture all of our flight crew and passengers raising hands.

So Esteban screams at Mauro to put the gun down or Gin dies. The mirror fragment is now too close to Gin's skin, causing some blood to leak, but it's very very shallow. Esteban tells him the woman he supposedly loves is fighting for her life. Mauro says he knows and it's his fault, let Gin go, they'll fight. Esteban is still holding the mirror piece and Gin is urging Mau to shoot Esteban. At last, both Mau and Esteban put down their weapons and Est leaves unharmed. Hasn't he learnt, after 532 confrontations, that they're ineffective against narcissists? Anyway, moving on. Gin is actually MAD at Mau for not killing Esteban. He tells her he just saved her life, but Gin is Gin. 

Mir's family go to visit Mir, all together and with no medical masks on. Is that OK medically? No important info. A few moments later Paz talks with Nandy about feeling bad, she felt something was wrong but did nothing. FF--> aka Flying Faster.

Elvira tells the kids about tío Humberto going on a long trip. The kids immediately understand. Monito thanks her for not talking to them as if they were stupid.

Salo and Bosco donate blood. Pepa is crying. Gala and Bosco ask the siblings if they agree with their plan. Salo and Pepa aren't sure about it, but Gala and Bosco are determined; if they don't follow, they'll do it on their own. Teens planning on taking down the psycho loca of the story. What can possibly go wrong? Although I'll give it to them for taking initiative and DOING SOMETHING. Let's hope it's not completely stupid.

Elvira and Fobo show Esteban and Kenzo camera footage of Abdul around the area in which the cameras were out. He's the one who's disabling them. Oh and Mau wasn't found at the hotel and Gin has sued Est for attacking her. Classic Gin.

More Stupidity downpour; when Mir wakes up (because we couldn't get a double-death), they immediately tell her Hum's dead when she asks about him. I mean, she JUST woke up from a CRITICAL condition; overloading her psychologically isn't the smartest thing to do. Our predictions come true; she freaks out and a nurse has to shoo everyone away and take care of her.

Jero (who, according to Sabón, is on steroids) and Gema talk with him and some Brojas(?) dude about them wanting to kill off Gala and Salo. They are given a USB stick with supposed "evidence". Sabón explains it'll be given to Gala and Salo to lure them exactly where they want them to go; it's a trap. Your recapper for today remembers Gala and Bosco wanting to take down Gin solo and has a very bad feeling about this. More Despair clouds.

Porf is sad about Hum's death. El and Fobo bring the kids in and they hug.

It's show time, entering an area with constant Stupidity raining today: Ginebra injects herself with some yellow liquid. She opens the hotel door and it's Castro with... Kenzo. What in the name of crap is he doing here?! He apparently came to ask her about her connection with Felipa. ARE YOU F-CKING KIDDING ME?! SHE WON'T TELL THE TRUTH ANYWAY!! And the cops ALLOWED this?! 

We get a Stupidity meteor shower. Esteban somehow finds Abdul and beats him almost to death, asking about Hum. Even though he has a lawsuit against him for attacking someone. Even though he's in broad daylight in front of OTHER PEOPLE. What. The. Crap.

Mau is somehow in Mir's hospital room, blaming all this on Mir's "betrayal". He quickly hides and we see why; Paz enters. Mau reveals himself and tells them not to make a sound. They scream anyway. He points a gun at Paz's head. Mir tells him he's the worst man she's ever met. Mau looks at her with a creepy look on his face and informs the sisters he saved Sammaría. The owe Paz finding her daughter to him. So what, should we just ignore EVERYTHING ELSE he did?

Your recapper speaking again. We're landing in a few minutes, your beanies should be as tightened as can be, especially with this specific landing. Gin plays the victim and holds Castro's hand, which turns out to be his death sentence. He starts bleeding from the nose. His hand is black, he dies. (No CPR on this case either.) Unfortunately, Kenzo has touched Castro... Gin injects herself with the antidote I assume and throws something in the trash. Was that a glove? Whas was that? She pulled it off her hand. Kenzo almost calls someone (Ambulance? Cops?) but Gin stops him. She says he wasn't in direct contact with the poison, so he has a little more time left. He either becomes her slave or he dies. At last, we land at Recetaport. 

And with Kenzo not responding, we have the Fin del Capítulo... 


  1. Oh, Weirdo, thank you for your hilarious intro and taking us on this bumpy flight to “Recetaport.” It was the best! No time to opine right now. Hope to be back later.

  2. A bit OT

    Because I have severe sleep deprivation issues and I'm weird, I sat down and thought about Recetaport. How would it be like? Where would it be on Telenovelaland? Why am I imagining airports that don't exist?

    Okay, so Telenovelaland is gigantic and growing each time a new novela pops up. I imagine Recetaport at the south of Telenovelaland, and close to the western part of it. It's quite a busy airport (many viewers on Caray) and it has 4 runways (4 Receta recappers). On the inside, it's a characteristic light pink like the banner image of Receta. The food in the lounge is of course 5* quality. There are lots of duty free shops that sell Elvira's company's mystery products that were never mentioned for 88 episodes. Can't you just see the orange and white Caray Caray Airbuses and Boeings taking off and landing outside?

    Got to go. After proofreading my comment I realised I have to start searching for a psychiatrist.

  3. Jarifa, glad you liked it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

  4. Oh whoops, I meant at the *eastern part of it. Ah well.

    This episode had me frustrated from the first minutes. First Hum dying, then all these stupid decisions and then... Gin poisoning someone by injecting HERSELF and TOUCHING someone? Give me a break. I mean, that poison can't exist. But maybe I'll start keeping my hands in my pockets from now on. Shh, you know nothing ;)

  5. Weirdo, my condolences on having to recap one of the most (if not the) most depressing novela episodes I've ever seen. You did an absolutely sensational job. Thank you so, so much.

    Your clever wit "Despair clouds" and "Stupidity shower" brought a bit of badly needed levity and "Emergency Exit, aka, your nearest TV Remote Control" was inspired.

    This has become so unbearably dark, did the writers really feel it necessary to kill the person who has been the most instrumental in combatting Ginebra's hideousness??? If that was the plan, why did they have to give us hope he and Mir would become a couple, was that extra level of torture necessary?
    "The priest, who kind of looks like he took the wrong amount of sleeping pills" had me smiling in spite of myself. You are exactly right, he was befuddled and bewildered.

    I had foolishly felt the children were off limits. I do not feel that way now...

    Gin was not at all grateful to Mauro for saving her. I am really hoping they both finish each other off.

    Funny, I started watching TN's 16 years ago because hub was watching Destilando Amor. He stopped watching shortly thereafter. Friday night he happened to sit down and watch this. He was incredulous and couldn't believe how maniacal and heinous this was. He was like you, yelling virtually the same thing "No one tried CPR? No?" Speechles.

    I give you all credit for your remarkable recap. I shudder to think of what is next.


  6. Weirdo, thank you for trying to bring some lightness to this tragic , bizarre episode . What in the world are the writers doing? As if we haven't had enough unbelievable, manic evil from Gin throughout this tale , now the writers want us to accept one awful event after the other due to the off the charts evil of Gin.

    They decide to kill off Hum , who has been the smartest and most effective character in his story in fighting the rampant , relentless evil .

    Then, the writers decide to kill off ineffective Castro. Why? Just to ramp up the anguish of Gin eliminating innocents ? I , at least, hope that this means the children will not be eliminated .

    And....Esteban's bff is now Gin's slave . Sure. The train is going off the rails as it jumps a whole school of sharks . Thanks writers for ruining a show I loved by deciding on going haywire at the end . Susan

  7. Weirdo, yes your flight did bring some humor to an awful episode.

    2 observations, I'm assuming the priest already gave Hum last rights off camera, otherwise he was totally ineffective. Could he be the mastermind old man? I don't think so, but we are wearing our beanies so anything is possible.

    I think Gin injected herself with the antidote to the poison. The glove type skin she took off her hand was most likely the poison. At least that is my impression.

    Well let's make it 3 observations, Hum (and Mir) in ICU with absolutely no medical personnel around ? Really. Commenting nearly 2 days after watching I'm not sure I remember everything that had me shaking my head in disbelief, but you sure got them.

  8. Omg Weirdo, that was a scream. Brilliant writing! And don’t worry: everyone goes a little mad in finales capítulos. I’m sure you’ll recover most of your wits in a week or two.

    Am I a bad person for not even wanting to watch this episode? I just want to stay here on the patio and self-medicate.

  9. Thanks Weirdo, you were able to make the darkest episode a little lighter. And reading it made me realize that a lot of unbelievable things were going on.

    I had started thinking Castro was the big guy controlling the comings and goings in the prison, and he was just pretending to be so incompetent. But guess I was wrong.

    I really don’t want any more innocents to die but there’s still time for plenty more to happen. And we’re hooked, we can’t just quit watching until the last episode airs and we see who’s left.


  10. OT

    We have yet another FIRE near us so I might lose internet connection (or worse) in the next few hours.

  11. Thank you, Weirdo, what a dreadful episode you got to suffer through. I FFW most of it, thank you for filling in the blanks.

    In Telenovela Land a freshly out of prison person can prepare deadly poisons that nobody has ever heard about in shady hotel rooms. I guess now I have seen it all.

    The story does seem to have taken a turn to WTF Town in recent weeks. It will all be over soon, thankfully!

    Weirdo, stay safe! Is Greece as hot as Esatern Europe these days?

  12. Thankfully the fire was put out quickly. Adriana, Greece is terribly hot these days. In my island we're hitting 40something degrees Celsius daily.

    I'll check in again tomorrow, thank you to everyone for your comments! I always appreciate it and it makes everything much more fun.

  13. Gracias, Weirdo.. This certainly was a depressing turn of events. However, an innocent dying at this stage of the story is an old Televisa tradition.

    Since Ginebra has created other poisons before we had to expect this here. My guess is that she injected herself with the antidote before tainting the glove with just enough of that stuff to kill Castro in front of Kenzo to demonstrate that she can get away with anything. Does this sound depressingly familiar? I first thought of Rappaccini's Daughter, which would lead to a truly insane ending beyond what we usually expect.

    I think Sabon is setting Ginebra and Mauro up to be eliminated.

  14. Slow start today, everyone — but I’ll get there.

  15. Mine for tonight might also be late because I will have to be in the city at 12:30 tomorrow for La Boheme.
