
Monday, July 29, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of July 29, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. I’m on the west coast but will try to get something up as early as (reasonably) possible.


  2. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1

    I was wrong about the wait. And luckily the men’s gymnastics on prime time ended early enough for me to catch the start of El Conde. Thanks, NBC!

    Mariana and Caye talk to the woman who knew Josefina’s mother. Mari is confused because she thought the mama was dead. The woman tells her she lives in el centro and is an alcoholic. Apparently, she doesn’t know that mom was dispatched by Josie.

    Alfredo talks to Memo. He is sure he was right about Ale being alive. And if Memo won’t stop lying to him, he’s going to have Ale’s body dug up to prove he didn’t die. This could be a problem for Team Conde.

    The family doc talks to Felipe and Jose while Felipe drinks. Jose plays a caring suegra, and then when doc leaves, she tells her married son that he has a date with Rachel? Raquel? Someone not Paulina. Felipe is annoyed by her, but not enough to say no to her. He drinks more.

    Violeta chats with Leticia about her dance career that she gave up. And that she’d do anything for her son. I hope these two get together to crush Vic.

    Jose talks to Antonio about how she doesn’t trust anyone, not even him. Antonio says he’d die for her, which might be some unfortunate foreshadowing on the part of Antonio.

    Felipe goes on the date his mom set up. He seems miserable. Good. He drinks even though mami told him not to. But he runs into “Marquis” Pedro and introduces him to his date using the only Spanish accent in this show. They leave on some excuse and his date doesn’t realize she dodged a Josefina-sized bullet.

    Josefina talks to Antonio about the body of her mom while Ricardo and someone else listen.

    Mari and Caye talk about Josefina. She was strict, Mari and she didn’t get along, etc. But Mari won’t say anything to Jose yet about the woman in the home. She does tell Nanny though.

    Antonio talks with someone super sketchy about wanting a job or something. I didn’t catch the purpose of this but it won’t be good for Antonio.

  3. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2

    Felipe has a friend! He and Pedro seem to be getting along and bonding over thinking marriage is a business transaction. And also prostitutes. Real peaches of men, these two.

    Alfredo talks to someone about some tragedy that I missed, but it seems Jose and Vicente are talking about the same thing but coming at the story from a different angle? A bad guy angle. It has something to do with Gerardo but I missed the details.

    Memo fills in Ale about how Alfredo recognized him and didn’t buy his bs story. Ale says he’ll take care of it. Meanwhile, Felipe shows up at el Conde’s house, drink, and Tia Lucrecia recognizes him. So much recognizing! Ale talks to Felipe about donating to a political campaign when Lucrecia brings in the drinks. She’s nervous but Felipe is clueless. The boys talk about getting around election campaign laws of Mexico because it's illegal for foreigners to donate to a campaign, even when the foreigner speaks with a suspiciously Mexican accent. But money will find a way around the law.

    Josefina goes to Gerardo and accused him of burning her crops. So that's what the Josie-Vic convo was about.

    Commercial break. Synchronized diving, which Mexicans are very good at, although the announcer says diving there has lost funding and divers have to find their own way. That stinks for them.

    Ale talks to Tia Lucrecia and she tells him about her history with Felipe. Ale agrees to help her find justice if she’s prepared to do whatever is necessary to get it. She is. She also shows him her locket with a pic of Pedro, who she loves like a son. Ale looks thoughtful. Maybe Pedro will be given a chance to stop being an idiot?

    Josie and Gerardo yell at each other about the crop fire, then talk about the election. Gerardo looks concerned. I think she’s talking about an assassination? Or attempt? She says Miguel (the political opponent of Gerardo) should be very careful.

    Paulina is better. She asks Mari to take something(?) to el conde and Mari balks because of how he reminds her of Ale, but she relents finally for Pau.

    The “Marquis” is still hanging with the prostitutes when Ric comes over to reproach him for this. He rudely kicks out the ladies and gives Pedro a talkin’ to, pretending to be worried about getting caught.

    Mari asks Nanny to to find something out about Jose. Nanny is worried about this, and rightfully so because she’ll probably get caught. She nervously looks around Jose’s room (not sure why when Jose leaves the house all the time- seems like this could be planed well enough) and she finds some liquid. The poison? She searches through the rest of it until she hers Jose coming back and hides in the bathroom.

    Felipe brings the Count’s money to Gerardo. Ger wants to buy journalists to write for him and against Miguelito. Then he goes to yell at Vic for investigating him, etc. And then my tv antenna goes out so I missed the last bit. Dang.


  4. Conde
    Good job K. Violeta was talking to Carmen, not Leticia, when they were discussing her dresses and children. Eventually these characters will be ingrained. I had a senior moment trying to remember which character is called Antonio. Not sure what deal he has going with the bald guy either.

    Some other scenes include Felipe accepting a donation from conde to Gerardo's campaign. Lucretia tells conde she recognizes Felipe as the father of her nephew and her sister's assassin. Conde asks if Felipe would recognize her but she says they never met. Conde then asks about her locket which contains a photo of her nephew Pedro. He seemed surprised to learn this. I thought he knew about the relationship.
    Memo is concerned about Pauline saying the Dr. is worried for her life. Conde says he has it under control.
    Mari visits Pauline who wants her to bring a painting she did to Conde. Mari would rather not, he reminds her so much of Ale. I think the painting is of the gypsy girl whose name I forgot. It could also be of Mari IMO. I didn't see any remarkable resemblance to either. But pretty sure it's the gypsy as Pauline claims she must have a photographic memory to be able to depict her so well .
    Mari waylays Nanny and asks her to look for any dirt she can find on Josephina regarding her past. Nanny fears for her life if she is caught but does it anyway. In the bottom of a wardrobe she finds a box. In it is the potion to make Pauline sick and a letter from her mom along with a picture of Josephine as a child. She is nearly discovered when Josephine and the maid enter. Nanny overhears Josephina telling the maid to make up the medicine for Pauline and to bring it to Jo so she can make sure Pauline drinks it.

  5. Conde

    Gracias, K. Super job. And thanks for the laughs too, like
    "even when the foreigner speaks with a suspiciously Mexican accent. " Kat in SC, thanks for the additions. I can finally recognize all these characters.

    "Antonio says he’d die for her, which might be some unfortunate foreshadowing on the part of Antonio."

    Antonio is no damn good, but I do care about him. K, maybe he'll go out as a hero somehow.

    Gerardo seems not so sure of himself at the moment. Both Josefina and Vicente are standing up to him.

    At last Ale confesses to Alfredo that he is indeed Alejandro Gaitán. A very moving scene.

  6. Conde

    K and Kat, thank you for the recap which cleared up a lot for me.

    The bald guy Antonio was with was the guy Vi saw torturing that poor guy with Vic. Hmmm...why was Antonio meeting with him ? I, too, like Antonio , but he has been a weakwilled boytoy for Jo all these years .He likes his fancy hats .

    I think the painting that Pau wants Mari to deliver to Ale is a painting of Mar as a young girl. Perhaps when Ale sees it , it will melt his frozen heart....perhaps.

    Gerardo and his mother in law from hades are quite an awful pair.

    Felipe is such a smarmy. weasel, and Pedro , so far, is the Apple that fell from that tree.

    How is Ale protecting Pau from the poison? We also have a poison storyline in Receta and Vivir . Susan


    K: Great job with the recap of last night's episode. I won't be able to watch tonight though because of the US Womens' Gymnastics Team aiming to win Team Gold this evening at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

    Kat: Aggressively doubling-down on Paulina NOT being able to be among the living. Since we're still early in this chaotic Telenovela, the revenge plot of Alejandro is dragging too long & you can rest assured that the Body Count will likely increase as I still believe Paulina will be going to the Big Sky very soon any moment now.

    Big question is whether Alfredo keeps his big mouth SHUT regarding Alejandro & Joaquin being the same person ? I doubt it. Blabbermouth Mariana is getting on my damn nerves.

    Anon: I want Scumbag Pedro to suffer a painful VIOLENT death soon. The sooner, the better & I doubt Lucrecia will be among the living too if either Felipe or Pedro figure out she's working with Alejandro, etc.,

  8. conde #20

    Great debut recap, K. I like your style and I liked the “commercial break” Olympic update, too. Thanks.

    Mari and Nanny remember meeting Rosario as Josie’s nanny. But Mari didn’t recognize Rosario from the photo the roommate had. Maybe too much time passed. Characters on this show have facial recognition issues
    Vic has a few Asians working for him. Must have something to do with the opium trade. Does Antonio want in on that?

    "Antonio says he’d die for her, which might be some unfortunate foreshadowing on the part of Antonio." If Antonio dies it won’t be for her, it will be because of her [Josie]. Every time I think I like Antonio, I remember he killed the boy who saw him and Josie in the barn. I do like the actor who plays him though.

    I guess Ale’s guys are going to dig up Rosario.

    Regarding the campaign contribution: I remember Miguel said that foreigners couldn’t be involved in politics. But he wasn’t taking the money anyway. Now Felipe says no individuals can contribute to a campaign. So how does a candidate raise money?

    The scene with Chantal and Sergio was great. Yes, Gerardo, it’s a set up. Yes, Josie, the Villarreals kill their rivals. Josie said she doesn’t like “unexpected enemies”. And she knows how to deal with them. Gerardo better not eat or drink anything Josie serves him.

    Yes, Pau painted Amaranta, who seems destined to become la mujer de su vida.

    Thank goodness Ale confessed to Alfredo. Maybe Alfredo will revive Ale’s conscience.

    Dondi356: The Body Count as of Tuesday, July 30th, 2024:
    1.) Daddy & Mommy Aguilar.
    2.) Mommy Gaitan
    3.) Scumbag Prison Director
    4.) Araceli
    5.) The kid, who saw Antonio & Buji Josie
    6.) The Original Count
    7.) Slacker Beatriz
    8.) Ramiro's backup crew, who participated in the staged assassination attempt
    9.) Previous contender for the Presidency
    10.) Blabbermouth Mariana's Uppity Father
    11.) Daddy Villarreal

    Anyone else, I left out: let me know.

  10. conde

    Thanks VERY much, K, for this fine recap! And are you really on the west coast? If so, how did you manage to get the recap up just minutes after the episode ended on the west coast (where I am as well)?

    Others have already offered great comments, so all I want to do at this point is add a few details. For example, the date Josie arranged for Felipe was with someone named (I think) Raquel Vayarta. Whatever her name is, she should be relieved that Felipe left so abruptly. They clearly had very little in common. She spoke very enthusiastically about surrealism, Dada, and Salvador Dali. Felipe made it clear that he had heard of none of these. And these were just a few of the things she liked and he knew/cared nothing about.

    Thanks, Susan, for identifying the bald Asian guy. My guess is that Antonio is no longer so sure of his relationship with Josie and is looking for more options. Hence his request to meet the bald guy's boss.

    As for the check El Conde contributes to Gerardo's campaign, I'm not sure but I think it was for $1 million pesos! Will it bounce? Or is this just chump change for El Conde?

    Josefina is furious at Gerardo because she's been told (I think) that a gas cannister from the Villareals was found at the scene of the fire. I think he tells her that someone is trying to turn them against each other. They then talk about the election and about the assassination years before of Miguel Aguilar's parents when his father was running for office. Josie remarks that "if I were Miguel Aguilar, I'd be very careful."

    Thanks again, K, for this very fine recap.

  11. conde

    Terrific first reap, K. I really like your snarky style! Amen on the "suspiciously Mexican accent". I also loved "Raquel dodges a Josie sized bullet" when Felipe invents something to do with Pedro to get away from her.

    Not clear what Alfredo would gain by digging up the man in Alejandro Gaitán's grave. Alfredo himself saw that body and didn't notice any differences in, say, height or former body weight. No DNA in 1952.

    I keep being drawn to the lips. I was alive in 1952, but I don't remember women plastering on that much lipstick. In this show they all do.

    Something was said last night (Josie to Antonio?) about a burdel (whorehouse). And then Antonio is in one talking with the Asian man. The gist I got was that Antonio is a part owner of this fine establishment. Am I right?

    Yep, that was two old pros squaring off: Sendel and Andere. She still isn't convinced he didn't burn up her corn, even though the evil compinche tried to explain the evidence was planted. She told him, lip curled and eyes blazing, about how convenient it was that all of his opponents for elective office die suddenly. Looked like a clear threat to me.

    Yes, I'm sure the painting was of Amaranta. It would be refreshing if these two had a relationship. Telenovelas I've seen lately seem to lean more toward male same-sex relationships. The only female one I've seen recently was in El Gallo de Oro, a short series based on Juan Rulfo's work that I liked a lot. If anyone is interested, it can be seen on Vix.

    And, Ale handed Felipe a check. This can clearly be traced as funds from a "foreigner".

    Chuckled at unfortunate foreshadowing

  12. Thanks, All, for the encouragement. I typed as I watched, which is probably why I missed some things. But it was that or type up notes the next day while pretending to work. :)


  13. Novelera, like you, I've been rather surprised at what seems to me the over-application of lipstick by both Caye and Mari. Like you, I was alive in 1952, and I don't remember lipstick being applied that way.

  14. Wow, K, I'm amazed that you're able to watch and write at the same time, and to do such a great job!

  15. conde

    #21 – Part 1 of 3

    We open with Alejandro and Alfredo Gallardo talking in Ale’s office. It seems that Ale has told Alfredo the whole story of what happened to him. Alfredo can’t believe how he suffered and, most of all, what Gerardo did. He says he always knew Gerardo was ruin y oscuro (hearless and dark), but he wouldn’t have believed he was capable of that. Ale: “He pulled all his strings to assure I’d end up on La Isla de Dolores, and the Zambranos worked against him also, specifically Josefina.

    Alfredo tells him how Mariana suffered. But Ale just laughs. “She married the guy who put me away. How long did she wait…a week? a month? Ale won’t listen to Alfredo’s defense of Mariana. He says that he returned to San Jacinto only for justice, and no one will be let off the hook. Naïve Alfredo suggests he should tell the authorities. Ale: “They are the authorities! You lost your land because of the Villareales and the Zambranos.“ Alfredo remembers the crook who bought his crops with a rubber check (arranged by Gerardo). And Gerardo ended up with his hacienda

    Ale wants to join forces with Don Alfredo. But Alfredo says that Ale’s hatred bothers him. Nothing good can come from it. Ale says he respects his decision. And, if he wants to resign as Administrator of the hacienda, he’ll understand. Alfredo says he’ll give him his answer tomorrow. And he swears to keep quiet about Ale’s real identity and his plans.

    Violeta shows Vicente a magazine with an article in it about Cayetana. She happily tells him that Caye has asked her to work together on a musical number. Vic: ¡Otra vez el burro al trigo! [Literally the donkey is back eating the wheat, or there you go again.] He accuses her of wanting to display herself half nude before other men. He rips up her magazine and storms out. Violeta cries.

    Mari has come to see Ale, at Paulina’s request, bringing the painting of Amaranta. She tells him she felt so badly for the older people abandoned by their families. [Think this visit was part of the charitable trust she’s supposedly managing for El Conde.] Ale’s demeanor softens, and he takes a step toward her, but Cayetana marches in, announces she’s bored, and takes Mariana away.

    Memo has come to see Pau to offer to pay for the painting. She insists it was a gift. Memo: “In that case, the count would like you to come for a short visit to thank you.”

    The older woman that Mari met at the old folks home calls Mariana about Rosario.

    Amaranta loves the portrait. Ric smirks and tells her that marriage is one thing (Mariana’s), but attraction… He also says that Amaranta could “liberate” Paulina.

    Cayetana comes to see Violeta. At first Violeta says all is fine. But then…well, we can tell that the actor portraying Violeta is a real Cuban; she bursts out in rapid fire speech. She says that Vic is different. He works all the time and she’s bored. She also tells Cayetana that Vic has refused to let her work with Caye on their musical number. Caye gets a look in her eye and tells Violeta that she has a plan.

    Vic tells Chau that his merch has arrived. He needs to inspect it personally before it goes to the U.S., because they’re fussy about their drugs. We then see Memo calling the cops about the delivery of opium. Memo tells Ric it’s time Vic paid for his fechorias (misdeeds, wrongdoings).

    Happy as a pig in you know what, Vic breaks open a decorative clay pot and takes out a chunk of opium. He tells Chau to take the stuff to one of the known addicts to see how it is before he ships it. Whoops! The cops arrive.

  16. conde

    #21 – Part 2 of 3

    Vic comes to whatever place Antonio is running. [I still am unsure about this place. Once they called it an almacen (a store or department store) and I thought it was also used at night as a house of ill repute. Anyone who knows more, please chime in. And, is Josie part owner? In any case, Antonio is quite willing to hide him and play dumb when a couple of plain clothes detectives arrive looking for Vic.

    David and Lorena hug and then kiss in a very public place. She loved what he wrote about her father. He says neither his father nor his mother will stop him from seeing her. While they kiss, we see Miguel, her father, peek from behind a tree.

    Paulina humbly thanks Ale for his kind words about her art. He tells her he’ll arrange for the best teachers in Mexico. He also offers her the room they’re standing in to paint. It has great light. She’s overjoyed, saying it’s a dream come true. Then, suddenly, she feels faint. Ale is wonderful with her. He wants her to see another doctor, a specialist, for a second opinion.

    Miguel chews out Lorena for what he saw with David, mostly that she’s given freedom, and she’s abused it. Lorena does a great job defending herself. She says David is a good person, and the only barrier between them is their fathers being contrincantes (rivals for the same elective office). She says she’s not giving David up.

    Antonio does a good job playing cool with the officers and covering Vic’s hindquarters. Vic offers to pay, but Antonio wants into the biz. Vic insists he’s a respectable hotel owner. Antonio gives him that million watt smile and tells him that’s the reason Vic needs a guy just like him for the trabajos sucios. His changaro (shop) could be a perfect cover. Vic takes a cigar and thinks it over.

    Paulina has seen Ale’s doctor. He asks her how she feels. She says that the doctor gave her some medicine, and she feels better. He tells her that the doctor told him that something is weakening her blood, something she’s ingesting. He gives her a small bottle and written instructions. He says that the doctor told him that she’ll be a new woman in 15 days. But she can’t mix it with some other thing.

    After Paulina leaves, Memo thanks Ale for helping her. Ale tells him that the medicine will not only help her, but it will also prove that Josefina’s been poisoning her. Casilda (the bruja) made it especially. Memo is surprised that Ale has given Casilda a chance. Ale tells him that everyone deserves a second chance.

    David and Lorena are sitting beside a beautiful lake talking about their feelings. They undress (not all the way, I think) and swim. There’s some kissing. He tells her he loves her and wants to marry her. He shouts that he loves her, and she does the same. But he’s respectful also.

    Gerardo comes to see Alfredo about someone planting the incendiary stuff at his hacienda. He asks pointedly if Alf knows anything.

    Amaranta and Paulina continue their slow courtship. Amaranta loves the painting.

    Cayetana brings Mariana to see “Rosario”, a well put-together woman. She coughs a lot and tells them a sad story about being an alcoholic and giving up her daughter Josefina. Mariana tells her that she’s Josefina’s step-daughter and that Josie had told the family that her mother died. Fake Rosario: ¡Ay, mi chepita!” The woman even confessed to having stolen something during a visit…to buy alcohol.

  17. conde

    #21 – Part 3 of 3

    Alfredo is magnificent during his encounter with Gerardo. While Gerardo’s evil thug lurks in the doorway, Alfredo says that he hopes Gerardo doesn’t think he had anything to do with planting that evidence. Gerardo, aggressively, “I just wanted to know if you’d heard anything.” Alfredo: “Since you present yourself here with one of your men, anyone might think you don’t trust me. Many years ago my hacienda was also burned. I know what it is to lose everything in one night. I know what it is to feel impotent, the anger one feels when a criminal decides to take that which you’ve worked for your whole life. Do you really think I’d do the same to someone else, and incriminate an innocent person? Do that to you, who saved me by buying the little I was able to save? What kind of ungrateful wretch would I be?”

    Gerardo, if he had a shred of decency, would slink right out. Instead he sort of huffs a bit and says that he believes him. And Alfredo should tell him if he hears anything.

    Memo comes to see Alfredo, who tells him about Gerardo’s visit. Alfredo: “I suppose the count had nothing to do with what happened.” Memo: “Yes, he did.” Alfredo: I’m not in agreement with his methods; but, considering what they’ve done to him and to others, I’ve decided to help. But I don’t want my family to be in danger.” Memo assures him they’ll be protected.

    Mari and Caye talk about Rosario. Mari says that she heard a different story…that Josie came from wealth. Gerardo comes in, greets Cayetana warmly, and mentions wanting to come thank the count for his financial help. Mariana looks pretty sour at hearing that.

    Nanny shows Mariana the letter and photo she found hidden in Josie’s room. [What about the bottle; she doesn’t mention that.] Nanny tells it like it is. “She came from nothing and goes around putting other people down.” Mariana wonders that, if Josie was poor, then who was the woman who came saying she was her nanny.

    Ale pays off the woman who gave an Oscar-adjacent performance as Rosario. She leaves and the woman who seemed batty at the old folks’ home comes in and seems to be in on the Rosario scheme. She worries about her safety, but Ale assures her she’ll be fine.

    Memo, Ric, and some muscle begin to dig. We then see them holding their noses. Looks like the long-gone Rosario has appeared. Guess there wasn’t quite enough alcohol in her to preserve her.

    David tells Mari that he’s in love with Lorena Aguilar. He plans to formally ask her father to court her. He asks Mariana why she gets un destello de tristeza en su mirada (a hint of sadness) when love is mentioned. “Why, mama? ¿Tú amas a mi papá” Mari tells him that she loves his father. [Of course she wants to reassure the much loved son that all is well.]

    Gerardo comes to see Ale to thank him for the big check. Ale butters him up, saying he’s convinced Gerardo is the right guy. Champagne is poured. Ale: “Voy directo al grano.” (I’ll get to the point.) He wants to buy land for the auto assembly plant he’s planning. He’ll be bringing merchandise from Europe. “I hope I’ll be able to bring those things exempt from taxes.”

    Gerardo: “I see you don’t beat around the bush.” Ale: “I thought this was understood when you received the check.” Gerardo: “Well, a couple of calls can be made.”

    Josefina brings in the usual tray with tea on it. When Paulina tells her to just leave it; she’ll drink it in a bit, Josie tells her it will get cold and insists she drink it right then. Pau drinks some and immediately throws it up. “What did you give me? What is it that you’ve been putting in my tea?” [We remember what Ale said about not combining her medicine with anything else.]


    Novelera: Amazing job on the recap of last night's episode. Paulina still in danger! NOT looking good.

    Something tells me Alfredo will open his big mouth & put Alejandro in danger.

    Memo, Ric & Co.,: I don't blame them holding their noses & breaths because the deceased person AKA Rosario is getting quite ripe.

    PS: Congratulations to the US Women's Gymnastics Team winning their 4th Team Gold last night (1996, 2012, 2016, 2024).

  19. Conde

    Novelera, thanj you for providing us with all the details in your excellent account.

    Every time Ale comes on the sceen, I am struck by his sad countenance . He looks so tired and injured. I am currently watching him as a strong , invincible pirate in Pasion . When he was talking to Mar, he did seem to relax and mellow just before Cay pulled Mar away from him. Cay can see that there is something between them.

    Marjorie has lowered her voice in this show and isn't speaking in her usual sing song chirp. The dress styles and colors suit her as a femme fatale.Wardrobe always puts her in solid jeweltone colors. Susan

  20. conde

    Wow, novelera, muchísimas gracias for this splendid recap! I found it very helpful (including lots of useful Spanish) and I enjoyed your touches of humor.

    I'm frankly surprised that with all the investigating Ale did before and after arriving as El Conde, he never learned that Mariana married Gerardo several months after Ale was imprisoned, not "a week, a month." Of course, it's clear that the plot requires this misunderstanding, but it's hard to square with how much he knows about everything else.

    I wonder whether Ric's statement about Amaranta's being able to "liberate" Pauline is exactly what will happen. Fingers crossed.

    I'm not sure, but from what we've seen of the place Antonio is managing, it certainly looks like a bordello, and I think it has also been referred to that way. never occurred to me that Josie might be part owner, but that might explain how Antonio got to run it.

    Good for David and Lorena standing up for their relationship and for what they believe to be right. In both cases they seem to reflect their biological fathers' principles.

    It's amusing that what seems to have sealed the deal between Antonio and Vicente was Antonio's offering him a very good, expensive cigar.

    Ale assures almost every good person he comes in contact with that he will protect them. That's beginning to bother me. He's beginning to seem more like an all-powerful comic-book character.

    I loved your saying about Rosario's corpse, "Guess there wasn't quite enough alcohol in her to preserve her"!

    I wonder why Nanny didn't mention the small bottle of foul-smelling poison that she found with the letter and the photo. And what will Josie make of Pau's throwing up after drinking the tea and her asking what Josie put in it? What a great way to end an episode!


  21. Novelera- Thanks for the vocab! Those idioms usually get me. Paulina maybe should have kept her mouth shut for just a little it longer. Once Josie knows that she knows what's up, Pau is in bigger trouble. But I'm holding out hope for her and Amaranta. If someone on the good side has to die to move things forward, then I vote for Nanny. That would teach her to sniff questionable things found in the room of the villain. She's good people but not the best spy.


  22. conde

    As always, an excellent recap, novelera. And thank you for the vocab.

    Ale tries to pull Alfredo to the dark side. I think Alfredo mainly agrees to join up with Ale because he’s worried about Ale getting consumed by the darkness. Remember: if you seek revenge, dig two graves.

    How could David and Lorena be so careless. I was surprised that she stood up to her father and that he didn’t grab her and drag her home immediately. I was also surprised that Lorena seemed ready to go all the way. David is a gentleman.

    I’m wondering about Antonio’s place, too. I notice the scantily clad women chatting up the men. The cops don’t raid the place. Did he start it with the money he made with Josie? I suppose she could be a silent partner. She wanted him to quit that business and only work in her liquor store.

    “Ale tells him that everyone deserves a second chance.” Wonder what Ale’s criteria for a second chance is since he doesn’t give them freely.

    What is the purpose of Ale hiring a fake Rosario and best friend? I loved this: “Guess there wasn’t quite enough alcohol in her to preserve her.”

    I'm ready to ship Pau and Amaranta, too.

    Yes, Juanita, there’s that fuzzy gestational math. I can’t seem to forget it. I must tighten my beanie.

    Ha ha, K—I’d vote Nanny off the island. She irritates me.

  23. conde

    Thanks for the kind words, all. Susan, I've only seen Marjorie de Sousa once and it was in Al Otro Lado del Muro on Telemundo. She's, ahem, a bit more voluptuous than she was then. She's kind of annoying as Cayetana, but then there always has to be another woman.

    I love Spanish proverbs (burro/trigo). I've learned quite a few from decades of watching TNs and like to put them in when they happen.

    Good point, Juanita, about Ale knowing incredible details about everything that happened in San Jacinto the 17 years he was away. But, somehow, he doesn't know when Mari married Gerardo.

    The only reason I can think of for the writers not having Nanny mention Josie's poison bottle is that it's too soon for Mariana to know the full evil of her stepmother.

    K, ITA about Paulina bursting out with an accusation instead of keeping mum. Of course, she doesn't know about the shovel Josie used on her mother! And it looks like several of us are not fans of Nanny. She sealed her fate with me when she was so snotty with Fernando Colunga when he was falling for Mari.

    dondi, love the proverb about digging two graves when revenge is your plan. And, yes, the Rosario plan isn't quite clear to me. Is it remotely possible he's trying to convince her that Rosario survived and Antonio lied about burying her?

    I had to put in the comment about Cubans. Long, long ago I dated a Cuban man. We went to Las Vegas and stayed with some friends of his, also Cubans. I had some Spanish, not quite where I am now, but I could barely understand a single word. Like William Levy everyone speaks SO fast and, like other Caribbeans, they cut off the ends of words, especially verbs. So it's hard to understand whether they say: I did something, you did something, or they did something.

  24. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. Fine recap and I always appreciate getting to add to my vocab.

    Pau has got to stop living in the house with Josie, but I don't see how this can happen.

    David is a fine young man of course, but I can't blame Miguel for not wanting his daughter mixed up with the son of Gerardo.

  25. Conde

    OT..novelera, yes, dropping the endings of words is something I have to work on with many Spanish speaking students. They often drop the "s" ending for plurals or the final consonant , especially if the word has two or more consonants at the end , for example " word" or " words " or " world." I once had a very sweet older gentleman from Ecuador ,and he dropped the final " s" for a plural word. I asked him , "What happened to the " s",Edwardo?", and he smiled at me and said " I ate the "s" , professor!" Susan

  26. Conde #22 part 1

    This will be short. Sun and sand makes for a tired recapper who had to watch on her phone in a bedroom with a sleeping 5 y.o. so the notes are illegible and I can't refer back on said phone without losing everything that has been typed.

    Pauline accuses Jo of trying to make her sick. She. Goes to her drawer and takes a dose of the medicine Conde's Dr prescribed. Jo feigns concern. Pauline says she is already feeling much better with the new medicine. Jo goes to the kitchen and dumps liquids, one from a cabinet and the other that was hidden in her bodice.

    Mari and Ger...G where have you been you have to uphold a pristine reputation. M, I was with Conde discussing the foundations work. I'm a good wife and mother (leaving unsaid but implied, you are the one with a sullied reputation). G, the conde isn't the great guy you think he is. He made a donation to my campaign for quid pro quo favors.

    Pauline's daughter (still trying to learn the brat packs names) has a nocturnal visitor (Alfredo's nieto, Javier?)at her bedroom window. Some kissing and talking which I don't rhim off in case her mother or Josephine come to wish her goodnight.

    The conde has a sweet dream of. Him and Mari kissing. Memo knocks on his door. It's showtime for the opium raid.

    Vicente, chau and someone else inspecting their opium hidden in a crate of pottery. Have to run due to the raid. They end up at Antonio's bordello/casino having been told he will help hide them.

    1. Sure enough, confused this scene with Vicente. Memo woke conde about the president talking on the radio. Cut away to V, Chao and Antonio listening to the speech about the raid and finding and burning the crops of opium. Mexico will not be involved in illegal trafficking of narcotics.

  27. Conde#22 part 2

    Alfredo's son comes to talk to him about Javier failing his classes at college. Alfredo says he will talk to him. I think his son is upset Javier wants to run the agricultural business with Alf and not study at college, but not sure.

    Not sure about this next scene. Can't make sense of my scribbles. Vicente and Antonio I believe. Antonio managed to send the law away by claiming his business was closed, only ones there are his workers and himself. He tells Vicente he wants in on his drug business, his casino bar etc is the perfect location for doing drug transactions.

    David visits Lorena's dad to profess his love and honorable intentions towards his daughter and his respect or her aspirations to become a Dr. Dad asks how he plans to support her and he says he has a job, as a reporter. In fact he published an article on him...(another person now in on his pseudonym.)

    Next scene was cute. Ric walks by Caye's door that is ajar. She is inside changing with her back to the door but he catches an eye full. She catches him and lively banter ensues.

    Conde visits Vicente. He wants to raise V's hotel to new levels with European nobility as clientele.

    Mari visits Jo to tell her about this woman she met that claims she is her mother. She is very ill and living in deplorable conditions (I didn't think the apartment was that awful). Jo says her mother died when she was very young, this must be an imposter, perhaps the woman who cared for her as a child after her mother died.

    That is the end of my chicken scratch notes. I had 2 episodes to watch last night as I missed the night before. Novelera gave such a great recap I thought I could skip it, but I feel more confident seeing it, so now the 2 are jumbled in my mind. I know there are more scenes but short of rewatching this I can't recall them. Hope someone else will help out. The ocean is calling and I missed the sunrise typing this! It's going to be a hot one today at Hilton Head and the morning is my favorite beach time.

    1. Sure enough, rereading Novelera 's excellent detailed recap, I mixed my episodes up with regards to the opium sting. Also so many sorry. Next week I'll do better, I promise ...

  28. conde

    Wow, Kat in SC, thanks muchly for doing this very helpful recap under extremely difficult conditions! I'll just add a few things that I recall.

    Yes, I too thought Gerardo should have been looking in the mirror instead of at Mari when he berated her for her conduct. And he had the nerve to say he'll ask his friend El Conte to take away Mari's job.

    Like you, I still am having difficulty identifying all the brat pack. I think Javier climbs through the window to see Sofia, Pauline's daughter. After just a kiss or two, she wisely makes him leave, fearing that her mother or (much worse) her grandmother could enter the room at any moment.

    David was very impressive in making his case to Miguel Aguilar. It's no wonder that Aguilar ultimately agrees.

    I don't recall where this takes place, probably at Vicente's, but Antonio has been talking with Vicente when Pedro/Marqués appears. Antonio and P/M stare at each other ominously. Antonio then leaves.

    Apparently El Conde has stayed one step ahead of Josie when it comes to "Rosario." When Josie arrives, pistol in hand, with Antonio to confront Rosario, the woman tells Josie she is not Rosario, she doesn't know who Rosario is, but she (the woman) has just moved into the apartment. Josie and Antonio make a quick exit.

    There's a touching scene between Pau and Mari where they discuss their children's complicated love lives. Pau says wistfully, "Perhaps our children will find the happiness that eluded us."

    At the end of the episode, the supposed Marqués answers a knock at his door and finds his visitor is Antonio, who greets him as "Pedrocito/El Marqués."

    Howdy from the Alamo City CararyCaray Family.

    Kat: Awesome job with your recap of last night's episode. Enjoyed your analysis & insights of the characters. So Ric was seeing an eyeful of Cayetana changing clothes & she catches him LOL.

    Juanita: Let's hope Alejandro/Joaquin stays several steps ahead of Buji Josie, etc., I wonder how long will Scumbag Pedro keep up this scheme masquerading as Marques ?

    Dondi356: More crazy things happening.

  30. Thank you Juanita. I must have fallen asleep during the final scenes because I don't remember them. I tried watching it around 2 or 4 a.m. when I woke up for a bit and I recall the phone falling from my hands while laying in bed. There were some pretty good quotes going on by Vicente to Gerardo that I would have liked to figure out.

  31. conde

    Kat, you get the Recappers Medal of Honor for such a clever recap while on vacation!!! Also I am ITA about watching more than one at a time and having trouble sorting out what happened in which episode. Thanks so much!

    I really enjoyed the scene with the always sympathetic Alfredo talking with his grandson, Javier. Boy can I relate. My son was also not bookish and, in retrospect, probably had undiagnosed ADHD. He found his calling and loves his work. Javier told his grandfather the books drove him nuts and all he wanted was to live and work on a hacienda. Alf advised him he'd need botany and animal biology. As is often the case, his father was too close to the issue and wanted his son to attend college. Javier agreed with Alf and said he'd try harder.

    Loved "G has to hold up his pristine reputation". Yes, we need a Snotty Sendel every single night. Somewhere in his twisted soul he loves Mariana and her moving to another room is driving him nuts. She has trump card for sure because he absolutely knows he needs that wonderful womanly image to help his campaign. If he pushes her too hard, he'd lose that.

    How many times is Antonio going to let Josie threaten him with her gun before he loses it?

    Ale's plan is working to perfection. Antonio was the one who figured out that someone was trying to drive Josie nuts. Before that she made him dig where the body used to be, gun pointed at his head.


  32. conde

    Forgot to mention this. I can't remember how Antonio knows Pedro's real identity. Anyone?

  33. conde

    I haven't watched the ep yet but I read your recap, Kat. I appreciate you taking the time out of your vacation and hanging in through your difficulties to deliver a sweet recap.

    Maybe I'll have more to say after I finish the ep.

    I can recap tonight's episode and I can do the usual Friday too.

  34. conde

    Pedro was at Antonio's establishment a few times and they spoke with each other. IIRC, he stole a truckload of Antonio's liquor. There was a flashback. Not sure if he was working for Antonio or just a customer. That's where Ric found him and fed him the story about the missing marquis.

  35. conde

    Thanks, dondi. You amaze me, as always, with your recall of details. Now I remember how Pedro outsmarted Antonio and made off with the liquor, grinning gleefully.

  36. Conde

    Gracias, Kat in SC. You are a doll to recap while on vacation and babysitting. I left last night's epi confused about some things, but your recap helped sort them out.

    Juanita, thanks for the additions.

    I hope Antonio gets a chance one day to point a gun at Josie's face for a change.

    I'm glad Pau scared Josie enough for her to throw out her poison, but that's not enough. Time for both Pau and Mariana to stand up to her. It's bad enough they're stuck with lousy husbands.

    I can't tell whether Mariana has given up on thinking the Count is Alejandro or if she's just pretending to.

    Antonio vs Pedro. Pedro is taller but he looks like a boy trying to be a man when he puffs out his chest at Antonio.
