
Monday, July 29, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 29, 2024

Coming Soon: Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi will start Wednesday, July 31st!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! We have a new TN starting this week—Ellos Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones

10-11 PM: Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi (starts Wednesday)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    Just the facts . . .

    Marcelo shows up at the airport with his paternity test results just as Luisa, Zaid and Natalia are leaving ( His mother found the envelope and opened it) and stops them. Luisa admits he is the father which angers Zaid. Natalia is happy to see Marcelo He is her friend. Luisa asks him not to tell Natalia he is her father.

    Felipe asks Beatriz if she would make a statement in court on Marcelo’s behalf describing Marcelo’s relationship with her sister and how things were on the day of her father’s murder thinking it could help Marcelo. She refuses at first but reconsiders when she finds out that the cyber division at the police department is going to investigate the illegal transfer of funds since Felipe thinks a hacker could be involved. She tells her father that if she does Felipe that favor, he will owe her.

    Felipe discovers that the Grajales house was robbed the night before Alejandro was murdered. He and Marcelo talk to the maid who was present and knocked unconscious during the robbery. She tells them that there were two guys who knew exactly where Alejandro’s office was located in the house and that they sounded like they were Colombian. Marcelo remarks that the next day he was kidnapped from Colombia. Zaid is not pleased that she talked to Marcelo.

    Marcelo gets a summons to appear in court. He for es a meeting with Luisa so he can find out the details about her father’s death. She insists he is gulty. He asks who would have benefited from her father’s murder and tells her he thinks the robbery at the house in Mexico is related to her father’s murder.

    Isela gives her detective cash to continue his search for her daughter. He seems to think they are close to finding her. Juan does not believe he is legit
    and asks how much it will take to make him go away.

  2. MAREA DE PASIONES continued

    Nora files sexual harassment charges against her boss. The police official thinks she probably was asking for it but eventually agrees to write up her complaint. Her boss is not pleased when he finds out.

    The guy that Camila infected with the human papiloma virus talks another kid into doing something that was bleeped/something sexual (?) to Camila.

    Ana and Roberta finally make a love connection.

  3. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for your always marvelous recap and all the details you so smartly provided.

    Thank heavens for Felipe who is thinking clearly and coming up with some concrete facts.

    I hadn't considered that the detective Isela hired wasn't legit (will I never learn??). I wonder if Juan is right. Love the actor, loathe the character.

    And appropos of nothing, exactly how many shoes does Zaid have? That closet would be the envy of any of the Real Housewives. The bloom is off the rose for Luisa (if that was ever the case and I'm sure it wasn't) in terms of her feelings for Zaid. She side stepped his advances and quite firmly. In addition to all the verbal torture Camila is enduring, the creepiest scene was Zaid rubbing the chest of the housekeeper. What was that about? Zaid makes my skin crawl.


  4. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, lots of good facts. So glad Felipe discovered the robbery and he and Marcelo acted on it. Although I doubt the maid will say anything more now that creepy Zaid talked to her.

    I hope Luisa really listens to Marcelo and starts thinking. I loved the question he asked her about who benefited from this. So obvious it was Zaid.

    I’d like to think the detective Isela hired is legitimate. And also, Nora was treated so badly by the cop when she filed the sex harassment charge. She should know from talking to the cop that she doesn’t stand a chance and may lose her job.

    It seems Helena didn’t hear any of the important conversations last night. If she doesn’t double cross Zaid I hope Luisa starts doubting Zaid enough to join forces with Marcelo.


  5. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for an excellent recap.

    Wow. ..Zaid is super weird. First he puts the creepy moves on his mother in law,and then, he threatens the poor, defenseless maid and ends by rubbing her throat \ upper chest? I can't stand Looking at his scowling face face!!

    Meanwhile , Marcelo still looks like he just washed up on shore.No spark there. ( I am watching reruns of Pasion , and the last episode had shipwrecked pirates !!! None of them bad tattoos.)

    The young storyline does not interest me .

    I hope lackadaisical Luisa perks up soon because , at this point, i like Helena better.

    Felipe , the cop, seems to be the sharpest tack in this box. He is starting to remind me of Hum in Receta. Susan

  6. MAREA

    Here is the list of characters I needed. ; ) hope it helps.

    Alejandro Grajales was Leonor’s husband. They had three children: Luisa, Ana (gay) and Santiago (sicko boss)

    Natalia is Luisa’s and Marcelo’s daughter.

    Juan Marrero is Leonor’s brother. He and Isela had four children: Beatriz (under suspicion for illegal money transfer), Camila (promiscuous kid spreading STD’s), Alfonso (ne’er do well son home from Amsterdam to steal money from mamá), Sofía ( missing daughter.)

    María Bernal has two sons: Marcelo (Juan’s son via an affair) and Felipe (local police detective)

    Zaid Espino was adopted by Alejandro and grew up with his family and was also good friends with Marcelo until Marcelo’s kidnapping and Alejandro’s death.

    Helena is Zaid’s minion charged with getting close to Marcelo and being Zaid’s spy.

    Roberta is Ana's love interest.

    Nora is lazy Ozvaldo’s wife and Santiago’s target for sexual harassment.

    Cristóbal is Marcelo’s partner in business and has given him and Helena a house to live in.

  7. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you. That concise list of who's who is a BIG help to me. Susan

  8. Marea

    Thanks so much for the relationships of the characters. That’s a great help. Especially the kids, had problems with which family they belonged to.


  9. MAREA

    Thank you for the cast list Jarifa!


  10. Jarifa, I thought Juan was Leonora's brother in law and that Isela was Alejandro's sister. She mentions jewelry he (Al)gifted her I thought. Maybe I have that wrong.


    The bare facts . . .

    Beatriz ends up making a positive character statement on behalf of Marcelo. She tells them that Marcelo is incapable of killing anyone. Juan finds out and makes her promise to never tell Isela that she helped Marcelo because it would kill her. He should know all about that since he paid off Isela's investigator to tell her that the hope he had of finding her daughter was gone. Isela goes home and overdoses on sleeping pills. She ends up in the hospital with possible brain damage.

    Beatriz tells Felipe that it is better that they not see each other since she knows she is a suspect. He tells her that he doesn't see her as a suspect at all. They are clearly attracted to each other.

    Helena tells Marcelo that she wants to have a child with him and give him a new life. He seems interested. Helena tells María that she is worried that Marcelo is still in love with Luisa. María tells her to hang in there because that connection will disappear with time.

    Marcelo tells his suspicion to Luisa about the robbery in Mexico being related to the murder of her father. She refuses to see any connection. He asks Luisa if he were to be proven innocent if there would be a chance for them getting back together. She answers talking about how good Zaid has been to her and Natalia. Marcelo notices that she doesn't use the word "love" anywhere. She becomes upset with him. She does, however, arrange for him to meet with Natalia which is against what Zaid wants. When Luisa and Natalia meet Marcelo, Zaid appears with a group of police officers. He has obtained a restraining order against Marcelo.

    Leonor overhears that Marcelo is the real father of Natalia and goes ballistic as does Santiago. Zaid just adds fuel to the fire.

    Marcelo ends up going to the special place on the beach that he and Natalia used to call their own. Natalia turns up at the same place where they were so happy and passion takes over as they make out on the beach.

    Alfonso is still in town living the low life taking drugs, selling his mother's jewelry and partying with two like-minded sketchy people. It looks like the pregnant woman in the trio overdoses. Alfonso becomes hysterical.

    Unable to get the charges of sexual harassment dropped, Santiago goes to Nora's house to apologize and ask her to please drop the charges. She doesn't give him a decision. Osvaldo wants to use the situation as an opportunity to make some easy $$$. Just as he is going to start to shake down Santiago, his child falls ill and needs to go to the hospital. Santiago drives Nora, Osvaldo and their daughter to the hospital and offers to pay for all of her medical costs. Osvaldo isn't happy when Nora tells him she isn't dropping the charges.

    Roberta visits Ana at the house and Santiago is clearly on to them.

    Gael (the guy who got the genital warts) makes Iñaki go and ask Camila out. He is pathetic not wanting to have to face Gael saying that he couldn't. Surprisingly, Camila agrees to pretend that they are novios.

    That is it for tonight. Please feel free to add anything I left out.

  12. MAREA

    Kat in SC, thank you. You are right! Isela was Alejandro’s sister.

  13. MAREA

    Thank you for your marvelous recap Jarifa.

    "Alfonso is still in town living the low life taking drugs, selling his mother's jewelry and partying with two like-minded sketchy people" was perfect. He did have some trepidation about the pregnant woman taking drugs initially but obviously not enough to bow out. Alfredo Gatica does sleazy so well.

    Nora is caught between a rock and a hard place; Santiago is disgusting but Osvaldo is lazy and greedy.

    There seemed some wistfulness between Marcelo and Luisa but it didn't take much for their spark to ignite. How quickly Helena was forgotten. I can't blame Luisa as Zaid is so repulsive.

    Why did Juan pay the detective off? Does he know where his daughter is? (I apologize if this was explained and/or it is obvious).


  14. MAREA

    Diana, this was not obvious at all. it seems that Isela and her desperation had been taken advantage of by crooked investigators in the past and she ended up psychologically destroyed each time they strung her along so that is why Juan supposedly paid this investigator off to stop his search and tell Isela that it was unsuccessful. The investigator insisted he was different than the other fraudulent ones but the money seemed too much to turn down. If I remember correctly, Juan told Beatriz that he should have just paid the investigator to tell Isela that Sofía was dead to end her constant searching but from whatever was said, it seemed to me that Sofía was still alive. If that is the case, why doesn't Juan want her found?

  15. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you so much for explaining so kindly and thoroughly.

    Isela is not a nice person but I can't imagine the world she is living in, never knowing definititively if Sofia is alive or dead. Or worse, suffering!

    But you asked the important question, if she is alive "...why doesn't Juan want her found?" Hopefully she will be...


  16. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, for a good recap.

    So Helena wants a serious relationship with Marcelo. Is this her idea or Zaid’s. I would lean toward Zaid as another child might make Marcelo less interested in Natalia. In Zaid’s twisted mind anyway.

    Leonor was a bit crazy over the father thing. Of course we are looking with relief that Natalia has a decent dad. Leonor has a different perspective. But she should have some idea that Zaid is a creep.

    How horrible when they pulled Marcelo away from his daughter. I’m hoping Luisa will soon be investigating her husband.


  17. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for another great retelling as we swim in this sea of tears and fears. I do love the scenes of the beach and ocean tides.

    The Gatica character looked freaked out last night . Maybe he has been scared and will clean up is act.

    The strange three at doctor with the baby. Odd. Santiago is creepy.

    Also strange that Leonor hasn't figured out how bizarre Zaid is after he put the moves on her .Wasn't he raised in that house like an adopted son? And Luisa seems clueless about her wacky husband ...and everything else. Right now , Helena seems like a better match for beach bum Marcelo.

    Hmmm...where is Sofia? Does Juan know what happened to her ?

    Not many people to like in this show .


  18. MAREA

    Liz, i thought Leonor’s reaction was way out of line, bizarre as a matter of fact. Then it is as if Zaid were a stranger and he isn’t.

    Susan, Marcelo is supposedly an educated man. He is planning a resort. They have made him look way too much like a “beach bum”.

    I think that Luisa and Marcelo were both miscast at this point.

    Too many things not clicking but, hey, it is summer and I am on my fantasy beach . . . and this is the novel I bought at the airport gift shop. LOL

  19. Marea

    Jarifa, loved , loved, loved your comment about this show being the novel you bought at the airport on your way to your fantasy beach!!! Brilliant !!!....and I am going right there with you !!! I like the sunsets over the ocean and sandy beaches . Maybe we should make cocktails . Susan , getting out the beach towel

  20. MAREA

    Susan, glad you will be partaking in the sun and sand. I am up for making cocktails!

  21. Marea
    Jarifa and Susan, I actually started a comment earlier, then scrolled back to check a fact and lost it. I haven't watched this episode yet because I'm actually at the beach trying to catch the sunrises. Too bad I can't post a photo.

    My comment was about Juan. Perhaps he really thinks Sophia is dead and he just wants these PI's to quit getting his wife's hopes up. I'm betting she has been lost like 20 years ago. I still want to know more about Nora's origins.

  22. MAREA

    Kat in SC, it could be that Juan does have Isela's best interests at heart. Nothing is very clear at this point. Good luck with your photos.

  23. MAREA DE PASIONES #12 Page 1

    A lot happened. Please add what I do not include.

    Luisa quickly regrets kissing on the beach. She is a married woman and Marcelo murdered her father. He has had it with her. The only relationship he will have with her will be as the father of Natalia. María tells Marcelo that Helena loves him. He admits what he feels for Helena is no where close to what he feels for Luisa. That being said, he asks Helena if she would be interested in having a serious relationship with him. She looks genuinely happy and answers of course she would. Luisas rededicates herself to her marriage to Zaid. Luisa ends up thanking Zaid for the restraining order and decides she doesn't want Natalia around a murderer. Later, Natalia tells Luisa is surprised when Natalia tells her that Zaid is going to help her visit with Marcelo. She tries to down play it. Luisa tells Leonor that Marcelo did a DNA test behind their backs. Leonor assures her that Marcelo will not go away quietly and Natalia will find out her father is a murderer. Leonor concludes that maybe it would have been better if she never had Natalia. Luisa cannot believe what she is saying. Leonor says she has Bernal blood. Luisa cannot believe that now she will reject her only grand child because of that. Leonor admits she cannot see Natalia the way she did before and that is Luisa's fault for having deceived her in the first place.

    Zaid pressures Helena for info on Marcelos's defense. She tells him that Marcelo isn't talking. He wonders whose side she is on.

    Much to the displeasure of her family and of Santiago, Nora decides that she will not drop the sexual harassment charges against Santiago as a matter of self-respect and promises to pay him back for her child's medical care. Felipe gets an order from above to investigate Nora and see if she has any moral vulnerabilities to be used against her and make her drop the charges.

    Iñaki tells Camila all about Gael bullying him to have sex with her in an apt. with cameras so that he catches the STD. Then Gael will have proof that she gave it to him. Camila admits to having a medical condition but says she always makes sure that guys use condoms so she could not have infected Gael. Camila confronts Gael and tells him she knows all about his plan and it isn't happening. He admits he had sex with her without a condom because "the natural way" is the best. She is upset she could have gotten pregnant. They threaten each other with filing charges.

    Roberta has an ex Serena who used to be her roommate who moves back in to try to win her back. Ana sees Serena trying to kiss Roberta. Roberta wants Serena out but that will take money Serena doesn't have.

  24. MAREA Page 2

    Alfonso finds out that his friend Alicia and her unborn child died. Rita, a woman, who volunteers at the hospital, gives him a business card. She knows what he is going through and knows of a place that can help him.

    Isela regains consciousness without brain damage. She is happy to see Juan. Camila visits and tells he she wants to be closer with her. Camila has always felt invisible in the family. Isela tells her how she was always wanted and promises they will be close from now on.

    Luisa and Zaid try to make things right with Leonor who has made the situation all about her. (in more ways than we know about!) She accuses Luisa of having used Zaid. Luisa corrects her. Zaid volunteered to give her child a father. Zaid insists they do not have a marriage of convenience but based in love. Leonor says they can trust each other but she cannot trust THEM. It is all Luisa's fault. Zaid seems to know why this trust thing is a big deal and offers to talk to Leonor ALONE. He gets a goofy smile on his face and asks if she has something she wants to tell him. He kneels in front of her and grabs her hands. He has felt for a while now that she is expecting something from him. Clearly uncomfortable, she answers that she doesn't want the secret that has been kept for seven years to happen again. (Uh, oh, was she in on her husband's murder? Is she afraid of being killed? ) She wants him to be loyal. He kisses her hands. He promises to be very loyal to her because he loves her. He is so grateful to her and owes her so much: all of his respect, affection, gratitude. She forgives him but don't want it to happen again. It won't. She has to go to the hospital to see Isela. He thinks it is because of that kiss that happened between Juan and María. Leonor is surprised.

    Felipe tells Marcelo that Beatriz volunteered to give a favorable statement on his behalf to the prosecutor's office. Also, Felipe is interested in Beatriz. He has been taken off the case that involved her and she knows that. Marcelo warns him that Isela is going to oppose any relationship with her daughter. Felipe is optimistic that the families can work things out.

    Beatriz tells Juan she has a plan. She is going to make Felipe fall in love with her so he will never turn her in. He says that Isela will never accept her being with a Bernal. She also wants Felipe to help find out what happened to Sofía which will endear him to Isela.

    Not realizing that Isela is conscious, Leonor enters her room and slaps Juan saying it is his fault that Isela tried to kill herself. Zaid told her what he saw him doing. He lies and says that Zaid saw him telling the investigator to leave her case. Isela says eh was jsut about to find her daughter and blames him for losing her again. Juan says the investigator offered him money so he would identify another girl as their daughter. He was only trying to protect her. Isela ends up believing him sure that he loves their daughter as much as she does. She WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN!!! Leonor tells Juan that he shouldn't keep secrets from his wife because SECRETS ALWAYS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT!!!

    Marcelo and Felipe want a meeting with Santiago to get info on Alejandro's death using the accusation of sexual harassment as
    a cudgel. They threaten to show it to Leonor and post it on social media. He finally agrees. Marcelo asks why Santiago told the prosecutor that he killed his father. He says it wasn't him. Marcelo says a man from Alejandro's family who was in Colombia made the statement. Santiago says it was Zaid who testsified that he saw Marcelo kill his father and run away like a coward.


  25. MAREA

    Sorry for the typos.

    Wow! What an episode! This was so good.

    More later. The road calls . ..

  26. MAREA

    Jarifa, this was excellent. I'm admittedly having a tough time following this and would be completely lost without your recaps.

    I had to smile at "Luisa rededicates herself to her marriage to Zaid". Good luck with that!

    Much here is unsettling but the Zaid/Leonor was especially disturbing. "He kneels in front of her and grabs her hands. He has felt for a while now that she is expecting something from him". Being unable to translate, I hadn't realized they were discussing the murder; I thought it was something sexual in nature. Perhaps it's both? Chilling.

    Leonor "cannot see Natalia the way she did before". So loathsome.

    "Isela ends up believing him sure that he loves their daughter as much as she does. She WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN!!!" Oh my, so delusional.

    Thank you for cudgel - new to me. Love learning new vocabulary!


  27. MAREA

    Jarifa, I wrote a very long comment that has disappeared.

    This was an excellent recap. I would be lost without your guidance.

    "He gets a goofy smile on his face and asks if she has something she wants to tell him. He kneels in front of her and grabs her hands". Thank you for explaining what they were actually discussing (which I hadn't understood). That said, the scene had such a disturbing sexual overtone. Zaid and Leonor are cringeworthy.

    I can't believe Leonor is shunning Natalia. Again, just horrible.


  28. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. Last night was loaded with important info and I had to replay several scenes more than once just to understand what was going on. That whole Zaid/Leonor connection is indeed “cringeworthy” and yes, there are definitely “disturbing sexual overtones.” Here is hoping tonight’s episode is a little lighter in terms of content and tone.
