
Thursday, July 11, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of July 8, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

El Conde: Amor y Honor, the long-awaited telenovela with Fernando Colunga, began last week. It's still pretty easy to catch up, and newcomers are welcome. Check last week's Telemundo y Más pages for recaps and comments. For more information, see Telemundo's website.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde #8

    Thanks for the recap, Steve! Nice to see all the comments.

    A few more details. (I also posted this on the previous page.)

    Vic tells Ale that he's not divorced or a widower, it’s more like he was “left”.

    Ale meets Miguel Aguilar and his wife, Ernestina. Ale was framed for the murder of Miguel’s mother and father (Gonzalo, the presidential candidate). Miguel is running for president against Rodolfo (soon to be Gerardo). Miguel seems to be an honest man, just like his father.

    The Aguilar’s daughter asks her mom why they dislike David Villarreal. The mother is neutral on David, but she doesn’t like his family and hints they may have had something to do with Gonzalo and his wife’s murder. And Gerardo is now Miguel’s rival.

    Ale has Javier and David show him around the former Gallardo hacienda asks what happened to the workers who lived there. David thinks they were fired but he’s not sure. Ale asks why the river was diverted from the hacienda. David looks a bit ashamed and says it was to water Villarreal and Zambrano land.

    Ale’s lawyer offers Gerardo a small fortune, and he agrees to sell the Gallardo land to Ale.

    Ale gives David and Javier gold watches as payment for services. To Javi’s dismay, David refuses payment. Then Ale says take them as a gift from a friend.

    Ramiro kills the guys that did the drive by shooting with him. No loose ends.

    Ale asks David if his father is a good candidate like Miguel Aguilar. David responds, without a doubt. He’s an honest, hardworking man who is committed to his work and to the people of Mexico. Ale asks David about his mother. She’s a wonderful woman, David replies, affectionate and understanding. I suppose your parents love each other very much, Ale says and then he quickly apologizes for prying.

    Gerardo is ticked that David stayed in San Jacinto for the fiesta and even more ticked he’s hanging out with Javier Gallardo. He blames Mari, she stands her ground, defends the Gallardos and supports David.

    The doll that Vic’s daughter bought was made by Carmen, her mother, and Vic’s not so dead wife. She went to live at a convent. And that’s Doña Leticia, Alfredo’s wife, who is with Carmen and a sister from the convent. She’s admiring Carmen’s dolls.

    Leticia says Carmen looks familiar, maybe a former employee? Carmen keeps her head down and remains silent. The nun says Carmen made a vow of silence. We never thought she’d leave the convent, but a Franciscan monk (Ale?) came and spoke to her. Afterwards, she asked us to write to you to ask if she could work in your studio. Leticia hires Carmen.
    Poor David really believes his father is a good man.

    Ricardo’s partner’s name is Amaranta. I have no idea how they met each other.

    Ale offers Ricardo and Amaranta the chance to keep working for him.

    Gerardo tells Felipe to find out everything he can about the Count.

  2. Conde,

    Donde, thank you for the recap. The actor playing Miguel was the goodhearted, sweet , loyal guy who didn't get the leading lady in " Minas." I loved him . I am happy to see him in this one.

  3. conde

    Dondi, just a quick note to thank you for this brief but helpful account of episode 8. Your account of the meeting at the convent with the nun, Doña Leticia, and Carmen really clarified that scene for me, as well as the significance of Vic's younger daughter's buying the doll that, unbeknownst to her, her mother made. Many thanks!

  4. Conde

    Thanks for the recap Donde. Whatever happened to Margarita? You know...the redhead who was always chasing after Alejandro in his pre-prison-escape-turn to Count days? I wonder what her punishment will be because thanks to her jealousy and gossip, Alejandro lost his freedom.

  5. Conde
    Dondi, that really cleared things up. I was confused about the land deal and totally missed the river diversion. Not sure how I missed Carmen speaking with a monk, but by your account maybe it wasn't a scene we actually saw. As Juanita? mentioned in a former comment, slowly getting the characters straight. I need to reread or watch the early episodes. Can't remember Ricardo from those. Is he the guy who joined the circus and left his son behind? Or was that Memo?

    1. Ricardo ran away to the circus leaving his son behind. He’s now a thief, apparently, and still a mostly good guy? I didn’t catch if he and Memo were brothers or just compadres. Memo is the one who went to Europe with Ale and came back to help his with the venganza. I didn’t catch his story to the townspeople as to how he hooked up with “el conde”. Between Wikipedia’s cast list and this blog, i think I’m catching on.


  6. conde

    Kat in SC, yes, Ricardo is the guy who joined the circus. I have to say, I don't have a lot of confidence in him. El Conde apparently does, since he hired Ricardo and his partner Amaranta even though he found them in his private office, where they managed to find and open a small safe from which they took items they intended to sell. Moreover, Ricardo just seems to me too impulsive and undisciplined, qualities that could prove dangerous to El Conde's success. But perhaps I'm's been known to happen...often.

  7. Juanita- I think you’re right, especially after the Thursday chapter. He’s maybe a good guy with issues who will cause problems. Spilling the truth to him may have been a mistake.

  8. Whoops. Forgot to sign off. But what is Alfredo doing since he had to sell the ranch? I missed his entry into the 50’s and have only seen his wife, Leticia, in a role that seems very different from what I’ve seen Jessica Coch in before.


  9. Conde

    I have been doing a retrospective of the amazing Fernando while watching this show. I have been watching him as pirate Captain Ricardo in " Pasion" and Dr. Manuel In " Amor Real" on Unimas, and I just watched some clips of him as Don Luis in " Alborado." Wow.

  10. conde #9 part 1

    Ricardo realizes the Count is Alejandro and finds out that Memo works for him. The 3 amigos are joyously reunited. Ale says, we’re brothers, you’re my only family.

    David runs after Lorena Aguilar. He’s been looking for her. He could have called her, but he knows that her parents don’t like him. There’s that matter of their fathers being rivals. David says they shouldn’t let their parents’ ideologies and rivalry have affect them.

    Sofia and Paulina talk about David’s kidnapping. Pau feels better that Sofia will be safe from any danger when she goes back to study abroad. Sofia tells her mom she doesn’t want to study in Paris, she wants to stay in San Jacinto and begs her to intercede with Felipe and Josie on the matter.

    Enter Josie, who is upset that no one told her about David’s kidnapping. She’s nasty with Pau and criticizes Sofi’s hair, clothes and weight.

    Cayetana meets the Count’s new employee, Ricardo, who tries a cheap magic trick to charm her. He pulls a coin from her ear. She one-ups him and pulls a 50 bill from his ear. [maybe these two are destined for each other.] They are interrupted by Pedro’s Tia Lucrecia, who tosses Ricky out of the room.

    We see that Memo visited Lucrecia in prison. He tells her the Count is interested in her story and wants information from her for the sake of justice. Lucrecia works for Ale now.

    Pedro seems to be doing well and comes to see Antonio. Antonio complains that someone stole truckload of fine whiskey from him. In a flashback we see it’s Pedro who stole the truck. Antonio vows to cut the thief’s throat.

    David tells his sister and mom how great the Count is and how he saved his life. He asked for nothing in return.

    Ale introduces himself as the Count to Don Alfredo. He tells Alfredo that Javier took him to Gallardos’ land, and he bought it. Alfredo says that land belonged to his parents. Ale wants Alfredo to work the land again. He will be free to do whatever he wants and be paid good money to do it. He can hire as many hands as necessary to make as grand as it used to be.

    Alfredo is surprised that Gerardo sold the land. Ale says he offered a lot of money and Gerardo is focused on politics now. Alfredo accepts Ale’s proposal. They talk about the diverted river. No problem, Ale says, I found a way to bring the river back to its course.

    Josie hears about the Count and is very curious. David can’t say enough glowing things about him. Josie wonders why a Spanish Count would have such an interest in San Jacinto. David explains the Count’s mother was from there. Josie is puzzled, she would have known about a woman who married a Spanish nobleman.

    Ricardo causes a commotion around Cayetana as she reads. Ricardo asks about her relationship with the Count. Is it strictly professional? She asks him about his relationship with the Count. They both dance around the answers. Cayetana finally says that Joaquin is like an angel in her life. He came to her when she needed it most. He believed in my talent, she says. Thanks to him, I’m a movie star now.

    Memo checks up on David by phone. David asks if the Count can come over to meet his parents. They would like to thank him.

    A drunken bum grabs hold of Pedro on the street and asks for money. It’s Ruben! He exclaims, I found you! Partner! He hangs all over a disgusted Pedro.

    The Count visits the Villarreals. David introduces him to Gerardo. While her back is turned, Mari seems to hear something familiar in the Count’s voice. David introduces his mother, and she turns and faces Ale. Their eyes meet. She walks over to him, he greets her with a very serious look, and he extends his hand. She stares at him and becomes unsteady as she touches his hand. She sinks and David and Gerardo catch her.

  11. conde #9 part 2

    Pedro untangles himself from Ruben and calls him a dirty bum. Ruben reminds him they swore to be partners for life. Let’s talk it over.

    Mari is terribly shaken. Ale carefully observes her in silence. David’s sister rushes in and introduces herself to the Count—Gabriela Villarreal Zambrano at your service. She hands him a picture she drew of him to thank him for saving David.

    Ale tells Gerardo he has a beautiful family. Gerardo asks Ale if he is married. Unfortunately, love hasn’t been as generous with me, Ale replies, I’m still single. David can’t believe the Count has never been in love. Ale says that’s not the case. He was in love many years ago. He looks at Mari and says, the trouble is I fell in love with the wrong woman.

    Mari says she’s not feeling well and excuses herself. Gerardo apologizes for his wife. He asks Ale to come to his study to discuss something very important.

    Ruben wants to partner with Pedro again. Pedro is not interested. He reminds Ruben they sold the diamond, split the money, and parted ways. Pedro gives Ruben a roll of bills to go away. Ruben says not so fast. Don’t you remember what you did to my wife?

    Mari goes to her room. It can’t be him, she gasps. She has a flashback. Tears fall.

    Gerardo tells Ale his rise started when he imprisoned Gonzalo Aguilar’s murderer. He was the San Jacinto DA then. Gerardo wonders how Ale found the kidnappers. Ale says it was his security team. Gerardo supposes they were scouting the Gallardo property regarding the land sale.

    Ale says the movie company looked at the location and he bought the land for Cayetana’s movie. He doesn’t intend to work the land. He’s planning to invest in a car factory there. Gerardo hands over the money for David’s ransom. [The same money Ale paid for Gallardos’ land.] He doesn’t want his friendship with the Count to start with a large debt.

    Vic shows Violeta a model of the grand hotel he plans on building. His dream project. She’s impressed until she hears he’s calling it Hotel Garcia. [I believe “Garcia” is a common name sort of like “Smith”.]

    Leo is still alive! We see a nurse wheeling him around in a chair. He’s in bad shape. He has tremors and can’t speak. Gerardo tells Ale that his father can’t understand anything. He never recovered from a stroke. Ale asks if he wants another medical opinion. He knows a good neurologist in Spain. Gerardo turns down the offer.

    Memo and Ricardo catch up. Ric demands to know what happened to Alejandro. Don’t say that name, Memo warns. Alejandro Gaitan is dead and buried. Only Count Joaquin Montenegro exists. If you have questions, ask him. He also warns Ricardo to quit drinking. Loose lips…

    Gerardo brings Felipe up to speed. Now he’s not so happy about land sale and he gave the money to the Count. But at least he found out about the plans for the car factory. Felipe asks, what do you know about the Count? Gerardo had him investigated in Mexico and in Spain, but he doesn’t quite trust him.

    Mari comes to the Count’s home. He’s surprised she’s come. She greets him—good evening, Alejandro Gaitan. [yes, she saw right through his clever disguise!]

    Excuse me, he gulps, who are you referring to? Stop it Alejandro, she answers, I know it’s you. Why this farce, pretending to be someone else. You’re punishing me for giving you up for dead? I have so much to tell you. When I saw you in my house, I couldn’t believe it. I thought I was going crazy. But no, it’s you. Mi amor, I never stopped thinking about you. Missing you. She cries.

  12. conde #9 part 3

    Ale keeps denying he’s Ale. You’re confused, he says, I assure you I never saw you before this afternoon. She asks him to stop lying. How could you think I wouldn’t recognize you? [maybe because no one else did?] We shared so many moments, so many feelings.

    She holds out the ring he gave her. I still keep the ring, Alejandro. Touch it. Every time I touch it, I remember when I accepted being yours forever. He has a flashback to the proposal. He keeps insisting she’s wrong. All she wants to do is explain. Cayatana interrupts.

    Gossipy friends tell Josie that the Count bought the Lombardini estate at triple the value. He’s letting them hold a charity event there. They show her a newspaper with the Count’s pic. Josie looks stunned. [Hmm… does she see through his clever disguise?]

    Lucrecia brings Mari tea to help her calm down. Cayetana wonders why Mari has come there so late. Did something happen? No, Mari replies, I just wanted to thank the Count. I didn’t have time to personally thank him in the afternoon. She leaves.

    Javier talks to his mother, Leticia, about Sofia. He wonders why they sent Sofia to study abroad. Leticia says that’s what wealthy families do.

    Meanwhile, Sofia talks to Nanny. She feels she doesn’t belong in Paris. She feels at home in Mexico.

    Javier wants to stay in San Jacinto and help his dad and grandpa run the hacienda. Leticia tells him he needs to go to college like his father.

    Nanny tells Sofia that Josie won’t approve of her staying. Sofi doesn’t care what granny thinks. Things have changed, she smiles. Nanny catches on but doesn’t know who the boy is. [We know it’s Javier.] She advises Sofi not to fall in love with anyone in San Jacinto.

    I told you she’d recognize you, Memo says to Ale. Ale thinks he’s talked Mari out of that notion. How about you, Memo asks, how did you feel when you saw her? Nothing, Ale replies, just contempt. [I think he’s lying to himself.]

    Memo doesn’t believe it. Ale was deeply in love. That’s hard to forget. Ale answers, she forgot, so why shouldn’t I? It took her days, it took me years. But I got over it. I confirmed it today. [I don’t believe it.] Alejandro is dead. Nobody can stay the same after what I went through. But Ale adds, we are still friends Memo says to tell that to Ricardo.

    Ale shows Memo the money he recovered from Gerardo. They have a laugh.

    Mari is uneasy. Gerardo wonders where Mari has been. She says she went to see Paulina. He apologizes for taking things out on her regarding David. He reminds her they are public figures now. The whole country watches our moves. I’ll be president. You need to trust me. When I make a decision, it’s for a good reason. Mari says she’s learned her lesson, it won’t happen again.

    Ale stares at his gallery of rogues. He flashes back to telling Gerardo he has wonderful children and a beautiful wife, and then to Mari’s visit and her begging to explain. He gives himself a pep talk. I can’t have feelings for you, he says aloud as he looks at Mari’s pic. You betrayed me.

    And we are out.

  13. conde

    Thanks everyone, for the kind words and comments. My thanks again to Steve for getting us started with his recap of #8.

    I have a correction to my comments for #8. Leticia is the wife of Don Alfredo's son, whose name I can't remember. She is Javier's mother. Leticia has a business as a seamstress. IIRC, she made a dress for Mariana. I guess this helps to support the Gallardo family otherwise, I don't know how they make money.

    MaameAdwoa, I wondered what happened to Margarita too. I'm sure she will turn up. It also seems like Amaranta disappeared.

    Kat, Carmen and the Monk happened off camera. The nun related it to Leticia.

    Juanita, I think they made a point of Ricardo possibly blowing the revenge plan. Memo warned him not to drink, something might slip. And Ric is ticked about being kept out of the loop.

    K, I believe Ale, Memo and Ricardo are just compadres. But I could be wrong. None of the townspeople seem to remember Memo either.

    Dondi356: Thank you very much for your hardworking recap of last night's episode. Something tells me Ricardo's big ass mouth will put Alejandro in danger.

    The look on Alejandro's face when Mariana figured out he was the Count LOL. She's NOT stupid Alejandro.

    Kat: I need to see more information about Cayetana's backstory. Sounds like they're implying Ricardo & Cayetana might be a potential couple down the road.......if they're still alive by then.

    Susan: Franco Santorro/Eduardo Juarez from "MANANA ES PARA SIEMPRE" brought me right here LOL. Fernando Colunga sure knows how to portray two different folks.

    Juanita: Bothered me seeing Buji Joise bullying Sofia's hair, weight, dress attire, etc.,

  15. conde

    ¡Muchísimas gracias! dondi, for another marvellous recap. Thanks, too, for correcting the error you caught in part 1 of the recap. The error went right by me, unnoticed, but your correction was very helpful in explaining who Leticia is.

    So David and Lorena are a couple. David may think they can ignore their parents' beliefs and rivalry, but I kinda suspect he's mistaken. I wonder how long it will take for him to realize what a contemptible [bleep] his father is. (Of course, there's also the question of whether Gerardo IS his biological father.)

    I'm not sure where the Ruben/Pedro thread is going.

    Wow, Gerardo, Felipe, and Josie don't trust El Conde. My money is on Josie for discovering some serious holes in El Conde's story.

    I wonder how long it will take before Ale realizes that Mariana did not betray him and still loves him. And, indeed, that he still loves her.

    Again, many many thanks, dondi. I'm eagerly looking forward to tonight's episode and your recap.

  16. Conde

    Donde, thank you for an excellent , detailed recap.

    There are so many characters , and I must admit that my head is spinning a bit trying to sort everyone out and understand who are the bad Guys and who are the good guys. The Gallardos are the good guys whom Ale wants to help. Doesn't Alfredo recognize him?

    So. Pedro seems to have inherited his loathsome father Felipe's bad blood. Pedro seems like a real Wheeler dealer , and we see his connection to both drunken skunk Ruben and slick, guaypo Antonio.

    And Pedro's aunt now works for el Conde .

    Memo seems loyal, but Ricardo is a sketchy loose canon. Cay and Ricardo make quite a pair . I wonder how, where , and when Ale met Cay and how he helped her.

    How soon will Ale learn that Mar didn't betray him?
    Here we go.... Susan

  17. Conde,

    Thanks for another great recap, Dondi. This just keeps rolling along and keeping my interest. Loved the scene when Mariana first recognized Alejandro at his visit with Gerardo.

  18. Conde

    I tried to put together a who beget who (thanks to Dondi's wonderful recaps), please point out any additions or corrections.

    I was confused about Paulina marrying Felipe, her brother ??, I'm guessing Josefina brought her son to Benjamin's 2 daughters ??

    Benjamín Zambrano + Josefina
    .Felipe Zambrano + Paulina de Zambrano (step?)
    .Mariana (step?) + Gerardo Villarreal (father Leopoldo)
    ...David (?)
    ...Gabriela Villarreal

    Felipe Zambrano + Aracely (tia is Lucrecia)

    Vicente Garcia + Carmen

    Alfredo Gallardo
    ...Javier (grandson)

    Gonzalo Aguilar + (both murdered)
    .Miguel + Ernestina

    Ricardo Sánchez +


    Deb: Looks like the upcoming Telenovela "Sed de Venganza" will likely a remake of the Colombian Telenovela "Pura Sangre". From what I've heard, Isabella Castillo (AKA Diana Amuhada from "SENOR") will be the main Antagonist.

    Dondi356: I plan on watching "SED DE VENGANZA" when it debuts.

  20. Deb,
    Benjamin was Mariana's father. Not sure when he married Josephina. I would have thought Felipe would have a different last name because I'm pretty sure he was a stepson to Ben. When Ben discovered his wife's affair he had his lawyer draw up a new will leaving everything to Mariana, which Josefina nixed with her threats to the lawyer. I'm thinking that will may eventually be overturned in the revenge game as I'm sure Ben never signed it.

    I'm tempted to rewatch episode 1 now I actually know (hopefully) who the characters are. I guess those who know most of the actors can put faces to names easier. I've only seen FC, ABC, and the actors that play Felipe and Leticia in previous shows.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

    25.) Everyone enjoying the party at the Cpunt's mansion.

    26.) Alejandro/The Count delivers some re.arks followed by Cayatena.

    27.) We see the opening credits with the musical theme music. Looks nice.

    28.) Pedro & That Drunk scheming & plotting. At this point, I won't mind seeing Pedro getting killed off.

    29.) Big Mouth Ricardo shows up at the nightclub & speaks with Pedro. Nothing good is coming of this period.

    30.) Sometime during the episode, Mariana telling Paulina she's still in love with Alejandro. She probably told Paulina that the Count & Alejandro are the same person OMG.

    31.) Lucrecia bumps into Felipe. Lucrecia jas some flashbacks & begins to freak out.

    32.) We see Leticia attending the party as well. She's noticing something about the Count too: Hmmm. Sometime during the episode, we see the Count & Vicente discussing something business related I'm assuming Hotel Garcia. Plus, Violeta attended the party too.

    33.) Guillermo calms down Lucrecia, who was hyperventilating in the kitchen.

    34.) Amaranta performs some gypsy dancing in front of Paulina, Felipe & Co., we see Paulina looking excited. Amaranta pretends to have some sixth sense issues about past deeds. We see the flashback of Buji Joise killing someone.

    35.) Everyone looking at the pictures at the party.

    36.) The Telenovela slowly moving along with Alejandro/Joaquin giving the group of guests the death stare, thinking about ways to unleash his revenge plots against them.

    37.) Cayatena looks uncomfortable seeing Vicente smoking his cigar. We see some flashbacks of a young Cayatena playing some musical dancing toy while Vicente is smoking his cigar years earlier. Cayatena whispers to Alejandro & Memo about Vicente.

  22. Conde #10 part 1

    Thanks for getting us started, Steve. Here are more details.

    Ricardo is drunk and full of resentment. He shouts at Ale and Memo, I’m just a lackey of a millionaire who likes to play God! Memo tries to calm Ricardo. Ale says to let Ric be, and he will explain everything. Ric doesn’t want to listen, he wants give Ale a beating and raises his arm. Ale slaps him down and says, let’s take this outside.

    Mari tells Pau that Alejandro is alive. She says, seeing him again confirmed how much I still love him. Pau replies, you are in love with his memory. Alejandro is dead, it’s impossible. Ale was a humble man who could barely read. He died in Mexico. The count is European. He is a nobleman, educated, powerful.

    Outside, Ale dares Ricardo to hit him. Ric grabs Ale. Why did you trust Memo and not me? Why did you leave me behind? My only two friends! He starts pushing and punching at Ale. He stops and stares at Ale, then gives him a big hug.

    Ale explains he didn’t abandon Ric. He had to run. There was no time to look for him. Ale says, since I returned, I’ve been keeping an eye on you. I promise that I will deliver justice. Can I count on you? Ric nods yes.

    Amaranta is waiting inside when Ale and Ric return. She’s there to see Ric. Ale tells Amaranta she can live there if she wants. She thanks him. Ale and Memo leave the room.

    Amaranta delivers a bofetada to Ric for abandoning her. Ric remembers her saying she wouldn’t set foot in this house. Amaranta accuses, you don’t know women. We are partners till death do us part.

    Memo reports he has found Ruben, who has been missing since his wife’s murder. Ruben and Pedro are partners again. We get a quick scene of Ruben and Pedro conducting shady business, while Memo keeps tabs on them.

    Ale thinks the info they gathered proved valuable. Here’s Felipe Zambrano’s lost son and grandson of Josefina. Ale and Memo think Pedro will nicely fit into their plans.

    Fancy invitations in gold lettering are delivered to the Zambranos, the Villarreals, Vic Garcia, the Gallardos, and the Aguilars. Each invite contains a diamond. The invitation is from the Marquis of Medinal Cocli and Count Joaquin of Montenegro. There are different reactions to the invite.

    Javier says, we must go. Where is that, Don Alfredo asks. Leticia thinks it’s a good time to thank the Count for all he’s done for them. Alfredo can’t bring himself to go and face the vultures who turned their backs on them.

    Ernestina tells Miguel this is the Count showing his support. Miguel isn’t sure. Powerful people think money buys everything. His candidacy isn’t for sale. She talks him into it.

    David is eager to go and asks his father. Gerardo isn’t sure if he wants to be connected to “that eccentric clown”. Mari looks uneasy.

    Josie looks a bit unsettled at first, but I think she is beginning to see an opportunity.

    We can’t miss this party, Violeta tells Vic. He agrees. He’s another opportunist.

    Dolores worries about having nothing to wear to the party. Teresa is holding her doll and thinking about her mother. She asks Dolores, do you remember mom? Dolores scolds Tere, why are you talking about someone who doesn’t deserve to be called a mother? She never cared about us. Tere says she would like to see her again.

    Party time.

    David is excited to be at the party of the year. Gerardo notes Mari looks pale.

    The Count makes his entrance and addresses the guests. It’s a pleasure to have you here. You might be wondering why I came to San Jacinto. My mother was born here. She told me wonderful stories about his place. I hope I can count on your friendship, and I hope you never forget this night.

    Josie whispers to Felipe they need to find out more about the Count. Felipe says Gerardo is working on it.

  23. conde #10 part 2

    Cayetana appears and welcomes everyone. She tells the guests that the Count loves photography. She signals for the help to unveil some photos in the room. They are pictures of the Gallardo ranch.

    The party continues. Mari is looking at a pic of horses, one dark, one white. Like hers and Ale’s back in the day. She has a flashback to the day he saved her on the horse. Pau comes up behind her. Anxious Mari says, don’t you see it? Now you’ve seen him in person. Once again Pau tells her it can’t be. Mari answers, those eyes are his. It’s him. Pau says Ale was an overseer, not a count. Mari can’t shake her feeling.

    Felipe bumps into Lucretia and she reels. She recognizes him. Araceli pointed him out to her long ago. In the kitchen, she tells Memo that her sister’s murderer is one of the guests. She can’t handle it. Memo reassures her.

    Gerardo tells Josie he sold the Gallardo ranch to Ale. Josie says he should have told her before selling. She thinks he struck a deal with the devil.

    Finally, some opening credits. Song: “Si Usted Fuera Yo”, by Christian Nodal.

    Ale comes up behind Vic as he looks at a pic of his former workplace. Ale asks, do you like that photo? Rodrigo (Don Alfredo’s son) comes over. He says that was Vic’s house when he worked at the ranch. Ale says the photographer told him the house had tragedy. Vic says yes, those were hard times. But that was long ago.

    There’s tension between Rodrigo and Vic, even though they shake hands. Rodrigo says he should have come by to see Alfredo. Vic gets uncomfortable and says he will stop by.

    Rodrigo introduces himself and Leticia to Ale. She says they can’t stay. Rodrigo thanks Ale in his father’s name for everything and hands him a letter from Alfredo. Ale says no thanks necessary, give my regards to your father.

    Josie stops Ale to introduce herself. He knows her from the papers. She’s a generous and charitable woman. Josie gets nosy and asks, what was your mother’s name? Important families in SJ know each other. Ale replies, Maria del Pilar Medrano. Josie doesn’t remember her. Ale says his mom went to Europe long ago. She was an only daughter. Josie questions why Ale chose to buy the Gallardo ranch. Cayetana comes over and saves Ale from further interrogation.

    Ricardo shows up at Antonio’s (?) bar. He calls out for a bottle of whiskey, and he says he will buy everyone a round. Pedro sees an opportunity and comes over. What are we celebrating? Ric tells him he got a good job with a rich man—a noble and eccentric man from Europe. Ric makes sure he flashes mucho dinero when he buys cigars from a girl. Pedro is very interested.

    Mari can’t take her eyes off Ale. Gerardo comments that Ale is strange. His words don’t seem to match what he’s thinking or feeling. Mari thinks Ale might be lonely. A man can have everything and still be unhappy.

    Miguel comes over to speak with Ale. Ale mentions Gonzalo and says many people remember him with love and respect. Miguel says his father was particularly loved by the farmers. He believed in equity and justice. Gerardo hijacks the convo and greets Miguel. The candidates engage in a little verbal sparring.

    Pedro fishes for info. Ric says the Count is looking for a missing person. He’s paying big bucks. Pedro says he can help. He’s good at finding people. Uh, oh, drunk Ruben shows up. Ric pulls his hat down and looks away and Pedro quickly sends Ruben to the bar so he can close a deal with Ric.

  24. conde #10 part 3

    Ale tells Gerardo he came over at the right time. They were talking about Gonzalo Aguilar. Gerardo says it was unfortunate what happened to him. Ale says it was more like a cunning crime. Both he and his wife were killed. Ale asks, what happened to the murderer?

    Gerardo says the killer was a farmer. Miguel recounts he was studying in the Capital when it happened. Although the culprit was found and incarcerated, he says, I heard many versions of my parents’ death. One was an innocent man was framed to protect the guilty ones. He looks at Gerardo.

    Gerardo immediately claims it is a lie. I was the DA in SJ when it happened, he says, the murderer was the overseer of the Gallardo estate, Alejandro Gaitan. Ale asks, did Gaitan act alone? Gerardo says there were witnesses who saw it.

    Miguel thinks this makes no sense. Why would a worker do this by himself? What would he gain? I heard he and my father were friends. Gerardo puts forward the Alfredo Gallardo rumor but adds it couldn’t be proved. Miguel recalls Leo Villarreal was the one against his father because his father refused to be a puppet. Ale stops the convo before it gets ugly.

    Amaranta comes in to entertain with an exotic dance. She zeroes in on Pau and Felipe. Felipe enjoys it. Paul looks a bit uncomfortable. Josie rolls her eyes. [It’s weird.]

    Gerardo tells Vic he sold Gallardo estate to the count for the filming of Cayetana’s movie. Vic asks, did you know he hired Alfredo to work the ranch? Vic says to keep an eye on Ale. Gerardo replies he’s got his people working on it and a report should come soon.

    Gerardo asks Vic if he found anything about David’s kidnappers. Only that they came from the Capital. Gerardo warns Vic this can’t happen again. Gerardo is the law, but Vic oversees the underworld. He will blame Vic. We are partners, Gerardo reminds, but I know how easily you betray your friends.

    Cayetana says Amaranta also reads cards, palms, and auras. Felipe is intrigued. Pau looks worried. Josie intervenes as Amaranta goes to read Pau.

    Amaranta begins to sense a spirit calling for “Chepita”. Josie is stunned. She has a flashback to whacking her mother with a shovel. Chepita… Chepita… darling. The spirit has an important message. The energy is so strong. It’s a poor woman she was so sad and tormented she had a horrible death. Amaranta becomes unsteady and Cayetana takes her away. Josie is affected.

    Ale approaches Mari. Cue their song. She asks, where did you grow up? In Spain, he answers. Everything feels so local, she says. He replies it’s his mother’s influence. Ale hopes Mari is feeling better. She apologizes. He understands—sometimes the past doesn’t stay in the past. [Ale still loves Mari]

    Ale tells Mari, I would like to see you again. Then he quickly clarifies—you and your husband can come to visit. Cayetana would like to be friends. She starts to ask about his relationship with Cayetana but Memo interrupts.

    Memo is worried about Lucrecia being upset over Felipe.

    Ale makes a toast. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in destiny. I welcome you all. Everyone heads to the dinner table.

    There’s tension at the table. Some of the guests are enjoying it more than others.

    Cayetana focuses on Vic as he lights his cigar. She has a fuzzy flashback. A little girl gets a music box. Vic is there. Another man appears, it’s Tomas Altamirano. The girl runs to him and hugs him. [I take it this means that Cayetana is Altamirano’s daughter from the photo, and Ale has her there to avenge her father.]

  25. conde #10 part 4

    Cayetana is unsettled. She leans over to Ale and says, I know that man (Vic). Ale asks, are you sure? She nods.

    After the party Memo asks Ale, did everything go as you wanted? Ale is satisfied. Ric rushes in and says he was successful. Pedro is greedy, he loves money. Ruben was in bad shape. Fortunately, he was too drunk to recognize Ric.

    Pau thinks about the party and does her own version of Amaranta’s dance. Sofi catches her in the act. She wants to know if she can stay in SJ and asks, will you help convince grandma? Pau agrees.

    Ale laments that he gave Ruben a chance, but he didn’t take it. He explains about the diamond and how Ruben fell in with Pedro, the man who murdered his wife. Memo takes it from there. He explains that Lucrecia took the blame for the crime. Ric wonders how they knew all this. Memo says they’ve been gathering information for years. They found Lucrecia in prison and help her get out. Ric asks why Pedro? There’s more to Pedro, Ale replies.

    We see Lucrecia crying and praying. There’s a flashback to Araceli and little Pedro and the discovery of Araceli’s body.

    Cayetana comes to Ale’s room. Neither one can sleep—the party affected them both. Cayetana says Vic made her feel uneasy. She felt a shiver when she was introduced to him. What do you know about him, she asks. He tells her not now.

    Cayetana can tell Ale is upset. He says it’s nothing. She knows him, she can tell something is troubling him. She asks, is this about Mariana Zambrano de Villarreal? [Oooh, Cayetana is jealous, and Ale is busted!]

    And we are out.

  26. Dondi
    Thanks for the recap. Who was Altamirano and how did he die. I guess I could rewatch the first few episodes and find out. I actually watched this episode with English cc. Usually I stick with Spanish but I was too lazy to change it and some important stuff is happening now so I let it be.

    I get an ick factor with Vic, like maybe he molested Cay. I'm sure information will come to light.

    Is Josephina playing a character older than her real age? She looks comparable in age to her son and Mariana now. In the early episodes she looked appropriate age and the others too old, and now it is reversed, 😂

    I was surprised when Ale commented on her generosity and charity. I guess sometimes even the villains do good things.

  27. Conde

    Donde and Steve, thank you both for the recaps . I am still trying to remember all the characters and their connections . Both of your recaps helped me start to sort things out .

    Kat, Chantal Andere ( Josie) is around FC's age I suppose . They have been in several novelas together over the years, including "Amor Real" in which she was his evil housekeeper who fell crazy in love with him and tried to get him from away from his onetruelove Adela Noriego.

    Miguel is being played by Carlos Gatica. I just watched him in " Minas de Pasiones" as the sweet guy who loses the leading lady( Livia Brita) to the galan ( Oswaldo Leon). He was excellent in that show as a good as gold guy who helps everyone . I hope to see him as a galan one day. I like sweet , goodhearted guys.

    Marjorie Sousa ( Cay) always plays the femme fatale who wants the galan but doesn't have a chance because he is stoned in love with the leading lady . She is playing this type on " Golpe" right now trying to seduce Big Ed Yanez. Marjorie is beautiful in " El Conde." . I get a strong Monroe vibe , and wardrobe has put her in some beautiful 50s look clothes and a lovely hairstyle. I watched her as the bad girl in an old novela with Daniel Elbittar when they were both young.

    Thank you, Donde for explaining that Cay is the daughter of the guy Vic pushed off the building . I wonder if we will find out how Ale met her, or did Ale know that Vic killed her father and went looking for her ? Cay seems to be in love with Ale , but does she know he is Ale or believe he is el Conde?

    I can't keep the young people straight ...and don't care so much about their stories.

    I hope that Ric is a help to Ale and not a danger . Memo is a great friend to Ale .

    I watched a Cristina show from 11_years ago that was a great retrospective of FC's telenovelas. He then disppeared from Televisa and Univision. As I recall , A lot of actors disappeared at that time . Now I see them in telenovelas on both Telemundo and Univision. Back in the day, actors were either with one or the other .

    I like the way this show is slowly unfolding . FC is still amazing. He is still fascinating to observe .
    Here we go...... Susan

  28. Did anyone else get a look of less than professional interest from Paulina in Amaranta? Wasn’t Pau supposed to be some free-spirited artist type? Not that that means she has to be interested in other women but it fits a stereotype. And what happened to that artist she was? She just seems like a normal housewife now. Felipe doesn’t deserve a normal comfortable wife.

    Thanks, Deb, for the family trees. I think I’m going to have ti write that down and keep it by the tv. Like when epic novels have the characters and connections in the front of the book, this show needs a list to refer back to.


  29. conde

    Thanks for the comments.

    Kat and Susan, I can’t be 100% sure if Cayetana is the daughter of Tomas Altamirano, the hotel guy Vic killed. It looked like the photo matched the flashbacks. Vic said the daughter ran away, but it’s probably not the real story. I’m sure we will get the rest of it later.

    You could be on to something, K. That’s all I'll say. Pau looked uncomfortable as Amaranta danced. I thought they might know each other. And then there was the way Josie immediately stepped in to stop Amaranta from reading Pau’s palm. Felipe's marriage proposal was strange. Maybe Pau was forced to marry to avoid a scandal.

    Thanks for the family tree, deb. I’m still unclear on whether Felipe is Benny’s bio son or maybe Benny adopted him when he married Josie. Rodrigo is Alfredo’s son, husband of Leticia, father of Javier. Paulina is the daughter of Concepcion de Salinas. I never caught her father’s name. Ricardo impregnated Juanita, who died giving birth to little Ricky.

  30. conde

    Steve, thanks again for getting us started. And dondi, muchas gracias for yet another wonderfully helpful and detailed recap.

    I know I'm making progress in figuring out what's going on, but my head is still having a hard time keeping everyone and everything straight. I'm still not sure where Ruben fits into the plot. Why did Ale try to help him? I think Ruben claims at one point that Beatriz, his wife, doesn't love or respect him. Did he have a wife before her? Was he in the room when Pedro stabs Beatriz? Why does he take up with Pedro?

    Also, how does Lucretia know that Felipe killed her sister?

    And how in the world does Amaranta know about Josie's killing her mother? How would she (or anyone else except for Josie) know about "Chepita"?

    I'm also a bit uncomfortable with the excesses Ale goes to as El Conde. For example, including a diamond with each invitation. And why does he say to his assortment of chosen guests, "I hope you never forget this night"?

    Sorry to be so dense. I can only say that I'd be a lot MORE dense were it not for all the wonderful recaps and comments.

  31. conde

    K, yes, I too wondered a bit about that.

  32. Conde

    Juanita...all good questions . I wonder if we will get some answers to them. Susan


    Juanita: Something tells me the Body Count will likely continue increasing. Gut feeling they'll drag this Telenovela out by Summer 2025.

    Kat: There's more pieces to the puzzle. Why do I get the feeling that there's another key player involved in the conspiracy to framing Alejandro ?

    Dondi356: I really hope Scumbag Vic didn't molest young Cayatena. I really hope I'm wrong....

  34. conde

    Thanks, Juanita. It seems Ale has been investigating and following everyone in and/or from SJ after he went to Europe. He’s learned a lot and has gathered a cohort of justice seekers.

    I don’t think Ruben started out as a bad guy. Ambition got the best of him, and he tried to play a game with Vic and Gerardo, but he wasn’t in their league. IIRC, he liked Margarita. Maybe Ale felt sorry for him.

    Ruben was there when Beatriz was stabbed. She took the diamond, and he went after her. She picked up a knife. Pedro intervened and tried to get the knife from Beatriz, and she was stabbed in the struggle. Pedro didn’t mean to kill her. He was horrified. Pedro talked Ruben into a partnership.

    Lucrecia knows Felipe is Pedro’s daddy and how Araceli tried to get him to take responsibility. I suppose that is enough to make her believe Felipe is the killer. Araceli was going to speak to Josie and that was the last Lucrecia saw her alive. And maybe Ale uncovered some evidence to confirm.

    I have no idea how Amaranta came up with “Chepita”. The only other person who knows about Josie’s mom is Antonio. Did Ale find out? Was there another witness we don’t know about?

    Steve, I’m sure the body count will increase. Might give ESDLC a run for its money. Yes, I hope Vic didn’t molest Cayetana. I know Kat mentioned that, too.

    I like the fast pace of this TN. But one needs to pay close attention. Does anyone know how many episodes this has?

  35. Dondi, I wondered about how many episodes there are also. I wouldn't mind something in the 50 range as a change of pace. I did go back and watch the first 2 episodes again. I wonder why only a dozen or so remained for the dinner party when the ballroom, hall? was chock full of guests. Guess the friends and enemies made the short list. ( And the diamonds). It seems the teenagers weren't included in the late supper party.

  36. Maybe Amaranta really is a little bit psychic? Possible there was a witness but did the mom call Josefina “Chepita” at the time? I’d prefer Ama get psychic info about the real will. Jo’s mom kinda deserved to be murdered, although it seems like her to harass Jo from the beyond.

