
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of July 8, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) - Friday only

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas)  Friday only

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas) Friday only

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 


  1. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 1

    With machetes drawn, JE identifies himself as a member of United Missionaries (UM) and explains how he rescued Treeman. He is on a peace mission to teach new farming techniques. The doctor is familiar with his troupe and tells Machete Mafia to stand down. She is duly impressed with his tourniquet game. The patient will live.

    Ang thanks Jimena for the wardrobe switcheroo and declares she needs to find JE. How could he do this? Everyone lists the reasons (wedding, Renato, etc.). Surprisingly supportive Elena says he will call. Ang says he has no phone and continues beating herself up.

    The doctor tends to Treeman and asks if JE studied medicine. He admits only basic first aid. Doc says she appreciates his help. It’s a small community and sometimes she cannot keep up. She is Dra. Julia Padilla. She asks him to forgive the natives. She hopes he’s not a scaredy cat who regrets coming. Together they work on Treeman.

    Rebecca is furiously trying to call JE and is sure he is with Ang. Romina asks her about her contract. No deal. Per Reb, d. Emilio is too busy and may die before getting around to seeing her. She doubts the contract will happen any time soon and leaves.

    Dr. Oohlala tells JE she chose to live and work in an isolated place as it helps her forget all the wrongdoings THEY have done. She says good people are transparent and she can see sadness in his eyes. There, he will find peace. They go back to working on Treeman who has a gnarly gash on his leg. They both check each other out.

    Doris is ecstatic to learn that JE went to UM INSTEAD of Sebas. Then she is concerned. You know? For optics.

  2. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 2

    Cristina briefs d. Emilio & Adolfo on JE’s situation. Bruno overhears that JE has joined UM and is completely incommunicado. d. Emilio is stoked to learn Ang did not marry. NuPop Adolfo is concerned about his safety. d. Emilio says JE is no pazguato (doofus). He grew up in the field. He’s a man, Baby! He’ll be fine. D. Emilio is beside himself and very excited for JE & Ang.

    Misael wakes up with Excedrin®️ Headache #65. Bruno calls with the scoop on JE - he’s gone and can’t do anything against Mis. This is his chance to get back in business. He needs to get back to get revenge on Rebeca.

    Fátima calls Seb and learns UM has no cell or internet service. She will call UM day and night (which Ang is already doing).

    Mati asks Luciano to purchase the premium advantage token for the Beanie Bros. game she plays with Lucas. She wants to surprise her BF. Luc agrees because it’s half-price and hands her his Descubre card. She hugs him and says she can always count on him.

    Romina is grousing about her funky little salary when Adolfo stops by with divorce papers. Chismoso Bruno tells Mónica Reb is furious that she can’t secure Romina’s salary.

    d. Emilio is back and in charge - wheeling and dealing with Cris and Gabriela like an old pro. Misael comes a calling. He is there to prove (by actions) that he wants to save the company. He will always fight for the company and defend his family from Rebeca. He gives d. Emilio his (own) company shares and asks for a 2nd chance. DE agrees and puts him on a short leash. Mis wants DE to be proud of him. Away from all, Mis says Phase One is over, and it’s time to sock it to Reb. Cris & DE agree that family should always get a 2nd chance. Cris will call a company meeting so DE can announce his decision.

  3. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 2

    Cristina briefs d. Emilio & Adolfo on JE’s situation. Bruno overhears that JE has joined UM and is completely incommunicado. d. Emilio is stoked to learn Ang did not marry. NuPop Adolfo is concerned about his safety. d. Emilio says JE is no pazguato (doofus). He grew up in the field. He’s a man, Baby! He’ll be fine. D. Emilio is beside himself and very excited for JE & Ang.

    Misael wakes up with Excedrin®️ Headache #65. Bruno calls with the scoop on JE - he’s gone and can’t do anything against Mis. This is his chance to get back in business. He needs to get back to get revenge on Rebeca.

    Fátima calls Seb and learns UM has no cell or internet service. She will call UM day and night (which Ang is already doing).

    Mati asks Luciano to purchase the premium advantage token for the Beanie Bros. game she plays with Lucas. She wants to surprise her BF. Luc agrees because it’s half-price and hands her his Descubre card. She hugs him and says she can always count on him.

    Romina is grousing about her funky little salary when Adolfo stops by with divorce papers. Chismoso Bnruno tells Mónica Reb is furious that she can’t secure Romina’s salary.

    d. Emilio is back and in charge - wheeling and dealing with Cris and Gabriela like an old pro. Misael comes a calling. He is there to prove (by actions) that he wants to save the company. He will always fight for the company and defend his family from Rebeca. He gives d. Emilio his (own) company shares and asks for a 2nd chance. DE agrees and puts him on a short leash. Mis wants DE to be proud of him. Away from all, Mis
    says Phase One is over, and it’s time to sock it to Reb. Cris & DE agree that family should always get a 2nd chance. Cris will call a company meeting so DE can announce his decision.

  4. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 3

    Romina tries to play hardball with Adolfo until he reminds her there’s a video of her adulterous antics. Mónica (walking by) conveniently hears that last bit.

    Santiago and Elena return home where Rebeca aggressively pumps them for info. Elena tells her to mind her beeswax, and she actually pops off to Elena! Santi defends Elena, but delusional Reb insists JE & Reb are together. Elena tells her nobody knows anything.

    Dr. Oohlala shows JE a dilapidated shack he’ll call Home for the time being. Tomorrow they will go for supplies. JE walks off and the doctor cannot help but check his sleeves. Gait? Suitcase? Booty? She’s definitely noticing something. For the record, this is the second time he’s being checked out. In the cabana JE hears Doc’s earlier words about healing. He says he’s not sure if he can heal his heart and/or forget Ang.

    Ang begs and pleads to be seen and heard at UM while clutching a photo of her and JE in happier times. She will be allowed to go to UM HQ. She prays and then remembers her last (harsh) words to JE.

    JE wipes his eyes and vows to accept Ang has married the hairy chef. He opens Seb’s suitcase. All of a sudden he realizes none of the clothes will fit! He will have to buy new clothes! He looks for flu meds and thinks he may have caught Seb’s cooties. The doc comes by and says Treeman is having seizures. They’ll have to take him to town as she lacks the treating equipment. It will be a dangerous trek, and they’re off!

    Adolfo leaves a crying Romina with signed divorce papers in tow. Mónica pounces into action. She offers her deepest condolences: “¡Uy. Qué drama!” She will help Romina get what she wants with one condition: give her Rebeca!

  5. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 4

    @ the hacienda, Mati & Javi have prepared a romantic, outdoor lasagna picnic for Fati & Luc. They finish their decorations and hide. Luc happens upon the setting and finds a note: “Wait here for your love. We want you to be veryhappy! Sincerely, Mati & Javi.” Fati joins and he gives her the note. Romina has signed the divorce docs, and now they can proceed to get down with the get down. Will she accept? They kiss. Javi gags and covers his eyes. This is a very cute scene. A heavy make out session ensues then stops so they can enjoy the thoughtful setup. It’s near their tree, decorated, and homemade lasagna!!! “Te amo” ad nauseam.

    Mónica reminds Romina that she OWNS the ranch where Luc works. Someone could steal his phone and delete the incriminating video! She also knows a (crooked) judge who could reinstate custody. Romina agrees IF Joker can get the video. Joker waxes on about fidelity and says anyone who betrays her cannot count on it…and don’t you forget it!!!

    Dear God in Heaven, no! Please! NO! Tiger Beat is warbling @ Mari’s window. It’s aggravated assault on melody. Mati asks what he’s doing there and it’s lather.rinse.repeat. He hates Lucas. She loves Lucas. No means no, Gabriel. Age-shifter Sandra shows up right on cue (after Mati’s rejection). He growls and stalks off. She is officially dejected loverboy’s doormat.

    Ang unlocks the information vaults at UM by showing a wedding photo. A real young’un (priest?) shows her a map of a small village in the mountains surrounded by foggy woods. JE is in a neighboring community, but exact location is impossible to telll except by going there. Good luck!

    JE + Doc are getting the business from a native (jerarca = leader) grunting in foreign tongue. Doc explains he is unhappy with them moving Treeman. The local math: it costs 4 lives to save 1. Sneezy Joe (JE), Doc, Treeman, and Treeman Sr. will make the very dangerous trip into town.

    Armando tells Gi he couldn’t fess up to Doris @ the wedding because he’s a coward. She reassures him that there is plenty of time. What if she rejects him? Supportive Gi says there’s only one way to find out and promises to help them get close. Her strategy is “Better late than never” and they WILL become a family.

  6. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Part 5

    Doris is fussing at Sebas via phone for not updating her on his missionary position. He sneezes and plays the Flu Card. She brings it down dos rayitas and offers to make him some fresh herbal tea from the market. She’s on her way!

    Ang is surprised to find Big Reb outside Ang’s house. Reb asks how she likes living in that dump (cuchitril) and says she’s there to make fun of her. Canceling the wedding didn’t help; JE is gone. She deserves it! Ang asks if Reb has nothing better to do. Reb gloats that JE thinks she’s married and will quickly find comfort elsewhere. He’s done it before…with her…All of a sudden, Doris bursts onto the scene and stops Reb. Shocked, Reb tells Doris to butt out. Doris says she’s now aware of all the lies Reb has told. Doris tells Ang JC NEVER slept with Reb. Dramatic music and close-ups of these three dames close the show.

  7. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Well 3 out of 5 ain’t bad. Blogger ate Parts 2 and 3. I hope they are restored soon so you can read my attempt at recapping as intended.

  8. Vivir
    All there now. In fact part 2 is there twice at this time. Glad to see Misael on the warpath against Reb.

    Diana would have had something to say about Reb's black spaghetti strap dress I'm sure. She continues to wear tacky clothes.

    All this angst to find JE...let the poor guy serve a month as a missionary and get his head straight. Why does everyone have to jump from one relationship to another? Angelli was guilty of it with Renato. Now they appear to be setting one up with JE and the Dr.

    DE back on his game, he now needs to "free Petra"!!!

  9. Vivir

    Gracias, O.S. Super recap, plus I learn a new word (pazguato) that I can put to good use immediately.

    I love seeing Don Emilio in charge again. But I don't trust that Misael will keep his vendetta against Rebeca.

    Poor Treeman. JE, with his cooties from Sebas, has been breathing all over him.

    Yay! Doris finally takes on Rebeca.

  10. Vivir

    Thank you O.S.! I really appreciate your wit and snark, thank you for the giggles with my morning coffee. I rescued your missing parts from the Spam monster, yes, I even posted Part 2 twice, because I figured if 3 out 5 wasn't bad 6 out of 5 would be awesome!!! LOL No, really it's because I couldn't tell from the Spam folder if the comments were truly identical or if you might have edited/updated the comment on the 2nd attempt to post so I decided to post both and give you options just in case, but you can delete the second Part 2 comment if you want - the option is at the very bottom of the comment if you are the creator of the comment.

    I haven't watched the episode yet but it's good to read about some positive stuff going on - Mati and Javi playing match maker with Luciano and Fati!

    I'm 100% with Kat on: 'All this angst to find JE...let the poor guy serve a month as a missionary and get his head straight.' AMEN sister! The man went on a mission's TRIP, he didn't move to the ends of the Earth never to return, get a grip people!!! Reminds me of all the hoopla about how much Cris and Fatima were going to miss each other because Fatima was moving to the hacienda or Elena's breakdown because Angel was moving across town!

    So JE is going to get sick too?? Um, good thing there's a doctor nearby, imagine that!

  11. VIVIR

    O.S. your riveting recap was sensational! Such a spicy, savory treat. Your signature wit was on full display.

    Thank you so much for doing this.

    Like Niecie, I so enjoyed “pazguato (doofus)”. Other gems were “Surprisingly supportive Elena”, NuPop Adolfo” and “dump (cuchitril)”.

    Oh my yes “Dr. Oohlala” was definitely checking out JE (and I thought there was a flicker of interest on his part as well.

    Monica won’t rest until she has Rebeca’s head. Her vengeance quest knows no limit. That said, she is the only one capable of vanquishing Rebeca; Misael is too much the fool. Too bad her aligning with Romina will get her off the hook (for at least a while) and once again ruin Luciano and Fatima’s happiness.

    I was a bit disappointed that Don Emilio decided to give Misael another chance.

    “Age-shifter Sandra shows up right on cue (after Mati’s rejection). He growls and stalks off. She is officially dejected loverboy’s doormat” was perfect.

    Doris’ reveal now has her running down redemption road. Funny, when I watched the episode this morning, I realized this was the first time I watched the opening credits (as I’m already typing away). Doris has prominent billing which surprised me a bit. I look forward to her and Armando’s reunion (but not as much as Gi is apparently).

    I hope the characters stay in the fashions they wore yesterday so I can comment; they were a veritable buffet of beautiful vs. tawdry choices.

    Thank you Darcy for restoring your missing comments!


  12. Vivir was a great recap of all the continuing crazy. Thank you so much.

    JE 's new " missionary position"...ha...that gave me a morning giggle.

    And, he finally opened the Samsonite and found a few cootie filled clothes that fevered, sneezing Seb managed to throw in.

    Now, Angel is going to pack her classic neutral\pastel wardrobe into her tiny carryon and run off to the doubt find JE running through the jungle with Hot Doc.

    Yes, Diana would have noticed Reb'd black, spaghetti strapped , belted ...swimsuit?

    Yay, Doris finally let's the beans out of the bag and spills the cats .( That waa a direct steal from one of our beloved old recappers .)

    Don E is back in the game. ..kicking a** and taking names.

    Will Misery and Monica be the dynamic dup to take down Reb just before they themselved are taken down ?

    Has everyone forgotten that loyal serf Petra is still in prison? Susan

  13. VIVIR

    I meant to add I will recap today's episode.

    See you at showtime.


  14. Vivir. Thanks so much for stepping up, O.S. As someone else has noted, you even captured some of Diana's snark! I loved: "Treeman," "Machete Mafia," "Dr. OOHLALA," "Excedrin Headache # 65," "Tiger Beat." Ok, so no routine flu shots, but evidently the guys with machetes were just relatives and friends of the injured young man and wanted to be sure he was getting proper treatment. Fortunately, Dra. Julia was able to reassure them. I agree that Dra. Julia is being set up as a rival to Angelli. I wonder how sick JE will get. Also, Gi is emerging as a wonderful stepmom.

  15. VIVIR DE AMOR - Season 1 - Episode 90 - Patio Feedback

    Kat-Yes. I intentionally left the fashion review alone so Diana would have something to sink her teeth into upon return. That may have added 2 more parts to my recap, and I already tried to break Blogger. Thanks for keeping the Petra vigil alive.

    Niecie-Thanks for the kind words. Interesting take on Mis & Reb. It hadn’t dawned on me that Big Bang’s hate could be reversible. #thinline

    Darcy the Rescuer-Always an honor to get a laugh from you. In Learn Something New news, thank you so much for the editing tip. That will definitely come in handy in the future. I started to edit it, but 6 out of 5 is one heck of a way to start the weekend! LOL Our show is hardly subtle. JE will be “turning his head and coughing” in approximately 2.25 episodes!!

    Diana-Diana, Diana, Diana!!! You and Translator Gator were greatly missed. I forgot how hard (and fun) recapping a whole episode is. That ya’ll do this every episode, and you still find time to respond to each and every take is EPIC! Dinner & drinks are on me, Ladies! Please order to whole menu @ del Olmo Restaurante. I promise Tiger Beat won’t be performing. Welcome back! I hope you and your brother had a fantastic time!!!
    PS I know everyone is champing at the bit for your fashion review. Quick note: I hadn’t noticed that Santiago & Elena coordinated. In this episode’s light, his indigo tie matched her dress!

    Susan-Great minds giggle alike! It should have been clear that JE wouldn’t don Sebas’ cooties-ridden clothing; however, they did tease us with Ang+Jimena’s dress swap. Love the Beans & Cats remix. Old recappers RULE!!!

    SpanProf-Thanks for reading my little recap and the kind words. Gi’s familial enthusiasm is a little beanie-tastic, but it sure beats the tired ol’ evil madrastra trope.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's episode.

    13.) Miguel is facing some health issues for obvious reasons. His younger brother, Octavio has no clue of what's happening & they get on the plane to leave.

    14.) During the flight, we see Miguel having flashbacks him shooting Scumbag Eusenio to death among other crises.

    15.) Maricruz is giving Juanita the latest details of life, etc.,

    16.) Crazy Lucia is still gonna Crazy Lucia with her 783 million schemes to destroy everyone in the cast LOL.

    17.) Buji Carloca & Buji Blonde scheming about what else: Money! Money! Money!

    18.) Blondie Doris phones Ed over something that I couldn't comprehend.

    19.) Commercial breaks ensue including more steady diet of commercials.

    20.) Carloca plotting to undermine Maricruz as usual. You cannot defeat Maricruz ever!

    21.) Over at the Navarez Ranch: Esther speaks with Crazy Lucia about Miguel, plans for the ranch. Gut feeling Crazy Lucia will have problems with the pregnancy soon.

    22.) Raiza & Tony discussed Carola's scheme against Maricruz. What could possibly go wrong ?

    23.) Over at the Casino: We see Miguel & Ed meeting with Raiza while Octavio is distracted by seeing Maricruz again LOL.

    24.) The taunts between Octavio & Maricruz continues for the 83rd time LOL.

    25.) Miguel rambles to Raiza about the life he left behind when Octavio & Ed take him out of there. Yet, Miguel suddenly sees Maricruz & looks like he's seen a ghost LOL.

  17. Vivir de amor

    O.S., thank you for stepping into the breach and providing us with this excellent recap!
    I just loved "Doris is fussing at Sebas via phone for not updating her on his missionary position."

    Well, the machete guys did not get to hack JE to pieces... I suppose that's a good thing. I suppose.

    But lucky JE! Dra Julia is none other than Jackie Sauza (Erika Núñez in La mexicana y el güero). Some guys have all the luck.

    And Doris got some good news, that Sebastian didn't go off to the mission. Wow, Doris, that was really a dazzling 100 kilowatt smile!
    And Doris comes clean with Angel!
    Next up for Doris should be a meeting with Armando and Gi, and hopefully some sort of reconciliation.

    Things are actually happening now! And with the characters I actually care about. I love it! Soon Wanda and Pedrito.

    I am still confused by a few things. Why does Romina want the kids? She doesn't much care for them anyway, she would rather work on her career, such as it is, and I think by now she realizes that Luciano is not for her.

    And, yes, Free Petra!


  18. Vivir

    Thanks so much O.S. I enjoyed your recap and appreciate you stepping in to help Diana.

    So it’s just occurring to JE that the clothes he brought won’t fit him. And he ruined his one shirt. Although I’d be content if he wore his sleeveless shirt for the duration of his service! And I guess he and the doctor will have a romance, although hoping he uses the time more wisely. But what a bad time to leave the business. I hope Don Emilio is up to the task.

    So glad Doris exposed the truth to Angel. Rebeca is so nasty to people, who knows why. She was raised by loving parents.

    I’m loving Gi’s enthusiasm for being a family. I hope they tell Doris soon.

    I think if the video of Romina and Bruno is destroyed the kids will still stick with their dad. But this could slow down Luciano’s and Fatima’s romance.

    We know the bad guys won’t win but the writers are sure putting us through a lot!


  19. VIVIR #91 Part 1

    Yesterday, Doris boldly confronted Rebeca (in an inexplicable black romper with pleather top and razor thin spaghetti straps) saying she now knows ALL of Rebeca’s lies. She then turned to Angel and said JE NEVER slept with Rebeca!! In the present, in a panic, Rebeca tries to lead Doris away but Doris isn’t budging! She won’t remain quiet and tells Angel that Rebeca drugged JE and lied about spending the night with him. Doris is revving up and continues that Rebeca tried to make JE believe the baby was his when it was Misael’s. Angel is cara impactada throughout this litany until Alma arrives and tells Rebeca to git. Beca glowers at the small crowd that is gathering, sneering and telling them to go home. As she leaves, Beca threatens Doris that she will pay! After Angel tells Doris to calm down, Doris reveals how Rebeca always made Angel out to be the bad one. Angel thanks Doris.

    Julia and JE arrive at the town hospital, asking for a doctor. JE sits and hacks; Julia gives him meds to take when they get to the hotel. JE tells Julia he would like to walk around the town tomorrow. “Muy bonito” Jullia agrees as she stares at him transfixed.

    Doris takes Angel to a fortune teller whom Doris continually interrupts and gets told to talk to the hand. The woman tells Angel that the man who loves her is suffering from a broken heart…and there is a woman close to him who will heal him (Seeing the besotted glint in the doctora’s eyes, I imagine that is one way to put it).

    Fatima and Luciano are still having their outdoor, candlelit romantic dinner. Fatima hopes that peace will return to Luciano’s home and that she will be able to gain his children’s love. Luciano isn’t worried because Fatima will win them over just as she did with him. They talk about the divorce and Luciano, a sweet, crooked little half smile on his face, hopes his kids will understand.

    In a deleted scene from the airing I saw; Lupe and Marisa are surprised that Angel is leaving. After Angel asks them to take over at the factory, Marisa states that she is glad Angel will look for the love of her life.

    Sebas is sneezin’ away as he warns Doris that he is contagious but Doris argues that she is very strong and she won’t leave him alone and will take care of him.

    Luciano thanks his children for the dinner. After Mati tells him they did it for him, Luciano says he wants to talk with them. Is it about mi mama Mati inquires? He tells them about the divorce and assures them they will live with him. They all hold hands and seem very happy.

    Fatima smiles as she recalls being with Luciano. She plans to put all her effort into making sure that their love endures and that the children will accept her.

    Elena (who has finally changed her clothes) wants to accompany Angel who wants to recapture the love of her life. Angel assures her mother she will be fine. Mother and daughter are clearly working to repair their fractured relationship, Elena calling Angel “mi amor” and Angel telling her mother that she loves her.

    A burning sun rises. JE and Julia set out for a tour of the town. JE wants to start working but Julia says it’s important he recover first. It appears phones are precious, few and far between as JE asks where he can find one.

    Rebeca arrives at the office and Romina is right there to greet her. Romina tells Rebeca that Don Emilio has called a meeting but she doesn’t know what it is for. Rebeca orders her to find out what missionaries JE left with.

    Angel arrives in the town, carrying her suitcase and jacket. She smiles as she muses that she is getting closer to JE.


  20. VIVIR #91 Part 2

    JE finally finds a telephone and phones a friend. He calls Gabriela as we see Angel making inquiries about the missionaries.

    Gabriela tells JE that everyone is at a meeting so JE gives her a number where they can leave a message. “Perfecto” she comments. Like ships that pass in the night, Angel talks to a missionary while JE passes by, mere steps away, unnoticed!!

    Rebeca demands to know what the meeting is about, stating she doesn’t think it is important. And as she starts to stalk out, Don Emilio calls her back telling her if she isn’t interested in the important things concerning the company, she can leave. He starts to explain further but Rebeca interrupts to ask for Romina’s salary. She is shut down quickly so the meeting can continue.

    Elena (in an interesting embroidered black dress) tells Santi that she is worried because she hasn’t found the money she was planning to use to pay the vendors. Santi tells her not to worry and not to ask Rebeca for money. He has a job now and will give her the money she needs. Elena then darkens the conversation by bringing Rebeca up but Santi doesn’t feel sorry for Rebeca and is convinced (rightly so) that Rebeca only wants to hurt them; the problem is that Elena doesn’t seem to accept this.

    Don Emilio explains that Misael will return to the company. As Rebeca vehemently disagrees, Monica and Misel laugh at her. Don Emilio reveals that since Misael gave him his shares, he is now the majority stakeholder. Beca swills a sip of water as Don Emilio thanks his grandson. Rebeca shakes her head as Don Emilio smiles in delight.

    Don Emilio tells the members that as the major stockholder and founder of the company, he can make the appropriate decisions without a vote. After Rebeca scoffs that she will be getting shares from JE as part of her divorce agreement, Monica and Misael snicker and Cris tells her that she doesn’t have those shares and won’t be able to put her hands on them. Rebeca insists that JE will have to give her half of the company! Cris reiterates that she can’t use them until she has them…and asks her not to interrupt again. As Don Emilio smirks, Adolfo smiles and Misael gives Rebeca a triumphant smirk, my spirits are buoyed considerably!

    In another deleted scene, Armando shows GI that he is sweating. Gi tells him to calm down…he needs to be very careful how he tells Doris the news. He practices his speech but Gi thinks Doris will slap him; she suggests that he allow Gi to talk first. When they see that Doris’s booth is closed, Armando thinks something must have happened. They see Wanda who tells them Doris went with Sebas…and who knows when she will return.


  21. VIVIR #91 Part 3

    The newly nurturing Doris (in her valentine red plunging neck spaghetti strap dress) is taking care of Sebas. He is impressed that the tea is working better than the meds. She then gives him some chicken soup, using the airplane feeding technique favored by mothers to feed infants since time began. Actually, it was rather cute. Sebas appreciates all she has done…he had forgotten how good it feels to have someone worry and take care of him. Doris feels the same—she likes being with him…so it’s no sacrifice to be with him. Sebas pulls her out of her seat with soft, yielding kisses.

    The leader of the village thanks JE as he continues to cough. Julia worries but JE thinks it will pass and he will be fine. He then urges everyone that they start working.

    Angel asks for directions to the village, the missionary tells her that they will be sending meds and supplies in about a week; since there is a thick fog, they can’t go earlier. Angel repeats “in a week?” She insists she needs to go there TODAY!

    Monica reproaches Misael for giving his shares to his grandfather. Misael explains that was the only way he could get his grandfather to give him another chance. Monica worries about him, that is why she made a deal with Romina who will give them info on what Rebeca has planned. When Monica worries that Rebeca could get the upper hand, Misael assures her that he has taken care of that. Monica looks a bit dubious as does viewerville.

    Rebeca (wearing a hideous, tight long skirt with a slit to the top of her leg, mustard top and black studded jacket) tells Romina that she doesn’t think Misael will try anything; that is why Romina needs to get any info from Bruno. Just then, Rebeca’s lawyer calls with some bad news—JE’s lawyer provided some evidence against her so the case is CLOSED!

    Amid spectacular mountain scenery, a man introduces Angel to a guide and warns her about the fog because people have gotten lost and never found. Later, somewhere in uncharted territory, Angel worries that they are going in circles. As thunder claps in the background, the guide tells Angel a storm is coming and that they need to hurry. Angel runs to catch up.

    Julia confesses to JE that when they were in town she googled him and knows that he is a millionaire who has no need to be experiencing hardships in that community. JE admits that he has suffered. Julia thinks it’s because he is divorcing his wife; so he confides that the woman he loves married someone else. Julia understands why he wants to go far away. JE assumes she went through a similar situation since she understands him…he tells her Angel will be the only love of his life. Julia (who has known JE for a NY minute) speeds down the track like an out of control freight train, wasting no time in making her move! Putting her hands on his chest and slowly and sinuously moving them up to his neck, she tells JE that she would like him to be the one who will make her believe in love again. He stares with a bit of a furrowed brow.


  22. VIVIR #91 Part 4 of 4

    JE murmurs that he doesn’t know how long he will be there; Julia shouldn’t get her hopes up…the love of his life is Angel. Julia reminds him that Angel is married and he shouldn’t spend the rest of his life alone. He insists that his heart will never stop loving her. He puts Julia off saying he doesn’t want to talk anymore. Julia (finally) worries about JE’s cough and leads him back.

    The guide talks about the heavy fog, but (claims to) know the roads well. Angel goes after him.

    JE thinks about what Julia told him, but he vows aloud to never forget Angel…that will be his punishment for making so many mistakes. As he tries to dry his tears, a man enters with a beverage that the locals take.

    As Romina sits and listens, Rebeca gets a call from the attorney. She asks what evidence was presented and then curses Misael when she hears the answer! She then tells the attorney he is worthless!

    Romina points out that Rebeca has no money or shares. When she adds that Rebeca ended up helping JE, Rebeca snaps that she won’t be able to kick out “the dinosaur” (she deserves Hades for that alone) and will lose the presidency. Rebeca doesn’t know what she will do but swears they will pay. Romina then worries about her salary but Rebeca tells her she will have to settle for what she has…and she should be happy they don’t kick her to the curb!

    Monica sneers “I told you so” at Misael and hopes he doesn’t even think about getting involved with that “nothing”! Misael snarls that he HATES Rebeca for making a fool of him and rejecting his love! Clamping his hair in her fist, Monica vows to help him destroy her; and Misael vows that Rebeca will fall!

    At that moment, Rebeca storms in and snarls that they ruined her plan. Misael sneers, countering he will stop any of her attempts to attack them! Rebeca warns that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. More threats are bandied about until Rebeca reveals that she knows he killed Dulce and her baby. He lunges at her and puts his hands around her throat. I believe Rebeca countered with something about Mau (?) if anyone can fill in this blank, kindly do so.

    Today’s episode ends with Julia finding JE passed out, burning up with fever.

    I was hoping we would see some of the beautiful outfits from yesterday but alas…Armando’s beautiful ivory suit and Gi’s accordion pleated beige ombre dress were amazing. As sharp as Don Emilio looked today, he looked beyond handsome yesterday in his dark tweed suit with yellow striped tie. Monica’s beautiful soft, sienna animal print blouse today was lovely but the buttery leather olive jacket with the same color infused in the silk blouse’s pattern she wore yesterday was divine. Even Bruno looked rather nice in his subtle brown plaid jacket.

    My friend’s dialogue translations were sheer perfection (as always). Another simply sensational summary. Her insight and perception are unfailingly inspired. I am so appreciative of her generous time and kind and caring effort.


  23. VIVIR #91 Part 4 of 4

    JE murmurs that he doesn’t know how long he will be there; Julia shouldn’t get her hopes up…the love of his life is Angel. Julia reminds him that Angel is married and he shouldn’t spend the rest of his life alone. He insists that his heart will never stop loving her. He puts Julia off saying he doesn’t want to talk anymore. Julia (finally) worries about JE’s cough and leads him back.

    The guide talks about the heavy fog, but (claims to) know the roads well. Angel goes after him.

    JE thinks about what Julia told him, but he vows aloud to never forget Angel…that will be his punishment for making so many mistakes. As he tries to dry his tears, a man enters with a beverage that the locals take.

    As Romina sits and listens, Rebeca gets a call from the attorney. She asks what evidence was presented and then curses Misael when she hears the answer! She then tells the attorney he is worthless!

    Romina points out that Rebeca has no money or shares. When she adds that Rebeca ended up helping JE, Rebeca snaps that she won’t be able to kick out “the dinosaur” (she deserves Hades for that alone) and will lose the presidency. Rebeca doesn’t know what she will do but swears they will pay. Romina then worries about her salary but Rebeca tells her she will have to settle for what she has…and she should be happy they don’t kick her to the curb!

    Monica sneers “I told you so” at Misael and hopes he doesn’t even think about getting involved with that “nothing”! Misael snarls that he HATES Rebeca for making a fool of him and rejecting his love! Clamping his hair in her fist, Monica vows to help him destroy her; and Misael vows that Rebeca will fall!

    At that moment, Rebeca storms in and snarls that they ruined her plan. Misael lunges and sneers, countering he will stop any of her attempts to attack them! Rebeca warns that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. More threats are bandied about until Rebeca reveals that she knows he killed Dulce and her baby. He lunges at her and puts his hands around her throat. I believe Rebeca countered with something about Mau (?) if anyone can fill in this blank, kindly do so.

    Today’s episode ends with Julia finding JE passed out, burning up with fever.

    I was hoping we would see some of the beautiful outfits from yesterday but alas…Armando’s beautiful ivory suit and Gi’s accordion pleated beige ombre dress were amazing. As sharp as Don Emilio looked today, he looked beyond handsome yesterday in his dark tweed suit with yellow striped tie. Monica’s beautiful soft, sienna animal print blouse today was lovely but the buttery leather olive jacket with the same color infused in the silk blouse’s pattern she wore yesterday was divine. Even Bruno looked rather nice in his subtle brown plaid jacket.

    My friend’s dialogue translations were sheer perfection (as always). Another simply sensational summary. Her insight and perception are unfailingly inspired. I am so appreciative of her generous time and kind and caring effort.


  24. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend , thank you both for another fantastic report from the boardroom and the jungle .

    The writers were playing with us in the scene where JE is right behind Angel. I guess his stuffy nose prevented him from smelling his true love's signature perfume.

    So...oh noes....JE has passed out cold just as Angel is getting lost in the foggy jungle . Dr. Hottie will surely nurse ( doctor?) J E back to health. Maybe he will awaken with amnesia and not remember his true love .

    Will Reb be the next to hop on a plane to the jungle? matter how crazy in love you are , do not kiss a snotty, sneezing , sick person on the mouth. Doris and Dr.Hottie will be the next snotty sneezers.

    Well, Reb found that denim skirt I donated to Goodwill after that machete attack . And the halter top ... Susan

  25. Vivir

    Great work, amigas. I have been crazed these days so it's been almost two weeks since my last comment.

    There are just enough episodes left for there to be yet another misunderstanding between Angeli and JE.

    To the question about Romina and the kids, she only wants to use them against Luciano.

    Good that those kids have come to their senses about Fatima.

    Rebeca, Monica, and Romina are all about "If I'm not happy nobody else can be happy!" Like other villanas we know. She's more declassee than most with that horrible denim skirt and she could perform surgery with those nails.

  26. VIVIR

    "Well, Reb found that denim skirt I donated to Goodwill after that machete attack" had me smiling away Susan. Just great.

    Thank you for your nice words!

    Yes, I think "Dr. Hottie" will "nurse" JE back to health. I'm taking heart in that JE seems to be resisting rushing into a relationship although she is forging full steam ahead.


  27. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban.

    So glad to see you back!

    "To the question about Romina and the kids, she only wants to use them against Luciano". You are exactly right! I'm also pleased Mati is finally realizing how good Fatima is and how true her love for Luciano. It's a shame she had to swallow the bitter pill of knowing who her mother truly is.

    Beca's skirt today was truly heinous, ITA! Some of the worst outfits I've ever seen. No taste at all...


  28. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for this great recap! And it's great to have you back, although it was also great to have O.S. providing an excellent change of pace recap yesterday.

    I have only started this latest episode, but I know I have so much to look forward to, judging by your fashion notes. Now to see if I can match your fun descriptions with the clothes that our crazy cast wears. But somebody needs to introduce the idea of using tissues or other, and washing hands frequently when sick with a respiratory infection, to Mexico.
    Or rather, to the people in this TN.

    My admiration for Doris grows. She is not afraid to stand up to Big Bad Becky; I know I would be. Especially as she still has those long black nails.

    Santiago has a job outside the Del Olmo restaurant, and he makes decent money at it? How did this happen? Maybe it's something like JE's having money to burn when he was president of a bankrupt company.

    That meeting called by don Emilio was quite an affair. A lot of new people there, and everybody happy except for Team Becky. Becky was shot down and Romina looked grim.
    Misael was grinning like a cheshire cat, but Monica, who has been to a few more rodeos, not so much. Monica looked good, though.
    I'm glad Becky wasn't still wearing that odd red dress, but this was not an improvement. She looked like someone who has to sleep in doorways.

    Uh, oh. Poor Angelli is with some not very trustworthy character and a storm is about to occur. Meanwhile JE is passed out cold, or rather, passed out hot with fever.

    Oh, I am so worried. Also annoyed. We could be spending time with Doris and Sebas, Wanda and whoever, or just Wanda. Maybe Pedrito and Loli.



  29. Vivir de amor

    Susan, thank you! I was wondering where Big Bad Becky got that denim skirt! And now we know where Becky shops.



  30. Vivir
    Susan, the denim skirt comment was 🥇! I'm in a denim upcycler group on FB and that skirt would actually win lots of praise amongst that group. But it certainly is not boardroom attire.

    Not only was JE's olfactory senses impaired, but his hearing also was affected as he didn't hear Angelli's voice.

    The entire missionary camp obviously never experienced COVID restrictions. Nobody is staying clear of hacking JE (or Sebastian for that matter). Where's some good social distancing when it's needed.

  31. Vivir,
    Diana, I forgot to thank you for the missing scenes addition. Are they compliments of your corroborator? Wish we had seen the scene with Armando, Gi and Wanda.

  32. Vivir

    Thank you Diana and friend, for the excellent recap. And I hope you had a good visit with your brother.

    How frustrating that JE and Angel were so close twice, and never turned to see the other. I was sure they would see each other by the end of the hour, but no, it didn’t happen.

    The doctor was a little too pushy for me. I kept thinking of Mati’s “no means no” yesterday. I hope she doesn’t hinder Angel from finding JE. Doctors should be very trustworthy, we’ll have to wait and see.

    I was so happy during the meeting and Rebeca’s phone call with her lawyer. Then she drops what she knows about Dulce! Since she was the one that had Doris make sure someone else got the tattoo I assumed they knew she knew. But maybe they never told her and I don’t remember how she found out. But looks like she’ll be running the show for a while. The rest of the family will surely notice Misael’s loyalty switch back to Rebeca.


  33. VIVIR

    Andy, thanks so much.

    I laughed out loud at "I'm glad Becky wasn't still wearing that odd red dress, but this was not an improvement. She looked like someone who has to sleep in doorways" which was great. That skirt, actually the entire "luke" was a fashion nightmare.

    Like you, I have nothing but good things to say about Doris who has now changed the course of her life and her destiny. Doris was under Beca's spell for far too long. But now, she is fully awake and has shaken and sworn her off. I love and applaud her newfound nerve in not only standing up to Beca but revealing her biggest, darkest secrets!

    "Monica looked good, though". She certainly did. She has been (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) impeccably dressed the past few days.

    Yup, another storm is brewing. "Meanwhile JE is passed out cold, or rather, passed out hot with fever". What could possibly go wrong???


  34. VIVIR

    "Not only was JE's olfactory senses impaired, but his hearing also was affected as he didn't hear Angelli's voice" was a great point Kat. So close yet (so frustratingly) so far away...

    Despite Sebas looking and sounding as though he needed quite a few booster shots, Doris seemed undeterred and went for the gusto. Good luck!

    Yes, Omni saw several scenes I didn't. I thought the Gi/Armando scene was rather important so am glad she related it for us.


  35. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you; I did have a great time with my brother.

    "How frustrating that JE and Angel were so close twice, and never turned to see the other". Completely frustrating! It was almost as though they could have reached out and touched each other. Ack.

    "The doctor was a little too pushy for me. I kept thinking of Mati’s “no means no” yesterday" was excellent. I am with you in "I hope she doesn’t hinder Angel from finding JE".

    Misael has already handed over his shares to Don Emilio so it's too late for Rebeca to stop the transfer. I bet Misael wishes he'd kept his mouth shut and not told Rebeca what happened with Dulce. Now Rebeca has the upper hand. Again.


  36. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Perfecta (smooth translations). You are back in the driver’s seat, and you didn’t miss a beat. Power plays: inexplicable, transfixed, besotted, newly nurturing, sinuously. Your alphabet soup is top shelf!

    I was happy to see Big Reb silenced by Doris and Alma combined. Cute and fun: our new favorite BFFs running around like Laverne & Angi and getting their Ms. Cleo on!

    Susan, thanks for identifying the mutilated denim skirt. I was beginning to think Mauricio was wearing it when Reb tried to run over him. #distresseddenim. Now that d. Emilio is back in charge I hope updating the Rivero Cuéllar Inc. dress code is a priority (after freeing Petra natch).

    Watching Rebeca have her delusional arse handed to her in the boardroom was fulfilling. Good > Evil for a change. I was cheering Cris after she put her in her place. Love him or hate him, one can’t deny Big Bang has a million dollar smirk! Another highlight of the business junta was that those two geriatric jerks who voted against JE at the last meeting were nowhere to be found. Whew!

    I found the ships passing in the night sequence more cursi and laughable than clever or unfortunate. Ang is a stone’s throw away from JE, and she doesn’t hear that clangorous coughing and sneezing?!! IRL she would have at least said, “Bless you,” or a native would have said, “Hey, Sleeves! Ever heard of a mask?” Guao.

    Speaking of lazy writing, Santiago is Re-not-married’s understudy, going to chef school, attending counseling for a crippling gambling addiction, AND moonlighting somewhere that pays enough to pay off industrial vendors? Based on current telenovela trends, it’s clear to me that Santiago is trafficking humans. #RippedfromtheHeadlines

    Medical Fashion Watch: JE’s gun show was no match for death cheater Treeman’s Egyptian blue sling, fetching Ace®️ bandage, and neck brace from the Rebeca Sánchez fall collection.

    Cringe Corner: Dra. Guapa says all of this in one scene: Hey, Sleeves! Per Google, you’re a millionaire divorcee. What’s that you say? You’re still in love with what’s-her-midriff? That’s ok. All women dream of a love like that. My, what big pecs you have. I could rediscover love with you blah blah vomit. I think the furrowed brow was Emmanuel Palomares (not JE) wondering if the writers really wrote those lines or was the actress on crack!

    Kudos to JE for trying to stick to his guns; however, this isn’t our first rodeo (and we know how many episodes are left). I did like the cliffhanger. I wasn’t ready for Rebeca to release all that information. Her impulse control is almost as bad as her fashion choices! Almost. Looking cool forward to next week.

    Counts. I like numbers, and had I known it was going to be so prominent, I would have counted JE’s sneezes and coughs. I’d need an abacus. I’d also like to count how many times Mónica throws in “de mercado” to ridicule Rebeca (this phrase is becoming as common as her chug-a-lug). There’s always Steve Boudreaux’s famous body count. Final thoughts:
    Go, Sebas y Dorotea!
    Hang in there, Petra.
    Be nice to Wanda, Pedrito.

    Older stuff: Thanks for the kind words, Andy. We sure had a lot of fun on the Mexicana/Güero patio. Great eye; I did not recognize the doctor. Wasn’t she the accountant or numbers chick that was engaged(?) to Trailer/Tyler? Where in the world is Itatí Cantoral?

    Liz, Frida/Rebeca has been nasty since her debut in Epiaode One (at 6?’years old) which indicates some serious mental illness (or congenital evil). It will be interesting what kind of anvil she gets as she can’t seem to control her lies or impulses or atrocious fashion choices. Great to hear from ya!

  37. VIVIR


    Thank you so much for your very kind words. Once again, you've started my day off with a smile. Such a pleasure to read your wry and witty comments which were beyond as always.

    "Hey, Sleeves!", "the Rebeca Sánchez fall collection" and "delusional arse" were fab. "You’re still in love with what’s-her-midriff?" was my favorite.

    "I think the furrowed brow was Emmanuel Palomares (not JE) wondering if the writers really wrote those lines or was the actress on crack!" O.S., you TOTALLY nailed his look!! Perfect.

    Rebeca has no doubt never heard of the "loose lips sink ships" phrase has she? "Her impulse control is almost as bad as her fashion choices!" said it all!

    And last but not least, "I’d also like to count how many times Mónica throws in “de mercado” to ridicule Rebeca (this phrase is becoming as common as her chug-a-lug)" was marvelous.


  38. VIVIR and O/T

    Andy, thank you for ID'ing the doctora from Mexicana. What a sharp eye you have! I'll echo O.S.'s question as to what character she played. As I helped to recap I likely should be embarrassed not to recognize her but I've been upfront from the start my memory is junk.

    O.S., the Mexicana/Güero patio was great and am glad that most (if not all) of us are here on VIVIR which is one of the most rocking patios I've ever been fortunate enough to be a part of!


  39. Vivir

    O.S. I echo dear Diana on enjoying a morning read of your comments and the snarks that she mentioned. Too many good snaps to list , but I think my fav is " what's her midriff."

    I am wondering exactly what is going to happen to Angel as she follows that guy into the jungle with that carryon full of mudriffs. ...uh oh.

  40. Vivir

    Diana, Omni, and O.S. (belated), muchísimas gracias for your clever and comprehensive recounting of our tale-on-the-move! Nice to get out of the city and meet some new folks, even the doctora.

    Maybe not really fashion, but as for age-shifter Sandra (thanks O.S.), has anyone commented on her gorgeous embroidered blouses?

    True love I know, drama I know, but had thought Angel was reasonably level-headed. Here she is as impulsive as JE rushing off ignoring the locals’ many warnings about the dangerous weather. And in those shoes and with her “guide” toting her suitcase. Hero JE will need a speedy recovery to bail her out this time.

    Agree with Liz about Reb’s knowledge of Dulce murder.

    Luciano, he made a copy of that video, didn’t he? And Mati saw it, don’t think Romina knows that.

    Yes, free Petra! Lots going on but should at least be a reference to her plight.

  41. Vivir

    Well, autocorrect turned midriff into mudriff, but it isn't often wrong, and I'll bet those midriffs might get muddy as Angel treks through the jungle with that unknown guide.

  42. Vivir

    Clara,yes, Sandra's embroidered blouses are beautiful. We don't see them often anymore in telenovelas , but we used to see them on country folks and servants.

  43. Vivir. Welcome back, Diana! Trust you had a good day away. A superb recap as usual by you and your fluent friend. I totally agree with Susan, Kat, Liz, O.S. , and probably everyone else: Oh please! JE walked right behind Angelli and didn't notice her and she didn't notice him when he coughed? Sloppy writing and beanie hat! Will Angelli and her guide get badly lost in the woods and have to be rescued? Will JE recover quickly? Oh the suspense!

  44. Vivir

    Welcome back Diana! And thank you for another fantastic and funny recap! I enjoyed reading about the wilderness trek and the fashion don'ts through your eyes!

    O.S., 'Cringe Corner: Dra. Guapa says all of this in one scene: Hey, Sleeves! Per Google, you’re a millionaire divorcee. What’s that you say? You’re still in love with what’s-her-midriff? That’s ok. All women dream of a love like that. My, what big pecs you have. I could rediscover love with you blah blah vomit. I think the furrowed brow was Emmanuel Palomares (not JE) wondering if the writers really wrote those lines or was the actress on crack! TOO FUNNY!!! And so true!!!!

    I hate this little plot trick, who, IRL, would respond to 'I'll never love anyone but Angeli' with a I want to be the love of your life speech??? Especially after knowing someone for 10 whole minutes.... it's weird, it's awkward; it's overdone, bad writing lacking creativity...sigh.

    It was quite fun watching Beca get shut down in the boardroom!! Go DE go!!! And seeing Misael so confident and smirking, enjoying the upper hand right up until the moment Beca said Dulce!!! I love it! Let's watch these two claw each other's eyes out for a while!

    Team Doris all the way! Refreshing to see her stand up to Rebeca like that and tell the truth! The truth that JE never slept with her, and Rebeca intentionally defrauded him could certainly get him out of alimony - and transferring shares if that hadn't already been kiboshed! Of course, this does put Doris in Rebeca's war path, but who knows? Maybe Doris can stand her ground? She is probably the person who knows Beca best, she might be able to anticipate her moves.

  45. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you so much!

    "Maybe not really fashion, but as for age-shifter Sandra (thanks O.S.), has anyone commented on her gorgeous embroidered blouses?" I truly appreciate your mentioning the blouses, I will definitely pay more attention in the future:)

    I think Angel is so devastated she isn't thinking clearly. But that has been a pattern with her hasn't it?? As is the inclement weather she continually runs into...

    "Luciano, he made a copy of that video, didn’t he? And Mati saw it, don’t think Romina knows that" are great points.


  46. VIVIR

    Hi SpanProf and thank you very much.

    "Oh please! JE walked right behind Angelli and didn't notice her and she didn't notice him when he coughed? Sloppy writing and beanie hat!" had me laughing away. Silly plot point indeed.

    I have no doubt Angel will get lost and that JE will go to the rescue.


  47. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your kind words.

    "I hate this little plot trick, who, IRL, would respond to 'I'll never love anyone but Angeli' with a I want to be the love of your life speech??? Especially after knowing someone for 10 whole minutes.... it's weird, it's awkward; it's overdone, bad writing lacking creativity...sigh". You captured that perfectly! So frustrating...

    Don Emilio was in charge and fully in command. Yup, I hope Misael enjoyed his five minutes of power which has now evaporated into thin air.

    I enjoyed Doris looking Rebeca right in the eye as she exposed much of her dirty dealings. Beca will want to get revenge on Doris I'm sure but if Beca is as smart as I give her credit for, she should concentrate on trying to thwart Monica who is hell bent on destroying her.


  48. VIVIR

    SpanProf, my comment to you has disappeared so I will simply say thank you very much and that I loved "Oh please! JE walked right behind Angelli and didn't notice her and she didn't notice him when he coughed? Sloppy writing and beanie hat!



  49. Vivir de amor

    Diana, I wish I could say that I recognized Jackie Sauza right away and placed her as Erika Núñez, who worked in banking and was Andrea's competitor for Tyler's heart. (Some guys have all the luck!) But she lost out to Andrea, and Erika went off to a new job in New Zealand and to heal her own heart. (I can't help but laugh a little as I write this :-)

    But I wasn't sure and checked Wikipedia and the credits.

    I think she looked better in Mexicana where she had darker, straight hair. But I'm not complaining!

    Anyway, she is in the on-screen credits now, "Actuación Estelar De Jackie Sauza como Julia", my recording tells me.


  50. Vivir de amor

    From Diana to SpanProf:

    "SpanProf, my comment to you has disappeared so I will simply say thank you very much and that I loved "Oh please! JE walked right behind Angelli and didn't notice her and she didn't notice him when he coughed? Sloppy writing and beanie hat!


    It was truly laughable. It would have been even better had JE sneezed and had Angel said "¡Salud!" without ever looking back.



  51. VIVIR

    Andy, your sharp eye is very impressive!

    Now I do recall her but again, only thanks to you.

    Thank you for all that you add to our discussion!!

