
Monday, August 05, 2024

Daytime TNs Y Mas (#1), Week of August 5, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-11 AM: Pasion (Unimas) Mon-Tues Only 

11-12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  - 10-12 pm on Weds

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  - Tuesday only


  1. VIVIR #107 Part 1

    JE, calling out “amor,” is unable to hear Angel’s silent screams. Once home, he thinks to himself they are very close to finding Angel. Sebas comes by to tell him that more people from the neighborhood are joining the search. When Sebas suggests that Angel may not be there, JE (spidey sense tingling) insists that Angel IS there. JE is sure Angel was taken; she wouldn’t disappear so suddenly nor would she leave without telling him. Too trusting Sebas doubts Rebeca would take Angel since they are sisters. With fire in his eyes, JE argues, telling his hermano he is convinced Rebeca ran over his father! Also, Angel suspects that Rebeca killed Alma; she has no limits!

    Angel, clearly exhausted, rouses herself and tries fruitlessly to yell for help.

    (Unaired) Romina actually takes a picture of breakfast to prove that she does feed her children. As she continues to berate Fatima, Mati wonders why she hates Fatima and Javi defends Fatima. Romina thinks that Luciano has brainwashed them! She declares Fatima is not their mother; SHE is their mother and they must be with her. She sneers that someday Fatima and Luciano will have children and they will no longer pay attention to them! Romina has to leave and will lock them up because she can’t trust them.

    Misael tells Bruno the name of the ghost company they will use to steal money from his grandfather’s company. Smirking, he tells Bruno he will take the contract to Don Emilio now that JE is preoccupied.

    Mati calls Lucas – their mother locked them up and she needs his help.

    (Unaired) Lucas tells Sandra that he passed the test. Lupe asks him to help look for Angel but he explains he has to go help Mati. Once outside, Lucas ponders what the fastest way to get to Mati is.

    (Unaired) Pedrito is thinking about his mother. Wanda talks about how mothers always think of their children. Pedrito wonders if his mother is with his father…and if they have children.

    Lucas takes the tarp off Ramiro’s bike.


  2. VIVIR #107 Part 2

    Brayan and his minions watch as everyone looks for Angel.

    Everyone gathers, strategizing as they plan to continue the search for Angel. There is no news thus far. Sandra crosses herself as she and Santi discuss Angel. They are cute together. Sebas and Doris run into each other in the house but it appeared to me they let each other pass without conversing.

    Renato tells Jimena that if he hadn’t fallen in love with Angel, he would have fallen in love with a woman like her. (Viewerville urges Renato to open his eyes. The woman before him embodies everything he could only dream of).

    Elena and Gi arrive asking JE if he has heard anything; sadly he hasn’t.

    Rebeca stalks back to the lair, dressed head to toe in black. She taunts Angel, warning her that if she yells, she will kill her and her child. Angel pleads that she is thirsty so Rebeca deigns to pour some water into a glass. But instead of lifting it so Angel can drink, she puts it on the table so Angel has no choice but to bend at the waist and try to bring her lips to the glass. Naturally, the glass spills. Rebeca, always the epitome of kindness, pours a few drops down Angel’s parched throat. Rebeca, delighting in torturing Angel, smirks that she saw JE and he looked very worried. Angel pleads that she stop this craziness…if she lets her go, she won’t name Rebeca as the culprit. Rebeca doesn’t believe her. Thoroughly relishing her role as captor, Rebeca tells Angel that she deserves to be thought dead just like Rebeca was…the only difference is that she returned but Angel won’t, she will rot there! Rebeca cruelly brags that she has done a good job…and will see how many more days Angel and the baby can survive without eating.

    Corral shows JE and Doris an image of a van they took from one of the surveillance cameras. Sharp as a whip Doris recognizes it as being in the alley where Brayan lives. Elena asks JE to promise that he will bring Angel to her. He and Doris go charging off.

    Romina tells Rebeca that Monica is waiting for her in her office. Beca tries to blow her off but then capitulates. Red lipped to the max Monica tells her that she knows she kidnapped Angel.


  3. VIVIR #107 Part 3

    Misael shows Don Emilio the company that will lend them money. Don Emilio reads one of the clauses and thinks he did a good job of saving money as Misael smiles proudly, full of himself.

    After Rebeca denies knowing anything, Monica shows her the pictures. Rebeca flips through them and then rips them to shreds. She asks what she wants, so Monica tells her she must stay away from Misael. Oh, and she needs to give her the shares she took from Cris…by tomorrow morning. Are you crazy Rebeca answers? After Monica looks Rebeca up and down as though she is something that crawled out of the sewer, she leaves. Rebeca hisses that this broad has signed her (death) sentence!

    The police arrive as Brayan and company watch from a perch above the road. Brayan sit down, looking frightened although he tells his henchies not to worry and to calm down. Nevertheless, they all look nervous.

    As JE is beside himself with worry, smart Doris realizes that Lucas may know where Brayan might be hiding Angel or if he is helping Rebeca.

    Lucas will ask the concierge for a ladder. Unfortunately, the concierge rats Mati out, calling Romina.

    JE calls Lucas and asks if he has any idea where Angel might be held captive.

    Angel had just managed to loosen the tie around her wrists when Rebeca arrives. Rebeca tells Angel that they will be moving her. She calls Brayan who tells her that the police are too close, but Rebeca screams he come for her, then calling him an idiot as she hangs up. Bryan hides in the garage as a police car cruises by.


  4. VIVIR #107 Part 4

    Rebeca tells Angel that she had better keep quiet or she will kill her novio. Summoning the very last ounces of her dwindling strength, Angel throws herself at Rebeca! Rebeca, towering over Angel in stature and possessing brutal strength, quickly pins Angel on the floor. Rebeca sneers that that Angel will die there with her baby!

    JE talks to Lucas who has cleverly deduced that there is one place where Angel might be hidden – Ramiro’s! JE asks Doris to tell Corral; Lucas will tell him how to get there.

    Rebeca continues her threats and reproaches Angel for taking everything from her. Brayan hurries in and tells them they have to leave…killing somebody is not the same thing as kidnapping. Before leaving, Rebeca threatens to kill Angel’s baby if she talks.

    Rebeca has her outsize gun pointed at Angel’s head when Brayan runs in. He tells her the police are there and manages to hustle her out leaving Angel on the floor holding her stomach. Angel prays for her child and for herself. She somehow manages to get up; bent over at the waist, she takes small, halting steps as she struggles to reach the door.

    Bruno hands Monica the DNA test results as she thanks him, her words dripping with frigid iciness. Monica is wearing a blood red dress (how fitting) as she murmurs this definitively proves Pedrito is her grandson.

    (Unaired) Pedrito cries as he prays.

    I believe Brayan tells Axel to get his gun as he and Rebeca roar off on the bike.


  5. VIVIR #107 Part 5

    JE enters Ramino’s apartment and sees that Angel was there. Corral is informed that the suspects are being pursued.

    Angel walks along a concrete wall, holding onto it as she makes her way along. She puts an article of clothing (her hoodie perhaps?) in the fence.

    Fatima tells the kids that the best thing they can do is stay with their mother. Mati complains about being locked up and wants to be with her father as Fatima urges them to be patient. Mati and Javi hear something outside and it’s Lucas to the rescue! He has a huge ladder in hand, ready and willing to save the day. Lucas unhooks it and puts it up to their balcony. Just as Mati starts descending, Romina flies up on her broom, demanding Mati go back inside.

    Adolfo tells Luciano that he is getting out on probation…but won’t have the kids until he gets custody. Luciano is inconsolable but Adolfo tells him that that might not happen for years. Luciano is released as he rubs his wrists.

    Cris tells Fatima that that they still haven’t found Angel. After Fatima shares how helpless she feels with Luciano’s situation, Cris reassures her Adolfo is the best attorney and Luciano will be out soon. She thanks her mother as Luciano goes into her arms. She gives him the bad news that Mati and Javi told her they are locked in.

    At the scene, Romina warns Mati to get inside. Meanwhile, Luciano is talking to Javi who is giving him a real time play by play as to what is going on. Lucas tries to reason with Romina but she keeps yelling. He keeps telling her to calm down but to no avail. When Romina pushes Lucas, it causes Mati to lose her footing, freefalling onto the pavement below! Javi screams as Luciano blanches on the other end of the phone. Reckless Romina blames Lucas for Mati’s fall as Javi tells Luciano what really happened.

    The police are in high pursuit as Rebeca orders Brayan to go faster.

    Angel continues to walk leaving traces behind her…


  6. VIVIR #107 Part 6 of 6

    Doris updates everyone; Elena is hopeful that she will soon see her daughter.

    JE is hot on Angel’s trail screaming her name. He sees her garment (I think it’s a hoodie) and picks it up.

    Cris by his side, Don Emilio is visited by Pedrito. Don Emilio is delighted as Pedrito sits in Cris’ lap. When Pedrito mentions Angel is missing, Don Emilio is shocked leaving Chris no choice but to confirm that Angel has disappeared. She explains they hadn’t told him because they were worried that this terrible news would be detrimental to his health. He is understandably distraught.

    Misael and Monica discuss Angel’s disappearance. Misael wonders why Monica is not helping look for Angel, at her lack of compassion (does he still not realize she has no heart?). He peppers her with questions and when she lets it slip that Angel was kidnapped, Misael wonders why she isn’t worried. As Monica leaves, she tells Misael that she is preparing a big surprise for him.

    The chase roars on at breakneck speed until the inevitable occurs. The motorcycle spins out of control and flips over spilling Brayan and Rebeca onto the ground. Brayan manages to get up and walk, seemingly none the worse for wear. He walks over to Rebeca, admonishing her to get up but she is sprawled out on the ground, not moving. Brayan grabs his helmet, picks the bike up and takes off. Rebeca is still seemingly unconscious, blood pooling near her hairline.

    Angel keeps turning around, mistakenly thinking Rebeca is after her. She panics and loses her footing, falling down a very steep grass laden hill. JE sees her fall and yells out her name in pure panic. He rushes forward, grabbing a thick rope. He ties it to the truck bumper and starts lowering himself down the hill.

    All thanks to mi amiga who provided seamless, flawless dialogue translations so important to today’s pivotal episode. For your time and dedication, I am truly thankful and grateful.


  7. Vivir. Yet another first-rate recap, Diana and Friend. "Rebeca stalks back to the lair," Indeed! "Monica looks Rebeca up and down as though she is something that crawled from the sewer." Loved them! Oh man! This was an action-packed episode with a lot happening very fast! Rebeca outdoes herself in cruelty in this episode. I'm so glad for the surveillance video of the van. Even so, it was intensely suspenseful: Will Angelli get away or won't she? Will JE find her or won't he? I loved it when Angelli tackled Rebeca. Fortunately it all works out, but with us on pins and needles the whole time. And whoa! Brayan abandons the injured Rebeca, It serves her right, but still! Regarding the other characters: Romina really doesn't seem to care about the safety of her children as long as she is in control. I hope Mati will be all right. I'm glad Lucas passed the college entrance exam, but too bad the powers that be cut that from the uS tv version. If it weren't for your recap we wouldn't have known! (Thank you again.)

  8. Vivir

    Agree with SpanProf, a tense episode chock full of action, and Diana, you and querida amiga captured it all vividly! I too am relieved to know Lucas passed his test, so special thanks for the cut scenes.

    Ramiro’s place, of course. Poor guy.
    Yes, Santi and Sandra are cute together. He offered her a waitress job at the family restaurant. Sandi making her way in the big city.

    Blood red Monica, “red lipped to the max!” How will her plan play out with Reb, and what will she do about Pedrito?

    Didn’t Reb put on a helmet when they sped off? Then during the chase, no helmet.

    Thanks for describing all the action so well.

  9. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your always kind comments.

    Yes, this was action packed and "intensely suspensful" a perfect descriptive. I admit, I was on the edge of my seat hoping Angel would get away!

    The falls that Angel and Mati took were frightening. Rather than plunging to the bottom of the ravine, Angel seemed to roll down the hill which seemed to be blanketed a bit by hay, grass or some other softer material. Of course, being pregnant, she and/or the baby could have been easily hurt; I fervently hope that isn't the case. I belive Mati fell from the third floor. I'm not a good judge of distance but Mati seemed to hit the ground hard with nothing to cushion her fall.

    Brayan is a stone cold killer so leaving Rebeca there wasn't a surprise. I'd love to say it looks like this is it for Beca but I have a knot in my stomach Angel isn't talking...


  10. Vivir

    Wow! Sounds like a happening episode! Can't wait to watch! Thank you, Diana, your recap captured all the suspense perfectly!!!

    It's surely too soon to lose Rebeca, so what do we think? Head injury leading to (fake) amnesia and fake personality change allowing her wiggly back into mommy's good graces?? 100% speculation, not a spoiler. I guess Beca could just get sent to jail but it feels too soon for that too. Coma?

    Brayan is burnt too! He'll have to disappear for a while. I wonder what the witless henchies will do without him?

    I hope Mati is okay, that fall sounded horrible!! And stupid Romina doesn't sound remorseful even at that, but just blaming Lucas!! What a horrible pathetic, awful person. Can she be arrested for child endangerment now??

    Doris is a natural born detective, huh? Maybe Coral needs a new deputy? She could definitely use the help!

  11. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you very much for your nice words.

    "Ramiro’s place, of course. Poor guy" is exactly right. I wish I had thought of it but it never occurred to me.

    I hadn't realized Santi offered Sandy "a waitress job at the family restaurant" - thank you! Loved "Sandi making her way in the big city". :)

    I appreciate your mentioning "Didn’t Reb put on a helmet when they sped off? Then during the chase, no helmet". I also thought she had one on in the beginning but didn't see anything at the accident scene (?) Brayan had his and put it on as he left the scene, but that was likely done to avoid being seen.

    I agree with you and SpanProf in being so grateful mi amiga is sharing all of the scenes with us so we don't miss anything Uni has sliced and diced!


  12. Vivir de amor

    Thank you, Diana and Friend! This was another great recap that covered everything, even things that didn't make it to the OTA broadcast.

    It seems that Sebas has been lucky enough to not know Bad Girl Becky very well.
    I know Lucas is trying to be helpful, but that business with the ladder was silly and an invitation to an accident even before Romina arrived.
    And I don't understand why Luciano or somebody hasn't reported Romina for child endangerment with that locked door.

    "Red lipped to the max Monica tells her that she knows she kidnapped Angel." Monica was the Lady in Red today, including her dress, the dress that she may have needed some help getting into.

    I don't really understand why don Emilio thought Misael had done such a good job securing the loan, but I'm sure JE will sort it out eventually.
    In the meantime we are set up for a big fight between Monica and Big Bad Becky, assuming she's OK soon. But assuming JE manages to rescue Angel, Becky should have some legal troubles as well.
    Legal troubles, head wound, whatever, Becky will still be delivering punches and causing trouble for a while yet.
    I noticed today that Santi does still have his troublesome tattoo. Last week I thought it was gone, I guess not.

    Doris was a real champion in the search party, but no reconciliation with SeaBass yet. I hope we are not going to have to wait until the last few episodes to get some happy pairings and re-pairings.

    Diana, thanks again. Watching would be a whole lot less fun without your efforts and those of Omni.


  13. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Darcy!

    "It's surely too soon to lose Rebeca, so what do we think? Head injury leading to (fake) amnesia and fake personality change allowing her wiggly back into mommy's good graces??" is sharp and persuasive speculation. Well, we should find out tomorrow.

    Mati's fall did look terrible; I'm afraid for her. I'm sure Romina will try to blame Lucas for Mati's fall as she is too cowardly to take the rightful blame. She is horrid. However, I think locking children in making them virtually prisoners in their own home definitely qualifies for child endangerment.

    Doris does indeed have great instincts! Instead of working FOR Corral, perhaps it's time for a new sheriff in town? :)


  14. Vivir de amor

    About Becky's wearing a helmet, when she and Brayan were making their getaway, Brayan handed the gun to his henchies and I think he said to hide it. He put on a helmet and gave another one to Becky who had some trouble with it and threw it away. Then they were off!


  15. Vivid

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for yet another excellent account of all the drama.

    Reb picked up the helmet , but then she threw it to the ground . As soon as I saw that , I thought ...uh oh ...she is going to be thrown off that bike. However, we all know that the main villain never gets his\her anvil until the very end.So , like Darcy, I am thinking amnesia and a fake personality change . This morning, I saw an older guy without a helmet on a motorcycle . He had on a black teeshirt with bad words on it . Old rebel without a cause? I remember thinking that it wasnt a good look for the emergency room. Foreshadowing ?????

    Romeana is a beast. I wonder what her anvil will be . What will happen to her briefcase and 3 piece suits?

    Monica was rocking That dress . Does anyone else pucker up when she cones on the screen ?

    Maybe Doris will go into law enforcement . Susan

  16. VIVIR

    Andy, your always supportive words never fail to uplift. Thank you.

    "It seems that Sebas has been lucky enough to not know Bad Girl Becky very well" is exactly right. Sebas had to have a bit of good fortune sooner or later right?

    "Doris was a real champion in the search party"; she certainly was, wasn't she? Like you, I'm sorry there has been "no reconciliation with SeaBass yet". :) I was so disappointed that aside from a few terse words there seemed to be little interaction between them today. I also want them to mend fences quickly so we can enjoy their blossoming romance and courtship.

    Don Emilio must have landed on the one clause in the contract that made sense. He has been so sharp up until now, his trusting Misael is out of character. I loathe Misael more than ever for lying...

    "Legal troubles, head wound, whatever, Becky will still be delivering punches and causing trouble for a while yet" had me smiling away. I fear you are right, she is like the Energizer Bunny, taking a lickin' yet keeps on tickin'.


  17. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan!

    "Reb picked up the helmet, but then she threw it to the ground". Thanks to you and Andy for clarifying what I missed.

    " Darcy, I am thinking amnesia and a fake personality change." I fear you are right but I loathe the thought of Rebeca fooling Elena yet again...

    "Romeana is a beast". Perfect!


  18. Vivir

    I can add to the Mati situation. They are locked in but they can get to the balcony so it wasn't quite as dangerous a situation as I had feared for the two. My question is why aren't they enrolled in school or is it summer break?

    Regarding the rescue, yes using the ladder wasn't the smartest thing, but they are only on the first floor and the ladder was maybe a 16 or 20 foot ladder extended, Lucas only extended it a few rungs so the fall was maybe 10 feet. I was concerned that he didn't send it to the top of the balcony rail and put it at a less steep incline. At least he knew he had to hold it while she descended. If I had been Mati I would have been tying sheets and getting down that way.

    I forgot about Ramiro's place, but that makes total sense. I figured it was either Brayan's or one of his friends.

  19. Vivir de amor

    Susan, I don't pucker up when Monica is onscreen, but I do pay attention. That red dress was fun, and I had to wonder about her: padding, injections, or lots of time in the gym working those glutes?


  20. VIVIR

    Hmmm...I was fairly certain that the apartment was well above ground level, on the third floor at least. It seemed as though the fall was at a much higher distance but however high it was, hope Mati isn't hurt...


  21. I went back to check. The ladder had 10 rungs when not extended. Lucas raised it 3 rungs to reach the base of the balcony. Rung spacing is between 10 - 14 inches so Mati probably fell about 10 - 12 feet.

    Angelli's first piece of lost clothing she put in the chain link was her scarf. Then she took off her tweed jacket a bit further on which is what JE found.

  22. VIVIR - 1O7 - Side A

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Lucy Flawless (dialog translations). Holy smokes! What a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em episode. Our little show really showed off today, and your read was even more fun than the non-stop action. Simply sublime: capitulates, Red lipped to the max, outsize gun, and grass laden hill.

    Sebastián need not quit his day job. Worst.Detective.Ever. Good thing he’s good at economics and will soon be Mr. Dorotea (Cien)Fuegos. This is not a spoiler but a mere educated wish (©️Deadpool). Sebas gets an N for Needs Improvement on his Search Party Skillz report card.

    In the episode’s first Gimme A Break foreshadowing, Re-not-too-observant tells Jimena she would fit the bill if he weren’t so Ang-struck. Ugh. Really? Not subtle or cute.

    The tense Reb vs. Ang scenes had some truly edge-of-the-seat moments. Yes, Prego Ang needs water; HOWEVER, is it really wise to drink ANYTHING Rebeca offers? I’m glad the writers didn’t go the torture route (like recent nighttime novelas). I did get the chills when Reb told Ang she’d be thought dead too, but unlike Reb, Ang wouldn’t return. OUCH!

    Sidebar: kudos to Ramiro and/or his heirs for keeping a rather tidy bachelor pad.

    My takeaways from the Reb/Mónica showdown:
    •The Lady in Red was not playing games (more on her later).
    •Mónica managed to squeeze in her favorite del mercado dig at Reb. This time: verdulera del mercado. Ghetto greengrocer.
    •While watching, I wasn’t immediately sure if the death warrant Reb referenced was Mónica’s or Ang’s. Both?

    Let’s add concierge to the long list of CDMX occupations that are marred by incompetence and illogic. What kind of caretaker would give a non-resident teenage punk/gamer a ginormous ladder so that he could scale the walls and run amok on the property? This guy gets a D-.

    The writers continue to keep Brayan from being a two-dimensional evil cartoon by having him show fear and keeping Reb from doing the unthinkable. A true sociopath wouldn’t have this conscience or bargaining skills (see nighttime novelas of late).

  23. VIVIR - 1O7 - Side B

    Clueless lapdog Bruno still doesn’t realize he’s in the doghouse with Mónica (since she saw the video of him in/around Romina’s tentacles). When do we get THAT showdown?!!!

    Brayan told Axel and Memo to take, save, and HIDE his gun. He also reminds them that they haven’t seen anything, i.e., don’t snitch.

    This episode’s next Gimme A Break foreshadowing: Reb fumbles with the helmet and then casts it aside - DESPITE being wanted and about to embark on a high-speed motorcycle chase. For someone who constantly labels everyone else “imbécil” and “inútil,” this was a super duper dummy move.

    Mati’s totally predictable but still brutal gravity debacle was hard to watch. Silver lining: Example #3624 of Romina’s atrocious parenting “skillz.”

    Kudos to the production team for some great chase scenes. Today’s motorcycle action was very exciting and looked realistic. Not realistic: Ang leaving behind a trail of Barbie clothes for JE to find. Those little size OO threads would have blown to Cuernavaca with the lightest gust of wind. If you pause the recording just right, she also drops a teenie weenie beanie for us viewers.

    Like Mother Like Son: Big Bang waxes poetic after noticing Joker’s nonchalance at Ang’s kidnapping. He suggests the Spanish variant of still waters run.deep: de las aguas mansas líbranos Señor. Literally, Lord save us from calm waters.

    Has sprawled out by a bloody rock with a gaping head wound become an official telenovela trope yet? If not, it should definitely be on our bingo cards. This is lazy and a catalyst for more tropes. Amnesia. Secrets. Lies. Blackmail. PSAs for the Mexican Helmet Council.

    I’m not worried about Ang’s little Jungle Love baby after her little tuck and roll down the grassy knoll. Baby is probably hungry and dizzy at best. Again, we’re not dealing with the torture loving novela writers of late. We better not be!

    Final thought: Mónica has been slaying in her red Sir-Mix-A-Lot-approved red dress(es) lately. Joker Got Back and is putting it on full display. Is this what they call Revenge Body/Booty for Adolfo and Bruno? They’ve wronged our favorite lipstick addict! A++

  24. VIVIR

    O.S. as always, your remarks are sublime. So witty and wry. What a splendid way to begin the day!

    I belly laughed at "What kind of caretaker would give a non-resident teenage punk/gamer a ginormous ladder so that he could scale the walls and run amok on the property?" Oh my, how true!!

    You notice absolutely everything and do so flawlessly: "Ang leaving behind a trail of Barbie clothes for JE to find. Those little size OO threads would have blown to Cuernavaca with the lightest gust of wind. If you pause the recording just right, she also drops a teenie weenie beanie for us viewers". Perfect O.S., just perfect!!

    "verdulera del mercado. Ghetto greengrocer" and "Gimme A Break foreshadowing" were excellent. I completely agree that "Mati’s totally predictable but still brutal gravity debacle was hard to watch".

    "Mónica has been slaying in her red Sir-Mix-A-Lot-approved red dress(es) lately. Joker Got Back and is putting it on full display" was just marvelous.

    You've made my day, thank you for crafting such exceptional comments.


  25. Vivir

    So nice to keep the conversation going with some clever insights from O.S. that always give me some giggles and grins.

    Question: Was Barbie walking to her dream house or wandering in the wilderness ? Meanwhile, Meanspirited Midge is out cold and bleeding .

    PSA: ladder safety.

    Tonight : Jack saves Jill after she tumbles down the hill. Susan

  26. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Terrific recap. Your coverage of the deleted scenes is over and above, these scenes add so much to the building action and relationships.

    Angel was so valiant trying to tackle Rebeca. I sure hope she gets a chance to give her a rousing bofetada one day.

    I don't blame Bryan for leaving Rebeca. At this point, she's nothing but dead weight. But he's too far in now to escape, I think.

    Somehow JE's black T and the cross around his neck gave me confidence that he would soon find Angel.

  27. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much.

    "I don't blame Bryan for leaving Rebeca. At this point, she's nothing but dead weight. But he's too far in now to escape, I think". Yes, Brayan must go to jail, what he did to Lucas was inhuman.

    Thank you for "bofetada" - slap in the face, love it! :)


  28. VIVIR #108 Part 1

    JE continues his descent, rappelling to reach Angel. He vows he will get her out of there. Several men appear at the top of the hill and help him with the rope. JE reaches her and she says “mi amor” although her strength and energy are clearly sapped.

    Luciano angrily approaches Romina in the hospital corridor. Romina, proving again the best defense is a good offense, immediately blames Lucas for Mati’s fall; he grabbed the ladder and put Mati at risk. Lucas cries and rushes into Luciano’s arms, swearing he was just trying to help Mati. Mati told him she wanted to appeal to the judge so she and Javi could go live with Luciano. Further, their mother always had them locked up. After Romina lies and denies being at fault, Luciano bares his teeth and vows that if something happens to Mati, he will send her to jail.

    The good Samaritans assist JE with bringing Angel up. JE thanks them and then hugs Angel tightly. He wants to take her to the hospital but Angel wants to go home (as viewerville collectively roll our eyes in frustration). She leans against JE as he embraces her tenderly.

    Cris, Don Emilio and Pedrito are enjoying some chocolate ice cream as they chat about Pedrito’s school. Don Emilio tells him he need to pay attention in class; and Pedrito assures him that he is trying hard. Then, JE calls Cris, telling her Angel was found. She purposely gives a misleading response and when Don Emilio asks for details, Cris is evasive. Pedrito adorably wears a big swath of ice cream on his sweet face.

    Doris, Gi and Lupe are with an impatient Elena when all of a sudden, JE bursts in, carrying Angel. Relief is immediate and Doris smiles with arms around Lupe and Gi.

    Monica (in need of a wardrobe change) is pouring herself a generous shot as Bruno tries to nuzzle her neck with no success. (Yes, where is the huge blowup where she confronts him about Romina? We are being robbed!) Mad Monica wants to talk to the lawyer so she can take custody of Pedrito since he is of her blood (now she cares??!) Bruno asks if she is sure because then she won’t have time to do what she likes. Monica wants to raise Pedrito just like she did Misael (a fate worse than death we moan) …and warns him not one word about this to Misael!

    (Unaired) More talk about school and Wanda worries as Pedrito hasn’t returned.

    (Unaired) Misael approaches and Pedrito gets scared. (This was a pivotal interaction and have no idea why anyone felt this should be cut!)


  29. VIVIR #108 Part 2

    The ladies are pampering Angel (Jimena having arrived) and give thanks. JE hugs Angel and promises all will be well. Lupe gives her the results of tests done on Alma. JE wants a doctor to check Angel and promises never to leave her alone. Just then, Corral enters wanting to take Angel’s statement. Rebeca’s ominous words reverberate in Angel’s head.

    Axel calls Brayan to tell him that Angel has been found…and Rebeca shouldn’t come around. Brayan tells him that Rebeca may never return. He asks a passerby for her phone so he can report an accident. The camera pans in on Rebeca’s (sadly not) lifeless body.

    Corral urges Angel to cooperate, but Angel denies being kidnapped. She got hurt because she fell (really I ask, exasperated beyond belief) Elena seems to give a “look” at what she is hearing shaking her head almost imperceptibly.

    Cris expresses her concern to Monica about getting a loan since they will have to pay more if there is a delay in payments.

    Misael and Bruno toast and celebrate the success of their plan. Misael notes his grandfather’s sentimentality.

    (Unaired) Lucas tells Lupe about Mati falling. Lupe will go to the hospital.

    Angel is tortured, thinking about Rebeca threatening her. She holds a letter in her hand that she puts in a drawer. JE enters and insists that she rest. JE tells her he experienced the worst days of his life…and recounts how everyone searched for her. All were frantic, especially Elena and Santi. Angel recalls falling down the hill and flinches. Then she recalls big and bad Beca’s threats again. JE urges her to tell him what happened. As the stress takes its toll, Angel grabs her stomach, obviously in pain. He picks her up to take her to the hospital.

    In the waiting room, Romina sits by herself as the doctor arrives. He grimly tells Luciano and those gathered that Mati’s spinal cord was damaged; she may never walk again! The doctor’s words echo hollowly as Luciano, Fatima and Javi look crushed as do Lucas and Lupe. Romina stares wide eyed as she is wont to do.


  30. VIVIR #108 Part 3

    Luciano can’t accept that Mati won’t walk again. When Romina accusingly lunges at Lucas, Lupe defends him as Luciano holds her back. Luciano prays this is a misdiagnosis and Fatima suggests a second opinion. The doctor then imparts that there is a surgery that could help Mati but it is very risky. A flood of emotions overpower the assembled group.

    As Sebas rushes to his side, JE tells Elena about the pain Angel experienced. Elena, Gi, Armando and Doris are also there as the doctors attend to Angel.

    Luciano tentatively enters to find broken hearted Mati in a neck brace with an oxygen line. She cries asking her father what happened…she can’t feel her legs. Luc tries to comfort her, telling her they will operate on her and everything will be fine. He urges her to be calm and then explains about her spinal cord injury. Mati cries that she didn’t want this to happen; so Luciano continues to murmur words of comfort and assures her that she will be fine. He asks that she be brave and try her best to be as she was before. He kisses her forehead and embraces her.

    Javi cries that he doesn’t want Mati to die; so Fatima assures him she won’t die. Lupe also encourages Lucas.

    The doctor tells JE that Angel is asking for him; he hasn’t finished all the tests so can’t give a definitive diagnosis and asks for patience. Doris is huddled with her father. Meanwhile, Rebeca is being wheeled into the hospital!

    At breakfast Marisa rushes Pedrito and Loli as they have to get to school. Pedro tells Loli that he dreamed of “the wicked red lipped witch”. There is a knock on the door and Pedrito’s worst nightmares are brought to life as Monica stands there in putrid flesh, darkening the door. Pedrito screams and runs, hiding under the table. Monica announces that she came for Pedrito…and shows a shocked Marisa the DNA result. Pedrito hugs Marisa and starts whimpering. As Wanda walks in, Monica tells them that Pedrito is her grandson and she will take him whether they like it or not!

    The doctor tells JE and Angel that they fear the placenta separated. “Que” JE manages as Angel looks up imploringly. His “professional” diagnosis is that “MAYBE” Angel lost the baby.

    Gi tells Elena to have faith. Corral shows up and needs to talk to Angel…she wants to ask her if Rebeca had anything to do with her disappearance. (Note Sebas and Doris still have had no conversation or interaction as far as we can tell).


  31. VIVIR #108 Part 4

    The doctor is trying to find the baby’s heartbeat.

    Corral explains that they think Rebeca was on the motorcycle that they were chasing. Elena asks if Rebeca died and receiving no answer, repeats the question.

    Angel implores that the doctor tell her the baby is alive as JE kneels by her side, in tears.

    The next pathetic saga begins to unfold as Rebeca wakes up asking where she is…she doesn’t remember anything, but brows furrowed, manages to say she is Frida del Olmo!!!

    The doctor asks Rebeca what else she remembers. She responds that she remembers a man - her father and the name of the restaurant. As our stomachs churn and our spirits sink, she tells the doctor to contact her father because he must be very worried! When the doctor tells her that the police are notifying her family, Rebeca feigns shock.

    Corral tells Elena that Rebeca is alive and being attended to.

    Pedro cries hysterically, begging that he doesn’t want to go with that woman. Wanda deduces that if Monica is Pedrito’s grandmother, then Misael must be his father. “Misael?” Pedrito screams in horror. Wanda is about to say who Pedrito’s mother is when Monica interrupts saying that Pedrito’s mother is a woman of the “happy” life, a vulgar dancer for men. Pedrito cries that his mother is good as Wanda puts her hand to her lips in anguish. Monica tells him that his mother preferred to entertain men rather than take care of her son. Now Pedrito will live the life of a Rivero Cuellar.

    Angel talks to the baby telling him that they love him as JE’s face contorts in grief. All of a sudden, they (and we) miraculously hear the heartbeat.


  32. VIVIR #108 Part 5 of 5

    Elena tells Corral that Angel is fragile and pregnant and asks her to wait to question her. As everyone chimes in echoing that sentiment, the doctor comes out and tells them Angel is fine. Doris hugs Armando.

    When Wanda tells Monica to stop being harsh with the children, Monica challenges her to give her an explanation…Pedrito needs to hear the truth about his mother. Pedrito cries that his mother is good and loves him. Monica (black blazer with polka dot blouse reminiscent of Cruella deville) orders that Pedrito be taken. At this point, Pedrito is hysterical and as he screams out “no” Loli breaks down. As the frantic crying gets on Monica’s nerves, Marisa tries to stand up for Pedrito but the two men take Pedrito away. Marisa, Loli and Wanda collapse in the doorway, arms tightly wound around each other.

    JE speaks soothingly to Angel, encouraging her to remain calm; he wants to have their baby in his arms. JE will do everything to make sure they are well. Corral enters; she needs to speak with Angel.

    Smart and intuitive Gi assumes Rebeca did have something to do with Angel’s disappearance. Elena wouldn’t be surprised by anything Rebeca might do. The doctor enters asking if they are the family of Frida del Olmo, informing them Rebeca has lost her memory.

    Corral asks if Rebeca was the one who caused her disappearance, but Angel continues to perpetuate her lie. Corral explains about the motorcycle accident explaining that they can’t act against Rebeca unless there is a formal accusation with evidence. JE stares as Angel looks uncertain.

    In the last scene, Rebeca greets Elena with a smile. As Elena walks over to her, Rebeca asks for her father as Gi stares hard at her. Where is my father??

    Between Pedrito and Mati, I thought this was a heartbreaking episode. No thaw in the ice between Sebas and Doris to hold onto.

    Thank you to mi amiga for all her insightful and extremely important dialogue translations. Marvelously done as always.


  33. Vivir. Another great recap, Diana and amiga. It certainly was a heartbreaking episode, but I suspect that if viewerville is patient all will be resolved. My favorite snarky comments this time were: Pedrito "adorably wears a big swath of ice cream on his sweet face;" "Rebeca's (sadly not) lifeless body;" "in putrid flesh, darkening the door;" and "reminiscent of Cruella deVille" (how apt!). This was very much a medical episode. I wonder where those helpful men came from. The street where Angelli was wandering? Wanda doesn't tell the police or detectives or whoever they are that Monica was a kidnapper? Why? Kidnapping a baby is much worse than having worked as a dancer. Why do I think that Mati is likely to survive the risky surgery and be cured? But even so, I hope Romina (who of course once again takes no responsibility) ends up in jail. Could Rebeca be faking her amnesia? Duh! Is the pope Argentinian> Maybe some doctor will note that that is not how amnesia works? And finally, does Angelli have no Mama Bear instincts? If someone had threatened the life of one of my children it would be that person who would be desperately afraid for his/her life. Maybe Agente Corral or Je will find some other evidence of Rebeca's crimes.

  34. Vivir

    I totally do not understand Angelli. Admittedly the jails don't seem able to keep their prisoners in prison, but she would be much safer from Rebeca if she told Corral about the kidnapping. Add Brayan to the mix too.

    Bingo for the amnesia card, is it double for fake amnesia?

    Wanda needs a good lawyer to bring Monica down and get custody of Pedrito. Shoot any lawyer good or bad should be able to get her custody of him. She needs a strand of his hair to prove she is his mother. If she isn't convinced he is hers but some other bimbos child by Misael then she has earned every one of her blonde hairs....(Just kidding,,)

    Poor Doris clinging to Daddy and scooting away from Sebastian on the couch. That father daughter relationship has really blossomed.

  35. Vivir de amor

    Thank you, Diana, I always know I will have a guide to the craziness that goes on in this novela waiting for me here at Caray, thanks to your efforts!

    Seriously? Granted JE doesn't know all the details of Angel's kidnapping, but he knows she has been through some kind of bad experience, that she is pregnant and had a nasty fall... and he takes her home because that's what she prefers? And, of course, she has to go to the hospital just a little while later anyway.

    As for poor Mati, just about everybody is at fault. How is Romina not in jail? Since when and where is it OK to lock children in with no means of escape in case of fire or other emergency? Still, Lucas and Mati showed really poor judgment, as did everybody else, even the guy who supplied the ladder.
    There must be something bad in the water these people are drinking.

    Diana, I'm as upset as you seem to be about the lack of progress in the Doris/Sebas storyline! Armando is getting hugs, poor Sebas not even a look.

    Also odd is Monica's interest in Pedrito now. Some years back she and Rufino physically stole the baby from Wanda and dropped him off with Rufino's grandmother. Thereafter, neither of the two had the slightest interest. Why now?

    I have to give credit to Bad Becky, Frida del Olmo. Play the cards you're dealt!

    I do wish that producers who want to make a TN that runs for 125 - 130 chapters would have a story that merits that many chapters without resorting to flying monkeys and trips to distant lands right down the road a bit. Ah, well. "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."


  36. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much for your always encouraging and uplifting support. It means so very much.

    Your comment was inspired, witty and wonderful, start to finish.

    "Could Rebeca be faking her amnesia? Duh! Is the pope Argentinian> Maybe some doctor will note that that is not how amnesia works?" was my hands down favorite. Love it!

    Like you, I was hoping that Wanda would hightail it to the police to report what happened. I was so disheartened to see her completely crumble under Monica's heavy hoof. That said, I am hoping that Wanda goes to Don Emilio who will set Adolfo on Monica's tiger tail and reunite him with his mother.

    Oh yes, Romina deserves to rot in jail for a good decade or two:)

    I am sure you are right in that Mati will survive the surgery and will have a miraculous recovery! Your faith that all will end well is encouraging and I will try to be more positive!


  37. Vivir de amor

    Kat, "Poor Doris clinging to Daddy and scooting away from Sebastian on the couch."

    Oh, I'm sorry that I missed that! Poor Sebas! But it is on him to make a move, he was the one so upset with Doris's past with Becky that he more or less dumped poor Doris.


  38. VIVIR

    "Admittedly the jails don't seem able to keep their prisoners in prison" is true Kat. And in this particular instance, I can't really fault Angel too much for keeping quiet thus far. Beca has already made her life miserable. Even today despite everything that has transpired, Elena moved toward Beca's bedside with care and concern.

    I give everyone credit who guessed at the "amnesia" plotline for Beca yesterday. You were right on!!


  39. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for a great report on all the dramatic drama.

    JE and a few good Samaritans rescue trembling Angel . I understand her just wanting to " go home" after that harrowing encounter with the Reb. Sometimes , you just want to be in your hone , in your own bed.

    Meanwhile, battered and bleeding " I- don't - need -no- stinkin' helmet " Reb, is back in the hospital. ..because she didnt put on the stinkin' helmet. ...but now she is Frida del Olmo . Where's dad? Okay ...Here we go with a whole new scheme.

    I guess Monica is thinking that Pedrito is her do over . Is she planning to hide the little guy in the house ? How? The first time Pedrito hears the ice cream being scooped , he will pop up.

    I noticed shy Seabass was lurking behind or next to Doris a lot. Maybe Doris will have to make the first move . Susan

  40. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your kind words.

    I enjoyed every word of your superb comment.

    I am definitely preoccupied with Sebas and Doris. "Armando is getting hugs, poor Sebas not even a look" is perfect! I kept staring, hoping to see the slightest crack in the ice between them but not even a drop of water appears. I agree with you that it's Sebas' move. I hope he thaws quickly.

    "How is Romina not in jail? Since when and where is it OK to lock children in with no means of escape in case of fire or other emergency?" Exactly! We saw firsthand the balcony is not a viable means of egress, and a fire would have been certain disaster.

    The only reason I can think of for Monica to be interested in recovering Pedrito is Misael. He's made it clear he is disgusted with her; perhaps she feels if she magically produces his heir, he will be thrilled and all will be forgiven. Excuse me but has she even met her son?? Not to mention Pedrito is terrified of both of them (who can blame him??).

    "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" was amazing and so, so fitting!


  41. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan.

    Oh my "battered and bleeding " I- don't - need -no- stinkin' helmet " Reb, is back in the hospital. ..because she didnt put on the stinkin' helmet" had me smiling in delight. How do you keep coming up with these gems??

    "I guess Monica is thinking that Pedrito is her do over" makes sense. Good answer!

    While everyone yearns for the comfort of home especially after the nightmare Angel lived through, sometimes commen sense needs to prevail! That said, I am relieved she and the baby are OK.


  42. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, another spectacular retelling of our twisted tale! And done with wit and flare!

    I was expecting the amnesia angle, but 'where's Dad'?? Is Rebeca going to try to pretend she's suddenly four??? That would be crazy even by novela standards!!! I'm here for it!!!

    Wow, possible paralysis for Mati, that's not original but I'm still sort of surprised they went to such a serious diagnosis! I wasn't expecting that! Romina needs to be thrown in jail! Luciano went to jail just for taking the kids to the hacienda without Romina's permission, but Romina isn't in jail for endangering Mati's life?? I hate her more than Beca, Monica, Miserable and Brayan put together!!! That woman is horrible!!!

    I can't understand what would keep Wanda quiet AGAIN as Monica bursts into the room and takes her child!!!! Like what??? Was she just shocked??

  43. Vivir

    If Mati remains paralyzed for a while I bet Romina will be perfectly content to send her to Daddy. I'm with you Darcy, Romina is my least favorite character also.

    I'm thinking Wanda was shocked and also afraid that Pedrito won't like her after Monica pretty much made her out to be a call girl (a reference which hopefully was over the kids heads.)

  44. VIVIR

    Darcy, I so appreciate your always kind words.

    "I was expecting the amnesia angle, but 'where's Dad'?? Is Rebeca going to try to pretend she's suddenly four??? That would be crazy even by novela standards!" had me laughing away. So true!!! I'm going to suspend my disbelief and will be here for all the madness right along with you!

    Completely agree about Romina deserving jail. The fact she took no responsibility for Mati's accident was yet another example of her loathsomeness.

    I think Wanda is emotionally stunted and believes she is powerless. I think Wanda probablly froze in fear. Sadly as you noted, this was a repeat of the first time Monica took her child. Don Emilio needs to intervene and quickly.


  45. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Marva Leslie Dunn (dialog translations). You both deserve medals for trudging through this dreck. This had to be the worst episode of the series - such a letdown from yesterday. Televisa gave us a big, fat lemon; ya’ll made lemonade. As always, I’m grateful for your hard work and dedication. The morning giggles don’t look too promising, but I’ll try. I’d also like to echo the patio’s thanks for providing the unaired scenes. It’s a fascinating look at the writer’s vision and the ineptitude of Univision’s editors. It’s the icing on your invaluable recap cake.

    You know it’s bad when the asinine maxes out before the opening credits. Mónica bipolar-ly wants Pedro now? ¿Qué the hell? This makes zero sense. Making negative sense: nobody is to tell Misael. Shouldn’t she be busy finishing her blackmail scheme with Helmut Sánchez? This was a horrible direction and completely stalled all the momentum of yesterday’s masterpiece theatre.

    For the first time in 1O8 episodes, Angellí’s antics were completely maddening, out of character, out of sync, and dangerous of inducing eye strain from eye roll. I blame whomever green-lit the expansion to 135 episodes. All I can do is adjust my beinie and pray it gets better.

    I was surprised that the writers went all Spinal Tap with Mati. I have to admit I did not see that coming; however, the risky surgery and the waiting room battles aren’t breaking any new ground.

    We could have gone the whole series without the painful scenes of Mónica re-stealing Pedrito. This whole arc is baffling and sloppy. Since when are DNA results enough to displace a child (an orphan, no less)? Does Pedro have identification? Cruella de Vil worked because she was well-written. Mónica needs to take those dang wax lips off and stick to raising glasses not children. I need her back in Rebeca/Romina/Bruno’s faces!

    Not amusing: Ang’s doctor’s quack diagnoses and baby heartbeat hokum. I didn’t believe for a second that the missionary foetus was in any danger. Actually, for a nanosecond I thought if Ang loses the baby, then she won’t have anything to lose when she goes after Big Reb. At least THAT would have been interesting.

    Less amusing: Rebeca’s asking for our revered Ulises. Keep our hero’s name out of your…mouth! Will Smith remix.

    I was so excited after yesterday’s triumph of an episode. Today we got an hour of sloppy writing, bad pacing, frustrating developments, and no Petra. Ugh! No fashion free-for-all, clever banter, rich colloquialisms, or romantic advancements. C’mon, Televisa. We’ve made it this far. Take the jumpsuits off and step away from the sharks.

  46. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you very, very much!

    You brought the fire and scorched earth. And magnificently.

    It was hard to try and be upbeat after yesterday's dreck. The writers weighed us down. I also tried to find the "giggles" but was it was like sifting through silt.

    "Less amusing: Rebeca’s asking for our revered Ulises. Keep our hero’s name out of your…mouth! Will Smith remix" was beyond. Perfect!

    "We could have gone the whole series without the painful scenes of Mónica re-stealing Pedrito. This whole arc is baffling and sloppy". From your lips to the writers ears.

    "Mónica needs to take those dang wax lips off and stick to raising glasses not children. I need her back in Rebeca/Romina/Bruno’s faces!" Yes, please stick to the desired script and not deviate from a successful storyline.

    I'm typing this in the old troublesome format which has reared its ugly head today. Fingers crossed this is just a momentary glitch and not a sign of posting trouble ahead today.


  47. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Excellent recap. I don't know how you deliver day after day, but I'm sure glad you do.

    Hmm, so what is Angel's plan? Surely she doesn't think Rebeca is done with her and her baby even if she keeps her mouth shut.

    Ugh, amnesia. I can't stand it. The only people little Frida she know are Elena and Gi. No way can Rebeca pull off this fake.

  48. OT - Blogger

    For the record, Diana, I got that same troublesome format for today’s posts. Ugh.

  49. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie!

    "Hmm, so what is Angel's plan? Surely she doesn't think Rebeca is done with her and her baby even if she keeps her mouth shut". Exactly! So, so frustrating.

    O.S., thanks. I'm still getting the "bad" format. Sigh.


  50. VIVIR #109 Part 1

    In her hospital bed, Rebeca stares innocently (as a poisonous asp), grasping Elena’s hand asking for her father. Rebeca grows increasingly agitated as Elena does not answer. Gi stands staring incredulously, off to the side.

    Angel (rightly) questions why her mother went to see Rebeca. JE tries to calm her down and lovingly reminds her she is recuperating. Angel harkens back to Rebeca’s nightmarish threats. JE then asks if Rebeca kidnapped her. After some gentle urging, Angel confirms that yes, it was Rebeca! (finally this sordid secret is spilled murmurs the patio with great relief).

    We see Elena’s back as Rebeca insists that she doesn’t remember anything. Gi is obviously skeptical (as is the patio!) and tells her that she was on a motorcycle when she crashed. Rebeca seems to disdainfully reject this and then asks Elena to call her father.

    Sandra is very happy working with Luis. After Santi approaches and tells them Angel is well, Carmelo mentions that the police think Rebeca had something to do with the kidnapping. Unfortunately, Axel and Memo are stuffing their faces nearby and overhear this.

    Elena tells Rebeca that her father died several years ago. Rebeca pours on the faux tears mewling that she wants her father. She pulls her mother into a hug as Gi raises an eyebrow and looks away.

    An emotional JE tells Angel that Rebeca can’t get away with this, but Angel tells him to calm down. JE apologizes but insists that this is the best time to move to have Rebeca locked up. A sad and deflated Angel thinks that Rebeca will only be set free. JE asks what Angel is afraid of…why doesn’t she want to report Rebeca?? (has JE already forgotten that Rebeca is a murderer and pure poison?) There is a dramatic closeup of Angel as the camera pans away.

    Doris walks arm in arm with Armando when Sebas interrupts wanting to talk to Doris. He apologizes but Doris isn’t having it! She tells him that they are very different people, turns on her heel and walks away as Sebas stares after her, devastated.

    Mati tells an emotionally distraught Lucas that she can’t feel her legs…she is afraid. Lucas tells her he will be there for her; he loves her. He gives her several tender kisses on the lips and again tells her he loves her as her gurney is wheeled away into surgery.

    As Brayan is throwing his few meager possessions into a bag, Memo and Axel enter and fill him in. Brayan tells them that it’s payback time…they are going to steal from the hacienda.


  51. VIVIR #109 Part 2

    Misael and dead men do wear plaid Bruno discuss their scheme to steal money.

    Monica enters with Pedrito who is still crying. At first, Misael looks on Pedrito with disdain. Then, without any preliminary gentle words, Monica cuts right to the chase, Pedrito is his son! Misael steps back to absorb this as Pedrito cries angry, bitter tears.

    JE pleads that Angel report Rebeca as Elena (in odd ‘70s racing stripe pants) says Rebeca can’t remember anything. JE and Angel look at each other.

    Misael says “hola” to Pedrito and introduces himself saying it’s good that they found each other. Monica keeps telling a shaking, nearly hysterical Pedrito that Misael is his father, finally physically pushing him forward. Pedrito starts screaming and runs out of the room straight into Don Emilio’s arms!

    Don Emilio asks what happened so Monica tells him that the boy is his grandson. Adolfo says it’s impossible but Misael says it’s true. Throughout all of this, Pedrito is holding onto Don Emilio for dear life. After this embarrassing display has already been witnessed by half the office, Cris suggests they talk “privately.” Cris tells Pedrito that she is JE’s mother and Adolfo is JE’s father. They console Pedrito and promise him ice cream. Pedrito finally smiles as Cris urges him to come with her.

    Marisa sits with a crying Loli and Wanda, lamenting that Pedrito was taken. When Marisa wonders if Pedrito’s mother was really a woman of the night, Wanda quickly tells her “no” …

    Don Emilio demands an explanation. Misael turns to Monica and angrily urges her to explain how she got rid of his son and kept him from him all these years…and now his son rejects him! It is all her fault he yells as Monica seems to finally look a bit guilty.

    Crying copious tears, Wanda tells Marisa that she is Pedrito’s mother…and she will prove it with a DNA test. Marisa, tears streaming down her face, lays her hand on Wanda’s cheek.

    Don Emilio questions if Monica has a heart (rhetorical of course because she does not); she had no right to take Pedrito from his mother! Monica mutters some nonsense, protests, then leaves. Don Emilio tells Misael that a son is a great gift from God and a piece of him; Pedrito needs his father. Misael, seemingly touched, sheds a tear and promises to try his best…he will win over his son, but he will need Don Emilio’s help. Don Emilio hugs him and promises to help. Misael smiles.


    Diana: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Great job with the recap of this afternoon's episode. Angelli cannot catch a freaking break. I want Crazy Becca to have the worst Karma anvil soon.

    When will Becca's reign of terror finally end ?

  53. VIVIR #109 Part 3

    (Unaired) Icky is talking about Misael abandoning his son, but Sebas points out that there are fathers who acknowledge their sons but don’t take care of them…and yes he’s talking about Icky! (Touché!) They talk about Jimena…Sebas thinks Icky doesn’t deserve her…and would be very happy to see Jimena with someone like Renato.

    Jimena is cheering David up and Renato joins them in a group hug. There is an almost imperceptible “moment” when they stare into each other’s eyes.

    Fatima tells Luciano to have faith. Luciano cries as he thinks of how unfair it is that Mati may not walk. A social worker approaches and informs Romina and Luciano that she will start an investigation into Mati’s accident. Just then, Lucas arrives and Romina roughly grabs him by the neck, pulling him forward and accusing him.

    Jimena tells Renato that Rebeca is a suspect in Angel’s disappearance. Renato shakes his head in disgust.

    With Lupe’s arm around him, Lucas gives his statement as Romina stands behind them, arms folded, making annoyed, disbelieving faces. Lucas explains that Romina tried to take the ladder from him and that’s why Mati fell…Romina pushed him!

    Mati’s operation commences as the surgeon’s knife pierces her flesh.

    (Unaired) Lupe is proud of Lucas for telling the truth.

    (Unaired) The nurse tells Luciano that Mati is hemorrhaging and is critical; blood donors are urgently needed. Immersed in grief, Luciano cries as he asks them to save his daughter.

    Marisa asks if Wanda is sure she wants to do this, but Wanda is adamant that she will! She will demand Misael let her see her son. Marisa thinks Pedrito should know she is his mother, but Wanda doesn’t want Pedrito to hate her especially after all the red lipped witch said about her. She just wants to be with Pedrito even if she never hears him say “mama”. After Wanda leaves, Loli asks why Marisa keeps the broken cup; and Marisa realizes that she has forgotten to give it to Angel!

    Brayan enters to see Rebeca and tries to kiss her but she asks what he is doing there…they will see him!


  54. VIVIR #109 Part 4

    (Unaired) Angel and JE both think Rebeca is faking amnesia, but Elena insists that Rebeca really can’t remember since she was so emotional when she was told about her father (another painful and pitiful regression for Elena). Angel pleads with Elena that she not be fooled.

    Brayan mocks that no one will believe that she lost her memory, but Rebeca thinks they already believe her…and Brayan should stay away for a while. Brayan already has plans to stay away from the neighborhood.

    JE and Angel tell Adolfo about Rebeca kidnapping Angel and ask about the possibility of sending her to prison. Adolfo tells them that it depends on the evidence…and Angel’s statement won’t be enough! Marisa enters and (finally) gives Angel the broken cup.

    In order to prepare Sandra for her job, Santi acquaints her with the restaurant, giving her the grand tour. Sandra is effusive and excited but Santi is sad and downcast.

    Thick as a brick Romina doesn’t understand why she would need a lawyer!? The social worker explains that the investigation may result in findings of abuse and mistreatment. As Romina stares gob smacked, the social worker says “buenos tardes” and leaves. Romina calls Rebeca for money for a lawyer but gets a recording.

    Luciano, who has just given blood, cries that his daughter is dying, Lupe is with a sleeping Javi so Fatima leads him to the chapel to pray.

    Lucas gives blood as he recalls being with Mati, playing “b ball”, star gazing and meals spent together under the dark skies illuminated by strings of twinkling lights. Lastly, he remembers comforting her before her surgery and his words of love to her. The surgical team continued the operation.

    Fatima tells Luciano that he needs to put everything in God’s hands. They pray for Mati.


  55. VIVIR #109 Part 5

    As Misael worries why Pedrito hasn’t returned, Cris arrives with him. Don Emilio tells Pedrito that he is very happy to have him as a grandson. When he asks if Pedrito will say hello to his father, Pedrito emphatically replies “no,” “no quiero”. Misael tells the sneering child that he wants to get to know him and be his father. Don Emilio puts his hands gently on Pedrito and with a sweet smile asks Pedrito to give his father a chance. Pedrito glares at Misael and there is no response.

    Monica continues to swill her drink as she thinks about what Don Emilio told her. She puckers and muses that if it weren’t for her, that child wouldn’t be here. Bruno enters and needs to talk. When he asks what’s wrong, Monica looks coldly at him as she opens her laptop and shows him the video. You are a traitor she hisses. Bad Bruno lies through his teeth, complaining Romina was constantly “after him”. When he swears he has no interest in Romina, Monica tells him to help her to get Romina out of the company. As she tilts her head, Bruno, knowing who butters his bread, quickly agrees.

    Angel and JE enter Rebeca’s sickroom as Rebeca comments that Angel finally went to see her. JE tells her not to be a hypocrite. Rebeca pretends not to know JE so Angel tells her to stop…they know she’s faking it!

    Elena talks to Ulises and prays that Rebeca get rid of her hate and resentment (only THE highest authority could grant that request I snarl).

    Misael tries to bribe Pedrito; if he lives with him, he will buy him whatever he wants. Cris thinks it’s not good to pressure Pedrito. She strokes Pedrito’s cheek asking him to stay with them for a few days. After Don Emilio and Misael accept, Pedrito kisses Don Emilio’s cheek. An emotional Pedrito thanks him, but when Misael asks him for a kiss, Pedrito scathingly states Misael is now Don Injusto because he thinks he can buy his affection with nice things. He heartbreakingly cries that when he didn’t eat for days, he didn’t want a piece of bread, he wanted a kiss from his mother! Even Misael is seemingly moved. Don Emilio knows that this is difficult for Pedrito and assures him they will take care of him. Misael is actually crying. Don Emilio then suggests inviting JE to dinner so they can all welcome Pedrito to the family.


  56. VIVIR #109 Part 6 of 6

    Rebeca feigns indignation that Angel thinks she’s faking it. When she asks why she is treating her as if she hates her, Angel shows her the broken cup…and tells her that it’s the one she put poison in to kill Alma. Rebeca denies this of course as JE reminds her of the other atrocities she committed including running over Mau. Angel recalls that she also caused their mother to be run over. Angel then adds the police already have a sample of the cup, and Rebeca will end up in prison! As Rebeca tries her best to summon a deer in the headlights look, we end…

    When Doris rebuffed Sebas, it became painfully apparent there was not to be an iota of joy today.

    All credit and heartfelt thanks to mi amiga whose superb dialogue translations enlightened and clarified so much. Her generous time is such a gift.


  57. Vivir. Diana and friend, I don't know how you do it, but excellent as usual! Without your complete recap viewers might not know for certain why Lucas is giving blood. My favorites this time were: "innocently (as a poisonous asp;" "Misael and dead men do wear plaid Bruno;" "(rhetorical of course because she does not);" "tilts her head...butters his bread." Gi is so right to be skeptical of Rebeca! Thank goodness Lucas tells the authorities about Romina's pushing the ladder, and they advise her to get a lawyer, which is a good sign. And of course Mati codes during surgery and has to be brought back to life. Ho hum. What a cliche!..Rebeca doesn't even try to feign amnesia with Brayan. Poor Pedrito. But he's lucky to have d. Emilio and Cris. And Misael is right--their separation is all Monica's fault. I'm glad Angelli has decided to turn Rebeca in, but I can't believe that the authorities would think Angelli's testimony about being kidnapped wasn't sufficient.

  58. Vivir
    Splendid as always, Diana and Omni.
    Not much joy, but a lot of movement in this episode. A lot of “finallys” — social worker, Wanda says it out loud, Misael knows, Marisa and broken cup, Angel and JE confront Reb, and more.

    Doris/Sebas scene, Armando was very animated standing behind Doris when she blew off Sebas. Maybe he will help them reconcile?

    The scene where Pedrito accused Misael of trying to buy him was so moving and well-acted. But if Pedrito warms up to his “water tank face “ father, isn’t adorable Pedrito in for even more heartbreak when Misael’s anvil falls (as it surely must?).

    Even if Pedrito doesn’t accept Misael before our saga ends, whatever happens to Misael will affect that poor kid. He’ll have his Mom, though, and all his other new relatives.

  59. Vivir
    A funny play on words when DE was explaining to Pedrito he was his great-grandfather (bisabuelo). The word for “cross-eyed” is “bizco,” sounds similar, so DE made goofy faces and squinted his eyes.

  60. Vivir #109

    Gracias, amigas.

    I was not surprised at Rebecca's attempt at faking amnesia. She deserves a truly nasty Karmageddon for all her sins. I hope things work out so Monica or whoever else reveals the video of the hostage situation on the cell phone.

    If Monica thinks Pedrito is her do-over she's an idiot. This boy is young but very street-smart for his age. He will see through her in ways she hasn't thought of.

    She wants custody of Pedrito to control Misael and anyone else who cares about the child.

    If course JE saw through Rebecca's fakery and Angeli knew immediately. I was worried she would not tell him but with only 21 episodes left we deserve the prep for Rebecca's Karmageddon. The broken cup is just the beginning.

    It would be good for Pedrito to live at the hacienda and/or with Adolfo and Cristina. He is Pedrito's abuelo and he deserves the do-over that Monica thinks she's getting.

  61. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Everything is crucial as we wind our way to the finale. Thanks for capturing all of it.

    I'm feeling for the Pedrito actor. He's been called upon to cry a whole lot. Such a drag.

    Misael seems genuine in wanting to be a father to Pedrito. How ironic that Don Emilio gave Misael a peptalk to fight for Pedrito's love, but Misael is yet again scamming and stealing from his grandpop.

    I liked Monica's cool in showing Bruno the tape of the plaid fool with Romina.

    Uh, Rebeca, if you're back in your Frida days how do you even recognize grown Angel? I'm enjoying Angel and JE working together. I was afraid they'd brought all the cup evidence with them (for Rebeca to steal somehow), so I'm glad they brought only a piece of it and the police have the rest.


  62. Vivir de amor

    Diana, many thanks for yet another sterling recap, even though, as you wrote, "[When Doris rebuffed Sebas,] it became painfully apparent there was not to be an iota of joy today."

    Definitely not the happiest of episodes. But progress is being made, Misael is genuinely interested in his son, Pedrito, and we will see what comes of this. Unfortunately, I don't know where Misael will be in the near future. His sins and crimes will probably catch up with him soon now.

    Pedrito does keep scratching his head, so often that it's obviously a sign of something, but I don't know what.

    It is certainly hard to see Misael and Monica instantly reformed now, and what will happen to the company now that Misael got don Emilio to OK his loan scheme? It's hard to imagine Misael playing Daddy while the company implodes.

    As usual, there are so many loose threads to gather, but we are getting there. I am a bit surprised that Misael has not shown more interest in Wanda, as he was supposedly in love (or something like it) with her back some years ago. And now he doesn't even recognize her when she was at the company office?

    I suppose it's too early to worry about whether my beanie is in good working order, or to check my parachute, but soon now.


  63. Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for boldly swimming through his sea of tears to bring us every lumbering , stumbling moment.

    Well, they teased us again with the photo of the guy we all love , which makes me wonder why this beloved actor was killed off in the first episode !!!

    It looks like Reb is trapped ...and still she keeps on lying. I guess liars start to believe their own lies. How many episodes are left?

    OT..anyone watching Amor Real , you cannot trust the tv schedule. it Said it wasn't in today, but it was. p.s. so hard to comment with this blogger format. Susan

  64. Vivir

    I’m visiting my sister and am unable to watch my shows! Debated just reading the recaps, I will have a bunch to binge watch when I get home. So far that’s my plan. I’m afraid if I read the weeks worth I won’t watch them and I really enjoy watching. Hope it won’t take me too long to catch up!


  65. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your lovely comments!!

    I cannot thank you enough for "Mati codes during surgery and has to be brought back to life." So, I saw the flurry of activity in the OR, the ominous music and them giving her oxygen but if there was any of the usual frantic, beeping noise from the monitor indicating she flatlined, I missed it!! So appreciative for your sharp eye.

    You are absolutely right in that it is solely Monica's mean mischief that kept Misael and Pedrito apart. As I suspect they will be together a very short while, my wish is that they are able to build something of a relationship in the interim. Misael can be blamed for much, but not this.

    "Rebeca doesn't even try to feign amnesia with Brayan" had me smiling away. You can't kid a kidder, or in this case, a stone cold murderer.


  66. VIVIR

    Thank you so very much Clara!

    "...when DE was explaining to Pedrito he was his great-grandfather (bisabuelo). The word for “cross-eyed” is “bizco,” sounds similar, so DE made goofy faces and squinted his eyes" was fabulous, that explains DE's facial contortions. Thank you!

    "The scene where Pedrito accused Misael of trying to buy him was so moving and well-acted. But if Pedrito warms up to his “water tank face “ father, isn’t adorable Pedrito in for even more heartbreak when Misael’s anvil falls (as it surely must?). You are unfortunately right on the mark I believe Clara (speculation not spoiler). As you smartly noted, Pedrito will have many loving family members and Wanda to love, comfort him and get him through this.


  67. VIVIR

    Thanks Urban!

    "If Monica thinks Pedrito is her do-over she's an idiot. This boy is young but very street-smart for his age. He will see through her in ways she hasn't thought of" was very intuitive. I completely agree along with Monica wanting "...custody of Pedrito to control Misael". Exactly!!

    But this about Don Emilio being "...Pedrito's abuelo and he deserves the do-over that Monica thinks she's getting" was perfect.


  68. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much...

    "I liked Monica's cool in showing Bruno the tape of the plaid fool with Romina" had me smiling away. Me too! :)

    "Misael seems genuine in wanting to be a father to Pedrito. How ironic that Don Emilio gave Misael a peptalk to fight for Pedrito's love, but Misael is yet again scamming and stealing from his grandpop" was such good insight.

    Andre Gonzalez plays Pedrito. He had an even more depressing role in Mi fortuna es amarte where he played an abused child that cried in almost every scene. It was heartbreaking and much more grim than this. I am sure he is a favorite among the cast, what a shining talent and personality!

    It IS good (and refreshing) to see Angel together working side by side. Fingers crossed this continues...writers please, no more break ups.


  69. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much!

    Thank you for pointing out that "...progress is being made, Misael is genuinely interested in his son" . That is a good point and while it may not turn out to be happily ever after, there is hope for a reconciliation...

    Speaking of, I'm not losing hope that Sebas and Doris are going to patch it up.

    And oh, I am so appreciative of "I am a bit surprised that Misael has not shown more interest in Wanda, as he was supposedly in love (or something like it) with her back some years ago. And now he doesn't even recognize her..." I've thought that so many times since the first time we saw Misael and Wanda lay eyes on each other! Yes, Misael DID tell Monica quite a way back that he loved Wanda but there is no trace of that now especially as you cleverly noted he barely seems to recognize her. Just sad.

    I am wondering if Misael may do something heroic ere the end; something that will make Pedrito think kindly of his father into the future.


  70. VIVIR

    Thanks Susan!

    I smiled at every "lumbering , stumbling moment". This has been full of those moments, right??

    "It looks like Reb is trapped ...and still she keeps on lying. I guess liars start to believe their own lies" is SO true!!

    After episode #110 airs tomorrow, there will be 20 more...


    1. Thanks Diana, and friend, for another soulful look into what sounds like a pitifully sad episode! From all Pedrito must endure to Elena actually buying Rebeca’s ridiculous amnesia, it’s all pitiful!!! But your writing is wonderful and your recap is the highlight of the day!
      And Beca is ridiculous because Niecie has it exactly right: ‘Uh, Rebeca, if you're back in your Frida days how do you even recognize grown Angel?’ If Beca thinks she’s Frida and doesn’t know where the daddy she hasn’t seen since she was four is, she shouldn’t recognize anyone!!! Not her grown siblings and probably not even Elena since she wouldn’t have seen her mom in 20 years, she might remember her from 20 years ago, but it’s a leap! She would have been better off trying to pretend she forgot Frida and asking for Antonio and Alma!!! But I guess Elena will believe anything!
      Glad Angel told the truth about Rebeca! Keeping that secret made almost as much sense as an amnesic four year old!!! The only way to keep your child safe from Beca is to throw her in jail, Angel! In out on the lose Beca, is too unpredictable, vindictive and mean to ever be safe!
      We used to have a #savepetra, we need an #sendrominatojail, and #throwawaythekey!!!! Can’t stand her!! Lupe should have decked her for going after her son!!! But I guess that wouldn’t be a great example. The only one more heartless than Romina is Monica who can put Pedrito through all this trauma while purposely bad mouthing his momma and not even blink an eye!!! Misael is a cad, but he’s never been a completely heartless cad, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s moved by Pedrito. But is he moved enough to do the right thing? Will he help his son reunite with Wanda? Somehow, I doubt it.
      Susan, I can’t imagine why they would kill off the guy we all love in episode 1. But I will enjoy the picture when I watch the episode tomorrow! I hope Christian is back in a new novela (for more than one episode) soon!

  71. VIVIR

    Liz, thanks for checking in!

    Have a wonderful time with your sister. I think you will have fun catching up when you are able; there is a lot going on!


  72. VIVIR

    Hi Steve! Thank you; glad you are watching...

    Beca's reign of terror has several more weeks to go so it's going to be a bumpy ride!


  73. Vivir

    Not sure why my comment posted as a reply and not as a new comment, this messed up formatting is hard to navigate.

  74. VIVIR

    Darcy, it's dark now but your sparkling comment has brought the sunshine out once again. Thank you.

    A thoughtful and inspired observation as to how Beca might have better proceeded: "She would have been better off trying to pretend she forgot Frida and asking for Antonio and Alma!!!" Well done! That would have been at least somewhat believable! Ahh, but as you noted: "I guess Elena will believe anything!" is tragically right on the money.

    I have no idea what will transpire next but fear it's just too early for Beca to be jailed. I have a feeling Beca is going to end up on the lam, having free reign to terrorize.

    Darcy, I don't want you to be let down so will tell you beforehand that sadly, there is no visual of Christian in today's episode as Elena "talks" with Ulises.
    :( Hopefully, we will "see" him again ere the end.


  75. Vivir
    Elena was speaking to a picture of Christian when 'talking' with Ulises. No actual sighting of the actor but his picture was shown as Susan stated.
