
Thursday, August 01, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2) Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 29, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! We have a new TN starting this week—MAREA DE PASIONES!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

 9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: Ep. 13-14

10-11 PM - Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONWS #13 Page 1

    So much happened!

    Marcelo insists that he did not kill Alejandro and concludes it must have been Zaid. That is not logical to Santiago since he himself had fallen out of favor with his father and Zaid was on track to inherit everything. Marcelo will discover why Zaid killed Alejandro.

    María tells Juan she will not be party any longer to making Isela suffer more than she has. She doesn't want to see him again.

    Roberta works for Zaid at the bar. She makes commission on her sales of "merchandise" (drugs) to VIP customers and asks for a higher commission since she needs the money (to get Serena to move out?). He says if she "hooks"more customers more commission she will make. She isn't "hooking" anyone but if they ask for it, she will sell it to them. Zaid notices she is selling the merchandise and is pleased she ahas seen the light. Zaid's minion tells him that some of their high rollers are not interested in their "hostesses" are asking for younger women. Those women have managers (pimps??) who charge high commissions. What to do? Manage the increase or or look for another solution. Roberta overhears the conversation.

    Leonor knows something is bothering Santiago. He seems surprised that she cares but isn't talking.

    Zaid kidnaps Beatriz. He wonders what she is doing with Felipe. She is trying to save herself. He thinks she is ratting on him. She is trying to make Felipe fall in love with her to stay out of jail. He tells her that she needs to leave Felipe alone and find another way to save herself. Her father will be the one to suffer if she does not follow his orders. She tells her father what happened but decides there is no other way but to seduce Felipe without Zaid finding out.

    Felipe tells Marcelo that Zaid getting him away from the vacation residence would have given him enough time to frame him for Alejandro's murder but proving that will be hard.

    Marcelo tells Helena how he found out that Zaid is the witness against him and how he thinks he is involved some how. He is going to confront Zaid. She thinks that would be dangerous and putting them all at risk. Marcelo says he would kill Zaid first. She thanks him for taking care of her and kisses him. She closes herself in the bathroom and phones Zaid to tell him that Marcelo knows he is the witness. That proves she is still working for him. She notices some blood where she was sitting in the washroom. She cleans it up.

  2. MAREA Page 2

    Creepy Leonor, while creeping in her house , overhears Ana telling Roberta she loves her on the phone. Leonor asks who she is in love with. Ana reminds her that she has told her not to come into her room without knocking and that she doesn't have to tell her everything about her life. She tries to throw her mother out of her room but half- drunk Leonor is insistent. Ana finally tells her she stinks and that she should stop drinking. Leonor creeps out of her room undeterred.

    Luisa complains to Zaid that Natalia is all excited because he told her that she could see Marcelo. Luisa says that is not going to happen. He answers that he didn't want to hurt Natalia. Should have he told her the truth??? What to do?? Zaid decides he will be a super dad and do so many fun things with Natalia she won't have time to miss Marcelo. She thinks that Natalia will like that and thanks him with a kiss. His family is the most important thing to him.

    Lazy Ozvaldo and mother Amanda complain when they find out that Nora has quit her office job is going to work as a waitress at a strip club. She can double her income. They think she is going to be a table/lap? dancer. No respectable woman would do that! They didn't offer her a job as a dancer but as a waitress. Ozvaldo says she doesn't know those places but as a man he does. He gets to go and do what he wants being a man. Mother Amanda wants her at home take care of the house. Nora says since NOBODY else works, what are they supposed to live off of? Air?

    Leonor rejects Natalia the next morning at breakfast. Luisa takes her to school. Santiago makes a smart *ss remark. Zaid is not pleased with him and and warns Leonor to be careful about what she says to his daughter because she is guilty of nothing. She looks worried. Luisa is worried her granny dons't love her any more. Luisa informs her mother that will be the last time she treats Natalia that way. Leonor tries to make it all about herself but it doesn't fly with anyone. Luisa tells Zaid that if Leonor keeps it up she will be living somewhere else. Zaid says they can go wherever she wants but her mother is still the head of the council and they have to keep seeing her. What to do? Said has an answer. They weren't successful before but there have been advances in medicine so he thinks that they can have a child and that will take Leonor's focus off of Natalia. Luisa doesn't look convinced.

    Isela is getting out of the hospital today. Juan says they can go home and forget all about this. Isela says that won't be easy for her. She will see Sofía's room. She will have to accept that her daughter has died and dismantle her room. Juan agrees to take charge of doingthat for her.

    Gael texts Iñaki that he wants them to go ahead with the plan. Camila agrees. She will make sure Gael pays.They go to the hotel room where Camila reminds Gael via whatever cameras there are that recording somebody without their consent is against the law. She and Iñaki have a pillow fight and trash the room. Gael is in class and not happy. He finally leaves.When he gets to the hotel he finds out that he reserved the room and has to pay for the damage. The joy is short lived as Gael and his friends beat up Iñaki as payback. Iñaki makes his way to Camila's where she takes him in. They seem to genuinely like each other.

  3. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa goes to see Marcelo and sees him kissing with Helena.He sees her drive away in her car. She reappears later as he is working with his blue prints. She tells him what a bad boy he has been carrying on with her and then with Helena. He thinks she is jealous. She denies that. They flirt and she say he can't be smooching both of them. That means he is lying to one of them. She pities his girlfriend and hope she soon realizes who he really is. She leaves.

    Juan confronts Zaid about what he did to Beatriz and threatens to go to the police and confess everything he knows even if he ends up in jail.Zaid says nothing will happen to her of she does things the right way. Juan wants to know what that means. Well, if she saves herself they all go down but then again they could blame it on a system error in their computer program. They are interrupted by the secretary with the number of a fertility specialist. Zaid tells nosy Juan that he wants to have a child with Luisa because it will keep them united. Ever since Marcelo has reappeared he has caused problems for them in their marriage and now he is saying that he (Zaid) killed Alejandro. Juan asks what if he (Zaid) did kill him being the dirty player he is?? Zaid is insulted by that insinuation. He tells Juan to leave before he shows him what a dirty player he can be.

    Felipe calls Beatriz reminding her that he is off the case and thinks they should get together. She agrees as long as they can meet at some beach ou tnof town so her mother does not find out.

    Luisa is not sure she wants another child. Zaid admits he has a real need to have a child of his own. That will not change in any way how he feels about Natalia. It would strengthen them as a couple. She agrees to give it a try.

    Helena goes to the doctor about the unusual bleeding and finds out it is not unusual in a woman's first trimester. Helena realizes she is pregnant by . . . Zaid when he raped her. Luisa and Zaid see her at the hospital when they arrive to see the pregnancy specialist. She looks ill so Luisa rushes over to help her. Zaid goes along , too. Helena takes a good long look at Zaid and tells him not to touch her. She leaves on her own. Luisa is left asking how Helena knew his name. He looks stupid and shrugs. He then says it must be that Marcelo was talking bad about him so she thinks he is a monster. Luisa seems to believe the excuse. The fertility treatments can start as soon as Luisa feels ready to start the process. When alone, she does not look so sure about it all.

    Helena makes her way home. Luisa turns up and asks her if she can help her with anything. Helena knows she is the woman who wants to put her novio in jail. Luisa wants to talk.

    Zaid is at work when Marcelo attacks him. He accuses him of killing Alejandro.He tells himt o confess. Zaid readily admits that he did kill him. SO WHAT??


  4. MAREA

    Sorry for the typo in the title but I have no time for corrections.

  5. MAREA

    Jarifa, what an excellent job you did with this recap! This is sailing along at full speed.

    "Creepy Leonor, while creeping in her house" was my favorite of many lines.

    So many cringeworthy, painful moments: "Leonor rejects Natalia and "Luisa is worried her granny doesn't love her any more". Sigh. At least Zaid spoke up; I'd like nothing better than Leonor on the street with no money and no resources. I'd say no friends but I sincerely doubt loathsome Leonor has anyone who cares about her.

    Naturally, Luisa, Helena and Marcelo all end up at the doctor's! I felt so badly for Helena...I love though that her stare bore holes in him and when "Luisa is left asking how Helena knew his name. He looks stupid and shrugs". Perfect!

    I was shocked Zaid told Marcelo the truth? Isn't the first rule in the TN villain handbook "thou must deny, deny, deny?" :)

    My favorite scene was the secretary giving Zaid the name of the fertility specialist right in front of Juan! Juan could barely contain his glee.


  6. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for a great recap of all the action.

    I find Camila's storyline pretty depressing ....such a heavy PSA.

    Leonor gets worse and worse. Her scenes with creepy Zaid make me think she had a thing with him when he was young and came to live with the family . yuck.

    How did Zaid hide his extreme ickiness from Luisa all these years ? And now , Helena is pregnant by Zaid .

    Roberta is working for Zaid ?

    I am hoping that we see more of Gatica . He can play both good and bad, and it seems like he was shaken up by the death of the pregnant girl and that new girl may help him clean up his act. We have enough bad characters. Susan

  7. anyone watching " Gloria Trevi" at 9 pm ? It is supposedly based on her life. I watched the first episode , but it is very dark. I also read the Wikipedia article about her . I think the actress who played Gemma in Receta is portraying Gloria as a young girl. Susan

  8. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. I am glad I stuck with this novela because I am actually starting to enjoy it in spite of itself. That was a shock when Zaid admitted the murder to Marcelo. Yes, he is completely ignoring the “telenovela rules.” ; ) Zaid is turning into a ruthless but an interesting villain. He seems to really love Luisa and Natalia and he has been able to hide his cray cray side from Luisa for all these years with Leonor’s support. He is really “out there.” How long until Luisa sees one too many incongruences in his explanations vs. actions? Her giving in to getting pregnant is not a good idea.

    Susan, thanks. Camila’s story is heavy and more psychologically rooted than I thought it would be. It has become sort of hard to ignore her plot line at this point. I feel sorry for Helena, too. She gets raped and ends up pregnant? Will she try to pass the pregnancy off as Marcelo’s child?

    OT Susan, I watched a few minutes of the first episode of the Gloria Trevi bioseries a few weeks ago, and when it looked like she was going to get beat for eating a can of tuna, I was done. Not for me.

  9. Marea

    Thanks, Jarifa, excellent recap. I’m not sure why Helena thinks the baby is Zaid’s. Wasn’t she sleeping with Marcelo pretty soon after the rape. Or even before, when she rescued him after he got beat up. Plus Zaid seems to have fertility problems. At least I assumed it was him since Luisa has Natalia.

    It seems everyone knows what a creep Zaid is except Luisa, who should know him best.

    Leonor is another creepy character. Rejecting her granddaughter like she did. I had thought the secret from 7 years ago was she knew, or was in on, the murder of her husband. Now I’m thinking she had an affair with Zaid.


  10. Thanks, Liz. The reason that Helena thinks that Zaid is the father is because she and Marcelo have been using protection when they have sex. I am also wondering if Zaid and Leonor had an affair. He is just as creepy as she is when they are together.

  11. MAREA DE PASIONES #14 Page 1

    Things are rolling right along

    Marcelo punches Zaid who insists that he SAW him when he killed Alejandro. Zaid's men beat on Marcelo who tells Zaid that he knows that Zaid had him kidnapped so he could be framed. Zaid wants to know who told him the lie that he was responsible for Alejandro's death. Marcelo does not give Santiago up. Zaid says Marcelo is trying to blame him because he ended up with everything Marcelo wanted and by the way, he and Luisa are going to be parents. Marcelo is thrown out of the casino.

    Helena refuses to talk to Luisa. Luisa says he is making a fool of her. Helena assures her that she and Marcelo love each other. Luisa says she only came to warn her. Helena believes Marcelo and can take care of herself. A co-worker(?) thinks that Luisa is feeling jealous. She disagrees thinking that Marcelo does not deserve to be happy.

    Iñaki and Camila agree they need to do something so Gael will leave them alone. She says she will take care of it. At the school café, Ana tells Camila to talk to Gael , get a test done and be done with it. Camila will not do that because she knows he will post it all on the social networks. Ana leaves with Roberta. Camila goes to buy something and leaves her drink unattended. Gael notices and drugs her drink. Some girls have seen what he did and one warns Camila. Camila tells Iñaki that Gael tried to drug her. Gael walks by and seems to be watching them. It turns out that Iñaki cares for her more than she thought. She is afraid but suddenly has an idea: they have to kidnap Gael. That night, Camila parks outside of Gael's house and she calls out to him as he arrives home. As he chats with Camila in the car, Iñaki knocks him out with a tire iron. They load him in the trunk and take off.

    Felipe's boss, aka the Grajales lap dog, doesn't like that Felipe hasn't found anything morally compromising about Nora and has been nosing around Santiago's business. He tells him to FIND SOMETHING or he will charge him with CONTEMPT. Instead, Felipe warns Nora about what he was asked to do and tells her to re-think her job as a waitress at the strip club. Nora's child is hospitalized again and with no help apparent from her useless husband and cackling mother Amanda, Nora tells Santiago that if he gives her one million pesos, she will withdraw her complaint. Santiago is more than happy for the charges to be gone but wants her back at her job. She agrees. In the meantime, Nora's replacement has been sexually harassed by Santiago. She tells Luisa who is ready to take her family on since Santiago made light of it and her mother has charged her with keeping the family's reputation intact at any cost. Felipe's boss gets a call from Santiago who wants Felipe fired. The police official says he has to be careful because Felipe already suspects that the Grajales are paying him off. Santiago says he never should have paid him so much in the first place.

  12. MAREA Page#2

    Leonor goes to the hotel to visit her bartender-gigolo. She misses him. He doesn't get it since she ordered him to go back to work at the bar. She say he can come back to the house but he is refusing. Her son-in-law threatened him to not come back to the house He thinks that is because her son-in-law LIKES her. Leonor smiles a sly smile.

    Luisa assures Zaid that Marcelo never saw the evidence file. Zaid tells Luisa that somebody told Marcelo that he was the only witness to when her father was killed. She doesn't think it could be anyone from the family. She thinks that proves that Marcelo must have stolen the file. Zaid is not so sure. Zaid asks Helena if she gave the Colombian evidence folder to Marcelo. He tells her that suddenly Marcelo knows that he is THE witness. Helena answers that maybe Marcelo stole it. He threatens her if she is lying. She gives him the pregnancy test results and says HE did that to her. Zaid laughs saying it could be anybody's. Helena says NO she has been using brith control with Marcelo. He mocks her telling her he would never have a child with her and gives her some cash to get an abortion. He wants to know when it is done.

    Cris, Marcelo's, business partner runs into María when she goes to visit with Helena who is not at home. He invites her to wait at his place until Helen comes back. After a cup of tea, she deicides to leave. He tells her she is always welcome with a kiss on the cheek. Cris gets a call from his doctor. It sounds like he has a serious disease and cannot be bothered with further medical interventions no matter how much time he has left. .

    Marcelo tells Felipe and a six pack that he is realizing that things are never going to be the same after being gone for seven years. Felipe says he has two choices: making his life with Helena or betting everything he has on Luisa. Marcelo sees only one choice.
    He talks with Helena who tells him about Luisa's visit and how she made it clear that Marcelo would never be free because they have a child together. Marcelo tells her not to worry. She asks if they are going to have a serious relationship now. Marcelo answers yes and wants to meet her family. She refuses. She didn't get along with her parents who never cared about her and hasn't talked to them in a long time. They made her suffer a lot. She will tell him all about ti some day but not now. He sees a scar running along the side of her thumb. She blames being clumsy with knives and explains that she cut herself in a kitchen working with a chef. .Marcelo tells her he will always take care of her. That night she has a nightmare where she remembers stabbing somebody over and over again as the blood sprays all over her. Marcelo tries to calm her down.

    Juan takes charge of dismantling Sofía's room since Isela cannot. Juan picks up a doll and remembers Sofía as a happy eight (?) year old as Alfonso has a nightmare where he is outside somewhere with Sofía. He finds her doll but she is gone. Alfonso is in a bad way and calls Rita who picks him up.

    Ana and Roberta are living their love story until they are spied on by Zaid who decides to pay them a visit. He never suspected that Ana was a lesbian!!!!

    Felipe hangs out outside of Beatriz's house in order to talk to her. She goes down to see him. She thought they were going to see each to her the next day. Well, he couldn't wait. She makes it clear that she wants them to be a couple. He is all for it. They kiss. Too bad he gets a text from the police cyber investigative team telling him that the illegal money transfer was made from Beatriz's computer. She is the only suspect. It is his job to find evidence so they can convict her.

    Marcelo goes to the judge and gets the forms to file a lawsuit for custody of his daughter. Her lawyer notifies Luisa later that night. She tells her mother that Marcelo wants to take her daughter away.


  13. MAREA

    Jarifa, another fascinating, well written read. Excellent job; thank you.

    “Her son-in-law threatened him to not come back to the house He thinks that is because her son-in-law LIKES her. Leonor smiles a sly smile”. As the stomach roils…

    What on earth are Camila and Inaki thinking? Clearly they aren’t. I’m not sure what Mexican law would charge them with but assault with a dangerous weapon wouldn't be much of a stretch. Gael is trash and so not worth them ruining their lives over.

    “Marcelo tells Felipe and a six pack….” 😊

    “She tells her mother that Marcelo wants to take her daughter away”. Does she think Leonor is going to give a damn?

    I feel for Nora who has been boxed into a corner with no one to help or support her.

    There was something creepy about Juan watching Beatriz kissing Felipe knowing she is going to seduce him.

    Whatever happened to Sofia has clearly traumatized Alfonso.


  14. Marea

    Thanks, Jarifa, for another great recap. I had Maria and Cris paired up quickly in my mind, such an improvement over Juan. But now that he’s not going to be around for long I took that idea out of my head.

    It seems like Zaid wants to get Beatrice charged in the money transfer. And then there’s his approaching Ana. Not a loving uncle. I wonder if he was this powerful before he murdered Alejandro. I’m guessing the power came when he married into the family. Surely Marcelo would have noticed. Although it seems Zaid fools a lot of people.

    I was so happy when Nora’s replacement stepped forward they’d have a case against Santiago. But now Nora’s dropping her complaint. But with Leonor insisting Luisa’s job is to protect the family she’d have to defend her brother.

    Sofia looked older than I thought in the flashback. I was hoping it was Nora but she’d remember her childhood. I’d like for Felipe to find the missing daughter.

    I hope Luisa wakes up to how Zaid treats people. I guess she’s learning about her mom.


  15. Marea

    Jarifa, I am late to this party. Thank you for yet another fantastic report on all the drama . We are moving right along.

    I hope Alfonso gets a good, positive storyline . What does he know about his sister's disappearance ? It looked like they were together when she disappeared. I love this actor. He always does a great job .

    I do not like the Inaki, Camila, Gael storyline. ..bizarre and violent.

    Lenora and Zaid definitely seem to have some kind of history.

    At this point, I like Helena better than meh Luisa. Who on earth was she stabbing over and over again.... Someone who abused her? ...and then she somehow ended up with another abuser..Zaid? Marcelo must seem like a knight in shining armor to her .

    The Santiago\Nora storyline is annoying . With that boss, MIL, and husband , Nora should just take her baby and try to get some support somewhere .

    Hmmm...maybe rich Chris will leave his fortune to Marcelo or Maria . Susan

  16. Marea

    jarifa, thanks. I read the recap before watching. Thought I was all caught up then discovered I missed #14 so I finished it late last night.

    Now I'm wondering if Helena is the missing Sofia. That stabbing scene was scary. She may have been abducted and abused and thus blacked out her memories. I'm with you Liz, I like Helena more than Luisa.

  17. MAREA

    Thanks, everyone, for all of your comments. Interesting possibilities. Busy day here. Should be good tonight.
