
Monday, August 05, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of Aug. 5, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Jarifa is leading discussions for MAREA DE PASIONES!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte:

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: Ep. 15-17

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi: Ep. 4-6

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #15 Page 1

    Luisa tells her mother that she will fight Marcelo to the death for custody of her daughter. Zaid asks Luisa what they are going to do now. She sees this as the logical result of like him getting a restraining order. Luisa is going to talk to the judge and ask that Marcelo be held in jail pre-trial detention. Zaid asks her to do whatever she can so they do not lose custody of Natalia. She asks him for the video from the casino to show what a danger Marcelo is. Zaid informs her that there are no cameras at the casino. Leonor explains that there are not cameras to protect the privacy of their customers who are very important people. Zaid says they have their security staff. Ana asks where the security staff was when Marcelo hit him. Luisa is going to have to recreate the situation with photos. Leonor says all of this is happening because she decided to have Natalia. Zaid tell Leonor that he and Luisa have gone to a fertility specialist to try to have another child. Leonor harps on about how she is having a hard time seeing Natalia and not seeing Marcelo. She doesn't want to hear about Natalia. Natalia overhears her and asks why she doesn't love her. Zaid ushers Natalia out and comforts her. She wants to see Marcelo. Zaid says they are now friends and she will see him today but she cannot tell anyone. Luisa tells Leonor she has been warned. If she keeps it up, she will not only move out of the house but leave the company.

    Marcelo tells his mother about his plans to get custody of Natalia so that they can get to know each other before he is convicted. Maria tells him that he cannot expect Luisa and Zaid to not do anything about that. He says they cannot stop a child from seeing her father. María reminds him to make sure that Helena knows what is going on. He agrees to tell her and he does.

  2. MAREA Page 2

    Zaid is willing to keep Ana and Roberta's relationship a secret if she does him by giving passes to the casino to her classmates. She refuses at first knowing they will just be bait for dirty old men but is forced to give in when Zaid doesn't back down. Ana starts handing out the passes at school.

    After the phone call, Felipe tells Beatriz he has to leave but they are still on for their date. Isela appears outraged that Beatriz is going out with a Bernal. Beatriz quiets her by telling her that he is going to look into finding Sofía. Felipe agrees but Isela gets hsyterical when the possibility that Sofía is dead is brought up. Isela tells him to get out!! Felipe tells his mother that Beatriz had tricked him. She seduced him and lied to him. The illegal transfer came from her computer. Yes, he fell in love with her but now he has to investigate her and find evidence against her. He will not forget that she used him to stay out of jail. He is ready to play her game.

    Nora tells Osvaldo how much money she got from Osvaldo to take care of their child's medical bills. He is all excited but doesn't understand why she didn't get Santiago to give her more money. He says she was thinking about their child but not about him. She reminds him they both have the capacity to support themselves. Nora goes to the police and withdraws her complaint against Santiago.

    Camila calls Ana and asks her to call her parents ad tell them that she is staying over at her house to sleep. Camila and Iñaki have unloaded Gael who is conscious. They leave him bnlindfolded and tells them they are hours out of the city. Gael asks what she wants. She says to be left alone. He laughs. She says she could get him millions of pesos in exchange. If he doesn't agree, he can stay where he is for days without food or water. She leaves and Iñaki follows as Gael struggles to get free. At school, Iñaki and Camila hear that Gael has disappeared and the his parents have called the police.

    Helena goes to find out about an abortion. She tells the doctor that she was raped. The doctor advises her to go to the police and charge the man who raped her. Helena says she cannot do that because he is dangerous. That is why she needs to end this pregnancy ASAP. The doctor gives her abortion medication. When Helena finds out she is going to have cramps and possibly heavy bleeding and that there could be side effects, she tells the doctor that she cannot have any symptoms and leaves.

    Zaid has taken Natalia to the beach "to see" Marcelo. He brings her ice cream because Marcelo hasn't "shown up." He explains it is probably because Marcelo has a girlfriend and is thinking about her all the time. Natalia gets the message and asks Zaid to take her home.

  3. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa talks to the judge about getting Marcelo into pre-trial detention because of him wanting custody of Natalia and being a danger to her family. She has witnesses. The judge gives her what she wants. Felipe's boss sends him to arrest his brother Marcelo. (I saw it coming!!) Felipe goes to Marcelo's to arrest him complete with handcuffs. Marcelo doesn't hold it against him. When Marcelo arrives at the police station, he says to call Luisa Grajales. He wants her to be his lawyer. María, Helana and Felipe all agree he needs another lawyer. María calls Juan to let him know that his son is in jail.

    Beatriz finds out that the cyber investigative unit has returned the illegal transfer case the prosecutor's office. Benjamín shows up to inform her that she still owes him that date and that date is happening today.

    It looks like Gael is being kept at a country house. He is still screaming for help when Iñaki and Camila arrive. He only wants to be set free. Iñaki tells him that his parents have reported him missing. He doesn't want to eat. A plate is broken and Gael finds a piece of the plate and starts to saw away at the rope binding his hands.

    Zaid gives Natalia his tablet to play on. She hears a news report that Marcelo has been arrested for the murder of Alejandro.She calls for Zaid over and over again. He looks upset and just stares weirdly at her. Finally, he comes to talk to her. She tells him what she heard. Leonor comes to see what is going on. Zaid explains he was careless with the tablet Leonor sees his carelessness as being very convenient. Zaid assures Natalia that she is safe with him. He suggests that they go play to get her mind off of Marcelo.

    Marcelo tells Luisa he never wanted to take Natalia away from her; he only wanted to see her. He says he wanted to talk to her about something. The man who killed her father was Zaid. She and Natalia are in danger. If anything happens to Natalia, he will never forgive himself or her. Luisa insists that Zaid would be incapable for doing something like that. He tells her to investigate Zaid herself. He practically confessed to him. He won't give up on Nataiia. She is all that is left of them


  4. MAREA

    Page 2 Correction: Zaid is willing . . . if she does him a FAVOR . . .

  5. Marea #15

    Finally caught up. Great work, Jarifa.

    What a collection of despicable people. That seems to be a trademark of Giselle Gonzales' works.

    Leonor now gets added to the growing list of Toxic Mothers for her nasty rejection of Natalia. Lucia would be very foolish to have a baby with Zaid for all the obvious reasons. That could destroy her if she ever found out he was her father's killer.

    Osvaldo is a waste of space. His mother is no better.

    Santiago is despicable.

    Zaid making sexual overtures to Leonor? How much more perverse does it get? And now he wants to feed high school girls to dirty old men in the casino. Lucia better get security cameras in there ayer.

    ...and we have toxic teens and a few stupid women. Oy, vey!

  6. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for another great account as our story spins forward.

    I could do without the teenage kidnapping . Gael is going to free himself and will be out for revenge. Uff.

    Zaid is a creepy creep always enjoying using people . I can't stand that grin he gets on his face .

    Luisa is clueless and unlikable, but with a mother like Lenor tats not surprising.

    The actor playing Felipe looks younger than he did in Eternemente. Maybe it is his darker hair.

    Where's Alfonso?

    The guess that Helena is Sofia is a good one . Then, she and Lisa would be primas.

    I need more scenes of the ocean and shore. Susan

  7. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for the marvelous recap.

    I was only able to see the first part of it and my stomach was already queasy.

    "Felipe's boss sends him to arrest his brother Marcelo. (I saw it coming!!)" was right! Beatriz really played him as well; he is having a very bad day.

    I really feel for Helena, Zaid is a monster and yes perverse (thank you Urban) and is just disgusting. He and granddaughter hating Leonor deserve each other.

    Hopefully Marcelo's words make an impact on Luisa and she starts thinking and looking into everything.

    Camila and Inaki = exercise in stupidity.


  8. MAREA

    Urban, great to see you on the patio! This has only 60 episodes. : ) Perfect for the summer and early fall. I agree with Diana in your perfect descriptor for Zaid “perverse”. As for Zaid and Leonor, it is totally possible they had an affair way back when Alejandro was still alive.

    Susan, yes ! We need more scenes of the sea and the shore. Why are there never any people under a palapa enjoying the beach with a cold one of some sort?

    Diana, yes : Camila and Iñaki are an “exercise in stupidity.” They could have killed Gael and then what???

  9. Jarifa,

    Thanks for saying it's only 60 episodes. I agree, a good number. Does anyone know how many Conde has. I tried to look it up but didn't see anything about how many it has.

  10. MAREA

    Just checked and I made a mistake. This has 65 episodes. Still a good length. I have no idea about El Conde.

  11. MAREA DE PASIONES #16 Page 1

    MARCELO finds out that he is going to be transferred to the prison tomorrow. As for a public defender, he is told that he will have to wait until one becomes available. None are available now. María, Felipe and Helena are desperate to hire a lawyer. Cris tells them that he has a good friend Enrique Lozano who works for the leading law firm in the city and he has agreed to take the case for free. Cris goes to see the judge about the pre-trial detention and finds out that the "evidence"to hold him really doesn't prove that his client did a thing. Zaid hears about the new lawyer and calls somebody to tell them to go ahead with the plan. In the meantime, Marcelo sits in his cell on the floor his back to the bars. Suddenly, somebody chokes him through those bars.

    LUISA has to deal with Natalia's questions after she hears that Marcelo killed her father and calm her down. She assures her that Marcelo did a bad thing but he loves her. She has no reason to be afraid. You can tell that she is not sure if Zaid set up his tablet so that Natalia would find out about Marcelo on the news. He denies it but she isn't sure since he hates Marcelo so much. Luisa is afraid and her mother is not home so she asks to sleep with Leonor. Leonor gives in but later tells Luisa it is going to take time because she still "sees Marcelo in Natalia's eyes." HOW DRAMATIC!!! Luisa thanks her for working on it.

    ZAID meets with Leonor and Juan. It seems that the money that was wired to Hong Kong has been laundered and they can start bringing it back. Zaid wants to invest his money back family firm with the hope of being a partner. Leonor thinks he would be the perfect partner. She asks if it isn't dangerous to use that money with his name on the accounts. He says no, he is using a dummy name. The ever-drinking Juan hopes so because he could cause problems for all of them. Zaid assures him he will get his percentage and he can do what he does like betting, etc. Leonor is planning on saving her money as a part of her estate. Zaid thinks that Luisa should get a higher percentage of that estate since she works so hard at the company. Leonor makes it clear she will do what she wants with her money. Juan gives them cards that they can use to transfer the money back to Mexico.

    NORA is visited by Luisa who wants to represent her in prosecuting Ignacio. Nora tells her that she had already withdrawn the charges and that Santiago had given her money in exchange. When Osvaldo hears that the issue was sexual harassment, his ears perk up and he is interested in making more money off of Santiago. Luisa leaves. Osvaldo and her mother-in-law want control of the money that she got from Santiago. Nora refuses wanting to keep it for her child's care. Osvaldo accuses her of provoking the sexual harassment. When she says she didn't and tries to leave for the hospital to check on her kid, Osvaldo grabs her and she slaps him. He ends up choking her. His mother makes him stop. Nora tells Osvaldo that he brings NO MONEY into the house and tells his mother that she made him that way. (FINALLY!) Nora leaves for the hospital.

  12. MAREA Page 2

    MARIA wants to tell Marcelo that Juan is his father. Juan asks for more time since Isela is so vulnerable. María won't accept that as a reason not to tell Marcelo. S\he is sick of Juan always concerned about how Isela feels and not her. He says she knows the situations are different. She insists they aren't. The time has come to tell Isela the truth.

    ANA meets with Roberta who tells her that they have to break up. She knows Zaid and he will never stop pressuring them. Later, Ana will find out that Zaid is drugging girls and using them as prostitutes for the older men. It happens to one of the girls she gave one of Zaid's discount cards. The girl is drugged and wakes up in a strange hotel room the next day.

    FELIPE reluctantly agrees to go out with Beatriz as planned but he first sees her having dinner with the guy who was pressuring her to let him take her out.

    CAMILA is still playing her dangerous game. Gael has bleeding hands and wrists from trying to get free. She gets more rope to tie him with. Gale threatens them with going to the police and sending them to jail. Camila says she and Iñaki would tell the police that Gael made them set this all up to look like he was being kidnapped. Bottom line: she wants money from his parents. Ana tries to call her but she ignores the call. Iñaki is worried but Camila wants to goof around in the pool as Gael yells and tries to to free himself.

    HELENA visits Luisa and blames her for Marcelo not being at home. She also tells her that she doesn't have to worry about him being around because if she doesn't want him to be a father to her daughter, she (Helena) wants him to be a father to her child.


  13. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa. You cleared up some things for me. The meeting about bringing the money back was above my comprehension level. Also the 3 being involved in the kidnapping made no sense until you explained it.

    Does Natalia know Marcelo is her father yet? I thought they were withholding that info until she knows him better.

    Does anyone know what Leonor was doing in her nightstand before Natalia came into her room? Looked like drugs or something. The more I see the interactions between her and Zaid the more I wonder if they were in cahoots in killing her husband.

    Ok, it just dawned on me if Helena were to be the lost Sofia, then Marcelo would be her half brother (unless Isela was unfaithful to Juan) May have to rethink that idea. She can certainly pull off the baby's paternity as she was already involved with Marcelo when Zaid raped her. Actually dismissing the idea that Marcelo is the Dad is premature as Ross and Rachel can attest to from the show 'Friends'. Condoms are only 99%effective.

  14. Marea #16

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    The misogyny and exploitation of women in this story is beyond disturbing. It makes me wonder how Zaid would fare in prison if that's where Karmageddon takes him. Ana looks like she's barely at the age of consent and I would bet that at least half of her friends and classmates aren't.

    Osvaldo's attitiudes are obviously Amanda's fault and she probably doesn't wish to face that. What about his father?

    Helena came from a toxic family, so whom did she kill in that flashback last week (I haven't yet read all the recaps)?

    If there is or will be any hanky-panky between Zaid and Leonor I hope Lucia catches them in the act.

  15. MAREA

    Another amazing recap Jarifa. Loved "ever-drinking Juan".

    Camila has lost whatever few functioning brain cells she possessed. This twisted tale of torture needs to end.

    I'm hoping for a crossover storyline where Brayan from VIVIR stops by and skewers Osvaldo with a very, long sharp blade. Not worthy of oxygen or life.

    I'm far more interested in Helena than Luisa or Marcelo. I'm waiting for something that makes me want to care.


  16. Marea
    Jarifa, thank you for another great recap as the bad get worse . My cable went out, so I'm especially grateful for your recap.

    The teen kidnapping storyline is ridiculous. Inaki made a huge mistake getting involved on is thing with crazy Camila .

    Just when you think Said can't get worse, he gets mucho worse.

    Thank goodness for the amazingly kind, helpful Chris.

    Blogger looks weird again .Hard to write a comment. Susan

  17. Marea
    Diana, are you also watching Conde? I think Nanny and Nora's mil are the same actress..

  18. Kat, no, Natalia does not know that Marcelo is her biological father yet. That nightstand scene is a mystery for me, too. "99%" effective, yes! People tend to forget that somebody has to account for the 1%.

    Urban, I wonder about what happened to Osvaldo's father, too. I cannot understand why Nora has just stayed and taken it from them for so long. Maybe she is depressed. Who wouldn't be? She needs to divorce the bum. She has nothing to worry about in maintaining custody, Osvaldo is unemployed and it looks like that is permanent. Maybe he should talk to Leonor's bartender about becoming a gigolo.

    Diana, frankly, I do not like hardly any characters in this one and that includes Luisa and Marcelo but the plot with all of its twists and turns is keeping me going. The Camila plot is simply crazy and so out of touch with any reality. Ah, if crossovers were ony more common . . . : )

  19. Kat...yes same actress. She has been in supporting roles in many novelas . susan

  20. MAREA DE PASIONES #1 Page 1

    MARCELO is not only choked by Zaid's enforcer Benjamín (who paid off the guard) but his head is also knocked hard against the bars of his jail cell after he bites his arm to free himself. (Guess Marcelo has never learned that you always sit with your back against the wall, facing the door no matter where you are.) A guard finds him unconscious and he is taken to the hospital. Cris tells María that Marcelo should be released soon because there was never any real evidence to hold him in the first place. María, Helena and Cris talk to the doctor who tells them that he had been wounded severely and that only time will tell what his prognosis will be. Helena talks to a semi-conscious Marcelo who thinks she is Luisa. He tells her how much he loves them: Luisa and Natalia. She pretends to be Luisa. Luisa finds out that the court case for Marcelo has to be pushed back because of him being attacked in jail. She feels guilty because she put him in jail. She shows up at the hospital and talks to Marcelo who is semi-conscious. She tells him that he has to wake up so they can talk about the future. She doesn't want him to leave her. He says he loves her. She kisses him and he falls back asleep. Shortly thereafter, he has a medical crisis and the doctor tells María that Marcelo's brain swelling has increased. That is not a good sign. Cris comforts her and assures her that Marcelo will be okay.

    CAMILA is upset that Ana sent her a text asking if she was involved in Gael's kidnapping. Does she think she is a criminal or what??? Ana thought it was weird that she wasn't answering her texts. Camila says it is because she is going out with Iñaki. Then, Camila tells Iñaki that they need to tell everyone that they are novios so they can explain the amount of time they are spending together. He seems to like that idea. We do not see Gael who must still be tied up and screaming to himself out at a the country house.

    ANA runs into Jimena who she gave the casino pass to. She is very upset because she got drunk but never like she did at the casino. She is done talking. Ana meets with Roberta who still thinks they should break up. Ana doesn't want to distribute those casino passes to her friends any more. Roberta tells her to be careful with Zaid. He is dangerous.

    OSVALDO goes to see Santiago to find out if Nora came on to him. Of course, Santiago puts Nora at fault. Osvaldo roughs him up and storms out. Later, he tells Nora what he found out about her and her boss and wants a divorce.

  21. MAREA # 17 Page 2

    WHO is playing who? Santiago and Beatriz meet up. He hopes she won't get into trouble taking off from work. She assures him that her assistant Irma can do any transfers that need to be made. She works from her own cubicle and her own computer. Everyone has their own password but everyone knows everyone's passwords in case there is an emergency of some sort. He decides that they need to talk about something other than work and have fun. She suggests some beer and while he is getting them, she calls her father to tell him that she thinks that Juan is beginning to suspect her. He will do what she needs him to do.As they are sitting at a table with their beers, she leaves her phone on the table while she goes to the washroom and Felipe grabs it to read what he can find. He sees the text to her father. She is asking that her father talk to Zaid. He is forcing her to work at the hotel and he is worse all the time. Last night he sent some of his men to convince her . He forced her to have supper with him. She feels pressured. Beatriz smiles when she sees Felipe reading the text. He quickly returns the phone to her side of the table. Later, Felipe asks if she is going out with anyone else since he thought he saw her with a bald guy at a bar last night. She lies and insists it wasn't her. Lots of girls look like her. We know he doesn't believe her. They have a romantic day out on the water and on the beach. He gets a text. She supposes it is about the bank case. She asks if it had ever occurred to him that she might be going out with him only to get off his list of suspicious people. If that is the case, it is best they no longer see each other for the time being. He insists he knows how to separate his work and personal life. He tells his superior that Beatriz is being forced to work at the hotel and that somebody else could have manipulated her computer and made the transfer. More investigation is needed. Beatriz hopes Felipe is with her because she really likes her and not just investigating her. He makes it clear that he doesn't just like her, he loves her. He kisses her.

    LUISA tells Zaid that she feel guilty for possibly taking Marcelo away from his child. She explains that she is not talking about Natalia but that Helena came by and she is pregnant.

    Zaid calls Helena and wants proof that she aborted the baby. She tells him she did and to call her OB/GYNE. He insists on seeing her in pesosn. He has his henchman Benjamín get some abortion meds.(?) Zaid instructs him to stay with her until the process is completed. Zaid and Helena meet. He has Zaid bring them some champagne so they can toast to Marcelo's impending death. That doesn't make Helena very happy. She is slow to join him but finally picks up her glass and holds it.

    The CREEP factor: In some scene tonight Zaid told Leonor he could do whatever she wanted him to do.


  22. Marea

    Yes the creep factor was definitely in play. I'm actually glad for Nora. Get rid of that jerk of a husband. Wish we knew more of Helena's backstory with Zaid. He obviously has some sort of hold over her or she would have nothing to do with him.

  23. I knew I left something out last night: Zaid put the abortion inducing substance into Helena’s glass.

  24. MAREA

    Marvelous and informative as always Jarifa!

    First things first. I fear Helena's hesitation is just to keep us waiting til tonight; her drinking the potion seems inevitable. After "preparing" her drink, Benjamin sitting there watching her was especially unsettling. Poor Helena. I'm also wondering more about her.

    So Osvaldo is divorcing Nora?? Oh happy day. How does he plan on supporting himself and mother not so dearest?? Once he thinks about it, I don't think he is going to let her go.

    "(Guess Marcelo has never learned that you always sit with your back against the wall, facing the door no matter where you are.") Not very prison savvy is he??

    "CAMILA is upset that Ana sent her a text asking if she was involved in Gael's kidnapping'. Inexplicably, she doesn't seem to be in the least bit frightened that a completely enraged Gael might get free and either beat her to a pulp or kill her. What is she going to do with him?? Color Cam Cray Cray...

    Good thing I read "...Zaid told Leonor he could do whatever she wanted him to do" on an empty stomach. Revolting.


  25. Marea,
    Jarifa, thank for another great report on all the wheeling and dealing .

    Zaid is a monster. He is involved in everything and everyone. I hope we find out how he and Helena are connected . Ill bet he knows the person she stabbed ..alot. Her abuser? Why is she under Zaid,'s control?

    Looks like Luisa is now back in love with Marcelo. He could have his own bingo card,...kidnapped, beaten, in jail, in the
    hospital .uff
    Nora needs to take her baby and leave those toxic people around her .

  26. MAREA

    Diana, I agree about Osvaldo. Here is hoping that Nora takes her child, her money and leaves town for parts unknown.

    Susan, great question about how did Helena get to be controlled by Zaid. I do not understand why she can’t just head to Mexico City and disappear.
