
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of August 8, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


    The never-ending confrontation between MariCruz vs Buji Blonde Doris: Fast Forward LOL.

  2. VIVIR #110 Part 1

    Santi asks Elena about Rebeca but is met with a stare. In utter frustration, Santi regrets that Rebeca survived but is immediately chastised by Elena. Santi reminds her of everything Rebeca has done; she is crazy and can’t be trusted. She belongs in jail! Elena then tells him that Rebeca will be arrested for Alma’s death.

    Angel tells Rebeca that she is doing this because it’s the right thing to do...she will not be her accomplice! You are mi hermana Rebeca mewls. JE demands that Rebeca be quiet; they will no longer tolerate her atrocities against them. The police arrive along with Adolfo, and Angel gives Corral the pieces of the mug. Rebeca pleads that Angel not to do this as she grabs her hand and pulls her toward her. Amidst all the commotion, the nurse comes in and tells everyone to leave. “Angel por favor” Rebeca screams! But to their credit, JE and Angel quietly leave. After, Rebeca screams about her (non-existent) corazon, clutching her chest telling the nurse she is in pain.

    (Unaired) Icky looks at a picture when Cris comes in and compliments him on his family, especially Jimena.

    Jimena (in a vibrant orange V neck dress) indulges in a bit of a grade school crush, thinking about Renato and their hug, wondering if he likes her. Her pleasant reverie is ruined by Icky who calls, asking to see David. She invites him to supper and suggests they get along…for David’s sake.

    Adolfo explains about Rebeca’s amnesia…her condition may impact the judge’s decision to put Rebeca in jail. After JE and Angel exchange looks, JE insists that Rebeca is faking it. Corral stands by Adolfo’s side during the discussion and assures them that the doctor diagnosed Rebeca Sanchez as having amnesia. JE holds Angel in support as she struggles to digest this, completely distraught.

    Lupe tells Luis that Lucas did well giving his statement but Mati is not doing well. Lucas joins his mother as Lupe, seeing Romina alone at the end of the hall, feels sorry as she must be worried about Mati. (Viewerville assures Lupe that Romina is solely worried about her own a**).

    Romina thinks about the possibility of being judged. Bruno calls to tell her she needs to return because she needs to move some money. Romina tells him she can’t leave, that she is at the hospital with her daughter who has suffered a terrible accident. With Monica clown grinning beside him, Bruno insists it is important so suggests she give him the passwords so he can make the changes which she idiotically does. Monica cackles evilly.


  3. VIVIR #110 Part 2

    (The first of three unaired related scenes to my great consternation) Doris tells Armando that Sebas is in the past. She doesn’t want anything to do with Sebas because he didn’t give her a chance to explain. (As viewerville’s spirits deflate)

    (Unaired) Gabriela asks Sebas about Doris, and he feeds her a similar line, she is in the past and asks her not to mention Doris again. (Egad man, one tiny rejection and you are giving up?? Galans are made of far sterner stuff; wake up)

    (Unaired) Doris continues to make excuses for not wanting Sebas back. Armando advises that the best medicine is time. As Doris walks away, she wonders why love is so unfair (as we wonder the same about Univision’s shearing scissors)

    Monica laughs at how stupid Romina was to give out her passwords. She floats that Rebeca will soon be stripped of her shares…and tells Bruno to move around the money using Romina’s passwords. “Maldita Rebeca” she mutters.

    Luciano sits by a sleeping Mati’s bed, kissing her hand, assuring her she will recover… she needs to fight as hard as she can. Luciano harkens back to memories of him and Mati playing basketball and coaching her when she was young. He leans forward, crying and kisses her forehead; Mati does not move..

    (Unaired) Fatima tells Cris that what is happening to Luciano is unfair. Cris understands…and will pray for Mati.

    Sebas enters and tells Cris that he just found a withdrawal of money by…Romina!!

    Monica asks Gabriela for documents and asks her to call Rebeca in so the shares can be transferred. Gabriela tells her that Rebeca isn’t there, she had an accident and is in the hospital. Monica is fit to be tied.


  4. VIVIR #110 Part 3

    Rebeca frets about Angel’s threats that she will go to jail. As she muses that Alma got what she deserved, Alma’s spirit of murders past appears and tells Rebeca she still has time to cleanse her heart before it’s too late! Rebeca starts screaming at the visage and then calls for the staff. When she implores the nurse to get rid of “Alma”, the nurse tells her that there is no one there.

    With Angel by his side, JE explains to Elena and Santi what transpired with Rebeca. Santi holds Elena in support and Angel quickly goes to her mother’s side. Elena blames herself for believing Rebeca instead of them. Angel tells Elena that none of this is her fault.

    Lupe tells Luis that there is no news.

    Luciano thanks Fatima for all she has done. Fatima wishes her father could have been the man that Luciano is. He hugs her tightly

    Lucas asks the doctor how Mati is as Luciano, Fatima and Romina (somewhat) wait with bated breath.

    The doctor tells everyone that Mati is out of danger. Fatima and Luciano hug Javi as the three give thanks and are overjoyed. Romina stands alone…

    Angel and JE stroll in the dark, hand in hand. JE says “te amo” as they come upon Don Emilio, Cris and Adolfo who are sitting in chairs enjoying the night air. Angel assures everyone that she is fine and receives hugs as sighs of relief are palpable. Don Emilio thinks they must be very happy as Cris can tell something is up. JE says they have something very important to impart. To everyone’s delight, JE and Angel announce that they are having a baby! Don Emilio thinks God is blessing them all. Everyone stands and hugs excitedly. There are heartfelt congratulations from Don Emilio, Adolfo and Cris. Don Emilio knows Angel will be a wonderful mother as does Adolfo. Don Emilio is “Muy Feliz” as Cris clasps her hands in prayer. Pedrito (always up for a sugary treat or three) arrives with dessert (shocker, it’s ice cream). Don Emilio announces that Pedrito will be living with them. “Wow” Angel comments, smiling. JE is also very happy. When Don Emilio declares Pedrito will refer to JE as “tío,” JE looks a bit surprised. Then Cris says Pedrito is Misael’s son. Pedrito then turns and says “mi tia Angel” to which she delightedly agrees.


  5. VIVIR #110 Part 4

    Wanda stands outside Misael’s apartment door, telling Misael that she knows that Pedrito is her son and demands that he give him to her! He stares but does not open the door.

    Marisa comforts Loli who is worried about Pedrito. Loli states that she will miss him. She hugs her daughter and blesses her. Just then, Doris arrives, looking for Wanda. When Marisa tells her that Wanda is Pedrito’s mother, Doris is stunned and need to sit down. “Que” she manages.

    Misael finally opens the door accusing Wanda of being a disgrace and only wanting money. As he tries to shut the door in her face saying he won’t allow his son to grow up with a bar dancer, she manages to slip in.

    When Wanda insists on defending herself, Misael calls security. Wanda reminds him that he was the one to pursue her…she just wants her son! (As we saw Misael declaring he did love Wanda some time ago, disappointingly, there is now not the slightest trace of affection). Now, he stares coldly even as she gently caresses his face. Security arrives and he tells them to escort her away. She begs but he simply stares coldly.

    Luciano rushes to a now awake Mati’s bedside. She cries to her father that she still can’t move her legs. Romina stands at the foot of the bed making no move to give comfort to her daughter.

    Icky darkens Jimena’s door, bringing David a game. Icky is appreciative of the lovely dress Jimena is wearing; he’s always liked how that dress looks on her. After Jimena tells him she has been busy with the restaurant, Icky moves forward and taking her arms in his hands, tells her that he doesn’t want to divorce her. Jimena reminds him that she already filed for divorce; she doesn’t love him anymore. When Icky points out that she invited him to dinner, she clarifies that it was HE who asked to come and she accepted only because David misses him. Icky tries to be sincere saying he doesn’t want a divorce, but Jimena retorts she is no longer at his disposal! She calls David and then brushes her cheeks free of his cooties. Icky sighs.


  6. VIVIR #110 Part 5

    When Monica enters Rebeca’s room, Rebeca tries to pretend she doesn’t know who she is. Monica purses her lips admonishing Rebeca not to act stupid. Rebeca will sign the shares over to her or she will bury her by publicizing the pictures of Rebeca holding Angel captive.

    Rebeca feigns ignorance telling Monica that her name is “Frida” but Monica, not buying this outrageous lie for even an instant, warns “Rebeca Sanchez” that she has 24 hours to turn the shares over. Rebeca tries in vain to look befuddled and confused.

    Luciano encourages Mati as Lucas arrives. Mati, still (understandably) distraught, cries that she can’t feel her legs. Lucas is encouraging and stroking her neck with his finger, encourages her saying that with therapy, she will walk again. Mati is unconvinced.

    As Pedrito offers to help Petra, Monica slithers up, warning Petra to be careful how she expresses herself in front of her nieto Pedrito. Petra apologizes as Don Emilio chastises Monica who persists in wanting Petra to respect her grandson! On a happier note, JE and Angel share their news with Pedrito who is overjoyed. Don Emilio is glad that the children have brought laughter to the house and that it will be filled with joy.

    Cris feels conflicted about Romina so Adolfo explains, telling her that Romina was NOT justified in what she did. Monica crawls up from behind him and adds her acidic comments into the mix.

    Luciano tells Romina that Fatima took Javi with her because he was exhausted. Romina warns that this better be the last time.


  7. VIVIR #110 Part 6 of 6

    Javi arrives with Fatima. As it turns out, Javi and Pedrito already know each other. All of a sudden, Misael arrives gifting Pedrito with a bike bearing a huge blue bow! Pedrito has to admit he doesn’t know how to ride a bike. When Pedrito asks JE to show him how to ride, Misael tells him no, it is he who will teach him . Pedrito sneers “no” and gets up and leaves. Misael tells JE Pedrito is HIS son and doesn’t need advice from him. Monica naturally backs him up as JE simply stares…

    Rebeca thinks about Monica having the incriminating pictures and her not so veiled threats, cursing her, muttering “maldita”. Rebeca tells herself she has to do something. The doctor arrives followed by Corral and her shadow. Beca furrows her brow and asks the doctor who these people are. Corral announces that Rebeca will be in custody while they investigate and with that, Rebeca is handcuffed to the railing of her bed!!

    I am reeling in disappointment that Univision sliced and diced all of Doris and Sebastian’s scenes today. The one hopeful light here extinguished, at least for the day.

    I extend my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to mi amiga who supplied her marvelous dialogue translations and did so masterfully. What a blessing.


  8. Vivir
    Thanks Diana. Did something happen to Gabriella? She had a soft cast on her right wrist/arm. Carpal tunnel surgery or a cut scene that explained it (or did I miss something,)

  9. Vivir. Again, an excellent recap, Diana and friend. Not as exciting an episode as a couple of days ago, but a few things did get wrapped up. I really liked your "Rebeca mewls"--Indeed! And I totally agree with "she wonders why love is so unfair as we wonder the same about Univision's shearing scissors." Also great was "Alma's spirit of murders past." I'm glad Angelli and JE are standing up to Rebeca, and a number of other people seem to be on to her now--I'm surprised her doctor isn't! I can't say my heart is broken about Romina getting scammed. The scene where Angelli announces her pregnancy was very sweet. I was surprised that Misael bought Monica's propaganda about Wanda. And it was amazing that Rebeca even tried to fool Monica about her "amnesia." I suppose we will now see quite a few episodes featuring Mati's physical therapy--and it will be successful, and maybe test Lucas's and Mati's relationship. I wonder if Rebeca will be able to do something to Monica. Anvil, anyone? I must say I loved it when Rebeca was handcuffed to the bed.

  10. Vivid
    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thanks for once again providing us with every detail .

    Well, we have two characters in the hospital now . I am sure Mai will recover with the love and support of her family. However, things don't look so bright for the usually overconfident Reb. The " who am I ..who are you..where am i..who me???" Doesn't seem to be working for her on anyone, but it was really funny when she tried her act on Monica ...never kid a kidder. Ha.
    I hope this is the last time the writers have Icky try to get back with Jim. It's getting really old.

    We know Seabass and Doris are meant to be.

    Agent Orange never changes her expression . I wonder how much her right hand man gets for standing there in silent backup mode.

    Happy happy joy joy ...until Monica and Mistake show up to rain on everyone's parade. Pedro is like " Hold my ice cream. Ill get rid of these party crashes."

  11. VIVIR

    Hi Kat. I honestly didn't notice Gabriela's cast as I was listening and typing rather than watching closely.

    As far as I'm aware, nothing was said about it. Perhaps the actor had a mishap...


  12. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Fine job.

    Monica was a hoot dismissing Rebeca's amnesia crap.

    You go Pedrito. Your pappy doesn't deserve you and no bike can buy you.

    Misael's mom is no prize, but he's a wuss to blame her entirely about Pedrito. He didn't bother himself to look for Wanda, didn't have a DNA test done, and he's plain mean to her.

  13. VIVIR

    SpanProf, I'm so appreciative of your always kind comments. Thank you so very much.

    "And it was amazing that Rebeca even tried to fool Monica about her "amnesia." It certainly was, almost laughable! :)

    "I"m glad Angelli and JE are standing up to Rebeca, and a number of other people seem to be on to her now--I'm surprised her doctor isn't!" An excellent point. The tide is turning and the only one somewhat still on her side is Brayan (although he literally left her in the dust, didn't he?) From a medical perspective, I wonder if it is possible to tell if someone is lying about having amnesia? I didn't detect any hint of money changing hands so will assume the doctor' diagnosis is on the level.

    "I must say I loved it when Rebeca was handcuffed to the bed". Me too! I definitely think there is sufficient time for Rebeca to strike out against Monica. A clash of the scorpion queens!!


  14. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Susan!

    I laughed out loud at "The " who am I ..who are you..where am i..who me???" Doesn't seem to be working for her on anyone...which is exactly right!

    "Agent Orange never changes her expression . I wonder how much her right hand man gets for standing there in silent backup mode" was also great. You are in fine form tonight.

    Yes, Doris and Sebas likely are end game but I hate missing their little interactions, so vital to their storyline!


  15. VIVIR

    Thanks Niecie!

    "You go Pedrito. Your pappy doesn't deserve you and no bike can buy you". Love it!

    Of course you are right on point that Misael did nothing to try and find Wanda . It still irks me he professed his love (supposedly) yet looks at her now with barely an ounce of recognition let alone affection..



  16. Vivir de amor

    Diana, many thanks for this great recap, better than the episode itself and including scenes that never aired here. And as some of those involved Delightful Doris and Silly SeaBass, I'm especially annoyed with Uni.

    As much as I am annoyed with the cutting of those scenes, I was delighted with Alma's apparition and not so Big and Bad Becky's reaction. Becky is evil, but there is an illness behind much of it.

    "Pedrito (always up for a sugary treat or three) arrives with dessert (shocker, it’s ice cream)." This made me laugh, but it's true, and they do go through a lot of ice cream there, which shows good taste and judgment, says I.
    And, for perhaps the first time, I appreciated Angel's bare midriff. The Girl does not overdo the ice cream and puts in time at the gym. I have often wondered if gym time is part of most Univision contracts, especially for those wanting to play galans. Or maybe they just know without it being in the contract.

    Misael, though he tried to hide it, was affected when he was accosted by Wanda. But it's years (too?) late now. What in Hades happened to him back when? I can see Wanda being very afraid and demoralized by Monica and her hired muscle, but not Misael so much.

    Jimena's pizzeria looks to be a small one, and she might want to get a pizza oven before opening day. I found the wall sign interesting. At first it looked like it said "Ximena", but it's actually, I think, a stylized version of her name, starting with a "J" but with a slash through it, so either Jimena or Ximena, cute!
    It's a silly thing, but I sometimes wonder why some go with Jimena and some with Ximena, especially when I am exhausted from trying to calculate the maximum number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin.

    It was very nice of Luciano, Mati, et al, to do whatever it was they did... zzzzzzz.

    "I am reeling in disappointment that Univision sliced and diced all of Doris and Sebastian’s scenes today." You and me both, Diana. But the reconciliation should be sweet when it happens, I keep telling myself.


  17. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much.

    I enjoyed all your clever comments and laughed out loud at "Silly SeaBass" and "Jimena's pizzeria looks to be a small one, and she might want to get a pizza oven before opening day. :)

    Andy, thank you for your wise reminder that "Beca is evil but there is an illness behind much of it." I do feel a scintilla of sympathy for her but her actions have been so unremorseful and hate filled, it seems rather impossible to feel more.

    As you are unfailingly perceptive, "Misael, though he tried to hide it, was affected when he was accosted by Wanda" caught my attention. After thinking it over, perhaps my perspective that he was unphased was colored by his heartless callousness. You are right in that it's now too late; I also wondered what happened to him in the interim.

    Yes, let's hope the Doris and Sebas reunion comes swiftly and is a joyous one. I look forward to a nice family dinner with Armando and Gi.


  18. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, your recap is fantastic as always! I have been super tired all day today for whatever reason but I didn't want to wait til tomorrow to comment since I don't think I'll have time.

    I can't wait to see Beca try to fake amnesia with Monica! That sounds fun! I don't understand how any doctor with an actual degree could believe that Beca hit her head and forgot everything since being 4 but still talks and interacts with the world as an adult. It would be weird, but maybe possible if she were acting scared, dependent on mommy, unsure of herself, minimalized vocabulary, etc. But to suddenly only remember a part of her life she only lived from ages 0-4 and still reason as an adult. IT MAKES NO SENSE!!! Where did the doctor get his medical degree?? I think I'm mostly mad because I wanted to watch her actually try to act like she's four years old!!! That would have been hilarious!

    Andy, I have noticed Angel's abs many times, Ms. Kimberly is seriously sculpted. That is some serious dedication and work ethic right there to get that definition and not just any old gym routine! Makes me think I should have exercised today (or any day)!

  19. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you so much for your kind comment; I appreciate your taking the time to do so despite being tired.

    "I don't understand how any doctor with an actual degree could believe that Beca hit her head and forgot everything since being 4 but still talks and interacts with the world as an adult..." has much merit. I'm sorry we didn't get to see the assessment to see how she conned him. He certainly isn't the first, is he??

    Kimberly does have fab abs. I laughed out loud at "Makes me think I should have exercised today (or any day)!" HA! Me too!

    Darcy, please take care of yourself and try and get some rest.


  20. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Miami Ga (dialog translations). Our show is quickly crawling out of the gutter that swallowed Episode 1O8. Despite Uni’s frustrating Ginssu®️ action with the scenes, things are heading in a nice direction. Let’s not jinx anything. Even if I had amnesia, I’m sure I’d remember: mewls, clown grinning, Icky darkens Jimena’s door, acidic comments into the mix, and Corral and her shadow.

    Jimena’s first scene was sensory overload with her red orange dress perfectly complementing her vibrant, technicolor sign. I’d wondered what she would call her pizza joint. She must still be brainstorming as it only had an artsy layout of her name. How about Ximena’s Pixxa Xanadu. X sells, after all. Kudos to the art department. I really liked the sign.

    My second favorite scene of the day: Mónica vamping it up while Plaid-bot called Big-Eyed Idiot Romina to set the trap. Not one scintilla of sympathy for BEIR as this self-serving scuzzball deserves every rotten thing she gets (and more). Keep the karma coming, writers. Not only was Mónica making the funniest faces, she managed to throw her patented “del mercado” dig at Rebeca - blissfully unaware that Big Reb is across town feigning her Kindergarten Era.

    Luciano. Flashback. Basketball shorts. This almost made up for all his ugly crying this week. -O.S., VIP, Hell.

    Since you’ve confirmed that the unaired scenes have nothing to do with Gabriela’s freaky cast, let the conspiracy theories begin.
    •Maybe she jumped out of a window trying to escape this production after witnessing the calamity that was Episode 1O8.
    •Maybe she was Mati’s stunt double in the Death Ladder sequence and misjudged the balcony fall.
    Whatever she did, that cast is serious with pins and several fingers in splints. FREE GABRIELA’S ARM!!!

    Alma’s ghost scenes have been wonderful. I really liked the ethereal white when she visited Pedrito. Today’s 3D hologram effect was nice too. It looked cool and really showed off…Big Reb’s mental illness. Nevertheless, we still want a supersized anvil.

    Takeaways from the Rivero Cuéllar night air scene:
    •Ang’s abs really stole the show here. Wow. Maybe this is why Rebeca hates her so much. That body is a work of art. Kimberly Dos Sixpacks.
    •Pedrito was cleaned-up, groomed - even preppy. Not one head scratch. Hasta suspenders!
    •Loved JE’s shocked/surprised/QTH facial expressions upon learning Misael had a son. Cris even shot him a quick look like “Dial it down, Son!”

    Just when you thought Big Bang was almost human and embracing his new papi role, he goes and acts a complete arse with Wanda. Ugh. Sidebar: her pastel pearly necklace made me crave those candy necklaces of yore on the elastic string. Do they still make those?

    Speaking of arses, how fulfilling was it when Jimena told the Ickster to beat it after finishing supper. Go, Pizza Mogul!!!

    Joker vs. “CRS” was delightful. Mónica clearly had the upper hand, and though she tried her best not to show it, Big Reb was cornered. Mónica’s Musings: expecting that life treats you well for being a good person is like hoping a tiger won’t eat you cuz you’re vegetarian. This nugget actually comes from Bruce Lee. …and this was after she GRABBED her and issued her deadline.

    All Petra said was that Pedrito was very helpful and no trouble at all, and Mónica bit her head off. Sheesh! Speaking of arses…

    I was surprised (and I may have cheered) when Rebeca got handcuffed to the bed! I was thinking surely the writers will dial a cliché and she’ll be on the lam as she’s quite cornered. Here’s hoping there’s a clever twist to this percolating action. -O.S., Wishful Thinking Royalty.

  21. Vivir

    O.S. glad you saw the cast too. As a secretary of sorts it really is easy to believe she needed carpal tunnel surgery so that would have been easy for the writers to add to the story. But it is more fun to speculate. I vote Reb did it.

    I would have thought a pizza franchise would already have a given name (Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Domino's, etc). That is the whole point of being in a franchise, name recognition and advertising. Maybe it isn't actually a franchise though and the banks just gave her a loan to start a pizza joint. Andy, I also noticed the lack of pizza oven but assumed that is the reception area and the kitchen is out back. What boggles my mind is how she is always dressed to the nines. You are renovating a storefront. Where are the jeans and T-shirts?

  22. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your always nice words.

    Your cool comments have refreshed and lightened my day. Always clever and unfailingly insightful.

    "Jimena’s first scene was sensory overload with her red orange dress perfectly complementing her vibrant, technicolor sign" was marvelous.

    I wish I had thought to use "3D hologram effect" and "ethereal white" whhich were perfect descriptors!

    Other pearls of wisdom included "Ginssu®️ action", "Mónica vamping it up while Plaid-bot called Big-Eyed Idiot Romina to set the trap", " Kimberly Dos Sixpacks" and "Pedrito was cleaned-up, groomed - even preppy" among many others.

    It was disappointing Misael acted like "...a complete arse with Wanda". If indeed there was any love and affection on his part, it was buried long ago. Keeping his son from his mother was harsh.

    It's hard to know if one should want Reb or Monica to prevail in their clash of the floozies so I can only hope they cancel each other out. Now that would be justice!


  23. Vivir
    O.S. , thanks for the morning giggles .

    Here's my theory about Gabriela's cast ( which I didn't notice ): Perhaps she broke her arm while suspending her disbelief .

    What I did notice is that Reb's long, black press ons are all still in tact after that motorcycle accident . Amazeballs.

    And what was up with those Tyrolian suspenders ?Was he wearing lederhosen ? Susan

  24. Vivir
    Diana, it will be interesting to see how the writers decided to end this show. The anvils are hovering over the bad guys . Those who have killed will die or go to prison or a manicomia. Then there are the lesser weasels...Monica, Bruno, Romeana , and just Icky Icky. In the past, telenovela writers have been very creative in forging anvils ( Pasion, Alborado, etc Susan

  25. VIVIR

    Susan, I am laughing about "the lesser weasels" of which there are many aren't there? :)

    I think Romeana will languish in jail for quire a while, as will Bruno. I'd like to see Icky out in the street, no job and no prospects.

    I think Monica deserves (and will receive) a darker end. I'm not sure that she will still be standing at the end, similar to the way I feel Rebeca will end. Hmmm, having Rebeca go to a manicomia may be a very fitting end - very clever!


  26. Susan, thank you for the morning giggles!! ‘ Here's my theory about Gabriela's cast ( which I didn't notice ): Perhaps she broke her arm while suspending her disbelief!!!’ Cracked me up!!!!

  27. Vivir

    Dear Diana and Darcy, I am always pleased to give or get some giggles ...any time , any where . Susan

  28. O/T (Also posted in Prime Time)

    There have been a few promo announcements for Lalola which begins tomorrow night. I watched the first episode this morning and it's hilarious! You can watch the first episode free on Vix. I recommend that because it is likely to be censored when it airs tomorrow. Content length is 43 minutes.

    Cast includes:

    Barbara de Regil and Diego Amozurrutia from Cabo
    Epy Velez and Alejandro de la Madrid from Marea de Pasion
    Gonzalo Garcia Vivanco from Golpe de Suerte
    Alexis Ayala as the boss
    Cinthia Klitbo, who is having a blast as the bruja

    There are nine episodes total.

  29. VIVIR #111 Part 1

    (Unaired) Angel softly shares with Ulises that she is expecting a baby; and thinks he would have been the best grandfather in the world. Elena reassures her that her father is always watching over them.

    As the doctor removes her bandage, Rebeca pleads that he believe her; she doesn’t remember anything! She manipulates him into agreeing that she shouldn’t be judged for things she doesn’t remember doing. The doctor agrees to do what he can for her.

    Renato enters Rebeca’s temporary lair and when Rebeca asks who he is, he tells her that he doesn’t believe her farce. Rebeca continues her not ready for prime-time act but an unmoved Renato merely laughs at her. He hopes they throw her in jail and that she finally leaves Angel alone!

    As her fiery red talons scroll through her phone, Monica clown grins as she looks at the pictures of a captive Angel. She mutters she will enjoy herself with Rebeca and will show her that her threats aren’t idle but very real.

    Fatima is complaining about Cris not filing charges against Rebeca, when Cris discovers a lump in her breast. Fatima asks what it is and Cris tells her it definitely isn’t normal. Fatima tells her not to worry, all will be well, and embraces her. She immediately offers to get her an appointment.

    Brayan is lurking around the grounds, scoping things out thinking how easy it will be to steal from the hacienda. Domingo surprises him and Brayan and asks if there are any jobs available. Oh noes!

    Lucas takes Mati her favorite video game, but she is in no mood, she wants to be alone. She is distraught, crying she is an invalid and useless. She tells a stricken Lucas to leave. He tries to soothe her but she protests even more vociferously.


  30. VIVIR #111 Part 2

    Misael asks Fatima about the situation with Romina. When he mentions that Rebeca must be behind the fraud, Fatima tells him that Rebeca is hospitalized after having an accident and possibly (improbably) losing her memory.

    Sebas warmly greets JE. Foolish and deluded JE thinks things will revert back to normal now that Rebeca is behind bars. He asks Sebas for all paperwork related to the loan Misael obtained.

    Too trusting, non-reference checking Domingo is giving Brayan instructions on some chores. When Brayan asks about seeing the house, Domingo tells him that he has no business inside the house. Brayan pretends to agree as he mutters to himself.

    Luciano arrives to see a downtrodden Lucas sitting outside Mati’s room. When Luciano tells him that Mati will be fine, Lucas shares that Mati doesn’t want to see him anymore. Luciano tells him not to take it personally as Mati doesn’t want to see anyone and is struggling and confused. What she needs now is their support. They agree to work together to ensure that happens. Luciano then tells Lucas that the social worker is talking to Mati right now.

    The social worker tells Mati it’s very important to understand exactly how the accident occurred. To viewerville’s shock and dismay, Mati tells her it wasn’t anyone’s fault! She murmurs that Lucas was just trying to help. As her mother locked them up, she wanted to speak with a judge, requesting they be allowed to go back with their father. She explains that her mother arrived, pulled in the ladder and she fell. The social worker wisely deduces that her mother IS at fault for her fall.

    Romina asks Cris and Don Emilio for a salary advance as she will need money for her daughter’s accident. Don Emilio sternly tells her that does not justify what she did. Cris hands her a folder saying they found the illegal transfer she made to her personal account but that they were able to cancel the transaction in time!


  31. VIVIR #111 Part 3

    When Romina lies and denies making that transaction, Don Emilio sharply tells her they can’t believe anything she says. Cris tells her that after considering her daughter’s situation, they won’t report her for the fraud but they do want her resignation. Romina kneels at the desk in desperation, explaining that Bruno asked for her passwords, but Don Emilio points out that she was responsible for the security of the passwords. Cris then asks how she expects them to believe her when this isn’t the first time she has been involved in a fraudulent situation…she then tells her to empty out her office!! Wide eyed, impactada Romina leaves as Cris puts a comforting hand on her father’s shoulder.

    Fatima makes the medical appointment for the mammogram just as Adolfo arrives to overhear. Adolfo asks why the urgency,..

    Monica and Bruno toast to Romina’s dismissal. Bruno smarmily says she is the only woman he is interested in; she deep growl laughs and as they swap spit, Romina walks in.

    Misael slowly opens Rebeca’s hospital door as she continues her act…wondering if he also came to accuse her. He tells her she is his woman!

    Fatima lies to a somewhat concerned Adolfo that Cris is going for a routine exam. He asks that she let him know how it goes.

    As a lightning strike hovers above his head, Misael lies, telling Rebeca they were very happy. When he asks about the handcuffs, she replies that they are accusing her of things she didn’t do. After she asks if she is really as bad as they say, he replies yes and utters the words every woman yearns to hear; she is an animal but he still loves her. She asks if he will help her since she has no one else. Misael replies that he doesn’t know how he can help her and he doesn’t want his family against him. Rebeca muses to herself that he continues to be a coward (true that). She then suggests that they could be happy together again. He holds and kisses her hand, laying his on top. After Misael leaves, Rebeca closes her eyes, musing that she needs to gain control of Misael but realizes that as long as Monica is controlling him, she won’t be able to.

    Angel is at work when she receives a text message containing images of her being held captive. She looks shocked.


  32. VIVIR #111 Part 4

    Angel recalls Rebeca’s accusations that she took everything from her. She thinks Rebeca must be the one who sent her the images. She starts hyperventilating and when Elena enters, intuitively senses something is wrong. Is it the baby Elena wonders as she starts fussing. Angel pulls herself together and stays mum, telling her mother not to worry.

    Bruno and Monica scoff at Romina and tell her she fell into their trap quite easily. Monica (celebratory glass already in hand) tells her she should already be gone. More reproaches from both until Romina lashes out calling her both a zorra AND a vibora. Maniacal Monnica laughs and finally orders her to LEAVE! Monica’s phone rings and she makes Bruno leave.

    Gabriela (cast very much in view) tells Bruno that JE and Cris are asking for him. Chris questions Bruno about Romina accusing him of transferring company funds to her account. The weasel denies it of course, completely perplexed as to why Romina would say something like that. JE warns that if they find out he is lying, he won’t only lose his job, they will also report him. Bruno continues to protest, claiming his innocence.

    On the phone, Rufino confirms that he sent the photos; Monica then tells him to delete all the evidence. Monica talks to herself about forcing Rebeca to give her the shares (did I hear an” el mercado” in her rantings?) and getting her out of their lives…and destroying her. She empties her glass; not the first or last time today I imagine.

    (Unaired) Angel vows she won’t let Rebeca do this to her. She tells Santi she will return.

    Romina apologizes for coming to see Rebeca. She tells Rebeca that Monica and Bruno set her up…and they are lovers. Rebeca seems genuinely surprised and asks her twice if it is true. She asks Rebeca for help. Rebeca thinks this is the perfect way to distance Misael from Monica. She tells Romina that she’ll help her but only if Romina helps her. Once Misael finds out about Monica and Bruno, he’ll know his mother isn’t who he thinks and will stay away from her. There is no change in Romina’s facial expression but she nods her head almost imperceptibly.


  33. VIVIR #111 Part 5

    Cris angrily vents to JE, believing Rebeca should be in jail. She shouldn’t be allowed to walk freely until the trial ends. JE agrees but points out that Rebeca’s condition might help her. Cris can’t believe that the law would protect Rebeca after all she had done. JE reviews the papers, discovering that they are paying a hefty interest for the loan; he then sees that Misael is responsible for the payments.

    Angel asks Rebeca what her intentions were in sending her “this” (the pictures). After Rebeca recalls Monica’s threats, she asks who did that to Angel! An indignant Angel insists that Rebeca not deny it as Rebeca sports her “poor, poor pitiful me” mask.

    Rebeca insists that she doesn’t remember, but Angel doesn’t believe her. I am Frida your hermana she insists and continues to plead she is innocent until Angel has had enough. With an angry “basta”, Angel demands that she stay away from her, her mother, Santi and JE. After Angel slams the door, Rebeca curses maldita Monica knowing that she sent the pictures; she needs to shut Monica up!

    (Unaired) Lupe talks business and Luis is very proud of her. Lupe gives credit to Angel who taught them so much.

    (Unaired) Lupe questions why Doris isn’t opening her booth and to our utter dismay in reading this, Doris explains that she is worried about Rebeca. When Lupe questions Doris’s loyalty, she tries to justify herself in that Rebeca has gone through a lot and no one goes to visit her. Lupe continues to point out the terrible things Rebeca has done but Doris is (short sightedly) adamant that Rebeca can’t do anything in her condition.

    Our best dressed and always fashionable couple, Armando (pink blazer and lavender shirt) and Gi (small print silky dress with ruffled neckline) discuss Doris’s breakup with Sebas. Armando worries as he knows Doris loves Sebas. Gi, looking beautiful, comments that Doris’s many and admirable qualities will attract many men (she is spot on there…) Armando leaves and as Gi pulls out her phone with a rather devilish smile on her face, Elena calls. Gi, immediately sensing Elena’s worry and consternation, rushes out to see her.


  34. VIVIR #111 Part 6 of 6

    Javi wants to see Mati so Luciano warns him to be careful because Mati is very sensitive. Luciano tells Fatima that it’s too early for the doctors to report on the success of the operation. Fatima has faith that Mati will recover. Luciano ends up smiling and is overcome with emotion as they kiss. Just then, Romina arrives down the hallway and sees them. They leave to grab coffee.

    Without preamble or niceties, Romina confronts the social worker. The social worker tells Romina that she has already submitted her report on Mati’s accident to the council; they will determine her guilt or innocence. Romina is indignant and once again blames Lucas. Romina is told that until a judgment is rendered, the children will be in protective custody. She advises Romina to bring her lawyer to the appointments and then turns on her heel and leaves. Rebeca then calls Romina who confirms that she will help Rebeca who tells her to keep an eye on Monica and Bruno. Beca then chats up the nurse and takes her meds.

    Monica questions why Misael went to see Rebeca who is faking her memory loss. Dim bulb Misael doesn’t think that she is, Rebeca didn’t recognize him and couldn’t remember anything. Monica (and viewerville) can’t believe he feels sorry for Rebeca. Monica sneers that he needs to think with his head, not from the waist down! They continue to beat a dead horse until Monica reveals that she will get the shares from Rebeca so that she can be the majority shareholder. She then threatens that if Misael doesn’t stay away from Rebeca, she will withdraw her support for him. She puts her hands on his but he throws them off. She screams at him and pounds on the desk. JE then walks in and demands to know why the loan payments aren’t being made on time, resulting in sky high interest charges! Misael squirms in his seat.

    Despite our protestations, has Uni decided all of Sebas’ and Doris’ scenes are going to land on the cutting room floor? Perish the thought…

    Mi amiga’s sharp, concise and wonderfully conveyed dialogue translations were a lifeline today. Such generosity and kindness are greatly and humbly appreciated.


  35. Vivir. Yet another excellent recap, Diana and friend. This time I especially liked: "Rebeca's temporary lair;" As her fiery red talons scroll through her phone, Monica clown...;' "She deep growl laughs;" "the words every woman yearns to hear;" (hilarious example of irony). Misael is remarkably gullible, especially when it comes to Monica and Rebeca. Cris's breast lump is probably a PSA. At her age she should be having annual mammograms anyway. 25 years ago I didn't have a lump, but my mammogram caught a very early cancerous tumor. Thanks to surgery, chemotherapy, tamoxophin, and 5 more years of a couple of newer anti-cancer drugs, I am here commenting on novelas. What a sucker the doctor is! Dare we hope Brayan is injured in an agricultural accident? I'm impressed with that social worker. Again, I'm not upset that Romina is being anvilled.

  36. Vivir. In fact, if Misael weren't so evil, he'd probably be good husband material. :)

  37. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so very much.

    "Dare we hope Brayan is injured in an agricultural accident?" was fire and I was belly laughing. If only!

    Yes, the social worker takes no guff and seemed to have Romina's number immediately! Yup, karma's koming for Romina and it's going to be fitting (I hope, I hope).

    Yes, mammograms are a must! I'm so happy that you were diagnosed early and treated successfully! Thankfully you are here among us, sharing your marvelous humor and wit. Bless you.



  38. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another excelent recap. You are a real trouper for writing up such a fun recap while suffering through another day without some hope for Doris and SeaBass!

    Good ol' Bad Becky! Butter up the doctor just in case he might come in handy at some point.

    Renato's scene at the hospital was superfluous and silly. He just stopped by to insult her? Filler.

    I am hoping that Cris's lump is just a PSA and more filler. We will see.

    He is a bad guy but I have to feel sorry for Misael, at least a little. He really is in love with crazy Becky, who just wants to take advantage of him. She would have except that he is too cowardly to do what she needs. I did love his response when she asked him if she was as bad as everybody is saying. "You are an enigma, Rebeca, but whatever, I do love you."
    Misael is his own worst enemy.

    "(Unaired) Lupe questions why Doris isn’t opening her booth and to our utter dismay in reading this, Doris explains that she is worried about Rebeca." We wuz robbed! We should have seen that scene! Ah, well, at least we know about it. Thank you, Diana and friend.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the Armando and Gi scene, and the perfect musical accompaniment, with these two trying to get their daughter properly fixed up with the guy she loves, or perhaps somebody even more suitable (Gi's take on this). Funny and just much more fun than, say, Mati's falling off a ladder.

    Oh, what a cliffhanger! JE demands answers from Misael about the outrageous late charges! Oh, no! What will Misael say? Will I be able to sleep this weekend?



  39. VIVIR

    Andy, thanks so much for your nice words.

    You always add so much to the discussion and are so observant I always look forward to what you have to say.
    "I thoroughly enjoyed the Armando and Gi scene, and the perfect musical accompaniment, with these two trying to get their daughter properly fixed up with the guy she loves, or perhaps somebody even more suitable (Gi's take on this)". It WAS a great scene, lots of fun but alas far too short. Ahhh, Gi looked a bit mischievous so thank you for explaining what she was thinking!

    I'm hoping against hope that Uni spares the scissors and we get to see Sebas, Doris, together and/or separately. They are the highlight of the show!

    "You are an enigma, Rebeca, but whatever, I do love you." Oh my, so "enigma" not "animal". Did I ever get that wrong! Thank you so much Andy for setting the record straight and doing it so kindly. I completely agree that Misael is his own worst enemy. Exactly!!

    "Oh, what a cliffhanger! JE demands answers from Misael about the outrageous late charges!" :) Yes, I'm also wondering if I'm going to manage to get any shut eye considering this spell binding ending. HA!


  40. Vivir
    I'll keep this short because I made a comment that disappeared .
    Dear Diana and friend to us all , thanks for a great report on all the comings and goings.

    Reb's eyebrows did a lot of acting in this episode . Head bandage is gone and no neck brace this hospital visit , so she as that going for her.

    So...the only people who are buying what Reb is selling are the doctor who doesn't know her devilish ways and Miserable who does but is the dimmest of bulbs . Susan


  41. Vivir de amor

    Diana, I skipped right over "animal" in the recap, I didn't notice it. I didn't properly hear "enigma" either, it's just what my Closed Captioning said. It could have been "animal", Closed Captioning sometimes takes liberties or substitutes less offensive words. Occasionally, when my ears are both working I will say, "Wait a minute, CC! That's NOT what she said."

    We find our fun in novelas as best we can and hope that Uni doesn't mess with us too much.

    Susan, Misael really is a dim bulb, isn't he? But his whole life has been a mess, up to and especially, Rebeca.


  42. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you!

    Rebeca's eyebrows deserve an acting credit of their own, don't they? Very expressive! It's not only Beca's bandages that are unraveling right??

    Andy, "enigma" seems to make more sense but whatever it is, the important thing is that we are having fun and enjoying this which I think we all are. Except for the slicing and dicing of course! 😊


  43. Vivir #111

    Gracias, amigas.

    The stupidity of men who fall for women like Rebecca never ceases to astound and annoy me. If Misael ever expects to be part of Pedrito's life, Rebecca can't be any part of his.

    In fact, Pedrito's instincts recognize evil very well.

    Rebecca's fake amnesia is such an insult to the intelligence I was hoping that at least one of the women would slap her hard enough to bring back the neck brace.

    Wanda needs a wardrobe makeover. That necklace she's wearing recently looks like it was made for or by a child.

    About the photo: Is it possible for a phone company to trace photos back to the source?

  44. Vivir
    UA, also the stupidity of nobody going into the room with Reb with their phone on record amazes me. You know the phone in a jacket pocket or purse trick, or at the least just an audio would do. Also Angelli's stupidity in not reporting Reb for kidnapping makes it hard to like her character much. All along JE and Angelli's storyline has been underwhelming.

  45. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban!

    "Pedrito's instincts recognize evil very well". Yes, he certainly does.

    "Rebecca's fake amnesia is such an insult to the intelligence I was hoping that at least one of the women would slap her hard enough to bring back the neck brace". HA!

    Urban, interesting question about the phone company being able to trace the source. Not sure what the answer is but anonymous texts, pictures, etc. seem to be a TN staple so if it is available, don't think it will factor into any of these storylines. Nor will anyone try to record the villain as you noted Kat.

    Agree that Jimena should work on a fashion makeover with Wanda with Doris contributing a few tips. :)


  46. Vivir #111

    The second Rebecca denied having kidnapped Angeli someone should have called her out on the amnesia scam.

    Now, on to the use of ghosts in novelas...

    The ghosts in the finale of Receta was not optimum but here it would work if Alma's ghost comes again, also Antonio's and Mauricio's. A few of Mejia's past productions made interesting uses of the supernatural. Rebecca deserves a very serious Karmageddon.

  47. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana! Your recap shone more brightly than the episode as usual!

    I was thinking while watching Rebeca try to pretend not to know Renato and Misael that it might have been interesting if Rebeca really did lose her memory. Imagine a show where the villain wreaks havoc everywhere throughout the show and then BAM!!! She’s got enemies to deal with from every corner and she has no idea what anyone is talking about!!! That fallout could be interesting to watch…. Especially if they really made you hate the character in part 1 and somehow made them sympathetic in part 2.
    Speaking of things I’d like to see, how great would it be if we saw Angelli’s claws come out in the last 20 episodes?? We know Kim has got the chops to do it!
    Monica is wearing a very nice green dress today– it’s like wardrobe decided halfway through the production that Monica didn’t have to be worst dress after all. As Wanda’s look suffers, Monica gets upgraded day after day!

    I really hope Cris’s thing is just a PSA, we don’t need another sad/dramatic storyline!

  48. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Darcy for your always uplifting words.

    "Imagine a show where the villain wreaks havoc everywhere throughout the show and then BAM!!! She’s got enemies to deal with from every corner and she has no idea what anyone is talking about!!! " Darcy, if only the writers had thought to have Beca lose her memory for realz; it would have been amazing! Yes, Beca might even have garnered a bit of sympathy (never enough to forgive but perhaps to lessen the hate a tad). :)

    I'm all for Kim bringing it on! Let's see what you've got girl!


  49. VIVIR

    Urban, "The ghosts in the finale of Receta was not optimum but here it would work if Alma's ghost comes again, also Antonio's and Mauricio's" would be incredible!! I thought Alma's spirit returning was very well done and suspect that the others would be too!

    Let's include Ulises too!! What a sight for sore eyes he would be (right Darcy??). Deep sigh.


  50. Vivir

    ‘ Let's include Ulises too!! What a sight for sore eyes he would be (right Darcy??). Deep sigh.’ AMEN sister!! I love that idea!

  51. Vivir

    Super job, Diana and friend. So much is happening and your recap is nailing all of it. Love all your snark on Misael, like "As a lightning strike hovers above his head...

    Misael's IQ has tumbled since the start of this TN. He believes Rebeca on first sight. And we are to believe that Rebeca will get back at Monica and get Misael clinging to her even more by showing him that his best buddy is his momma's bed (chair? wall?) buddy.

    Wondering whom Pedrito will wind up with. Wanda and Primitivo? I notice that Pedrito hasn't yet shared words with his grandfather Adolfo.

  52. VIVIR

    Hi Niecie, thank you so much!

    "And we are to believe that Rebeca will get back at Monica and get Misael clinging to her even more by showing him that his best buddy is his momma's bed (chair? wall?) buddy" is fabulous! :) Also, a great question!! I am sure Misael is going to find out and I have a feeling he will be livid at Monica.

    I'm thinking yes, Pedrito will end up with Wanda and Primi. He has lived his short, sweet life there and it makes sense he continue to do so with Marisa, Loli and everyone else he loves close by. I expect he will be having lots of ice cream excursions to Don Emilio's as well!

    Niecie, you always bring up important things that seem to sail by me. No, Pedrito and Adolfo haven't had any conversation that I'm aware of, thank you.

    I keep wondering how and when Mau being Misael's father will be revealed. Finding out he murdered his father will be another blow for Misael.

