
Monday, August 26, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Aug. 26, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which is going to TWO HOURS!!As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 32-37

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #32/#33 Page 1

    Please feel free to add anything I left out


    Luisa, Marcelo and the police escort AKA Enzo head off to Colombia. Luisa makes it clear that the only reason she is going is to hear for herself who killed her father. Luisa wants to call Spain to talk to the investors but the phone signal connecting them to Spain isn't good, so she doesn't. As a form of payback for Helena telling her that Marcelo and she were getting married, Luisa calls to him that the cab has arrived while he is talking to Helena on the phone.
    Helena overhears her. Helena will tell Zaid that she thought she heard her but maybe she was wrong. Vicario was beaten so badly that he is unconscious and needs both blood and surgery. Bardo's wife has B negative blood and gives blood to Vicario so he can recover. Zaid is not happy that Vicario is still alive and tells the coroner to finish him off so he doesn't talk. The coroner says he will do his best but Zaid has to be ready if Vicario talks. In the meantime, Zaid tells Juan he knows that Marcelo is his son and that he is setting him up to take the Alejandro murder rap. The investors call Leonor telling her that Luisa never showed up in Madrid. She asks Zaid about it and he lies saying that Luisa called him to tell him that she missed a plane and that everything is fine. Zaid has also ordered a hit on Marcelo that almost happens when he is handcuffed to a chair at the hospital but Enzo comes to get him just in time. Vicario finally comes to and is able to talk to Marcelo and Luisa. Luisa records his statement. He says that he was at the local jail seven years ago when a Mexican arrived ready to pay big bucks to Nazar the coroner to falsify the Alejandro Grajales cause of death. He was to say that Grajales died from a fall. When Luisa asks Vicario who that Mexcian was, they do not know that Vicario has had his life threatened again by Zaid through officer Arbeláez if he tells the truth. Under Arbeláez's watchful gaze, he identifies the Mexican as Juan Barrero. This forces Luisa to recognize two truths: Marcelo is innocent and Zaid lied when he testified that he saw Marcelo push Alejandro off the balcony. Marcelo sees Zaid as having set this all up to get him out of the way. Luisa is so confused by it all but not too confused to end up in bed with Marcelo and making up for lost time Zaid is at home going crazy not knowing how to control what is going on.

    Camila and Iñaki end up at the beach house and find that the money and Gael are gone. Ana and Roberta arrive and suddenly everyone is blaming Roberta for being the one who is responsible for Gael and the money being missing. Roberta insists she didn't do a thing but breaks up with Ana for siding with Camila and Iñaki against her. She will not be with anyone who does not trust her. Suddenly the police arrive en masse with a search warrant. Camila, Iñaki and Ana are told that the house will be searched and finger prints and DNA taken will be taken from the premises. They play stupid not knowing anything about anything. The police will also need their phones. The three teenagers, AKA the three stooges, have no idea what to do or what is going to happen next. It suddenly occurs to Camila how stupid this Gael thing has been. (DUH!!)

  2. MAREA Page 2

    Juan tries to force Isela to give him half of their money for his own use. She refuses knowing all about him and his addictions. She adds that if he asks her for a divorce, he will end up on the street. She wants there to be a family if Sofía returns. Alfonso makes Rita a mirror in carpentry class to make up for his problematic behavior with her. She will accept his apology only if he makes contact with his mother. He calls his mother and begs to come home. She accuses him of stealing her bracelet from the safe deposit box. He apologize for spending her money on drugs but insists he never took her bracelet from the safe deposit box. When she hears that, she tells him he can come back home after his treatment ends. Alfonso tells Rita that his own father set him up so his mother would think that HE stole the bracelet. Isela tellsJuan that he needs to let María know that he is now available. She is done with him. He insists he didn't steal the bracelet. She calls him pathetic. She then visits María and tells her she can have Juan. María tells her she isn't interested. Juan comes by telling María the good news that he is free except he needs to keep up a family apperance for Isela's sake. María is NOT interested in the least.

    An accountant at work advises Leonor that there have been some unusual withdrawals from her account and the checks are not in order. Leonor makes up an excuse and later confronts Walter. He gives her a song and dance act about wanting to be a success so he can be a more appropriate partner for her. He used the money he stole to buy her a ring and to buy a bar. Leonor is impressed and decides she will help him with his goals. They will also announce that they are a couple to her family. Little does she know is that he has a girlfriend. As they are in bed together, he tells her that having sex with the old woman isn't bad for money he is getting out of it.

    Felipe tells his boss that he thinks that Zaid is behind the illegal money transfer. Felipe's boss tells him she is on to what he did to the key that suddenly didn't have any fingerprints on it. He is officially off the case. What to do?

    Santiago shows Leonor proof that he is going to therapy. She makes it clear that he will be going until the doctor decides he is done. He thinks the doctor has it bad for him. Santiago's day improves when a young woman with a very low cut, tight knit top comes to be interviewed for a position at the hotel and turns out to be as sexually motivated as he is.

    It looks like Nora could be out of luck because her custody hearing is tomorrow. Luisa was supposed to representt her but nobody knows where she is.

    Cris and María end up kissing out in the garden. Beatriz sees them as she delivers the approval for María's loan. María later runs into Cris who is thoroughly confused and treats her almost like a stranger. She leaves him not knowing what to think.


  3. OT

    There was a commercial for “Fugitivas” “starting soon” tonight,

  4. Marea
    Jarifa, a nice succinct way to portray last night's 2 hour episode. I missed that the money is missing also from the stupid kidnapping plot. Why they don't think to blame the guy that saw them with Gael rather than Roberta just shows how dumb they are. I still think they are in their 20s as otherwise they would have been tweens in the first episodes when the family was in Colombia. I imagine they should be 21 or older (especially Ana who was giving out passes to the casino, though letting underage girls into the casino would not phase Zaid a bit).

    Having Juan as the Patsy is sad, but it couldn't have happened to a better guy (except perhaps Santiago).

    Poor Maria Ines and Chris. Good for her kicking Juan to the curb. It seems ever since he left her pregnant she moved on with her life and has no feelings at all for him.

    OT, I've been seeing commercials for Juana la Virgin. I haven't found it on ViX or any other free streaming services so I'm interested in seeing it.

  5. MAREA

    Thanks, Kat. I have to find some different ways of shortening the writing process for the dreaded double episodes.

    Things moved along nicely last night. My only wish for tonight: Would they please arrest Camila and Iñaki already??? I was happy that María “kicked Juan to the curb”, too. It is so bizarre that he would expect her to wait a lifetime for him and now still have to maintain a charade because Isela was calling the shots as usual.

    Zaid looks like he is ready to pop from his rage.

    Jarifa: Did Univision or Televisa pull the plug on Scarlet Gruber's Telenovela ?

  7. Marea
    Jarifa, thank you for doing doub!e duty to provide us with all the spiraling drama.

    The Chris storyline is very sad. He seems like such a good opposed to all these dreadful males on his show . It would take to long to list them all , but they come in all ages. Uff. Are there a lot of women writers on this show ?

    Well, it didn't take long for Lisa to jump into bed with Marcelo . Will she return to hearth and home ...and evil Said pregnant? Zaid seems to be unraveling , so he may not be able to wear his mask around clueless Luisa much longer.

  8. MAREA

    Jarifa, you've outdone yourself once again. You captured all of the events perfectly; this was so well written.

    :JUAN: THE BOAT WITH NO PORT" had me laughing out oud.

    Things are moving at the speed of sound. Luisa's jealousy was so obvious. She is so in love with Marcelo as is he with her. I loved Zaid's anger and powerless frustration as to Luisa's whereabouts. Although I feel sorry for Helena I suspect she will be out for blood once Marcelo inevitably rejects her.

    Leonor. No fool like an old fool.

    I don't like Isela but perhaps she will change once she sheds odious Juan.

    The two most moving moments for me were Alfonso and Isela's phone reconciliation and Chris and Maria's sweet but likely doomed burgeoning relationship.

    Splendidly done Jarifa. Thank you.


  9. Marea

    Thanks so much for the recap of the first of who knows how many two hour episodes. I believe this has 62 episodes. I watched part last night and part this morning. I liked the format you used. Could focus on one drama at a time!

    I was surprised when the prisoner named Juan. I knew Juan had been surprised the other night when he realized Zaid was the killer. Not sure when they were able to get to the unconscious prisoner. I guess as soon as he came to. Zaid’s evilness stretches to other countries. If I had been Luisa I would have gone with Marcelo to Bardo’s. That would certainly have been the proof she needed to know Marcelo was innocent and Zaid was guilty. Now Juan will be blamed. Isela will go crazy!

    I can’t believe I missed the scene of Walter and girlfriend! I think I didn’t realize who it was, because there was a bedroom scene and I was trying to figure out who the girl was.

    Find Gael and arrest everyone involved. Although now Ana is involved too.

    I loved Maria telling Isela she didn’t want Juan. Isela wasted a lot of years, and hate, being so jealous of Maria. Why would you want someone who left you pregnant to marry someone else. And I’m guessing the money was the attraction.

    Thanks for hanging in there!


  10. MAREA

    Susan, you are welcome. Great suspicion about the possibility of Luisa coming home pregnant. It happened once before with Marcelo. I fear for Luisa and Natalia. Who in her own family could ever come to her aid when he has such power over her family members?

    Thanks, Diana. These were fun episodes to cover. “Leonor. No fool like an old fool.” I have to admit I was hoping that Walter would at least not turn into the grifter he has become besides being a gigolo.

    Liz, you are welcome. At this rate, we could be done in about three weeks. Unbelievable! I agree that everyone needs be arrested even Ana. I do not understand Ana’s idea of protecting Camila’s actions that clearly are a kidnapping with the possibility of Gael being killed in the process ne ause she is “family.” Ana is just one more lemming . . . Too bad she is as stupid as Iñaki.

  11. OT...
    So , it looks like the new shows are going to be Fugitivos, Juana the virgen, and Sed Venganza???? Susan

  12. MAREA DE PASIONES #34/#35 Page 1

    Please feel free to add anything I left out

    Luisa tells Marcelo that she never hated him after he was blamed for her father's death. She wanted to hear an explanation from him about what happened and seven long years ago she left him a letter in the tree where he had proposed to her. Marcelo finds and reads the letter where Luisa says she doesn't know why he left but that she will love him forever. When reality hits, Luisa tells Marcelo that making love was a mistake. She already has a family and Marcelo is not being fair to Helena. Marcelo reminds her that her family betrayed her. Luisa says it is not that easy. She has to think of Natalia and that Zaid has been the only father she has ever known.

    When she gets home, Zaid confronts her about not going to Spain. She says she went to Colombia because she had to find out something about her father's death. She accuses him of lying so that Marcelo would take the fall and he would be rid of him. She adds that a coroner was paid by her uncle Juan to say that her father died from a fall. So, Zaid lied about that because he said he saw her father fell and he never did. Zaid doesn't believe what a convict would say and has no recourse but to rage on about her going on a trip with MARCELO.

    Marcelo pays the coroner another visit to let him know that he knows what is going on. Luisa pays uncle Juan, who is on a continual binge a visit. He admits that he paid off the coroner but that it was a matter of expediency. They wanted to get back to Mexico ASAP. He asks so what if they said that her father died in another way??? He says that was only a hypothetical question, of course. Luisa knows he is not telling her everything. Zaid asks if he knows where Marcelo is with Luisa and punches Juan in the mouth when Juan asks him if he is planning on killing Marcelo, too, like he did Alejandro.

    Marcelo tells Luisa there is only one way to get to the truth: an exhumation of her father's body. Luisa recoils at first from the idea but then agrees that her father's body must be exhumed.

    Helena is angry about Marcelo being in Colombia with Luisa and tells Zaid that he is going to pay. She takes an insecticide from the warehouse at María's orchard. The foreman sees her leaving and she tells him she was looking for María. She goes to have some coffee with María and when María goes to get her some orange cake. She puts a few drops of the poison in her coffee. María falls deathly ill almost immediately. Helena puts on a good act pretending to care about what happens to her and calling for help. Luckily, the doctor is with Cris and can come over. He knows exactly what antidote to give her and she recovers quickly. She tells Helena that she doesn't know what she would have done without her. Marcelo arrives and María gives Marcelo her diamond ring to give to Helena. Marcelo gives Helena the ring but tells her they need to talk. After disappearing to talk to Luisa, he finally has time to talk with Helena. He confesses that he and Luisa made love when they were in Colombia.

  13. MAREA Page 2

    Osvaldo tells his mother that his lawyer says he has a good chance of getting custody of his son because his lawyer told him that Nora withdrew her complaint against Santiago and shortly thereafter a large quantity of money appeared in her bank account.

    Santiago goes into the hotel to track down the maid that he hired the day before. He finds her making a bed and tries to put the moves on her but she fights him off. He leaves. Little does he know that she has recorded the whole interaction on her phone. She visits him in his office telling him that his bad reputation preceded him. It turns out she is a high class madam and wants to supply her high class girls to his rich casino customers. She is giving him until tomorrow to make up his mind but if he rejects her offer, her video will go public. He ends up at his psychologist afraid that his mother and sister will run him out of the company. He needs her help. (Why does he always stand so close to her?? He is creepy!)

    Isela finds the jump drive with the security footage in the safe deposit box. She thinks she is being framed and wants to talk to a police official. Felipe catches her just in time and explains on the QT as his boss watches him, that the jump drive has video evidence that could incriminate her daughter. He discreetly takes it from her and meets with the whole family. He tells Beatriz she should have destroyed it. She says she will. Isela wants to know who forced her to commit the crime. Beatriz isn't talking nor will she allow the recording to be played.

    Rita is in a bind. The orphanage where she was raised is closing because it has gone broke. It is closing any day. Alfonso leaves rehab putting himself at risk for a relapse to see if his mother will support it. His mother says she will, but he needs to finish rehab first. Felipe is going to visit the orphanage and see if there is any info on Sofía. Juan seems interested in what orphanage he is going to.

    Cris apologizes to María for not recognizing her the other day but blames it on some medication that his doctor gave him and not on the real cause: Alzheimers. She accepts his apology.

    Camila gets a text from "unknown" It tells her, Iñaki, Ana and Roberta that the police will not find a fingerprint in the house . It has all been cleaned. If they want to stay safe they need to pay 12 million pesos. They have a week or he will tell how they kidnapped him. He has evidence for everything. It sounds like it is from Gael. They go down to the beach to talk to the local smart guy who saw what was going on at the house to see what he knows but he isn't talking.
    What to do? (DUH!) The detective assigned to the case is frustrated that at the house there were no fingerprints or DNA evidence at the house. He is sure that Camila and her crew are guilty.

    Ana and Roberta make up.


  14. MAREA

    I was not expecting Helena to turn out to be a bona fide murderer. She and Zaid deserve each other. So how many episodes will an exhumation take with (I am guessing) Leonor, Isela and Zaid fighting it every step of the way?

  15. MAREA

    Jarifa, a perfect recap of several on the edge of your seat episodes. Thank you so much…

    You captured the essence of Helena’s very disturbing and surprising vengeance with “Helena to turn out to be a bona fide murderer. She and Zaid deserve each other”. She was superbly chilling.

    My favorite line of many is “Luisa pays uncle Juan, who is on a continual binge a visit”. Juan is such a lowlife but I readily admit I am fascinated by this smarmy, reprehensible snake. Is he ever sober? It was sickening to watch him staggering around the pool, crying like a child. I was hoping he would fall in, no such luck.

    “Juan seems interested in what orphanage he is going to”. Is Juan going to get his filthy fingers involved in Rita’s dilemma? Alfonso is trying so hard to do the right thing…

    Santiago, “(Why does he always stand so close to her?? He is creepy!)”. There seemed to be some sick sexual attraction between the two last night. Stomach churning. I hope the madam prevails so he can be the victim for once.

    Zaid manipulating Natalia while she was on the phone to her mother was sickening.

    Sensational Jarifa.


  16. Marea
    I fell asleep early last night. Baby wore me out yesterday. Hopefully I can catch up at her naptime today. I'm now figuring Helena is not Sofia, don't think the story would have true incest between a couple. Unless Sofia is also the product of an affair and not Juan's daughter. That would fit in with him being more blasé about finding her than Isela. So maybe Rita is the missing Sofia. Sad for Alfonso if that is so....

    When the new hire went for the interview I wondered if maybe it was a set up to get video against Santi. I guess it was, but one with her own agenda, not Luisa's and all the harassed woman.

  17. MAREA

    Diana, glad you enjoyed the recap. This novela is just getting better and better as time goes by and yes, Zaid just gets worse and worse with each episode. I agree that him using Natalia for info on her mother was sickening.
    He has no limits.
    Two plot twists I didn’t see coming: Helena turning from victim to murderer in the blink of an eye and the madam directed professional prostitution push. I like being surprised.
    Juan being interested in what orphanage Felipe was going to was suspicious to me because in an earlier episode he told Felipe he would take care of questioning about Sofía at the orphanages. Felipe needn’t bother doing that. Did Juan have something to do with Sofía’s disappearance?

  18. MAREA

    Kat, I hadn’t thought of Rita being the missing Sofía. That would be sad for Alfonso. Yes, it was wonderful seeing Santiago being victimized. Hope you have an easier day today!

  19. Marea
    Jarifa, I don't know how you do it, but I appreciate your excellent reports on the continuing drama .

    Yikes, I used to feel sorry for Helena because she is completely under Z's abusive thumb, but then she poisons Maria , who has been so kind and caring to her . Why? To get Marcelo home???

    Marcelo decides it is a good Idea to tell Helena that he and Lisa slept together . Really? Helena will surely share this news with Zaid.

    I guess that crazy, violent Zaid has never abused Luisa , but that could change if he finds out she slept with Marcelo. Uh oh.How long can this demon hide his true evil nature from his clueless wife.? Susan

  20. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, a great recap!

    I was shocked that Helena poisoned Maria. I think the hired hand, head foreman, is very suspicious of her. He kept looking at Helena and I think he’s going to figure out what happened. That said, I no longer worry about Marcelo dumping her. I hope it happens soon but don’t think it will. I think Marcelo will eventually figure out she works for Zaid.

    Exhuming the body is a great idea, but why would they think they’ll get an honest answer. Zaid has most of that town in his pocket. I was surprised an honest cop was sent to Colombia with Marcelo.

    I was relieved Felipe didn’t tell Juan the name of the orphanage where Rita was. I’m beginning to think he was behind his daughter’s disappearance. He lets his daughter face jail and keeps quiet, he knows his “son” is innocent of murder, but he keeps quiet. What did Maria ever see in him.

    I foolishly thought the maid was going to help all the abused women. It sounds like she’ll help herself and her girls. I don’t think Zaid will go for it. But you never know.

    Poor Marcelo, and Maria too, they’re putting their trust in Helena. He never should have told Helena. It wasn’t just his secret to tell.


  21. MAREA

    Susan, I am lucky to be on a real roll with this one. LOL I could not understand Marcelo’s motivation at all telling Helena that he slept with Luisa either. At times, I think the writers have made Marcelo too stupid but then again they made Juan his fathe who is also Camila the Loon’s father. Great point about Zaid not having physically abused Luisa . . . yet. He is too off balanced to trust.

    Liz, perfectly put: “It wasn’t just his secret to tell.” It didn’t make sense for Marcelo to tell her. I wonder when Marcelo is going to find out that Helena has been working for Zaid all along unwillingly first and now willingly. (I hope he gets his mother’s ring back.) I also wonder if the foreman will bringup meeting Helena being out in the supply shed. Will Helena be smart enough/remember to put the insecticide back? So many questions!

  22. MAREA DE PASIONES #36/#37 Page 1

    If this is disjointed it is because my head was ready to explode after these two episodes!!!!

    Luisa asks Zaid to help her to talk her mother into exhuming her father's body to find out his cause of death. It is evidence. Zaid sees it as another thing to keep involved with Marcelo and he is sick of it. Zaid also thinks she is trying to pin this on him somehow. Luisa disagrees saying that his statement abut seeing Marcelo pushing her father can be explained as a result of PTSD. He wonders if their relationship is over and tells her he is going to sleep at the hotel and SHE can explain to Natalia why he is not at home. Luisa explains to her mother that she found out that Uncle Juan paid off the coroner to falsify the death certificate and she wants to do justice for her father and find out how he really died. Leonor says that no way will she agree that her husband's body is exhumed. If she goes ahead with it, Leonor will make sure she loses her job and her family.

    Marcelo tells Helena that things are not going to work out between them and that he is breaking up with her. She tells him he isn't going to get rid of ehr that essily. She goes to confront Luisa in her office snd greets Luisa with a slap across the face. She tells Luisa that Marcelo ended their relationship becasue of HER and that she is going to marry Marcelo. (Santiago witnesses it all and tells Zaid)

    Zaid and Leonor share a drink in his office as he explains his frustration at not being able to please Luisa. She still is thinking about Marcelo! He strategically closes the blinds to his office. Leonor says that she values everything he has done for the family. She doesn't understand how Luisa can't realize that he is a man any woman would want to have. He asks ANY WOMAN? OR HER? She asks what is he referring to. He says she knows what he is referring to. They passionately kiss. After they kiss, they both agree they never should have let themselves go and cross that line. Leonor says Luisa is her life. Zaid understands that but Leonor doesn't know how he has fantasized about her and going into her room and touching her. . . She tells him to stop and that nobody can know what happened. He agrees but wants her to get rid of Walter. She refuses because she needs to feel passion in her life and he is the only one that can give that to her. She adds that the attraction between the two of them is over. He smugly watches her leave.

    Without legal representation and with Osvaldo's attorney impugning her moral character, Nora loses custody of her child. The judge says it is temporary until he can come to a final decision.

  23. MAREA PAGE 2

    Okay, Santiago's psychologist looks like Luisa's friend that she confides in.

    Santiago goes to his psychologist and asks her for a favor. he has a brother-in-law that needs a favor. The favor is that she make the diagnosis that his brother-in-law is suffering from PTSD. (Traumatic events can affect one's memories of those events.) Santiago knows that is not ethical but if she were ethical, she never would have a patient like him. She recognizes the weird chemistry between them. She agrees to give him a statement with the diagnosis but they need to put the brakes on what is going on between them.
    Santiago brings the diagnostic statement to Zaid and tells him about the business opportunity that has been presented to him that will provide them with plenty of dancers. Zaid knows he means prostitutes and is willing to go with it .

    After The Worm AKA Juan tells María that Cris is trying to have a relationship with her because he needs somebody to take care of him since he has Alzheimer's, Cris tells María himself that he has Alzheimer's. The problem is that he has fallen in love with her and it seems she has with him. They decide to make the most of the time together they have.

    Camila and Iñaki admit they are in love with each other. They are in contact with the mystery person who supposedly wants the money and knows where Gael is. The person talks to them with a voice distorter. Camila asks for proof that Gael is alive and is told that that Gael is dead. She and Iñaki start to cry.

    Felipe's boss Prosecutor García tells Felipe she is taking over Beatriz's case. She hopes she cooperates as a special witness so they can protect her from prosecution. Beatriz turns herself in to García confessing to having made the illegal money transfer without incriminating anyone else. She admits that she tried to make Felipe fall in love with her to avoid prosecution. She refuses the deal to be a special witness. She is arrested. Felipe finds out and goes to see García who tells him that Beatriz refused to tell her who made her do it. García also wants Felipe to turn over the evidence he has in the case or he will be in trouble. Felipe goes to see Beatriz in jail. He knows that she is protecting her father and wants to know who pressured them. She is afraid of what will happen to her family if she says any more. Isela is notified that Beatriz has been arrested. Juan hears and collapses on the couch. Later he goes to see García to see what he can do to help Beatriz. The advice is for Beatriz to name the person who forced her to do what she did. She asks if Juan knows of anyone who could have put Beatriz in this situation. Juan the Worm knows NOTHING. He goes to talk to Beatriz who knows that he is haunted by some kind of guilt for years now. He refuses to tell her anything about it.

    Leonor tells Isela that Juan paid off the coroner in her brother's death and that now Luisa wants to exhume Alejandro's body. Isela tells Leonor that her brother will not be exhumed. Leonor agrees. That is the last straw for Isela. She tells Juan that she wants a divorce and has three days to get out. Juan gets creative and gives Rita a way to save her orphanage. She is to play his missing daughter Sofía and he will make an anonymous donation to keep the orphanage open. Rita appears with Juan saying that her story coincides with that of their missing daughter. Isela welcomes her but tells Juan she wants a DNA test. In the mean time, Alfonso has returned to the rehab center only to find out that Rita has quit. Nobody knows where she went.

  24. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa tells Marcelo that in spite of her mother's threats, she is going to work with him to exhume the body of her father. She needs to find justice for him. She an always find another job and another family. They talk to the judge who tells them they only need the signature of a family member and permission from the owners of the property he is buried on. Luisa will sign as the family member but her father is buried on land owned by Isela. Luisa also will get Isela to sign. Luisa tells Marcelo that Zaid got at PTSD diagnosis which means that his memory of events might not be accurate. Marcelo cannot believe that liar. She thinks Zaid deserves the benefit of the doubt just like him. They also have to corroborate that what Vicario said was true. Marcelo cannot believe she is waffling on this now. She thinks that what happened in Colombia was a mistake. It wasn't a mistake for Marcelo. Marcelo says she should tell Zaid what happened before somebody else does. She concludes that he is talkng about Helena because she knows that Marcelo told Helena what happened.

    Leonor has told the family that she is giving a party to make an important announcement. Nobody knows that she is going to tell them all that she has a novio: Walter. Unfortunately for Walter, he never makes it out of his car. It turns out that his girlfriend AKA his partner in crime is jealous of the time he is spending with Leonor and makes her way to the party and poses as a worker. Zaid sees Walter sitting in his car and gets in the passenger seat. Walter is put off by his attitude. Zaid tells him to cool it because they are not equal. Walter knows that because he is ONLY Leonor's son-in-law. Walter is going to be her husband. Like it or not, he will inherit everything that she has which is the only thing he is sure Zaid is interested in. Zaid agrees saying that he has been working on it for a very long time because he wants to end up with all of her money and Walter is not going to ruin his plans. Just when Walter thinks he is leaving Zaid stabs Walter in the side. He tells Walter that he made Leonor a widow once and he didn't mind doing it. Walter messed with the wrong person.
    He leaves Walter to bleed out. Nobody can find Walter. He is not dead yet and blows the horn on his car which draws attention to his plight. As he rolls out of his car and as he dies, he tells Leonor that Zaid killed her husband. Before the police arrive, Leonor finds his cellphone and there is a recording of his conversation with Zaid. The police arrive and shortly identify Walter as a swindler who ran scams with his girlfriend.

    Luisa comes home and Leonor fills her in on everything that happened including telling her that Walter was her novio and that he and his girlfriend were crooks. When Leonor hears that Zaid is staying at the hotel, she thinks things are better that way. Lisa never thought that getting justice for her father would cause so many problems. A very nervous Leonor hopes that the truth comes to light very soon. Leonor meets with Juan who is desperate because Beatriz is in jail because of Zaid. He forced her to launder casino money via a transfer of funds to Hong Kong. Zaid is dangerous. Juan also thinks he is Alejandro's real killer. They have to file charges against him. Leonor says they cannot do that. Zaid just killed an employee in his car and she has proof that Zaid killed Alejandro.


  25. Marea
    Jarifa, that was definitely a head spinning episode. The Tuesday episodes didn't appear in my library until 3 p m. yesterday so I watched a mini marathon of Marea. I wanted to be able to see it in real time as this double format seems to have confused the YouTube TV add to library function.

    I had a thought about Chris. I saw a documentary about a guy that had all the markers of having Alzheimer's, when in reality it ended up being something else that was curable. The Dr. Mentioned in one of the episodes about giving Chris some vitamins (I think,) as part of his treatment. That is what jogged my memory on the documentary I saw years ago. He is one of my favorite characters so a HEA for him and Marie Ines would make this show for me. On that same vein, I hope they get married and he leaves everything to her and Marcelo.

    I was disappointed that MI gave Marcelo he ring. I felt that should be given to Felipe as I imagine his father is the one that gave it to her. Now the cat (worm) is out of the bag about Marcelo's paternity he would understand why Felipe would get it.

    Ok, I missed that Gael was actually dead in that conversation. I still wonder if he didn't free himself and this is his payback to the 2 idiots that kidnapped him. Maybe the parents and police are in on setting a trap for them.

    Just when you think Juan couldn't get any worse he pulls a stunt like that with Rita. Good for isela demanding a DNA test. I am liking her character a bit more. She has had to put up with the worm for so many years to keep up the happy families pretense in the hopes of Sofia's return.

    Leonora's actions just boggle my mind. Unless she was in with Zaid all along about her husband's murder I don't see how she doesn't turn Zaid in. How did Zaid manage to stab and twist the knife in Walter as we see him bleeding out, and walk away without any blood on his hands? I would hope the police would dust for prints and find his, but in all probability the crooked police guy would bury the evidence. Lots of other head shaking moments in this double feature, but I'm off to try and write my El conde recap. Granddaughter is still asleep for a change. She is usually awake when I get here at 7 a m.

  26. OT On Sept. 18, “Pedro el escamoso, más escamoso que nunca” (sequel to “Pedro el escamoso”) will take the 9:00 pm slot. It will have 23 episodes.

  27. Jarifa, your recap was incredible; your level of detail was sublime. Once again, you've outdone yourself. Thank you for outlining everything so clearly and concisely.

    I can't believe everything that transpired last night! Walter had no idea who he was trying to deal with. RIP foolish boy.

    “The” kiss (as bile rose in my throat) was hard to watch. Zaid is perverse and disgusting. Leonor has now put herself in front of the Zaid train roaring down the track decimating everything in sight. She is smart enough to be afraid, but can anyone or anything shield her now??

    Isela was finally going to give The Worm AKA Juan (love it) the boot and then he pulls the unbelievable stunt of having Rita pose as Sofia. At least Isela is asking for a DNA test (which we know will go awry). Wait til Alfonso sees!

    Why is Beatriz protecting Juan?? Throw him to the wolves I say!

    “Leonor says Luisa is her life”. Really?? “Leonor says that no way will she agree that her husband's body is exhumed. If she goes ahead with it, Leonor will make sure she loses her job and her family”. Charming.

    Luisa completely let Nora down. All those promises. What happened to “sisterhood”?

    I can’t believe I ever felt sorry for Helena!

    Is Gael really dead? Camila has in effect ruined Inaki’s life.


  28. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you so much for another double your pleasure, double your fun episode recap that delivered every cringe worthy moment ...yikes. I can't believe how many skeezy people we have in his show !! It's disheartening .

    Well, Walter , you didn't last long in this nest of vipers. You underestimated how quickly that devil Zaid takes care of unwanted people in his orbit.

    Luisa got a look at mad , bad Zaid.. And Helena is as bad as her owner Zaid. We now have the two couples pitted against each other...the timeless good vs bad dynamic.

    That scene between Leonor and Zaid was super creeoy. Did that recording have everything Z told Walter? Does L know now that Z's lust is for her money, not her body? Susan

  29. Marea
    Diana, how true about Camila ruining Inaki's life. As to Nora's dilemma. The meeting with the judge was a bit of a rush job. Not sure Nora tried to reach Luisa more than that one time when she was out of town, which she learned from the secretary. Nora should have left Luisa a voice mail at the least so she could have asked the judge for a delay. Nora's husband seemed a bit regretful at taking Rui from Nora so possibly they may work it out. I think Mama is behind most of their marital woes. I didn't get all of the conversation that went on in that scene.

  30. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa, another great recap of non-stop events.

    Leonor has a confession on the phone and still is afraid to turn him in. She should at least share it with Luisa. Her daughter could be in danger.

    Rita is pretending to be Sophia to save the orphanage. She has put herself in a very uncomfortable position. And Juan admitted to Beatrice that he’s done bad things. That just reinforces my belief that he had something to do with Sophia’s disappearance. I hope I’m wrong.

    Nora’s husband seemed sad, or guilty, when Nora was saying goodbye to her baby. I think he could be decent if it wasn’t for his mother.

    I guess it’s way to early to have Zaid’s deeds exposed. But so many people are aware of what he’s really like. At least Leona and Juan shared about the murders.

    I don’t think Gael is really dead. But I could be wrong. Not sure why someone trying to get money would tell them that.


  31. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. These were another couple of episodes that were fun to watch as well to recap.

    "Why is Beatriz protecting Juan?? Throw him to the wolves I say!" I could not agree more. I could understand her having sympathy for her alcoholic, philandering crook of a father but do not understand why she is willing to sacrifice her life for him. Just another example of familial loyalty gone awry.

    "Luisa completely let Nora down. All those promises. What happened to “sisterhood”?" Nora was stuck without representation believing that Luisa would be there for her. She might have been able to get pro-bono representation if she knew. Ah, the effect of high drama lives!!!!

    Susan, thanks. "I can't believe how many skeezy people we have in his show !! It's disheartening " it sure is!! It is probably easier to list those who aren't.

    "That scene between Leonor and Zaid was super creeoy. Did that recording have everything Z told Walter? Does L know now that Z's lust is for her money, not her body?" IThe attack on Waler showed a pattern that Zaid uses to keep his enemies off balance just like before he punched Juan (twice now) and here with Walter. The victim always is lulled into a false sense of security as they think that Zaid is done and leaving. Zaid then turns and strikes. I hope Zaid doesn't not end up dead but locked away in a long-forgotten dungeon.
    yes, teh recording contained everythnig that Zaid told Walter. No, Luisa doesn't know how bad things are yet with Zaid. She has only had hints.

    Kat, thanks for your assessment of the big problem in the marriage of Nora and her ne'er do well husband: his meddling mother who is always telling him to keep Nora in line and act more like a "man" .(might we substitute "macho" here)
    Osvaldo did seem to have some regrets about the situation.

    Liz, you are welcome. You nailed the burning issue: "Leonor has a confession on the phone and still is afraid to turn him in. She should at least share it with Luisa. Her daughter could be in danger." The longer Leonor sits with the evidence on that phone, the more at risk they will all be. I do not trust Juan to keep his mouth shut no matter what eh says his intentions are now. "I don’t think Gael is really dead. But I could be wrong. Not sure why someone trying to get money would tell them that." You are right.

    Funny how nobody has asked Juan what happened to his face since it is clearly bruised.

    Luisa needs to find a new bestie.
