
Monday, August 26, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of August 26, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 3

    Recep: Felipe wishes he were an actual orphan. Ric saves Caye and they have to be a couple now. Vio tries to warn Pedro but he’s probably too stupid to listen. We find out that Gabi isn’t really the child of Mari and Ger. Mystery!

    Ale talks to Miguel about a story on the assassination of his dad. The reporter he has with the paper has an interesting theory about the killing. Is Ale the “reporter” behind this?

    Ger accuses Felipe of talking about something (what? Or is this about the story in the paper?), but Felipe convinces him that he didn’t do it. Ger has some wheels turning in his head and reminds/threatens Felipe that they are accomplices.

    Sounds like Mari doesn’t want to be friends with Cordelia. She points out their connection is the business dealings Ger had with her dearly departed husband. Mari makes a face when Cordelia leaves but we don’t know yet what Mari knows.

    Ale has beamed to the atelier somehow, and he’s ending things with Mari. There is now way this can work. I’m distracted by Mari’s heavy makeup. At the risk of sounding like my mother, she doesn’t need all that stuff on her face. El Conde tells Mari that she’s very important to him, but no. Mari is not happy about this.

    The Marquis waits to see el Conde. Memo is stressed about this and it’s because Lucrecia is there and Memo doesn’t want her to see him. He gets Amaranta to distract Luci while he directs Pedro to another room.

    Ramon is back in the story! His significant other has something important to tell him. She shows him some baby shoes and has to spell it out for him. They are going to be parents. He’s happy! He wants to use the savings they have to buy land in another village and raise the kid.

    Miguel tells Lorena that she has to break up with David. He has reasons and she’ll have to trust him. She says no but he tells it’s a done decision, which every teenage would definitely listen to. But he tells her the theory that Ger was the one who killed his father when he was the presidential candidate.

    Felipe is drinking again and rehashing Ger’s verbal beatdown in his mind. Josi comes in to give him grief about the drinking. He yells at her about his father but I miss the details. Maybe something about how he's just like him so what does she expect. She pretends to cry but I don’t think she’s capable of actual emotion. The convo doesn’t end well and Felipe leaves so she doesn’t to keep trying to cry. It wasn’t working anyway. She needs to keep onions in her pockets if she’s going to try this again.

    Ger now accuses Ramon of being seen doing the thing that I didn’t catch. About the article?

  2. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 3

    Miguel tells Lorena that no one can know what he’s telling her, and orders her to end things with David. He chats with Ernestina about this and how things could get dirty. They agree to send Lorena to the capitol for a bit, to Erna’s sister.

    Josi tells Antonio that she accepted the old man’s proposal. And, she’s happy to tell him, it won’t last long! The old man (whose name I don’t have on my cheat sheet) is dying and then they can be together. Happiness all around!

    Amaranta rips into Memo about not knowing what the heck is going on around here. Memo tells her who the “marquis” really is- the nephew of Luci.

    Ramon sees his beloved, who has cooked for him. But he gets mad that she knows he has work and asks if she’s following him. I think he might be trying to protect her? He seems to actually like her, so maybe there’s a heart there.

    Amaranta goes to see the “marquis”, and says he doesn’t have to introduce himself. Of course she knows he’s the marquis. They talk about her “job” of reading fortunes. He looks happy to be talking to her and kisses her before taking his leave since El Conde isn’t there. When he does, she’s ticked off on behalf of Luci and lets Memo know.

    Mari fills Pau in on the end of anything with Ale. She says well duh (more or less). You’re married and he’s with Cayetana.

    Lorena talks to David who has given her roses. So sweet. But she hands them back and tells him they can’t see each other anymore. Sad face de David.

    Amaranta talks to Ric about the situation with Luci over lunch. Ama has a bad feeling about all this in her stomach. Don’t know if her tummy reads cards to or if she just ate too much, but probably this doesn’t bode well.

    David wants to talk to Miguel about Lorena but she says it isn’t his fault. She doesn’t want to see him again. She leaves and David is confused.

    Cordelia is with Ger again. WITH with. In bed. They talk about the baby. He tells her he took care of the adoption but the baby died. We don't know yet that this is a lie, but it's a lie.

    Ric Jr. talks to Big Ric about his grandma and Big Ric says yes he knew her and Juniors mother. She was beautiful. She could light up a room. He says Junior was the most important thing to her, but he doesn’t yet talk about Junior father. Caya listens from behind a wall.

    Amaranta talks to Pau about two of her paintings going to an expo in Europe. Yay! And Pau gets money from them for herself. They grab hands but Jodi interrupts and Amaranta makes some excuse for her presence and then gets the heck out of there.

  3. El Conde, Monday, pt. 3 of 3

    Ric talks to Lucrecia about the boy and Caye, who is getting way too nosy, points out that the boy looks just like Big Ric. He spills the truth to the two of them.

    Ale tells Memo that he ended anything with Mari before it starts. Memo is like WTH? But Ale doesn’t want to hear it. It hurts him but that’s that. Them Memo fills him in on Pedro coming by and them distracting Lucrecia. Memo is worried about have Luci there where she might run into Pedro but Ale tells him the situation will be resolved soon. (Really? I don't think we're that close to the end of this so shenanigans are still bound to happen).

    Ger is busy yelling at people on the phone when he’s interrupted by the maid coming to tell him the president is there to see him. El presidente is carrying the newspaper and says they are getting the police to interrogate the paper and soon they’ll know who is behind the story that everyone has been yelling about. I might have confused which assassination they’ve been talking about. This president talks about finding out who killed his brother. Is that Miguels’s dad? Or was the article accusing Ger about having the other guy killed, the more recent murder that put Ger in the position of presidential candidate? I had forgotten all about him.

    Ric gives Caye the story about him and Junior’s mother, and that Junior doesn’t know about him. She’s going to help him and he’s thanks her. They both have tears in their eyes.

    Mari and Josi talk about her engagement. Mari wishes them the best, but I think there was a dig in there about Josi marrying a millionaire. Mari talks to Pau about finding Josi with Antonio and can’t believe she didn’t know this sooner. She still wants to resolve the falsification of her dad’s will. But she also is sorry that Pau ended up marrying Felipe and getting stuck with THAT suegra. Ha! Pau got Sofia though, and she’s a blessing.

    Ger and Ramon and Felipe talk about the article. Felipe is sober this time and tells him his sources have seen Miguel Aguilar talking to the paper. It is about the killing of the president’s brother so I missed that earlier. Was that the guy Ger had knocked off so he could run? I really can’t remember him.

    Ramon is last seen pointing a gun at someone/something.

    Words of the day (not sure how often or if these are used in Mexico today but they are ones that caught my ear):

    Salpicar. Ger says the newspaper story will salpicar the family. To taint or burden. So he’s talking about scandal, I assume.

    Enrarecido. Strained, tense. Miguel uses this word about the situation with Lorena and David.

  4. I missed the details about the article that Ger was yelling about the whole time. The recaps force me to listen more carefully but I miss stuff while taking notes. It was for sure about the president's brother, but maybe also about Miguel's parents? And definitely accusing Gerardo. I think. Thanks all for filling in the blanks!


  5. Conde
    Thanks K. I wasn't paying super close attention to last night's episode, I know I can rely on recappers to fill in the blanks, and I had to wait until 11 to watch as Marea is now showing in my market from 9-11. ITA about the overuse of makeup, and yes I caught on to the assassination being about the president's brother, but couldn't see what the article was about. I was trying to cross stitch using reading glasses and watch the show at the same time so last night was more about listening to the dialogue rather than actually watching.

    K: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Thank you very much for your recap of last night's episode. Sounds like there's more pieces to the puzzle regarding the newspaper, etc.,

    Lorena dumps David: Quite obvious we know why (Scumbag Villarreal might become unhinged if he finds out about them).

    Kat in SC: Buji Joise marrying Old Man Harrison ? Why do I get the feeling that Old Man Harrison will NOT be among the living soon ?

    Amaranta needs to watch her back.

  7. conde

    Thanks for a very entertaining recap, K.

    Taking a quick break from work to comment. I was only able to see the first part of the show last night. But from what I saw---

    The newspaper article headline: “Witness could shed new light on the assassination of the president's brother”. This was the guy killed (by Ramiro and crew) in a drive by while campaigning for president . Then Gerardo assumed the candidacy.

    Now Gerardo wants to teach Linares a lesson. Felipe wants no part, but Gerardo reminds him he’s in deep.

    LOL the telenovela transporter at work again. Why did Ale show up at the atelier? To see the Gallardos? Was it a coincidence Mari was there?

    Ale seemed willing to start “una aventura” con Mari. She said no.

    I hope to see the rest of the show later and comment more.

  8. Conde

    K, thank you for a great recap. I only saw the last 15 minutes , so I especially appreciated your recap.

    Donde, oh my, Conde offered to have us aventura with Mari. I am surprised . What's up with that? Susan

  9. Conde

    Gracias, K. Great storytelling. I too don't see why Ale is sure the Pedro situation will be resolved soon. I believe Pedro is worse than Ale thinks.

    Maybe Ale was testing Mari or trying to turn her off. A man of honor like him shouldn't be up for only an aventura with her.

    My biggest surprise was Ramon. He seemed to have a heart, pleased about the baby and wanting to move away to start anew. I believe I saw dimples underneath that beard. But there he is at the end doing another hit.

  10. K, you hit this recap out of the Blogosphere (instead of the park). Such wit! I especially liked "Felipe wishes he were an actual orphan" and "at the risk of sounding like my mother" about the overly made-up face and "Josie needing onions in her pocket".

    Yes, the newspaper article is about a "witness" knowing about the murder of the President's brother. Remember how Gerardo's face fell when the Pres asked him about working on his sibling's candidacy? Nepotism much? And Gerardo now is looking for the one who spilled the beans. As Ale admitted, there are no beans. He has no evidence, just wants to continue to rock Ger's world. Linares is being blamed, another example of Ale's risking someone else's life.

    I'm not liking the writers making Ale so dense about how is revenge plan is affecting those on his team. He should shut Caye down for her own good. He should let Amaranta in on the whole thing, so she isn't so upset.

    Another good one, K. I haven't heard "cheat sheet" since high school with regard to Josie's latest victim: Dylan Harrison.

    I wonder if maybe it will be revealed that Mari couldn't conceive another child. Looks like at least 6 years between David and Gabriela. Maybe Mari's eggs hate Gerardo and just spit out his sperm. Gerardo said he took Cordelia's baby to be adopted. This was the 1950s, and that's what people did with inconvenient babies. I suspect he talked Mari into going along with Gabriela. No DNA tests in the 1950s to confirm he's the baby daddy.

    Amen on Caye getting more and more nosy.

    Again, thanks K, for a fine recap.

  11. conde

    Thanks very much, K, for another great recap. I don't have much to add to what others have already said.

    When Ramiro's girl friend/fiancée came to tell him that she was pregnant and he was about to be a father, I fully expected him to tell her to get lost, or at least get rid of the baby-to-be. Who would have guessed that Ramiro had a heart?

    At one point, Josefina tells Felipe "I'd give my life for you," Oh? I'm wondering whether that's foreshadowing something. On 2nd thought, Josefina deserves a much uglier death.

    Ale/El Conde is beginning to get on my nerves. He tells Mari "fate keeps bringing us together," and then...he tells her that he considers her a good friend. Gee, thanks a lot! That plus all his magic carpet appearances are making me wish the series had some different writers.

    I assume that when Felipe tells an irate Gerardo that he hasn't told anyone, he's referring to Gerardo's involvement in the murder of the President's brother. Gerardo then accuses Ramiro of having told someone. Ramiro assures him that he was alone and no one saw him. But if that's the scene we keep seeing in brief flashbacks, we see a car drive up and Ramiro shoot a bunch of people. But he's not alone. At the very least, there's the car's driver. And perhaps others as well.

    Do other people agree with Cayetana that Ric Jr. looks just like his father?? I don't have much talent for facial recognition, but I don't see much resemblance. As in....none.

    In the last scene, we see Miguel returning home, and then we see Ramiro pointing a pistol at...someone. We don't see who, but the sequence seems to suggest that his intended victim is Miguel. Something tells me that that may be misleading. At least, I hope so.

  12. conde

    Juanita, I meant to put in my comment today something that occurred to me but forgot to do so. Also forgot to put conde at the top! If anyone, usually dondi, has a better memory than I do, please chime in. I thought Ramiro killed the men who were in the car with him when the President's brother was assassinated and then told Gerardo there were no loose ends. That was one of the demonstrations of his utter lack of humanity. And God help that young woman pregnant with his child if she ever had an opinion that didn't match his.

  13. conde

    Novelera, I think you're right. I do remember Ramiro telling Gerardo at one point that he killed the men who were with him so that there would be no loose ends. And I think you're probably right, that he was talking about the men who were with him when he killed the President's brother and killed or wounded several other people, including wounding Gerardo so he wouldn't be suspected of having anything to do with the assassination.

  14. conde

    #40 – Soluciones Radicales – Part 1 of 3

    Ale remembers the courtroom testimony of Vicente, saying that Alejandro Gaitán was not with them when the candidate was killed.

    Ric brings something for Ale to sign concerning Ruben. He tells Ric that Lucretia can’t be there for the dinner he’s planned. Ruben also lied on the stand, but I guess Ale wants to pit him against Pedro.

    Gerardo talks with Mari about the Count’s dinner. The President will also be there. Mari says she’ll happily attend.

    Ale tightens the noose on Vicente. He’s come to tell him about the dinner with the President at Casa Conde. But Vicente is giddy about the President staying at his hotel. He knows about Vicente’s quarrel with Josefina and Gerardo, and he doesn’t want any problems at his event.

    Aha! Viewerville didn’t have to wait long for the answer to the burning question. Mari tells Gerardo that Cordelia is in town. He pretends surprise. Mari says Cordelia asked questions about Gabriela’s birth. “She knows something. Her husband was a good friend of yours. Did you tell him about the aventura (fling, affair) you had in the Capitol?” He replies that he’s now repeating what he said then. “The woman who gave birth to Gabriela was a humble person, and she died in childbirth. That infidelity was the worst mistake of my life, and my life won’t be long enough to thank you for mothering my daughter!” [And, by the way, I had a roll in the hay with Gabriela’s mother just yesterday. What I wish he’d say.]

    Back to Ale and Vicente. Ale says that his “curator” in Paris has chosen some works of art for Vicente’s hotel. He reiterates that they’re going 50/50 on costs, and he’s paid his half. He hands Vicente the bill and, I’m sure, enjoys watching his eyes bug out. Ale smoothly offers to back out of their deal, but Vicente’s been neatly painted into a corner.

    Gerardo compliments Ramiro on his fine work but says there’s cabos sueltos (loose ends). Ramiro doesn’t even blink. “Estamos!”

    At the Count’s dinner Caye tells Gerardo that Mari looks radiant tonight. He agrees, grinning, and saying she was the belle of the ball when she was a young woman. Caye sticks in her knife. “A woman looks like that when she’s happily married, or when she wants the attention of another.”

    Ramiro apologizes to his woman (forgot her name) for his rudeness when she came to Casa Villareal to bring him his lunch. He tells her he doesn’t want his personal life mixed up with his working life.

    Ale, Gerardo, and Carlos, the President, talk about the possibility of the killer of the President’s brother being brought to justice. Gerardo has a bit of a hard time coming up with the right remarks.

    Cordelia shows up at Casa Villareal and gets a look at Gabriela. She compliments the child and looks charmed by her. [¿la llamada de la sangre?

  15. conde

    #40 – Soluciones Radicales – Part 2 of 3

    The writers up the ante on suspense. We see Miguel coming home, getting out of his car and walking toward his gate. We also see Ramiro pointing a gun. [Time for a long commercial, of course.] Just then we see a woman approach a man in the street selling tamales. [I’m not sure. Is that Ramiro’s woman? Didn’t we first meet her selling tamales to Amaranta?] In any case, Ramiro backs off killing Miguel, reflecting on when she showed him the baby booties.

    Lucretia comes to tell Ruben he’s free. She wants Ruben to find Pedro. She gives him some money. He tells her that Pedro doesn’t deserve a good person like her in his life. “He’s bad and he isn’t going to change!”

    Oh boy. Ale is springing traps all over the place. He gives Pedro a letter and pretends surprise that Pedro doesn’t recognize the family seal on it. His relative, the duchess, is on her way to see him. The expression on Pedro’s face before he recovers…priceless.

    David tells Lorena he doesn’t think his father is capable of murder. Lorena sticks to her guns and tells him it’s over between them.

    Wearing the fedora, perhaps to keep his head from exploding, Pedro confides in Ric about the Duchess’ visit. Ric advises him to run. But Pedro isn’t ready to give up that big inheritance he thinks is coming. He whines about the annoying Dolores. But then he says: ¡No me queda otro más que meterle carrera a mí relación con Dolores García!” (My only hope is rushing to the altar with Dolores.) [Of course, this whole thing is a trap set for Pedro, but I am confused about the plan. If he gets married to Dolores and then the “duchess” shows up, does he think he’ll get out of Dodge before she arrives?]

    Lucretia confides in Memo. [Everyone confides in Memo. Wonder if he moonlights as a Zoom therapist?] She tells him what Ruben said about Pedro being bad. “His father is a devil, and his grandmother the same. The evil is in his veins, but I need to try to find what’s in him of his mother.”

    Pedro has his back to the door in Antonio’s office. Ruben puts a knife to his throat. [Love to see that smug smirk disappear.] Ruben says he knew he’d find him in a cheap whorehouse. [Antonio would be SO offended.] Pedro manages to get Ruben to take the knife away from his throat by saying he’ll make him rich. Then he tries to run, but Ruben tells him he’ll ensartarte (skewer him), saying he’s good at knife throwing. Pedro swears he never meant harm and gives him a wad of cash. Ruben won’t give up the knife.

    Sofi shows a bit of spunk, smarting off in front of evil grannie about her father having gone to a cantina. Dylan has a buzz on; and, after Pau and Sofi leave, he tries to get smoochy. He’s shut down with the ridiculous excuse of protecting her virtue (!!).

    David tells his mother what happened with Lorena. Her father thinks Gerardo is behind the assassination of the President’s brother. He says he doesn’t want to be the son of a murderer, looking very vulnerable. [So far, he isn’t, but who knows how far Ale will go.]

  16. conde

    #40 – Soluciones Radicales – Part 3 of 3

    Antonio makes us laugh. He’s apparently witnessed the scene with Dylan and tells Josie she has quite a wedding night ahead of her. ¡Ése viejito tiene harta enjundia! (That old fart is strong.) He rags on her some more, talking about how she likes rucos (old guys). He makes a move on her, but she kind of pushes him away. Paulina has watched this scene. [I think it was Mari who knew about this, but maybe Pau did not. Not sure.]

    Felipe comes into the bordello and badly wants a drink with el Marqués. Ruben is practically attached to Pedro and has that knife barely hidden in his vest. Pedro uses Felipe’s arrival to ask his “loyal employee” to go have dinner. They’ll talk tomorrow. [If Ruben lives that long.] Pedro gives the departing Ruben a serious stink eye – to his back.

    Carmen talks with Teresa, who says her sister won’t listen to her about Pedro. Carmen asks if Teresa has ever been in love. Teresa replies that she’s not like Dolores. She’s poca cosa. Her mother promptly tells her she’s lovely, and any man would be lucky to have her.

    At the hotel Pedro butters up Vicente. Vicente confides that he’s a bit short of liquid cash right now. Pedro smells money and promises him millions in investment gains.

    Caye tells Ale about Violeta wanting to leave Vicente. She warns him about doing business with Vicente. He tells her to never go alone to that hotel and to never be alone with Vicente. [Not sure what Ale thinks. If the hints we’ve seen are that Vicente was a sexual predator with the young Caye, then why would he try it on with the adult woman and the one everyone thinks belongs to the Count?]

    Cordelia puts two and two together and seems to come up with six. She gives Felipe a run for his money swallowing a big glass of liquor and saying no one will take advantage of her.

    Josie and Gerardo have a talk. She’s pissed he disparaged Felipe (hard not to) in front of the President. She wants Gerardo to poner el alto a Mariana. (Put a stop to Mariana’s recent behavior.} She says Mariana’s been insolent and what about that business with the will. She hints that Mariana’s relationship with the Count is the reason. Says Gerardo has given her too much freedom. She shows up at Casa Conde regularly. She hints it looks bad for him. [Miserable witch!]

    Memo meets with one Hilario. He tells him that he works for the Count of Montenegro. Hilario says he’s very nervous. He was boleando zapatos en la calle (shining shoes by the street). Memo: “You saw the crime?” Hilario says he didn’t want to speak up, but now he fears for his life. Memo: “But, if you help me, and we put him in prison, you can stop being fearful.”

    Memo shows him some photographs of Ramiro. We see a flashback to the shooting and a closeup of Ramiro looking through the car window. Hilario: ”Es éste mero. Lo vi clarito. Él lo mató.”. (That’s the guy. I saw him clearly. He killed him.”

    Novelera: Enjoyed reading your recap of last night's episode. Something tells me Ruben won't be around soon.

    Hilario dmitting to Memo that he witnessed Ramiro killing the President's brother. I wonder what are the odds Hilario suffers an unfortunate "accident" very soon ?

    Buji Joise getting agitated by Blabbermouth Mariana nagging about the will ? Scumbag Villarreal is going to violently beat up Mariana. I can smell it.

    Once again: Lucretia is ANNOYING. Kill her off ASAP!

  18. Conde

    Novelera, thank you for that excellent , detailed recap.

    I wonder what Ruben is going to bring to this assembled bunch of misfits. Pedro seems to think that Reuben is as dim as I do, but is Ruben going to play a part in Ale's revenge mission ? Ale's plan is still a mystery to me.

    Ale seems to be pulling greedy , dirty dealing Vicente deeper into his trap.

    Are we really seeing a soft side of callous, heartless paid assassin Ramiro now that he has been shown those baby booties and found out that he is going to be a daddy? Really?

    Dylan is oblivious to how repulsed Josie is whenever he tries to touch her. I so hope that she marries him and then discovers after that magical noche de boda that he is pennyless . ha


    Susan: Doesn't Dylan work with the US Embassy in Mexico City or something like that ? 🤔

  20. conde

    Many thanks, novelera, for another superb recap. I loved all the humor, and I found the Spanish translations very helpful.

    So it looks as if I was right when I doubted that Ramiro would shoot Miguel (as the last scene in the previous episode seemed to predict). I don't know whether the woman selling tamales was his fiancée or just some random woman. Either way, it seeemed rather strange that someone would be trying to sell tamales at night in a quiet neighborhood where few people were outside.

    I guess Pedro thinks that if he quickly marries Dolores, the two of them could go on an extended honeymoon and thus not be in town when "the Duchess" arrives. Normally, Vicente would insist on a grand, elaborately planned, very expensive wedding, but given his current feeble cash flow, he may not object to a quickie wedding. Even so, I doubt that Pedro's plans, whatever they are, will work.

    Loved your humor in statements such as Pedro's wearing a fedora "perhaps to keep his head from exploding," as well as Cordelia's putting "two and two together and seems to come up with six," and Memo moonlighting as a "Zoom Therapist."

    Like you, I find it somewhat unbelievable that Dylan continually fails to see how unenthusiastic Josie is about him. I find myself wondering how this plot element will work out. Will Josie marry him and then find he's broke? Or perhaps find out that he married her for what he thought was her wealth? I don't for a minute think that he in fact has cancer and has just a few months to live (as El Conde "let slip")

    Juanita: Big question is whether or not Dylan will be among the living when this Telenovela ends ?

  22. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. I am enjoying all the vocabulary. Yep, Antonio was a hoot last night ("¡Ése viejito tiene harta enjundia!). I didn't get the words last night but I could tell he was teasing her about her betrothed.

    So Mari agreed to be a mother to Gerardo's baby by some random woman who died after giving birth. I'm guessing Mari didn't buy all of his story but she was happy to welcome a baby girl to love. Cordelia's questioning of her (Mari's) pregnancy should get her wheels turning though.

    Ale's lack of emotion is getting to me. Does the man have any fun?

  23. It’s a shame Ramiro didn’t get some woman knocked up before he shot Miguel’s parents. But I guess it’s ok that he’s discovered his heart now that he knows about babies. I don’t think he’ll make it to the end, which is probably the best for the tamale seller. Maybe el conde can set her up with a tamale truck and the shoe shine guy and they’ll live happily ever after?

    I put odds on Cate listening to el conde about not going to see Vicente alone at about 50 to 1. Maybe 75 to 1. Dolores not being a brat on any given day is more likely.


  24. Conde

    Anonymous, I agree with you about Ale's lack of emotion. I guess after his abuse and terror in prison , something inside him shattered. I hope that Mari can rekindle their love by the finale . He deserves some happiness . Susan

  25. conde

    Great recap, novelera. Loved the snark, always appreciate vocab. Agree with your observations.

    The tamale seller was pregnant and that’s why Ramiro thought about his impending fatherhood. He’s a totally different person with his fiancée. I’m sure he doesn’t want her to find out what he really does for a living. Or maybe he doesn’t want his co-workers knowing anything about his personal life.

    Amaranta was supposed to befriend Ramiro’s fiancée. What happened with that?

    Lucrecia is a good person. I hope she can turn Pedro away from the dark side.

    Maybe Ale doesn’t want Caye around Vic because it could trigger a memory and that could be a disaster.

    I saw a promo for “Sed de Venganza”, gran estreno pronto.

    Dondi356: Assuming that "SED DE VENGANZA" might replace "CONDE" in the 9:00 PM CST timeslot or get put in the 8:00 PM CST timeslot.

    On Blabbermouth Mariana & Alejandro: Something tells me there might NOT be a happily ever after for the whole cast when this Telenovela ends.

  27. Conde #41

    I'll try to get my recap up sometime tomorrow, probably not till the afternoon during my granddaughter's naptime. It is going to require a second viewing to figure it all out.

    I will say conde has too many irons in the fire and things went south pretty quick in this episode.


    Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode. 👍 Also liked your teaser on things going south fast!

    I'm still doubling-down on this Telenovela NOT having a happily ever after (see "Yago" & "Ezel").

  29. Conde #41. The best laid plans....

    Ok, I wrote up 4 pages of notes by hand and thinking about typing them all in on my phone is too much work while chasing after my 17 month granddaughter so here are the bullet points.

    David and Javier are at odds with each other because of Gerardo. David can't believe his father is an assassin. Towards the end Javier advises David to use his investigative skills to discover the truth.

    Ger orders Mari to quit working for Conde. She disagrees.

    Pedro officially asks for Doris hand in marriage.

    Felipe and two henchmen find the witness, Menchaca. As he tries to run away from them one of the goons (Off screen) shoots him in the back.

    Ric plays father to Ricardito, tells him not to touch Conde's stuff. Later Little Ric hears Lucretia and Amaranta discussing him and learns Ric is his father. Ric admits it and tried to justify his leaving him with his grandparents. Ricardo runs away. Amaranta is going to try and find him.

    Conde, his driver and another guy are driving fast. At first I thought they were trying to get to Menchaca, but instead it's a different iron in the fire, Miguel. They get there just as Ramiro shoots him. Conde catches Miguel as he falls and is also hit in the torso. Conde has a flashback to Miguel's father's death.

    David and Mari hear the news over the radio and rush to the hospital. Lorena wants nothing to do with David. She is convinced it is Gerardo's doing. Ditto as Mari interrupts a prayer vigil Ernestine and her friends are having. Ernestine blames all the Villarreals.

    Conde, at home, is stitched up by his personal physician but refuses to go to the hospital

    Felipe is home drinking(nothing new to see there) and is really freaking out. Josie finds him, learns some more of Gerardo's secrets and as her mind churns with possible uses of this new information she advises Felipe to calm down.

    Gerardo is not happy when he learns from Felipe that the witness was killed. I guess it is easier to threaten a live guy with a fate worse than death to change their testimony than it is to explain away a dead witness.

    At home, Mari confronts Gerardo and demands to know if he was responsible for the attack on Miguel...


  30. Conde
    Steve, sorry I don't get your Yago & Ezel reference. I'm relatively new to TNs ( about 18 months) and I haven't seen any american movies since the 80's or 90's unless it was a Disney movie!

    Kat in SC: I strongly suggest you Google "Yago" & "Ezel" ASAP.

  32. Conde

    Kat, you have done a wonderful job while watching over your granddaughter. "Felipe is home drinking (nothing new to see there)" -- lol.

    Poor Menchaca. Why on earth did Ale think the shoeshine guy could stay safe? The Count better provide for his family.

    I don't blame Ernestine for running Mari from the prayer circle. Found myself wishing there was more Ernestine in this TN.

    I don't blame Ric Jr. from running off. Big Ric's excuses were pitiful. The reality is he was a selfish man wanting his freedom. But I do think Big Ric has grown since then.

    Mari, surely you know your husband is quite the liar, but maybe that was a rhetorical question and you want to check out the expression on his face?

  33. Conde
    Thanks niecie. I feel those watching along are more fluent in Spanish than me, the English CC's don't appear till mid afternoon, so rather botch what I didn't quite understand I'd just do a highlight post. The 2 hour Marea time slot runs into conde until September 10th I think so there is no way I can do justice to a recap at night when I get up at 5:30 or 6 a m. I have a 30 minute drive. In future I should offer a Thursday or Friday recap slot as I generally stay over on Thursdays and well Fridays are now TGIF.....

    1. Kat in SC-- If Thursdays would work better for you, you might be able to switch from Wednesday to Thursday starting next week. I could be mistaken, but I think no one has claimed Thursday for recaps. K does Monday, novelera does Tuesday, you do Wednesday, and dondi does Friday.

  34. conde

    Kat, I think you did an admirable job! And I agree that trying to type 4 pages of notes into a phone would have been insanity-producing. You definitely made the right decision. Many thanks!

    I have just a few things to add. I found it interesting that Gerardo pointed out to David that he, too, was shot when the president's brother was killed. I'm not sure whether being slightly shot was Gerardo's idea--I think it may have been Ramiro's, in order to give Gerardo a convincing alibi. At any rate, David seems to buy it.

    Felipe tells Josefina that Gerardo ordered the death of the president's brother (oops, there goes Gerardo's alibi). Josefine apparently didn't know this, and, as you say, she starts thinking of ways to use this.

    The thing I found most interesting was Cordelia's bursting in to Gerardo's while David was in the room. The telenovela didn't highlight David's presence, but I'm pretty sure he was there when she strolls in with a smirk on her face. I wonder what David will make of this. Something, I hope.

  35. Conde

    Juanita, thanks for bringing up those points. The 30 seconds scenes drive me batty. I could write another whole page telling the comings and goings of the characters. Like Paulina and Mari discussing Josie's love life, or Caye being involved in getting conde to agree to a Dr. coming to check him out. It was hopefully eye opening to David about his "father". Also, throwing dust in David's eyes by claiming he was also wounded in the president's brother's assassination. Did I remember to say Ger alluded that Miguel was a likely suspect for for that attack?

    Juanita, I think dondie does Th and Friday. I figured it was based on her work schedule. My husband and I are planning a 4 day getaway the 6th through 9th (for our 40th anniversary) so I may stay over on Wednesday next week if I return there after an opthalmologist appointment. I have an issue with my left eye that is presenting as macular degeneration to my non professional diagnosis. I really hope it can be helped. Losing my eyesight is not on my wish list of ailments as I age. My osteoarthritis has been more than I bargained for as a person that has always been an active gardener, walker, bicyclist etc. ah the joys of aging, but it beats the alternative.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. conde

    Thanks so very much for the really great shortie. It was a master class in how to cover the high (or low) points in an episode. Appreciate your dedication.

    The witness who was shot in the back (not shown but discussed later) was Hilario. We never got a last name. Menchaca is the last name of the evil Ramiro. El Conde and company are now sure he shot Miguel. They seem to have seen him and have sent some of those extra helpers El Conde has on hand to capture him.

    Pedro is an excellent liar. His pretending to be obsessively in love with Dolores worked on Vicente like a charm.

    I'm not happy they went with Miguel getting shot.

    It's interesting watching Felipe rethink his alliance with Gerardo. He's a snake, but he's not all bad. He loved his father. And he's completely freaked out at being part of a murder plot.

    I can't wait to see Gerardo's response to Mariana about being behind Miguel's shooting.

  38. conde

    I will be out all evening, probably watching a recording of the episode later. If there are no other volunteers for tonight's show, I'll put up a quickie.

  39. Conde
    Thanks for the kudos on my recap, novelera. I channeled my long forgotten composition lessons on summarizing a book. I realized when I watched it again with English CC's that I got the witness name wrong. I still can't believe El Conde didn't immediately provide protection for him. Then again, not sure I had ever heard Ramiro's last name so that was why I named him incorrectly. Since Telemundo does provide the English CC's about 14 hours after it airs, if a scene needs clarification I know I can go back and watch it again.
