
Thursday, August 29, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Aug. 26, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has gone to TWO HOURS!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 38-41

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    Busy times. ; )

    The recap of tonight's episodes will be up tomorrow some time.
    The recap of Friday's epsiodes will be up on Sunday some time.

  2. Life does get in the way.


    Fans of Eduardo Yanez might want to see him in his first lead role in Yo Compro Esa Mujer which is now gratis on Vix.

  3. MAREA DE PASOONES #38/#39

    Page 1

    1. Leonor tells Juan that in order to avoid being implicated in the illicit casino business, they need to find a way to bring Zaid down without him knowing they are involved.
    2. Natalia misses her daddy Zaid. Luisa agrees to apologize to him so he will come home at Natalia's request. (Really? She told the kid too much)
    3. Juan tells Isela Beatriz is in jail and they hope to get her out on bail. She tells him that if the girl he brought home is Sofía, he can stay at the house.
    4. Leonor is in no rush for Zaid to come back home but if he does, leonor doesn;t want her to give up on teh exhumation. Leonor ahs decided that she needs to know how Alejandro died. She will talk to Isela
    5. Santiago tells the madam that he will do business with her but his brother-in-law cannot know. After he erases the incriminating video, he tells her he wants a 30% cut. She balks at first but they settle on 20%. He wouldn't want to have to report her for prostitution.
    6. Isela introduces "Sofía'"to Camila and Alfonso when he arrives. Alfonso says she is Rita an employee from the detox center not his sister. Rita explains how she was raised in an orphanage and when she heard Juan talk about his lost daughter, it sounded like her own story.
    7. Tere talks to Luisa and tells her how Zaid came to see her and that she gave him a test from the diagnostic manual to determine if eh could have had PTSD and she concluded that yes he could have had PTSD.
    8. Helena tells Marcelo that she will say nothing about him sleeping with Luisa to Zaid and protect her honor if he marries her. Marcelo refuses and tells her she is crazy.
    9. Ina hotel room(?), Luisa apologizes to Zaid what she said about her father falling off the balcony citing what Tere told her. He insists that Marcelo pushed her father. In spite of that, she invites him to come back home. She needs him. He answers that she doesn't know how long he has been waiting to hear that and seems to think that their making up is going to result in sex on the spot. He gets angry when she says she isn't in the mood. That leads him to demand a has a new condition on moving back home: she needs to annul the order for the exhumation of her father.

  4. MAREA Page 2

    10. Isela sees Juan finding "Sofía" as a miracle. Alfonso and Camila have their doubts. Isela says they will do a DNA test between her (not Juan) and "Sofía" because their father could have kids from all over. Alfonso finds out he has a half-brother: Marcelo.
    11. Luisa accuses Zaid of acting out of jealousy. He accuses her of only wanting to save Marcelo. He thinks that by her doing the exhumation Marcelo will believe she is doing it for him. He wants Marcelo to know that she is doing it because she loves him Zaid. (Twisty thinking!) She answers that she loves her father and he deserves justice and she deserves to know the truth. She doesn't want Zaid to put Natalia in the middle. He insists that he wants the exhumation cancelled and asks why she is doing all this. Is it over between them? Being honest, she answers that she doesn't know.
    12. As soon as Zaid leaves, Marcelo appears asking if she convinced Zaid to move back home. He insists he has every right to ask her because he just ended his relationship with Helena because he loves her. She says she doesn't have to say, but nothing happened with Zaid. She says she is going to have to stop the exhumation. He demands to know why. She says because Natalia needs Zaid at home. She will give it another try. An angry Marcelo lets her know that Helena is going to tell Zaid everything that happened between them in Colombia. He leaves. She is shocked.
    13. Leonor is working on her will but we do not know the content.
    14. Felipe wants Juan to go with him to the prosecutor's office so he can identify who is behind the money so laundering so Beatriz can be set free.Juan says he would be a dead man were he to do that. Felipe says the police would give him protection. Juan knows a snitch wouldn't last one day in jail.Felipe concludes that he would rather see his daughter rot in jail. They argue and Alonso comes out to save his father! Felipe lets him know that Beatriz is in jail because of his father and he could save her if she were important to him. The crime is money laundering. Alfonso turns on Juan and tells him he has to save Beatriz. Juan says Beatriz has only been arrested and of course he will get her out.
    15. Camila feels guilty that Gael died because of her. (DUH!) She thinks they all have to turn themselves in. (She is including Roberta and Ana?? Yes!)
    16. Isela visits Beatriz and thinks it is absurd that she thinks that Sofía is the only child she is concerned about. She doesn't tell her about "Sofía" and tells her she is the only one to be concerned about now. She asks Beatriz to do all she can to get out. They love each other.
    17. Ana and Roberta so much in love worry about the future if they end up in jail.

  5. MAREA Page 3

    18.Leonor advises Luisa to go along with Zaid and play his game because if he gets jealous, they do not know what he will do. She is very worried about her and Natalia. Luisa agrees that Natalia is the most important thing. Leonor thinks she might have a solution. She will be in touch.
    19. Helena goes to see Zaid and is about to start talking when Agent Benegas arrives. Zaid hides her. The agent tells Zaid that he was the only member of the Grajales family that was resent at the time of the murder. How is it that he heard nothing at all when the murder occurred. He answers that his mother-in-law had a lot of people coming and going delivering things and setting things up that day. He didn't hear a thing.The agent asks about the argument he had with his wife. Zaid says it was about her wanting to exhume the body of her father and him disagreeing. No, it had nothing to do with Walter. The agent asks why he ran Walter out of the house on one occasion.He says evidently he wasn't doing his job. He doesn't even remember who he was. One last thing: Walter didn't have a cell phone on him. Zaid says he will ask at the house if anyone saw it. The officer leaves. Helena assumes that Zaid killed the man.
    20. Leonor visits Isela. She knows that Isela isn't going to like it but SHE is requesting that Alejandro be exhumed. Isela says no way will she allow that on her land. Leonor threatens to tell her family the secret that she has kept from the if she doesn't give her permission. Leonor doesn't care that she swore never to tell years ago. Isela says she would never do that. Leonor answers TRY ME!
    21. Helena tells Zaid that Marcelo broke up with her. Her mistake was to love him. He only likes to suffer. Zaid agrees that is because he knows that Luisa is his alone. Helena smirks. Zaid says she is useless and tells her to leave and she does.
    22. Leonor calls Luisa to tell her that the exhumation is on. She is going to see the judge.
    23.Luisa asks Ana what is wrong.
    24. Nora is upset about not being with her child. She sees her only option as quitting and having no connection with Santiago.She needs to get her child back. She swears that Santiago will pay for what he did to her.
    25. The judge tells Isela and Luisa that they only need Marcelo's signature and the exhumation can take place.The judge asks why Luisa changed her mind. She says her signature would have been the end of her marriage. The judge asks why?? Luisa says her husband was jealous. Luisa only wants the truth.
    26. Roberta asks Ben what Santiago is doing in the casino. he blame sit on her and her friends. No it is all about the "dancers", really? it is not her business. Roberta tells Ana that she thinks she can save them. She ahas found a way to get the money that the kidnapper wants.She takes photos of the prostitutes in action.

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    27. Cris tells an incredulous Marcelo that he is trying to have a relationship with his mother for as long as it can last. Marcelo ends up wishing them well.
    28. Helena tells Marcelo that she didn't go through with her threat because if she had, he would already be dead. She loves him to much to do that to him.
    29. Roberta tells the other knuckleheads that they need to convince the kidnapper that they need one more week in order to get the money. she tells and shows them how she is going to blackmail casino patrons with photos of them and prostitutes. Iñaki doensn't like committing more crimes. Ana asks if he has a better plan.Camila begs him to go along with the plan and he does.
    30. Rita tells Juan that she is uncomfortable and doesn't want problems with anyone. He tells her not to not worry about Alfonso . He is an addict and nobody trusts what he says. She is worried about the DNA test. Juan reminds her that he paid her and the orphanage is safe. Now, she only has to do her job.
    31. Lusa gives Zaid what he wants. She cancelled her request for the exhumation. She is not planning on supporting Marelo. Zaid sees this as real proof of her love. he is very grateful. He is ready to move back home.
    32.Juan visits Beatriz and tells her he is doing all he can to get her out.He tells her there is a lab tube in the cup. He asks her to spit in it and return it to him. he says has a new lawyer for her and he wants to be able to prove that she is not on drugs, that she is beyond reproach.
    33. Luisa arranges for Natalia to greet Zaid as he arrives home. The ever Marcelo spies on them. Zaid sees him and gets in the car. (didn't we just see this with Walter???) Zaid reminds him that he is in violation of the court order. He needs ot leave. They argue about who Natalia's father is. A call comes in from the judge for Marcelo. He tells Zaid to leave and in his patented move he starts to leave but punches Marcelo in the jaw. Natalia sees him. As Marcelo recovers from the punch, Zaid answers the call as Marcelo and finds out that the exhumation is on.Marcelo has to come in and sign. Zaid hurries to the house.
    34. Felipe finds out that Beatriz's bail is 50 million pesos.
    35. A crazed Alfonso manages to grab Sofía on a stairwell somewhere and pins her against a wall saying that both he and she know that she is not Sofía. He grabs her and is all over her. needs her to tell the truth because he loves her. He needs the truth. they can find the money for the orphanage in another way. She insists that their relationship has changed although they might not like it and warns him of relapsing. She says she will be there for him. He says he needs to be far away from her.
    36. Zaid has a plan what only Juan can help him with. They are going to rob Alejandro's body from his tomb. Juan says that robbing a body goes beyond any limits. It is a crime, an aberration. Zaid tells him he has no choice. Juan concludes that he killed Alejandro. Zaid admits that he did and he k ows too much about Juan for him to refuse him.

  7. MAREA Page 5

    37. Natalia is sad that her daddy Zaid hit her daddy Marcelo. She can't for get that because her daddy Zaid does things that scare her. When Luisa was away, he really yelled at her. He never did that before. Luisa says he father is very distracted lately. Natalia asks if she will help him. Luisa assures her she will.
    38. Juan and Zaid are at Alejandro's grave ready to dig. Zaid takes the pick axe to the tomb. Juan joins in with a sledge hammer. Workers on a neighboring property hear the noise and run Juan and Zaid off.
    39. García tells gelipe that she called the judge to try to get the bail reduced. He thinks that Beatriz has a connection to organized crime. Garci3a thinks that the Grajales could help the Marreros out with some $$. Felipe is convinced that the Grajales are the ones doing the money laundering. She asks if he has proof or did he hide that, too? He insists he will find it. They have one week to come up with the bail.
    40. Zaid and Juan pause to catch their breath. Zaid knows that the men will call the police.
    41. Marcelo goes to see the judge and sign the form for the exhumation. Marcelo tells him about how Zaid attacked him since he doesn't want the exhumation to take place. The judge ask why? They agree that the autopsy might have the answer. The judge says that Isela signed to have the body exhumed.
    42. Luisa tells Zaid that he had no reason to hit Marcelo. His daughter could see him.Zaid reminds her that Marcelo is under a restraining order. She says that he wasn't doing anything. Zaid is sick of Marcelo being around and doesn't'trust him. Luisa tells Zaid that he scares Natalia. She loves him as if he were her father. Zaid shouts that HE IS HER FATHER. He wants her to keep Marcelo out of their house. She is the one who has provoked this situation. Luisa says she is not responsible for Zaid's insecurities. Leonor has heard the shouting and remarks that Zaid has returned. It would have been better if he stayed at the hotel. It is evident things are not going well. Zaid says things were going well until somebody filed an exhumation order. Does Leonor know who that might be??
    43. Iñaki calls one of the men in the photos with a voice distorter pretending to be Zaid. "Zaid" offers the lawyers some photos of his interactions with that beautiful woman from last night. It would be too bad if his wife got to see those pretty photos but 2 million pesos could prevent that from happening.He agrees but he wants the photos and the camera in exchange. This is the only time he will blackmail him. The dunderheads celebrate.
    44. Zaid apologizes to Natalia. He never wanted her to see him hurting Marcelo. Zaid adds that Marcelo bothers him, annoys him. Natalia says Marcelo didn't do anything to him. Sometimes she doesn't like how her her daddy Zaid is. Zaid gets angry with her. He is not her "Daddy" Zaid". He is her father. She will not call him that again. He was the one to teach her to ride a bike and took care of her. He is her father. He realizes wha the just did and apologizes. He has been angry with her mother and has been in a bad b mood because of that. He says that Natalia is the most important person in his life.
    She asks if he is going to scare her again. He says no. She forgives him but looks petrified of him.
    45. Helena returns the engagement ring to María and brings María up to date about Marcelo. She tells María there is nothing she can do. María says she can live with her. She confronts her son about sleeping with Luisa. The foreman comes to tell María that somebody stole a bottle of insecticide like the one he is showing her. Marcelo concludes that is what she was poisoned with. The foreman is about to remember . . . when everyone has to leave.

  8. MAREA Page 5

    46. Juan readies the DNA test switcheroo. He takes the DNA sample from Isela and "Sofía". Alfonso comes in like a mad a man and takes all of teh DNA samples saying that he will get them new kits to use himself. Juan has to go see about the orange orchards. Isela goes with him but not before grabbing the DNA samples back from Alfonso.

    47. Marcelo shows up at eh exhumation to find Felipe and the police there. Somebody vandalized the tomb which is going to put the exhumation on hold. Marcelo tries to force the issue but smartly backs down as Felipe reaches for his gun. They will be waiting for Robledo and the judge to arrive to sort the situation out. Isela arrives with Juan. Leonor talks to Juan on the phone reminding him that the exhumation has to happen is the only way to get Zaid behind bars. Robledo appears denying that the exhumation takes place. The judge appears to solve the situation. The judge gives the police all day to gather evidence. The exhumation will take place tomorrow. He wants the whole area under guard.

    48. Roberta goes to do the money pick up.It is a success.
    49. Robledo goes to see Zaid saying that he never imagined Zaid to be behind that circus. Zaid admits he lied about trying to rob the grave but assures Robledo that they will not find any evidence linking him. Zaid wants Robledo to find a sacrificial lamb, plant loads of evidence and avoid the exhumation. Robledo can't help him out this time because the judge has ruled that all possible evidence is to be sent directly to the Feds. He adds that maybe Zaid should have gotten the body when he had the opportunity todo so.
    50. García calls Isela to tell her that Beatriz's bail is 50 million pesos. (about 2,544,00.00 US dollars) Isela thanks her for the info. Juan wonders where they will get so much money. Isela says they will have to ask the management at the hotel.
    51. The judge cannot believe that Robledo didn't get any evidence of who could have defaced the tomb. Robledo says they thin it must have been organized crime. They use corpses to transport drugs. The judge cannot believe that but does believe it was somebody who wanted to put off the exhumation. He orders the exhumation to begin.
    52. Felipe tells Alfonso that he has to find the USB drive at his parents' house before García does.
    53. Zaid tells Ben he is having a bad day because he could do nothing to stop the the exhumation from taking place. Ben asks what could happen to him if they do an autopsy. He says the worst thing would be if Marcelo stopped being suspicious of him but . . . he has something for Ben to take care of first They need to close out the Walter case. He hands the knife he used on Walter in a plastic bag to Ben and tells him to bring it to the accomplice's apartment. Ben needs to to do an impeccable job as only he knows how to do.


    53. Luisa tells Leonor that the judge called. Her father's body is en route to the coroner. Luisa asks why Leonor has changed her opinion on so many things lately. She was against the exhumation and then was for it. Luisa asks if Zaid said something to her. They discuss Zaid and his PTSD and if he could have lied. Could he have he fooled a professional? Luisa is trusting Zaid less and less. He also has turned aggressive and into a real manipulator. Lisa doesn't know what to think. Marcelo could end up being innocent. If that is the case, Luisa does't' know what she will do. Leonor says if Marcelo is exonerated there is nothing stopping her form being with him. Leonor has seen Marcelo fight so hard for the truth she has started to think he is innocent. Also, he is the father of her child and who she should form a family with.
    54. Marcelo is with his mother and brother as they do Alejandro's autopsy. Marcelo is worried that it won't change a thing.
    55.Luisa goes to see Nora asking when her court date is. Nora tells her it was three days ago when she was on her trip. Luisa says she was there three days ago. Why didn't Nora let her know. They had agreed she was going to defend her. Nora says that HER BROTHER said . . . Nora goes to Santiago in his office and blames him for losing custody of her child. He knew that Luisa was her defense attorney. He agrees that he knew and smiles. Luisa asks him what was to be gained by Nora losing her child. Luisa lets him have it. He is disgusting. He has just this week to get all of the financial arrangements with
    his victims in order. Luisa tells Nora that all is not lost. She will help her.
    56. The judge calls Marcelo with the autopsy results. Alejandro did not die from a fall. He was afixiated from being strangled. The case remains open. Marcelo is a free man.


  10. MAREA

    There are loads of typos in this but I had no time to correct them.

  11. MAREA

    Jarifa, your step by step recounting of everything that occurred was simply incredible. I hung on every exceptional word...Thank you for crystalizing everything in such vivid detail. "(Twisty thinking!)" was perfect and fit most of the events perfectly.

    "Leonor advises Luisa to go along with Zaid and play his game because if he gets jealous, they do not know what he will do. She is very worried about her and Natalia". Ah, how the tune has changed. Leonor was/is a lousy mother but she is at least trying to save Luisa and Natalia. She smartly realizes her time on this earth is limited, especially when Zaid finds out Walter's phone is missing (which he now knows).

    Finally, the body is exhumed and part of the truth is revealed. One more step forward.

    "A crazed Alfonso manages to grab Sofía on a stairwell somewhere and pins her against a wall saying that both he and she know that she is not Sofía. He grabs her and is all over her. needs her to tell the truth because he loves her". Where on earth did that come from? "Crazed" indeed...

    Not sure if Zaid or Santiago deserves the biggest anvil. I loathe Zaid but Santiago is right on his heels. I hope Luisa can help Nora!

    Zaid is disgusting with Natalia. Poor kid.

    On a lighter note, what's with the heavy unattractive rocks Luise is wearing around her neck?? Her bracelets are dainty but her neckwear could sink a ship.

    Its breakfast time and sure enough, there’s Juan at the bar fixing himself a stiff drink. Is his liver even functioning at this point?

    Blackmailing the bar patrons? Oh Camila. Guess you can't fix stupid.


  12. Marea.

    Many thanks Jarifa. It's another Marea marathon for me today. I did figure out how to add the double episodes to my library so no more of that unless I choose.

    So I wonder which of Isela's children are not Juan's. I imagine that is the secret Leonora knows. Alfonso is the eldest, but perhaps Sofia isn't his which is why Isela insisted on comparing her DNA to Rita. So if Sofia isn't Juan's then Helena could still be the missing Sofia (because I seriously doubt they would go the unknown incest route.)

    The way Zaid tore into Natalia I expected the waterworks to start. I guess this actress can't turn on the tears so easily. My daughter at that age would cry at the slightest angry voice.

  13. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa. I know you’re having to do double the work. This is another show with something happening every minute. And more mysteries are implied with the secret between Leonor and Isela. And what happened to Sophia.

    Leonor did an about face and is now encouraging Luisa to be with Marcela. That should make Luisa wonder what’s going on. I can’t believe she doesn’t suspect Zaid.

    I’m glad Nora will have Luisa helping her. Do we know what Santiago did or said? I hope Zaid figures out about the prostitutes and Santiago’s 20%.

    Why would Camila feel Rebeca and Ana need to turn themselves in. I would not be risking my life taking photos of men with prostitutes and then doing the money pick up. That makes no sense.


  14. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa. Non stop action. I had commented on this earlier and my comment is gone. But I guess I mainly said Leonor’s complete turn around, especially telling Luisa she and Marcelo should become a family with their daughter, should open Luisa’s eyes to Zaid. Also mentioned that when Nora and Luisa were talking Nora said “her brother said” and Luisa was furious and lit into her brother. But do we know what he said?

    Well, way past bedtime.


  15. MAREA

    Thanks, for stopping by the patio.

    Diana, Luisa has some “interesting” jewelry. That necklace was something else. I do like the gold and red bracelet.

    Kat, I also do not think they would go the incest route either but have seen novelas tease the idea.

    Liz, Luisa’s brother Santiago told Nora that Luisa was out of town when she wasn’t.

  16. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa. I do remember Santiago telling Nora that Luisa was out of town. But I thought the hearing was when Luisa was in Columbia. There is something very wrong with Santiago and the psychologist is not too good. I wonder if she’s a licensed psychologist!


  17. Marea #38/39

    Great work, Jarifa.

    Things are moving along...

    I agree with most everything said so far, including Luisa's necklace. That may look okay in a fashion magazine photo but would feel awkward as hell to wear all day long.

    The teens are in over their heads, and that can only blow up in their faces.

    Helena gets crazier by the minute.

    As for the possibility of incest, don't discount it. Gisela Gonzales also produced La Candidata during which a woman seduced and boinked her own nephew (the natural son of her half-sister). I may have even recapped that epissode.

  18. Marea
    I'm pretty sure the psychiatrist is on Zaid's payroll and she is crooked. Anxiously awaiting last night's recap. The 4+ foot clothespin made another appearance in one of the scenes with Leonora.

  19. MAREA DE PASIONES #40/#41 Page 1

    1. Marcelo tells the judge he knows who killed Alejandro: Zaid Espino (BTW espino = thorn I wonder if they did that on purpose) All Alejandro wants to do is to enjoy his freedom. A new life is beginning for him today.

    2. María tells Juan off for paying off the coroner so they could leave Colombia ASAP and letting Marcelo take the fall. He says he did it because he had to take care of his family. She reminds him that she and Marcelo were his family, too, and he scorned them. He disagrees saying that she was always the love of his life. She sees him as a liar and a coward. Life itself will make him pay for all of the bad things he has done in this life. She ads that it he thought that him telling her about Cris' illness would break them up, it did the opposite and they are closer than ever. She would prefer a short life with Cris rather than all of those years she lost being with him.

    3. María tells Felipe that Hernán the foreman told her about a missing bottle of insecticide which is highly poisonous. She tells him that all of the workers have to note rigorous records when and how much they use of any substance that is kept in the store house. There were no notes for the day she was poisoned. Hernán said he suspected Helena because he saw her outside of the store house. She was supposedly looking for her. María thinks that Helena poisoned her.

    4. Marcelo tells María, Felipe and Cris that he is a free man. He is free because Alejandro was strangled.

    5. Evidently, Zaid had Ben plant the knife he killed Walter with in Walter's girlfriend's apartment. After she was arrested for something else, a search was done of her apartment and the knife was found. She tells the police official that she is being set up. She never saw that knife. Her prints are not on the knife but a bit of the victim's blood is. It looked like she tried to wash it. She argues that they have no case without her prints on the knife. The official has a different opinion She is to be sent immediately to the penitentiary to await trial. She proclaims her innocence. She loved Walter.

    6. Leonor tells her assistant to let her notary know that she made some changes to her will by hand and deposited it in the General Archive following his instructions and that this afternoon she is going to drop off a power of attorney at his office so he is able to withdraw the will when it is necessary. She asks her assistant to be discreet with this tax. She will.

    7. Leonor apologizes for having been so hard on Luisa. The exhumation has brought on a lot of feelings. She was not the mother that Luisa deserved. She was so wrapped up in finding the murderer that she didn't see her. She feels guilty for pushing her into a marriage with a man she didn't love. Luisa tells her that she was not guilty of anything. She married Zaid because she was so grateful to him. Leonor doesn't see that as reason enough to give her life to anyone. Luisa says she is who she is because of her being her example. She thanks her for trusting her enough to put the company in her hands. She thanks her for always trusting her. They love each other and will be more united than ever. The judge calls and gives Luisa the news. She calls a meeting of the family. Luisa tells her mother that her father was choked to death. She realizes there is no evidence against Marcelo.

  20. MAREA Page 2

    8. The four stooges count the money. Iñaki says they need more time to accumulate the money they need. Camila calls the extortionist's number. Little does she know, it is Zaid talking with a voice distorter. She tells him that they need more time. He says no. Ana pleads with him. He says he knows who she is. She is that filthy lesbian. Ana hangs up and wonders how the guy knows she is a lesbian. She says only the three of them and . . . Zaid knows. She concludes that the guy on the phone is Zaid.

    9. Osvaldo is still at home doing nothing letting his mommy feed and care for him, the baby and selling food on the side. She suggests that he look for work like a part-time job. He says it isn't so easy because you have to feel like it.

    10. Nora calls the psychiatrist (she is not a psychologist as I originally thought)
    and requests her records for Santiago denoting his diagnosis and the progress he has made since the hotel is requiring him to go for treatment. The psychiatrist tells her that is not possible according to Mexico's HIPAA laws. She tells her to get the info from Santiago himself.

    11. Isela, Santiago, Juan, Zaid and Luisa meet. Upon hearing that Alejandro was strangled to death, Zaid insists there must be mistake. Luisa says there is no mistake at all. He was strangled after he fell. Zaid is standing by his testimony. He saw Marcelo push him. Santiago asks if he saw him choke him.
    Luisa comes to Zaid's aid saying that Zaid has PTSD and therefore, has gaps in his memory. Leonor wonders if he actually saw Marcelo killing Alejandro in the first place. Slippery Zaid says he saw Marcelo desperately running away. He was sure of exactly what he did. Luisa reminds him this is not a matter of speculation. Marcelo could very well be innocent. Zaid accuses her of only being interested in Marcelo She loudly disagrees. She is doing this for her father. She reminds him that Marcelo used to be his best friend. She asks why for seven years has he been dedicated to accsing Marcelo. WHY? Santiago suggests that maybe Zaid wanted to take somebody or something from Marcelo that he didn't have. (FIRST good thing Santiago has said)Leonor has concluded there is nothing to involve Marcelo. It is pure foolishness to blame him. There is silence as they all stare at Zaid who asks why they are all staring at him. He doubles down and says he may be a fool but he is sure that Marcelo is guilty. Luisa disagrees and adds that the killer is out there somewhere and they are all in danger. They could all be next.

    12. Felipe brings the good new about Marcelo to Helena.She wants to do a toast to his innocence but he says he has a headache and asks her for a pill. She goes to her bedroom which allows him to do a quick search of her kitchen.
    He finds the poison and puts it in his bag. He will take the pill on the road and leaves. She is suspicious and immediately notices that he poison is gone.

  21. MAREA Page 3

    13. Zaid is still insisting that Marcelo is guilty when Luisa says it is time to stop discussing the issue. Isela announces that Beatriz is in jail and that the bail is extremely high. Juan tells them that before the meeting he talked to Zaid and Zaid offered them a loan from the bank for the bail being the good friend he is.
    Santiago looks suspicious of it all. Luisa agrees that it is least they could do. Leonor reminds them all that if Isela didn't have a husband who wasted all of her money . . . Luisa has to ask her to stop and offers to be Beatriz's lawyer. Zaid looks uncomfortable. Juan tells Luisa that her cousin has been accused of a bank crime. Zaid reminds her that is not her area of expertise and tells her to not get involved in something so complicated. She is shut down and shut out. Juan thanks her anyway.

    14. Zaid gets Juan on the side and tells him to not even think about laundering his dirty money at the hotel. Juan asks him what he wants him to do. To get Beatriz out of jail he had to guarantee 50 million pesos of his own money in Hong Kong. Zaid is worried that they could get all of them into serious problems. Juan suggest a phantom company like they talked about before. Zaid thinks that could go wrong, too. Juan reminds Zaid it is his fault that he and Beatriz are in the situation they are. Zaid tells him to quit playing the victim. He is also responsible for what goes on in the VIP casino. Juan says he paid for his responsibility by exposing Beatriz, now it is Zaid's turn. Juan says he could always tell Leonor what Zaid is suggesting that he do. Juan smirks and leaves as Zaid predicts he will be the first to fall.

    15. Isela wants to get the peace back in her life that she had before Leonor threatened her with telling what had happened between Cris and her. Leonor says she was the first to forget their friendship looking down on her granddaughter. Isela reminds her that she felt that way herself about the child. Isela then reminds her that she was paying to have sex with a man. Leonor warns her to be careful on that one because he was Walter and he has just died. María and Cris appear. María just wants to make sure they are clear that Marcelo is innocent of everything he was accused of. Cris and Isela stare at each other. María asks if they know each other. Cris starts to explain but María stops him saying there is no reason to make him uncomfortable. María blames them for making Marcelo's life so terrible. Leonor agrees and apologizes. María addresses an uncomfortable Isela remarks that the news left her mute, or was it something else (referring to Cris)? María accepts the apologies but doesn't know how they can live with themselves. Isela feels ill.

    16. Luisa and Marcelo met on the beach. He asks if she realizes now that he never lied to her. She does and that she never believed him. She apologizes for that, for never searching for him in the jungle and especially for having taken Natalia away from him. He always loved her and that was the only thing that kept him going for those seven years. She says she always loved him. He reminds her that she doubted him. She takes responsibility for destroying their love story. He forgives her but now nothing will be like it was before. She has a daughter and a husband. He has nothing or nobody. He used to have somebody but he lost her. He walks away.

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    17. Isela sits down to rest and Ana tells Leonor she needs a second to tell her something. They go to Ana's room. Ana needs to tell her before somebody else does. Ana tells her mother she doesn't like men. She is a lesbian and has a woman she is very much in love with. Leonor lets her know that she is fully accepted and that she loves her more than anybody ever will. She will always be there for her.

    18. Helena tells Tere all about Marcelo. She says she always knew he was innocent but didn't pay attention to her feelings. What hurts her the most is to know how much resentment he feels towards her and she doesn't blame him. Tere says his feeling that way is his thing. Luisa has to look out for herself and her own life. Luisa wasn't planning on having the life she has. Tere reminds her that she chose it. She says as soon as Marcelo came back, Zaid started to act strangely and she doesn't feel the same way about him. Tere asks if she is going to divorce Zaid. Luisa doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to break up Natalia's home or lose the love of her life again.

    19. Zaid is searching al of the vehicles in the property trying no to be obvious. He finally finds Walter's phone on the floor of one of them.

    20. Leonor apologizes to Natlaia for being like she has been with her. She even tells her that Marcelo seems like a good guy to her. (Leonor's apology/make nice tour does not augur well for her character)

    21. Zaid asks why Leonor is so strange. What is wrong??? He says if it is the autopsy she doesn't know how many things just get erased from his memory. He is concerned if she believes him or not. She assures him that she believes him He thanks her saying that will make them all more united. He tells her he cannot take it anymore and starts to caress her face. He never has wanted anyone like he wants her. He kisses a horrified Leonor's neck.

    22. Isela turns up at Cris' house. He wonders why when they had long ago decided not to see each other again. She felt obligated to see him because of a threat Leonor made. Leonor said she would tell him something that she has kept from him all of these years. She tells him that they have a daughter.

    23. Helena congratulates Marcelo on not having togo to trial. He thanks her for always supporting him. She says she always will because she loves him. She know that you cannot force love but sex is a different thing. They end up kissing and almost having sex but Marcelo backs out at the last minute not wanting her to get confused. She gets hysterical and threatens to cut her wrist with a broken bottle. She cannot go on. She makes one cut and he wrestles her for the bottle.

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    24. Leonor calls Marcelo leaving a message saying she has something that might help repair all of the damage she did to him. She asks the drier to give her the charger. The driver is Said and it seems that he has heard everything. She asks what is this all about??? He knows that she heard some things from Walter that she never should have heard. He keeps driving. She asks where they are going and what this is all about. There are no answers coming from Zaid. She begs him to let her out but that is not happening. (Uh, why din't she text somebody like the cops???)

    25. Marcelo calls in some favors and gets to visit Beatriz in her cell. He tells he that the guards love love stories. They profess their love for each other and kiss.

    26. Isela tells Cris that their relationship was a mistake. He corrects her saying it was a mistake that lasted almost a year. He wonders how Leonor found out. Isela says she was feeling very guilty but Juan thought the girl was his and everything was fine. Cris doesn't understand that since she that he had a child and hid it from him. She asks him to forgive her. he only wants to know more about his daughter. Her name is Sofía. She had disappeared for many years but she has just come back.

    27. Alfonso again asks Rita to stop the charade. He wants to know what kind of trick his father is going to pull with the DNA tests. She knows nothing about any tricks. He asks her not to lie with him. He will gladly be her accomplice.

    28. Beatriz puts a stop to the kissing not wanting it to go and farther there in the jail. She hopes one day he can forgive her for everything she did to him. He says she is the best thing that ever happened to him in his life. She feels the same way so that is why she has to let him go. She cannot ask him to wait for her until after her very long sentence is served. He agrees. He needs a stable woman who fights for those she loves and that woman is her. He asks if she would llike to share his life with him.

    29. After listening to more of Alfonso and him trying to kiss her again, Rita pushes him away and tells him to never come near her again. If he cannot control himself, it is better that he go. They will llve better apart from each other. He finally leaves. (WAH!!!) She cries.

    30. Marcelo calls his mother to come and help Helena who cut her arm. He tries to get it to stop bleeding.

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    31. Cris wants to see his daughter while he can. Isela tells him it isn't the right time. She knows he is ill but it isn't he is dying. He seems to be quite busy with the fruit seller. She still doesn't get what María sees in Juan and him. He insists. She says she will tell him when he can see Sofía. Right now she is forbidding him seeing Sofía. He asks how he will stop him. She warns him not to defy her. If he talks, she will say he raped her and let everyone come to their own conclusions. He calls her crazy. She asks if that is something new. She tells him what a great pleasure it has been seeing him and leaves.

    32. Felipe makes it clear that he knows what he is doing and says he feels silly and corny being there without a ring. He gives her an imaginary ring that looks like the ring of her dreams. He only wants to be with her. He proposes and she says yes.

    33. Zaid forces Leonor into some out building in the country. She demands to know why he has brought her there. He says he brought her there so she would be quiet, so nobody would hear her shouting. She asks why he is doing this. Why did he kill Alejandro?? Zaid says he didn't want to killAlejandro but he wanted to keep the money from the casino that he worked so hard for and needed so much. She reminds him that he killed the only man who helped him when he needed it the most when he was an orphan. Zaid says that Alejandro only used him for things like humiliating her son Santiago. He accuses her of knowing what was going on. Alejandro was her husband. She calls Zaid ungrateful for the doors that Alejandro opened for him that he never would have been able to open in his dreams. Zaid says he was only Alejandro's assistant. He needed that money for status to be on the same social level as the Grajales family. That is why he took it. Leonor sees how he has been showing what a psychopath he is little by little. She hopes Luisa gets tired of him and leaves him. He says that Luisa will be with him until the last hours of their lives. He gives her a script to record. She says she won't do it. He says fine, he will kill Luisa and Natalia. She asks what kind of guarantee can he give her that they will be safe if she records the message. He says there is no guarantee. He leaves her locked up in the building behind bars. He tells her to take her time to think about it.She knows her only option. She says he can kill her but begs him not to touch her daughter and granddaughter. After Zaid leaves, she is left screaming for help out in the middle of nowhere.

    34. The romance is interrupted a the jail when Felipe gets a call from María who is calling him to come to her house. It is an emergency.

    35. Back at the Grajales house, Luisa asks if anyone knows where her mother is. She is dialing her over and over again but she isn't answering. The maid says all she knows is that Leonor wanted the chauffeur to get out the car for her.She was in a rush. Chelito the driver appears saying that he didn't take Leonor anywhere . She was to let him know if she needed him and she never called so that is why he came to the house. The maid thought she heard Chelilto tell her "ah ha" on the phone. Chelito says it wasn't him. Luisa tries to track down her mother by calling work and Zaid. Ben answers the call at the casino but Zaid magically appears to take the call. No he hasn't seen Leonor but will go look for her.

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    36. Ana suggests they call the police. Luisa agrees.

    37. Leonor is left alone in her prison crying. She looks at the message Zaid wants her to record. She place on old blanket on the dirty floor and sits there

    38. Felipe arrives at his mother's house. Helena is doing better and is sleeping . She had a nervous breakdown.Felipe says that he found the bottle of poison in Helena's kitchen. She is sure the one who poisoned their mother. María wonders why. Marcelo wants her out of the house. María says they cannot throw her out in the state she is in. (Why not??? There must be medical care at el Ministerio Público )Marcelo wants her faraway from his family. María thinks she needs psychological help (Can you "cure" a killer???)
    Marcelo is going to call Luisa about a psychiatrist and notices that Leonor called him.

    39. Luisa tells Ana that Leonor never showed up for her appointment with the notary. Luisa explains that their mother made a new will and was bringing a power of attorney to the notary. Ana is worried that something bad has happened to their mother. Marcelo calls Luisa about the lost call from her mother. It is strange. He asks her to come over and discuss the matter.

    40. Marcelo tells his brother that nobody know where Leonor is. Felipe finds that strange.

    41. At the casino, Zaid is telling Santiago that now that Walter s dead his mother must be thinking of finding somebody to have a roll in the hay with. Santiago insists that his mother isn't like that. They are talking about his mother. He asks for some respect. Zaid is going to search the hotel for Leonor. He asks Santiago to show Robledo a good time. Santiago doesn't want to. Zaid asks him where he is planning to look for his mother. Under the female employees' skirts??? Santiago is useless. Zaid reminds him that the works for the casino now ever since he brought his "dancers" on board.

    42. Roberta calls Ana. She is spying on Zaid and sees him getting into a car. Ana isn't answering. Zais leaves.

    43. Santiago makes sure that Robledo has a good time at the casino and the girl of his dreams. The madame says that Santiago is charging Robledo too much. Santiago says it is his day in charge so he is setting prices. She makes Santiago know that she is the one in charge of this part of the business. He reminds her that this is his casino. She suggests that she help show Robledo a good time herself

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    44. Leonor agrees to make the recording. She begs to be able to say good bye other children. He says that those idiots do not deserve her last words.He informs her that her daughter Ana is off the normal path. Leonor says that she knows and doesn't want him talking about her like that. He starts to tie her hands together and asks if she knew that Ana brought her friends to the casino to get drugged and so he could sell them. Leonor says he forced her. He disagrees. Ana did it because she was afraid that Leonor would find out that she was a lesbian. Then there is that poor imbecile Santiago. He changed the Casino VIP into a whorehouse. Se says that Zadi permitted that to happen. He grabs her by the hair and says she and her husband are the responsible ones.They always pushed Santiago on the side. They made him into a mediocre man good for nothing so he turned himself into a pimp. She begs hi to let her beg forgiveness from her children. He takes her to make the recording.

    45. Isela calls Leonor and leaves her a message. She saw her (and Zaid.) She is willing to not say a thing about it if she stops threatening her. Ana calls her asking if her mother is with her. Isela says no. Ana explains there are a couple of strange things going on. Her mother was changing her will. She wonders if Isela might have a clue to where she might be. Isela tells them to call the police. She adds that Zadi called the police and they were looking for her.Isela smiles and asks might she not be with Zaid. Ana doesn't understand why she would be with him. Isela says there is no reason.

    46. Marcelo plays he message that Leonor left him for Luisa.Felipe asks where she was going and Luisa tells him. Marcelo asks if anyone would want to hurt her. Lisa says nobody would. Her only guess would be Walter's partner but she is in jail. Nothing makes sense. When he hears about the changes to the will, Felipe suggests that maybe somebody wasn't happy with those changes.Luisa says nobody knew what the changes were. Marcelo asks where Zaid was at the time. Luisa defensively says he was looking for her mother. María says it is just that Zaid has told so many lies, that maybe he knew something about her mother. Luisa just doesn't know. Luisa starts to tell them about Zaid's PTSD one more time and Marcelo cannot take it anymore and asks her to stop. Helena yells out for Marcelo and demands to know what Luisa is doing there when she sees her. Felipe loses it and tells he that they found the insecticide in her kitchen and that they know that she tried to kill María. Helena says she saved María's life. Felipe doesn't buy it. Helena leaves followed by Felipe and Marcelo. Luisa will give Marcelo the number of a psychiatrist.

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    47. Alfonso is in Isela's house looking for the USB drive with the incriminating evidence against Beatriz or is it drugs (?) He finds some drugs but no USB drive. Will he take them? Heis in baaad shape.

    48. Zaid takes Leonor for a drive into the countryside. She begs for her life. She has told nobody about anything. She says he knows what she feels for him and he roughly pushes her away. He tells her to quite pretending. He knows she has the telephone with the message that he recorded and insinuated that he was the one who killed Walter. She denies it all. She starts to laugh, calls him stupid and says that he killed Alejandro but left evidence that proved that Marcelo didn't do it. Then he killed Walter and left behind a recording! She calls him an imbecile. Now he is going to kill her but she is sure he will leave some evidence behind that will incriminate him.As he picks up some rope, he says this time it will be a very clean kill. He tells her to get out of the car. She drops a playing card on the ground as he marches her away from the car.

    49. At the Grajales house, they still cannot find Leonor. Zaid and the police arrive saying that they still cannot find her mother. Luisa is angry that he could not have called and let them know what was going on. He angrily asks if she is not trusting him but she is in no mood for him and his routine. Natalia is worried about her grandmother. Luisa and Zaid assure her that she is fine. Zaid suggests that Santiago should be at the casino. Santiago reminds him that the casino is Zaid's and Leonor is HIS mother not Zaid's. Zaid tells the police to go and find his mother-in-law. He tells Luisa that her mother is out partying somewhere. Luisa says that is not what her mother does.

    50. Felipe and Marcelo are outside walking with Helena. Where was she planning on going? She has nowhere to go. The topic of her father comes up. She says he is dead and deserved it. Marcelo tells her she needs help. She goes into María's house (?) to go to bed

    51. Marcelo calls Luisa to see how she is doing. He was thinking about her. She says he is her life saver at this time. He will do anything for her. She has no idea of what she will do if something bad happened to her mother.

    52. The next day Helena is with Dr. Tere who tells her she is not crazy. She had a nervous breakdown.Helena admits to having been a disaster her entire life. Dr. Tere is there to help her. She can give her meds to help her when she is going out of control. Helena tells her that her stepfather abused her in every way possible. She has no idea how she came to live with him. She has no idea where she is from or who she is. She has felt empty her whole life, unappreciated and not loved. Now she lost Marcelo, the only thing she had. She is worthless. Sr. Tere says she has to learn how to love and value herself. Helena says she has always gotten along on her own and doesn't need her pity. She doesn't need her. Doesn't she get it?? Helena leaves.

    53. The foreman is out walking with María talking about how Helena tried to kill her and then tried to save her. There must be something wrong with her head!! As they follow a turn in the road, they find Leonor dead hanging in a tree by her neck.


  28. Marea
    Jarifa, wow. What an episode. So glad you could clarify some things for me. The will part confuses me. I figured she needed the notary to witness it to make it valid, not to give him power of attorney.

    I was also wondering why Leonora hid the playing card. I hope Zaid's prints are on it. You were totally right about her needing to send a text. Also, why in the world did she leave Walter's phone in a vehicle. She should have put it in a safe place with her will. She also should have scratched his face, her hands were cuffed in front. DNA evidence under her fingernails would help incriminate someone. I bet the way she was hung is how Zaid will be proven an idiot as she claimed.

    I see Isela's insanity was inherited. Helena/Sofia is certainly out there. Of course circumstances drove both of them to it. Since Zaid showed his psycho tendencies as a teenager with Marcelo's little sister, I'm sure he or Juan was behind Sofia's kidnapping. Let's blame Juan the worm though. I think Helena is redeemable. She did seem to regret poisoning Maria and got help right away. Who knows what was going on in her crazy mind at the time. Still have questions about how Zaid knows her history.. sounds like she had grounds for killing her stepfather, or anyone he may have pimped her out to.

    Poor Leonora. Just as we start liking her they bump her off.

  29. MAREA

    Kat, your comment has been found!

    I couldn’t have said it better myself: Wow! I am so glad I didn’t give up on this novela early on as I was tempted to. I remember a scene in the beginning that reminded me of a “made for tv movie” and it turned me off. And now this is must see tv!

    Leonor was giving the notary the power of attorney to retrieve the will from the its storage place upon her death.

    I didn’t understand the playing card either. Maybe there is some symbolism if not fingerprints? I also do not understand why Leonor didn’t have the phone hidden some where. It makes no sense. She wasn’t stupid.

    Juan the Worm is my choice for the one responsible for Sofía’s disappearance. He seems to always be playing things on the edge. Could he have sold her to cover a gambling debt?

    Helena is a tragic figure and I agree she most likely had grounds for killing her stepfather. I am probably wrong but I do not think she will make it to the end.

    “Poor Leonor. Just when we start liking her they bump her off” That could have been the title!

  30. Marea

    Jarifa, I agree about must see tv. One hour episodes were much easier on you though. I'm still hoping you see that giant clothespin at some point. Actually I keep my eyes tuned for all the unusual artwork/furnishings.

    I really dislike Zaid, his looks don't appeal to me at all. Actually the best looking guy IMO is Enzo, the other good cop, Felipe's friend. I keep hoping to see more of him.

    I kinda expected Gael to be in that prison where Zaid stashed Leonora. I guess tossing his body off that cliff they show in the credits may have been his fate.

  31. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for that amazing recap that didn't miss a detail of this fastmoving episode .

    Wow, the writers made the character of Leonor change on a dime. She rejects her granddaughter, is nasty to her daughter Luisa, is all immersed in being a cougar with her giggolo Walter . Then, suddenly after creepy , crazy Zaid puts the moves on her , she turns into a devoted mother and grandma. This episode had my head spinning . So much for consistent character development.

    Sure looks like crazy Helena will turn out to be Sofia, and Isela decides to tell Chris that she had a baby by him many moons ago . Will this mean that Chris joins the search for Sofia?

    I have a feeling the writers plan to redeem creepy , dim, handsy Santiago .

    The on!y bright spit for me are Alfonso's great shirts. Lovethem. Susan

  32. Marea

    Ha na...spit . I hate this new format for typing a comment . Susan

  33. MAREA

    Jarifa, a true tour de force. You captured and conveyed every action and emotion of this shocking and explosive episode perfectly. You went far above and beyond with this two-hour disaster fest; thank you so much.

    Leonor’s death was horrific and we didn’t even see her final moments. At least she somewhat atoned for her actions with Luisa. I almost fell over when she told Ana that “she is fully accepted and that she loves her more than anybody ever will”.

    I am with you and Kat in not understanding why Leonor left Walter’s phone in such a seemingly random place. I didn’t understand the playing card either. She dropped it on purpose; was it something unique to her, some kind of clue?

    Yes, let’s blame “Juan the worm” for anything that can’t be pinned to Zaid. Contemptible both but Zaid does have the wicked edge. I hope Juan didn’t sell Sofia but it isn’t looking good for him. Could he possibly have known she wasn’t his??

    “Santiago suggests that maybe Zaid wanted to take somebody or something from Marcelo that he didn't have. (FIRST good thing Santiago has said)” – agreed~

    Luisa is “shut down and shut out”.

    “Osvaldo is still at home doing nothing letting his mommy feed and care for him, the baby and selling food on the side. She suggests that he look for work like a part-time job. He says it isn't so easy because you have to feel like it”. Utterly pathetic.

    Can’t wait until Monday.


  34. Marea

    Diana, mama made Osvaldo into the unproductive man he is so she deserves him. Roi is the victim here. Maybe she will decide to boot her son out and Nora will get her baby back. I'm betting Juan knew Sofia isn't his and he sold her for gaming debts as Juanita suggested.

    Susan, how true, the way the writers changed Leonora's personality midstream made our heads spin. Ana should have just fessed up from the get go.

  35. MAREA

    Thank you for all of your comments. You keep me going through these double episodes.

    Kat, I agree that Enzo is a cutie.

    Susan, thanks! BTW, what I dislike the most about the new message format is that you cannot expand the message box to see all of your message at once or when recapping to see a lot of what you are going to publish. The tiny box is distracting. Yes, I am getting the feeling, that Santiago is on the road to redemption, too, and I don’t know how I feel about it. I think I would prefer an anvil for him. You aren’t the only one whose head was spinning but at least I am not bored.

    Diana, thank you. It was a “disaster fest” , wasn’t it? Zaid killing Leonor and in such a public way was nothing I ever expected. I agree that Zaid has the evil edge over Juan. They are not even in the same class. I think that Juan the Worm’s bad acts come from his innate cowardice and feeding his addictions while Zaid was born bad and is more than a little unstable. Looks like payback time for Osvaldo’s mother has arrived. Couldn’t happen to a more seserving mother.

  36. Marea

    I saw my comment has appeared! Thanks to whoever recovered it!

    Thanks Jarifa, another non stop episode. I don’t know how you get it all done, it seems like it would be a full time job. This show is exciting. I decided to watch it just because it was only 65 episodes!

    My guess is the playing card was from the casino, which will hopefully get the police looking there. I agree that Leonora should have put more of an effort into hiding the phone.

    Juan always seemed uninterested in finding Sophia. Now that Helena mentioned no family and no memory of how she ended up with her foster dad she must be Sophia. And she and Chris did seem to hit it off-if my memory serves me. I’d say Juan somehow knew she wasn’t his and got rid of her. It always amazes me that Zaid is usually a loving dad to Marcelo’s child. Maybe that’s one more thing he can take from Marcelo.

    I did hate that Leonor died. And I fast forward through the credits so didn’t realize a body went over a cliff. That’s a harsh lesson for those kids to learn. But I’m still hoping Gael’s alive. I too thought he’d be locked up where he put Leonor.

    Maybe Santiago will help bring Zaid down. I was hoping Alfonso would be the one to save the day but it’s not looking like it will go that way.

    I wonder if Zaid is trying to frame Marcelo as the hanging is on his mom’s land.


  37. MAREA

    Liz, you are welcome. Only 65 episodes is the main reason I was interested in this one, too. I have been attracted to shorter novelas lately.Great point that Natalia is one more thing Zaid can take from Marcelo and rub his nose in it to boot. I hadn’t thought about Zaid trying to set up Marcelo for Leonor’s murder. That would be something Zaid would do especially now that Marcelo has been exonerated and Zaid has made an *ss of himself insisting he is still guilty some how.

  38. Marea
    Liz, I was just imagining that may have been what happened to Gael. I never saw anything in the show.

  39. MAREA

    Thank you, Urban,for reminding us about “La candidata.” I had forgotten all about that and the ICK factor it caused.

  40. Marea

    Well, I have to ask...Who is Gael?. Susan

  41. Marea
    Gael is the college student that Camila and Inaki kidnapped but then someone got him from the cabin he was being held in. They determined Zaid is the guy that took him and is demanding a huge ransom. The altered voice told Cami and inaki that he was dead.

  42. Marea

    Well, I wrote a comment ,but it disappeared into the mystic!
    Kat, thank you. I guess I completely forgot Gael because I ignore the teen crime scenes . I did notice the giant clothes pin . Susan
