
Monday, September 02, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of Sept. 2, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


  1. VIVIR #126 Part 1

    Previously: Cris tells everyone that she’s there to celebrate life and those present. When her grandchild is born, she will spoil him. She only wants to see smiling faces and hear good news. JE stands against the wall as small smiles begin to appear. Luciano announces that he and Fatima will marry in six months; and Angel adds that the baby will be born. Cris vows she will not miss either event for anything in the world! Angel and JE flank Cris as Fatima, Luciano and Javi hug Mati. Pedrito runs right to Don Emilio…

    The word rotates, the sun and the moon rise and set and we are now 6 MONTHS LATER—

    Rebeca unsteadily navigates her way down the hall with a three-pronged metal cane. Elena visits her daughter, now in a psychiatric hospital, addressing her as Frida. (Some of this dialogue was not aired) Rebeca coldly sneers that she’s already told Elena not to come, especially with that pitiful face. She warns that if Elena is going to try to convince her of anything, the answer is NO. Elena explains that she came to tell her that her trial is the following week; the determination will be made as to whether she will be freed from the hospital or be taken to prison to complete her sentence.

    We have a brief and mercifully happy interlude as guests arrive for Fatima and Luciano’s wedding in Monterrey. Mati, in a lovely rose-colored short dress escorts Luciano down the aisle. Fatima has silk embellished ribbons threaded through her braid; she wears quite a bit of makeup (looking lovely) carrying a bouquet of yellow, purple and lavender flowers. She wears an ivory gown with straps and puffed sleeves from her elbow down with layers of ruffles at the bottom of the gown. Luciano wears a blue brocade suit, cowboy hat, lariat and a yellow boutonniere. Don Emilio (handsome in a grey suit and charcoal tie) walks Fatima to Luciano and the ceremony begins. Promises of love, faith and fidelity conclude with the infamous kiss.

    Brayan hasn’t heard from Rebeca in two months so he pays her a visit. His mind on the hit and run, he describes the rich guy with light colored eyes in the red car who probably ran her over. Rebeca processes this and realizes that it had to be Misael (she seemed genuinely shocked, did she really have no idea?)

    Misael (in a becoming forest green suit and tight man bun) congratulates Fatima and Luciano and is very happy for them. When Sebas and Doris approach, Misael walks away.

    Brayan asks “mi raina” who Misael is and why he wanted to kill her. Rebeca (whose every word is a distorted lie) claims she doesn’t remember anything that happened that day but (somehow manages to) does recall Misael telling her she will pay because she murdered his mother. Brayan tells her he can put Misael in similar condition to or worse than hers; all she needs is to ask. Brayan reminds her that she gave him an envelope with some documents and a USB with a video of a woman being killed (flashback reveals it is Dulce’s shooting). Rebeca admits remembering everything.


  2. VIVIR #126 Part 1

    Previously: Cris tells everyone that she’s there to celebrate life and those present. When her grandchild is born, she will spoil him. She only wants to see smiling faces and hear good news. JE stands against the wall as small smiles begin to appear. Luciano announces that he and Fatima will marry in six months; and Angel adds that the baby will be born. Cris vows she will not miss either event for anything in the world! Angel and JE flank Cris as Fatima, Luciano and Javi hug Mati. Pedrito runs right to Don Emilio…

    The word rotates, the sun and the moon rise and set and we are now 6 MONTHS LATER—

    Rebeca unsteadily navigates her way down the hall with a three-pronged metal cane. Elena visits her daughter, now in a psychiatric hospital, addressing her as Frida. (Some of this dialogue was not aired) Rebeca coldly sneers that she’s already told Elena not to come, especially with that pitiful face. She warns that if Elena is going to try to convince her of anything, the answer is NO. Elena explains that she came to tell her that her trial is the following week; the determination will be made as to whether she will be freed from the hospital or be taken to prison to complete her sentence.

    We have a brief and mercifully happy interlude as guests arrive for Fatima and Luciano’s wedding in Monterrey. Mati, in a lovely rose-colored short dress escorts Luciano down the aisle. Fatima has silk embellished ribbons threaded through her braid; she wears quite a bit of makeup (looking lovely) carrying a bouquet of yellow, purple and lavender flowers. She wears an ivory gown with straps and puffed sleeves from her elbow down with layers of ruffles at the bottom of the gown. Luciano wears a blue brocade suit, cowboy hat, lariat and a yellow boutonniere. Don Emilio (handsome in a grey suit and charcoal tie) walks Fatima to Luciano and the ceremony begins. Promises of love, faith and fidelity conclude with the infamous kiss.

    Brayan hasn’t heard from Rebeca in two months so he pays her a visit. His mind on the hit and run, he describes the rich guy with light colored eyes in the red car who probably ran her over. Rebeca processes this and realizes that it had to be Misael (she seemed genuinely shocked, did she really have no idea?)

    Misael (in a becoming forest green suit and tight man bun) congratulates Fatima and Luciano and is very happy for them. When Sebas and Doris approach, Misael walks away.

    Brayan asks “mi raina” who Misael is and why he wanted to kill her. Rebeca (whose every word is a distorted lie) claims she doesn’t remember anything that happened that day but (somehow manages to) does recall Misael telling her she will pay because she murdered his mother. Brayan tells her he can put Misael in similar condition to or worse than hers; all she needs is to ask. Brayan reminds her that she gave him an envelope with some documents and a USB with a video of a woman being killed (flashback reveals it is Dulce’s shooting). Rebeca admits remembering everything.


  3. VIVIR #126 Part 2

    (Unaired) Cris thanks God for her life and the opportunity to see Fatima married. When Fatima comments that her children will enjoy their grandmother, Cris thinks she is pregnant but no not yet.

    JE greets Luciano who gratefully states he is very fortunate that they have accepted him and his children.

    The tables are set with beautiful bouquets of yellow and hot pink roses, lavender and purple flowers (mirroring the colors in Fatima’s bouquet). Adolfo tells Misael he hopes Misael finds a nice girl (as we sadly think of Wanda), but Misael is focusing on Pedrito for now. Don Emilio is proud of him not just because he has become close to Pedrito, but because he has demonstrated great effort at the company. Adolfo (in a nice caramel colored suit) is also very proud of Misael. Cris (in head to toe black), looking wan and pale (appearing to have lost her eyebrows as well), looks on and smiles. Angel approaches and expresses how glad she is to see Luciano and Fatima together. They chat about JE (brown leather shirt and hat) and Angel (very pregnant in an ice blue billowing dress) waiting until the baby is born to know its gender. If a girl, the name will be Dulce; if a boy, his name will be José Emilio like his father.

    Rebeca thinks that if Misael ran her over, then he probably took the evidence and destroyed it. Brayan tells her he made a copy on his computer; he just needs to look for them. Rebeca urges him to do so, it will be her best vengeance. But now, she wants to talk about why she called Brayan. He tells her that what she wants to do is very risky, but Rebeca has already thought about it. Brayan slips her a phone. The only other thing Rebeca needs to know is “the day.”

    The wedding continues with dancing as Don Emilio encourages the newlyweds. Misael thinks about Don Emilio telling him he should find the right girl…but Misael thinks he sees Rebeca…he runs after her calling her name but it not her. He apologizes. Doris has traded in her signature red for a royal blue dress; Sebas wears a light blue jacket and tan pants. (I was sorry Armando and Gi weren’t there as he is always best dressed). But I digress…JE leads a line dance as everyone looks like they are having fun (in and out of character). Pedrito (in adorable blue suspenders) wants to learn the dance so Misael hoists Misael up in his arms and takes him to join in. (For the first time, I felt a sad pang of regret at what might have been).

    (Unaired) The nurse gives Rebeca her meds but when she leaves, Reb spits it out.


  4. VIVIR #126 Part 3

    (Unaired) Cris, Don Emilio and Adolfo chat about how happiness has returned to the family. Don Emilio comments that they now just need the results of Cris’s tests.

    Rebeca reads an article about JE and Angel expecting their baby soon. She thinks the baby should be hers since she lost hers when Angel pushed her down the stairs. She then hallucinates and sees Alma.

    Brayan looks through his computers to find the evidence.

    Carmelo tells Lupe and Luis that Brayan has been seen in the neighborhood! Luis thinks they should tell Corral (don’t just talk man, just do it I say totally exasperated). When Lupe wants to warn Lucas, Luis thinks they should wait (OMG, does he have a brain worm? WTH).

    The wedding continues. The kids talk about the food. JE and Angel (both wearing cowboy hats) say their goodbyes…as do the rest of the family, Adolfo, Cris and Don Emilio.

    Luciano carries Fatima into their honeymoon suite. Luciano thanks Fatima for opening the doors to her family. Fatima tells him he shows her that true love is worth it and that led her to getting married. She says she is “Muy Feliz” and gently puts her hands on his face as they kiss and lie down on the ginormous bed.

    Daft Rebeca strokes her stomach and murmurs that her child will soon be born. Alma’s visage appears, telling her she isn’t pregnant…but Rebeca insists she will be a mother; and if she can’t be a mother, vows then neither will Angel!

    JE is on the phone with Misael when Angel comes out clutching her stomach complaining of contractions. JE jumps up and down in uncontrolled joy and excitement, grabs the bag and they take off for the hospital.


  5. VIVIR #126 Part 4

    Elena is with Santi who sadly is still in a coma. She tells him Angel is about to have the baby and Gi is going to stay with him while she talks with Corral. Gi rushes in kissing Santi’s forehead asking how he is. As Elena leaves, Rebeca calls her; she asks “hija, how are you?” “Bien” is the answer. Rebeca craftily asks how she and Angel are. so Elena foolishly flaps her gums and tells her that she is going to be an abuela as Angel is going to have the baby today. CLICK! (Rebeca quickly hangs up) and stares.

    Rebeca calls Brayan and tells him to come NOW!

    Angel and JE are at the hospital. The doctor takes an ultrasound, telling them it will still be a few more hours and suggests that Angel walk. They start to help her up.

    Corral explains to Elena and Adolfo that a judge will order a battery of psychiatric tests on Rebeca. Adolfo explains that depending on the results, Rebeca could be either be transferred to a high security psychiatric hospital or transferred to prison (either or I muster).

    Brayan is now with Rebeca who insists on going through with her plan. Brayan surreptitiously hands her something under the table wrapped in cloth.

    A tearful Cris prays that God help her with her fear…if she needs to lose part of her body, she is ready.

    The hospital orderly finds the powder from the pill Rebeca didn’t take; as she turns to leave, Rebeca injects her in the neck with a hypodermic needle and she passes out.

    Angel is in labor, JE by her side, holding her hand and encouraging her, as does the entire medical staff.

    Rebeca, dressed as an orderly, is barely able to navigate the cart as she walks awkwardly and painfully down the hospital corridor.


  6. VIVIR #126 Part 5

    Angel and JE welcome their baby boy José Emilio! Congratulations papa!! I am your mother; I am your father Angel and JE tell their sweet, red-faced crying newborn.

    Brayan picks up Rebeca on his motorcycle and they roar off.

    Don Emilio tells Misael that he and JE have done a great job. Cris is proud of Misael who assures her he will never again let them down. He is proud to be with the family. Don Emilio heaps on more accolades for Misael. Cris trusts him and knows he will defend the family. Cris puts her hand on Misael’s shoulder says “te quiero” and then kisses him. Gabriela enters to announce that the Angel had the baby!!

    Mati has apparently made a remarkable and full recovery as Gabriel helps her alight from her horse. Mati tells him how much she loves being at the hacienda. She asks him how things are going; he then admits he received a response from the veterinary university but hasn’t dared to open the letter.

    Luis and Lupe meet with the neighbors to tell them they need to look for evidence against Brayan. Wanda (eye catching in a vivid green dress with cutouts) and Doris (black dress with a cropped white jacket) are both in the thick of things. (I angrily ask Luis and Lupe why don’t they also call Corral while they are at it?!).

    Brayan finds the evidence against Misael; the copy of the video where Dulce is shot.


  7. VIVIR #126 Part 6 of 6

    The nurse takes the baby to the nursery, Angel is reluctant to let him go and asks JE to accompany them. JE kisses her as Angel smiles with pure happiness and gives thanks.

    After the infant is put in the nursery (completely alone, no other babies or attendant to be seen) JE leaves, a huge smile on his face. JE sees Misael in the hallway and Misael congratulates him and they hug. Unfortunately, Rebeca peeking around the corner, is ready to pounce.

    Adolfo, Cris, Elena and Don Emilio are in Angel’s room when JE returns. There is much joy, excitement and hugging. When Elena comments that Rebeca will be happy when she tells her (about the baby), Angel’s smile vanishes and questions her so dolt Elena explains that Rebeca called a while ago.

    Rebeca lurches, entering the nursery, walking up to the crib. She picks the baby up as Misael sees her through the window! “Rebeca” he cries out!!!

    Rgv Chick’s dialogue translations were meticulous and conveyed perfectly. I would never have been able to capture the lesser details (wedding couture, etc.) had not Rgv Chick supplied the vital conversations and events so sagely and sensationally. She also reposted my Part 1 that blogger greedily ate. Thank you, thank you!


  8. Vivir

    Dear Diana and Chick, thank you both for providing us with every moment of this packed episode ...all the joys of the wedding and birth and all the escalating BSC of Reb. Yikes.

    Diana, I always love your fashion commentary!! I noticed that Fatima's gown was two pieced..Angel's signature look.

    Has Mis really changed and is grateful to be accepted back into the family? Can a tiger change its stripes ? I guess we will find out when we see what he does about Reb grabbing the baby.

    It's amazing that Brayan is still Reb's faithful dog. I wonder what anvil the writers have forged for him. I don't think anyone will be safe until Reb dies. Her evil is unstoppable while she is alive .

    I think we will get the wedding of Sea bass and Doris since we saw her wedding daydreams , and perhaps we will get one more wedding (ha) for Angel and JE...a huge church wedding with all the bells and whistles. Susan

  9. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and Rgv Chick. I look forward to reading your excellent recaps and am always impressed, not only with the recap but also the fact that you turn these out daily! I enjoyed the lowdown on the wedding attire too.

    I’m glad Misael has been doing well in the family business but we all know he has plenty to answer for. I wonder if he’ll save the baby. He still seems to have “a thing” for Rebeca.

    How have they(Corral)not found Brayan in 6 months. He doesn’t exactly blend in!

    I enjoyed the happy family scenes but feel they’ll be short lived. And I do hope Pedrito is getting to spend time with Wanda.

    Elena has not learned anything. You’d think the hang up after she told Rebeca the baby was being born today would have worried her. But she’s oblivious to her daughter’s short comings. I wonder if Rebeca will escape with the baby. I hope not, and if she does I hope we don’t have to wait until Friday for the baby to be found.


  10. Vivir. Another superb recap, Diana and Rgv Chick! This time the focus was on fashion--especially fitting since a lot of the episode was devoted to the wedding. The makeup artists did an excellent job on Cris's cancer-style pallor. It was very authentic looking--not quite like other types of pallor. But I can't believe she's waiting 6 months to have surgery. Or nowadays do they have chemotherapy first and cancer surgery second? Yep, those were really lovely wedding scenes for Luciano's and Fatima's wedding! And since there is a priest officiating, this is a REAL wedding. I thought it was cute how people were teasing Fatima about when she might get pregnant. Misael is becoming remarkably civilized (Hmm, wonder how long that will last). And I cannot believe that the hospital doesn't have someone watching over the newborns' nursery! Beanie hat! Will Misael block Rebeca from kidnapping baby JE? Oh the suspense! Btw, all that labor and delivery, however authentic-looking otherwise, didn't seem to affect Angelli's makeup.

  11. Vivir de amor

    Wow! Diana and Rgv Chick, thank you for another great recap and one that is really wild.

    Six months gone by, and lovely bride Fatima shows us her midriff at her wedding. I certainly did not expect that. Maybe I was hoping that this fashion would have faded away in six months. So, to continue my fashion education, I ask 'Was her two piece bridal outfit a "dress"?'

    Not that JE's being at the wedding was very important, but I think what he wore was not really appropriate. But I see that people wear clothing from casual to formal at these weddings.

    Santi has been in a coma for a long time. Well, all the better to not implicate Misael in anything, and we'll see how things work out.
    And we see that Misael still madly loves Bad Mad Becky.

    The scene in which Becky stabs the cute orderly in the neck with the hypodermic made me laugh.

    And who should see Becky with JE junior but Becky's love slave, even more than Brayan, Misael. I hope he doesn't think he's hallucinating.
    OK, I'm hooked, I can barely wait until tomorrow to see what happens next.


  12. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan!

    "Has Mis really changed and is grateful to be accepted back into the family? Can a tiger change its stripes ?" is a good question. I have to say that watching him interacting with his family, especially Pedrito I would be inclined to say perhaps. I do think he will not allow Rebeca to take the child which will ultimately lead to his demise, courtesy of Rebeca.

    Brayan is indeed Beca's "faithful dog". It makes me smile though as she has thrown him less crumbs than Misael but he's sticking, loyal to the end.


  13. VIVIR

    Hi Liz and thank you for your nice words.

    "How have they(Corral)not found Brayan in 6 months. He doesn’t exactly blend in!" had me laughing away; so true!! It begs the question, have they even bothered to look??

    "Elena has not learned anything" is the God's honest truth, isn't it? The plane has lost its engine and is in free fall, plummeting to the earth and yet Elena turns and asks when the beverage service is coming....:)

    I do think Misael won't let Rebeca get away with the baby...Fingers crossed!


  14. Vivir

    Andy, yes, JE looked like he had stopped off at the wedding after a rodeo.

    That two piece " gown" is a thing right now around here, too. I have seen girls wear that style to prom. It reminds me of saris worn by women in India. ...a separate top and a skirt. Fashion is always looking for something new . Susan

  15. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so very much.

    "The makeup artists did an excellent job on Cris's cancer-style pallor. It was very authentic looking--not quite like other types of pallor" was an excellent observation; you nailed it perfectly. I wish I had an answer to your questions on the surgery delay and the order of surgery vs. chemo but I don't.

    "...all that labor and delivery, however authentic-looking otherwise, didn't seem to affect Angelli's makeup", no it didn't, did it! :)

    "I cannot believe that the hospital doesn't have someone watching over the newborns' nursery" I couldn't either that was astounding...


  16. VIVIR

    I appreciate your nice words Andy. Thank you!

    Your pointing out the ironic "And who should see Becky with JE junior but Becky's love slave, even more than Brayan, Misael" was fabulous. Even though he is seeing Rebeca in the flesh (as opposed to the spectre of Alma), he did seem incredulous. As you smartly noted "Misael still madly loves Bad Mad Becky", but I hope he digs down and does the right thing...

    Fatima's dress was contradictory; the bare midriff was fashion forward but the ruffles on the skirt weren't. I'm glad Susan ID'd this as a two piece. I wasn't able to get a look at the back but thought top and bottom were connected by fabric in the back.

    Andy, I didn't like JE's outfit either, it looked really out of place; great observation.


  17. Vivir
    I loved Fatima's hairdo at the wedding. How close was Monterrey to where they live? Seems if it was any distance Angelli could t have attended being 9 months pregnant. I thought Lucas' mom said that they didn't need to call him yet about Brayan because he was far away. If Brayan wants to fly under the radar losing the dreadlocks would certainly be the first thing to, and then grow a beard.

    Angelli has her baby and who does JE call, Gabriela the office receptionist! Not mom or dad or grandpa. Shaking my head there.

  18. Vivir
    Diana, Gee I just saw the front of Fatima's gown. Perhaps it was connected in the back , but her midriff was definitely showing. I wonder how long this trend will last before it is replaced . Susan

  19. Vivir

    Great job, Diana and Rgv Chick. Your commentary as always was excellent.

    Thank goodness for the joyful, colorful wedding. The only thing the TN missed was showing us closeups of the food -- drat.

    Elena continues to disappoint. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give her a 10 for loving Angel, but -150 for knowing how to keep her mouth shut in order to protect her.

  20. VIVIR

    Susan, I didn't see the back of the dress so am only guessing that it was one piece! :) I'm not crazy about the midriff baring wedding dress or two piece dresses for that matter. Is "Say Yes to the Dress" still on?? I loved that show! I learned so much, trumpet (who knew??), mermaid, etc. I'd love to know what is "in" and what's "out" but alas am sadly uninformed.

    Kat, I also thought Fatima's braid was beautiful. She is so pretty!


  21. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much...

    "The only thing the TN missed was showing us closeups of the food -- drat" is so true! Not a canape, cracker or even a slice of wedding cake to be seen!

    Elena just can't seem to help herself, can she? I try not to get too terribly annoyed with her because I know the devastation she is in for when Beca goes down but she inevitably makes things even worse.


  22. Vivir de amor

    Susan and Diana, I just checked my recording and Fatima's wedding gown, attire, whatever, was definitely two piece.
    Whatever. Their wedding, her wedding, she can and did wear what she wanted to.

    SpanProf and Diana, I agree that it's hard to believe that nobody is watching over any babies in the nursery. No doubt there are cameras, but unless they are monitored 24 hours, something could still happen. It actually has happened, though rarely, but it happened enough that it's hard to believe this these days.

    Niecie, I, too, missed seeing some special food. Just as well, I'm on a diet... yet again. I don't need any ideas.


  23. Vivir
    " I dont need any ideas."...Now that made me laugh out loud ! Susan

  24. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana and Rgv Chick, once again your recap had me on the edge of my seat as the momentum built up as the baby was being born! I never had a child, but I always thought if I did, I would wait until birth to find out if it was a boy or a girl too. What more fun surprise could there be?

    Seeing Mis so happy with the family is like a bittersweet look into how things could have been without Monica’s poisoning, but of course they don’t yet know that Mis killed Mau and Dulce. I’m betting he doesn’t just let Rebeca take the baby, but we will see.

    Speaking of too late, six months later and no Romina in sight, does she really just get to disappear into the unknown or will she be back to receive her anvil? Brayan being able to hide from the cops and everyone else is beanie inducing but Luis did say that he’s back in town now, so maybe he’s been out of the region until Beca called needing him?

    I don’t think the cancer thing is a one size fits all treatment order. It probably depends on a lot of factors.

    4 more episodes to go and the anvils are waiting!! Let’s do this!

  25. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you very much.

    "Seeing Mis so happy with the family is like a bittersweet look into how things could have been without Monica’s poisoning" was well phrased. Yes, although I've not had much sympathy for Misael, seeing him with Pedrito was an illuminated window as to the life he might have had.

    I can't believe Romina has sailed into the sunset. I have faith that some kind of repercussions are coming...

    Brayan needs to face his retribution as well. I can't believe how obtuse Luis and Lupe are being...

    I say Misael doesn't take the tiny tyke....


  26. Vivir

    It seems that Mis is trying to be a better man . He has been living with his son and the family for 6 months , and he seemed sincere when he congratulated JE about his expected baby , so could he let Reb walk away with that baby ? Or is Brayan there ready to bop him on the head if he tries to stop Bad Mad Becky?

    We endured so much baby stealing with Ginebra in Receta . Let's not go there , writers. Susan

  27. VIVIR

    Susan, I'm with you on having enough of the child abductions, Receta was indeed way too much.

    O.S. and Clara, you and your comments are very much missed. I hope you are able to return as we wind up this wild story!


    Diana: The Portuguese original was even more deadlier with the Crazy Psycho increasing a huge Body Count.

    I wasn't shocked Crazy Becca kidnapped Angel & JE's baby. I was NOT shocked Buji Romina got away with all of her heinous crimes.

    Gut feeling lots of loose ends will NEVER be tied up since this Telenovela ends on Friday.

  29. VIVIR #127 Part 1

    Previously: Rebeca lurches, entering the nursery, walking up to the crib. She picks the baby up as Misael sees her through the window! “Rebeca” he cries out!!!

    Misael quietly approaches Rebeca from behind and asks what she is doing there! He states (the obvious) that the baby is not hers. He tries in vain to reason with her but Rebeca cries that Angel owes it to her…Angel took everything from her. If she goes to hell, Angel will go with her! Misael (vision no longer clouded with delusion) realizes she is much worse than he thought. He talks to her trying to convince her to put the baby down.

    Angel asks what Elena told Rebeca, so Elena admits she told Rebeca that the baby would be born today. Elena chides Angel for worrying since Rebeca is locked up (man is she in for a sorpresa!). Adolfo calls the hospital as Cris tries to calm Angel down.

    Rebeca asks why she should do as Misael says, he tried to kill her! She knows he was the one who ran her down and now she will drag her leg for the rest of her (pathetic, sorry) life. Rebeca continues to chastise Misael while he admonishes her for killing his mother after which she (truthfully) counters with “your mother is loco”. When she starts moving toward the door, Misael FINALLY yells out for help and for security. The nurse comes in as Rebeca repeatedly points her finger at Misael crying that he is her son.

    Adolfo comes in quickly to report that Rebeca escaped. Angel struggles to get up as everyone tells her she needs to stay in bed. No force of nature could stop her as she pushes arms aside and stands up.

    Mercifully, the baby has been taken from Rebeca and security is there. Rebeca asks why Misael did this to her as Angel and the others approach. Chaos ensues as Angel starts screaming, rushing to the baby. JE charges at Rebeca like a raging bull as Rebeca sneers right back but (unfortunately) Misael holds JE back. Angel is like a hell cat protecting her young. Screaming and accusations fly until the nurse forces Rebeca out of the room. Rebeca is still screaming that Angel for taking everything from her…and curses the others.

    JE tries to calm Angel who doesn’t understand how Rebeca could be there. The nurse tells them Misael for saved their baby. The couple emotionally convey their heartfelt relief and thanks, Angel takes his arm and JE envelopes him in a huge hug. Misael states that he only did the right thing (but you took your sweet ass time in doing so, didn’t you?)


  30. VIVIR #127 Part 2

    Back at the hospital, Rebeca is literally thrown back into her room; she kicks the furniture and has a tantrum.

    As Angel smiles hugging her son, Adolfo says that Rebeca’s behavior is getting her deeper in trouble. JE states that Rebeca’s hatred for Angel is irrational (thank you Sherlock I sigh) and she’ll never leave Angel alone. Don Emilio frets as Cris holds her head and Elena stares.

    (Unbelievably this was unaired) In the lobby, deluded Elena blames the worsening of her daughter’s behavior on everything she has been experiencing. Cris tells Elena that ever since Rebeca came into their lives, Rebeca has never tired of hurting all of them. Elena insists that she cannot abandon her daughter! JE hopes that the judge will order Rebeca into prison so she won’t be able to get out. Adoldo points out that due to Rebeca’s mental illness, the judge may not sentence Rebeca to prison because she isn’t responsible for her behavior!!

    Brayan is viewing the video of Dulce getting shot and (being a day late and a dollar short) recognizes Misael as the one who ran over Rebeca. He then calls Rebeca but in utter frustration, can’t reach her.

    Angel admires her baby who looks guapo like JE. JE thinks he also looks like Angel…who was so brave in defending her son. “Te amo” JE says, he will take care of the baby and give him everything…even his life! They will do everything to keep the baby safe. Angel wants to tell Elena not to tell Rebeca anything about their son, but JE (having far more confidence that we) thinks Elena already figured that out. Angel wants to go see her brother once she is released. She coos to JE Junior (who is being good as gold) then JE takes and cradles his son in his arms smiling away. Both actors seem to be genuinely enjoying their time with the tiny tyke.

    At the hospital, Rebeca sits on the floor, hands over her eyes, voices reverberating in her head. She blames Misael for being there again…he will pay!

    In her dark room, Rebeca thinks everyone is against her and that is why she is there. The nurse comes in and Rebeca feigns complacency asking for the pill, but once “bitten”, the nurse tells her no pill this time. It takes three nursing staff to grab her and inject her as Rebeca yells.


  31. VIVIR #127 Part 3

    Elena is at the hospital with Santi when Angel and JE enter to introduce the baby to a still comatose Santi. Angel talks softly to her baby and miraculously Santi opens his eyes!! “Mi amor” Elena says delighted, and gratefully smiles.

    Mati tells Javi about Gabriel’s grant to go to the university. Congratulations sweet Javi offers. I believe he is asking Gabe to use his not quite honed skills to heal his sick fish.

    Fatima (In a leopard print bathing suit with a wrap around her waist) is on the phone with Cris who tells her about the baby. Fatima comments that they miss the kids…When she asks how Cris was able to raise them on her own, Cris replies that she was never alone, she had their grandfather. Fatima then asks Cris to call her after she goes to the doctor to get her results.

    (Unaired) Misael still thinks about Rebeca.

    Brayan visits Rebeca but as she stares into space, it is apparent she is completely out of it. When Brayan tells her that he already found the evidence against Misael, Rebeca hisses that Misael will pay and he has no idea what’s coming. We see she is clearly unhinged.

    (Mercifully Unaired) Misael inhales the scent from Rebeca’s lingerie, recalling her telling him that she knew he ran over her…and that he has continued with his life. Misael wishes he could forget her.

    Everyone is relieved Santi has awoken.

    Luis tells the neighbors that they are looking for Brayan’s new hideout; everyone agrees to participate in the search.

    Brayan has an envelope addressed to Cris.


  32. VIVIR #127 Part 4

    The search for Brayan’s hideout continues.

    Don Emilio is glad that Cris’s results brought good news (as are we, breathing a sigh of relief). Adolfo explains that the surgery will be minor. When Petra brings coffee, she hands Cris an envelope that was found in the mailbox.

    JE brings Santi’s results and tells them he will have physical therapy to strengthen his legs. Elena thinks Santi deserves this second chance, but Santi, crying, face contorted in agony thinks the contrary; if he was allowed to return, it’s because he has something pending to do. He cries that is to confess so that justice can be done…for Dulce’s death! Angel stares at JE as JE incredulously asks Santi what he is talking about!

    Don Emilio comments that Misael acted as he should—defending his nephew as Cris agrees. Adolfo regretfully opines that Misael’s relationship with Rebeca was very similar to his relationship with Monica who taught him to relate with women via evilness, envy and vengeance; and he was with Rebeca in the same manner.

    Meanwhile, Misael goes to see Rebeca who is sitting on a bench outside shaking her head. He walks quickly away before she sees him. However, he does not escape unnoticed. Doris is in the lobby signing in and sees him as he is leaving.

    When Don Emilio comments that Misael has cut all ties with Rebeca. Adolfo hopes that is so. When Cris questions if Adolfo thinks Misael might want Rebeca back, Adolfo explains that Monica taught Misael not to have scruples, to hate…and to go against the family. Don Emilio thinks Misael has changed, but Adolfo doesn’t think it is possible. Cris opens the envelope and sees the USB. Adolfo goes to fetch his laptop.

    At the hospital, Santi tells JE that he was in his grandfather’s house when Dulce was shot…was it you who shot her JE asks eyes narrowing? No, it was Misael! JE stares in fury.


  33. VIVIR #127 Part 5

    With Elena next to his bed, Santi explains that Misael threatened to kill him which is why he kept quiet for so long. He can’t continue to live with the guilt; he will tell the police want happened. Santi begs for forgiveness but JE needs to leave to confront Misael. Elena tries to soothe her son…

    Doris tells Misael that Sebas has told her how much he has changed and meanwhile her friend has gone to pot after a scoundrel ran her over and ruined her life! (At that Misael flashes back to running Rebeca over like a rodent). She thinks that if Misael could change, they could help Rebeca change too. Misael doesn’t think he can forgive Rebeca…and he has to leave. She calls out to him but he doesn’t turn back.

    (Unaired) Mati and Lucas are playing a game. Mati tells him that her father and Fatima will return tomorrow; she worries about all of them living together. She asks about Brayan so Lucas tells her that they haven’t been able to locate him…and Axel and Memo haven’t talked.

    Pedrito and Loli are playing outside when they spot Brayan. They run to report it!

    Rebeca tells Doris that everything is Angel’s fault. When (with crazed eyes) she asks where her baby is, a dismayed Doris wonders where her friend has gone. She does tell Rebeca that Misael was there.

    Cris, Adolfo and Don Emilio begin to watch the recording of Dulce’s murder. With a start, Don Emilio recognizes Misael and then Adolfo recognizes Santi. Then, Dulce arrives and as she and Misael argue and she tries to take the gun, the gun goes off. The three are stunned and Cris says simply “Misael”.

    Rebeca asks what Misael said. Doris, growing alarmed, reminds her she already told her. Rebeca thinks Misael came to berate her because his family knows the truth now. Rebeca is then taken away by the staff as Doris cries.


  34. VIVIR #127 Part 6 of 6

    Cris cries that Misael shot Dulce as he wanted the evidence for the fraud; because of Misael, Dulce and her grandchild died. He never said a word! Don Emilio is crushed…Adolfo tells them JE is on his way. Immediately alarmed, Cris pleads that they do not allow JE to see Misael. Just then Misael walks in and wonders what is going on. Everyone looks at him in horror as Don Emilio slowly walks to him and SLAPS him in the face hard, telling him that he is the problem! He gave Misael all his trust, but now he knows Misael is a bad shadow …he doesn’t deserve to be a Rivero Cuellar! Misael asks what happened so Cris plays the video and asks how he could stay quiet; how could he kill Dulce?! Adolfo takes a crumpling Don Emilio to a seat. Misael cries that he never wanted to hurt Dulce! As he holds his head in grief, he tries to touch Cris as he asks for forgiveness, but Cris steps back and tells him not to touch her. When he killed her daughter, he also killed part of her. JE storms in and starts savagely beating Misael. Adolfo tries to hold him back but JE’s fury is unabated as he screams that Misael killed his pregnant sister. He continues to beat Misael and the two tumble through the doorway and crash land on a glass topped table, both ending up on the floor. JE tells Misael he will pay for the rest of his life!

    Santi tells Elena and Angel that when he found out Rebeca had kidnapped Angel, he threatened Misael and demanded he take Rebeca far away. He was to meet with Misael but another man showed up; he doesn’t remember what happened after that. He regrets everything…his silence led to Ramiro’s death. Angel tells him he did the right thing in telling the police. Elena remains staunchly supportive telling him it is Misael who is responsible.

    Adolfo helps JE to his feet, ready to go at Misael again. Then Adolfo helps Misael up. Cris holds JE’s face in her hands and begs JE to restrain himself. JE tells Misael that he will turn in the video to the police…and he will call Corral to come for him. JE tells Misael that the police are on the way and he will pay for everything he did! Bloody and battered Misael can only stand and beg for forgiveness. Don Emilo tells Misael that he just lost his family forever. Misael slides down the wall in agony…

    I thought this was quite distressing and emotionally exhausting. The noose is around Misael’s neck (so to speak), yet not all of his ugly truths have been revealed. Rebeca has descended into a world of madness, her thirst for vengeance not yet sated.

    I am so grateful for the brilliant manner in which Rgv Chick captured all of today’s harrowing action. Her sterling, all-encompassing dialog was exceptional. Thank you for relating everything in your always illuminating style and for your always very valuable time.


  35. Vivir

    Thanks Diana. You got that up quick
    I had to shake my head as everyone tries to hold Angelli back when she wants to get to her baby. Adolfo or JE should have rushed to the nursery to calm her fears, or not, as she persisted in going anyhow. Since she did not have a c section getting up and walking is totally fine post partum. I did wonder why in a subsequent scene she had an IV but I'm sure that was for effect. I also questioned the use of the ultrasound during labor. My experience was all internal checks to see how far the cervix dilated. I also questioned the nursery. Most babies now stay in the room with the mother, at least that is what my children experienced. ( And even myself with my last 2 children born in '86 and '89).
    So the fall onto the coffee table almost looked like JE was pierced by broken glass and his comment to Angelli about giving his life was about to come true, but I knew that couldn't be. Fortunately the glass table was the type that shattered into tiny pieces.

    So minor characters Petra and Gabriela have been seen, but still no pretty in pink Jimena. We did get to see Doris at least, providing us with her eye catching signature attire. I typed this before the 3rd part was posted so if there is anything else I feel like commenting on I'll add another post. I got distracted by the following show talking about Gala and her mother so I did a search to see what that was about.

    Diana: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoyed reading your recap of this afternoon's episode. It was on FIRE baby 😃.

    Adolfo, Cris, Don Miguel & Co., all hating & scolding Misael after the truth about how he killed Dulce was revealed. It's NOT over yet because more anvils are coming.

    I did enjoy watching JE kicking Misael's ass LOL.

  37. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana and Rgv Chick. Another exciting episode.

    Rebeca has true luxury descended into madness. But I think she’ll have one more escape. I was convinced she was going to get Doris to help her. Not sure why Doris is maintaining this friendship, and pretty sure Sebastian would not be pleased.

    The baby scene was nerve wracking. I was sure she would hurt the baby. Misael saves the baby, everyone loves him and minutes later the family was done with him. I did feel bad but then remembered he ordered the hit on Santiago just 6 months ago. Poor Adolfo, he didn’t think Misael could change. But he was doing a good job, I thought. Glad they didn’t show him in the scene with the underwear!

    Think I’m also glad we didn’t see the scene with Elena making excuses. She needs an intervention where they list, or recite, everything Rebeca’s done. Chris needs to sit her down and tell her to wake up!

    I don’t think Missel will survive. His family has basically washed their hands of him. He’ll die alone in prison if he lives.

    Brayan in hiding consists of riding his motorcycle and leaping tall buildings but it takes two little kids to find him.


    Liz: Doris is FREAKING STUPID. Barayan needs to go to prison ASAP! What about Scumbag Iker ?

  39. Vivir. A superb recap of a very intense episode, Diana a Rgv Chick! It's a sign that the novela is winding down that some of the most terrible secrets are being revealed. At least before his anvil starts to drop, Misael is able to save JE and Angelli's baby from being kidnapped. Rebeca is now horribly frightening. I hope that pledge by JE to give his son everything, including his life if need be, is not foreshadowing. Gala Montes showed incredible acting chops as she portrayed the out-of-control Rebeca. I too think that Misael is probably not long for the world. Before that video revelation--even though Dulce's death was accidental--he had some hope of family/societal redemption, but no longer. When information about his genuine murders and attempted murder comes out, there will be no hope for him. The best he could probably do is leave the country and change his identity.

  40. Vivir
    Thanks so much Diana and Rgv Chick for relaying all of this exhausting episode, unaired scenes too, with your detail and insight. Agree, happy to skip the underwear scene!

    Recently events have been so fast and furious that I needed time to process…..but then, up rushes the next event-filled episode. Hence silence as nothing to say, the rest of the crackerjack patio quicker to cover it all.

    Today, beanie time as Santi miraculously, as you noted, regains consciousness precisely at that critical moment and what is more, is completely coherent and wise. Glad he gave a shout out to Ramiro as “good people” who got screwed over.
    Doris is a good friend to Reb, and I admired her shrug/bolero jacket! But I hope she comes to realize the part she played in Ramiro’s downfall.

    Painful to watch the Rivero Cuéllar’s watching Dulce get shot. Horrible. Quite a beat down from impulsive JE.

  41. Vivir #126/127

    Gracias, amigas. Great job.

    I was also noticing the fashion parade at the wedding. Loved Doris' blue dress and Sebas' blue suit and tie. Based on her earlier fantasies I hope they get a real fantasy wedding. He has the same smile as Errol Flynn and some of the same courtly moves so.... we'll see.

    Luciano was very much the elegant groom in his ranch finery. but I was going WTF at Fatima's ensemble because it looked so awkwardly uncomfortable. I also hated Mati's dress because it looked more appropriate for a little girl than for a teen. The boots she wore looked very silly with it.

    Christina deserves a more elegant turban.

    Angeli looked like she was expecting triplets.

    I don't think we needed to hear another refrain of Elena's continued refusal to see the real Rebeca. Here is hoping that was the last one. Would she still think the same thing if she saw how unhinged Rebeca is now?

    Rebeca injecting the nurse in yesterday's episode was anything but funny and how she is being handled in this facility is completely inadequate. She should have been in solitary confinement under guard as she was caught trying to kidnap the baby. Her claws should also have been cut or removed. I would also think that she should not be allowed visitors or at the very least her visitors should be on the other side of a wall for their own safety.

    And if Brayan is a fugitive this facility should have been able to ID him and get him arrested.

  42. VIVIR

    Thank you Liz!

    "Brayan in hiding consists of riding his motorcycle and leaping tall buildings but it takes two little kids to find him" was so clever; and exactly right!!

    An intervention for Elena is a novel but creative idea. Considering Beca's long list of crimes, it would have to be a very loooong meeting. :)

    "Misael saves the baby, everyone loves him and minutes later the family was done with him" is true.

    I don't see a long life in his future either.


  43. VIVIR

    Thanks Kat.

    "...the fall onto the coffee table almost looked like JE was pierced by broken glass and his comment to Angelli about giving his life was about to come true, but I knew that couldn't be". That gave me a bit of a scare too...The fight was well choreographed and both actors did a great job with that scene.

    "So minor characters Petra and Gabriela have been seen, but still no pretty in pink Jimena". Yes! Strange we never saw her at the wedding or since, to congratulate her "bestie"!

    Steve, yes, more anvils are waiting for the right moment to descend! :)


  44. VIVIR

    Thank you so much SpanProf.

    "Rebeca is now horribly frightening" is so, so true!

    " I hope that pledge by JE to give his son everything, including his life if need be, is not foreshadowing" as do I SpanProf, as do I.

    Ever since Bruno raped Sandra, I've steeled myself to believe that nothing, not no one is safe.

    I hold out no hope for Misael...


  45. Vivir de amor

    Diana, and Rgv Chick, thank you for another brilliant recap! I really needed this one even though my DVR faithfully recorded the episode. It's only when I really, really want to see an episode that it fails me.

    I will admit to doing a little fast forwarding at times with this one. I always knew Misael would be a problem, but I was hoping for the best. Very early days some here opined that Misael was quite handsome aside from his odd hairstyling. I couldn't see it and then it became clearer and clearer that he was not a good guy, and became a part of some killings.

    Then he became obsessed with Bad Mad Becky and he was essentially doomed. I don't know what he could have done or should have done, but to go on thinking or hoping the truth would never come out was just crazy. These last six months of being a solid citizen and doing his best for the company just won't erase all that came before.

    And he's old enough, he can't really blame his mother or Becky, bad and influential as they were, his sins can't all be someone else's fault.
    Very depressing.

    Diana, you did lighten the mood, for me at least, with "(Mercifully Unaired) Misael inhales the scent from Rebeca’s lingerie,..."
    Hey, just another guy in love with a crazy woman, nothing unusual there!



  46. VIVIR

    Hi Clara and thank you very much.

    "Glad he gave a shout out to Ramiro as “good people” who got screwed over". I so appreciate your mentioning this; Santi has long lamented the loss of his friend who was railroaded and murdered so callously. Yet another crime Misael is responsible for.

    Thank you for noting Doris' cute jacket!

    And finally your last comments were so insightful: "Painful to watch the Rivero Cuéllar’s watching Dulce get shot. Horrible. Quite a beat down from impulsive JE". Watching her daughter's murder must have broken Cris' heart.


  47. VIVIR

    Thanks Urban.

    I enjoyed your comments on the wedding.

    "I don't think we needed to hear another refrain of Elena's continued refusal to see the real Rebeca. Here is hoping that was the last one". Urban, I would love it if it were, but I have my doubts.

    "Would she still think the same thing if she saw how unhinged Rebeca is now?" It would seem to be inevitable that Elena will see Rebeca in her current state. I think it will break her heart but should be proof positive that Rebeca is a heartless, remorseless killer.


  48. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Andy...

    Your sharp insight on Misael was inspired: "Then he became obsessed with Bad Mad Becky and he was essentially doomed. I don't know what he could have done or should have done, but to go on thinking or hoping the truth would never come out was just crazy..." Yes, a few months of good behavior certainly wouldn't atone for or erase the past.

    Further, as you so wisely pointed out, "...he's old enough, he can't really blame his mother or Becky, bad and influential as they were, his sins can't all be someone else's fault". Perfect.

    I believe it was I who went on about Josh who plays Misael. His eyes are mesmerizing and I've had a bit of a crush on him since I saw La Malquerida...

    SO happy we were spared the Misael/Rebeca scene!


  49. Vivir
    Thank you, Diana! Wow, what an episode! I can’t wait to watch it, and I savored every word of your recap!

    Anvils are falling even faster than I’d have thought and I admit I feel a little bad for Misael, but it had to happen. He’s made too many horrible deadly choices and now he has to answer for him. Speaking of, I’ve had grace for Elena all along, but what does it take for her to realize Rebeca is dangerous??? She tries to kidnap Angel’s baby, and she STILL wants to defend her!!! I know it’s painful but man woman, face the hard truths and deal with it!

    Glad to see that Santi is awake and that Rebeca didn’t get away with the baby! Since the anvils are failing quickly maybe we’ll have more time for the HEAs than the last 10 mins we often get with novelas.

  50. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you very much.

    Yes, JE Jr. immediately being safe in his mother's arms was great news. Santi back among the land of the living was another relief.

    "Speaking of, I’ve had grace for Elena all along, but what does it take for her to realize Rebeca is dangerous???" Darcy, at this point I think Elena is never going to accept the truth. Although I'm exasperated with her, I also feel for her as it seems fairly certain Rebeca will not survive and Elena will have to relive the pain of losing her yet again.

    Misael still hasn't been charged with Mau's murder or for ordering Ramiro's murder either. I would say he has a long stint in prison but I don't think he will be alive to serve it.

    One of my fondest wishes is to have a TN finale that is nothing but happiness for all. No angst or agony, just sheer happiness and the HEAs we've been waiting for. Is that too much to ask???


  51. Vivir
    Diana, if you want to watch a TN with HEA for nearly everyone I will suggest a Telemundo offering, El Ultimo Matrimonio Feliz. Also Silvana sin Lana came close.

  52. VIVIR

    Thanks for the suggestion Kat!

    Good to know there IS something out there :)


  53. Vivir

    Diana, I am so with you...I want lots of HEAs. Susan

  54. Vivir

    Diana and Rgv Chick, fantastic job covering a very harrowing episode.

    Great fight scene between JE and Misael. Of course there was little fight in Misael, he was helpless with shame. So realistic when they crashed onto the coffee table.

    Kudos to JE on his restraint earlier, after Santi's confession, when he simply said he needed air and excused himself from the hospital room. Santi is not a murderer, but keeping silent ALL THIS TIME is too much. Elena, you can coo and baby him all you want, but he needs to stand trial for obstruction of justice.

    Doris lately has been wearing short jackets over her dress. Is she going more conservative now that she's with Sebas?

    Speaking of Sebas, looks like he'll be the last to know about the killer of his own wife and kid.

  55. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie!

    "Speaking of Sebas, looks like he'll be the last to know about the killer of his own wife and kid". Oh my heavens Niecie, you are exactly right!! One again Sebas almost slid to the side but you didn't let that happen. You are so astute about picking up on the obvious. Thank you. What a painful, terrible revelation this will be for him!

    "Santi is not a murderer, but keeping silent ALL THIS TIME is too much. Elena, you can coo and baby him all you want, but he needs to stand trial for obstruction of justice". As always, well said and exactly right!!!

    Yes, Doris' sweet jackets may signal a transition!!


  56. VIVIR #128 Part 1

    As we ended yesterday: Adolfo helps JE to his feet, ready to go at Misael again. Then Adolfo helps Misael up. Cris holds JE’s face in her hands and begs JE to restrain himself. JE tells Misael that he will turn in the video to the police…and he will call Corral to come for him. JE tells Misael that the police are on the way and he will pay for everything he did! Bloody and battered Misael can only stand and beg for forgiveness. Don Emilo tells Misael that he just lost his family forever. Misael slides down the wall in agony…

    Corral and her backup arrive. As Misael is arrested and taken away, a distraught Adolfo, hair totally disheveled, doesn’t know what to say; he feels so embarrassed…and wonders how Misael was responsible for Dulce’s death. Cris tells him it’s not his fault; he couldn’t keep Misael from making his own decisions. Adolfo thinks he should have been a better father. When Don Emilio expresses that he also should have done more for Misael, JE kneels, comforting Adolfo and tells them no one is responsible, especially not Don Emilio who gave Misael so many chances. Unfortunately, his cousin decided to keep quiet. Don Emilio asks if Cris knows who sent the USB, but Cris has no idea (take a wild guess I urge!).

    In the jail, Lucas talks to Memo and Axel pointing out that they are the only ones who can ensure Brayan ends up in jail. Memo refuses, but Lucas persists in trying to persuade them; he reminds them that Brayan did nothing for Memo. Axel listens and agrees.

    Pedrito and Loli our intrepid little sleuths, follow Brayan; the dynamic duo agree to tell Luis where his hideout is.

    Lucas continues to convince Memo and Axel to talk, he presses the point by bringing up Ramiro. Axel is swayed and Memo finally agrees to talk since they have nothing to lose (with Brayan still loose and on the prowl, that isn’t exactly true but I’ll keep that to myself). Lucas smiles.

    Pedrito and Loli tell Lupe their news and she scolds them for following Brayan; it was dangerous! Luis agrees but thanks them. They then decide to tell the police.

    Fatima hangs up with Cris and tells Luciano that her mother sounded very tense (poor bride not knowing the half of it!). Luciano reminds her she will be there in time to accompany her mother; this is their last day of the honeymoon so they should enjoy it. They walk off hand and hand.


  57. VIVIR #128 Part 2

    In an emotional and heart wrenching scene, Cris stares at Dulce’s picture, recalling finding Dulce after she was shot. She cries brokenheartedly saying “mi amor”, she finally knows what happened that night; Dulce tried to stop her cousin from killing Santi…she was so brave and Cris is very proud of her. She has needed her so much…but knows she is always with her. Te amo…siempre.

    Pedrito comes in with Wanda, wanting to tell Don Emilio what they discovered, but first Don Emilio has something very important to tell him. He gently tells Pedrito he will not be able to see his father for some time as Misael went to work in a faraway place. “Okay” the child says uncertainly. In the meantime, Don Emilio advises Pedrito should try hard to continue his studies.

    At the jail, bedhead Adolfo tells Misael that time (in prison) will help him cure his wounds. Misael cries that he never meant to kill Dulce. Adolfo (rightly) guesses that his mother helped him to cover for him which was so wrong. When Adolfo asks why he didn’t come to him, Misael replies that they were like strangers at the time. Misael walks to the bars to face Adolfo. He is very sorry…to let everyone down. He asks if Cris will ever forgive him, but Adolfo doesn’t know.

    JE excuses himself for not helping Angel with the baby (adorably ensconced in a lovely bassinette on the bed). When he asks what will happen to Santi, Angel replies that his only wrongdoing was keeping quiet but he did it because of Misael’s threats. JE is dismayed that Misael will be convicted for involuntary homicide and will only get 1-4 years! None of this will bring his sister back but he hopes Dulce rests in peace.

    In a tear inducing scene, Don Emilio visits Misael…he was remembering when JE and Misael were children, they found a little dead rabbit. Misael recalls he had nightmares. Don Emilio reminds him that he and JE wanted to find the person who killed it and throw rocks at him to make him pay for what he did. After Misael remembers and recalls how Don Emilio wanted them to forgive the hunter, Don Emilio tells Misael he wants to forgive him, but he doesn’t know how long it will take. Don Emilio takes Misael’s face in his hands and as Misael kisses his palm. Don Emilio asks that Misael take care of himself and with a heavy heart, takes his leave.

    The nurse calls out to Rebeca who hears the voice in reverberating tones. She fights and yells as the security guards take her away.


  58. VIVIR #128 Part 3

    Elena picks up her grandson, looking at him adoringly. Angel wants to accompany Elena and Renato to the ceremony where the contest winners are announced. They chat and Angel is happy for Renato and Jimena who are now together. And in the best (and only lighthearted scene of the episode), Angel asks about Icky. Renato smiles and shares he has a new girlfriend who has him on a short leash! To our utter delight, we see Icky wearing a frilly apron, on his hands and knees, sporting rubber gloves as he scrubs the staircase!! Then, a woman with long cascading hair appears at the top of the staircase, whip in hand, warning him that the stairs better be VERY clean! As we are savoring every single brief second of this image, Angel receives an email notification that that their restaurant is one of the winners. Now they can pay their debt! Angel hugs her mother but their happiness is short lived - Angel gets a text that Rebeca will be sentenced today.

    (Unaired) Rebeca walks past everyone in the courtroom and is seated.

    (Unaired) Luciano returns to the hacienda and Domingo reports that the crops are doing very well. Luciano tells the kids that Fatima went to be with her mother who is scheduled for surgery today.

    At the columbarium (thanks Rgv Chick), Fatima can’t believe that a family member took her sister’s life. JE feels Dulce can now rest in peace since Misael is in prison; albeit for a short time considering all he did. Cris approaches and tells them they need to look to the future; JE and Fatima should focus on their families. She asks that whatever happens, they should continue on with their lives and fight for their happiness. Fatima rushes to her mother’s arms as JE envelopes both in a hug.

    The judge announces that he will not be rendering a judgement against Rebeca…the judgement will be for Frida del Olmo Sandoval who has been determined to be mentally deficient. I’m not loco Rebeca insists. Shock turns to outrage as Lupe, Marisa and others stand up and yell that Rebeca is a murderer. (Rebeca does genuinely seem totally out of it).

    During her operation, Cris flatlines and in another realm, hears Dulce’s voice (although strangely does not see not her visage). Cris laments she was never able to say goodbye to Dulce but Dulce assures her that she is fine. Cris cries that she prayed for one more chance to tell her how much she loves her. Dulce tells her it’s not yet her time; she promises she will be close by and tells Cris they should be very happy. And with that, Cris no longer hovers between life and death. As the surgeon prepares the paddles to shock her, Cris rejoins the world of the living.


  59. VIVIR #128 Part 4

    The judge declares Rebeca innocent of Alma’s murder. Everyone is upset and Lupe breaks away from the guards, calls Rebeca an “asesina!” Smiling, Rebeca looks at Elena and tells her, “see, it wasn’t me” as Elena smiles down upon her. Gi seems not to share in their joy, getting up quickly and leaving.

    Adolfo tells JE and Angel that Rebeca was found innocent. “Que???” they manage incredulously.

    The attorney tells Rebeca that they aren’t done since she will be on trial for Monica’s murder. After Rebeca reminds him that she was only defending herself, Elena reminds her that she also is being charged with her sister’s kidnapping.

    At the hospital, Adolfo (having finally found and used a comb) explains to JE, Don Emilio, Cris, Angel and Fatima that Rebeca will return to the hospital since there are other serious, pending charges. She will not be released easily. He adds that proving that Rebeca killed Monica in self-defense will take some time as will the trial to address Angel’s kidnapping. The doctor comes out and tells them that Cris’s surgery was a success and that no additional cancer was found. Everyone is overjoyed as Don Emilio comments that after the storm, comes the calm.

    (Unaired) Fatima tells Luciano the good news about Cris, who is a fighter. Luciano reports the crops are doing very well.

    Corral tells her men that they have enough to detain Brayan. Meanwhile Lupe is stirring up the neighbors to go after Brayan.

    Lucas points out Brayan’s hideout to Corral. The police yell out, banging on the door…


  60. VIVIR #128 Part 5

    JE tells Misael that the USB also had a copy of the contract Misael used to steal the money. Misael tells him he will pay everything back. He regrets everything he did…he lost everything that was important. He will rot in jail…he would rather they had grown up as brothers rather than rivals.

    JE tells him he will be transferred to the prison tomorrow but Misael is already aware. He then tells him that Rufino was detained and declared that he was following Misael’s orders. (Did he mention Rebeca had already been sentenced?). “Adios Misael” JE says sternly and leaves.

    Rebeca furtively darts her eyes around saying she can’t believe they gave her so many years (again I’m a bit lost here can someone explain – is this for the psychiatric hospital?). She repeatedly asks Elena to take her out of there. She swears she will behave but Elena can’t because they won’t allow her to take her out.

    Brayan escapes but Lucas is hot on his trail. Brayan starts threatening Lucas with a knife but mercifully Corral arrives, shielding Lucas with her body as Brayan flies the coop.

    Rebeca tells Elena that it’s not her fault she has this disease and again asks that Elena get her out. When Elena refuses, Rebeca tells her she only cares about Angel who is her favorite. She accuses Elena of not loving her. Elena tells her she needs to heal…she needs to forget her envy. Steadfast, staunch Elena declares she loves her …she will never abandon her! A single tear falls down Rebeca’s cheek as she puts her head on the table.

    Santi, home, in a wheelchair tells Cris that he is ashamed of having kept quiet. Don Emilio tells him that he voluntarily gave the information. Santi then tells them that he will have to do some community service near the restaurant.

    (Unaired) Don Emilio then tells Santi they are going to send Pedrito to a private school outside of Mexico. (What? Why are they doing that and what about Wanda???) Adolfo tells them that the shares are back in Cris’s name.


  61. VIVIR #128 Part 6

    Everyone gathers to celebrate JE Jr.’s baptism. Fatima is in a beautiful pink and white flowered dress, Angel in a sweet hat, Doris in a flattering bright pink ruffled V neck belted dress and Elena, hair pulled back in a lovely hot pink ruana. Woefully overconfident Angel tells JE that she feels at peace knowing that Rebeca is behind bars. Luciano and Fatima will be the godparents and Mati and Javi are in tow. Angel thanks everyone for joining them. Finally, JE Jr. is baptized.

    Misael pays for protection as sewer slime Bruno approaches and comments that he doesn’t have protection because he has no money. Misael wishes he could help him but he returned all the money. Bruno laughs initially but then points his finger menacingly at Bruno threatening that if he doesn’t pay for his protection someone will be getting the evidence that Misael killed Mau. Uh oh…

    Rebeca hobbles with her cane in her room, muttering to herself that she won’t be there forever; she will get out…and when that happens she will avenge Angel…if she can’t have a child then neither will they!

    A cute scene with Angel and JE snuggling in bed with the baby…

    THREE years later— JE Jr. climbs up on his parents’ bed, working his way up under the covers. He wakes a delighted Fatima and finally, his father opens his eyes and welcomes him with hugs and open arms.

    JE Jr. walks to his first day of school adorably flanked by his proud parents. Kisses and encouragement are given as the dear child walks to his teacher and enters the building.

    Adolfo and Cris return from a trip and are given a joyous welcome home by Don Emilio. Cris (with longer hair and a brightly patterned scarf) looks radiant. Adolfo and Cris think Don Emilio should also take a trip since things are going so well at the company. Then, Adolfo gets a call with the dire news that Rebeca has been released on probation. DE shakes his head Adolfo closes his eyes and Cris stares open mouthed.


  62. VIVIR #128 Part 7 of 7

    Angel, wearing a small green print flowered dress is at the restaurant and realizes she will be late picking up her son. Naturally she forgets her phone; we see Adolfo is (likely frantically) trying to reach her.

    Santi talks with Sandra about leaving to complete his community service when Elena arrives and tells him Rebeca is out on probation! He tries to call Angel but to no avail.

    JE is on the phone with Fatima who wants pictures of JE Jr. being picked up from school. JE smiles and tells her he will be turning his phone off so no one will interrupt this beautiful moment. Angel runs up and JE hangs up. As they call out to their son, he runs to them.

    As the three hug, we see the back of Rebeca’s head as she limps up. She is dressed in black with a yellow scarf. She asks how her sobrino is as JE and Angel recoil in horror, disbelief etched on their shocked faces...

    Another time jump, this significant, especially with Rebeca now unfettered to seek out and stalk her prey…

    Employing broad brushstrokes of heart and soul, Rgv Chick artfully painted this somber episode to perfection. Thank you for your splendid insight and insightful, essential dialogue!


  63. Vivir. Another excellent recap as this novela winds down, Diana and Rgv Chick. "take a wild guess I urge." Love it! Finally, Lupe and Luis involved the police in the hunt for Brayan--though apparently to no avail. I found it hard to believe that Rebeca was found not guilty of Alma's death. Because of her mental illness or not enough evidence? And we don't quite find out whether the court will have bought her plea of self-defense in Monica's killing (at least to some extent) or what kind of sentence she got for kidnapping Angelli. Mexico must not have a law like the US that a death caused by the commission of another felony is considered murder--which would explain why Misael gets off with a fairly light sentence. So 3 years have passed? They'd better not show Pedrito or Javi again--or if they do, have them portrayed by the actors' older brothers, if any, or at least by an older look-alike.

  64. Vivir #128

    Gracias, amigas.

    WTF happened with the kidnapping charge? That should have put Rebecca away for at least ten years. Even if the court believes her to be insane and "not responsible for her actions" the deeds speak for themselves and the risk she will continue to do such things.

    Not even a restraining order? Having one on record at least would provide a reason to arrest her again.

    Since villains do not typically get away with anything Misael will pay for killing Mauricio. The Erinyes are after him. He will either suicide or be killed by Rebecca.

    After the six-year time jump I guess there won't be any weddings unless it's Mati and Lucas. I hope Santi will be out of the wheelchair tomorrow.

  65. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your always supportive, kind words. They have continually buoyed my spirits lo these many months...

    Your comments and questions are excellent and thought provoking as always: "I found it hard to believe that Rebeca was found not guilty of Alma's death. Because of her mental illness or not enough evidence? And we don't quite find out whether the court will have bought her plea of self-defense in Monica's killing (at least to some extent)"...I wish I had answers but I was really confused on what was occurring regarding which trial as well as the sentencing! :(

    Brayan isn't many things but he is street smart. That is the only explanation I can come up with for his ability to elude the police (and the neighbors!). I begrudingly add his showy gymnastic "skills" undoubtedly helped.

    Misael's sentence was 1 to 4. Hmmmm.


  66. VIVIR

    Hi Urban.

    "WTF happened with the kidnapping charge? That should have put Rebecca away for at least ten years. Even if the court believes her to be insane and "not responsible for her actions" the deeds speak for themselves and the risk she will continue to do such things" is a very good question; another one I can't answer.

    I don't think Misael will make it to the end either; likely dying by Beca's hand.



  67. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for an excellent recap of a very difficult episode with lots of mostly unpleasant things happening over a few years. Difficult and confusing.

    As you said, "And in the best (and only lighthearted scene of the episode),... we see Icky wearing a frilly apron, on his hands and knees, sporting rubber gloves as he scrubs the staircase!! Then, a woman with long cascading hair appears at the top of the staircase, whip in hand, warning him that the stairs better be VERY clean!"

    This was the highlight of this episode because it was, in fact, lighthearted and funny. And ever so very slightly upsetting. It was such a brief scene, but Icky did not look the slightest bit unhappy. Odd that this unpleasant guy may have found a form of happiness with a dominant, whip toting, girlfriend. But I shouldn't complain, I should be glad that at least somebody is OK at this point in this too often downbeat novela.

    I believe don Emilio said Pedrito was going to learn languages, especially English, at his new school. Probably just a way to not have to fake a years older Pedrito as SpanProf suggested.

    With just two episodes to go we might not see the young set, Pedrito and Loli, maybe others, again. Maybe a quick bow from members of the cast or something like that.

    I am certainly worried about Misael, though he certainly deserves an anvil. But at the end of a novela I like to see HEAs spread all around, and at this point it seems only Icky qualifies... well, sort of. Depending on how well he does his chores.

    I was hoping for a kinder, gentler last few episodes. Ah, well.


  68. Vivir
    Splendid como siempre in the mad rush to the fin, Diana and Rgv Chick. Thanks very much!

    Legal developments made no sense whatsoever. Best not to try to analyze these mysteries.

    Agente Corral seemed finally to be closing in, but how inept not to account for exit routes given Brayan’s gymnastic skills.

    JE Jr. well cast, he looks just like his parents! Fatima’s baptism outfit was another midriff-barer, definitely a thing.

    Jaw-dropping moment as you noted, Pedrito sent to a foreign boarding school, what? Wanda sitting next to him, is that a uniform she’s wearing? Poor Pedrito, such upheaval in his short life. All I can think is they needed to get him away to avoid having to age-enhance him.

    Hang in there dynamic duo!

  69. Vivir
    Wait! What? We skip ahead 3 years???
    Dear Diana and Chickie, thank you for hanging in there as redheads whizz past to bring us an excellent recap .

    Bad mad Becky is still crazy after all these years and still stewing in revenge plans,against Angel, who is happy as a clam with JE and JE2.

    Thankfully Chris has recovered. Perhaps we didn't see Dulce shining in the light because The actress wasn't available.

    It's getting silly watching Brayan somersaulting away over the rooftops... Again. This time Corral's silent partner got to look disgusted and hit the wall. #emoting
    Maybe Beck and Misery will kill each other while Misery tries to defend someone from Becky..maybe JE2. Susan

  70. Vivir

    Redheads ????? Was supposed to be " the years" However, speaking of redheads , where's Romeana ? How did that new job turn out ? Susan

  71. Vivir

    Clara, yes, even though Pedrito knows Wanda is his mom, she is still wearing that odd nana uniform !!! Susan

  72. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and Rgv Chick. This episode had some happy moments and moments of injustice. They didn’t charge her with murdering Alma, although I don’t understand why not. But she murdered Monica, kidnapped Angel and tried to kidnap the baby. And that’s only worth 3 years.

    I was sure Angel and JE would get to the school too late and Rebeca would have little JE. I think she’ll try to take him, I also think that will be the only thing that would make Elena see the real Rebeca.

    This was really the only week that Rebeca looked insane. Either the drugs they gave her caused this, or she’s faking it to stay out of jail.


  73. VIVIR

    Thank you for your always supportive words Andy.

    Thank you for providing these pearls of wisdom: "It was such a brief scene, but Icky did not look the slightest bit unhappy. Odd that this unpleasant guy may have found a form of happiness with a dominant, whip toting, girlfriend. But I shouldn't complain, I should be glad that at least somebody is OK at this point in this too often downbeat novela". Thinking back, you totally nailed it! Icky seems to have found his quirky contentment in only a way he can. Kudos for your spot on insight.

    Thank you for explaining Pedrito was going to study languages. I would be very sad not to see him and Loli again! I imagine a bit of creativity will ensure that we see Mati and Lucas again though as three years shouldn't make that much of a difference in their appearance.

    Hmmm, not a whiff or hint of Romina! Will she simply just vanish into thin air??

    "I was hoping for a kinder, gentler last few episodes". So was I Andy, so was I...


  74. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Clara!

    "Legal developments made no sense whatsoever. Best not to try to analyze these mysteries". I can't tell you how much I appreciate that; I was completely dazed and confused :)

    I didn't notice the baby looked like his parents but he was adorable.

    "Poor Pedrito, such upheaval in his short life. All I can think is they needed to get him away to avoid having to age-enhance him" were wise words; you might well be right. I didn't look closely at Wanda's outfit, I will be sure to look at what she has on tomorrow!


  75. VIVIR

    Hi Susan, I'm only seeing two brief comments from you, did your original post get deleted?

    "Clara, yes, even though Pedrito knows Wanda is his mom, she is still wearing that odd nana uniform !!! Wow, I never noticed it was a nana uniform! Now I'll really look close tomorrow! LOL.


  76. Vivir

    Diana, yes, my original comment appears to have evaporated !!! Susan

  77. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz!

    "...she murdered Monica, kidnapped Angel and tried to kidnap the baby. And that’s only worth 3 years". Yup, beanie time for certain!

    "I think she’ll try to take him, I also think that will be the only thing that would make Elena see the real Rebeca". I have a sinking feeling you are right but as we only have 2 episodes left, suspect he will be found fairly quickly.

    I wonder if Rebeca's current state of mind was initially brought on by Alma's spectre or if it was a natural progression of her mental instability?


  78. Vivir

    Andy, I think you may be right about sending Pedro to off to school so that they didn't have to age him 3years somehow or cast another kid for 2episodes.

  79. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, another amazing recap! Time continues to fly, three years this time! Lol We are definitely packing as much as possible into the last week!

    Sounds like both Beca and Mis got light sentences, perhaps so they could both be out to kill each other in the last episodes? Although I want to see that less now, Mis is a beaten up and repentant shell and Reb is unchanged – unfair fight now! Hehe. I still do feel bad for Mis, can’t help it. He made his choices and there’s no excuse for that but you can still see how his life would have been so different if he had grown up with love instead of feeding on Monica’s hatred and envy.

    Sad that Pedrito had to go away, but I guess it’s a good point about the actor aging. Loli too. I wonder if they could still show David? Oh, and is Sandra three years older? Or younger? Or unaged? 😊

    I posted Susan’s lost comment. Hopefully blogger behaves for our last two episodes!

  80. Vivir #128

    I had the same thought about Pedrito. I guess the actor doesn't have an older brother of the right age to take his place for two episodes. And Wanda should be doing a Pygmalion job on herself in ditching that unflattering uniform and getting a wardrobe suitable for her new status and future. Maybe some vintage classics for the Marilyn Monroe look.

    How many times has Rebecca been hit on the head?

    She is intelligent enough to fake mental illness but I also think that doing this long-term is dangerous to one's actual mental state.

  81. Vivir,
    Maybe Wanda is wherever Pedro is. I don't think I saw her in the 3 years later scenes. I'm surprised Fatima hasn't popped out a baby yet and did Chris and Adolfo ever get married? I liked Chris as a brunette.

  82. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Darcy; appreciate you reposting Susan's comment.

    "Mis is a beaten up and repentant shell and Reb is unchanged" sums things up perfectly. I fear though that as you noted, both will cancel each other out.

    "Oh, and is Sandra three years older? Or younger? Or unaged? 😊" HA! I vote for the last as she seems to have found her own special fountain of youth.


  83. VIVIR

    Urban, the "Marilyn Monroe" luke would suit Wanda perfectly!


  84. Gracias, Diana and Rgv Chick. Your storytelling of the three year jump is as riveting as ever.

    Strange that Doris got the ring three years ago but still hasn't married Sebas.

  85. VIVIR

    Thanks Niecie.

    I'm keeping hope alive that we might see Doris and Sebas wedding. Likely wishful thinking but...

    I really am surprised that Jimena seems to have been swept aside to make time for more odious Rebeca time. I hope we see a HEA for her as well.

    And where in the world is Wanda?


  86. Vivir de amor

    Diana and Rgv Chick, thanks again for all you do and for keeping us up to date with this crazy novela.

    I am a bit disappointed with what they have done so far this week, I think that they got greenlighted for another five episodes and they have largely just filled them with half-thought out stuff. Pedrito being sent off to school in another country, for instance. And about Wanda, his mother? Who knows. Doris and SeaBass should have been married off by now, and Jimena and Renato, too. I wonder if Icky would attend that wedding.

    But I'm sure they want good ratings for the finale, so we can expect a little better Friday, and maybe even today. I'm hoping!

    Have we lost a couple of people?? No sign of O.S. lately, for example.


  87. Vivir de amor

    Blogger ate my comment, but it doesn't really matter.
    And I see the new page is up.


  88. VIVIR

    Hi Andy! (Thank you to Darcy or Rgv Chick for fishing out your comment).

    Andy, thank you for outlining a few of our frustrations and sticking points: "Pedrito being sent off to school in another country, for instance. And about Wanda, his mother? Who knows. Doris and SeaBass should have been married off by now, and Jimena and Renato, too". Yes...why bother to set up Doris and SeaBass' engagement if they weren't going to follow through. Perhaps we will get a 5 second clip on Friday?? :(

    I have a feeling Rebeca and Misael's fates won't be revealed until Friday. I hope it's in the first half hour so we can have a (somewhat) uplifting ending.I expect some action today but not much (if any) happiness.

    Fingers crossed, hoping for the best...

