
Thursday, August 08, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of Aug. 5, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Jarifa is leading discussions for MAREA DE PASIONES!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: Ep. 18-19

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #18 Part 1

    At first, Helena refuses to toast to Marcelo's misfortune at Zaid's "suggestion" but is threatened into "toasting" to Marcelo's death. Zaid and Benjamín make sure she drinks the champagne. She ends up in the bathroom trying to vomit up the champagne. She returns to the table looking ragged and both Zaid and Benjamín think that the tainted champagne must have accomplished their goal. Zaid happily wants to also celebrate the fact that they have gotten rid of "their little problem." She makes it clear that Marcelo is going to remake his life with her so she can get pregnant any time. He tells her to go to the hospital to play her role but is not sure if he is going to need her much longer. However, if the brain injury doesn't kill him, he will need her to finish him off. He knows she can do it because she killed her own father. It turns out that she is working for him so he keeps that secret.

    Osvaldo is his stupid self and will not believe Nora withdrew the charges for the well-being of her child. He threatens to take her son Ruy away. He doesn't want her back at the house.

    Beatriz is unsure of Felipe's feelings but he reassures her saying that he is putting his job on the line for her. That is what she means to him.

    Bad news: Even though Luisa seems to be truly sorry for what she did, Cris tells
    María that his lawyer told him that Luisa cannot cancel the order for pre-trial detention. So when he has recovered, Marcelo will be back in jail unless the lawyer can convince the judge otherwise. María gives Cris a hug out of gratitude and Juan sees them.

  2. MAREA Part 2

    Zaid arrives at work and wonders where Luisa is. He calls her and she tells him that the judge wanted to see her and give her some news. She tells him that Marcelo was attacked at the jail. She doesn't know how it will affect the pre-trial detention. They have to talk. He asks her what 's wrong. She sounds strange. She will talk to him shortly.

    Helena goes to see her doctor for an ultrasound.. The fetus was not harmed. She tells the doctor that she was forced to take the abortion meds by the man who raped her. Helena tries to explain how powerless she is in the situation.

    Alfonso is in rehab. Rita has been there herself.

    Camila gives Isela information on a group of mothers searching for their missing children. Camila says it is going to be hard, but she thinks they can find Sofía. Isela asks Beatriz to ask Felipe to put her into contact with the group.

    Camila tells her mother she will be staying over night at a friend's house to work on a project.

    After his date, Felipe finds out at work that his brother is in the hospital because he had an "accident" in jail. Felipe confronts his boss Robledo about his brother's "accident" in the jail that Robledo is in charge of. Robledo says they questioned all of the guards per protocol and that was that. Felipe accuses Robledo of working for the Grajales. Everyone knows it and if his brother's "accident" was a a result of that connection, he threatens to bring Robledo down. Robledo says that Felipe cannot prove a thing because he is clean!!!

    Beatriz goes to talk to her father Juan. With a drink in his hand, he doesn't want her to see him like he is: a broken man. He lost everything when he lost María. She tries to convince him otherwise.

  3. MAREA Part 3

    Felipe arrives at the hospital where the doctor is telling María that they are going to try another procedure on Marcelo and they are hopeful. Marcelo's police officer buddy Enzo appears saying that the prosecutor's office (Robledo's office) has ordered that Marcelo receive police protection because the attack was premeditated.

    Helena is at home telling Zaid how bad she is feeling and blaming it on the abortion pills that her doctor gave her. The bleeding won't stop and she cannot go to the hospital. Zaid tells her to rest and take the time she needs. She gives Zaid the info he wants on Marcelo. She talked to María and he is not doing well at all.

    Luisa tells Zaid that she is late because she needed time to think. She spoke to the judge and has concluded that Marcelo would not be in this situation but for her. Zaid tells her not to blame herself but she does and cannot live with herself. She has decided to tell Natalia that Marcelo is her biological father. Zaid cannot think of any good way that Luisa can tell Natalia that Marcelo is her father since he is a murder no matter how you tell her. Luisa thinks that if Natalia finds out later in her life that Marcelo was her father and that they never allowed her to be near him in his last days on this earth, she will never forgive them for keeping her from him. Zaid reminds her of their agreement to always make agreements together and he does not agree because he is Natalia's ONLY father.

    Santiago comes to the hospital to check on Nora's child. He doesn't like her attitude towards him since he saved her child. She disagrees insisting that she saved her own child sacrificing her dignity and her marriage. Her husband is divorcing her for with drawing the charges. She blames Santiago for being perverse and a liar. He answers that it isn't as if she lost very much and he is open to doing her other favors. She tells him to leave or she will call security. He reminds her that they have a deal and it has barely started. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

    Back at the country house, Gael is still tied up. Iñaki reminds Camila that they know nothing about kidnapping or being criminals and this could go bad for them very quickly. Iñaki admits that he doesn't know how he ended up involved in all of this. It had nothing to do with him. Camila tells him he can go and she will not hold it against him. He agrees to stay. Camila tells Gael he stinks and they will have to buy some little diapers for the little baby. He is hungry, his body hurts all over and he cannot feel his legs. He asks if they are satisfied. Camila answers YES! Iñaki tells him to accept their condition. He finally does.

  4. MAREA Part 4

    The doctor has good news for María and Felipe. The procedure went well and the swelling in Marcelo's brain has gone down.He is out of danger. He should have a full recovery with some rest.

    Marcelo tells his mother and brother that he cannot remember what happened.
    He does seem to remember Luisa having come to visit. María says she did come to see him but reminds him that she is the one who had him jailed in the first place. Marcelo has resigned himself to ending up in jail and Natalia forgetting him. Felipe tries to give him some hope saying he may be freed if they can find out who did this to him and why.

    Zaid is still pressuring Helena to go to the hospital and find out how Marcelo is doing. She tells him she still doesn't feel well enough. He tells her to investigate then; call María, for example. She says she has tried but María is not answering the hospital will not give her info. He blames her for getting sick at the worst possible time!!! He tells Benjamín to get to the hospital and if Marcelo is not dead, to take care of it.

    Enzo gives Felipe the file on his brother from Robledo. Robledo has concluded that Marcelo tried to commit suicide and the sheet ripped.. Nobody believes that. Cris is going to talk to the lawyer to charge Robledo for conducting a cover-up. Felipe adds that Zaid should be included too. He tells his mother and Cris that he and Marcelo have some information that shows that Zaid is the one who killed Alejandro. Zaid is the only one to testify to having seen Marcelo push Alejandro off the balcony and they know that was a lie. That is why Zaid wants to get rid of Marcelo.

    Benjamín arrives at the hospital and finds out where Marcelo's room is. He phones Zaid that he cannot get to him.

    The judge gives Luisa and Marcelo's lawyer his decision but not us.

    Felipe and Enzo are outside of Zaid's house waiting for María to come out when Benjamín arrives. Felipe grabs him and tells him to stay away from Beatriz. She has no interest in working for them. Ben explains that he was with Beatriz because she owed him a supper for getting her a hacker to erase a transfer she made to Hong Kong from her computer.

    María goes to see Zaid insinuating that she knows what he has been up to. She demands that Natalia be told who her biological father is. Natalia has over heard what she said and asks why she said that. She asks her "papi" if that is true. Zaid says it isn't because "that lady" is crazy and tells lies. María tells Natalia that it is sure that Zaid is not her biological father. Zaid tells her to shut up and to get out of his house. María adds that the reason she is telling her this is because her "real" (biological father) has never heard her call him "father." She has no idea how much he needs that. She is not leaving until she says again that Marcelo is Natalia's father. Natalia rejects that idea because Marcelo is bad. María tells her that Marcelo is a good man and that she is Natalia Bernal, Marcelo Bernal's daughter.

  5. Marea #18

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    Camila and Inaki are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. This is going to backfire on them big time.

    Helena is really playing with fire.

    Someone call a child psychologist for Natalia.

    Osvaldo is dumber than I thought if he really thinks he can get custody when he not only does nothing to actually care for the baby unless Nora gets on his case; he doesn't even look for a job. Not to mention pimping her. He's garbage.

  6. O/T (Also posted in Daytime)

    There have been a few promo announcements for Lalola which begins tomorrow night. I watched the first episode this morning and it's hilarious! You can watch the first episode free on Vix. I recommend that because it is likely to be censored when it airs tomorrow. Content length is 43 minutes.

    Cast includes:

    Barbara de Regil and Diego Amozurrutia from Cabo
    Epy Velez and Alejandro de la Madrid from Marea de Pasion
    Gonzalo Garcia Vivanco from Golpe de Suerte
    Alexis Ayala as the boss
    Cinthia Klitbo, who is having a blast as the bruja

    There are nine episodes total.

  7. Thanks, Urban. Wish I had more time because it looks like fun. I am liking that VIX is taking some of its premium programming and livening up Univision with it.

  8. MAREA

    Jarifa, your recap was splendid and clarified so much that I wasn't sure I had right.

    Watching Zaid in essence forcing Helena to drink the tainted cocktail was horrid. It seems unfathomable that even after telling the doctor what she was forced to imbibe, she is not offered any help. I wish she would just run away. She can't compete with Zaid's cruelty and agree with Urban in that she is playing with fire.

    "Osvaldo is his stupid self and will not believe Nora withdrew the charges for the well-being of her child". Nora should never shed another tear over him. He is a loathsome loser who can't even take care of himself, let alone a child.

    I like that Maria isn't afraid and had the courage to tell Natalia Marcelo is her father. Granted, not the ideal scenario but at least it's "out there".

    I'm waiting for Camila's next visit to find that Gael has untied himself (speculation not spoiler).


  9. MAREA

    Diana, thanks. I am glad that the secret is out there, too. Loved that Zaid could not stop María. Ha!

  10. MAREA

    I will put something up for #19:some time this weekend.

  11. Marea
    I didn't watch 18 until 9 tonight, then watched 19. They certainly left us with a cliffhanger tonight

    I'm thinking Nora's mother in law owns the house they live in. Every once in a while I think maybe Santiago will turn a new leaf, perhaps fall in love with Nora, then he is his same obnoxious self.

    I'll leave off further comments as I'm not sure which happened in 18 or 19. I am tempted to FF through the Gael, et al storyline though.

  12. OT UA. Decided to try LaLola. It cut out at the 40 minute mark. Since I don't know any of the potentially censored words I'm going by guess on this one. It does seem funny though. But darn, I hate the Zaid character and that actor is one of actors in this. Is Nora the other one. ( I'm going by the Marea character names as all the actors are new to me and I don't know their real names)

  13. O/T

    I thought Circe (Cinthia Klitbo) and Daedalus were hilarious and Diego Amozurruita and Barbara de Regil were right on the mark. You can get English subtitles on Vix but I think only the first episode is free.

    I've been watching novelas for three decades so I've seen many Televisa actors many times. The actor playing Daedalus was in a movie called Sexo, Pudor, y Lagrimas. I highly recommend that one.

  14. Meanwhile I'm over here scratching my head about the bad format. I've only ever done it via my mobile phone so nothing seems to have changed to me.... I bought a tablet last weekend so I guess if I start using that I may notice differences, but I have no former benchmark to measure it by. The vacation I took made me want a larger screen to view episodes on than my phone.

  15. MAREA DE PASIONES #19 Part 1

    Leonor comes in wondering why María is there. María tells her that she is there to tell Natalia that Marcelo is her "real" father. Much to Zaid's displeasure, Leonor tells Natalia the truth. Natalia looks scared and confused, Zaid angry and sad, and María has a slight smile of self-satisfactuon.

    Felipe tells Benjamín that he does not believe him and Benjamín offers him evidence in the form of communication with the hacker that Beatriz used. Benjamín knows that Beatriz would never throw him under the bus because she likes him. That makes Felipe crazy. They take control of Benjamín. María comes running out telling Benjamín that Zaid needs him with the mess going on inside the house. Felipe leaves to see what is going on and Maria is leaving.
    Felipe tells María that she put herself in danger going to Zaid's house like that. She admits she was impulsive but just couldn't take Natalla not knowing who her "real" father was anymore. Enzo releases Benjamín.

    Natalia retreats to her room not wanting to talk or see anyone. Zaid creis when he hears her tell him that he is not her father.

    The judge tells the lawyers that Marcelo is to be freed from pre-trail detention. Luisa disagrees saying that his freedom will put her in danger. (She seems to talk out of both sides of her mouth!) Marcelo's thinks that an accommodation can be made between his client and Luisa because Marcelo felt like he was deceived when he was not notified about his paternity. The judge tells Luisa to talk to Marcelo's lawyer.

    Zaid blames Leonor for confirming the truth to Natalia. She thinks that he and Luisa should have thought about the consequences of not telling Natalia. She insists that sooner or later Natalia would find out that he was not her father which really irks him. He wonders if she is doing this to drive him and his family out of the house. She answers not at all. If they were to leave, she would miss them a lot which Zaid intreprets as she would miss HIM a lot. He says that they would miss him a lot, too. She smiles. He adds that if she were to miss him she could always talk to Walter (her gigolo bartender?) She asks if he is angry with her because of her issue with Natalia or is he JEALOUS??? Zaid smiles and so does she. He laughs saying he could never be jealous of a guy like him. She hopes he has been discrete and has not said anything. He says, unlike her, he protects those he loves and his family. He give them his all. He goes to kiss her neck. She withdraws saying it is better they not start anything they could be sorry for. Zaid looks pleasantly frustrated.

  16. MAREA Part 2

    Helena tells Marcelo that he needs to try to remember what happened because if he doesn't, they will try to kill him again. Marcelo will be alert!! She thinks that in order to protect himself he should be ready to do whatever including killing whoever is trying to kill him. He wants to change the topic. Shetells him that when he was out of it, he confused her with somebody else: Luisa. He looks sorry that he ever asked her to change the topic. He blames it on the sedation. She tells him to quit beating around the bush. He is still in love with Luisa and is trying to make a new life with her at the same time and she is not sure she can be in a relationship with three people. He has no answers but is "trying." She makes it clear that his approach is not working because Luisa is always there between them. She tells him to stop thinking about her just as Luisa enters his hospital room. She excuses herself and Helena wants to continue talking to Marcelo but he insists that Luisa stays. Helena tells him not to worry and storms out. He asks what plans Luisa has for him aside from putting him in jail. She tells him that the judge has freed him from pre-trial detention. Marcelo smiles and so does she. They both agree that each of them things way too far. He is going to withdraw his suit to gain custody of Natalia. She thanks him. He wants to see Natalia. She explains that Natlaia is afraid of him because she "accidentally" found out from Zaid's tablet that he killed her grandfather. Marcelo doesn't see that as any accident. Now how is he supposed to tell Natalia that he is innocent when even Luisa doesn't believe him? Now he will have to wait until he is proven innocent!!! Luisa tells him to calm down because she will talk to Natalia about him. Marcelo thanks her and kisses her her hand just as María comes in and gets an eyeful. Luisa gets an earful when she hears María say that one thing led to another at Zaid's house and Natalia now knows that Marcelo is her "real" father. Luisa says she had o right because she and not María is her mother. María reminds her that she and that scumbag of a husband of hers stole seven years of her being with her granddaughter. As Luisa rushes out, she tells her to ask her own mother because she told Natalia the truth, too. María explains to her son that she thought he was dying and was concerned that since he had never heard his own daughter call him father, she would at least know that he was her father.

  17. MAREA Part 3

    Ana goes to see Roberta whose apartment was trashed and all of the money she was keeping for a friend was robbed. When Ana suggests it could have been her ex Serena, Roberta insists it could never be her. Roberta blames herself for leaving a window open. Roberta is worried because the friend she was keeping the money for is a dangerous piece of work. Roberta wants Ana to run away with her. Roberta says that is not possible. She gets Roberta to admit that Zaid is the person she is afraid of. She concludes that he made Roberta steal money to keep her tied to him. Roberta says if she cannot give Zaid the money she will be working for free at the casino for the rest of her life. Roberta tries to be funny and adds maybe that wouldn't be so bad because she would be close to Ana. Serena shows up unexpectedly from her rooftop apartment and there is an argument. Roberta and Ana end up leaving for a while. Serena slips back in and steals money from inside a sewing machine.

    Felipa has to agree with Enzo that Beatriz is probably guilty. She actually had him believing that there was somebody else who had done the transfer. He asks Enzo not to tell anyone about anything. Beatriz calls saying that her mother wants to join the group of mothers searching for their children and wants him to help her out. He tells her is coming over and tells Enzo this is a perfect opportunity to get into Beatriz's house.

    Luisa arrives home and brings Zaid up to date on the fact that Marcelo is alive and that he is free from pre-trial detention. Natalia allows her parents to come into her room. (Really?) She reminds them that they taught her that telling lies was bad. Luisa says that they were only trying to protect her. She tries to explain (to a seven year old) that Marcelo has been accused of killing her grandfather but ahas not been found guilty so they need to presume that he did't do it for now. In Natalia's earshot, Zaid cannot believe that Luisa is not telling her the truth that Marcelo is a murderer. Natalia wonders about Zaid being her father when he is just her "play" father and Marcelo is her "real" father like her fairy godmother told her. She doesn't want a father who isn't really her father and she is afraid of Marcelo. Luisa explains to her her to that Zaid is and will always be her father. He will always love her. Natalia is not in the mood for a family group hug. Luisa and Zaid argue about the situation. Zaid gives her one of his sleeping pills.

  18. MAREA Part 4

    Felipe tells Isela that he made a mistake suggesting that she join the missing children group because doing so it could put her in a possibly dangerous situation. That being said, he is open to doing his own investigation on her daughter's disappearance. Isela asks why would he do that? He explains that he became an officer in order to be of service. Also, Beatriz helped him get credit at the bank so he owes her one. Isela accepts his help but wants to make it clear that by doing what he is doing, he is not way going to make his way into her family. Felipe assures her that he knows his place and asks to use the washroom. He makes his way to Beatriz's room so he can snoop around. He finds a suspicious key but is in such a rush he doesn't put all of the boxes back like they were. He is out of there ASAP. Beatriz notices the open box on the floor and what is missing from another box. Felipe asks Benítez the banker to help him identify what kind of key it is that he found.

    The next day at breakfast, Ana wonders what is going on with all of the sniping at the table between Zaid and Leonor. Nobody is talking. She leaves as Luisa arrives thinking that Natalia is eating breakfast. Surprise!!! Natalia is missing. Everyone goes looking for her. Santiago continues eating.

    Juan visits María. She thought that they agreed they were not going to see each other anymore. He says that WE did not agree to anything. She did all by herself. She says she gave him the reason. He thinks she made that up because the truth of the matter is she is going out with another guy. She saw them hugging at the hospital. She reminds him he has no reason to be in her business. He only wants her to know she won't be getting rid of him so easily.. She is very mistaken if she thinks she can get involved with anyone else just like that.

    Camila and Iñaki are out in he middle of the countryside so they can make a cellphone call without being traced as easily as it would be in the city. Iñaki, with a voice changer, asks Gael's parents for 6 million pesos and no police contact if they want to see their son again.

  19. MAREA Part 5

    Felipe is upset because he really cares for Beatriz a lot. He gets a call from Benítez telling him that the key is for the room where the security cameras are kept and from where the video was stolen.

    Nobody can find Natalia not even lazy Santiago who actually got up from the table to help look for her. Zaid thinks that Marcelo and María are somehow responsible for Natalia going missing. Luisa says they are not that stupid. Zaid and Leonor disagree/ Luisa tells them to call the police then. Zaid wonders about the police because Marcelo's brother will cover up whatever they are doing. Leonor tells Zaid to go to María's house and to bring Natalia back. No, he is going to talk to Marcelo. Luisa wants to go along. Leonor pulls her back and tells her to trust her husband. Santiago takes a swig of liquor and tells Luisa to trust him!!!

    Marcelo tells María about his mixed feeling. She tells him that the only thing he needs to remember about Luisa is how cruel she has been to him. María is telling him how Luisa now is not the Luisa she knows when Helena comes in. Helena asks if they are talking about Luisa. She tells Marcelo that Luisa is his favorite subject!!

    Ana finds out that the girl she gave the casino pass to(?) had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized.

    Felipe goes to present all of the evidence he haas accumulated Beatriz to charge her. She hired a hacker to hide an illegal money transfer to Hong Kong, She had the key to the room where te security cameras were kept. She has had dealings with a felon. He is disappointed to find out that all of his evidence is purely circumstantial. He needs more solid evidence like the video he doesn't have. She suggests he talk to people in her family.

    At the hospital, Zaid neutralizes the police guard. Benjamín gives him his a gun. Zaid points it at Marcelo in his hospital bed demanding to know where he hid Natalia. He can answer or die!!!! As he and Benjamín start to jostle Marcelo from his bed, Luisa comes in telling Zaid to put the gun away. As she tries to calm him down, the gun goes off and she is shot.


  20. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for the outstanding recap of what I thought was a riveting, pivotal episode.

    So many excellent quotes including "Everyone goes looking for her. Santiago continues eating". He is so conceited, smug and superior!

    Zaid, who seemed evilly cool and composed at the beginning of this, has morphed into a quick tempered hothead. But then again Natalia is his Achilles heel. Wherever that bullet lodged, it was at point blank range and I hope Luisa wasn't severely injured. 

    Felipe needs to cover his tracks a bit more when he rifles through drawers and closets for evidence. He must separate work from personal. I don't think Beatriz is anything special but...

    Camila and Inaki. I can't even go there...Likewise Zaid and Leonor...

    So hospitals are still serving lime green jello, huh? Nice to know there are some things that never change!


  21. Marea,
    Thanks Jarifa. The money Roberta had was a bag of cocaine most likely. Us Zaid forcing her to sell drugs. Not sure if it was Zaid that was shot and not Luisa.

    1. I was typing this quickly this morning before church so now to elaborate. Initially Roberta came home and she had a ziplock bag of a white substance that she hid under a basket on her counter when Ana showed up. She then surreptitiously put it in her trash can off the edge of her counter when Ana was in the apartment.

      Later in the episode...Now is where I get confused. I thought Serena was Roberta's roommate. After Ana finds Roberta all worried about the burglary did Roberta kind of ask Ana for money to cover the theft? After they leave the apartment Serena lets herself in and gets the baggie of cocaine from in the base of the sewing machine where it is now hidden. So who hid it there and was Roberta really robbed? I'm a bit confused.

      The fight for possession of the gun between Zaid and Luisa made it unclear which one was shot. Of course as they are both important to the storyline I'm sure neither are gravely injured.

  22. Kat, Thanks for the info about the drugs. Serena is Roberta’s ex-roommate/lover who is staying in an attic apt that is part of whatever they were renting and living in together. To me it looked like Luisa was shot . Guess we will have to find out tomorrow. This thing is really moving now!

  23. OT
    Urban, is anyone recapping LaLola? Since it is only 9 episodes I guess it doesn't qualify ...

  24. MAREA

    Diana, that green jello made me smile, too. How petulant of Marcelo to refuse to eat it! Too funny! I do not remember seeing Alejandro de la Madrid who plays Zaid before. He is doing an excellent job playing Zaid in a very creepy nuanced way.

  25. OT

    Nobody is recapping that but Uni is slicing and dicing it. I have a Vix premium account and I see the whole episodes. It has its serious moments as well. Haven't seen the last two episodes yet but will watch them when I get home so I don't know whether there will be more to come.

    Vix is definitely worth what I paid for it and I will renew.
