
Thursday, August 08, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y honor y más: Week of August 5, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!



  1. conde

    I will do a recap tonight, probably a brief one.

  2. conde

    #28 – Part 1 of 3

    Gerardo is brooding in his office, doing a Macbeth guilt scene: “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.” He flashes back to the murder. David picks a bad time to talk with his father about his career path. “I don’t have time for foolishness. I don’t care what passion you may have. Get out”

    Ale and Memo talk about how Mari was cheated of everything. He confesses about kissing her.

    Mari is on the warpath. She confronts Antonio in a friendly way. She mentions that he’s very close to Josefina, has her confidence.

    Dolores comes to Pedro’s room. He’s abed with, I think, one of the ladies from Antonio’s bordello. She’s 3 hours early for their date and tries to push her way in. He manages to get her to wait for him downstairs.

    The fire and the death of Alfredo are discovered. Ricardo tells Ale. Leticia is with Mariana when she gets the call, and they sob together.

    Gerardo gives Felipe a wad of money for bribing the authorities into saying Alfredo’s death was an accident. Felipe: “You killed him?” Gerardo kind of admits it. It’s pretty clear that Felipe is the weak link in this band of villains.

    Dolores is relentless with Pedro, pushing herself on him. Teresa has seen and is shocked. Dolores just laughs, saying her papí would be proud of her.

    Two big bads confer: Josie and Gerardo. Josie is suspicious. She says Alfredo never got drunk. After snarling a few things, she comes up with a suspect: Vicente.

    Ale and Memo are in the Gallardo hacienda mulling over what happened. Ale finds a bullet in the wall AND a cufflink: GV (Gerardo Villareal).

  3. conde

    #28 – Part 2 of 3

    Vicente comes to meet with the other two serpents. Vicente insists he didn’t kill Alfredo. He’s not going down easy. He tells Josie and Gerardo that they have many things in common. Si van a pasarse de vivos conmigo… (try to get cute…put the blame on me) [He’s inferring he knows where the bodies are buried.] Vic says he’d have nothing to gain by Gallardo’s death. Gerardo starts backing down. Vicente’s eyes narrow.

    Alejandro is mourning Alfredo, and Caye comforts him.

    Vicente tells Xiao his suspicions regarding Josie and Gerardo. He says he won’t go down alone. He also asks Xiao to dig into Gerardo Villareal.

    Mariana comes to see Josie, who tries to brush her off. She says she saw the notary (I thought he was a lawyer) and knows Josie has the only copy of her father’s will. Josie tries her usual crap, but Mari glares at her and says that her father adored her and wouldn’t have left her unprotected. Josie tries another tack: “You have a rich husband.” Mari: “This is what my father and my mother built for me. If you don’t give it to me, I’ll get a lawyer to deal with you.” Josie says something about Gerardo not approving of this and gets nowhere.

    Apparently Gerardo’s bribe didn’t reach the coroner. He tells Ale that Alfredo didn’t die because of the fire. His skull was fractured. Later, they’ll be able to determine if he inhaled smoke or not before dying. In short, it was not an accident.

    Ricardo tells Ale some friend of Gerardo is accelerando para darle carpetazo de volada (get the whole thing shelved or put on ice). Ric gets angry at Ale again for not taking action. Ale tells him that going right at them wouldn’t work; they’d just get a scapegoat.

    Josie tells Antonio to have someone follow Mariana. She still underestimates her stepdaughter and thinks someone else is behind her asking for the will.

  4. conde

    #28 – Part 3 of 3

    Vic has come to see Ale at Casa Conde. Vic wants them to work together about Alfredo Gallardo’s death. He scoffs at the death in a fire. a otro perro con ese hueso. (Literally…go to another dog with that bone or I’m not swallowing that story.) He also tells the Count that they’re not in Europe; you can’t trust the cops here.

    Ale tells Rodrigo Gallardo about finding the bullet in the wall. Rodrigo tells Ale (as if he didn’t know) about the Villareales and the Zambranos dirty dealings in taking the hacienda.

    Mari and Pau talk. Mari has told her about the confrontation she had with Josie. Pau wishes she had the guts to do that. Mari also tells her about the kiss with Ale.

    Felipe is drinking and talking with Pedro. He looks very guilty. But Josie marches in before Felipe can say anything.

    David has been asked by Linares (through Alejandro) to write a piece about Alfredo Gallardo.

    The next scene is the velorio (funeral, wake) for Alfredo Gallardo at Casa Conde. Rodrigo shows he’s related to Alfredo. He doesn’t play nice with Gerardo, mentioning that his father stood out in a world of hypocrites and traitors.

    Ale tells Memo that Alfredo was like a father to him. From now on his only objective is justice.

    Mari approaches Ale, who’s cold as ice. He tells her that that kiss was a mistake. She’s a married woman. From now on their conversations should only be about the foundation. We see that Sofia Zambrano has overheard this.

  5. Conde

    Novelera, thank you so much for bringing us every moment of this sad episode .

    I am confused. I thought Ramiro set the hacienda on fire , but then Memo and Ale were standing in the room where Alfredo was killed and so easily found the bullet in the wall and Ger's cufflink. Hmmm.

    Interesting that smarmy Vic wants an a!fiance with the conde because he thinks Ger and Jo are going to throw him under the bus . As the villains circle each other , we are going to see what goes around comes around. Susan

    Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoyed your recap of last night's episode.

    Sofia noticed Mariana & Alejandro kissing ? Uh-Oh! NOT looking good at all.

    Bratty Dolores is well..... just like Daddy Dearest. Let's see if Vic goes down first ?

  7. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. "Rodrigo shows he’s related to Alfredo. He doesn’t play nice with Gerardo, mentioning that his father stood out in a world of hypocrites and traitors." That was a great scene. I just hope Rodrigo watches his back.

    So we learn Gerardo has a wee wee conscience somewhere inside that black heart. Interesting that striking down his own father (and apparently a brother) didn't affect him like killing Alfredo has.

    You go Mari. Fabulous seeing her finally taking no guff from Josie. Antonio wondered if Mari might've found out about him and Josie but Josie nixed that thought.

    Pau confessed to Mari that she too had had a forbidden kiss. But then we're left wondering if Pau said more.

  8. I've been dealing with a medical issue this week and haven't been able to watch. I won't be able to recap tonight either. I am so sorry, especially for the late notice.

  9. Conde

    No worries . Hope you feel better soon. Take care. Susan

  10. Dondi, I'm very sorry about your having a medical issue this week. We definitely missed your apt and clever comments! Like Susan, I also hope you'll be back in top form very soon.

  11. I can put up a quick and dirty recap tonight.

  12. conde

    Many thanks, novelera, for this delightful and helpful recap. I'm sorry to have come to the discussion so late, but I wasn't able to get to watch last night's episode until just now. Parts of it went right by me, including all the Spanish phrases that you highlighted and translated. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

    I share Susan's confusion about the fire at the Gallardos. I had assumed that the fire was set to destroy evidence, both evidence that the corpse could reveal and evidence that the murder scene might reveal. I'm really confused about how Alfredo's body was very badly and extensively burned but the house apparently wasn't. Wasn't Alfredo's corpse found in the house? But the house clearly wasn't burned, as we see when El Conde goes there and finds the bullet hole in the wall and Gerardo's cufflink. No sign of fire there.

    I think part of El Conde's plan may have been to have the bad guys at each other's throats. If so, the plan may be working, with bad guy Vicente trying to get the goods on bad guy Gerardo (and on bad gal Josefina?).

    I thought we were about the have the great admission by Pau about The Kiss, but all we get is Pau's indirect admisiion that her marriage, like Mari's, is very disappointing.

    I wonder what Mari will share with David about Alfred Gallardo.

    Two things about last night's episode puzzled me. One was what motivated El Conde to suddenly be extra cold to Mari. My guess is that he's afraid of his own feelings for her, but I'm not sure. The other puzzling thing was having Sofia see the cold scene between El Conde and Mari. Why is it significant that she see it?

  13. conde

    Juanita, I sort of said what I thought in the recap, but I'll elaborate. We saw in the early episodes how Alejandro felt about Alfredo Gallardo. He was treated like the fine employee he was, and Alf was trying to, in a kindly way, replace Vicente with him. He has said more than once that Alfredo was like a father to him. He was so affected and outraged by his discovery of the bullet and the cufflinks, that he has decided, and said so, that his only objective is bringing down Gerardo and Josefina. So he's reverted back to not wanting anything to do with Mariana. She's a distraction from his goal.

  14. Susan and Juanita: My brain just didn't go there. Kudos to you both for noticing the pristine state of the Gallardo hacienda salón, when we saw Ramiro and Gerardo looking at the flames the night before. Artistic license?

  15. Conde
    I also wondered about the burning. My theory is Ger and Ray brought his body to an outbuilding, perhaps a barn with lots of fuel for a fire, and cleaned up the murder scene.

  16. Since dondi can't recap tonight's episode and no one else has offered to do so, I will try to put up a very bare bones account in a few minutes.

  17. conde - p1 of 2

    Here is a very bare bones account of some of what occurred in tonight's episode.

    At the wake for Alfredo Gallardo, when Miguel Aguilar offers his condolences to Alfredo's son Rodrigo, Rodrigo tells him that Alfredo's death was not accidental, though the police want everyone to think that it was.

    Caye asks Ric what he knows about the Count. It's clear, Caye says, that the Count knew many of the people of San Jacinto many years ago. Ric tries to avoid saying much.

    Mari continues to try to find out what her father's will really contained. Josie tries to discourage her. Mari informs her that several days before his death, her father told her that he and Josie were having marital problems, and he was thinking of a divorce. Josie, in turn, says that Mari's father had another woman, and that had been the source of some strife in the marriage, but he always came back to Josie. (Liar, liar, pants on fire!)

    Vicente has somehow found the former warden of the Piedras Rojas prison where Alejandro was sent. Vicente asks the warden who gave the order to kill Alejandro? The warden pauses, and then replies that there was no such order, and Alejandro did not die in Piedras Rojas. "The only person who died was a prison guard, and we just swapped the body and presented it as Alejandro's." Vicente asks, "So where is Alejandro?" The warden replies, "The last I saw of him, he was being taken to the prison at the Islas de los Dolores." For this information, Vicente gives the warden a large briefcase stuffed with money and a warning to say nothing to anyone about this.
    As soon as the warden leaves, Vicente summons Tsau (I don't remember how the name was spelled. It sounds like Chow.) He tells Tsau to find his best, smartest man and send him to the Islas del los Dolores to find out all he can about Alejandro Gaitan.

    Gerardo is very upset when he can't find one of his gold cufflinks. He fears that he may have lost it when he was killing Alfredo.

    Josie tells Sofia that she should be thinking about marriage, not books. Lorena (I think) is rresent, and disagrees with Josie. She says she loves to study and wants a career as a doctor. Josie looks disapprovingly and says that what's most important is finding a man. Lorena says that may have been the only option when you were growing up, but things have changed. Josie is not pleased.

  18. conde - p2 of 2

    Lucrecia wants to find her nephew, Pedro, and asks Ama to read the cards. Ama does so and tells Lucrecia that her nephew is alive and is very near her.

    Carmen's friend tells Carmen that she and her husband essentially dug Carmen up and brought her to the hospital after Vicente tried to bury her.

    Lucrecia asks for El Conde's help in finding her nephew Pedro. El Conde reminds her that she went to prison to save him, and he never once visited her, not even to thank her. Lucrecia admits this but still wants to find him. El Conde advises her to be prepared for disappointment.

    Violeta is reluctant to tell Caye just how awful Vicente was to her when he found her rehearsing for the movie. However, Caye spots the discoloration on Violeta's neck and proclaims, "That man is a pig!"

    Paulina talks with Adela about Josie. Adela knows what a terrible person Josie is, but for that very reason she is terrified to go up against her. Paulina understands Adela's relucance and says she too is afraid, "but for my daughter, I'm willing to do anything."

    The Count meets with Casilda. He asks her about the earlier time when she supplied Josie with poisonous herbs. When exactly was that? he asks. She tries to think and then says "At least 18 years ago." (Obfiously, he's trying to find evidence that Josie was poisoning her husband, Mari's father.

    Sofia and Brendan are seated together, perhaps for a Spanish lesson. Josie and Brendan's grandfather look on at a distance. Both of them are very eager to see Sofia and Brendan get married. Josie asks the grandfather how Brendan feels about Sofia. She receives a very positive response. "Wonderful!" she says. "We can announce their engagement!"

  19. conde

    #29 Miguel Aguilar and Rodrigo Gallardo talk at the funeral. Rodrigo tells Miguel that what happened to Alfredo was no accident. His father was murdered.

    Caye pumps Ricardo at the funeral. She wants to know why the Count knows so much about San Jacinto and seems to know people here. Ric counters with that secret that almost came out when he was hypnotizing her.

    Miguel tells Ernestina about Alfredo having been killed, while Lorena overhears.

    Newly tough Mari gets the will from Josie, and isn’t buying the BS. Looks her in the eye and asks how things were between her father and Josie close to when he died. Josie tells her that she discovered Benjy having an affair, they argued, but she eventually forgave him.

    Sofia tells Pau about seeing an odd encounter between the Count and Mariana.

    Vicente meets with one Lozado. He was the warden at the Piedras Rojas prison in the capitol. He tells Vic that Alejandro Gaitán did not die there. A guard had helped Gaitán get a letter to Alfredo Gallardo, and he was killed for it. His body was presented as that of Alejandro. Then he was sent to the Isla Dolores prison. Vicente looks nervous.

    Vicente tells Xiao to send his best guys to the Isla Dolores prison and find out what happened. [Xiao reminds me of Oddjob in the Goldfinger Bond movie. He has an ill-fitting hat on his head.]

    Gerardo realizes he may have lost a cufflink at the crime scene. Ramiro says he’ll go get it.

    Ale tells Memo that he told Alfredo all about the Villareales. He realizes that that may have caused him to confront Gerardo. Ale tells Memo that they need to create a series of nationwide newspaper articles about Aguilar, have him be the talk of the country. No way can he allow Gerardo to win.

    Mariana tells Ale, in a fairly formal way, about the progress she’s made on the charitable work. He’s impressed. She accidentally gave him Benjy’s will along with a report. He offers to help her prove something is wrong about the will.

    Lorena and David talk about her overhearing her parents say that Alfredo was murdered and that there might be a coverup going on. David: Who would….? She looks away, and he realizes who.

    Vic catches Violeta rehearsing with his daughter Teresa and goes ballistic. He grabs her by the throat, tells her his wife is not missing, she’s dead. The threat is clear.

    Amaranta does a card reading for Lucretia. The writers seem to be going with her really being a psychic because she tells Lucretia that Pedro is alive and closer than she thinks.

    Carmen’s friend she met in the street a couple epis ago tells her about she and her husband finding her buried alive. The friend gets a job working as a cook with the Gallardos.

    Violeta admits to Cayetana what Vic did to her when she’s saying she has to back out of the movie.

    Nanny tells Pau about Josie having arrived sweet as pie and ultimately controlling everything. And she ruined Mariana’s life.

    Ale talks with Casilda, the bruja. Casilda remembers that she gave Josie the poison for the “plague of pests” about 18 years ago.

    Antonio warns Pedro that, when he marries Dolores, he’ll have as a father-in-law a dangerous man.

    Josie plots with Mr. Harrison to get Sofia engaged to his grandson.

    Xiao gives Vicente a report about Isla Dolores and Alejandro Gaitán. We don’t find out what’s in it, but Vicente’s eyes bug out.

  20. Conde

    We got a 2fer! Thanks Juanita and Novelera. I'm always pleasantly surprised by how much I understand now. What a difference a year makes. I would stop a show practically after each line of dialogue and look it up in my Spanish to English app. Between the 2 of you I don't have anything to add. I think Carmen's younger daughter was well casted. They look like they could be mother and daughter.

    Was it this TN that had a new person with a suitcase with Mariana, or am I getting my shows confused?

    Novelera, being an experienced recapper maybe you can help me. Do you know what the character/word limit is on our comments. The first one I attempted (Nadie Como Tu, BTW I am still enjoying that one, too bad nobody else is watching it) I wrote my recap in notes and tried to import it by cut and paste but it was rejected as too long. I'm new to blogging so not sure what the rules are.

    1. OT

      Kat in SC, Years ago, when I was recapping more often, I frequently ran into problems with word limits. When I had a recap page rejected for being too long, I simply edited it and/or cut out part of it and tried again. The helpful thing is that I always wrote my recaps on a text editor first, so it was easier to edit and/or cut. I should add that the main reason I always used a text editor was that occasionally when I didn't, I would suddenly find that the page I was writing would disappear from the screen and not be found again, or when I tried to post, something would go amiss and I'd lose what I had written. Having what I write on a text editor meant that even if I lost it on the Caray page, I still had what I wrote in the text editor.


    Novelera: Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode. Not shocked Violeta gets roughed up by Vic forcing Violeta to back out of Cayetana's movie.

    Alejandro/Joaquin warning Lucrecia about being prepared for disappointment is spot on 100 percent.

    Once again, the revenge plan is TOO SLOW & dragging out.

    Kat: I fear for Carmen's safety going forward.

  22. I loved Lorena's little dig at Josie's age. "Not saying your old, Josie, but you're old and I'm going to be a doctor". She's got smarts, that one. I hope some of it gets passed on to Sofia because she'll need it when she finds out she's been pawned off to a kid she's known for two seconds. Brendan seems nice enough so far, but no. And it's nice change to see all these kids, rich and not, getting along. They'll need all that support to go up against Josie's plans, even though it seems that Vicente is the smartest of the bad guys.


  23. OT

    Kat, there used to be a pretty clear limit to each comment under a page heading. Now it seems more flexible. Recently on Uni El Amor no Tiene Receta was recapped as each day's being a page with a full, long recap. I am not sure if that's the case when the recaps are put up as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday all under the same page heading. Like Juanita, I used to go over the space limit in parts of my recap. What I do now is type them in Word. I visually know how much to copy. I never go beyond one and one third of a page in Word and then put up, usually, either a two or three page recap. I copy each Word sheet and then paste it in. I've only gone longer than three comments when it's the premiere. There's usually a LOT to explain and characters to introduce. Plus the sneaky guys at Telemundo show very few, almost no commercials for the first couple of days to get us well and truly hooked.

  24. conde

    Thanks so much for the great recap, Juanita. Looks like we were typing at the same time. I ended up watching the episode on the Telemundo site, the first time I realized it was up there the same day (at least in California) as it aired. Either my DVR failed or I accidentally deleted it, so I couldn't watch it on my TV. After seeing it, I decided to put something up and did not see Juanita's since I went right to the end of the comments to paste in my short one.

  25. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera and Juanita. I missed most of Friday's epi. Great getting caught up through your fine recapping.

    I did get to see Lorena dissing Josie for her ancient view on a woman's place and it was beautiful. You go Lorena!

    Vicente is proving he shouldn't be underestimated. Climbing in the underworld has made him quite crafty.

    Can't wait for Pau to stand up to Josie as Mari is doing.


    Dondi, I hope you're getting R&R and feel better soon.

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