
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday 8/25/24: Karmageddon, with a side of Guacamole: Vivir de Amor

Karmageddon will shortly arrive to deal itself to the evil ones we have discussed and analyzed to a degree that Freud and Jung would applaud. The usual questions apply:

  • What do you think the writers will do to them?

  • What do you think they deserve?

If I have forgotten anything in the following, please advise so I can revise.

Rebecca Sanchez Trejo / Gala Montes

What hasn't she done? This precocious psychopath was guilty of cruelty to her defenseless kid sister when they were children, which she concealed very well from their parents. She developed a serious case of entitlement upon discovery of her birth name and showed no gratitude to the couple who rescued her in the woods from the original kidnappers. Since arriving in the vicinity of her birth family she had wormed her way into it prior to revealing her identity and went on a mission to destroy them. She set up a situation where she appeared to save Elena's life to gain her favor. She has told more lies than we can count, including the one to steal Angeli's husband who was smart enough to not boink her. She accused Angeli of attempted murder when she actually threw herself down the stairs. She has since been guilty of embezzlement and other financial frauds. Also three murders and a kidnapping. Ongoing gaslighting of her mother, coercing her brother to backslide into gambling, potentially driving her family into bankruptcy, and emotional torture of her sister, including threats against her future baby, another attempt -- twofold -- at preventing her marriage to Jose Emilio. Arson that almost destroyed the company. As of the latest episode she is still faking amnesia, which has yet to be unmasked.

Misael Rivero Cuéllar / Joshua Gutiérrez

He has been his mother's puppet since birth. He attempted to steal family money and failed to confess the accidental shooting of the pregnant Dulce, allowed Santiago to become the prime suspect. He and Rebecca became accomplices in numerous financial schemes to achieve control of the family business, putting other people's livelihoods and lives at stake. In cahoots with Rebecca he killed Mauricio Aranda, not knowing that he was his sperm donor.

We cannot fault him over Pedrito because Monica concealed his existence from him. However, his treatment of Wanda is unforgiveable.

Bruno Fonseca / Roberto Romano

Guilty of various financial crimes in cahoots with Misael involving embezzlement, non-payment of expenses, and assignment of shares. Guilty of seducing and attempting to marry Fatima to get his greedy hands on her future fortune by getting into the family.  In addition to the sexual double-crossing of Romina and Monica he is guilty of raping innocent Sandra, who now requires mental health assistance.

Romina Castillo / Krizia Preciado

Guilty of abandoning her children to follow a new job offer after a major argument with her husband. Returned and shanghaied her children after ditching their cell phones so they coud not contact their father. Locked them up in her apartment with no food, no media and no ability to leave in an emergency. <i>[Not mentioned that I can remember but this kept them out of school, which also is abuse.]</i> Repeatedly blocked Luciano's divorce petition out of spite. Caused the accident that left her daughter in a wheelchair. Knowingly provided a controlled substance to Rebecca who used it to murder Alma.

Iker Beltrán / Mauricio Garcia Muela

Guilty of domestic abuse of Jimena and adultery. He gets off on his misogyny. With constant insults and threats against Jimena of blocking the divorce and about custody of their son. Also of destruction of property in Jimena's new place of business.

Brayan Maldonado / Leo Casta

Guilty of gang violence, including setting up Ramiro to take the fall over the death of Dulce and other schemes of Rebecca's.  Also shanked Lucas.

Adios and May the Trapdoor Hit You on Your Way Down... to Hell

Monica Rivero Cuéllar / Gabriela Spanic

Before the curtain went up on our tale she seduced Alonso away from Christina, married him, and later deliberately seduced Christina's husband to conceive Misael, intending to keep this secret the rest of her life. When Misael sired a child she stole the baby from his birth mother – whom she regarded as low-value – and intimidated her into silence. She had also originally intended to keep this secret to the grave.

Within our view she once hijacked the del Olmos' restaurant, continually insulted Elena and her children along with Christina and her children. She also masterminded what would have been a hostile takeover of the family business that would ultimately go to Misael whom she was grooming to be her puppet. Knew about Misael's involvement in Dulce's death.

Also guilty of unjustified snobbery when she herself used her sexuality against the men in her life and committed more fashion felonies than we could count. Here's hoping she was cremated in some item of slutwear.

Shot to death by Rebecca.

Mauricio Aranda / Marcelo Bouquet

In addition to adultery and major theft from Christina's family, attempting to later worm his way back into the fold by faking illness. Slipped an abortofacient into Rebecca's drink later in an attempt to prevent a pregnancy entrapment (A criminal act, but likely spared the world another Bad Seed). 

 Shot to death by Misael.


    UA: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Thanks for posting the Karmgeddon Special.

    1.) I thought Angelli was the oldest sister ?
    2.) Mauricio & Monica most recent villains to get their deadly Karma anvils.
    3.) Will Barayan, Iker & Romina get their Karma anvils ?
    4.) Gut feeling Nutjob Becca & Smarmy Misael will be the last ones to go down.

  2. Angeli was only 2 years old in the prologue episodes. ReFrida was 4. She enjoyed torturing Angeli and always made sure not to be caught by their parents.

    Your other points are SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in which the primary villains are the last to fall. I guess Monica fell early to aid Misael's descent into madness, or whatever.

  3. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you for your amazingly constructed post. It was all encompassing and you provided a great deal of food for thought.

    The pictures were amazing and added so much!

    “Adios and May the Trapdoor Hit You on Your Way Down... to Hell” was inspired.

    Rebeca. “Precocious psychopath” was the perfect descriptor.

    “She has told more lies than we can count…guilty of embezzlement and other financial frauds; also three murders and a kidnapping. Ongoing gaslighting of her mother, coercing her brother to backslide into gambling, potentially driving her family into bankruptcy, and emotional torture of her sister…” What a litany of crimes!

    She has committed some heinous crimes, and it’s not over yet. Yes, she is evil but I think she is also mentally ill. Because of that I think she deserves life in prison. However, I do not see the writers having her alive at the end.

    Misael. Doomed from the start because of his mother (and father), he never stood a chance. However, he murdered in cold blood, kept mum about Dulce’s shooting and as you noted, his treatment of Wanda is reprehensible. I vote life in prison. I think the writers will also have him die at the end.

    Bruno. Let this savage rapist rot in jail permanently. If something happens and he doesn’t make it to the end? Oh well.

    Iker. A nice stint in jail sounds fitting. For David’s sake it would be nice if he was rehabilitated but that seems unlikely.

    Brayan. A twenty-year stint in jail sounds about right. He deserves it for shanking Lucas and for being a detestable worm.

    Mau’s ending was fitting and Monica’s (although deserved) was premature.


  4. Diana, I agree. It seems most unlikely that Icky will ever reform and he would be a very bad influence on David.

    If Bruno's future cellblock mates saw a photo of Sandra he wouldn't make it out alive.

  5. Vivir

    Wow, Urban, thank you for this very complete outline of all the evildoers and all their evil doings.
    I don't thonk.that Mis or Reb will survive unless she ends up in a manicomia and he ends up in prison . Maybe they will take each other out .
    As for the minor villains ...prison. Susan

  6. Vivir

    I won't weigh in on the fates but I think there is a slight correction to be made regarding Monica. I thought she was already pregnant with Mis when she seduced Alfonso. I thought her justification was that Mauricio was just playing around with her and wouldn't marry her so she went after Chris's novio. So technically she didn't commit adultery with him, but she did with Bruno later on.

  7. Thank you Urban! I love your Karmageddon posts!
    Oddly in this show it’s two of the minor villains I am most hate in this show! Bruno and Romina. Like Diana, I want to see Bruno rot!!!! He deserves to spend the rest of his miserable life suffering in a prison cell. Romina hasn’t done anything bad enough to warrant a life sentence, but I vote for it anyway – I can’t stand her!!! She should at least get several years, if not life.

    I’m betting Beca will end up dead of in the insane asylum….I’m okay with either.

    I think Misael will end up in jail but maybe still have the sympathy and forgiveness of his family, either that or he dies saving Pedrito’s life and earns his redemption that way. He’s done some horrible things but shooting Dulce and the baby was an accident. He killed Mau because Mau murdered his baby. Most of Mis’s crimes have been white collar financial crimes and treating his baby mama cruelly. He just seems to pale in comparison to the more reprehensible people around him – Becca, Bruno, Romina, his own mother.

    Iker is an a$$ but Jimena didn’t report him for abuse and he hasn’t committed any other crimes that we know of so maybe he gets killed in the crossfire before or as one of the other villains is taking their last stand? Or he just ends up alone and regretting his horrible life choices?

    Brayan needs to end up in jail for his crimes, but I don’t think he helped to set up Ramiro, did he? I don’t remember for sure; I know Rebeca’s first plan was to tattoo and frame Brayan but he didn’t fall for Doris’s trap so Doris lured Ramiro in instead, I don’t remember Brayan participating at all. Did he lead to Ramiro getting caught later? What I remember is the gang got caught doing a robbery and then the tattoo wasn’t noticed after Ramiro was arrested.

    Big Monica got off too easy… Mau too probably.

  8. Vivir

    Urban, thanks for crafting this page. The main villains have committed so much villainy that I had forgotten some of their crimes. Great to have them all outlined here.

    Rebeca: She's got to be gone from this world. That is the only way Angel can have peace and Elena will stop reconsidering bringing Rebeca back into her life.

    Misael: Long prison stint. Adolfo visits him.

    Bruno: Prison. ITA he won't last long when inmates find out he raped a near minor.

    Romina: Prison. She realizes her stupidities, gets reformed, and gets released, still with that vacant wide-eyed look.

    Iker: Not much change. He never committed a crime that can stick to him and continues on his smarmy way. But a younger, smarter worker supplants his place at the company.

    Bryan: Prison. He not only terrorized Lucas and Mati, he led/pressured a lot of neighborhood boys into a world of crime. He doesn't exit prison until he's elderly.
