
Thursday, August 22, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Ellas Soy Yo Gloria Trevi - Week of Aug. 19, 2024

PREEMPTION ALERT: On Thursday, Golpe and Marea will start 10 min. early and Gloria will be preempted due to La Noche con Kamala.

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 30-31

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #30 Page 1

    Marcelo makes it clear that the only father that he recognizes is Salvador Bernal. María makes it clear that she never cheated on Salvador. When Juan found out she was pregnant, he chose to be with Isela. Salvador arrived on the scene and proposed to her because he loved her. He didn't want her to be a woman alone with a child. Marcelo cannot believe that Juan knew all of this and did nothing. Juan defends himself saying that he couldn't leave Isela because Isela was severely depressed and tried to kill herself. An angry Marcelo tells both for them that he deserved to know the truth. Marcelo cannot believe that his mother kept this from him all these years. He leaves. Juan cannot believe what she did. When his daughters and Isela find out, it is going to be really bad. (Funny how he is always worried about Isela and never about María who he professes to love) As she cries, María screams at him to leave.

    Isela asks why Alcocer (the investigator) was talking to THAT woman (María).
    Juan makes up a story about him wanting to steal money from María involving a loan from the bank. She barely knew him. Juan explains that she wanted to give money to Marcelo or buy shares in the Eco Resort. Isela says María buying shares is the last thing they would need. She should be grateful they are allowing Marcelo to design it. Felipe has arrived and Isela will see him. Juan cannot believe that she willingly meets with Felipe but has closed off Marcelo. She explains that Felipe is a good man, a police officer. Marcelo is a psychopath, a murderer. Since when is he interested in Marcelo. Juan says he isn't and has never been interested in Marcelo.

    Felipe has com to ask for a photo of Sofía so he can show it at orphanages to see if anyone recognizes her. Juan isn't going for the orphanage possibility. He thinks it was probably child traffickers. Juan says they are in prison and could be interrogated. Juan takes control and decides that Felipe should deal with the criminals and Juan will visit the orphanages. Felipe leaves. Juan says that he now agrees with Isela that their daughter could still be alive. That helps Isela but then there is Alfonso. If only he could straighten himself out.

    Marcelo visits Helena in the hospital and just as he is going to tell her, the doctor stops by to tell her she is being released. Helena turns down the doctor's offer to write her a prescription to help alleviate her psychological pain dealing with her loss saying that she and her intended are supporting each other. The doctor is surprised to find out that Marcelo is her intended.

    María has gone to tell Cris about everything that happened. He thinks that the news that Juan is Marcelo's father is going to be difficult for Juan to come to terms with. María is afraid that Marcelo will never forgive her. Cris says to give it time. María is sick of hiding betrayals and lies. Cris says Juan is an idiot. Any man wold be happy to be by her side. She smiles.

    Luisa tells Nora that she doesn't know how she could have been so stupid not knowing what Santiago was doing. Nora explains that sometimes the love we have for our own makes it difficult for us to open our eyes and see what is going on. Nora is hopeful that psychological help can help Santiago. Luisa sis sorry that she couldn't do more for the women. Nora is so very grateful that Luisa didn't abandon them. Luisa said she never could because she is a woman, too. She is hopeful that the money they will receive from the agreement will help them all and that Nora will be happy.


    Helena is back home with Marcelo. Evidently he has told her about Juan being his father. Marcelo cannot believe what his mother did. Helena says that family always disappoints us in one way or another. That is why she got away from hers at a very young age. He feels like he cannot trust anyone. Helena says he can trust her. All Marcelo is asking her is that there are no lies between them; that she hide nothing from him. She promises she won't. Helena thinks a good start would be him telling Luisa that they are gong to get married. Her answer is SILENCE.

    Bardo is having a nightmare about Marcelo He tells his wife that this time, Marcelo got in between him and some others and they killed him. He is sure it is a sign. Marcelo would have given his life for him and what has he done for Marcelo? Nothing becausee he is so scared. He concludes that he has to help Marcelo.

    At the company, everyone is waiting for Marcelo to start meeting about the Eco Resort. He finally arrives and Zaid reminds him that meeting begin ON TIME. (Got to agree with Zaid on that one!) Marcelo asks what Juan is doing there. Leonor informs him that Juan is their financial advisor. Zaid and Marcelo snipe at each other. Cris only wants the meeting to start. Juan smirks. Marcelo makes it clear there is no deal if Juan is involved. He has to go. Leonor disagrees. Luisa tries to change Marcelo's mind saying that many of them are uncomfortable with this project but that they have decided to go through with it for the good of the company. Luisa says that he doesn't have to deal with Juan. He can work through her. Luisa adds that shortly she is going to make a trip to Europe to present the project to their principal investors. As soon as the cash starts to flow, they can start the construction. Zaid offers to go with her to add a different perspective. She turns him down saying she can handle it on her own. They sign their contracts for the project.

    Felipe arrives at the bank to talk to Beatriz. It turns out that she has left orders not to be disturbed by him at this time. Her assistant tell him to call her. He calls Beatriz but she will not answer. He leaves clearly frustrated. She has tears in her eyes.

    Zaid tells Juan that he needs his talent. he wants him to change some of the numbers in the first audit of the construction company so that things seem different from what they are. Juan concludes that he wants to swindle the company. No, Zaid wants it to look like Marcelo wants to swindle them. Juan says if Zaid has problems with Marcelo, he needs to take care of them himself without getting him involved. Zaid thinks he would be doing him a favor letting Isela see him taking down the murderer of her brother. When Juan insists that he doesn't want any more trouble, Zaid reminds him that he knows certain things. Juan says he also knows things about him. Zaid adds that if he is gong down, he will make sure that Juan falls farther than he. Juan leaves telling him to stop treating him like his puppet anytime he feels like it. Zaid mumbles that he can treat him however he likes.

    Back in Colombia, the police official who was talking with Vicario visits a forensic pathologist (?) at the morgue. He asks if he remembers the story about the Mexican guy from seven years ago. He does. The officer informs him that Vicario is threatening to open his mouth if they do not support him. The coroner says he has a reputation to protect. He tells the officer to take care of it. He has no plans on losing his job because of the officer's or Vicario's fault. The officer says FINE!! He will support Vicario but if a name has to be given up, it will be the pathologist's. The pathologist is angry and demands to know what he means. The officer leaves wishing him good luck with his little dead ones.

  3. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa presents Santiago with her proposal (sounds like one step away from a civil suit to me). She legitimizes her overseeing him since she is the executive director of the company which gives her the right to send her employees to courses, conferences and in his case, it is going to be therapy as well as providing his victims with compensation for the rest of their lives. If he does not go to therapy, it will be her painful duty to make his case public (Ah, there is the hook!!) even if it damages the reputation of the hotel. If that happens, he will be famous for being a sexual harasser. Nobody will want to go out with him or hire him for the rest of his life. She want him in weekly therapy with a note for her signed by his therapist each week. She adds that he may not believe it but she is doing it for his own good because he is important to her.

    Alfonso tries to talk to Rita but she tells him that her shift is over. He apologizes and says it isn't easy being clean. He apologizes for acting like an imbecile. She leaves asking him to never talk to her again like he did.

    Ana visits Luisa. She loves her a lot and missing being close to her. Luisa smiles and say an d she thought that she was avoiding her for some strange reason. Ana is upset because she might think she is one way, but she really is . . . Luisa tries to get her to tell her what she means. Ana can only say that she came to tell her she loves her and sh can always count on her. Luisa adores her, too. She isthere for her and she can always tell her whatever. Ana shows her a photo of her, Luisa and their father at a summer house they used to go to. It brings back good memories but then Sofía disappeared and the memories stopped being so good. They never went back to the house.(UH, oh, could this be the house where Gael is being held?) Ana thinks it would be great to go back there. Luisa agrees that they really should go.

    Cris tells Marcelo that Luisa is going to look at the property. Cris hope that he can separate his personal life from his work. Business is business. Juan appears wanting to talk to Marcelo. Marcelo refuses.Juan insists and Cris leaves. Marcelo agrees to give him a minute. Juan explains that he wishes things had been different. María was the love of his life but life separated them.
    He never told him he was his father because he didn't want to ruin his relationship with Salvador who was a good man. Marcelo agrees that he was a good man who had guts. Juan asks Marcelo to still keep him being his father a secret. If he doesn't, he could hurt lots of innocent people. Marcelo says he gets it now. Juan doesn't want his kids to know. Marcelo give him a choice: either Juan tells them or he will. Juan calls Beatriz and tells her to get Camila home in a half hour. They have important things to talk about.

  4. MAREA #4

    Santiago has a big surprise when Leonor supports Luisa's plan including the therapy. No matter how hard he argues, she refuses to budge. When he threatens to blackmail her again about Walter, she informs him that this is out of her hands. If he reads the statues of the company, Luisa is acting in accordance with her function. (YES! another hook) She reminds him that she has fulfilled her part of the deal. He has his job back but she warns him that her patience has limits. She tells him to go.

    Juan has told Camila and Beatriz that Marcelo is their brother. Camila cannot believe it. He is her uncle's murderer. Beatriz says that he always told them that what he had with María was a fling. How could have he done that to their mother? Juan says that the situation got out of control. Camila adds "for 30 years!!!" It will kill her mother. Beatriz tries to explain her father's action reminding Camila how difficult their mother can be. Camila attacks her for being her father's favorite and the girls argue. Juan stops them. He tells them that when he found out about the pregnancy, he cut it off with María. Beatriz is shocked and offended that he would do something like that. What he did was not fair to anyone. Camila only cares about her mother. Beatriz tells Juan that he has to tell their mother the truth. She deserves to know everything.

    Bardo visits the police official and asks him about an old Mexican case. The official finds it odd because the suspect is back in his country and he will be tried there. Bardo says that the problem is that there are no files or papers dealing with the case at all. The official wants to know who is asking. Bardo says he is Alejandro Grajales' friend.Does that sound familiar? The official says he thinks that he has some info but what he has will not be of much use because the man they thought was guilty is no longer who they think is guilty. And all of that mess only complicates the case.

    The criminal/extortionist, from the beach, tells somebody, getting his shoes shined dnd whose face we never see (could it be that rata Zaid?) , that the youngest of the Marrero family and her novio are going down the wrong road. He could take the unbelievable quantity of money they have from the house but he doesn't want to end up in jail. However, for a small compensation, he could be happy.

  5. MAREA Page 5

    Juan goes to talk to Isela. She is finally feeling good after the talk they had with Felipe. He tells her that when he and María were together, she got pregnant. The child is Marcelo.

    Felipe barges into Beatriz's office. He thought things were going well but now
    she is hiding and avoiding him. Beatriz says she feels very guilty because she has been lying to him the whole time and she cannot do it any longer because she fell in love with him. . She confesses to making the Hong Kong transaction. She is guilty of money laundering and he has to turn her in. he tells her that he cannot arrest her because he knows she is not guilty. He knows that somebody had to ask her to make the transfer. He asks her who it was. She answers that she cannot say. He concludes that somebody must be blackmailing her. He asks if she has committed another crime he doesn't know about. She says no. He tells her to stop covering up for criminals. (If she talked and implicated daddy dearest right now, Isela would have a REALLY REALLY bad day) Beatriz knows she could end up in jail but she cannot say anymore. She only tried to drag it out as long as she could. That was why she initially tried to get him to fall for her but then it all got out of control because she fell in love with him. She will not let him lose everything that he has achieved in his life to keep covering for her. She tells him not to do it.

    Luisa and Marcelo admire the beach and environment at the site for the Eco Resort. Marcelo plans to use the environment as much as they can to keep costs down. They both agree how difficult it is working with each other but they will get used to it.

    Felipe explains to Beatriz that he is not covering for her because he never found any evidence that involved her in the crime. She mentions the video and how she will turn it over to the prosecutor's office. He will not allow her to destroy their relationship. He loves her and he is not giving that nor her up. They kiss.

    Luisa finds Cris' proclamation of love carved into a tree. Luisa says that is love for you, it always leaves traces behind and not matter how hard you try to erase them you never will. Marcelo adds neither do the wounds. His phone rings. It is Bardo.

    Ana takes Roberta to the house where the family used to spend their summers.They decide to go in. They find Gael. They run out of the house.

    Bardo says Marcelo needs to come down to Colombia ASAP. There is a convict in jail who says that he has the info that he needs. Marcelo never killed anyone. He is willing to spill it all.


  6. Marea
    Great recap Jarifa. It's the little things that make the difference in my comprehension of this novela. I was pretty lost at what was going on in Colombia and also the shoe shine conversation. Zaid is a good guess on the recipient of the information. He has his fingers in every pie.

  7. MAREA

    Jarifa, I didn't see this but as seen through your sharp and insightful eyes, am confident I didn't miss a thing. A wonderful all encompassing recap.

    "Luisa presents Santiago with her proposal (sounds like one step away from a civil suit to me). She legitimizes her overseeing him..." was excellent. Loved that Luisa had all her ducks in a row (aka her "hooks" :) )forcing Santiago to go to therapy. That said, I think he is too far gone and beyond help.

    I don't know how on earth you guessed that Gael was being held in the family house but you were right! So, what happens now!

    I give Marcelo credit for demanding (weasal) Juan tell the truth.

    How long is Beatriz going to cover for Juan??? Such loyalty that would never be repaid in kind.


  8. Marea

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, I enjoyed the recap and it filled in the blanks.

    I had no idea what was going on in Columbia, with the prisoner, the deputy and the coroner. I also wondered why Juan told his family, I didn’t realize Marcelo had said he would if Juan didn’t.

    So Zaid is going to try and cheat Marcela, or set him up. I can’t wait until he gets what’s coming to him.

    Hope they make Santiago go to counseling and pay the women he was inappropriate with. I was surprised Leonor backed Luisa.

    They all are so sure Marcelo is guilty. I wonder if any of them know the truth, besides Zaid.

    I wonder if Helena will be totally honest with Marcelo. So far she hasn’t been.


  9. MAREA

    Thanks, Kat. Yes, “He (Zaid) has his fingers in every pie.” Now if the characters would just defy him. They could all talk and compare notes.

    Thanks, Diana. I had no idea how Luisa was going to make Santiago do anything. This novela has surprised me more than once which is a good thing. Juan is the lowest of the low allowing his child take the fall for him if that came to pass. I am glad María told the truth. As for Isela, let the chips fall where they may. She is not María’s responsibility.

    Liz, I am glad I could fill in the blanks. Believe me with so much going on, sometimes I have to watch a scene more than once to get it straight. Good comment about Helena agreeing to always tell Marcelo the truth lying to his face.



    We are close to the middle of the novela with 34 episodes left and Univision has decided to go to double episodes starting Monday. From what I can see on tv schedules, this looks like a permanent change. Those of you who know me, know how much I hate double episodes of anything. Could Univision be thinking of starting three new novelas around the same time in early fall????Marea could be over in a little over three weeks or even less if they decide, to slice and dice. Anyway, I will do my best to cover the episodes the best I can.

  11. Marea

    Oh no double episodes, Why does Uni cut scenes or double up episodes as these shows get close to the end ? Did they do that in the past , or is this a new thing? Annoying. I appreciate anything you so generously provide . Susan

  12. MAREA

    Susan, it seems they have always done it but it does seem more common the last couple years. ; ( It is always pushing on to the next big thing!

  13. Marea
    Ha. Yes, everybody is in a big hurry to go...where? ..the next thing. To quote our dear Dr. Carlos ...NEXT!!! Somewhere he is laughing. Susan

  14. Marea
    Jarifa, I heard double episodes so I looked in my YouTube library to see when and marea isn't even listed with upcoming episodes. I don't envy your recapping job, but I'd rather have a double than a diced and spliced 2 into 1 episode.

  15. MAREA

    Jarifa, yes, I just saw that double epis are coming.

    First, my condolences. It's hard enough trying to recap this by yourself (although you have done it so many times before and amazingly so).

    Second, thank you for continuing. Anything and everything you post will be a tremendous help. I'm having an even harder time following a lot of this and not sure why.

    I think you nailed it about Uni debuting three new novelas at once. Didn't they do that a year or two ago?? I never understand their thought process so am not shocked.


  16. MAREA DE PASIONES #31 Page 1

    Bardo has told Marcelo that Angel Vicario wants a reduction in his sentence. Officer Arbeláez was in charge of the Grajales case and had just become aware of this convict Angel Vicario. While in another jail seven years ago, he heard a Mexican say that he was bribing the coroner with a lot of money to change the result of the autopsy of a millionaire business man. The coroner was to say that the man died from a fall which was not the real cause of his death. Marcelo concludes the dead man was Alejandro Grajales and the person doing the bribing was Zaid. Bardo tells him he needs to hurry up. It is a race against time before they shut Vicario up for good. The coroner's name is Erick Nazar. He surely doesn't like the rumors going around about him. Bardo only asks one thing of Marcelo. He is to forget that this call ever took place. Marcelo has no intention of getting him in trouble with the law.

    Ana and Roberta have not freed Gael who is screaming for help. Roberta says they have to call the police. Ana knows Gael from school and he is officially missing but doesn't know what to do. (REALLY???) She explains to Roberta that Gael sexually abused Camila. He had sex with her and removed his condom without her knowing and then he hit Iñaki. Ana tells Roberta that she needs to talk to Camila before doing anything. (REALLY?) Gael says they were supposed to let him go after he gave them the money.

    Iñaki is having a hard time depositing so much cash. He is afraid they will give their anonymity away by trying to deposit that large amount. Camila insists he just needs to deposit it in Gael's account so that there is a record of his self-kidnapping. She suggests that maybe Beatriz who works in a bank could help (she is hare-brained for sure!!)but then they would have to admit to what the did. Hmmmm . . .

    Gael's parents tell the police detective that they did exactly what he told them to do. They paid the ransom but their son has not been returned. The detective tells them that It is normal for kidnappers to take their time. He wants a full report on the phone call they got.

    Isela thinks that María got pregnant to tie Juan to her. He says it wasn't like that. It took them both by surprise. Isela will NEVER believe that. She will never forgive him or accept that psychopath Marcelo. She tells Juan to get out of her room and her life.

    Marcelo tells Cris and Luisa about the news from Colombia. Bardo cannot come to testify in Mexico and put his family in danger.Marcelo's problem is that due to the conditions on his detention release, he cannot leave Mexico. Cris asks how that could be fixed. Luisa says it could be fixed if she withdrew her demand that he be kept from traveling outside the country since this trip would be done to find out the truth about what really happened to her father. Marcelo asks if she would do that although she would have problems with Zaid. She says that Zaid would not have to know.

  17. MAREA Pge 2

    Helena reminds Marcelo that he cannot leave the country. He says that Luisa will talk to the judge so that he can go to Colombia. She is sick of hearing "Luisa" and asks if he ever told Luisa that they were getting married. Marcelo says he was going to but then Bardo called. (SURE) She doesn't believe him and thinks that he doesn't want Luisa to know (GOOD GUESS) . Marcelo explains that all he is trying to do is stay out of jail so he can get on with his life which involves the two of them getting married. Yes!! he will be going to the court with LUISA! Helena hopes he tells Luisa then.

    Zaid calls Helena to find out what Marcelo is planning. She says he has given up his defense and is planning on going to jail. Zaid does not believe her but wants her to find out all she can very quickly. Helena apologizes to Marcelo when he comes home. He tells her no problem. She wants to go with him to Colombia. He refuses her request. She is in no shape to travel and it is a quick trip. He knows who he is looking for. He insists he is doing this for both of them so they can have the family they want.

    María tells Felipe that Juan is Marcelo's biological father. She makes it clear to Felipe that he is Salvador's son. She never would have allowed him to go out with Beatriz if Juan were his father. Felipe understands Marcelo better now.

    Now, Santiago wants to be the president of the Eco Resort to buy his silence. Leonor finds it interesting that he never wanted an executive position before but wants one now just when his sexual harassing behavior is about to land him in jail. Santiago reminds her that there is no evidence. She says the reason for not giving him that position is him and his indecent conduct. Does he not realize he is a danger to their business? He reminds her that he is also a danger to her,. She says that he won't be if she introduces Walter as her intended to the family. His blackmail will be over then. As they argue, Luisa comes in saying that Cris' land is spectacular. Leonor says that is why her father always wanted it. Luisa needs to talk to Leonor about her trip to Madrid to talk to the investors. Santiago thinks he should be going. If they let him be the president of the Eco Resort, he won't harass another employee again. Leonor tells Luisa to make him an appointment with a psychologist and if he doesn't go, she will have him hospitalized until he turns into a decent man. Luisa tells her mother that seriously is not a bad idea. Santiago goes to a psychologist appointment. He acts like his usual domineering sexist self but the psychologist assures him she has seen and heard it all before.

    Ana and Roberta go to see Camila to find out what is going on with Gael. She tells them that Gael was ruining her life and admits that things got out of control. She can't do anything now. Roberta says she can go to the police. Camila says she doesn't want to go to jail and doesn't want to bring down Iñaki or any of them. She needs time and money. (DELUSIONAL!!!) Camila says that Iñaki only has to deposit the money and it will be fine. Ana asks where the money came from. Camila says it doesn't matter.Roberta concludes she must have extorted Gael's parents. Camila says no, she only asked them to pay for his rescue. Camila cannot understand that is the same thing. Ana tells her she is crazy wanting to involve her and Roberta in this and even Beatriz.

  18. MAREA Page 3

    Beatriz tells her father that she told Felipe the truth and now he is set to find the real guilty person. That does not sit well with Juan because if Zaid ends up being convicted, he also could end up in jail. Beatriz says no because Felipe can get him a deal if he cooperates in the case. Juan says if Zaid finds out, he will have them both killed. He is a monster. Now Zaid wants him to set up Marcelo as if he were defrauding the company since he now has business with the hotel. She is surprised Marcelo is in on the deal with the family.

    Luisa and Marcelo go to see the judge snd Marcelo gets permission to leave the Mexico to go to Colombia. The judge calls Robledo to get him an officer to escort someone. He assigns Enzo and asks who will he be escorting. The judge says Marcelo. Robledo immediately calls Zaid to let him know.

    Helena calls Luisa herself to inform her that she and Marcelo are getting married. Luisa wishes them well but is upset. She goes to look out over the ocean and cries as she remembers Marcelo asking her to marry him.

    Santiago makes sure that Nora knows he is going to the psychologist. He thinks she needs to make her self look a bit better to hold up her part of the deal. She tells him no can do with no home and fighting for custody of her son. He asks Nora to organize his calendar/agenda and to color code it. He also wants a soft drink every 20 minutes. When she leaves, he admits to himself that he has nothing to do. Nora discusses Santiago with a co-worker. They see that he has listed on his calendar "loquera cada martes" "loony bin each Tuesday". They wonder what he tells the doctor. Nora would like the doctor to see how sick he really is and send him to a mental hospital or maybe they could get his file and expose him for the crazy person he is. Nora's friend asks her if she would dare do that. Nora says no, she was only talking . . . (SURE!)

    Nora tells Luisa how her ex Osvaldo told her that she is not a decent woman. Luisa says he is wounded little macho and they know that is not the truth. Nora is worried the one of these days, he is going to tell her son that she is a slut. Nora says that will not happen because Rui is going to grow up with her and not him. Luisa says someday when Rui is all grown up, she can tell him how she was a warrior, a worker, and a fighter who gave it all for him. Luisa tells her that her ex will not take her child because she will be with her and will fight for her with all she has.

  19. MAREA Page 4

    Camila and Iñaki are stopped by the detective handling Gael's case. He needs them to come to his office to ask them some questions. Immediately, Camila refuses saying he doesn't have a court order. He lets them know that he doesn't need a court order and their reluctance just makes them more suspicious. They follow him to the Ministerio Público. Iñaki denies knowing anything about Gael or contacting his parents. He is released. Camila talks with the detective next who says she seems to be very popular at the university because her fellow students have noticed that she hasn't been in a lot of classes regualrly. Camila agrees and adds that she is super popular, super good looking, intelligent and has a real handsome novio. She is very active and life isn't all about studying. He tells her she can go. Camila tells him he should find the people who are really guilty and that clearly is not her and Iñaki.

    Zaid calls the coroner in Colombia and reminds him who he is by refreshing his memory about the bribe he paid him seven years ago. He tells him that there is a convict in jail in Colombia who is talking way too much. He is sure that he wouldn't want him to go on talking like that because it wouldn't be to his benefit. Zaid tells him to shut the guy up because his prestige and Zaid's honor could suffer and if that were to happen, Zaid would be capable of doing anything. The coroner gets it.

    The night before her trip, Zaid sees Luisa looking at a family photo album. He sits down and puts his arm around her telling her that she is not gone yet but he misses her already. Looking at Ana's photo, Luisa says she had a real nice conversation. It was not about anything in particular. Ana told her she missed her and wanted to be closer to her.Luisa felt like she had something else to tell her but didn't dare to. Zaid leaves Luisa and goes to Ana's room manhandling her because he is worried that she told Luisa about the casino activities. He accuses her of sending the anonymous notes. He tells her if she screams they will both end up in hell. She tries to make it clear that she only wanted to tell Luisa that she was in love with Roberta. He hopes that she wasn't trying to get rid of him. She tells him not to be paranoid. She says it is her life and she will tells whoever she wants about her and Roberts. He thinks that is ridiculous. She should be helping Roberta pay back the money she owes him so Roberta and she don't end up suffering because of it. He implies he will kill her if Luisa finds out about the casino and her "preferences."

  20. MAREA Page 5

    Helena and Marcelo talk about his trip tomorrow. Helena tells Marcelo that she wants to move far away from where they are. If they were to go to Mexico City, he could find a lot of job opportunities dealing with the environment. He reminds her that he is working on the Eco Resort. She tells him to sell it all so they can start fresh. He wonders why she wants to leave. She says she doesn't have many good memories from there. Marcelo thinks that when he is proven innocent, it will all change. He promises.

    Vicario is having a rough time in jail being beaten by his fellow thugs.


    Alfonso is having a hard time with withdrawal. He is anxious and in a bad mood. A counselor tells him to go to Rita's meditation class. Alfonso says she is angry with him and thinks about going to the carpentry class. He would like to make Rita something to make up for what he did as long as he novio doesn't take it the wrong way. It turns out the guy he saw her with is not her novio. It is her friend who is taking her to work and taking her home.

    Isela wants to know what is going on with Camila who is never in class anymore. Beatriz tells her mother she has a novio now. Isela informs Juan that since the true identity of Marcelo has been established, she wants all of their property to be put in an inheritance for their children only so that bastard cannot get his hands on any of it.

    Luisa is leaving for the airport. She says she will only be gone for one day. Leonor is hoping for three investors. After she leaves Zaid asks Leonor if her lover has gone. She says no. He is in bed resting after the splendid work he did in service to her. She smiles and so does Zaid.

    Camila and Iñaki go to the beach house to check on Gael. SURPRISE: Gael is gone. PANIC sets in.

    At the airport, Luisa ends up changing her ticket. She has decided to not to go to Spain but to go to Colombia with Marcelo.


  21. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, that was a great read. So many people seem to know how bad Zaid is, just not the ones who need to know.

    I wasn’t sure what Santiago and the psychologist were saying. He looked like he was putting the moves on her and she didn’t seem to back down. I was relieved to read she stood up to him.

    I’m surprised but relieved that Helena didn’t tell Zaid the truth. Ana should have gone straight to Luisa when she was first forced by Zaid to give out the casino passes. Now he’s threatening to kill her. Juan says Zaid will kill them both, I guess meaning him and Marcelo, or maybe Beatrice. Yet no one thinks Luisa should know her husband is a killer.

    The kidnapping is getting old. Camilla is a little stuck on herself. I don’t think she’s too bright. I wonder if the man that wanted them to split the money took Gael. Then they’ll have to pay him to get Gael back. Meanwhile they have all that money they’re hiding, or carrying around.

    I hate that double episodes are coming. It’s so much more work for you recapping. And past my bedtime since school has started! I’ve been recording Golpe de Suerte and I am about 6 weeks behind. I was hoping to be able to watch it regularly when Receta ended!


  22. MAREA

    Excellent as always Jarifa. This was brimming with so many interesting details that flew right by me.

    So Gael is gone. Is anyone surprised?? Nopis. When you think about it, it's unbelievable that Inaki and Camila aren't already in jail. "Iñaki is having a hard time depositing so much cash". Dumb and dumber surviving by luck which now seems to be evaporating. Throw the book at them...oh, and Gael too, no innocent he.

    Juan has a penchant for sour, dour women. Like seeks like. I couldn't believe he was drinking at breakfast, slobbering all over himself. What a man, what a man...NOT.

    "If they let him be the president of the Eco Resort, he won't harass another employee again". Yeah, right. "he admits to himself that he has nothing to do". What a waste of space Santiago is!

    Cringe factor brought to us by Zaid and Leonor: "He is in bed resting after the splendid work he did in service to her. She smiles and so does Zaid." I myself felt like hurling...:)

    "He implies he will kill her if Luisa finds out about the casino and her "preferences." You were totally right when you said the other day Zaid is losing it.

    Alfonso, one of the most interesting characters in this was onscreen all of one, two minutes; why???


  23. MAREA

    Excellent as always Jarifa. This was brimming with so many interesting details that flew right by me.

    So Gael is gone. Is anyone surprised?? Nopis. When you think about it, it's unbelievable that Inaki and Camila aren't already in jail. "Iñaki is having a hard time depositing so much cash". Dumb and dumber surviving by luck which now seems to be evaporating. Throw the book at them...oh, and Gael too, no innocent he.

    Juan has a penchant for sour, dour women. Like seeks like. I couldn't believe he was drinking at breakfast, slobbering all over himself. What a man, what a man...NOT.

    "If they let him be the president of the Eco Resort, he won't harass another employee again". Yeah, right. "he admits to himself that he has nothing to do". What a waste of space Santiago is!

    Cringe factor brought to us by Zaid and Leonor: "He is in bed resting after the splendid work he did in service to her. She smiles and so does Zaid." I myself felt like hurling...:)

    "He implies he will kill her if Luisa finds out about the casino and her "preferences." You were totally right when you said the other day Zaid is losing it.

    Alfonso, one of the most interesting characters in this was onscreen all of one, two minutes; why???


  24. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa. Liz, good assumption on who released Gael. Either that or he finally managed to work the ties off himself. I'd be sawing at the sheets with the leg of the pool table making them fray and break.

    About Santiago, in the first episode or two wasn't he eager for a position in the company but his father blew him off in favor of Zaid? Too bad he decided abusing his female employees was more fun than learning the business inside and out.

    Any idea what time the double episodes will run or are they coming 2 and keeping it at a 1 hour format?

  25. Kat, they will be run from 8-10 central time and when Uni does this it has always been as individual episodes.

  26. MAREA

    Liz, glad you enjoyed the recap. “The kidnapping is getting old.” You can say that again. “Camila is a little stuck on herself. I don't think she is too bright.” I totally agree and will add that she is a horrible liar too. How long until they pick up her and bungling Iñaki. I was very disappointed in Ana wanting to talk to Camila first before setting Gael free. How many ways can you define accessory to a crime after its commission? The start of the school year is always a major adjustment whether you are a teacher or the parent of a student. I always have loved the start of the school year as a time for fresh starts.

    Diana, thank you for your kind comments. Thanks you for bringing up how Juan was “slobbering all over himself.” That was a nice theatrical touch for that worm of a man. Let me see if I have this straight. Juan the Worm was married to Isela but cheated with María and used Isela’s depression/anxiety as an excuse to not to get a divorce because being married to Isela gave him a connection to the wealthy Grajales family and the opportunity to be victimized in more ways than one by Zaid. Yes, that was super creepy with Leonor telling Zaid where and why Walter was. This exchange makes me believe even more that Zaid and Leonor were lovers at some time. The next question is were they co-conspirators.🤔

    I think you are right about Alejandro ignoring Santiago and clearly favoring his step-son Zaid. Good point about sawing the sheets on the legs of the pool table. How long until Gael tells the police everything unless the local criminal has taken him. Could there be a second ransom?

  27. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for delivering all the doom and gloom .

    I need this odd teen kidnapping caper to end. I cannot stand Camila. Inaki seems like a good kid who got sucked into Camila's weird world.

    Well, our two leads are now going to be together far from this maddening crowd . Will Luisa come back pregnant ? Susan

  28. OT
    Jarifa, I am sorry that Uni is going to double up episodes of this show. Does anyone know what 3 new telenovelas are coming ? Susan

  29. Not yet, but they will have three slots open.

  30. OT
    I am hoping we get " El Malficio" starring Fernando Colunga . Love that guy. I am currently watching him in " El Conde " on Tele mundo. .
