
Monday, August 12, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of August 12, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 2

    Olympics are over so with no further interruption:

    David asks Mari about Ale Gaitan and she freezes. Good luck lying about him after that. She starts to tell him about the murder when Gerardo butts in. David should have asked HIM about this, not his mother. David now questions him, and he’s told that whoever did this were criminals. Nothing more. David interrogates Ger more and he gets the background, Ger’s version anyway. And when David is asked why he’s asking, he says he overheard someone at school talking about it. Ger tells him to stop with that and leaves, which is when David goes back to Mari asking if she knew Ale. Her eyes are watering up and David knows something is up.

    Memo and Ale talk about Josefina and clearing the name of Ale, but I missed it because I was trying to kill a mosquito that made its way inside and will be a huge annoyance until it’s dead. I’ve named it Josefina.

    Vio is “introduced” to Antonio ho has come to see Vic. They both cover well enough. He leaves and Vio asks why Vic wanted to see her. He gives her keys to a new car so she’ll feel more free. She lies about being happy and he slimes on her a bit and thinks he’s done a good job of husbanding. Idiot. She is later at the office with Antonio, annoyed with him and tells him she knows his ambition knows no limits. I think there was a hinted threat there that he better not mess with her.

    Mari asks Ger about the affair and he defends Josefina, telling her he thinks the servant who is telling Mari that probably got called out by Josefina for something and is getting back at her. Mari stupidly tells him about tests she wants done on the will her dad signed. She obviously doesn’t realize how close Josi and Ger are, at least when it comes to shenanigans.

    Vio tells Antoni about wanting to leave when she has enough money. If he had kids, he’d understand what she’s doing. Then she asks for her suitcase. Not sure what she’s doing with it yet but he hands it over without argument. I can't tell if he's concerned for her or upset that she's leaving. I don't get the impression that he'd nark on her but who knows if he is ever backed into a corner.

    Ale comes to talk to Ger about a “super secret issue that requires discretion”. Ale tells him he has doubt about the Alfredo murder, especially because Alf had a visitor that night. Someone from the hacienda saw it. Ale brings in the “witness”. I don’t recognize this guy but Ger is paying close attention. The witness gives his account and I'm confused. Was he really there or is this a con by El Conde? Ger and Conde talk about this, with Conde trying to “convince” Ger that something is afoot here and tossing in some digs about “whoever” did the murder. El Conde is messing with him. Ger offers to deal with the authorities on this issue.

    Brendan is having dinner with the family and thanks Sofia for her help. His Spanish has actually gotten really good in, what, 2 days? But his grandpa wants to make an announcement. Uhoh. Brendan tells Sofia he talked to her grandma about this and then he stutters out a marriage proposal. Pau and Sofia’s faces are like “Que the hell?”, Josi gives Pau a dirty look when Pau looks questioningly at Josi, and Brendan is confused because Sofia looks unhappy. Josi blames the impending tears on joy. Barf. Pau and even Felipe look unhappy, Josi is thrilled and accepts on Sofia’s behalf, and Brendan is happy because he’s a dumdum who can’t read a room. He's probably a decent fellow but clueless as all get out despite his amazing language-learning skills. Neither Sofia nor her parents say anything. Yet.

    Vio is rushing through the house and when Vic asks her why, she says she’s going to the atelier. He offers to go with. Ugh.

  2. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 2 (probably)

    Ger and Josi talk about Mariana and why she’s being weird. Apparently, Ger is getting a percentage of Josi’s booze that she sells. I don’t think I knew that and can’t remember what he has over her that has earned him this cutback. He asks if she was the one who forged a will and what she did. Josi is “offended”.

    Uhoh. Vic and Vio are at Leticia’s shop for dresses and Carmen is not happy and keeps her back to them.

    Lucretia is happily telling Ric that the Count is going to help find her nephew.
    Antonio tells Josi that people that (I think) people are buying from smaller vendors and that the product is as good and cheaper than hers. It’s yet another of El Conde’s secret businesses to stick it to Josi.

    Vic wants to offer Leticia his support, etc. after the death of Alfredo, but she’s not having it. He didn’t visit Alfredo in life and doesn’t need to do anything for her now. He thankfully goes to wait in the car.

    Memo and Ric talk about The Plan. Ric feels bad for Lucrecia and might be a little less trusting in The Plan as Memo.

    Somehow Vic has beamed to Gerardo’s house where they talk about the “witness”. Ger accuses HIM of maybe being the murderer of Alfredo. Vic laughs. He’s bad but not an idiot. Sounds lie Vic knows all about who killed the Aguilars and how Ale got quickly convicted. I think. Vic tells/warns Ger that he knows that Ale didn’t die in the first prison and was sent to the second. He offers a deal. He won’t say anything about that if Ger stops trying to pin Alfredo’s murder on Vic. Deal? Ger’s eyes bug out with what looks like a combo of anger and fear.

    The old man American assures Josi that he’s only buying from her. He means the booze, not Sofia.

    Leticia tells Teresa (the good Vic daughter) that she’s welcome anytime, despite Leti’s issues with her dad. Teresa is happy because Carmen is teaching her how to sew. So sweet. Vic will hate this even before he knows Carmen is alive. Teresa asks Carmen what happened between Leticia and her dad. Carmen says she thinks it had to do with the Gallardos. Teri says she doesn’t remember but tells Carmen that her mom abandoned them. Teresa will never ever do that and gets upset that someone could. Carmen doesn’t say much.

    Finally back to Sofia and her situation. She’s in Pau’s room crying about this. Sofia will die if she’s forced to go through with this. Pau tries to calm her down and says they’ll come up with a plan but doesn’t want her to (something- upset? Piss off?) Josefina. No word yet from Felipe on this nonsense.

    Ric and Cayetana have a drink and flirt. There’s a a lot of flirting actually, mostly on Ric’s part but Caye doesn’t look unhappy about this. And then Ric kisses her! And stops because she’s still in love with el Conde. I think he’s messing with her a little but after he takes his leave, she makes a face and snickers about the whole thing. I hope this works out with the two of them.

    Ale chats with Josi and I miss a lot of this convo. But he’s offering to help her business, in his super-helpful-but-really-secretly-messing-with-the-bad-guys way. She says her business is just fine, thank you very much, but that’s not the rumors HE’S heard. Rumors that I assume he is making up. He offers to buy her business, right? For double the value? How can anyone trust a guy who tosses around money like that?


  3. So one page in Word at normal margins fits fine in one comment, but more than that is pushing the size limits. FYI. No more Olympics so I will try to pay more attention to the shows to catch those details that I usually miss. I need to pull out a notebook to write down some of these vocab words. My current favorite from a couple shows ago:

    Titipuchal - a lot, tons, a bunch. It's a Mexican word and very informal according to Word Ref. It also might be more regional based on one person writing in their forum, central or western Mexico. San Jacinto, assuming the show is using a real place, is in Jalisco, which makes sense if Josi is making tequila.


    K: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Thank you very much for your hardworking recap of last night's episode.

    I see Buji Joise still gonna Buji Joise. Sofia being forced into a marriage with That Yankee.

    Lucrecia getting on my nerves: Just kill het off already!

    Still worried about Paulina, Carmen being in danger down the road.

  5. Conde
    Let's see if I can remember the points I wanted to make without scrolling back to reread it again. Ger knows Josephina messed with the will. He confronted her about it on Mari's behalf at the time. That is when they negotiated the 30%, IRC, that Ger would get from the business. Josephina justified it by saying a dependant Mari is better than one with her own money.

    Caye actually initiated the long smooch with Ric. These 2 I definitely see as a HEA couple if he survives. Who can Memo be matched with? Lucretia perhaps?

    Felipe definitely had a wth look on his face with Sofias arranged marriage. Poor Paulina with her advice not to argue with Josie and let's push for a long engagement. Not the worst advice, given her health and the fact she is barely 17 by my calculations, in the world actually, but I imagine an unplanned pregnancy will rear its head. Not sure what the rules were in Mexico in the 50s. Not sure at what age people could marry without parental consent, and I imagine a mother's consent wouldn't count in that era. If anyone's inheritance should be followed up on, conde should be trying to get Paulina hers back and let her be freed from Josie and Felipe.

    Did I miss something about Josie's first husband's death when memo and Ale were talking? Bet she knocked him off also somehow.

    Conde is selling his tequila ( and I think he is buying up other's stock to fill the demand) at rock bottom prices to Josie's clients in order to drive her out of business. Not sure why Josie is so concerned about this as she overcommitted to the European market and doesn't have enough stock to fill those orders as it is. Being the black widow she is in actually surprised she isn't going for the American businessman as her next husband/prey. He's not a bad looking man, and his grandson is cute also. Too bad Sofia's heart is already taken.

  6. Conde

    Gracias, K. Super job. I hope you were able to quickly vanquish Josefina the Mosquito, unlike poor Pau who seems helpless against Josefina.

    I was surprised Cayetana hauled off and gave Ric that deep smooch. But then she is a red-blooded woman and Ale has been so cold. Kudos to Ric for not taking advantage. She was kissing him and thinking of Ale, in my view and maybe Ric's too. Ric standing there afterward with all that lipstick smeared around his mouth was comical.

    It hurts to see Pau so useless in protecting her daughter from Josi. Sofi should consider running away and eloping with Javier. I'm not convinced the American is a wealthy as he seems. My crock pot theory is he's all flash and little money. Would serve Josi right.

  7. conde

    Many thanks, K. for this great recap! Loved your naming the mosquito Josefina!

    I wonder how long it will be before Mari tells David about Alejandro Gaitan. David can see that she's very upset when he asks about him. Being the bright and very determined young man that he is, David is likely to continue to continue to press her for answers. Of course, it's one thing to talk about her relationship with Ale and quite another to tell David that Ale is his biological father. I don't see that admission coming quickly.

    Vicente's finding and questioning the former warden of the prison where Ale supposedly died shows that he's no dummy, but he certainly doesn't know how to treat women. Yes, he buys Violeta a car so she can be more free, but then he spoils it all by saying that she has to tell him where she is going each time.

    Ale's talk with Gerardo about not believing the account of Alfredo's death brought to my mind how Ale was falsely accused and convicted of the Aguilars' deaths 20 years earlier. There's the wholly inadequate investigation, a phony account by the police, and Gerardo's pulling the strings. Of course, this time Gerardo is not just pulling the strings, he's the actual murderer.

    I was disappointed in Pau in the scene where Sofia's engagement is announced. It's clear that Sofia is miserable. I remembered Pau's saying in an earlier episode that for her daughter, she would do anything. But all she did in this scene was look unhappy and tell Sofia not to challenge Josefina, because Josefina is very dangerous. I'm hopeful, though, that Pau's statement about doing anything for her daughter will turn out to be true. I also found it hard to believe that Brendan couldn't see how unhappy Sofia was at his proposal. I think you summed it up well, K., when you described him as "probably a decent fellow but clueless as all get out despite his amazing language-learning skills."

    Yes, Leticia told Vicente that he hadn't visited Alfredo when he was alive and she doesn't want any help from him now. But then, if I'm not mistaken, she orders him to leave her shop.

    I found the scene between Carmen and Teresa quite powerful and painful. I kept imagining how Carmen must have felt when Teresa went on and on about how terrible it was that Vicente's first wife, Teresa's mother, "abandoned her children."

    Like Kat in SC and Niecie in MD, I think that Caye initiated the kiss. I have reservations about both Caye and Ric, but I can imagine a HEA ending for them.

    Thanks again for this fine recap AND for the Spanish word Titipuchal from an earlier episode. So much of the Spanish goes right by me. Sometimes I write words down and mean to look them up later, but...

  8. Thanks for the correction on Caye initiating that kiss. If Ric called it off then it makes him look even better. And it explains Caye’s look as she might be rethinking the whole el conde thing and switching allegiances to Ric, at least as far as who to kiss goes. She looked impressed and Ric is a good looking fellow with slightly less baggage. (Need to know what’s happening with his kid to be sure). Memo and Lu have had nice conversations. She seemed older but maybe not and he seems more suited to her low drama personality. But we’ll see what happens when Pedro shows back up.


  9. conde

    Thanks so much for the witty recap, K. Loved Josephine the Mosquito. I hope you got her!

    I can’t wait for Gerardo to learn that David is not his biological child. We’ll see full bug-eyes from Sendel for sure.

    The talk missed while Josephine stalking was Ale telling Memo he was certain Josie poisoned Benjamin because of his talks with Casilda (the bruja/herbalist), plus Mari telling him Benjamin wanted a divorce.

    Vic demonstrates typical abuser behavior. After choking and threatening is lovely young wife, he buys her a car. Vicente only has to look in the mirror to realize it’s unlikely she’s mad about him.

    Yes, another good person shows her cards. Mari should NOT have told Gerardo about her suspicions of the validity of Benjamin’s will. And, of course, he goes right to Josie. He’s look into it with the authorities. Ha! When anvils fly.

    It looks like Viewerville was a bit hasty in worrying about Antonio absconding with Violeta’s money. He’s still sort of too much in lust to have taken it.

    LOVED Ale’s clever talk with Gerardo. I didn’t see Gerardo arrive in a car, but he probably did considering how much Gerardo was sweating when the “witness” was produced.

    Thanks, Kat, for clarifying Gerardo’s getting 30% of the liquor profits. Yes, Gerardo is/was enough of a monster himself to clearly see through Josie’s cutting Mari out with a fake will.

    Lucretia drives me nuts. Unless you’re as dumb as a box of rocks you don’t live with a child its whole life and not see something about its character. She saw him kill that woman and leave her to take the blame. Sorry. Can’t remember who the woman was who wanted some or all of his loot.

    I loved Teresa’s interchange with her mother, while not knowing it’s her mother. I especially liked that she had started on a costume for a school play about the two volcanoes visible from Mexico City that are the source of an Aztec Romeo and Juliet fable. While Popocatepetl, an Aztec warrior was away at war, one of Iztaccíhuatl’s jealous suitors, Citlaltepetl, told her that Popocatepetl had died in battle. Grief-stricken, Iztaccíhuatl cried until her heart stopped. Upon return from battle, finding his beloved dead, Popocatepetl was inconsolable and wandered the streets day and night mourning her. Mexicans call these volcanoes Popo and Itza. The dress mother and daughter created was lovely.

    I lost a LOT of respect for Paulina as she sat there and watched her daughter be trapped into an engagement. Yes, she knows Josie is dangerous. But she should have spoken up about this being too soon or something like that. And, yes, Brandon is a total dummy for not catching onto Sofia’s stricken face.

  10. conde

    I finally caught up. Thanks for the well wishes and for covering my recap night.

    If I didn’t feel bad enough last week, they had to go and kill Don Alfredo. Ale warned him not to put himself in danger. I expect a pregnant Sofia.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your recap K. Josefina the mosquito—priceless.

    I am 100% on the same page as Ric regarding “The Plan” and Ale’s methods. I liked Ale telling Gerardo about his suspicions regarding Alfredo. I’m concerned for the safety of the “witness”.

    I agree that Brendan is a dope but a whiz at languages. Why do all the gringos in TNs always speak in accented English? They can’t find actors who speak English without one?

    I’m liking Ric and Caye’s scenes. I’m not sure where this is going but it’s fun to watch. Ric had her lipstick all over his mouth. Looked like clown makeup. Marjorie kept wiping around her mouth. Lol.

    Lucrecia gets on my nerves too. But I understand her love for Pedro. He is all she had. He had a difficult childhood. He was sick as a child, then his mother was murdered. I doubt they had much money. IIRC, he didn’t mean to kill Beatriz (Ruben’s shrewish wife). She grabbed a knife and they struggled. He was stunned when she was stabbed. But yes, he never looked back. Her praying reminds me of (St) Monica praying for her son, (St) Augustine. It worked out.

    I guess Pau thought it better not to cause a scene at dinner. They could figure something out later.

    About post size, I do my recaps in Word and use word count. If I keep it below 4,000 characters with spaces, it fits. No idea if anything changes with the new format.

    Dondi356: Great to hearing about your speedy recovery. At this point, I will NOT lose any sleep seeing Lucrecia getting killed off. The sooner, the better.

    Scumbag Pedro heading towards deadly end down the road. It's not if, but WHEN!

    Gut feeling the Witness gets whacked as the Body Count continues to grow.

    Something tells me that the Body Count will likely continue to increase as we're heading into the Fall.

  12. El conde
    Who has the Tuesday recap, episode 31? I can put some bullet points up if need be.

  13. El conde #31
    Rodrigo asks Javier what happened the last day of his grandfather's life. Don't tell anyone but there is evidence it wasn't an accident. He says one day they came across the Villarreal's overseer and it seemed they argued. Dad asks Javier to promise not to say anything to David.
    Ric and Amaranta discuss love.
    Paulina asked Brendan's grandfather to come so they can discuss Sofia and Brendan's engagement. She pushes for a long one as they are young. She hasn't finished high school, isn't 18 yet. Let's keep this between us, Josephina doesn't need to know

    Sofia goes to the atelier to talk to Javier and tells him she is engaged.

    Mr.Harrison of course blabs to Josie. He thinks it's best to wait a bit till they are older. Josie deduces it was Paulina that pushed for it and claims she wants to keep Sofia tied to her, that is why she isn't going back to Paris to study. She is very manipulative and selfish and only thinks of herself...(gee that describes you, Josie, to a T.). You and I will plan this wedding...

    Javier blows up at Sofia for getting engaged to someone else even though she and Nanny say it was forced on her by Josefina. He storms out, Leticia apologizes on her son's behalf.

    Pedro comes to the count to tell him his marriage plans are coming along. Conde asks about the obscure spots in his past in the capital. What did you do when you came from Spain to support yourself? Pedro, " odd jobs, etc". Conde says it's best you are completely honest with me.

    Felipe physically abused Paulina for interfering in the engagement. Slapped her face, whipped with his belt. Not a fun scene to witness.

    David and Javier come to blows over Alfredo's death. So much for Javier keeping his mouth shut. Mariana breaks it up.

    Sofia sees what happened to her mother and blames herself. Now she understands why her mother didn't try to help her at the engagement feast.

    Pedro spins a line to Conde that when he first arrived from Spain he surrounded himself with unsavory characters and would tell stories of the nobleman's life in Spain for food and drink until he got an honest job. Conde shakes his head and gives him sage advice about changing his life now he has all this money at his disposal. Pedro says he will do as he advised

    Josefina confronts Nanny about interfering in Sofia's life then accuses her of stirring the pot with Mariana who is now asking questions about her father's relationship with Josie.

    Josie and Sofia. My father beat my mother. Josie, I don't like it but you mother earned the beating. Your mother tried to sabotage your wedding. Sofia: I asked her to stop it. I don't love or even like him. Josie tried to give her advice, money is important. You'll learn to love him. Sofia,:I don't care about money, I don't want to marry him. Josie threatens that her mother will continue to suffer for her whims if she refuses (I'm tired of this medieval storyline!)

  14. El conde 31 part 2
    Now Javier the blabbermouth is at the Conde's telling Memo his grandfather was murdered. Memo goes to get the count. Javier spies a pistol in the study.

    Gerardo's handwriting expert tells Mari the signature is valid...
    Violeta brings the suitcase of money to Conde's castle. Caye and Memo receive it from her. The count is the best at investment.. memo leaves. Caye tells her she is wise to provide for her future. A man should never hurt a woman,
    if you ever need a safe place this is your home.

    Dylan Harrison and Josie our to lunch. He proclaims he's been in love with her for a long time and kisses her across the table.

    Ramiro in the wilds leading his horse. Javier shoots at him with a really shaky hand. Doubt he has shot a gun in his life. Each hide behind trees and shoot at each other. Javier gets winged in the arm. Conde arrives and whisks Javier away.

    The Conde's handwriting expert informs Mariana the signature is false. (With Memo in attendance) Do you truly trust your husband, ma'am? Mariana tells Memo she doesn't know what to think. 2 opinions. Her life is falling apart

    Poor Josie. She needs Antonio to wipe the ick from her. Looks like she is going to marry Dylan for his money since her buzz is failing. Antonio obliges. Pedro spies from a window and clicks a photo of them doing it.

    Caye and Mariana spar about the count. In Diana's behalf, the two are wearing similar plum colored dresses..
    Ramiro tells Ger he was attacked in the woods but they got away. Ger is convinced it's Vi and they need to teach him a lesson.

    Conde and Javier make it back to the chateau, or whatever his place is called, they send for the count's doctor.

    Pedro discussed Josie with Antonio. Now they each know a secret about each other.. partner..

    Poor Caye. She is so jealous of Mari. Lucretia tells her she has everything going for her. Caye knows the count doesn't look at her like he looks at Mari.

    Rodrigo gives fatherly advice to Javier. Wow, he is really calm. A very new age man. "I know how you feel, but it wasn't ok". Javier wanted to avenge his grandfather's death. Now Rod is telling Conde he is going to file a complaint against Ger and Ramiro. Conde warns him there isn't enough proof yet. Rod says you don't understand not having grown up her. But wait I do. He tells a story about how they played in the woods with his dog. I'm Alejandro Gaitan..(and another one is in the inner circle...)


  15. Wouldn't it be funny if Dylan and Brendan were seeking rich wives because they are running out of money as Josie is doing in contemplating marrying Mr. Moneybags,?

  16. Conde

    Gracias, Kat in SC. There are so many levels going on in a single scene. I didn't even realize Pedro was photographing Josie and Antonio. Now Pedro and Antonio are even-steven. I'm fed up of the Josie selling off Sofia storyline too -- "medieval" is so right. I fear Sofia will marry Brandon to stop her mother from getting another beatdown.

    I didn't figure on Javier being so rash and stupid. I scratch out what I said earlier about Sofia running off with him. He is so not ready.

    I must admit that Ale revealing who he is to yet another is getting repetitive. He needs to bring all his confidantes, now Rodrigo, together so no one inadvertently screws up the other.

    Cayetana and Mariana's showdown was must-see tv. Mariana ran off instead of standing her ground to wait for Ale, so I'd say Caye won this round.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well, I did it again. I posted my recap on last week's page. Thanks so much, Kat. I'll put it up now.

  19. Ale is very, very businesslike with Josie. We again hear him offer double what her liquor business is worth. He mentions her retiring with dignity before the competition could force her to do so. She flatly refuses.

    Rodrigo asks Javier if there was some problem his grandfather (Alfredo) might have had before he died. He goes on to say that, while it’s only a hypothesis, there are signs that the death of his grandfather was not an accident, that someone killed him.

    Amaranta tells Ric she always knows when he’s unhappy because he plays Solitaire. [In 1952 you couldn’t do it on your phone.] He tells her he fell for the wrong woman. She knows who it is. Ric says that Caye is in love with El Conde. He turns it around on her, asking about her amor imposible. They drink a toast to impossible loves.

    Rodrigo tells Javier that the Count found out Alfredo had met with someone that night. Javier tells him about the confrontation on the hacienda, when Alfredo rode up to Ramiro Menchaca. He couldn’t hear what they said, but he saw it was bad by Menchaca’s facial expression. Then Javier goes right off the rails, saying that David isn’t the way he used to be.

    Dylan Harrison and Paulina talk. She tells him she’s in favor of the match, but what’s the rush. Sofia wants to get her degree. She’s very young, and Paulina isn’t convinced she’s in love. He replies that it was Josefina who advised them. Paulina: “But I’m her mother! I know neither you nor Brendan want to pressure my daughter. Please keep this conversation between us.”

    Ric insists that Lucretia needs to reconnect with Pablo. Ale is understanding of his concern for Lucretia, but it’s not time yet. He asks him to take Lucretia away from San Jacinto.

    Sofia le dice a Javier sin anestesia que Brendan le pidió matrimonio. [She blurts out to her hothead boyfriend about the marriage plans.

    Idiot Dylan Harrison goes right to Josie about postponing the wedding. She gets it out of him easily that Paulina was the one who brought it up. She makes it sound like Paulina can’t let go of her only child, that she’s a manipulator. Dylan isn’t 100% dense and tells her he noticed that Sofia didn’t seem happy at that dinner. Josie has the quick answer: “She didn’t want to go against her mother. The wedding will happen just like you and I planned!”

    Javier behaves like a complete ass. He blames Sofia for the Brendan thing. Nanny tries to tell him Sofia was railroaded. He yells that she didn’t fight for their love and storms out. Sofia tells Nanny that Javier doesn’t love her.

    Ale meets with the unbearably smug Pedro, who tells him about the wonderful, educated woman he’s chosen to marry. Ale loves to get under the skins of his targets, and Pedro is on the hot seat. Ale asks how the marquis was able to arrive from Europe and support himself. “If you’re keeping a secret, it’s better to tell me what it is.” Pedro smirks and makes up some BS about falling in with bad companions in the capitol. The Count advises him to enderezarse (straighten himself ou

  20. #31 – Part 2 of 3

    Felipe confronts Paulina about trying to put the brakes on the ridiculous marriage. First, he slaps her and then whips her with his belt. He says she’s going to learn to obey him. [Someone refresh my memory. Was there was a witness to Felipe running over Pedro’s mother, someone who knew about it besides Josie?] Mexico had capital punishment until 1957, so maybe Felipe could be strung up.

    Javier comes to see David, accusing him of knowing that his grandfather was murdered. David doesn’t meet his eyes and tells Javier that Lorena told him. Javier flies off the handle and tells David his father is behind it. They end up fighting. Mari breaks it up.

    Sofia comes to see her mother and discovers that her father beat her. Paulina says she just wanted them to postpone the wedding. Sofia blames herself. [Oh, please! Tell me they’re not going with Sofia marrying simpering Brandon to protect her mother.]

    I think some of Ale’s plans are starting to wear on Josie. She’s getting worse and worse, ever more despotic, having to control everyone and everything. She snarls at Nanny for suggesting that Sofia isn’t happy to get married. She accuses her of being the one who got Mari worked up about the will and about her marriage with Benjamin. She threatens her.

    Sofia tells Josie that her father beat her mother. Josie: Se lo buscó. (She asked for it.) Sofia tells Josie that she asked for her mother’s help; she doesn’t want to marry Brandon. She doesn’t love him, and he doesn’t appeal to her at all. Josie sits her down and tries another tack. People grow to love each other. Sofia says that what he does have is money. Chantal is chewing up the scenery. “Do you want your mother to keep suffering for your whims? That’s what will happen if you keep disobeying your father and me.”

    Javier comes to see the Count, who isn’t available just then. He tells Memo about his grandfather being killed. He flashes back to the scene with Alfredo and Ramiro on horseback. Left alone to wait for the Count, he grabs a convenient gun hanging on a wall.

    Gerardo has Mari meet with the “expert” who says her father’s will is completely legal. He tells her that Josie can be a pain but don’t look for cinco patas al gato que tiene cuatro. (Don’t look for 5 feet on a cat; or don’t borrow trouble.) He asks her if she’s more relaxed now.

    Violeta brings her suitcase of money to give to Memo for the Count to invest for her.

    Josie has lunch with Dylan to tell him it’s all fixed. The wedding is back on. He tells her he loves her. She tries to say they’re too old for such things. He tells her that, after the wedding, they’ll have time for each other. He plants a kiss on her.

    Javier is behind a tree and takes a shot at Ramiro, missing, of course. Shots are exchanged, and the only one wounded is Javier. Ale shows up to save the kid, the same way he saved the older woman hiding from Antonio near the old folk’s home. Javier is completely impulsive and stepping in it everywhere he goes. [Maybe Sofia should marry Brandon. Javier is a loose cannon.]

  21. #31 – Part 3 of 3

    Memo has arranged for a real handwriting expert to tell Mariana that the signature on the will was falsified. He points out what’s wrong with one of the parts of the signature. She tells him her husband found someone who said it was genuine. Expert: “Do you completely trust your husband?” Blank look by Mari. The expert offers to appear in court to testify about the fake signature.

    Josie comes to jump Antonio’s bones. She goes on again about the asco (disgust). [Come on! Dylan isn’t that disgusting. She’s just used to Uriel del Toro.] Antonio is shocked she didn’t tell him to take a hike. She says she can’t lose her best customer.

    Mari tells Memo she feels like she’s been a fool her whole life. “I let others fool me, control me.”

    Cayetana finds Mari waiting for Alejandro. Asks about the folder. Mari replies she doesn’t need paperwork to tell him the facts about the foundation. Cayetana’s friendly veneer slips right off her. She tells Mari she’s not there for the foundation, but as a pretext to see him. She says she’s interested in the Count and is looking for something. Eyes flashing, she reminds Mariana she’s married.

    Josie goes back for seconds with Antonio, and we see a certain fedora looking through a glass door.

    Caye asks Mari: “What have you come to see him about?” Mari tells her it’s personal. Caye: “I’ve kept quiet about your times alone with him, but…” Mari: “You’re in love with him, right?” Caye: “Stay away from him; someone could get hurt.” Mari ends up leaving.

    Ale gets the doctor he has on call for Javier’s gunshot wound.

    When Ramiro tells him what happened, Gerardo decides it was Vicente who shot at Ramiro. “They’ll have to teach him a lesson.”

    Pedro comes to smirk and gloat about what he saw. He says that he saw Josefina’s satisfied expression. Pedro was caught wrong footed when Antonio recognized his real identity, but now he feels better. He says they’re partners now, not just friends. “Your secret is safe with me.” [unless it’s to Pedro’s benefit to rat the two of them out]

    Caye keeps up her fit of jealousy, telling Lucretia that la descarada (shameless one) has her eye on Joaquín; and, what’s worse, he will let her. “Haven’t you seen how they look at each other?” Lucrecia tries to talk her off the ledge, telling her how beautiful and talented she is. Lucretia also says she's never seen anything untoward.

    Rodrigo tells Javier: “I trusted you with my suspicions and look what you did!” He makes him swear he won’t do that again.

    Rodrigo tells Ale he’s going to take his suspicions to the authorities. Ale tries to talk him out of it, saying it won’t go anywhere. Gerardo is the most powerful man in the state. Then Ale surprises me. He tells Rodrigo that he’s sure about waiting because he knows San Jacinto and how things work.

    He tells him they played together as children. He reminds him of the time they mixed it up with un zorillo (a skunk). Rodrigo finishes the story. “My father told us we couldn’t come inside the house until Christmas.” Ale looks at him. “I am Alejandro Gaitán.”

  22. conde
    Many thanks, Kat in SC, for stepping in at the last minute with this terrific recap! I confess that after I watched the episode, I went back to the scene with Josie and Antonio. I thought I had seen something in the background, but I wasn't sure. And yes, a second look confirmed that I hadn't imagined it, and it sure looked like Pedro. But I didn't catch the fact that Pedro had taken a photo. Thanks for pointing this out. I wonder what kind of mischief Pedro is likely to try. He'd really be messing with the wrong people. He probably doesn't know that Antonio ran after and killed the boy who saw him with Josie in the stable. And Josie is ten times more dangerous.

    I was surprised that Ramiro might accept Gerardo's notion that the person who shot at Ramiro was Vicente. Perhaps he's just reluctant to disagree with Gerardo, but even if he didn't get a good look at Javier, it's hard to mistake the slender boy for the, um, more full-figured Vicente.

    I'm surprised that Rodrigo confided in Javier. Javier turns out to be a first-class blabbermouth, and it's unlikely that this is the first time he's been this way.

    And I love your idea that Damon and Brendan might be attracted to Josie for the same mistaken reason Josie is interested in them: $$$!

  23. Juanita, I may have imagined a photo being taken. I thought I heard a telltale click last night when I watched but I was also seeing a quilt top at the time. I watched again this afternoon but was typing up the recap as I watched so i didn't pay as close attention.
    Novelera, you went all out on the recap. Good job. I guess next time I need to look at older posts.

  24. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. Fine job.

    On Josie finding Mari's dad and Dylan disgusting, I'm wondering if Josie's horrible mother pimped her out young Josie to older men. Even though Josie is now middle-aged herself, maybe she associates these older men with the abuse she endured. She's a horrible person with no empathy for others, but her own mother put her on this road.

    If Sofia turns out to be pregnant like we suspect, Javier will not be able to handle it without going hot-headed.

  25. conde

    Thanks so very much, Kat, for filling in for me when my regularly scheduled Tuesday recap didn't show up. Years ago I did the same thing; wrote a full recap and put it into an earlier Telemundo page. Just like last time, I woke up, looked for comments on what I'd done, y nada!

    I especially liked your aside about Josie and Dylan's talk: "Gee, Josie, manipulative and egotistical perfectly describes YOU."

    ITA in that it "looks like Josie is going to marry Dylan" because her empire is falling apart (thanks to Ale). If she lived in the 21st century, she'd have the bruja on speed dial.

  26. Conde #32
    Rodrigo is shocked to learn who conde is. He realizes Ale repaid his father's debts and many others. Why did you return? Conde responds with his favorite refrain. "For justice". Rod wonders if it is against the Villarreal's, he affirms yes, and amongst others. Rodrigo thanks him for all he did for his father and their family. (I don't know, if he hadn't returned I bet Alfredo would still be alive). Conde asks him to keep his identity secret and he promises. Then he asks to be included in his plans so he can help. Ale says no, but Rod comes back with, I took deserve to get justice for my father's murder.

    Mari and Paulina are together. Mari is venting about the false will but Paulina doesn't say much. Mari notices the bruise on her face and realizes Felipe beat Paulina

    David and Lorena...she is upset he and Javier fought. He reaches for her hand but she pulls away, no PDAs allowed. David just can't believe his father is an assassin. She wishes it was just them without political rivalries, etc.

    Paulina tells Mari that Felipe and Josefina approved an engagement between Sofia and the grandson of the American businessman. Mari i s like, but Sofia loves Javier. Paulina says Josefina has threatened to send Sofia back to France even though she is ill (I'm thinking this isn't the worst idea, Paulina should go with her, but I'm sure no money is accessible to her to run away with Sofia). Mari complains Josefina always pulls the strings of peoples lives like they are marionettes. Paulina confirms Felipe hurt her and shows her the welts from the belt on her arm. Poor Paulina doesn't want her daughter to suffer like Mari has suffered in an unhappy marriage. Mari is sad she never realized the inferno of a life Paulina has been enduring.

    Pedro asks Ric if he told the conde about his former life. Ric denies it. Pedro thinks he has to step up his courtship of Delores, even though he can't stand her voice, etc. he tells Ric Antonio knows who he really is and wants in on future businesses when Pedro gets his money.

    Paulina is admiring the painting of Amaranta in the hallway when Memo sees her. She admits to having problems at home and isn't in the mood to paint. Memo tells her painting might help her work through the problems and if she paints enough the conde will have an exposition of her work there at his Palacio. She smiles in wonder

    Pedro meets with Vic. Vicente is annoyed with Pedro for being seen with his daughter Delores and things aren't done that way in Mexico . What are your intentions? Pedro wants to formalize their dating with marriage. Vicente threatens him if he hurts his daughter....

    Paulina gazes out the window looking for inspiration when Amaranta comes in the room. She sees how Felipe hit Paulina and is angry. They kiss. Amaranta tells Paulina she loves her. Paulina says the same to Amaranta..

    Javier apologizes to Conde for taking the gun and acting so rabidly. Conde tells him his actions affect others who love him. He wants to facilitate Javier's relationship with Sofia. Javier wants to use his garden

    Gee is plotting with someone on the phone. Not positive what is going on here. Planting evidence against Vic I believe. Felipe is in the office with him and is worried about a war between them .

    Pedro is planning something with Antonio. Sounds like he wants to improve the quality of the women at the bordello and thus get richer clients. . Something is said about the girls being obliged to work there. I'm imagining different scenarios here as this convo is above my comprehension. I'm picturing stolen virgins from the country.

    Conde meets Ruben Cruz in a jail cell. In his latest disguise he claims to be his new lawyer. Ruben is confused. Lawyer Ale says he was assigned his case. He likes to take on cars for free. Ruben says he was set up for drug trafficking. Flashback to Pedro giving him a package to deliver.

  27. Conde #32 part 2

    Mari and Rodrigo discuss the bad feelings between their sons. Rod tells her Javier is upset because his grandfather's death wasn't an accident, it was murder and the primary suspect is her husband. Mari can't believe it. He goes into details about how the case was resolved in less than 24 hours by her husband's good friend in the police department. Rodrigo lists all the bad things Gerardo has done to his family and on top of that he unjustly arrested Alejandro Gaitan. Does his name mean anything to you?

    Ramiro tells Gerardo something about Alejandro at the prison he was sent to. (Not sure what.)

    Javier goes to see David and apologizes. They agree not to mention Alfredo's death. Javier has a big favor to ask him.

    Miguel confronts conde about political flyers being passed out without his approval. You are the only one with this kind of money. I don't want anything from anyone! Conde tells him to sit down. Informed citizens hurt nobody. You are the future of this country.

    David brings Sofia to the Conde's garden. Javier Officially proposed. They have a "marriage" ceremony with David and Lorena as witnesses.

    Lucretia visits Ruben in the jail ( after Ric and Conde tell her where to find him). She's been looking for Pedro. Where is he? Ruben tells her the truth about Pedro and the diamond, etc...shown in flashback scenes. Ric eavesdrops around the corner.

    Ramiro tells Ger what happened at Ale's prison.

    Ruben tells Lucretia the last place he saw Pedro.

    Conde advises Javier and Sofia to be patient. She is still a minor. When she is 18, then have a civil ceremony.

    Lucretia is back at the Palacio making tea for herself telling Ric she is worried about Pedro. He had a difficult childhood. He is like a son to me. I wonder if he has enough to eat. she still wants the count to find him.

    Violeta and Caye.they gossip about Josefina and Mari. She was going to elope with a campasino. More gossip. Caye is pensive

    ale is talking with Rodrigo at Rod's home and tells him about Javier's engagement. Don't worry about them conde has a plan!

    Paulina fondly recalls her time with Amaranta. Sofia comes in. Javier and I married.

    Mari confronts Felipe about his treatment of Paulina. She gives him fair warning to shape up or else.

    Paulina and the conde discuss Sofias symbolic marriage. Conde is going to help the 2 lovers.

    Pedro is in Antonio's office buying a pricey (fenced?) necklace.

    Last scene Ger and Vicente get bad news about their businesses on the radio.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family.

    Kat: Enjoyed reading your recap of last night's episode. More evilness & beatings ugh.

    I see Stupid Ass Lucrecia worrying about Scumbag Pedro again. Just kill off this nagging old goat already! I'm sick of seeing both of these pests.

    Ruben getting released from prison ? Wondering how Scumbag Pedro will handle this development ?

    Felipe channels his inner OJ Simpson: beating Paulina more violently.

    Mariana is very brave confronting Felipe like that. Why do I get the feeling that she's going to be violently beaten by Scumbag Villarreal soon ?

    Does anyone else want the Harrison's to loot ALL of Buji Joise's money ?

  29. Conde

    Gracias, Kat. Your recap pulled all my scattered threads together. I enjoyed your commentary. I hope Sofia, Paulina, Amaranta -- and Javier too, if he can keep his head -- all wind up in France.

    Looks like Lucretia is in for heartbreak whenever she finds Pedro. I have no idea what the Count and Ric intend for her.

    Pau was so right to demand Ale not make decisions about her daughter without talking to her first. I don't get the point of this nonbinding marriage ceremony, other than to calm down Javier and Sofia. But isn't it a false calm?

    I loved Ale showing up in nerdy spectacles as Ruben's pro-bona lawyer. I didn't see that coming.

    Niecie: Lucrecita is STUPID & naive. I do NOT feel sorry for her ass at all. Just annoying.

    As for Scumbag Pedro: He's due to getting a Karma anvil & potentially a DEADLY one soon. Big question is how long will Telemundo drag this Telenovela out ?

  31. Conde
    Thanks Niecie. I'm with you on the Javier/Sofia plot. On the drive to "work" this morning I was thinking of the carriage rides to Gretna Green underaged girls took in Regency England. I think the Scots also had a system where if you declared yourself no longer married 3 times in public the marriage was over. Since Josefina is stuck with her archaic mindset of controlling her family, the two would have eloped at the first opportunity. I think the wedding ceremony was to calm youthful hot headed behavior. It sounds like she doesn't have many more months to wait until she is 18. If the other wedding proceeds she needs to stand firm and say no at the ceremony.

    I'm going to watch the last bit at baby's nap time to see what that last scene was about. If I wait till the next day English CC is available on DVR.

    Steve, I can't find any info on the length of this TN.

  32. conde

    Loved your recap, Kat. And yes, too bad Paulina, Sofia, and the now calmed down Javier can't just go off to France together. Sigh. I'm not sure I can take many more scenes of brutality like the one with Felipe beating Pau.

    I too was somewhat confused about the scene where Pedro is talking to Antonio about getting new girls in to attract wealthy sleazeballs. I think the problem Pedro sees is that at the moment, the clients are workers who don't leave much money. He says he'd like to attract powerful people--"like your mistress." Oops, Antonio doesn't appreciate that remark and warns Pedro not to say anything further about Josefina or Antonio will start calling him Pedro again. What I don't understand is what kind of new women Pedro wants to bring in. It sounded to me like they were lower-class girls, but I don't see how that would attract wealthy clients. Oh well.

    Apparently neither Ric nor Memo knows why el Conde wants to get Ruben out of jail. Nor do I.

    Gotta run...Thanks again for the great recap!

    Juanita: I've got a gut feeling that Alejandro letting Ruben out of prison will backfire on him down the road.

    On Scumbag Pedro: Something tells me that lower-class girls will be prostitutes in Pedro & Antonio's new business scheming racket. I want to see Bratty Dolores getting her Karma anvil so badly that I can taste it just to see that evil smirk getting wiped off her face.

    PS: Alejandro's revenge plan is too damn slow.

  34. Conde

    Thanks to Kat and novelera for their Tuesday recaps. Javier’s hot temper is troubling. I hate the way he tore into Sofi about Brendan. Someone mentioned if Brendan would be a better match for Sofi.

    Thanks, Kat, for the Wednesday recap. I like how you’re thinking.

    “(I don't know, if he hadn't returned I bet Alfredo would still be alive)”. I’ll take that bet.

    “(I'm thinking this isn't the worst idea, Paulina should go with her, but I'm sure no money is accessible to her to run away with Sofia).” The Count can fund their escape and Amaranta can join them.

    I hope Rodrigo can play it cooler than Alfredo.

    Pedro wanted to lure young virginal girls from the countryside with the vague offer of work. He thought that would bring in big bucks from the perverted higher-class client. He kind of hinted that Pedro’s mature and experienced workers were only good enough for the lower working class. Anyway, young and virginal doesn’t last long in that business.

    Gerardo called the authorities on the location of Vic’s poppy fields and they were raided. He’s setting out to ruin Vic. Can’t remember exactly but either Felipe or Ramiro or both advised against it. It could backfire.

  35. previous comment should read "Antonio's mature and experienced workers".

  36. Conde

    More clarification. Gerardo arranged for the authorities to discover Vicente's opium fields in the Golden triangle are( or wherever they said). The final scenes was a news report about them burning the fields. Ger is happy, he tells Felipe this will dry up Vicente's stream of money.Vicente is irate as Chau silently is in the office with him. Someone snitched on him.

    The new women Pedro wants to bring in are ignorant peasant girls that they will make obliged to work for them. Rich perverts will pay well for girls that do disgusting things with them.

    I almost believe Sofia thinks she really is married. The way she told her mother led me to that conclusion. There were some maids that witnessed it along with Conde, Lorena and David. She may be naive enough to think it is real. At any rate this will give her the fortitude to refuse the marriage to Brendan.

    Kat: If you have to guess, which of the large group of Antagonists do you see going down first ?

  38. The only reason I can see to let Ruben out is to have him run into Pedro and mess up the whole ‘marquis’ con, but I wasn’t sure why el Conde is out to get Pedro. He didn’t do much. Sure, he murdered one person, but she wasn’t someone we knew well and didn’t seem very likeable anyway. But if he’s going to scam/force girls into becoming sex workers then his possible redemption is over. Maybe he and papa Felipe can share a cell and get to know each other.


  39. I’m also surprised that Antonio would go along with Pedro’s plan. Antonio isn’t good, but he’s not THAT bad, relative to others on the show. He kept Vio’s money safe and he sometimes doesn’t seem to like Josi all that much so there’s redeamability there, deep down.


  40. Excellent recap, Kat. And that was a very good point that Alfredo would be alive if the Count hadn't revealed himself to him and ignited Alfredo's virtuous anger at Gerardo.

    Yes, Pedro's plan is luring young, virginal girls from the campo to appeal to the tastes of jaded old rich guys who aren't into Antonio's usual offerings. These girls would believe they were being offered jobs.

    Are they trying to say there's a poisoned bloodline here: Josie→Felipe→Pedro? Pedro definitely sealed his telenovela fate with that scheme to con innocent village girls.

    You could kind of see some wheels turning in Gerardo's head when he was told that the warden drowned and there wasn't much information about Alejandro Gaitán

    Hmmm. I got the sense that Josie and Dylan had planned a wedding in the not-too-distant future. I have no idea whether under 18 weddings were legal and/or approved by the authorities in 1952, but I suspect the church would have certainly blessed a quick wedding if the bride-to-be were preggers or if the parents were influential.

    What Antonio said to Pedro about the necklace the sleazy "jeweler" brought was that the guy's trade was grave robberies. And...why not a ring?

    Yes, the amapola (poppy) fields being burned up was what had Vicente's eyes bugging out. The Golden Triangle is a large, mountainous region of approximately 77,000 sq mi in northeastern Myanmar, northwestern Thailand and northern Laos. I found it odd they used that description in the context of punishing Vicente. I had the impression that Vicente's poppy fields were in Mexico. Pretty hard to believe Gerardo could do that in Asia.

  41. Conde
    Steve, I tend to avoid watching TNs with really bad antagonists so I don't have enough experience in the genre to speculate. One of the more minor bad guys I assume, Ruben, Ramiro perhaps.
