
Monday, August 12, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Ellas Soy Yo - Week of Aug. 12, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 20-22

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. Marea wasn't shown tonight in my market. Next scheduled is tomorrow and it says it is episode 22. Anyone get to see it tonight?


    Luisa has been shot and falls unconscious to the floor. Marcelo jumps out of bed to assist her. Luisa is not injured seriously. It seems the bullet grazed her shoulder and she ends up released with her arm in a sling in no time at all. Marcelo signs his own release and although he can barely walk, he joins Luisa in her search for Natalia.

    Zaid is promptly arrested for discharging a firearm in a public place but is released just as quickly by Ordóñez, the crooked prosecutor, because of the connections he has.

    Natalia is hiding in plain sight in a princess tent on the beach by the hotel. A vendor from the beach sees her and offers to help her hide from her family. He takes her down the beach to a more secluded spot and leaves her there as he goes for food for her.

    Santiago finds out from Leonor that she got a note from somebody who is willing to tell her where she can find Natalia for 100,000 pesos. He tells her to forget about it but he himself leaves the money in an envelope at the designated place. He recognizes the guy who picks it up. He agrees to take him to Natalia for some more money. After Santiago is taken to Natalia, he offers to hide her from her parents at the hotel. On the way up to the room via the back stairs, she drops her stuffed bunny.

    Camila insists on keeping Gael prisoner as she waits for her money. Gael's parents have all of their classmates mobilized and looking for him. Camila and Iñaki express their concern to his parents. What they do not know is that his parents have been informed by an "unknown" that the police will be able to trace the phone call from the kidnappers TODAY. They should have news soon.

    Luisa and Marcelo are overcome with their love with each other but Luisa cannot see any way out of her situation.

    More girls want those special casino passes from Ana.

    Zaid proves what a tool he is. After Luisa is accidentally shot due to his bringing a gun to and going berserk at the hospital and after venting his jealousy because of her going to search for her daughter with Marcelo, Zaid tries to put the moves on her and is seriously offended when she is not interested in the least. She cannot believe how out of touch he is and goes to sleep on the couch.

    Marcelo finds Natalia's stuffed bunny and knows she must be in the hotel no matter what anyone says. Luisa refuses it could be Zaid. Marcelo asks if she had an argument with anyone. She admits she did with Santiago.

    Marcelo, Luisa and Zaid all gang up on Santiago demanding that he tell them where Natalia is. Looks like he could go over the balcony. (Isn't that how his father was killed ? . . . just saying)

    Leaving a seven year old in a hotel room by herself is not a good idea. Natalia has fun jumping all over the bed and running around the room. She lets the bath tub overflow and doesn't know how dangerous a turned on hair dryer that has fallen in that bath tub can be.


  3. Kat, it was on here in Chicago. Univision’s #20 seemed to be a combo of original episodes #20/#21. Numbering always gets weird when they start to slice and dice.

  4. Marea
    Thanks jarifa. I managed to see most of it on Univision in 3 10 minute disjointed segments. Seems a bad episode to slice and dice. I wondered if the girls wanted passes from Ana. I didn't have any CC's so I was really struggling watching the show. In my market they are showing 22 tomorrow and 25 Thursday. No idea what is playing in it's place tonight or Wednesday.

  5. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for your wonderful recap.

    I was relieved Luisa wasn't seriously wounded especially as it appeared the bullet had lodged somewhere far lower than her shoulder.

    "Zaid proves what a tool he is" was exactly right. I can't believe he managed to hide how repulsive he is from Luisa all these years. Looks like she is finally catching on.

    Too bad Marcelo didn't beat Santi to a pulp although it was gratifying to see him on his back looking " he could go over the balcony. (Isn't that how his father was killed ? . . . just saying)". :) If only!

    I had to smile at "Natalia is hiding in plain sight in a princess tent on the beach by the hotel" which was perfect.

    Inaki is such a nervous Nellie, I'm surprised he didn't turn Camila in. Regardless, looks like her karma is coming.


  6. MAREA

    Diana, thanks. It seemed like Luisa was in and out of the hospital in 15 minutes but then I realized it was a “sliced and diced” episode. There were so many commercials last night, it seems like we got the very barest of bones of those two episodes. Anyway, I am not really complaining. I fear that Iñaki is going to be swept up by the police for being just as guilty as Camila but then again he is. These two are the epitome of magical teenage thinking. Anyway, I have to admit I am enjoying this novela.

  7. MAREA

    Kat, it looks like Uni is going to be creatively editing more episodes this and next week. Sorry to see this is nothing new.

  8. Marea

    Jarifa, I got the TNs I'm watching mixed up and was thinking how in the world will I be able to do my Wednesday recap (Conde) when I'm not getting the episodes. I think Marea airs at 9 so I have it and Conde in my YouTube library. That way I can watch both from 10-11 as they seem to throw 30 minutes of commercials in each episode. The library allows me to FF thru the commercials. I wish ViX or Univision would show the missing episodes in the middle of the night perhaps. My DVR would then save it for me.

    The clips I saw were weird. I saw the scene with the flooding tub and hair dryer 3 times out of order. Your recap was so helpful.

  9. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa. I was away and watched all of the episodes I missed in two days. Then read the recaps.

    I’m not sure why Santiago hid Natalia. He was so unconcerned when she was missing. When she then told him she wanted to hide from her parents he hid her. I thought it was stupid when her parents were worried sick, but maybe he wanted to get even with Luisa.

    Marcelo was near death hours before and Natalia was shot shortly before, but they both head out looking for her. And Zaid won’t call the police because Felipe is on the police force.

    Zaid is losing control and I feel Luisa will soon be investigating him. Not sure how he fooled her all these years. And why doesn’t Ana confide in her sister about what Zaid did? My guess is that Leonor knows exactly who Zaid is. Except the changed feelings for Natalia would seem to say she thinks Marcelo is the murderer.

    Can’t get too interested in the kidnapping.

    Why does Maria want to tell Marcelo who his dad is? And what did she ever see in Juan? And why does Juan feel he has the right to tell her she can’t date? Inquiring minds want to know.


  10. Marea
    I figured out I can download the Univision app and I watched episodes 20 and 21 in its entirety this morning. Is cutting scenes their way of encouraging us to download the app? Clears up lots of questions. Some of the unaired scenes involved Nora. I think her husband threatened to take her son away from her, and she couldn't come back to their home. The Dr. Gave her detailed instructions on the baby's diet and medicines needed. She is shown pushing a stroller and a lady from a battered women's shelter is giving her advice and a place to live.

    Early in episode 20 Juan's family are eating breakfast together. Camila is trying to relate to her list sister, but since she never knew her it is hard. Mom says let's do something together as a family and (. To everyone's shock) and the next scene they are packing up Sofia's (is that the lost sister's name, I forget).
    Their son is searching through a desk searching for something. He finds some keys. I guess he wants to break out of rehab. The girl that is helping him talks him down off the proverbial cliff.

    Something unusual I noticed in a scene with Leonora, one of their art pieces is a giant clothes pin!

  11. MAREA

    Liz, wow! That was some “Watchathon” ! I do not know why Santiagp hid Natalia either. He seems to be a nasty individual who likes to make others suffer. I agree that Leonor knows exactly who Zaid is. I am betting that those two had an affair and they plotted her husband’s death together. Loved your questions.

  12. MAREA

    Kat, thanks for the extra info. It will be helpful in understanding what is going on with those plots. Unfortunately, Univision editing episodes out of existence is nothing new. It has been going on for years. It seems to me that they have certain dates in mind to start new novela programming based on criteria we are not privy to and are always focused on the next new thing. Almost every novela ends up being “trimmed” here and there. They usually have to cut some minutes out of individual episodes of all novelas to make room for those 18-19 minutes of commercial time every hour.

  13. OT
    Jarifa, I was pleasantly surprised in the app. The commercial breaks were generally 30 seconds long, with maybe 1 at a minute. Not quite as satisfying as skipping the commercials all together but that makes 30 seconds to do anyhow....I'll put up with a commercial as that is what pays the salaries and bills. I'll put it on my tablet so I can see it on a bigger screen than my phone when I go home today after babysitting (in case anyone wonders how I have the time to watch during the day, lol. Back to just the 17 month old as her brothers first day of Kindergarten is today) RE the trimmed scenes, I've been watching some where the storyline derails because it is successful and they want it to last longer and then it ruins a good story....

  14. MAREA

    Kat, I have seen those novelas, also, where a good story is ruined because they just want those extra 20? 40? , etc.episodes to keep bigger advert $$$ rolling in.

  15. MAREA DE PASIONES #21 Page 1

    Santiago gives in and tells them that Natalia is in room 1007. His excuse is was that he was only trying "to help" her. Nobody believes him. Marcelo, Zaid and Luisa all rush there to see the danger of electrocution she is in from the water on the floor. She is afraid of Marcelo but her confidence in her bio dad returns when he rushes in and saves her. She is left confused but Marcelo helps the situation by telling her she can call both him and Zaid dad. She can have two dads. He tells her that he did not kill her grandfather but he needs to prove it. He wont' be seeing her for now but hopes that the next time they do see each other, she will be proud of him. He will alway be thinking about her. Marcelo reminds Luisa that at one time they thought that if he could be found innocent they might be able to give their romance another try. She tells him that is no longer an option. She has created a life with Zaid and in Natalia's eyes, Zaid is her father and her (Luisa's) companion for life. They wish each other the best.

    Gael's family and friends are still at the police dept. demonstrating for more help in finding Gael. Iñaki and Camila are still there. A couple of Ana's classmates ask her for those special passes to the casino. She reluctantly gives them three. Camila texts Gael's parents to see if they are going to come through with the money or if they are going to get rid of their son. She asks them for a sign, some thing symbolic. Gael's mother raises a banner above her head and shows it around as she nervously looks at the crowd. As his mother goes down the stairs with the banner around her neck, Iñaki and Camila express their support to her again. Camila thinks that her wearing the banner is a sign that Gael's parents are coming through with the money.

    Juan appears at María's and is a pain since Cris is there. He offers to be the source of capital that Cris needs for his eco resort project. Cris tells him he is not interested but Juan doesn't give up on that and makes it clear he to María that he isn't giving up on her either. She isn't interested.

  16. MAREA Part 2

    Felipe talks to Zaid at his office. Felipe asks him if he ever asked Beatriz to work at his hotels. Zaid says he never did and that told him that already. Her father works at the hotel. Felipe asks him if he knows about the laws that restrict the casino in certain ways. Zaid remarks that he thought this conversation was about Beatriz who he considers to be a woman of impeccable character. He wonders what the Prosecutor's Office would have against her. Felipe says that is confidential but he is looking into an illegal transfer of a large quantity of money but then again Zaid's casino is legal. Zaid invites him to look wherever he wants as long as he has a court order. Felipe assures him he will surprise him some day with that search warrant. Zaid calls Ordóñez about Felipe's visit. Ordóñez says he didn't send him but another prosecutor named García did. Zaid wants him to let him know if Felipe obtains a search warrant for the casino or hotel.

    Luisa finds out that Nora 's husband divorced her and is now trying to get custody of her child all due to Santiago's actions. Luisa promises to protect her. She is going to convince Santiago that he is sick either the easy or the hard way. Nora says it will be the hard way because she cannot afford to be involved in any other legal entanglements. Luisa tells her she will represent her in her custody battle. Luisa pays Santiago a visit in his office and tells him off. He doesn't take her seriously. She tells him he is sick because he needs control over people. She pities him. It makes her sick seeing who he, her brother, is turning into. She warns him to keep his distance from her and her daughter. If he doesn't, he has no idea what she is capable of. Zaid pays Santiago a visit after thinking what he was going to do with him after what he did to Natalia. Santiago cannot say anything to change the situation and Zaid punches him below the belt. He tells Santiago, as he crumples from the pain, that he doesn't want him as his enemy so he better stay away from his wife and child.

    Leonor tells Isela that Natalia's bio dad is Marcelo. She is shocked and disgusted when Isela has the same reaction that she did at first when she found out that Marcelo was Natalia's father. Later, Leonor admits to Luisa she is still working on her relationship with Natalia but it is not easy.

    Beatriz visits Felipe at work to clarify their relationship. They admit that they are both into each other. Nothing will stop them.

    Felipe tells Enzo that he is going to investigate Sofía Marrero's disappearance. Enzo advises him against it since their superior would not approve. Felipe finds in the Resolved Case files, that in 1997 a child trafficking criminal cell on the coast was dismantled. That happens to be the same year that Sofía disappeared. It also is the same year in which Juan declared bankruptcy. Felipe thinks there is a lot of investigation to be done with people who were there at the time.

    María's supervisor in the fields goes home for his brother's funeral.She says she can manage the workers on her own.

  17. MAREA Part 3

    Luisa talks with another female worker named Ivonne about Nora and discovers that Santiago has been sexually harassing women for a long time. Rumor has it that those women are transferred to other hotels or are fired without cause when they resist or threaten to cause problems. Luisa asks Ivonne to get those women's files ASAP. When Santiago is out of his office, Ivonne slips in and starts to search. Santiago walks in and wonders what she is doing.

    Ana and Roberta don't like Zaid controlling them. Roberta has a plan. She calls Luisa who doesn't know her and tells her that she (Luisa) is sharing her bed with a criminal. He not only administers an illegal casino but he trafficks in drugs and prostitutes women to his best customers. Luisa needs to get him out of her life or there will be a high price she and her family will pay.

    Marcelo tells Helena that he is done with Luisa because he wants to be with her. Helena is happy. Marcelo thinks he has two options to prove he is innocent. He could go with Bardo down in Colombia or go with Ordóñez who investigated the robbery at the Grajales house. Helena later plans a romantic supper and tells Marcelo that he is going to be a father.


  18. Marea
    Thanks Jarifa. You cleared up a few things. I thought Roberta was calling Ana's friends about the casino drugging girls and they were in danger. After her call to Luisa she should make those other calls. Your recap was so thorough I don't have not much to add or question.

  19. Thanks, Kat. Some days I have more time than others. Any input is always appreciated.

  20. MAREA

    Jarifa, another exceptional recap - thank you so much for taking the time to create such a well written, informative summary...

    "She has created a life with Zaid and in Natalia's eyes, Zaid is her father and her (Luisa's) companion for life". Luisa is stuck in a viper's nest isn't she? Not one kind, compassionate (or honest) person in her life. Except for Marcelo who it seems is now out of it.

    I am not hating Helena, I rather like her and feel sorry for her. Leonor and Isela? Neither like nor pity :).

    Gael's mother gave Camila and Inaki a look that would skewer a wild boar. The net is getting tighter.

    I'm fascinated by Sofia's story and hope they start concentrating on it more. Missing Afredo Gattica too!


  21. Marea

    Thanks so much for the great recap Jarifa. Hopefully Luisa will investigate both husband and brother.

    I’m glad Natalia is back to liking Marcelo. He’s got too many enemies. He saves her life but Zaid is unmoved by that. I’m just surprised Zaid loves Natalia, the child of his rival and enemy. Maybe he’s happy just thinking he’s got the people Marcelo loves.

    Loved grandma Leonor getting mad at Isela for the same reason her feelings cooled with Natalia.

    Helena is going to pass off Zaid’s baby as Marcelo’s. And I assume she still works for Zaid. Hard to like her.

    I’m surprised Ana gave more passes away. She should at least warn them to be careful. And not to drink!


  22. MAREA

    Diana, thanks. I also feel sorry for Helena. How many victims will Zaid have before the end of this? I do admit though when he punched that fellow- sicko Santiago, I enjoyed it. Now if only someone would do the same thing to him. Guess we will have to wait a while. ; /

  23. Thanks, Liz. Yes, that was odd seeing Isela react the same way Leonor did. It was an interesting twist. I also found it disturbing that Ana gave those passes away so freely without warning her classmates. Yikes!

  24. MAREA DE PASIONES #22 Page 1

    Univision's #22 is a combination of the original episodes #23 and #24.

    Wow! What an episode! Name clarification: The police investigator who investigated the robbery of the Grajales house while they were in Colombia is

    Helena tells Marcelo she is pregnant. He is happy. They kiss. Theirjoy is short-lived when Helena asks Marcelo if he has gotten over Luisa. It turns out he hasn't and the best he can offer to Helena now is to be there for her and the baby.

    María tells Luisa how hard of a time Natalia is having coming to terms with having two fathers. Luisa promises to talk to her. María also asks Luisa to leave Marcelo alone so he can find some happiness.

    Ivonne tells Santiago she is cleaning up the office because the cleaning woman isn't there. He doesn't suspect anything and takes advantage of the situation to get "handsy" with her. She turns the folders over to Luisa.

    Luisa tells her mother about the anonymous phone call coming from inside the hotel warning her about Zaid allowing crimes to be committed at the casino. Leonor thinks it must have something to do with whoever sent her the note trying to extort money from her for the return of Natalia. Luisa wants to go to the hotel to investigate but Leonor talks her out of it. The hotel is open to anyone to call from anywhere. Leonor has never seen anything out of the norm a the casino. It becomes clear that Luisa is having her doubts about Zaid after the phone call and talking to Marcelo. Leonor defends him to the nth degree.She reminds her that Santiago always says there aren't a lot of men like Zaid. Luisa doesn't want to hear what Santiago thinks and tells her about how Santiago had hidden Natalia at the hotel to blackmail her. Leonor is SHOCKED. Luisa evidently tells Leonor about the sexual harassment and that she wants them to fire Santiago (rough edit here aka they cut a little too much) When Leonor is hesitant about her decision, Luisa tells her to think if one of these women were her daughter and nobody did a thing. Leonor is going to leave it up to Luisa. and adds that they need to think about the hotel and its reputation. Leonor reminds her that Zaid loves her and is loyal to her. Luisa agrees.

  25. MAREA Page 2

    Beatriz tells Felipe that she doesn't want to cause him any problems at his job. He informs her that she is the prime suspect. He tells her to get rid of any incriminating evidence she might have before he finds it. They kiss.

    Luisa reads the files of the women who Santiago sexually harassed and who were forced to leave their jobs. The next morning, she shows up with the folders that Santiago is desperately searching for. Luisa confronts him about his sexual harassment of employees. He defends himself saying he did all of the women a favor.,He sarcastically calls Luisa "Sor Luisa" (Sister Luisa) and a "femi-nazi". Luisa tells him how sick he is and fires him. He runs to his mommy Leonor for help but there is none. Leonor tells him she cannot risk him being accused of sexual harassment and the hotel covering for him. If any one of the women charge him, he is on his own. He blames his mother for never protecting him from his father making him feel like a nobody and calls Natalia a bastard. Luisa runs him out of the office.

    Gael's parents are being interviewed by the police. They wonder who could have it in for him. Who did he have a disagreement with? Was it a case of a romance gone bad? An STD? Shortly thereafter, Camila is taken in for questioning. The interrogator says it is known that she humiliated Gael in front of everyone. She days that Gael deserved it and that after that she stopped talking to him. He thinks she knows more than what she is telling. She asks wouldn't it make more sense for him to have kidnapped her if he thought she had given him the papilloma virus. He thinks she sounds rehearsed. She complains about being dealt with like a criminal. She starts to talk too much and slips up saying that isn't the way . . . . (supposedly things happened???) She quickly corrects herself and deflects her mistake but the interrogator notices her mistake. He says he will be in contact if he needs to talk to her again. Afterwards, she meets with Iñaki. She is worried she incriminated herself. He only cares about her. He wants them to be novios for real. They kiss. They go to see Gael, still tied up at the country house, who is upset that they do not have the money form his parents so he can get out of there. He is going to refuse to eat. Camila tells Iñaki to make him a couple of sandwiches.

    Marcelo wants to find the Ordóñez folder on the Grajales robbery when they were in Colombia.Ordóñez was the officer who investigated the case. Zaid is kept up to date on his progress from Robledo. Felipe gets the folder from a judge but Zaid arranges for it to be stolen by two guys on motorcycles. Everyone tells Felipe that Ordóñez is dead but it turns out that he was fired for corruption and now is working as a private investigator in Mexico City. The female prosecutor tells Robledo she has the feeling that Felipe wants to go looking for Ordóńez in Mexico City. Robledo ends up giving Felipe the folder back to . He and Marcelo conclude that Robledo must have changed some of the information in it. Robledo calls Zaid and tells him that he changed the info in the folder making it seem like Ordóñez is dead. Robledo asks why Ordóñez is so important. Zaid says that he worked for Grajales and there are many things that have not been told. Marcelo has decided to go to Mexico City and find Ordóñez. Zaid gets wind of that and Robledo says he will get a court order limiting Marcel to travel within their state.

  26. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa tells Zaid about the anonymous phone calls and the accusations. She trusts Zaid but is concerned about bad PR coming form some unknown source. He blames Marcelo and is offended that she would bring any of this up to him. Zaid calls Benjamīn and tells him that the casino will be closed tonight even for the VIP customers. There is no need for the security guards.

    Felipe tells the female prosecutor that there is no new evidence when it comes to the Beatriz Marrero case. The only thing left is to search her house. Shortly thereafter, he shows up at Isela and Juan's house with a search warrant.

    Helena meets in the stairwell at the hotel to talk with Zaid. She is done working for him. She wants to make a new life with Marcelo. Surprise: He wants to know about the trip to Mexico City Marcelo is making. She insists that she will not give him any more info on Marcelo and if he threatens her, she will charge him with rape. Her evidence is the baby she is carrying. The episode ends with Zaid pushing her down the stairs. She is unconscious at the bottom of the stairwell.


  27. MAREA CORRECTION: First Paragraph:
    I will NEVER get the names straight in this one. The name of the police investigator of the robbery was Ordóñez. The crooked present day prosecutor is Robledo.

  28. Excellent: all of the plots seem to be just zipping along. Zaid has a line on everyone! For me, the most satisfying part of the episode was seeing Santiago confronted and fired. The most unbelievable was Camila and Iñaki still holding Gael prisoner. The whole kidnapping has been a joke from the beginning. Could they kill Helena off after her fall? That would be a different kind of twist. If she lives, I hope the fall didn’t cause a miscarriage and Zaid is foiled.m

  29. MAREA


    As always you explained the details in crystal clear clarity. Thank you for this amazing recap.

    After years of TN watching, I should have quickly realized Zaid was going to throw Helena down the stairs but I did not see it coming. I was engrossed in their conversation (what little I understood) I actually gasped. I felt so badly for her.  There are no words to describe Zaid. "Santiago always says there aren't a lot of men like Zaid". No, thank God there aren't.

    Is there any woman Santiago isn't "handsy" with? "femi-nazi" made me ill. He is just sickening. Lecherous without any charm whatsoever. Luisa moved quickly and decisively to get him fired. I am liking her more and more. At least Leonor didn't block her from doing so, a bit of a surprise there.

    I'm surprised the police aren't having Camila followed.

    I'm really starting to enjoy this but that's all thanks to you for explaining everything so perfectly.


  30. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana, you are too kind! I wasn’t expecting much from this and it has turned into a pleasant summer surprise. Even the creative edits haven’t annoyed me. Great point about how the police should be following Camila. I didn’t expect Luisa to follow through and fire Santiago. She can have a mind of her own! I am liking her more, too. Sure was interesting that Leonor agreed that sexual predator Santiago had to go, as long as she didn’t have to do it, because he could leave them legally libel threatening the family $$$ I am sure.

    Jarifa, Diana, UA, SpanProf, Darcy, Weirdo, & Co.,: Have y'all been watching this Telenovela with the lovely Scarlet Gruber ?

    Jorge Poza does a good job portraying jackasses & jerks especially in this Telenovela.

  32. GLORIA

    Steve, ITA about Jorge Poza excelling in portraying the jerk character. I am not watching Gloria because I do not like bio-series.

  33. Marea
    Since you warned us it was a combined episode I decided to watch the app and get the full story.

    One thing your recap didn't touch on so I assume it was cut scenes, is the Chris storyline. Maria Ines runs into him in her garden. He came because Marcelo asked him for help going to Mexico city. He looks confused and spaces out. He tells her it's not a good time for him to help then walks home. I guess they are neighbors Later scene he is lost in the woods. Calls someone for help. Back at his house his Dr. is checking his vitals. Turns out he has Alzheimer's. He wants to continue living at home and seeing his eco hotel come to fruition. I think the Dr. says he has maybe 7 or 8 years before he will lose all his faculties. I'm surprised they cut it but I guess it can be explained in later episodes.

  34. MAREA

    Thanks, Kat, for the info on Cris. We saw none of that.
