
Thursday, August 01, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of July 29, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    I finished last night's episode. Oh boy, how I wished that Antonio took that shovel, hit Josie upside the head, and buried her in Rosario’s pit.

    I'll have Thursday's episode up tomorrow morning.

  2. conde

    I was just thinking some more about last night's episode, and especially Pau's saying to Mari that she hoped "perhaps our children will find the happiness that eluded us." I am assuming that by the end of the novela, Mariana will finally find the happiness that eluded her for so many years, but just now I found myself thinking about Pau, and that perhaps she too may find happiness. I don't see this happening if she's still married to Felipe, but if she's not, perhaps with Memo? Several times he has expresed his concern about Pau to El Conde....
    Just a thought.

  3. conde #23 part 1

    Pedro claims he was born in Spain. [did he try a Spain Spanish accent?] Antonio laughs, he can’t be fooled that easily. I know you, he says, remember you told me your whole life story when you were drunk—over and over? Antonio basically tells Pedro he’s screwed when they find out he’s passing for someone else. [the language was edited out, I don’t know exactly what Antonio said.] Antonio wants to know how Pedro pulled it off. Pedro says he’ll tell, but Antonio must promise he will keep the secret. He adds, you and I can do business together. Antonio is interested.

    Alfredo asks Ale for the story the Aguilars’ murder. Ale is reluctant, it happened so long ago. Alfredo wants to know because he also got involved [Alfredo’s defense of Ale that generated nasty rumors].

    Ale says he was near that place by chance. Flashback: we see Ruben and Vicente invite Ale to have a drink. That’s when there were shots. Ale ran in that direction, and he found Gonzalo and his wife. Ale continues, I managed to see the guy who shot them. He had his face covered and I ran after him. We fought. The only thing I could do was hurt his arm. He dropped the gun and ran and that was when the cops showed up.

    Alfredo asks if Ale knows who ordered the killing. Ale says he has suspicions but he’s waiting until he has evidence. He’ll keep Alfredo posted.

    Mari and Miguel meet. She wants to support David and Lorena’s relationship and says they should keep it a secret until after the election. Miguel agrees, he’s worried about the press finding out. Mari knows that would be a disaster. Miguel notes that Lorena wants to be a doctor and David wants to be a journalist. They both know their children are stubborn and it would be no use to try and separate them.

    Mari says time will tell if it’s infatuation or something serious. If they are still together after the election, then it can go public. They both say they will keep this from their spouses.

    Pau has a very beautiful conversation with Sofia. She asks Sofia why she doesn’t want to return to France. She wants the truth this time. Sofia senses her mom already knows the reason. Pau admits that Mari told her. Pau says she waited for Sofi to tell her, but she can’t wait any longer. And if Mari told, it’s because she cares for Sofi.

    Pau admits she feels a bit hurt that Sofi didn’t tell her. She asks, did you think I was going to oppose it? Sofi is surprised. Pau replies, I’m your mom, I know you better than anyone. I’ve known the Gallardos and they are good people.

    Sofi smiles, so you agree… Javier and I… Let’s see, Pau interrupts, first tell me what Javier’s intentions are. Sofi gushes, the best… he’s so cute and sweet. Pau says she will have a talk with him and his family and see. Mother - daughter hug.

    Josie has brought in a handwriting expert to compare her note to her mother’s letters. The expert says it’s a good fake but not a match. The forger is very talented. Josie hands him a roll of bills.

    Antonio to Josie: I told you so. Someone is playing a dirty game. They want you to think your mom is still alive. Josie asks him to go to the nursing home and find the woman who was pretending to be Rosario’s friend.

    Gerardo asks David to go with him to a campaign rally in the capital. David says he can’t. Gerardo stresses it’s important he gets used to this. Get used to it, David asks, what for? I don’t want to be a politician. [and there goes Gerardo’s newspaper.] Gerardo has it all planned for David. As soon as you finish law school, I’ll put you in charge of an organization to make you known. And then we will think about local representation. You’ll be the youngest representative in the country!

  4. conde #23 part 2

    David insists he’s not interested. Gerardo thinks David is being contrary. He doesn’t want to hear anymore and barks, you’re coming with me to the rally! And you’re going to participate in each of my activities. Punto!

    Pau comes to the Count’s house and is greeted by Amaranta. She tells Ama that the medicine the Count’s doctor gave her is working well. She adds that the Count offered her to set up a studio there. Ama offers her help. She could wash brushes, bring coffee, bring a snack, give a massage [be a nude model?] They laugh together. They smile at each other.

    Ama flirts, you look so pretty when you smile. Pau stops smiling and becomes flustered. Ama reaches out to touch Pau and Pau drops her paintbrushes. They both bend to pick them up and their hands touch. Ama says, I thought you came because you were happy to see me. It makes me very happy to see you.

    Ama moves in for a kiss! Pau doesn’t resist. Close to 10 seconds before Pau pulls away and puts her hand to her red lips in shock. Ama is sorry but she couldn’t help it. Now Pau is really flustered and says she has to go. Ama stops her and says forgive me. I thought you and I… Pau babbles, it’s ok, give my apologies to the Count. She hurries off. Maybe Ama wonders if she blew it.

    Antonio shows up at the nursing home. He bumps into an old woman with a suitcase on his way in. She quickly scurries away. He asks a nun about the woman in Room 23. The nun said the woman just left. Didn’t you see her? She had a red suitcase. Antonio takes off to find her.

    The woman drops the suitcase and tries to run. Antonio shouts after her. He can’t be sure which way she went. He tries opening a couple of doors. We see the woman hiding inside. A nun comes up behind Antonio. Looking for someone? Antonio gives up. We see that Ale is in hiding with the old woman. [what? Beanie time!]

    Ale asks the woman, why did you return? You had tickets, money. She came back for her suitcase because all her memories are in there. Ale says he will get it and send it to her. He will accompany her to the train.

    Ric catches Ama admiring Pau’s painting. He teases her. Ama tells him MYOB. Ric gives her advice, stay away from the Zambranos. They are dangerous. Many have been hurt. Ama says that Pau is another victim. Ric tells her to forget about Pau. He inquires if she has already asked [read] the cards. [I think she probably has.] I tell you because I love you, he says. You are the sister I never had. He gives her a kiss on the forehead.

    Pau arrives home, upset. Sofia comes in and asks, were you crying? Do you feel bad again? Pau says it’s a migraine. She took a pill.

    Antonio reads aloud from a newspaper article about Marquis Francisco Mendoza. Violeta visits. He asks, weren’t you mad at me? Yes, she’s still mad. She still thinks he’s a coward. She adds, if Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, the mountain will come to Mohammed. Antonio snarks, you want me to go to your home so your husband can kill us both?

    Vi says she can’t handle the situation. She had to get away. She changes the subject to the Marquis. Vi says if he wants to know more about him, she has all the gossip. She gives him the fake story. Then they catch up on “other business”.

    The photographer shows Gerardo the pictures he took of Miguel and the woman who ran into him. It’s just as Gerardo planned. He calls Miguel an idiot and naïve for falling so easily into the trap. Gerardo tells Felipe to take the photos to “their journalist” and have them published tomorrow. The photog gets a wad of bills.

  5. conde #23 part 3

    Mari tells Josie she already said everything she knows about the woman who claimed to be Rosario. She was convincing. She was sorry she abandoned you. Josie claims no one abandoned her. Her mother died when she was very young. Mari is sorry she doubted Josie.

    Mari wonders why the woman tried to fool her. Josie replies there are people out to destroy her. Mari asks why. What did you do to make someone come up with that story? [not enough time to list it all, this is only a 1-hour episode.]

    Josie chalks it up to envy because she’s a strong and successful woman. She calls Mari naïve. Mari has heard enough and turns to go. Josie stops her. If that woman contacts you again, let me know and I’ll send the police.

    Ale visits the ranch and walks through the fields where men are at work. He stops to talk with Ramiro. They are building some sort of boundary on Gerardo’s orders. Ale notices a scar on Ramiro’s arm. Is it the arm that was injured the night of the Aguilars’ murder? We get the flashback. Then the two men stare at each other.

    Ramiro asks, can I help you with anything else? Ale replies, I remember you. We saw each other at the Villarreals’ house. You are a security person. I see you are taking care of his land. You must be his trusted man. Ramiro answers it’s something like that.

    Ale says he’d like to have someone like Ramiro. He makes Ramiro a job offer. Ramiro seems flattered but he says he already has a job. Ale offers to double the pay. Ramiro is loyal to the Villarreals. Ale tells him to think about it and the offer will remain open.

    David is simmering over his father’s demands. He rants to Mari. Mari drags him away to a safer spot and tells him to calm down. He continues to rant. Mari has some news that will make David feel better. She tells him she met with Miguel, and he understood. David is grateful and hugs his mom. He wants to stop hiding.

    Mari cautions him to go slowly. Gerardo and Ernestina Aguilar can’t know about the relationship yet. She urges him not to ruffle Gerardo’s feathers and try to smooth things over with him. It will be easier for you, she tells him. Be strategic.

    David repeats he doesn’t want to be like Gerardo. I’m not a child anymore, he says, don’t ask me to indulge his every whim. Just give in a little, Mari replies, do what he wants to earn his trust. David asks, is that how you cope with your relationship with him? Giving in to everything?

    Ale is almost sure of his suspicions now. He tells Memo, if it’s so, the Villarreals were the ones who ordered the Aguilar murders. It seems I was right all this time. Memo asks, how did you know? Did someone tell you? I ran into Ramiro Menchaca in the fields, Ale replies, and I saw he had the scar I left on the murderer’s arm.

    What if he acted alone, Memo asks. Ale thinks Ramiro had no motive. But Gonzalo was a threat to the Villarreals. I was the scapegoat. Memo thinks that scar isn’t enough evidence. Ale agrees. Ale wants someone to watch the woman who lives with Ramiro.

    Carmen is leaving a building [is it the church?] and a woman recognizes her and walks after her. Carmen? Carmen freezes. The woman catches up to her. It’s a joyful reunion. [Is that the woman who dug her up?] She thinks Carmen looks great. She asks about Carmen’s life. Carmen says she works in an atelier. The woman [Leticia] is nice and lets her live with the family.

    The friend is happy to hear it because of the hell Carmen went through. She mentions Vic without mentioning his name. Carmen replies he’s married to a woman who is almost her daughters’ ages. Carmen is thrilled because she sees her girls. The woman asks if Vic knows she’s alive. Carmen looks terrified.

  6. conde #23 part 4

    David is sorry for his question. But he knows Mari doesn’t love Gerardo. Mari says that is between dad and me. It makes David sad to see Mari is not happy in her marriage. He says he doesn’t want to get married for any other reason but love. David leaves and Mari admits, he’s right. I don’t love Gerardo because I’m still in love with Alejandro Gaitan. My son’s father and the only man I’ve ever loved and will love the rest of my life.

    Linares brings Ale the photos of Miguel and the woman. He says, Padilla, the journalist, confirmed he has the testimony of several women who claim to have had romantic relationships with Miguel Aguilar. Linares asks, should we expose Aguilar? Or do we let people continue thinking he’s a perfect husband and father?

    Ale responds, I know I promised not to interfere in editorial decisions, but these photos and the report can’t be published. Linares asks why. Ale feels the photos have been doctored and wants an expert to look at them first. Linares says someone else might publish them. Ale says that’s their business, but he won’t risk publishing fake news.

    Carmen’s friend notes her reaction to Vic’s name. Carmen says Vic is powerful, he’s rich, he owns hotels. That’s strange, the friend replies, I heard he fled from here. Carmen says he went to the capital but returned. And now he’s rich and respectable. She’s worried about what he could do if he finds out she’s alive.

    The friend tells her to be careful. Carmen says she wants her daughters back and to recover their love and respect. She tells her friend the lies Vic said about her. The friend tells Carmen she is not alone. And they walk arm in arm.

    Ale is convinced Gerardo is trying to slander Miguel. He shows Memo where he thinks the photos were doctored. Ale believes Miguel is a man of integrity. Memo says it will be hard to defend against the slander. Ale notes they now know Gerardo has one of their journalists in his pocket. Memo asks if Ale will fire him. No, Ale answers, I prefer to have him close.

    Felipe tells Gerardo the paper [Ale’s paper] won’t publish the photos. Maybe a tabloid will publish it. And he’s paid people at the radio station to create a fuss about the scandal.

    Mari fills Nanny in on the Josie stuff. She says Josie thinks the woman is trying to blackmail her. Mari doesn’t believe that. The woman didn’t ask for money. Nanny says Josie has many secrets. We get a flashback of Nanny overhearing Benny throwing Josie out of the house. Mari asks her what’s wrong. Nanny decides to keep her promise to Benny and not tell Mari anything. Instead, she says it can be dangerous to discover secrets. Nanny quickly leaves.

    Antonio reports back to Josie. No one knows the woman playing your mother or the other old woman. Josie calls him useless. She heaps on the insults. He tells her he won’t take it anymore. She mocks, how will you stop it, you idiot? I’ll send you to hell, if necessary, he replies. You can’t shout at me again. I’ve spent half my life solving your problems and you always insult me.

    Josie says if you don’t like it, leave. This is how I am. These are my ways. Get out. Antonio hesitates. Josie scoffs, see? You can’t leave me, Antonio. You completely depend on me. You know your life is worth nothing if you’re not by my side. [I really wish he whacked her with the shovel when he had the chance.]

    Antonio is defeated. Josie stops him from leaving. What we need is something that relaxes us and makes us feel good, she says. Ha, ha, it looks like he’s going to kiss her, but he pushes her away with an emphatic no. He puts on his hat and leaves.

  7. conde #23 part 5

    Pau meets with the Gallardos to talk about the kids. Rodrigo gets nervous. Pau says that Sofia told her she’s in love with Javier. I want you to know I agree with the relationship. We don’t know each other well, but Mariana has known you for years. And I also know you are a loved and respected family. Leticia says that they have good references for Paulina, too.

    Rodrigo is honest. He doesn’t think Josie will accept the relationship. I won’t allow anyone to humiliate or hurt my son, he says. Pau says she wouldn’t allow it. She continues, Sofia is very excited. Her eyes sparkle when she talks about Javier. Leticia says Javier is the same way about Sofi. Pau proposes that they let the children see each other formally. Leticia is for it, but Rodrigo looks worried.

    Cayetana is rehearsing a steamy scene with Ric. Make me yours, she whispers. He’s ready for a kiss. Cayetana gets upset. She flubbed that line. I’m supposed say “I’m all yours”! She needs to take a break.

    Ric pours her a cup of coffee or tea. He asks her if she ever had an impossible love. She retorts, why do you ask? Have you? I asked first, Ric replies. Nothing is impossible for Cayetana Carra, she proclaims. When I like someone, I don’t rest until I win that person’s love. Ric has another question. Between us, what does the Count mean to you? A protector? A friend? An impossible love?

    Don’t be nosy, Caye admonishes. Ric says he’s not nosy. He’s an observer. I’ve seen how you look at him. Caye admits she’s in love with the Count and she will win his heart. Ric turns away and it looks like Caye is trying not to laugh.

    Ernestina reads the morning paper (not Ale’s paper). She turns to Miguel—what’s this? She shows him the front page. “Candidate Aguilar Caught With His Lover.” Extra! Lorena looks at her father.

    Ale and co. see the same paper. Imagine his wife, Ric says. No, Ale replies, his wife is an intelligent woman. She won’t fall into the trap. Memo thinks Miguel will lose votes. Ale says they must hit back at Gerardo. Ric thinks they should invent something.

    No need to invent, Ale responds, we will prove what this newspaper says is false. Look for the woman in the photo and the photographer. Let’s make them talk. Memo mentions the crooked journalist, Padilla. Ale says to get info from him, too. We’ll give it to an honest journalist so he can write a new article and prove this is slander created by Gerardo Villarreal.

    Ric asks, who would do that? Ale replies, no other than his son. We will give the evidence to David Villarreal. We’ll see if he has what it takes.

    And we are out.


    Dondi356: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode. I see Amaranta & Paulina began kissing 😘. I just don't see either of them being around long.

    Ric & Cayetana: Let's see if it'll work.

    Carmen: WATCH YOUR BACK!

    Miguel busted by Ernestina showing him the newspaper.

    Violeta: You're on borrowed time!

  9. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. Super recap. "What did you [Josie] do to make someone come up with that story? [not enough time to list it all, this is only a 1-hour episode.]" -- lol.

    The elderly woman, though granted she had a head start, was impressive outrunning and eluding Antonio.

    Nanny should be aware of how sad Mariana has been with Gerardo all these years. Why not tell Mariana what she knows about Josie? Still keeping silent about Josie's cheating is ridiculous.

    I hope Ale is right that Miguel's wife is too intelligent to fall into the trap about that jacked-up photo.

    Ay! Amaranta moved too fast. But Pau, off the poisoned tea, seems to have herself together now. My fingers are crossed that she continues with their friendship, despite the awkwardness.

  10. Conde

    Donde, thank you for giving us an excellent recap with all the details as we roll along hoping the conte knows what he is doing.

    I hope that Ale will somehow realize that Mar didn't betray him and married because she was expecting his baby. I would like to see Fernando 's beautiful smile . He looks so sad and down.
    That was an interesting scene between Ale and scary, creepy Ramiro.

    Carmen is one of my favorite characters , and I am happy that she has reconnected with her friend. Yes, I think it is the woman who saved her who could be a witness to Vic's crime.

    I don't expect confident Cay to end up with Ale , so Ric might have to be a second choice .

    The wardrobe department must have had a generous budget because the main actresses are in new dresses in every episode . The colors,prints, and fabrics are amazing . Mar looked like she was wearing a prom gown last night. It must be fun to wear all these creations.

    I love Memo . He reminds me of other loyal right hand men that Fernando had in his historical dramas. I keep flashing back to these two actors playing pirates in Pasion when they were younger .

    Josie is unbearable , just outright nasty. She is always calling Antonio a stupid imbecile and then expects him to service her . QTH?

    Nanny not telling Mar immediately about the conversion she heard between Jo and Ben is beanie time.

    Let's hope that Ale can save Miguel's reputation. Susan

  11. conde

    Such a terrific recap, dondi! You had all the great details, along with your signature humor.

    I love the good mothers, Mariana and Paulina, both supporting their children's happiness. Each woman knows what a lifetime chained to the wrong man can be like. And Mari is right to advise David to go along to get along, at least a little. Gerardo is too explosive to confront head on.

    I keep looking at the actor playing David, trying to guess if he's trying to look like Colunga.

    The writers sent me to my Spanish dictionary last night. Gerardo told David he needs to foguear, a new one for me. Translated as get used to it, perfect, by dondi, it can also mean train, prepare, or harden oneself to something.

    That kiss...probably would have a different reaction by Paulina in 2024. But it's 1952 in a very Catholic country. While I was disappointed that Pau ran away from her first time painting in Ale's "light filled" room, I can well imagine the shock for her.

    Ale holding the door against Antonio to protect the woman who'd helped with the rattle Josie campaign was definitely time for the stainless-steel beanie; fabric or leather just wouldn't cut it.

    Loved "not enough time to list it all" regarding Josie's evilness.

    Good guess about the woman who was pleased to see Carmen being the one who dug her up. Were there two? She was glad to see her, not horrified at the sight of a ghost had she thought her dead.

    I loved seeing Antonio push Josie away. He is, of course, fed up with her insults. But I also think he might smell a big payday in two separate scams: Working with Vicente on the opium one and with Pedro on a cut of the Marqués money.

  12. conde

    MANY thanks, dondi, for another superb recap! I'm sorry I've come so late to the party. There's not much I can add to your wonderful account and the insightful comments from the patio. I too think a beanie is definitely required to watch El Conde's being in just the right place to help the woman fleeing from Antonio at the old age home. And I agree with novelera that it should be a stainless steel beanie; "fabric or leather just wouldn't cut it"! I also loved your remark about a 1-hr episode being woefully inadequate to cover Josie's evil acts.

  13. conde

    A slight delay in finalizing the recap. It will be up this afternoon.

    Thanks for your Thursday comments, everyone. I'm glad Josie gave up poisoning Pau.

    Thanks for consulting your Spanish dictionary, novelera.

    I like that Amaranta is secure in who she is and I'm happy she has support from Ric. Ale and Memo seem to be okay, too. Perhaps Pau never considered a same sex relationship before Amaranta appeared, but she knew she didn't want to be married (to a man). It will take time for her to accept. I hope it ends well for them.

    I have a feeling Ale is going to wear out our beanies.


    Dondi356: You're doing the recap of last night's episode ? 😕

    On Paulina: I don't think she's out of danger just yet because Buji Joise will up the ante even further!

  15. conde

    Yes, Steve, I committed to Friday recaps. We have established a recapping schedule. K is taking Mondays, novelera has Tuesdays, Kat has Wednesdays. Thursdays are still up for grabs but we should be able to manage.

    Recap coming shortly.

  16. conde #24 part 1

    Gerardo admires the publication of his dastardly work. Felipe notes it will be hard for Miguel to clean his image and save his marriage. Gerardo replies, Miguel doesn’t know I will do whatever is necessary to become president of Mexico. Gerardo drives that point home. Not sure but Felipe looks a little uneasy to me.

    Meanwhile, Miguel explains, it’s obvious they are doing this to hurt me. Ernestina asks, did you see that woman? Yes, Miguel answers, but I don’t know her. I was on the street, and she walked by. She tripped, and I helped her. That’s probably when they took this photo.

    Lorena listens and thinks. She looks at her mother, whose tears have started to fall. Miguel assures his wife he would never disrespect her like this. This is a smear campaign and I know who is behind it. I think Lorena knows, too.

    Pedro is at Antonio’s brothel [since that’s what everyone calls it.] Pedro offers a toast—to the future. Now that I have money, we can do business together. As a marquis, I can make powerful people invest in your business.

    Antonio says his brothel makes him a modest profit. Pedro pushes the point that Antonio would be better off doing business with him. Antonio laughs at Pedrito—he’s barely a con artist. Pedro replies, but one with a lot of money and very good connections. I’ll receive a large inheritance and you can benefit as well. Antonio is interested.

    Memo and Ric are at a fresh grave at the cemetery. A priest finishes a prayer. Memo and Ric thank him before he leaves. Memo places a flower on the grave. Ric can’t believe that this grave is for Josie’s mom. Memo says at least she finally has a decent burial and not on a cliff like an animal.

    Ric says that Josie is a very dangerous person. How could she kill her own mother. Memo cautions, we still don’t know how it happened. But he’s sure Josie and her lover had something to do with it. Ric asks what Ale has planned for Josie. Memo says he doesn’t know.

    David meets a seething Lorena. He’s happy she called him to meet because his mom and her dad agreed to their relationship. She gives him the cold shoulder and shows him the newspaper. She says, it’s clearly a setup your father made to harm mine.

    David questions how she could say this without proof. Lorena asks him, who benefits from this? Gerardo Villarreal. You don’t want to admit your dad is a bad person and plays dirty. David acknowledges that would be low. He wants to ask the Count to help find the perpetrator.

    Lorena says there’s no point. My mom was so upset. If it was hard enough before for my mom to accept this [their relationship], now it’s impossible. David asks for time to find out if his father is behind it. Lorena is adamant. Don’t you understand? Your dad’s malice has no bounds. I can’t imagine what he will do when he finds out about us. She doesn’t want her family harmed. She breaks up with him.

    A week later.

    Gerardo and David return from the campaign trail. Gerardo is proud of David. He was at all the events. He learned a lot. Yes, David snarks, I learned a lot. Mostly, that politics is more hateful than I expected. The smile disappears from Gerardo’s face. He tells David, sooner or later you will realize this is your true path. Mari intercedes. That’s something only he [David] can decide. He has the last word about his own life.

    Gabriela changes the subject. She wants to go to the Count’s party. Gerardo asks, what party? Mari says it’s for the start of Cayetana’s movie and it’s at the Altamirano Hotel. Mari tells Gaby, you and I won’t go. We will be bored. Gerardo wants Mari and David go with him. He thinks Gaby is too young to go. Mari tries to beg off. Gerardo insists. It’s the Count’s party and the press will be there. Mari gives in. David makes note of mom giving in.

  17. conde #24 part 2

    Pau explains to Josie that Sofi has been accepted into a good school in SJ. Her Paris credits will transfer. Josie asks when Pau did this. Last week, Pau replies. Does Felipe know, Josie asks. Pau shakes her head no.

    Sofi tells her grandma that she doesn’t want to go back to Paris and gives her reasons [but not the real reason]. Josie calls her a fool. She looks at Pau. Your mother is irresponsible for allowing you to do as you please. What did you think? That I’d be happy to watch my granddaughter throw away an education at one of the best schools in Europe?

    Pau counters, the school in SJ is very good as well. Josie is furious. How can you compare this with the Paris academy? Besides being an idiot, you’re ignorant! Sofi interrupts, don’t talk to my mom like that. Josie shouts at Sofi, shut up! You have no say! Tomorrow, you are going back to Paris. She warns Pau this is the last time she does something without permission. [The witch rides away on her broomstick.]

    The woman who participated in Miguel’s scandal is brought to Ale. She complains she was brought by force. Ale apologizes for that, but he asks that she listen. If she doesn’t like what he says, she is free to go. The woman asks Ale why he brought her there. He tells her his proposal will save her a lot of trouble.

    Gaby brings David a letter addressed to him. David sees a note and photos inside. He thanks Gaby. She asks about the contents. He puts it away and says it’s just college paperwork. He will show her later. She leaves. David retrieves the envelope. The note says, “do you want to know the truth?” And the photos are from the slander article.

    Nanny brings tea to Sofi’s room to calm her down. Uh oh, Sofi is not in her bed. Nanny gasps and panics. [Nanny, it’s only a pillow, not a horse’s head.] She sees a note. Pau enters the room before Nanny can read it. Nanny hides the letter behind her back. Pau asks where’s Sofi and notices Nanny’s discomfort. Nanny hands over the letter and Pau reads. Sofia ran away.

    Antonio brings Josie the pending business of the liquor store. He’s quitting but he will train the new guy. She tries to buy him off with a large check. Nope, he’s not going for it again. He’s got his dignity. She stuffs the check in his pocket and goes into seduction mode. It’s the same old song and dance for these two. They get busy.

    Nanny spies them via the telenovela door ajar trope. She thinks back to overhearing Benny call out Josie for cheating on him with the farm hand. She realizes that Antonio has been Josie’s lover all along.

    Sofia shows up at the Gallardo house. [too obvious, Sofi.] She tells Javier she ran away because they are sending her to Paris tomorrow. I don’t want to be away from you, she says.

    Nanny and Pau worry about finding Sofia. This is big trouble if they don’t find her. Pau tells Nanny to go ask Lorena, and go to Leticia’s atelier. When you find her ask her to come back unless she wants a tragedy. Pau will stay so no one suspects.

    Ric and Amaranta are keeping an eye on Ramiro’s woman per Ale’s orders. Ric says she must gain the woman’s trust. Ama is full of questions. All Ric knows is the woman’s bf is a dangerous man.

    Nanny is at the atelier. She asks if they have seen Sofi. Leticia says she left Javier in charge, she doesn’t know. Carmen tells them Javier left for a while. Rodrigo asks if Javi was with anyone. Nope. Nanny is distraught. Rodrigo tells Nanny not to worry and says he’s going to look for them. He will personally take Sofi home.

  18. conde #24 part 3

    Amaranta approaches Ramiro’s gf under the pretense of selling food. The woman doesn’t have money, but Ama says she can pay later. Girlfriend notes she hasn’t seen Ama around before. Ama says she’s new in the area. She’s trying to support her kids since her husband died. Ama asks girlfriend if she’s married. No, but she flashes a ring and says she soon will be.

    Caye welcomes the guests to the movie event at Vic’s hotel.

    At the event, Pau tells Mari that Sofi ran away because Josie wanted to send her back to Paris. Pau panics over what will happen if/when this is discovered. She is desperate. Mari says she will go to the Gallardos. This reminds Mari of her and Ale wanting to run away to the US. She tells Pau she won’t allow this story to end like that.

    Javier and Sofi try to figure out what to do. Rodrigo bursts into the room, demanding to know what is going on. He tells Javi he could be accused of kidnapping. Sofia collapses in a seizure. Rodrigo picks her up and carries her.

    Miguel shows up at the movie event with Ernestina. Gerardo calls him brave for showing up to face the press. Miguel wonders what Gerardo means. The nasty article, Gerardo replies, the press has no scruples in writing about politicians’ private matters.

    Ernestina speaks up. This is not about private matters. This is slander. Yes, Gerardo replies hardly suppressing his glee, slander that must have been difficult for you. Ernestina continues, not at all. I trust my husband completely. I know this is always part of the dirty war that develops during an election. There’s always a public officer with no scruples and no real project, who resorts to baseness to win. She asks, do you know who that man could be, Señor Villarreal? [well done, Ernestina!]

    Gerardo’s bluster has disappeared. He has no idea who it could be. Ernestina says sooner or later it will come to light. Gerardo tells Miguel he doesn’t like Ernestina’s accusatory tone [but we love it!] Miguel wonders why Gerardo is taking it so personally. His wife is just explaining how things work in public service. [I lol’d at Gerardo’s wide eyes and gaping mouth.] Nothing Gerardo can do but slink away.

    Ernestina is livid. How dare he mock us? I felt like spitting in his face! Miguel laughs, believe me, he won’t forget the lesson you gave him. You were wonderful. He kisses his wife’s hands.

    Nanny reports to Pau that Sofi wasn’t at the Gallardos. Pau says Mari offered to help. Josie appears and wonders what they are talking about. She’s on her way to check if Sofi is ready for her trip. Pau tries to stall, but Josie becomes suspicious. She insists they bring Sofi to her immediately. Pau has no choice but to tell Josie that Sofi ran away.

    Josie rips into Nanny, but Pau takes responsibility. Josie delivers a stinging bofetada to Pau. Felipe enters and wonders what’s going on. Josie fills him in. All Pau knows is that Sofi doesn’t want to go back to Paris. Shouts of blame and recrimination follow.

    Vic has called Gerardo to his office. Vic wants to make a generous campaign contribution. He wants Gerardo to be the next president. Gerardo wonders why because they haven’t been getting along. Vic wants to go back to the way things were before. It was good for business.

    Gerardo is still steaming about the investigation Vic did. Vic explains that Josie asked him to do it. Gerardo denies burning the crops or having Vic’s merch confiscated. Someone else did it. Ultimately, Vic thinks it’s better to be united. Strange things have been happening.

  19. conde #24 part 4

    Gerardo accepts the check, but he tells Vic that it doesn’t mean all is forgotten and leaves. Vic gives us the dicho: “genio y figura hasta la sepultura”. Something like, “a character until the grave”. English translation, a leopard doesn’t change his spots.

    Mari comes to see Leticia at the atelier. Leticia says Rod went to look for them. Rod calls Leticia with the bad news.

    Rodrigo explains to Mari that the doctor wants to keep Sofia at the hospital. Epilepsy is suspected. Javier is at Sofia’s bedside, holding her hand and stroking her hair. Mari is troubled that Josie has upset Sofi so much. She says they can’t find out Rodrigo took her to the hospital and that she was with Javier.

    Rodrigo understands. Mari thanks Rodrigo. Rod tells Javi it’s time to go. Javi gives Sofi a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Mari takes his place by Sofi’s bed. She tells the sleeping girl, I know how you feel fearing the world will be against your love. I also had a love so strong as yours. I couldn’t live it with Alejandro, so I will help you be happy with Javier.

    Alfredo and Miguel meet at the Count’s house. Alfredo asked Ale to arrange it. Alfredo congratulates him on his campaign. He’s followed Miguel’s career and likes his wonderful ideas. You remind me of your father, he says, the same strength, the same conviction to do what’s right. Gonzalo would be proud of you.

    Alfredo continues, I distanced myself from your family after your parents’ deaths. Not by choice, but I also faced tragedies back then. Miguel knows Alfredo lost his estate. Alfredo mentions the slander against him regarding the murder. He wants Miguel to know he had nothing to do with that horrendous crime.

    Pau, Felipe, and Josie arrive at the hospital. Mari says Sofi is sedated and the doctor wants to do more tests. Josie asks how Mari found out Sofi was in the hospital. Mari spins a story. I got home, and she was waiting there for me. She was upset about leaving tomorrow. She fainted and I brought her.

    Pau blames Josie, I told you Sofia didn’t want to go. You didn’t listen. She had a crisis and ended up here. Josie shrugs it off as Sofi fainting due to a tantrum. Mari says it’s not that. It might be epilepsy.

    Miguel tells Alfredo he doesn’t have to explain. He never believed the rumors. My father trusted you and I do, too. Alfredo is sure that the man who was charged with the crime wasn’t guilty. Alejandro Gaitan was innocent. He was framed. How do you know, Miguel asks, how can you be sure?

    Alejandro Gaitan was a good and honest man whose life was also destroyed, Alfredo replies. When you become president, you should order the case reopened and find your parents’ true murderers.

    Later, Alfredo thanks Ale for helping him meet Miguel. Alfredo relates he told Miguel to think about Alejandro Gaitan’s innocence and adds, we will have to find proof for him so he can reopen the case. Ale says he is sure who the murderer is. It’s Ramiro Menchaca, Leo Villarreal’s right-hand man, now Gerardo’s. It fits together.

    Alfredo is indignant. Those people did what they wanted, no one stopped them. They will keep doing it. Not for long, Ale answers. Alfredo is in. He’s willing to help get justice. Ale just asks Alfredo to keep the secret for now and don’t put himself in danger.

    The doctor thinks Sofi might have had episodes before. Maybe while she slept. Headaches, sleepwalking. Pau confirms that Sofia had them occasionally. But she didn’t think it serious. The doctor says he will release Sofi tomorrow. Josie balks. Not possible, my granddaughter is travelling to Paris to finish her studies.

  20. conde #24 part 5

    The doctor says Sofi can’t travel. Josie argues with him. The doctor says she doesn’t understand. Sofi was lucky that Mari was with her. If she was alone, it could have been fatal. Pau declares Sofi isn’t going anywhere and she will take care of her as long as necessary.

    David comes to see the Count about a delicate matter because he trusts him. He tells Ale about the letter he received with proof that incriminates his father and uncle. It seems they fabricated the scandal about Miguel Aguilar.

    Ale says he knows about the scandal and it’s regrettable. David calls it a lie and says Miguel doesn’t deserve it. Ale agrees. He asks David about the proof. The proof is convincing, David replies, I don’t know what to do with it. I’m a journalist and it’s my duty to bring this to light. But…. Ale finishes the sentence, you’re afraid of your father.

    David says it’s not fear. He can’t believe his father is capable of being so low. But he also knows that his father would benefit from the scandal. Why would they send me that proof? Ale thinks it’s because David is the only one brave enough to write the article. He adds, or it could be they want you to believe your father is a bad man. Ale advises David to use his journalistic instincts. Investigate the evidence.

    Josie is with Gerardo and she’s still fuming over her mother’s impostor. It worries her that some of the things she said are true. Someone has been digging into her past. Gerardo asks, what part of the story is true?

    Never mind that, Josie replies, you and I are facing real danger. First, David’s kidnapping. You never caught the culprits. Then my crops caught fire. The evidence showed up at your place and incriminated you. It’s clearer every second that there’s someone determined to hurt us. Someone with a lot of money and power. I can’t think of who or why.

    Gerardo shows Josie the check from Vic. They conclude Vic is responsible. He knows all their dirty secrets. He’s an ambitious social climber. He’s capable of anything. [in other words, just like Gerardo and Josie.] Josie says they can’t allow this. Gerardo agrees. He declares, Vicente Garcia’s days as a prosperous businessman will soon reach an end.

    Leticia brings Alfredo an old suitcase and asks him to sort out the contents. There are photos and a ring. He smiles as he looks. He finds an envelope addressed to Alejandro. He becomes nervous and makes sure no one is around.

    Flashback. Alfredo tells Mari they might not let her see Ale and her father wouldn’t agree to it. He says he will try to get a fair trial for Ale. Mari asks Alfredo to give Ale a letter from her. He agrees. End flashback.

    Alfredo opens the envelope and reads: “Alejandro, I carry the miracle of our love in my belly. You’re going to be a father. I’m pregnant and this baby gives me the strength to tell you he’s a blessing from our love and I will wait for you until you are free so we can love each other as promised. Our son and I will wait for you here.”

    Alfredo is stunned. Alejandro is David’s real father?

    And we are out!!

  21. conde

    Dondi, this recap left me speechless! As usual, you cover absolutely everything clearly and in detail, but I guess the added ingredient in this recap was all your delightful and insightful humor. Wonderful remarks such as "[The witch rides away on her broomstick]," "[Nanny, it’s only a pillow, not a horse’s head]," "Nanny spies them via the telenovela door ajar trope," and several others, all kept me laughing.

    I'm also most grateful to you for explaining the scene with the woman who participated in Miguel's scandal. I wasn't sure who she was.

    You also helped me remember why Ric and Amaranta were watching some woman I didn't recognize, and why Amaranta approaches her and offers her tamales (I think), telling her she can pay her another time. Clearly, El Conde is trying to get the goods on the woman's fiancé, Ramiro, so that they can eventually re-open Alejandro's murder conviction.

    Perhaps my favorite scene in last night's episode was Ernestina's response to Gerardo when he brought up her husband's "scandal." We haven't seen much of Ernestina until now, but wow!

    And speaking of "wow": Dondi, you're an amazing recapper. I don't know how you do it, but I'm delighted that you're recapping El Conde. Many, many thanks!!

  22. Conde
    Thank you Dondi, I echo Juanita's praise of your recapping skill. I especially liked the leopards don't change their spots. I was pretty sure Vincente pulled another good quote but had no idea what it was. I didn't realize that woman was Ramiro's fiancée, I thought maybe it was the lady that tripped that Miguel helped up.

  23. conde

    Another fabulous recap, dondi. Thanks so much. I echo Juanita's enjoyment of your clever asides: the witch rides away and it's only a pillow, not a horse's head.

    I am a bit confused about the photo in the "yellow rag" about Miguel. What I remember is Miguel speaking with someone in the street, can't remember who, and because of some kindness of his she kissed him on the cheek. His hat covered that. But then Miguel says some woman stumbled in the street and that's when the photo was taken.

    Does Josie know about the brothel? Antonio's one busy guy. He oversees the actual crops and, I think, distilling of the whiskey for Josie. And owns a brothel on the side?

    I didn't love Lorena getting so salty with David about the slanderous article.

    Looks like Gerardo and Filipe's photography stunt took some work. It's a lot easier today with AI and deep fakes. I remember the one about Nancy Pelosi seeming drunk, faked from an actual speech of hers.

    I'm getting tired of Nanny zipping her lip about Josie and her infidelities. It's a TN oldie but goodie, but she needs to give Mariana and Paulina some ammunition.

    I totally missed that that woman Amaranta approached was Raminro's girlfriend. Thanks for clearing that up, dondi.

    Yes, let me chime in about the wonderful one/two punch Miguel and Ernestina delivered to Gerardo, especially Ernestina. They totally shut him down.

    Please, writers, let us have Paulina returning one of Josie's slaps! And Pau did stand up for her child, telling Josie with blazing eyes that Sofia was NOT going to Paris.

  24. Conde

    Donde, thank you . It's such a pleasure to read your wonderful, detailed recaps again.

    Ale's revenge plans are unfolding, but he still looks sad and woebegone. Makes me sad to see tat sad face. Likewise,Mar looks hopeless . Does she still believe that the conte is her one true love ? Come on writers, give us some love and romance.

    I didn't realize the woman Ric and Amar went to see is Remario's novia. She seems to nice to be with a violent killer . How did those two ever get together?

    Love the string, happy marriage of Miguel and Ernestina. The scene of E baiting pompous, sputtering Gerardo was great.

    Jo has a heart of stone She wants to send Sofia to Paris despite her illness. I was lucky to have a very sweet , loving mother in law . Jo is the MIL from hades.

    Antonio is probably not going to make it to the finale . He is playing a dangerous game with Jo and Vic. Susan

  25. conde

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

    When I recap, I take notes on my laptop as I watch. I go back after to fill in and review scenes if needed. Recapping on a regular schedule keeps me focused and more likely to remember details—names, places, relationships.

    Yep, Juanita, Amaranta was selling tamales and a few other things. I have no idea what Ale thinks Ama can find by befriending the fiancée. Was this woman with Ramiro in ’35? Would Ramiro be stupid enough to tell her anything or leave evidence around?

    I’m wondering what Ale is offering the woman involved in the scandal.

    novelera, Josie has referred to Antonio’s business as a brothel. She wanted him to give it up and just work in her liquor store. I suppose she figures she would have more control over him. I don’t know if he oversees the farm stuff, too. He also finds time to service Josie.

    The scandal woman stumbled, Miguel helped her up and she kissed him on the cheek to thank him.

    I can give Lorena a pass this time for being upset. I’m sure she will calm down.

    I’m tired of Nanny. Period.

    I’m also tired of Ale. I wonder how long it will take Alfredo to tell him about David.

  26. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. I'm late to the patio but so grateful to catch up with your recap.

    Squee! David being Ale's son is finally leaking out. Surely Ale will see Mari's letter one of these days.

    Nanny is a puzzle. Why did she try to hide Sofi's letter from Pau? Maybe she's been in this job too long.
