
Monday, September 23, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1) Week of Sept 23, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas)  *** Not airing Weds

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  *** Not airing Weds

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  *** Not airing Weds

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


  1. El Angel de Aurora #11

    This will be posted most likely tomorrow. Very dialogue-heavy and it has important flashbacks that deserve every detail.

    In the meantime, enjoy this video and this article about the Biblical Jezebel. This name is well-chosen by the writers for this character.

  2. Hi Urban Anthropologist! This is Elvira, who has recapped here before (especially for Jorge Salinas novelas!) I should have been here sooner. I am so excited to see Jorge Salinas as a galán again. I am sorry I missed the first two weeks of this novela, but I am all caught up now. I am watching on Vix.

    I hope I can help recap, perhaps only a little. My Spanish comprehension is improving, especially with the Spanish subtitles. But I still miss stuff (that is what DeepL is for!). This novela is really good so far.

    One of my Spanish tutors is in Venezuela and she and I love to talk telenovelas. She says she is able to watch this one in bits and pieces. She asks me to fill in the blanks. The problem with her is, she has no self control and tells me all sorts of spoilers! Venezuela is ahead of us in the episodes so I think they're on Capitulo 30 or something.

    Anyway, I love the casting, and the actress who plays Jezebel has always played protaganistas, and she's amazing in this. I like everybody.

    Nos vemos pronto! Looking forward to your recap!

  3. O/T

    Hi, Elvira! I was waiting with baited breath for this one (because of Jorge Salinas) and the dialogue is so challenging. It's annoying that I have to wait until 6AM the next day for On Demand. The broadcast hour bugs me, too, because it breaks up my day.

    I need all the help I can get for this one, especially right now. I had surgery last week and I won't be fully healed for another 4 weeks. If you can take one day a week that would be great.

  4. O/T (Angel)

    I hope you're okay! I haven't read the recent recaps but I read something about surgery. I pray for a speedy recovery! I will take one recap a week. I will apologize ahead of time, I have other stuff going on and while I would love to compulsively overshare details of each episode (you know how I am!) I may have to abbreviate on the details. Which day do you want me to take? I would like to plan ahead. Get your rest!

  5. El angel de Aurora

    Elvira! Hi. So nice to see you again . I have seen Marisol del olmo play villains and good girls. I loved her as a very sweet soul in " Pasion" Did you watch that one? Susan

  6. OT. Urban, hope you feel better soon. Sending you good vibrations)))))) Susan

  7. O/T

    Gracias! Recap may not be posted until today's episode is on. You will know why when it's up.

  8. El Angel de Aurora #11/b>
    Part 1 of 4

    Jezabel denied that he knew her and pointed out the security cameras. He threatened to tell Aurora the truth. This definitely disturbed her.

    Aurora told Demon in no uncertain terms that Helena would be in charge of the ad campaign. He tried to avoid talking about Antonio being involved in their company. She told him she would see him in her office.

    Helena refused to talk to Angel. Demon then told him that Helena was out of his league before closing the door in his face.

    JC arrived in the parking lot and saw the encounter between Jezebel and Juventino, although he did not hear what was being said. As he got out of his car he told Luis he only wanted Aquiles and Glorio to know of his existence.

    Aurora asked Angel what was wrong. She was not sure she had crossed a line but he told her he had not. He did mention that he was not so sure about Demon, who disagreed with Aurora about him being the model for the ad campaign. She called him Angel Gabriel but he said he was just Angel. He asked whether there was another job opening he could get.

    Jezabel and Juventino were on what looked like a rooftop where nobody else could hear their conversation. He entered her space to close in on her more than once – even sniffing the air up close – as he asked how long it had been since she had offered her sister up to him. <[Pause as I lose my breakfast here.] He mentioned her father's death and that he had personally brought the baby to his friend's house.

    Flashback to 1994

    Angel/Gabriel was an infant being held by Pascual, who tried to return him to Aurora. Miguel sent Jezabel to Aurora's room to prevent her leaving it; she replied that Aurora was sedated. Pascual said that animals were better with their young and not discarding them in this way, Miguel grabbed him by the throat, denied that the baby boy was his grandson, and threatened to imprison him for life if he ever tried this again or said anything. Jezabel watched, her face showing no distress at her father's insane cruelty.

    Pascual fell back on the sofa, asking what he was charged with: trying to return a baby to his mother? Miguel took off his belt and ordered Jezabel to call Commandante Bañuelos. He then began whipping Pascual, who turned around to protect the baby. Miguel said he would charge him with kidnapping. Jezabel was on the phone as Pascual exited, protectively holding the baby. Miguel sent Jezabel to check up on Aurora, then paused as his chest pain began.

  9. El Angel de Aurora #11
    Part 2 of 4

    Jezabel looked at her sister, then opened the nightstand drawer. She took out a prescription bottle of pills and an envelope. Shortly thereafter Aurora woke up and knew the baby was gone. When she threatened to report a kidnapping Miguel scoffed at her. He said he was “defending the family honor.” He blamed her for this, saying that everyone thought she was crazy since the day she was left at the altar. Jezabel stepped in between them to stop him and took over defending him. Aurora said God would not forgive him for this. When she asked him where her son was, saying she would take him and disappear he said he said that Gabriel was dead. Aurora would not believe him.

    The next day Aurora confronted Miguel in the study. The newspaper article later burned by Pascual was on his desk. His heart condition was getting worse.


    Aurora confronted Miguel in his wheelchair. He was unable to speak.

    Aurora prayed to the Virgen for her son's safety.

    Jezabel confronted Juventino who reminded her that she was responsible for what happened to Aurora. He demanded more money and she was not going to give him any more. Just as he said that Jezabel served her sister up to him on a platter Miguel heard this just outside the door and managed to enter the room. Jezabel blamed him as he tried to grab her. As soon as he saw Miguel Juventino ran out part him. Jezabel tried to chase him but Miguel was just strong enough to grab her with his left arm. She then told him this was his fault for favoring Aurora and provoking her(self) to hating her. She taunted him further by saying she was just like him. Miguel reached out with his left arm and rose to lunge st her, but she stepped back and he fell face first onto the floor. Juventino escaped.

    Jezabel left Miguel on the floor and stood over him, looking down and deliberately doing nothing until she heard Aurora enter. She went down on her knees next to him, saying “Papa, don't die!” She had rolled him onto his back before Aurora entered the room. Despite her justifiable anger, Aurora cried as she realized Miguel was dead. She closed his eyes.

    Both sisters were dressed in black [Jezabel's looked more like a cocktail dress] and looking at their father's portrait. Demon was with them, looking about 3 or 4 years old. Aurora felt guilty about her father's death while Jezabel trash-talked Fabrizio. She then said they had to run the family business together until Demon came of age.

    The Present

    Juventino tried blackmailing money out of Jezabel. [This negotiation must have been long, as by then it was night]. She refused again and he went on about the value of his silence. She had tried to put him off until the next day but he did not buy that. She did not conceal her contempt. When he finally took his leave his manner was a different kind of predatory as he blew a kiss at her with a “Give my regards to your sister. She swore revenge, but he didn't hear that.

    Angel told Aurora about his family. His love for them was obvious. As he left Aurora was definitely feeling the llamada de la sangre.

    JC asked Jezabel who was in her office. He said he saw a strange person in the elevator. “Is everything alright?”

  10. El Angel de Aurora #11
    Part 3 of 4

    Helena talked without looking at Angel, feeling like a rock in a hard place because of Aurora and Demon were in disagreement over the ads. This escalated into what she had been told in messages about him and other gossip. She mentioned that Maggie was involved.

    Jezabel lied to JC about whom and what he saw, saying that the man was in charge of cleaning, which had not been done all day. He then excused himself to attend to personal matters. From their expressions they both pretended that nothing was wrong.

    Vickie was concerned about Juventino's mind games. She thought they should move. Pascual told Vickie they were in danger, but he was not going to allow anyone to take Angel away from them. Nor was he going to tell anyone the Big Secret.

    Angel tried to explain that while he had no money but had integrity, but she wasn't having it. Helena gave Angel a brief lecture on being professional. No gossip, etc. And this was not to repeat. As she was about to leave he asked her to Anita's game the next day. She said “Of course not” and he told her her sister would be there. He told her Anita would like her to be there and “We're only friends, right?”

    Antonio looked at the anonymous note while waiting in his car, then left it in the shotgun seat. A guy in a hoodie approached, which Antonio saw in the rear-view mirror.

    Jezabel took out the music box and played it as she opened an envelope identical to the one in Aurora's nightstand. It contained a medical lab report showing a positive rape kit result. It was dated July 12, 1994; the rest was not revealed.

    Antonio got out of his car. The guy in the hoodie – El Morro – walked past Antonio. We saw no exchange of anything.

    JC asked Aurora about the deal with Antonio. She mentioned the sanction of Jezabel and Demon. She was more interested other issues. She told him about Angel and explained she felt maternal toward him, as she often had with other guys his age. She asked him about Luis Alberto. He told her he was not well, with the Cliff Notes version of what we saw. She then said he would need to see a therapist and that JC should go with him. This would not be resolved overnight. He mentioned getting Aquiles and Glorio to help; she said that was a good idea and that he was an excellent father. He suggested they go out to buy her some new clothes. Demon showed up as they left the office but she ignored him and what was likely a non-emergency.

    Aquiles and Glorio were hanging out with Luis and the subject of dinner came up. Glorio had already eaten. They took out new clothes that they had helped him shop for, presumably with JC's money. We learn that Glorio's father ran out on the family just after he was born.

    Juventino and his bagman talked about getting more money out of Antonio, double the amount next time. [Antonio needs a good private eye to get to the bottom of this]. And triple the third time.
    He promised him payment each time. [El Morro is not smart enough to distrust him.]

  11. El Angel de Aurora #11
    Part 4 of 4

    The Next Day

    JC and Aurora were at an outside cafe table having a bite before meeting Antonio at the police station. He told her about seeing Jezabel with “a very strange man”; that they knew all the employees and hee was not one of them. His phone announced a message and they rose to leave.

    Antonio watched the same procession he and Aurora once walked into and flashed back to it.

    Antonio made a statement to the police about the day of the rape. He had been with Aurora all day and later he was with his fried Fabrizio Morga. The following morning Aurora had returned home with her clothes torn. They called a doctor who determined she had been raped. JC said that the doctor had given her the report but it is currently lost. Antonio said he had seen it in Aurora's room and Aurora said that Jezabel had to know where it was. The clerk said that it was now necessary for Jezabel to make a statement [Which we can reasonably suspect will be all lies].

    Demon showed something to Jezabel about Aurora. She apparently did something they forbade and he said it was a slap in the face. Jezabel did not take this seriously at first but finally said he should leave this to her. He broke her teacup and said that “I do not permit you to be in charge of anything since I became aware of your manipulations. The company is going to be mine. Neither you nor Aurora had the capacity to manage it.” She told him that he was not mature enough to manage anything, not even Helena. “Do you think that without you the business would go into bankruptcy? So, go on. Show it.”

    At the police station JC told Antonio they needed the list of employees of that time. Antonio said that might not be possible after almost 30 years. He finally said he would search for it. The clerk said to concentrate on the statement.

    Angel, Pascual, and Vickie were cheering Anita on. Briana was there and hinted to him about going to the movies. Angel did not reply to this. When Helena arrived, Briana claimed he had asked her out to the movies. She looked at Angel who had looked at Briana, perplexed.

    On the way out of the police station Antonio told Aurora that if not for her father this would have been done a long time ago. He told her about passing the same procession and she told him to erase those memories. He told her he could not because he loved her.

  12. O/T

    My apologies for the lateness of this recap. The episodes are not available On Demand until 6AM the next day and recent novelas are more dialogue-driven. The actors are also talking faster.

    I wish this Google would give us the previous layout on the comments page. My screen is 14" wide and I can only imagine how annoying this format must be to those with bigger screens.

  13. Angel/Aurora

    Urban, thanks for adding so much of the dialogue. Sorry your on demand doesn't show up until 6 a.m. though.

    Since I read this while watching today's episode I may get things confused between the two. Why does Demon believe it is "his" company. Did the grandfather leave it to him and cut out his daughters? Also, how did Aurora become in charge in the first place if her father hated her so much after her supposed transgression of having an illegitimate child. Maybe things will be explained as things continue.

  14. Angel/Aurora. Thank you for the excellent recap, Urban. It cleared up a number of things. Better a little late and accurate than early with errors. At nearly 30, Angel would of course decide where he lives--though knowing he is not Pascual's and Vickie's son, would certainly be very upsetting. It seemed to me that the young Juventino/Pintas was considerably taller than the present-day Juventino. Then he towered over Jezebel, but now they seem closer in height. Even the highest high heels couldn't account for that much difference.

  15. Angel

    Thanks so much Urban. I was totally confused after watching this. I thought I was watching the baby being taken away from Aurora but it was completely different from the first flashback! So Pascual was trying to return the baby. At least I think that must be it. The dad had already taken the baby and handed him to Pascual on the street. That should work in his favor when Aurora finds out Angel is her son. Although I doubt Jezabel will tell the same story.

    I feel that Aurora was left the company because her dad felt some guilt for taking her child. Or maybe he left it to both girls with Aurora the head. Demon just has that feeling of entitlement, or his mother convinced him it would all be his one day.

    I hope Juventino makes life really miserable for Jezabel. Both are traitors to family or friends.

    The office people are pretty much unknown to me. I need to make a cheat sheet.


  16. Angel / Aurora #12

    There was no reading of the will shown so far, so we don't know what Miguel's wishes were. People with that level of wealth usually draw up their wills long before their children are adults and before they themselves get to his age at death. Since this tale is generous with flashbacks we will probably find out soon.

    My guess is that Aurora was given the corner office on the assumption that Jezabel would have less time for the responsibilities and that Aurora may have previously shown more talent for business... and gotten better grades in school. He did not disown Aurora, but I would love to know how many other people know the truth of their story.

    I took notes on today's episode so that will be posted tomorrow. I would appreciate if others could do the rest of this week. I have jewelry projects pending and a medical appointment on Friday that conflicts with the broadcast time.

  17. I can do a day but it won't be as accurate as yours urban. Preferably not Wed as that is my El Conde night.

  18. O/T

    That's great; thanks a bunch. I need to have a couple of mornings to do other stuff!

  19. El angel de Aurora
    Urban , thank you for an excellent recap .
    Welk, Briana was touching Angel every chance we had at the amusement park while pushing Helena away from him . However, Angel only had eyes for Helena.

    I gets kick out of Demin''s vests...pretentious poser.

    Yes, Young Juv was much taller and handsomer than old Juv. Rene is chewing up the scenery as he eats and drinks in almost every scene ! Susan

  20. El Angel de Aurora #12
    Part 1 of 4

    As Antonio touched her shoulders Aurora flashed back to the rape. JC arrived to defend her. He and Antonio began arguing, Aurora stopped them before this became a public scene. Antonio said he would never hurt Aurora. “More than you have? I don't believe that,” she said. Antinui apologized and said they would talk later, then left.

    Briana said Angel invited her to the movies; he told Helena it was Briana's idea then asked Helena to come. Anita scored another goal. Angel and Helena cheered her while Briana took out her phone.

    Demon got a message from Briana that Helena was at the game. He was annoyed Jezebel came down a potential staircase-of-doom. Demon did not give her a kiss goodbye, but confronted her about Fabrizio. He did not trust what he had previously been told. She commented about him not being man enough to protect them and not being high enough socially, was that enough? Demon asked where he was and she claimed not to know, suggesting that he had another family elsewhere. She then made her escape. He knew she was lying but was distracted by a text from Briana to get to the game ASAP. He was angry on both fronts.

    Patricia was being interviewed for television about her accident. She showed where she had sprains and told her fans not to worry. The interviewer asked her whether it was her husband who threw her out of the car. “Well, what is seen is not judged,” she replied. “Did he or not?” “Ay, I don't want to talk any more about my personal life.” The interviewer asked if the producer was firing her from the novela over because of her video. Patricia answered that nobody was firing her, “I left when the writers were destroying my character. But, thanks to God I have a new project under way.” [Yeah, and I have an island to sell you].

    In the barrio, Pascual asked Helena if Antonio was her father. Just as she answered Yes. Anita's team won the game. Vickie asked Pascual why he was asking such questions as a mutual gaze between Helena and Angel was broken by Briana, who tied marking her territory by taking his arm.

    Patricia indirectly asked her audience “Why the attacks? I have never lied.” She went on to apologize to Aurora “but please prove she was raped because if you don't you lose credibility to the real victims.” [What a bitch!] The reporter asked “Do you want to say that you have also been abused?” “Well, yes, in a certain way,” she said. “He threatened to strip me of everything while he was with Aurora Campero in Las Flores living the high life, Isn't it abuse to want to abandon a devastated and defeated woman like me?” [Playing the victim must have been her specialty. Makes me wonder how much she really needs that wheelchair.]

    Helena hugged Anita as Angel hugged Rolando. The family and the two warring stepsisters left the game area.

    Demon trash-talked Angel to Edgar, who tried to tell him not to take this seriously. As he began talking about Aurora's next proposed projects Frida entered. She is the Marketing Director from Fendam and it looks like Edgar arranged this meeting.

    Patricia accused Jezabel of being a bad friend for not having visited her since the accident. Jezabel did not take this seriously, but apologized and they started talking about the video. Patricia accused her of attacking her and Aurota for slapping her. Jezabel then said she was giving her her “eternal friendship”, saying it wasn't a joke. “With me you will have everything. And Briana doesn't take care of you?” “She's an ingrate. She told me she was not going to miss work for me.” When Jezabel mentioned Antonio becoming a socio of her company Patricia nixed that, talking about about bleeding Antonio dry so that he would have nothing. [Not only a bitch but a vampire]

    Aurora and JC talked about Antonio. Both had been told he was still in love with her. JC asked her “Do you still love him?”

  21. El Angel de Aurora #12
    Part 2 of 4

    Antonio went into the church and prayed, not so much to God, but apologizing to Aurora as he could not have done in front of JC. For leaving her alone, for not having been strong enough to defend their love, and for having been manipulated by Jezabel. He cried as he said these words. He asked God to help him banish this from his heart because he could not do it. He resolved to not remain quiet about this. Aurora would know what happened to him. [OT: He's still handsome when he cries.]

    Jezabel told Patricia to cool it down because she would end up losing. They needed to put obstacles in Antonio's way. “You should have thought of this before breaking your hip.” Patricia told her what she just told the press and Jezabel told her now to shut up about this.

    The doorbell rang. Patricia thought it would be Antonio's friend who had been there the day before. Jezabel looked anxious as Patricia struggled for a name not told to her.

    Aurora and JC continued to talk about Antonio. Her love for him was so great she did not know if she could banish it to the past. She was very confused at this time. However she was sure that she could if she denounced her rapist and recovered [WTAF does that have to do with Antonio?]

    Helena and Briana argued over Angel. Helena decided to go back to the office and told Briana she also should. Briana refused and accused Helena of jealousy. She told her to watch out for Demon. As Anita came over to hug Helena Briana walked off to be near Angel [who – fortunately – was with his parents]. Angel told Vickie he was taking her to a doctor while Helena gave a treat bag to Anita and said she would see her again.

    Demon and Edgar had something up their sleeves. They seemed to want to replace Helena with Frida. They are breaking corporate confidentiality to do so and it was dangerous because it was grounds for termination. He said they had a new model and all will go well. They drank to it. [And with Demon being a boss's son it looks like Frida is the only one risking anything.]

    Patricia realized she never caught the name. Jezabel and Cassandra (who must have been the person at the door) left Patricia's house. Patricia played with a #10 envelope as they departed.

    Angel's family and the two stepsisters went into the amusement park. Briana managed to get into the same bumper car as Angel [Ar you already as sick of this as I am?]. Of course later Briana pushed herself into Angel and Helena's conversation. She grabbed Helena's hand to pull her away from Angel and get back to the office. [Angel is to naive to recognize this for what it is but I think Vickie got it.]

    After Frida's departure Demon and Edgar were in a restaurant having drinks, unaware that Fabrizio was at the bar. He turned around and interrupted their conversation. Demon tried to walk away but Fabrizio told him that Jezabel threw him out because she was in love with another man. That stopped him and also got the attention of at least half the other patrons. He sent Edgar to get the car.

    Angel took Vickie to the hospital. The doctor found a tumor and said they needed to do tests, most importantly a biopsy.

  22. El Angel de Aurora #12
    Part 3 of 4

    Luis sat at his computer, angry that JC was not answering his phone. His nurse came in to check up on him to see if he wanted lunch. He lost all control, shoved the nurse aside, picked up a bat, and began trashing the room starting with the laptop. The nurse took out her phone and ran from the room.

    Juventino/Pintas tried to apologize to Pascual who wanted nothing to do with him. He said he would forget everything about Angel. Pintas was definitely an alcoholic. He started saying they were his only friends. He began talking about having lost his wife and children.

    Luis' nurse ran downstairs to Aquiles and Glorio, saying he was having a criisis and she could not reach his father. The two got up and ran upstairs. Luis was holding a framed photo of his brother. Aquiles disarmed him and wrestled him down onto the bed to prevent him from hitting anything and anyone else. Glorio ran out of the room.

    Briana told Demon about the afternoon in the park and asked why he didn't want Angel in the ad. He told hr to wipe off the mocking smile; “You are enjoying this too much.” When she leaned over the front of the desk he made it clear that she was below him in social class. “Kings do not play with slaves.” He asked where Helena was and she said she was in her office. Briana ignored his obvious insult and he weaponized his hormones. There was no passion, only purose in the kiss he gave her. He followed it with another insult, saying that if she wants the model so much they can work together so she can be la señora del barrio.

    While waiting on hold Jezabel flashed back to her latest conversation with Patricia and her latest confrontation with Demon. The person on the other end said that Fabrizio was not in the hospital.

    Patricia found the anonymous note and demanded that Antonio explain.

    JC arrived home to chaos. He told the nurse to call the doctor. Aquiles let go and Luis took the bat to go after JC. Aquiles and Glorio together took him down.

    Demon entered Helena's office to tell her that Edgar would replace Angel as their model. His manner clearly showed a growing madness. Helena told him that Edgar was not the brand image from his original plan, which called for a “normal” guy (as in not an obvious model). Edgar claimed to have prior experience in commercials. Demon said he would talk to the client. 'he checked his watch, claimed he had a meeting, kissed her, and told Edgar to come to his office.

  23. El Angel de Aurora #12
    Part 4 of 4

    Antonio scolded Patricia for opening mail not addressed to her. She began accusing him of trying to cheat her out of her assets and taking anonymous mail targeting her. He looked at it and said “Not everything is about you. This has nothing to do with you.” She got nasty, claiming that her life is untouchable unlike the ”mosca muerta”, Aurora who likes to steal husbands. He was mentally rolling his eyes.

    Aurora arrived in the barrio and told her driver to wait while she found the house.

    Demon entered Jezabel's office without knocking, which angered the already annoyed Jezabel. He considered himself above the rules. He finally made it clear that he also wanted to fire her. MORE

    A doctor recommended to JC that Luis be hospitalized. He agreed until realizing tht th hospital was too far away for him to get thee in a hurry. He insisted that Luis stay under his roof.

    Demon accused Jezabel of doing nothing at work and blaming him when anything went wrong. [He could be right about that.] He demanded to know who she was cheating on his father with.

    Luis was sedated. Aquiles and Glorio talked, the latter saying they should get out of this arrangement.

    Jezabel refused to talk about this. When Demon said Edgar's name she slapped him just as Cassandra tried to enter. She ordered her to get out. Cassandra closed the door without a word and prevented Helena from going in by telling her about the slap.

    Jezabel tried to tell Demon that he needed to manage his jealousy over Helena and taking it out on her(sef). He denied any jealousy, but she didn't believe him. [“It's a foolish mother who doesn't know her own son.” – Livia in I, Claudius] She sarcastically suggested he might q=give up the business to Aurora and they'd have some peace.

    Aurora was in the barrio of Pascual and Vicki. Juventino was drunk but she was in his line of sight. Angel appeared, stopping by the house on the corner whose window showed a candle flame too close to the nearest drapes. This was a house fire waiting to happen.

  24. Angel

    Thanks Urban, I love all the details from the conversations!

    There’s really no comparison between the step sisters. Helena was into the soccer game and Angel’s sister while Briana was just interested in Angel. She’s really a better match for Demon.

    Patricia is another troublemaker. Poor Antonio, he does make some bad choices. I wonder when he realized Jezebel was lying about Aurora. Hard to believe he couldn’t see through the lies- but then there’d be no telenovela.

    I’m hoping Pascual can see through Juventino. They sure don’t need him in their lives.

    At least Jezebel can see her son’s jealousy. I guess Angel will be replaced. Although he has Aurora on his side now! It will be interesting to see how Jezebel’s ex fits into all this.

    Thanks for the Jezebel info. So she was the worse. Years ago my women’s church circle read Bad Girls of the Bible. She was one of a bunch so didn’t realize she was considered the “baddest”


  25. Angel/Aurora

    So have we come up with an official shortened name for this series? I don't know how to reference it

    I've never seen the actor playing Antonio before but he doesn't do much for me in the looks department. I prefer JC, lol.

    I really was dialogue heavy Urban and I appreciate how much time you spent giving us the play by play action.

    Is anyone else bothered by Angel hugging everyone all the time? Maybe he should try that on the barrio thugs rather than punching them out.

  26. Angel / Aurora #12

    I am probably the last person who can answer your closing question, Kat. I don't hug anybody so it does bother me because I don't get it.

    You need to see some of Jorge Salinas' earlier series from about 20 years ago. Like Mariana de la Noche, which also has some of Jorge Avendano's best music. The romantic scenes were very hot. Right now I think JS has lost a little too much weight, like about 3 kilos.

    In the last few years all the actors are talking much faster and I can't figure out why. Are all the networks inserting more ads?

    Liz, I think Antonio was quite naive in the 1994 scenes but he caught on to Jezabel later. Since Demon doesn't remember his father being at home Fabrizio had to have left before Demon was 2 years old. Did he give Antonio the low-down in her just after leaving? He must have known that he was used as a sperm donor so that Jezabel could have a male heir at the same time.

  27. El Angel de Aurora

    Urban, thank you for that excellent recap with all the details . I think Jorge looks much better and healthier than he did in Perdonne .

    Kat, I like hugs , but i had to alert some of my Spanish students that Americans have an invisible personal space of about 2 ft. Angel reminds me of some of my students who liked to greet me and fellow students with a hug as a greeting . Some cultures touch more than Americans and some much less , so it's interesting to observe people from different cultures interacting in the same class.
    Patricia gets on my last nerve. I am tired of her pointing at people. I notice that a lot of villains do this . susan

  28. El Angel de Aurora #13
    Part 1 of 3

    Angel and Aurora met in the barrio street where she told him he had his job back. When he was about to bring her to meet his parents El Morro and his crew of young thugs accosted them, accusing Angel of violence and attempting to provoke him at the same time. Aurora told Angel it wasn't worth it. El Morro apologized to Aurora before creeping her out, then leaving.

    Patricia went through Briana's room before finding a photo she was looking for (likely of her ex-husband).

    As the gang left Aurora told Angel that it would be better if she met his parents another time. Her driver waited as she told Angel she'd see him tomorrow in her office. They hugged before she got into her car. [Fashion Note: What an unflattering dress.]

    JC apologized to Aquiles and Glorio. The guys told him that Luis needed a specialist. JC thanked them for their good intentions.

    Angel prayed for Vickie's health and the usual request for forgiveness.


    Fabrizio visited Antonio who told him about Patricia's greed and that she had not been like that when he married her. He showed him his desk photo of Helena, then asked how long he had been in the psychiatric hospital. Fabrizio told him he had been out of the hospital for a year. [I think he was lying] Antonio asked about his financial situation and it looked like Fabrizio was lying about his losses from his father and his father's pension that his mother had lived on.

    JC called Aurora to get together with her the next day, saying he did not know what to do.

    Pintas was grooming himself as El Morro told Pintas about seeing Angel with Aurora.

    After the maid served him coffee Fabrizio told Antonio he was staying in a hotel de paso. Antonio invited him to stay at his place. He was willing but became defensive when Antonio asked if he had seen Demon. He was eating the cookies intensely enough that Antonio offered to have dinner prepared for him but he declined.

    MORE Helena came home and passed Patricia, who had apparently fallen asleep in her wheelchair. She entered Antonio's study and he introduced her to Fabrizio. There was some awkwardness in their reactions to each other.

    Luis apologized to JC who said they would be together. He had decided to quit his job. [This sounds like a bad decision]

    Briana came home and apologized to Patricia who asked to kiss her. When she closed in Patricia suddenly stood up and twisted her arm, interrogating her about what she told “your father.”

    Pascual asked Angel about the lady he was talking to earlier. Before Angel could answer Anita came in with the plate that held the burnt newspaper page. Angel recognized that it was the newspaper article.

    Fabrizio told Helena she was very pretty and “I'm sure my son is very happy with you.” She asked if they had seen each other and he said they had. More awkwardness.

    Patricia grabbed Briana by the hair, pulled her down to the couch, and continued the interrogation. She was heard in the study – “I warned you. If you say anything bad about me to Antonio, you will pay, ingrate.” – then got caught by Antonio and Helena. Antonio yelled “Are you crazy? Let go of her!”

  29. El Angel de Aurora #13
    Part 2 of 3

    Aurora and Jezabel got into more conflict over her reporting of the rape. Jezabel lied about the state of her friendship with Patricia. Aurora questioned her about the whereabouts of the lab report from the rape case. Jezabel pretended to be hurt over this accusation and Aurora said she did not trust her; she had been in and out of her room all the time.

    Jezabel pulled a guilt trip on Aurora for her accusation. The doctor who had signed the report had died and Demon made little of all this [Shouldn't the police have a copy of it?]. Aurora was not caving to this. She knew her sister was not trustworthy. Jezabel faked empathy. She left to see Patricia, leaving Demon with Aurora.

    Patricia tried to lie her way out of this, accusing Antonio of wanting to abandon her. She finally tried saying it was an accident that she had grabbed Briana's hair. Antonio's expression said he was not convinced,

    Pascual disposed of the burnt newspaper article with Miguel's photo. Vickie was in pain.

    Patricia sent Helena to get Fabrizio a drink and he introduced himself as Aldo Narvàez. She started questioning him [I am sure he couldn't wait to get out of there].

    Antonio went to Briana's room and asked her what happened. She tried to persuade him to not divorce her mother, claiming that lots of couples stay together “for the good of the children”; Antonio knew that this did not work in the long term. Briana implied fear of Patricia [I think she was acting]. After a while he agreed not to leave, but did ask her about why her biological parents broke up.

    At the Campero house Demon asked Aurora why she hated him. She was shocked. Based on the rest of her answer she had been a much better mother to him than Jezabel was. He asked her about his father and his parents' breakup.

    Briana said she did not like to talk about her biological father, only saying that he treated her and her mother badly. She did not want to call up bad memories. He understood. He also wanted her to not allow her mother to create false expectations.

    Angel got a text from Helena asking about his mother. They texted back and forth about his family, then each tried calling the other and got busy signals.

    Aurora told Demon about looking for her son and he got impatient as this had more of her attention than much notice of his parents' deteriorating marriage. She suggested that he needed to have this conversation with his mother. He even began yelling. MORE

    Aurora and Angel talked. She gave him the bad news about his job and he explained how he knew and that Aurora had come to his neighborhood. They decided to meet.

  30. El Angel de Aurora #13
    Part 3 of 3

    Fabrizio took his leave of Antonio who then enquired of Patricia about her treatment of Briana. She complained that Briana neglected her. He told her that the divorce terms he set would take care of her, even leave her rich. That was not enough for her. He told him that if she was looking for it, this was war. He threatened to put his company in Helena's name. If she opened his mail again, thete would be consequences,

    On the same rooftop as before Jezabel dropped some major cash on the pavement in front of Pintas who got creepy with her again. She walked away and then turned around and asked him if he could surveil someone (whom she did not name). He was to report everything. He looked for another shot at her sister, but she drew the line there. As she walked away he asked about her sister's son and she said “He died.”

    The Next Day

    JC told Aurora what happened and that he would have to resign from the company. She asked if he could work from home. He told her that Luis had wanted to kill him.

    Demon and Edgar stalked Angel and deliberately went through a puddle to splash his new clothes. [How middle school is this?]

    JC and Aurora talked about psychiatrists. He had not imagined that Luis' problem was this serious. He could not leave him alone. He told her he loved her. Luis entered the room and accused JC of abandoning him for Aurora. [Aurora, run away from this.]

    Anhel confronted Demon and Edgar. Demon took out some cash and threw it at him. Edgar called him a naco. They verbally double-teamed him until Angel lost it and decked Edgar.

  31. Angel

    Thanks so much for the excellent detailed recap. Especially as you’re still recovering. I thought of giving it a try but there was a lot of dialogue I didn’t understand.

    Angel was rehired a couple of days ago, then Demon presents Edgar as the next model so Angel is fired again. I guess I thought Aurora was in the neighborhood to rehire him. Or did he know he was fired again? The most satisfying part of the show was Angel punching Edgar. I had thought Edgar was helping Demon with the “books” or Aurora’s computer just to please his boss, Demon. Now I figured out he’s just as bad Demon.

    Yes, Aurora needs to distance herself from JC. I’d hate for his son to harm him.

    I wonder why Fabrizio gave Patricia a different name. I know he and Antonio were friends but he seems to be up to something. Or maybe that’s what a few years of being married to Jezabel does to you. I’m still on the fence about Briana too. She’s a horrible stepsister, sleeping with her sister’s fiancé and just not nice. But then she acts the loving daughter to Antonio. I think she’s basically out for herself. And Antonio still is not a great judge of character.

    Aurora seems to be realizing her sister is not so trustworthy. But the distrust seems to have just happened.

    I think Angel might figure out who he is on his own! Pintas is so creepy, I was glad Jezabel told him the baby was dead. But he knows the truth so I wonder why he asked.


  32. Angel / Aurora #13

    Thanks, Liz.

    Patricia and Jezabel have been "friends" for over 30 years. Patricia would be sufficiently self-centered to not recognize Fabrizio after all this time, especially with no photos for 28 years. We don't know what he's done over the years or why he had to do it, but I'm guessing he's broke.

    Juventino/Pintas knows that Aurora's son is alive and well, but Jezabel doesn't know that he knows.

    Aurora needs to distance herself from JC because her own life would also be in danger from Luis. He is not predictable and JC's own life is in danger, so his decision to not hospitalize him could be his worst mistake ever.

  33. El angel de Aurora

    Urban, thank you for that excellent retelling . I like this show more and more .

    Angel's sweet soul shines through his bright smile. He is such a contast to Demon.

    I am anxious to hear Fabrizio',s story. He looks so hungry whenever he shows up. I wonder where he is living . He and Antonio seem to have been close friends . Susan
