
Thursday, September 19, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Sept. 16, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones!! On Thursday, a new TN will start, Pedro el Escamoso!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 61-62

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso: GRAN ESTRENO!!

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #61 Page 1


    Natalia refuses to sign over her shares to the ever smirking Zaid until his money appears in company account. The notary agrees that he needs to see the 150 million dollars in the account before Luisa signs over the shares. Zaid needs to make a call to get the money moving. Marcelo tells Luisa that he has to leave and to trust him. Once out of the office, Marcelo makes a call to Felipe to start the plan. Felipe and Enzo get busy tracing the call between Zaid and Ben. The GPS finds Ben. They send Marcelo the address and will meet him there. In the mean time. Since no money has been transferred yet, the notary yells Zaid that he has other appointments and no time to waste. Luisa tells Zaid to get on the phone ad pressure whoever he has to at the bank to make the transfer. She cannot believe that she could lose everything because of him.
    He calls Ben and has to leave him a message. He threatens to track Ben down to whatever corner of the world he is hiding in to kill him if he ran away with his money. Ben calls the bank to get the money transferred and finds out that it is taking time because the payment has to be authorized. When he is told he can make the transfer on his computer, Felipe and Enzo break into his hotel room with guns drawn and Marcelo trailing along. Felipe informs Ben that the money is not his and if he makes the transfer he will be charged with not declaring the money. Ben admits that the money belongs to a friend who asked that he keep it in his account for him. Marcelo adds that his friend will be going to jail. Ben wants his lawyer. Felipe adds that in addition to tax evasion, he is making a deposit with illegally obtained resources. Felipe has an offer he cannot refuse. If Ben transfers the funds to an account of their choosing, he will be charged with only a minor crime. Back at the company, Luisa accuses Zaid of making a fool of her. The notary adds that if Luisa says is true, Zaid is committing a crime. Zaid makes it clear he is just as frustrated as they are. Ben refuses to do anything with the money until his lawyer is there. Marcelo encourages him to just make the transfer. Unexpectedly, Ben jumps up and punches Marcelo and makes a run for it. Luisa accuses Zaid of transferring her money to somewhere outside of Mexico. Enzo tackles Ben at the bottom of the stairs. He is handcuffed and taken back up to the computer. Finally Zadi gets a call that the transfer has been made. Luisa asks the notary to monitor the hotel account to see if the transfer is made. Zaid is annoyed when he hears that the transfer hasn't been made yet. Luisa gets a message on her cell phone.
    Surprisingly, the money has ended up in her personal account. Realizing what happened, she tells Zaid that his accomplice decided to return the money he cheated her out of. She smiles as Zaid leaves a message for Ben asking the imbecile what he did. Shaking, he adds that Ben will be sorry for what he has done. The police march a cuffed Ben out of the hotel. Felipe tells him that he is being arrested for non-violent theft. He will not add any other charges because Ben realized what they told him. Marcelo calls Luisa and fills her in. She is overjoyed and thanks him for what he did. He says that they both did it. He would do anything for her. They love each other. When they have Ben in the squad car, Felipe says they want to hear all about Zaid Espino who is his boss.
    Ben says Zaid WAS his boss. Zaid is informed that they tracked him via his phone call with Zaid. All Ben cares about is wanting to talk to his lawyer and the call he is entitled to. Luisa wants to trade the number of shares she has with Marcelo. She thinks it is only fair for what he did for her. He refuses the offer. He isn't looking for compensation for what he did. Lucía decides she wants to try it again with Marcelo. Luisa gives her general manager position to Marcelo.

  2. MAREA Page 2


    In his coma, Alfonso remembers what happened to Sofía. He heard his father talking to some guys about how he had managed to gamble all of his money away. He needed to get some money so he decided to pretend that Sofía was kidnapped.He would get Alejandro and Leonor to pay the ransom and he would be the richer for it. It turns out that one of his workers "kidnapped" Sofia grabbing her off her bike. He held his hand over her mouth and thought she had fainted. When he removed his hand, it turned out that she was dead. Alfonso saw his father load her into the trunk of his car. His father noticed him and told him to forget about what he saw. Alfonso didn't want to end up dead like his sister. His father slapped him and got into car. Alfonso emerges from his coma. Rita is there. He needs to talk to his family. He goes to get up and notices that he cannot feel his legs.


    -Cris suddenly remembers who he is. María tells him that he has moved in with her and that things are going well. He helps her around the house and they spend happy times together.He is so grateful for her. She asks him about the business plan he was going to have made for her. He tells her he had the plan made for her and where he left it at his house. She goes to look for it and it isn't there. Then she remembers Juan being at Cris' house.

    -Zaid is on his phone talking to Ben blaming him for getting caught so easily. Ben says it was Zaid's fault. Ben says that the police official who arrested him said that Marcelo and his brother fingered him because Zaid had left behind evidence that he was related to Elías. Zaid will get him lawyers but he is not to mention Zaid. Marcelo comes in and recognizes that Zaid is afraid with everything that is happening with Ben. Zaid insists he has nothing to do with Ben. Marcelo says that Zaid is making mistakes and is going to end up in jail.Marcelo says that the judge is going to hear an earful tomorrow. Zaid asks how he and Luisa are going to convince the judge that he and Luisa are not child abusers so he (Zaid) doesnt' end up with custody of Natalia. Marcelo laughs sarcastically saying that Zaid is going to get his. Zaid doesn't understand why Marcelo just didn't die seven years ago. Marcelo asks if he is going to kill him like he did Alejandro and Leonor. Zaid says their deaths were accidents like what happened to his sister Catita. It was such a horrible accident. He cannot imagine that little girl . . . Marcelo grabs him by the collar and tells him to shut up and never talk about his sister again. He adds that he also knows what he did to Luisa. The only reason he is not killing him is that he wants to see him rotting away in jail.

    - Roberta is visited by Enzo who says that his bosses were not interested in making her a protected witness but after not getting any evidence on Zaid, they decided to take drastic measures and accept his proposal. Roberta will do what is necessary. Enzo has Robera call Benicio (Zaid's drug dealer?) She identifies herself as having worked for the VIP Casino manager. He doesn't remember her. He will have important conversations only in person. She agrees and says she has a proposal for him. After the conversation, Enzo asks her if she still wants take the risk. Roberta has nothing to lose. He wires her up and de drops her off near the site of the meeting. There is no meeting as a car tries to run her over. She is only saved by Enzo shoving her out of the way. With her cover blown, Enzo thinks the best thing would be for her to leave town and cut contact with anyone she knows. She doesn't want to because she is in love with Ana but will think about it.

  3. MAREA Page 3

    Isela tells one of her nurses that in spite of Juan not loving her for years now, she ended up being the person who hurt herself the most by having betrayed herself. She would like to start fresh and believes it is indeed possible. She wants to leave everything that has been so horrible behind.

    -Santiago is shocked to hear that Luisa is back in control and not pleased to hear that Marcelo made Ben return the money from the scam. Ana cannot believe that Santiago was Zaid's partner in all of this and talked her into siding with them. Santiago says this is not the last that Luisa is going to hear about this.

    -Santiago goes to an outdoor bar. He gets an anonymous call from a woman . She asks him if he had harassed so many women that he could not find one to go out for a drink with. Santiago looks around to see who could be watching him but sees nobody. He asks who she is but there is no answer.

    -Felipe tells Marcelo that it seems that Helena stole Sofía's story/identity. Marcelo says that Helena told him that a Cenobio Cueva found her in a boat. Cris tries to remember what he did with what Helena had told him. He called Cenobio and he paid for something but cannot remember what. Marcelo says that Helena told him that she killed Cenobio Cuevas.


  4. Marea

    Excellent as always Jarifa. I guess that last meeting Roberta had with Zaid was with a wire but he didn't incriminate himself at all. I wonder if she has been in solitary to keep her safe from other prisoners that may hurt her. Sounds like Enzo wants to put her in a witness protection program. Yeah, Enzo is getting more air time. I wonder where the crooked cop is and Felipe and Enzo's female boss. I almost expected one of them to pop up and refuse them going to find Ben in their little sting operation.Id go with it personally. Then when Zaid is convicted maybe she can return to Ana (who is no longer even visiting her). I'm happy you explained Isela's conversation with the nurse. I didn't catch what all she said.

    I know you tune out the Camila storyline but is she contemplating suicide or just convinced she will die. The hair loss from chemo has been hitting her hard and she told Inaki something but I'm not positive what.

    So happy to finally see Zaid being foiled and that Luisa got the money back. I thought Marcelo turned down the job, that his place is on the land and not in an office. It would have been great if she could have fired Zaid and given Marcelo his job.

    Juan is as bad as Zaid! I liked that they dubbed the actors voices when they had the flashbacks to young Juan and Isela.

  5. MAREA

    Thanks, Kat. I confess that I forgot about Camila totally when writing the recap and when I remembered, I was too lazy to go back and add her in. So, thanks for bringing her and her situation up. Camila also decided to come to terms with her fatal situation and make the most of her time that is left.
    It was a very satisfying episode last night with Zaid being outwitted for once. Yes, they did a great job with the flashbacks.

    More later.

  6. MAREA

    Jarifa another simply superb recap. Your detailing is amazing.

    Finally Marcelo wiped "the ever smirking" facial expression off Zaid's ugly countenance. "Zaid says their deaths were accidents like what happened to his sister Catita. It was such a horrible accident. He cannot imagine that little girl" made my stomach churn.

    I liked the way the scene where Ben was captured was filmed; Ben almost succeeding in getting away was believably done as he is a slippery eel.

    "Alfonso didn't want to end up dead like his sister. His father slapped him and got into car". No wonder Alfonso is so messed up. And now he can't feel his legs? Please writers, do not go there.

    "Cris suddenly remembers who he is" was heartbreaking. The actor is doing an incredible job.

    I can't wait for Juan's anvil to fall.

    "Felipe tells Marcelo that it seems that Helena stole Sofía's story/identity". It's a bit more than that...I'm not quite following the Cenobio Cuevas plotline but I'm sure it will make sense in the end.

    I wonder if Tere is Enzo's caller (?) She is as mad as a hatter.

    I like Enzo but why are they fleshing out Enzo's character at this late date??

    Sure something will rock Luisa and Marcelo now that they've decided to be together. A lot can happen, which I'm dreading.


  7. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for an excellent recap of all the unfolding drama.

    Yay, The good guys used technology to thwart Zaid and minion Ben. Ha.

    Wow, Sofia died while being kidnapped . So..who is \was Helena? I think that we have to see her again to find out her real story.

    Poor Chris. This actor looks familiar, and I am trying to figure out were I saw him before.

    Enzo is suddenly center stage , tackling escaping Bad Ben and saving Roberta from being hit by the car. Yay, second string Enzo. Susan

    Susan: Who's Sofia ?

  9. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, that was great. I was surprised Marcelo didn’t kill Zaid when he mentioned the little sister’s accident. It seemed to me he was admitting he was at fault. But Marcelo just said something about not mentioning her.

    I wondered who the guy Roberta phoned was. Seems strange to bring in a new character so late in the show.

    I still think Helena is Sophia. Did Chris ever get the DNA results back? I can’t remember. She could have been unconscious for a while from lack or air. If she was going to pretend to be Sophia she would have admitted it and worked her way into the family.

    The best was seeing Zaid lose that smirk. And all the money! Apparently Luisa had no idea what Marcelo and the police were up to. But I didn’t remember that Santiago was in on the plot to steal the money in the first place. He’s as low as Juan.


  10. Marea

    Steve if you don't know who Sofia is you obviously aren't watching this show! It is an essential part of the plot.

    Ok, I had a different interpretation of the Helena story. I thought they were saying Rita stole Sofia's story. Actually without Helena's story they wouldn't know about Venobia cuevas. I still think she is alive, and Sofia wasn't actually dead when she was suffocated. Juan probably sent her off to sea in a rowboat expecting her to be eaten by the sharks or something. Cenobia found her, rescued her and made her life a living hell. I'm still not sure how Zaid came to know her story. Maybe he is a pedophile on top of all his other sins and she was sold to him for sex. I always get a weird feeling when he is with Nati.

  11. MAREA

    Liz "I still think Helena is Sophia. Did Chris ever get the DNA results back? I can’t remember". Thank you - I can't remember either!!

    I think a lot will hinge on weather Helena is Chris' daughter...

    Kat, I also think Sofia is alive...if she isn't Helena, do you think it's someone who is among the cast of characters now?


  12. Marea

    Now I am confused . So. ...You guys think that Sofia is alive. I do think that Helena is still alive . I can't wait to see how the writers are going to end this tale . One thing is for sure, I want great big anvils to rain down on Zaid and Santiago. Susan

  13. Marea

    Diana, I'm still sticking to my belief Helena is Sofia and Susan I think Sofia/Helena is alive somewhere. Early on I wondered if Nora could be the missing Sofia, but Helena seems the better prospect. She has blue eyes and blond hair, a more likely match than Nora physically.

    Jarifa, I know you hated recapping the 2 hour shows but this story really drags you in wanting more. I'm really glad the shows aren't weekly like US series!

    Kat in SC: Oka Giner is super excellent in several of the Telenovelas I've seen her over the years.

  15. MAREA

    I have been out all day (and still am) and have enjoyed reading the comments.

    Steve, I agree about Oka Giner. She really can hold her own.

    Yes, it is strange how this has turned out to be must-see TV.🤔

  16. MAREA

    Recap will be up some time this weekend.

  17. GOLPE

    Did any of you watch this? I thought it was terrific! Great stories, sharp script, fabulous acting. Eduardo Yáñez and the little girl were particular standouts in a brilliant cast. And they must have had a big budget – lots and lots of extras in the scenes. Anybody know if it was popular in Mexico?

  18. OT
    Hi, Maggie . I only surfed in once in awhile . I liked many of the actors . Lots of familiar faces from past novelas. I did watch most of the finale . I liked the HEAs and the anvils. Susan

  19. Golpe

    Maggie, I watched the first half dozen episodes or so. I am saving it in my library so if you think it is worth watching I may watch some more. I decided to concentrate on shows that are being recapped this go around. My Spanish comprehension is coming along but recaps help immensely.

  20. Golpe

    I am watching this but still have 30 episodes to go. I watch it mainly on weekends but get at least one in during the week. I like two of the three story lines a lot. I’m not crazy about Nacho but like the rest of his family. I’m at the part where he and Eva kissed and the son got the photos. I think the character he plays is so dumb that I find him annoying. I hope Lupita finds someone else but know she’ll end up with him!


  21. GOLPE

    I’m glad some of you have peeked at Golpe!

    Kat – look out! Don’t let happen to you what happened to me. I’ve been watching telenovelas for years now to learn Spanish. At first, I was totally lost and relied heavily on the recaps to figure out what was going on. Later I was a recapper myself and still had to look up a lot of words or throw myself on the Caray patio peeps to help with explanations of words I couldn’t understand.

    Because my hearing isn’t great I always run the captions, and I must say now I can read them with great ease, rarely looking up words. BUT guess what! If you’re just reading all the time and not speaking, you learn to read but not to speak. That’s where I am now. It’s embarrassing. And I can’t conjugate verbs worth beans. When I go to try to say something the words get all jammed up somehow. Ha!

    So it needs speaking practice too as well as concentrated grammar learning to be able to speak Spanish somewhat fluidly.

    Liz – yeah, Nacho isn’t very bright. Sweet but dumb, and therefore very gullible.

    Susan – what’s an HEA?

    I didn’t care for some parts of the ending – too pat in places, and unbelievable. But happy stuff, which is what we want!

    I do miss being part of the patios – when I drop in to various ones, the conversation is so much fun and the patio peeps so nice. But the way my days go, I like to look in around 3:00 or so in the afternoon, and, as I’m in LA, that means people in the eastern time zones are already making dinner!

  22. Golpe

    Maggie, HEA is happily ever after .

    I hope you start commenting . The more comments we get, the better. Some new novelas are starting. Just comment whenever you can . Everyone has something interesting to add. Susan

  23. La Familia

    Donde, do you when this show starts ? I am interested in watching another dizi. They definitely have a different vibe than the Mexican novelas. I am still watching " Amor Prohibido." Susan

  24. MAREA DE PASIONES #62 Page 1


    1. Luisa announces that she has decided to leave her position as president of the shareholders. She joyfully announces that she is putting Marcelo in that position. She tells snickering Zaid and Santiago not to laugh so hard about her decision because Marcelo will be deciding their future roles in the company. Juan smiles smugly as does Ana.

    2. Felipe and Enzo are searching for Eugenio Reza the man who said that his boat was stolen 30 years before. It was the same boat that Zenobia Cuevas had in his position when he was killed. They find Reza, identify themselves and tell him they want to ask him some questions. He looks like a deer in the headlights.

    3. Marcelo know at Luisa trusts him and that is why she named him but he is going to reject the position. Santiago thinks it is the least that he could do and Zaid accuses him of pulling the same thing as when he said he wouldn't accept the shares that Leonor left to him. Zaid is sure they are planning against him. Luisa laughs quietly into Marcelo's sleeve. Juan tells him not to be paranoid. Ana is sure that Marcelo is a man of his word. Looking Santiago straight in the face she adds "not like others." Zaid says they will have to wait and see. Santiago gets a text: I love how that shirt fits you. Open it a little more." He is clearly disturbed and leaves. 5

    5. Juan happily tells Marcelo and Luisa that the shares that Marcelo told him to invest are going to produce some good earnings soon. He explaons that a Mexican company wants to buy 20% of the shares in the company in order to position itself in the market place. Everyone is happy. Marcelo admits he didn't have a lot of confidence in him. Juan admits that he did it to prove to María that he isn't that piece of garbage that María thinks he is. Marcelo doesn't think it will have the desired effect because his mother is in love with somebody else. If getting back in his mother's good races was so important to him, Marcelo offers to take over from him at this point.

    6. Iñaki shows Camila some great stats. Her video had more than 80,000 views. She always thought she would be a style influencer not an influencer for how she is now. Iñaki tries to convince her of her value of what she is doing now. Camila gets a call that her mother is being released.

    7. Reza explains that other fisherman had their boats stolen and that the authorities did nothing to help. That is why he didn't bother reporting that his was stolen. Felipe finds that interesting because he needs a boat to make a living. Felipe says he never responded to the summons to come pick up his boat. Reza insists he never got any summons. Enzo refreshes his memory telling him he signed it back in 1995. Felipe gets to the point. Reza reported that his boat was stolen and then just let it go. Why?

    FLASHBACK: Reza asked how Juan could have used his boat to get rid of the body. He reported the boat as missing to the authorities. He called Juan an imbecile. Juan says if they trace the boat and find Sofía, Reza will take the fall for it all. Reza says Juan is just as guilty as he is. Juan reminds him that he suffocated Sofía. Reza killed his daughter and Juan should have killed him that very night he killed her.

    Clearly upset, Reza gets up for some water.

  25. MAREA Page 2

    8. Beatriz apologizes to Ana about how she was the last time they met. She explains how she is cooperating with the police as part of their witness protection program. She only has to find evidence against Zaid for selling drugs at the casino and she will be a free woman. She tried to talk to Zaid's dealer but he threw her a curve ball and now she is in danger. That is why she doesn't want to have any relationship with Ana. Roberta says they will be moving her out of town and possibly to another country to keep her safe. That is why they will not be able to be in communication with each other any more.
    Ana refuses to give her up and thinks there has to be a solution including both of them.

    9. Felipe and Enzo are sure that Reza knows more than he is saying. They need a warrant for his arrest to scare the info out of him but Felipe is currently on the bad side of his boss prosecutor García.Felipe will try to get the warrant any way.

    10. Accompanied by Iñaki, Camila is there to meet Isela as she is released. Camila complains that her hair is falling out. Her mother says it will grow back and if it were really that important it would be inside her head and not on the outside of her head. She gets Camila to smile and tells her how pretty she is.

    11. Alfonso is depressed at the hospital with Rita. A doctor who is a specialist in conditions like his will be by tomorrow to see him. He doesn't want her to tell anyone in his family that he is out of his coma and for them to see him in his present condition. Having Rita there is enough for him.

    12. Isela meets with Luisa to tell her something that she should have told her a long time ago. She didn't because she was being stupid. She is going to tell her the secret that she intimidated her mother with. Isela warns Luisa that she needs to be strong because what she is going to tell her is very serious. Before Leonor died, she discovered that Zaid was involved in a very wicked game of seduction with her. Luisa is incredulous. Isela makes it clear that she should not blame her mother. As a woman, she was in a very vulnerable state. Luisa starts to cry. Before she met Walter, Leonor told her that she had a strong attraction to a man who was younger than she was and she felt so guilty she couldn't be at peace. Afterwards, Isela realized that the man was Zaid, Luisa's husband. Luisa shakes her head in disbelief. Isela says that Leonor never told her the name of the man but she found out who it was because she saw them together. Isela insists that her mother was not responsible for this. She warns Luisa that she has to be careful with Zaid. A man who is capable of doing that, is capable of anything. She cannot trust Zaid.

    13. Felipe gets his wish and Reza is arrested. He tells Enzo and Felipe that he doesn't know why he was arrested. Felipe explains if he had cooperated at his house, he wouldn't be there. It is tie to talk. Reza wants a lawyer. Felipe explains that Reza knows very well that he is the accomplice in a very serious crime. There has to be a very good reason he never recovered his boat and they want to know it. Felipe refreshes his memory. His boat was found by a Cenobia Cueva along with a small girl inside of it. The girl had been left there on purpose. Reza is emphatic that he is not responsible for what happened with the boat after it was stolen from him. Felipe disagrees. It is time for him to talk or they will find somebody who will. Enzo suggests that might be the person who stole the boat in the first place that he is protecting. Reza has nothing to say. Felipe says they can hold him and they will. Enzo cuffs Reza to take him to a jail cell.

  26. MAREA Page 3

    14. Juan visits María with good news. There is a Mexican company that wants to associate with her business and name her as the controlling interest. She is having a hard time believing him because she knows that he stole her business plan. What is his purpose? To impress her? What? She is not interested in doing any kind of business with him because he plays dirty. He tries to explain that he is trying to repair things with her and Marcelo. She tells him it is too late for that. He underestimated her and ignored his son. He doesn't realize how harmful he is especially to those who made the bad decision to love him. Juan declares that it wold be impossible for him to steal Cris' friend's work. He offers her the folder he took with the business plan he tells her thats she needs to see what Cris' friend had to say about all of the gains she has made. He asks her to sign the agreement he has brokered. She needs to think of herself and of her company and Marcelo. He explains that Marcelo will be her capital investor with his shares. She cannot help asking what he is getting out of all this. Marcelo arrives. Juan explains to Marcelo that the money that was invested in his mother's business is his and that his mother doesn't want to sign the contract with the Mexican company. She is going to miss a great opportunity. Juan admits that he brokered the deal to prove to himself that he still had it and was capable of going on without Isela. Marcelo explains that he didn't trust Juan but she should sign the contract. It is a great deal. She signs the contract because of Marcelo.

    15. Luisa goes to see Zaid at the hotel. She sees him in a public area and greets him with a slap in the face. He answers her slap by asking her if she is crazy. She asks what his limit is. She is sure he doesn't have one. She wants to know what is going to happen next after he seduced her mother. He says it was HER MOTHER that did the seduction. As he hurries to a more private place, he describes Leonor as an alcoholic and a manipulator. She tells him to shut up. He insists that her mother snuck into his room to spy on him when he was changing his clothes but he never did anything with her. Luisa doesn''t believe him. He suddenly remember that he did kiss her once. it was out of pity because he, unlike Luisa, respected her (his wife ) and loved her and didn't go out for a roll in the hay the first time he could like she did with Marcelo. Luisa slaps him again. Luisa informs him that she only feels so very much disgust for him because she knows him and she knows who her mother was. She feels like it was one of his strategies that got out of control when he couldn't follow through with her mother. Zaid says she didn't know her mother. Luisa wonders how he could keep up his "good people" image for all of these years.
    Luisa concludes that they all must have been stupid to believe him. On her way out, she reminds him he is nothing at the company; just a simple employee. He wanted an inheritance from her mother and that didn't happen. He asks if she thought he was going to settle for that lousy pittance.He deserved much more. Luisa corrects him. He deserves absolutely NOTHING. Her mother found out just in time. That must be why she took him out of the will. She tells him to enjoy it all because his days at the company are numbered. He starts to laugh and approaches her and asks if she thinks that she is going to get rid of him that easily. He grabs her by the face (She should have kicked him in the crotch. I never understand why women in these novelas don't go for the family jewels much more often) He shakes her and says he won't be leaving there with empty hands. He walks away.

  27. MAREA Page 4

    16. María has picked up Natalia from school and they chat.

    17. Reza pays a maintenance worker to use his cellphone. He calls Juan and Juan is shocked to hear his voice. Juan wants to know what eh wants from him. Reza tells him the police arrested him. He thought that the they were done with "that topic". Juan tells him to say nothing and that he will send him a lawyer. Reza says he better because it was all Juan's fault for taking his boat without his permission to get rid of the girl. Juan reminds him again that he suffocated her and he stayed quiet about that. Reza agrees that Juan stayed quiet because he planned it all. Reza wants him to get him out and some extra money for the inconvenience. That will keep him nice and quiet. Juan says that the lawyer will make him an offer. Reza is not to call him again.

    18. Back home, Isela asks Camila what she knows about her brother Alfonso.Reluctantly, Camila tells her that Alfonso is in the hospital. He ahs been in a coma for months now.

    19. Luisa tells Marcelo how angry she is. She blames herself because she was the one who brought Zaid into the family and didn't find out what was going on in time. If she had, maybe her mother would still be there with them. She can only imagine the disgust her mother felt when Zaid said insinuating things to her. She thinks that because of Zaid her mother sought out Walter so Zaid would see that she had a man. She feels sorry for Walter because that might be what cost him his life. Marcelo feels the same way but there is no way to prove it. Marcelo concludes that Zaid is capable of doing anything at all.

    Marcelo remembers Zaid telling him that Alejandro and Leonor both died from accidents, just like his sister Catita. That was also such a horrible accident.

    Luisa tells Marcelo she is so ready for the custody hearing tomorrow. After what she saw from Zaid today, she will fight for Natalia tooth and nail. Zaid will only get Natalia over her dead body.

  28. MAREA Page 5

    20. At the hearing the judge says that the investigation found no evidence of domestic violence resulting in the psycho-emotional abuse of Natalia. Luisa says they never were going to find any because it was all a farce invented by her ex-husband. He emotionally manipulated her child. She asks Zaid if that is right. Zaid says that is yet to be proven. Is she planning on having Natalia come and testify in court. Luisa says she would never do that. NEVER. The judge has concluded that Zaid very well could have manipulated his daughter to be against her mother being motivated by being upset about the divorce. Zaid and his lawyer disagree with the judge accusing him of not investigating throughly. Zaid asks how can teh judge leave the girl with a family with no morals. A laughing Luisa cannot believe the stupid things he is saying. Zaid says that Leonor Grajales liked to hire young men as prostitutes to go to bed with her. Luisa defends her mother's reputation. Zaid says her mother seduced him and wanted to take advantage of him. Marcelo joins in. The judge finally puts an end to the arguing. As Zaid and her lawyer ask how Natalia can be put in a household with a violent man like Marcelo, Luisa starts to experience some bleeding. Marcelo notices and asks the judge for a doctor. Zaid notices, too.

    21. Alonso is impatient waiting for the specialist to arrive. Rita says they will be there soon. The doctor from the prison walks in. She is the specialist. She is going to be in charge of his case out of consideration for somebody that is very special to him; Beatriz his sister. She is used to cases like his from where she works. The doctor asks if he has had any side effects. He answers that he cannot feel anything below his waist. She starts her exam.

    22. The judge tells Marcelo that the doctor says that the bleeding was minor and that there was nothing to worry about.Of course, Zaid hears the conversation. Zaid asks when the hearing will continue. The judge says tomorrow. On their way out, Zaid asks Marcelo if he is going to have another child with Luisa. Marcelo decides not to answer him and leaves.

    23. María. Cris and Natalia went to the movies. They are now home. Cris' doctor is there. The doctor asks Cris about the movie but he doesn't remember anything. Cris gets a phone call. María answers. The lab is calling to tell Cris that the test results are in. María fills the doctor in about the DNA test between Cris and Helena. Cris and the doctor go to pick them up.

    24. Camila, Iñaki and Isela arrive at the hospital. Camila is excited that Alonso is awake. He is surprised to see her. She greets her son and tells him that she is there and she is not going to leave him. Alonso tells her the painful news. He is not the same as before. His legs are not working. He might have become disabled. Isela proclaims that he is going to be fine and she is going to help him. She reminds him that the worst is over, They both have hit bottom and that means that the only way left is up. He tearfully agrees as she repeats that he is going to be fine; then that she and he are BOTH going to be fine. He agrees again.

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    25. Ana has asked Ximena to come and see her so she can apologize. She tells her that she had no idea what Zaid had planned. She explains how her hands were tied because Zaid was going to "out" her. Ximena sarcastically calls her a "poor little thing" whose family was going to find out she was a lesbian so she got raped instead. Ana says she thought that the girls were only there to attract men not to have anything actually to do with them. Ximena isn't buying it After what she has been through, Ximena will not, cannot accept any of the apologies Ana is making. She thought Ana was her friend. She hates Ana and see her as responsible for what happened to her. She never wants to see her again.

    26. María tells Cris the news. Helena is his daughter. Cris asks where Helena is. María has to tell him that she died in the sea. As María is talking to the doctor, Cris decides he needs to go for Helena and heads to the sea. They hear Cris shouting for Helena and decide they need to find him. Cris runs for the beach asking Helena to wait for him. María and the doctor are in close pursuit.

    27. Isela tells Alonso how much she loves him and how she wants him to know that. She always felt such a strong connection with him ever since he was a little boy. They have always had a special connection. Also, they are the only two in the family that ever really knew Sofía. Alonso tells her that he had memory of Sofía. She asks what it was.

    28. Cris is standing on top of some rocks at the shoreline as María and the doctor try to catch up to him. He is shouting and crying for "Helena Sofía" He is asking where she is. He is her father. He didn't know because if he did, ehe would have done more for her. He calls for her to come back. María is trying to get his attention telling him to focus on how he made Helena feel loved. Cris asks Helena to forgive him. He stands sobbing.

    29. Alonso tells Isela that he can no longer be burdened with what he knows.
    Isela says she is there for him and to tell her. Isela assures her she is well and in professional treatment. He tells her to be strong. She is ready. He tells her that Sofía disappeared because his father had her kidnapped.

    Sofía is being held by Reza with his hand over her mouth as Isela is calling out to her as she is looking for her. Juan asked Isela what she was doing. Isela said she was looking for Sofía because she couldn't find her.

    Alfonso adds that his father knew all about it and didn't say anything. He saw his father and he remembered it all. The kidnapping went bad and Sofía died. Alfonso begs his mother to believe him. She knows that his father has done v and gotten involved in very serious things; so, she believes him and everything he told her. She is there with him. Now, she needs his father to confess what happened to her face. Alonso nods and she thanks him.

    30. Juan has sent a lawyer for Reza but before anything , Reza wants to know what kind of money is in it for him. The lawyer says a sufficient amount to buy himself some "treats." Reza was expecting more than that. He tells the lawyer that Juan must think he is the same fearful fisherman that he was years ago. This " charitiy" from Juan isn't going to do it. Is he ready to go to jail? He shoves the bills back into the lawyers hands and tells the lawyer to tell Juan that he can go to hell with his proposal. When the lawyer is gone, Reza calls out to the guard to tell the prosecutor that he is ready to make a deal and tell him everything.


  30. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, that was a great detailed recap.

    It sounds like they just put the boat out to sea with Sophia in it. Juan is beyond cruel. He caused all that suffering that Isela has been going through. Beatrice should have told the police she moved the money to protect her father. He’s not worth her spending a minute in jail.

    I feel like Zaid is going to do something to Luisa like he did to Helena when she was pregnant. Either that or he’ll kidnap Natalia. That whole thing with Luisa’s mother was sick.

    Isela without Juan seems like a force to be reckoned with. I’m anxious to see her confront Juan. And surely Helena will reappear.


  31. MAREA

    Jarifa, your recap read like a marvelous short story; your detailing was inspired, what a masterful rendition. Thank you!

    I kept wondering who the woman pretending to be Isela was. Where was the real Isela, and what had she done to her? Who was this strong, self-assured, vibrant woman, bucking Camila up, utilizing a touch of humor! Summoning the courage to tell Luisa about Zaid, honestly, plainly without any ulterior motive other than to do the right thing. And finally, her conversation with Alfonso, believing “…him and everything he told her.”

    “Luisa laughs quietly into Marcelo's sleeve”. Luisa has also found a shot of courage, slapping Zaid silly and reaming him out for his treatment of Leonor. Watching her chase him in her platform heels, I was cringing waiting for her to take a tumble down the stairs. I must say Luisa’s jewelry has vastly improved, it appears stylish gold chains have mercifully replaced those horrid rock necklaces. 😊

    (Maria) “…signs the contract because of Marcelo”. Why??? Juan looks more like the heavy-lidded lizard he is every single day. I can’t wait to see the newly confident Isela confront him for his sins.

    Reza “is ready to make a deal and tell him everything”. Ahhh, but will he live long enough to do so?

    I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen to Felipe and still puzzled as to why Enzo is being featured so prominently. Is there a connection?

    Where IS Helena?


  32. Marea

    Jarifa, great details, some of which I missed. Luisa didn't bring Zaid into the family, her father did by sort of adopting him when his parents died. Her father was throwing the 2 together hoping for a marriage. I bet that is half the reason married him after Marcelo disappeared and she discovered she was pregnant. I never understood that reasoning. So many single mothers nowadays she would have been fine.

    A bit confused about the boat issue. In 1995 when Cenovio discovered the boat with the young girl did he just get to keep her (because Helena was abused by him and perhaps killed him, I haven't ruled out Zaid somehow actually finishing him off). Why didn't the authorities take custody of her? Perhaps those questions will be answered in later episodes.

    Yes, Helena needs to return.....

  33. Marea
    Jarifa, thank you for another great recap .

    I was getting nervous as Luisa was on that staircase alone screaming and taunting BSC Zaid. I expected him to explode and push her down those stairs . She keeps pushing his buttons even when they're alone.

    Evidently Isela's hospital stay helped her. She seems like a calmer, different person .

    The Chris storyline is tragic .

    So many toxic males in his show, but now heroes Marcelo and Felipe have a. new Helper..yay. Susan

  34. MAREA

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by the patio. Here is hoping you are all having a good Sunday. I get a Bears game today, so I am happy.

    I was getting nervous as Luisa was on that staircase alone screaming and taunting BSC Zaid. I expected him to explode and push her down those stairs."

    Me, too, but Luisa was at the top of the stairs so that is why I was disappointed that she didn't knee /kick Zaid below the belt after he grabbed her by the face and send him backwards down those stairs. I am sure the pain would have him focusing elsewhere and not on her face. She might have been rid of him once and for all. . . oh, but then we do have four episodes left. Guess I will have to be content with her "slap o' rama" approach.

    Yes, Cris' s story is particularly tragic because he is such a good person. It was heartbreaking seeing him on top of the rocks calling out for Helena Sofía.

    Kat, yes, you are right. Alejandro was the one to bring Zaid into the family and made him an integral part of his business as well as hoping Zaid and Luisa would get together. I was also bothered about what Luisa said. The writers should have had her say that she was responsible for the situation because she married Zaid to give her child a father and that marriage did strengthen his position in the family. I didn't get Luisa's reluctance to be an unmarried mother, either. Hard to believe she thought it was better to marry her friend Zaid.

    Diana, thanks, I had a lot of fun writing this particular recap since I had the time. "Where IS Helena?" is the question. I so hope she reappears and that she and Cris have a happy reunion as well as she and Isela. " "Reza “is ready to make a deal and tell him everything”. Ahhh, but will he live long enough to do so?" Excellent question.

    Liz, "Isela without Juan seems like a force to be reckoned with. I’m anxious to see her confront Juan." Me, too. I am enjoying the new and improved Isela. "It sounds like they just put the boat out to sea with Sophia in it." It sure does. It is unbelievable that Reza didn't know that she was still alive.

  35. Marea

    Jarifa, oh..I didn't realize that there were only 4 more episodes ! Gee, lots of loose ends to tie up . The one i will be happiest for when Zaid finally gets his Well deserved anvil is Natalie .
    Do we know what show is coming next ? Susan

  36. MAREA

    Susan, "La historia de Juana" will be starting on Monday 9/30.

  37. "Fugitivas" starts tomorrow at 7:00 central time,

  38. I have a question about the main page. It lists Pedro el Escandaloso. Google doesn't seem to know about this. There was a novela long ago entitled Pedro El Escamoso. Was this a typo?

  39. Novelera, it is a part 2 20 some years later. I didn't catch the first one as I thought it started Thursday. I watched a bit of Thursday's episode and discovered episode 1 was being rebroadcast on Sunday so I added it to my library and may catch up with it. I think I read there are only 20 some episodes of it. I forget who mentioned it in one of these threads, Juanita perhaps. Meanwhile I caught episode 1 of las fugitives tonight but see no thread for it.
