
Monday, September 09, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1) Week of Sept 9, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) *** Not airing on Tues

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  ** Not airing on Tues


  1. El Angel de Aurora

    Recap for today's debut may not be posted until tomorrow afternoon. I have a medical appointment at 10:30AM tomorrow and want to provide the right level of detail for the gran estreno.

  2. El Angel de Aurora: Gran Estreno
    Part 1 of 2


    Miguel Campero took away Aurora's baby boy and slammed the door as he exited. She pounded on the closed door as her sister – the aptly named Jezebel – appeared on the other side and gloated.

    The Present

    Aurora told Julio Cesar she still had nightmares about this. He told her he would be at her side about this and held her hand as they continued driving. She had named the baby Gabriel.

    Helena Murietta – looking like a blonde Dolly Girl from the '60s – arrived at the office and the receptionist directed her to the boss's suite. The receptionist called Jezebel to inform her that a young fellow named Carlos was there to see her. She wanted to see Aurora and ordered the receptionist to locate her and to send Carlos away.

    Aurora and Julio Cesar stopped in front of a deserted building. She said it was where her life changed forever. She flashed back to entering the building looking for Antonio and being raped in the dark. She believes that this is where her missing baby came from.

    Damiàn entered Jezebel's office where he met up with Helena.

    Antonio came down to breakfast and told Patricia he was filing for divorce. Briana was there and could not believe this. Patricia became hysterical.

    Helena and Damiàn talked briefly about her project. He gave her a nice red case that contaibed a pearl necklace. Besos.

    Patricia accused Antonio of infidelity. Brianna called a doctor as Antonio accused Patricia of histrionics. After he leaves for work we learn he is right in his accusation, as she had been an actress who had married him for his dinero, telling Briana she was putting on the act to keep them from going back to poverty.

    In another office of Corporativo Campero Doña Esperanza was trying to maintain order. [If this is meant to be comic relief, we don't need this.]

    In the barrio Anita was preparing food as a bully picked on a child. This turned ugier as his cronies overturned tables and created other destruction, deliberately frightening the children. A fight ensued from this.

    Aurora put flowers on her father's grave, as it was the one-year anniversary of his death. However she admonished him for having taken away her son. She kept shouting at the grave, demanding to know what he had done with her son.

    Antonio thought about Aurora, lamenting that he needed her. Later at work with a colleague he mentioned a lawyer with the last name of Rey [This is Julio Cesar].

  3. El Angel de Aurora: Gran Estreno
    Part 2 of 2

    Julio Cesar spoke to Jezebel on his cell, describing Aurora's behavior. She gloated.

    Damiàn told Helena he had to go to Jezebel because this was the anniversary of his grandfather's death. As they kissed Jezebel entered, apparently displeased with this sight.

    A young, dark-haired man named Angel walked through the barrio.

    Jezebel played mind games with Damiàn and Helena with her conflicting comments on their relationship. She finally took Damiàn's hand to lead him away from Helena.

    Angel met up with his father, Pascual.

    Damiàn appeared to have his mother's number about her attitude toward Helena, with comments seeming to alternate between disapproval and “humor.”

    Angel and his father rode back home on the bus. Pascual is proud of him.

    Antonio called Helena from the construction site he was inspecting. He was a bit perturbed at her telling him she was hired at Corporativo Campero.

    Aurora told Julio Cesar she was going to find her rapist.

    Damiàn found his friend/assistant sitting down and going through Tinder on his phone. He informed the guy he intended to take over the company.

    Carlos finally delivered the gift to Jezebel. It was a music box, which she described as cursi. He departed, insulted [which she obviously intended.],

    A little girl called Angel to tell him about the destroyed party.

    Jezebel went to see Antonio at the construction site and a verbal chess game begins over their children and a business arrangement she wants but he doesn't. [Methinks she coveted him back in the day.]

    Aurora and Julio Cesar sat in a church pew. She flashed back to her wedding day when she walked down the aisle holding her baby and Antonio was not at the altar to meet her. She prayed to the Virgen.

    Jezebel greeted Patricia and Briana with the usual upper-crust mutual condescension. When she briefly left them alone their interaction indicated that Patricia favored Briana who covets Damiàn.

    Helena was taking photos in the barrio. She saw Angel and seemed to find him attractive. There is a Meet Cute [I still hate that phrase]

    A parade came down the street in the barrio and Aurora flashed back to meeting up with Antonio in the midst of a past procession.

  4. Aurora. Excellent succinct recap, UA! When I read the online preview of this novela the other day, it didn't sound all that attractive, but watching it was pretty entertaining--though it should take a few episodes to sort out all the characters and their relationship to each other. Could Angel be Aurora's son? Or is he too young? I wondered if Aurora somehow knew the identity of her rapist. Without that she couldn't bring him to court, obviously. I hope those market bullies get theirs quickly and Angel isn't hurt. .

  5. El angel

    Urban, thank you for that excellent recap as this new story begins .

    First, I hate that black hat that Helena has on, and what is up with Jezabel wearing that half glove ?

    I don't think i have ever seen the actress playing Helena before , and I havent seen many of these actors. However, I love Madisol del Olmo (Jezabel) , and the actor playing Angel was the young police chief in Minas. Daniel's bff was one of the brothers in Heredos. I have also seen Angel's patents in other shows.

    Looks like Auroras suitor is in cahoots with Jez. Here we go. Susan

  6. Aurora

    Obviously there is a lot of family toxicity to come and I expect Jezebel will be the usual mad narcissist we expect from Marisol del Olmo. One point I missed adding here is that Briana and Helena are only step-sisters, with Helena being Antonio's daughter. History may be repeating itself.

    Helena's look is a little too 60s for comfort, like the silly groupies of that era.

    I think we will get more flashbacks as we go along so that glove may be explained later. Also, who is Damian's father? Is Jezebel another Black Widow? I agree that JC is likely to be in cahoots with her.

  7. El angel

    Is Briana Antonio's daughter?

  8. El Angel

    Thanks Urban, that was an excellent rundown of the people and events. I didn’t want to watch another daytime telenovela but I recorded Vida and usually watched it late afternoon or evening. As winter comes afternoons might work out.

    I wonder if Jorge Salinas will be a good guy. I’ve never seen him play one, although he usually starts out appearing good. Since he left Aurora at the altar I kind of doubt he’ll be good.


  9. El Angel
    Thanks YA, I expected I was going to read all about it tomorrow, and lo.and behold, here it is. My limited familiarity with the actors means I think the only one I recognize is Demien (Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia).

    Spanprof, given the title of the show, I expect Angel is the missing son. I also wondered about the half glove. Perhaps in real life the actress had surgery on it.

    In the alter flashback I didn't realize she had been stood up. I thought maybe she changed her mind. If the groom is absent I would think the bride wouldn't walk down the aisle. I guess I won't speculate on good or bad guys, but the young guy giving jezebel the jewelry box just seemed weird.

    UA: Awesome job with the recap of yesterday afternoon's episode. Who are the group of Antagonists in this daytime Telenovela ?

    Kat in SC: Let's hope Jezebel doesn't wreak havoc like Crazy Becca did in "VIVIR" & instigate a massive Body Count.

  11. El Angel
    Not sure if anyone is recapping yesterday's episode, but I just want to say that after being subjected to El Conde using the same actors for the 20 years earlier portion I am so glad that El Angel used young actors in the backstory.

  12. Angel/Aurora. Just in case there isn't a recap of episode 2, I have to say: Who' d have thought there could be a sister worse than Rebeca (of Vivir de amor)? Jezebel is horrifically evil and a liar and worse because she is apparently sane. And she even orchestrated Aurora's rape. Yuck! Dare I hope that something awful happens to her by the end of the novela? And why would their father and Antonio accept Jezebel's word that Aurora was promiscuous without doing their own investigations? And I may be wrong, but I thought the phone message Antonio got implied that Gabriel was the result of incest? If scientists have been able to unravel every ancestor, related and unrelated, of King Tut, I would think that would be easy to check.

  13. El Angel de Aurora

    I just caught up with Cap. 2 and will post about it later. It was not on Vix, but on Spectrum on Demand.

    I can't do all the episodes but I will take care of 2 and 3 today. I have several medical events over the next week and will be unable to cover this Friday and next Tuesday.

    Although it didn't feel like anything was missing the episode was only 39 minutes On Demand.

  14. El Angel de Aurora: Capitulo 2
    Part 1 of 2

    This entire episode flashes back to 1994

    Aurora and Antonio were caught kissing by Jezabel who got nasty.

    In the library Miguel looked at a photo of himself and his daughters, saying that Aurora reminded him of her mother. Jezabel caught him and began trash-talking Aurora, looking to claim his total favor. Miguel's musings strongly imply he was already a widower but we can't determine for how long.

    Jezabel and Fabricio were in bed talking about this. He doubted that Jezabel could win all her father's favor.

    Miguel gave Aurora her mother's pearl necklace. He seemed in favor of her engagement because of Antonio's $tatu$. At the dinner party Antonio proposed to Aurora and presented the ring. Miguel called for a toast while Jezabel looked jealous.

    Antonio showed Aurora the plans for their future house [the abandoned building we've already seen]. Something was not right.

    Pascual, Vicki, and Juventino were eating dinner. Her pregnancy was mentioned and Juventino opened a bottle of booze.

    Aurora confronted Jezabel about her accusing her of being a flirt, Jezabel denied culpability and capability, blaming “old-school ideas” for their father's attitudes. Antonio and Fabricio came in with champagne.

    The next day (?) Juventino came to the house. Jezabel pulled rank to make him fall into line as Aurora left for church.

    Vicki had a miscarriage at home.

    Antonio gave Aurora a necklace with a multicolored pendant, saying something about it being like a rainbow. They got onto the bed and voh-de-oh-doh-dohed.

    Jezabel locked the library door and tried to tell Juventino that he is Aurora's type and that Aurora cheats on her novio. Miguel tried to enter, so she had Juventino hide at the side of the doors as she opened them, faking a phone call to put her father off. She finally closed the doors, ended the conversation with Juventino, and sent him on his way.

    Antonio was at the site of the house but could not get Aurora o the phone. She became concerned and told Jezabel to call him to say she was running late. Jezabel tried to delay her with photos having to do with the wedding planning but Aurora left, telling her to call Antonio. A few moments after she was out the door Jezabel took Aurora's cell out of the couch cushion where she had hidden it, smirking all the way.

    Nightfall. Antonio was still waiting at the house. He gave up and left. Juventino was nearby, wearing a Stetson and drinking booze from the bottle. Shortly after Antonio left Aurora pulled up in her car and entered the building, calling out his name. She went upstairs where Juventino was waiting, drinking as he listened to something on his headphones. He heard her voice as she got closer, removed the headphones, and grabbed her. After rendering her unconscious on the floor he gave off an animalistic sound and raped her.

    She regained consciousness in the morning in pain. Her dress had been ripped. She walked outside yelling Antonio's name.

    Miguel was anxious because he could not reach Aurora on her cell, nor could he reach Antonio. Jezabel feigned concern. Antonio arrived with roses and Miguel demanded to know where Aurora was. A moment later she entered, saying she had been raped. She collapsed in Antonio's arms.

  15. El Angel de Aurora: Capitulo 2
    Part 2 of 2

    Later Antonio told Miguel he would marry Aurora because he loved her. He wanted to report this but Miguel refused to because of “family image” and warned him not to “or you will never see my daughter again.”

    Juventino was not present when Antonio confronted the construction crew, threatening to kill the rapist. Antonio later told Aurora they would be married; this did not change who she was or his feelings for her.

    One month later she had a positive pregnancy test. They picked out two names – Helena and Gabriel.

    Jezabel and Fabricio talked about their marriage and he told her his father did not die as he previously said. She did not want to hear the rest [which provokes our curiosity].

    Aurora told her father she was pregnant and he was furious, saying that “this baby will not be born.” She told him it could be Antonio's but he was angry still, insisting she could not be pregnant at the altar [Por favor, en 1994]. He would not accept their baby as his grandchild. Jezabel entered and agreed with him because pre-marital sex was “a mortal sin.” Miguel then clutched his left arm and sank into his chair, continuing to reject Aurora's baby.

    Sometime later (a year?) in their country house Antonio held baby Gabriel. Jezabel entered the room and also held the boy, telling him he will shortly have a cousin. Surreptitiously she took a few strands of his hair before handing him back to Antonio.

    Antonio and Aurora were to be married in the church but Miguel was still objecting, not caring if the baby was Antonio's or not because his existence was “disrespectful to God.” [Now you all know at least one reason I am an atheist.]

    Jezabel went to Antonio to question him yet again whether he would still marry Aurora. He was weary of this. She said fir the nth time thst Aurora was always deceiving him, then handed him a #10 envelope containing what must be a false DNA test result. She told him that the baby wasn't his and that Aurora knew that. She finally sad te amo and he told her she was crazy. She further insinuated that the baby was not the result of the rape but of a dalliance. He called her a liar but she persisted until she was out the door and he sank down on the couch.

    Miguel snubbed Aurora outside the church as she held the baby and the white bouquet on the other arm. Antonio drove away. His phone rang and a male voice identified himself as the father of Aurora's baby.

    The priest could not wait; he had another wedding scheduled. Fabricio ran in, saying he saw Antonio drive away. Aurora entered the church, stopped halfway to the altar, and dropped the bouquet on the floor before turning around and walking out. Jezabel followed on her father's arm, deliberate stepping on the flowers on her way out. We hear Antonio's earlier words in Aurora's mind as she sat on the steps outside the church.

  16. El Angel de Aurora

    Ep 3 will be posted later and this posting format is really bothering me because it doesn't allow previews and always goes back to the top of the page.

    So we were right on the money about Jezabel and Angel, which means that if Angel and Helena are going to be a couple then either he was conceived in rape or she was conceived in adultery.

    Any woman who would mastermind the rape of another woman -- and a sister at that -- would deserve all the wrath in the world.

  17. El Angel
    Thanks urban. Can you explain Juventino's relationship to Vicki and Pasqual if you know? Is he a brother or something.

    I did not understand how Antonio at the time of her violation was willing to stand by her no matter whose baby it was, then did a 180 and rejected her on their wedding day. Doesn't he remember how she came back with her dress torn and bloodied? I guess we have another dumb galan.

    Jezebel certainly is a number, but her father was rather demeaning of her by saying that Aurora was the pretty one. I'm glad Miguel will only be seen in flashback scenes, he has a lot to answer for.

  18. El angel

    Urban, thank you for an excellent account of all the drama . I know you are busy , and I appreciate you taking the time to provide us with a recap.

    I am trying to figure out the different characters. Looks like Marisol ( Jezebal) is going to be the wicked witch of this tale .I have seen this actress playing both the good girl and the bad girl equally well. She brings a special spark and energy to every role. Susan

  19. El Angel

    And another thing, did Jezebel swipe a strand of Antonio's hair also? How could she get a DNA test on Gabriel or as you said, is it a false one and she used some other man's hair to compare and have it obviously not be a match. I also wonder about Helena's paternity. Not enough backstory on her mother. Antonio could have married her mother and adopted Helena. If he is truly a good (dumb) guy then he could love an adopted child as his own. He was on the way to doing so with Gabriel until Jezebel destroyed that relationship.

  20. OT
    I posted an earlier comment but it disappeared. More than the aggravating format for typing comments, the lost comments are what bother me......

  21. El Angel de Aurora: Capitulo 3
    Part 1 of 2


    Aurora sat on the steps, crying at Antonio's departure. Jezabel told her that Antonio had never trusted her. She tore of the necklace he had given her.

    Jezabel told Miguel that Antonio ran after seeing the DNA test results. He then took Gabriel away from Aurora and slammed the door shut. Jezabel locked the door and smirked as Aurora kept screaming and pounding on the locked door.

    Miguel drove into town, then handed Gabriel to Pascual on a deserted street. He ordered him to leave town or he would kill them both.

    Aurora finally got out of her room. Miguel did not get her anguish.

    Pascual went home and handed Baby Gabriel to Vicki. Juventino came in and asked where this baby came from. Pascual told him it was Aurora's son.

    The Present

    Aurora told JC she had to find her son. At the same time Helena was looking at pictures of Angel on her laptop.

    The memorial service went on without Aurora. Briana and Patricia were present, kissing up to Jezabel who then went to greet someone else.

    The street thugs in the barrio and went after Angel.

    Aurora told a female cop she could not identify her rapist. She explained she had not reported this before because of her father. She remembered the smell of alcohol. JC said something about her having been injected with a drug.

    The barrio fight continued, then broke up.

    Helena arrived at the service and had to prevent Patricia from bringing up the divorce.

    JC suggested contacting Antonio about questioning his workers. Aurora wanted justice, whatever that would mean.

    Patricia and Briana went home to hear Antonio say he and Patricia should start living apart before the divorce. Patricia tried to play the faaaaaaamily card but Antonio said they were not a family. He had felt no connexion with her for some time.

    Aurora went home and Jezabel told her everyone had asked for her, including Patricia and Briana. Jezabel handed her a white rose, thinking about how bad it would make her feel.

  22. El Angel de Aurora: Capitulo 3
    Part 2 of 2

    Angel told Pascual and Vicki about the girl he met. They cautioned him to watch his reactions to things and people. At the same moment Helena looked at her photos of him.

    Damiàn met (Briana?) that night.

    JC went to his office and Antonio came in. They started to talk about the divorce but JC's phone rang. He said he had to answer. The caller told him it was urgent.

    Vicki was dealing with a child's issues when her arm suddenly hurt badly. Angel said she should see a doctor.

    Helena approached Aurora in the office, but Aurora did not want her there. She had her secretary send for Damiàn.

    JC sent Antonio to his partner and left on his emergency... about Aurora, he said.

    Aurora was angry with Damiàn over Helena's hire. Aurora was the head of the company and she saw this as an affront. Damiàn was just as nasty as his mother, accusing Aurora of taking this personally. [Methinks Aurora had never seen a shrink back in the day]. The arguments continued with Aurora saying she wanted nothing to do with the Murietta family. Jezabel said they needed innovation and that was why she hired Helena. Aurora said heads will roll if she was not satisfied.

    Pascua cautioned Vicki about talking Angel being Aurora's son.

    JC entered a hospital room where someone was on life support and had been for two years. We did not see the patient.

    Antonio received a summons to testify about Aurora's rape. He called JC, angry that he had not been informed.

    As Aurora looked at Helena's resume Jezabel entered, saying she would keep them apart. Jezabel looked a bit perturbed when Aurora told her she was having the rape investigated.

    Helena and Damiàn almost argued. He said that his aunt was crazy because of her missing son. “And your father is responsible for this.”

    Paticia went to the construction site to beg Antonio to stay married to her. He would not. She saw the court summons and demanded to know about it.

    JC saw someone named Aquiles in the hospital corridor.

    Aurora and Jezabel argued more about Aurora's investigation. Jezabel accused her of selfishness because of its effect on the company. She also claimed that this had killed their father.

  23. El Ángel

    Thanks so much Urban. It seems we can already see the connections between the characters. Jezebel lives up to her namesake. Angel seems to be a really nice guy. The jury is out on Antonio, as his good guys usually turn to bad. But maybe he’s just gullible. He sure took everything Jezebel said as fact. I also had the thought the baby was his. But when I read about Helena probably being the end game for Angel I had to rethink that theory.

    Lots of questions right now and it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.


  24. Angel/Aurora #3

    I think that Antonio is meant to be a good man surrounded by evil. The actor has a rich track record as a romantic lead who is also an effective problem-solver so now that Antonio is no longer a callow youth he can get to the bottom of things and will realize that his wife and stepdaughter are greedy bitches. His challenge will be to get Aurora to forgive him for his gullibility back in the day.

  25. Angel/Aurora 3

    Can someone else take care of today's recap? I will not be home in time for today's episode.


  26. Angel/Aurora. Excellent recap, UA! The scene between the priest and Jezebel discussing Miguel at the memorial service really struck me. If there is a god, no way Miguel is in heaven. They should possibly be looking downwards when discussing his soul. Aurora was unnecessarily mean to Helena. Helena had no more role in Aurora's rape by a stranger and then her desertion by Antonio than Gabriel did--they are just innocent offspring. Good comment about the lack of a shrink, UA.

  27. El angel
    Urban, thank you for a great recap of the unfolding drama .

    I think I have sorted out most of the characters .

    So, how did Miguel know Pasquel, juventino, and Vicki? Did they work for him ?

    I liked Angel's bright orange shirt that came off for the big rumble.

    Hmmmm...who was JC talking to in the hospital bed? The rapist? Looks like JC is a bad guy.

    So far, the leading lady isn't doing much for me.

    These families are all connected In true telenovela fashion . Onward we go...

  28. El Angel
    Urban, thanks again. I won't be able to start watching immediately, but if no one else offers I can try to recap. Baby should go down for her nap soon. My first comment from yesterday is still MIA. Not sure who retrieves them.
