
Thursday, September 05, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Sept. 2, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has gone to TWO HOURS!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 48-51

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA

    Recap for tonight’s episode will be up some time tomorrow afternoon.

    Friday’s recap will be up some time on Sunday.

  2. MAREA DE PASIONES #50/#51 Page 1

    1. Luisa looks incredulous as Zaid tells her that Helena only scared Natalia so he wouldn't want to go to Marcelo's house. He says he did it out of fear of losing what he loves the most, what he has fought for and what he has made: his family. She is going to file for a separation today. She wants a divorce. She wants it for both of them. She does not like the person she has turned in to. She and her daughter are afraid of him. She doesn't love him and doesn't know if she ever did. She just can't anymore. He insists he loves her. She agrees saying that you don't do what he is doing to a person that you love. He sent Helena to mess up her life and doesn''t even realize how violent he is. He doesn't trust her. She answers that is exactly it. His next thought is that she set this all up so she would have an excuse to run to Marcelo's open arms. An exhausted Luisa doesn't fight back and says if he wants to believe that, it is fine by her. He tells her to think about what she is doing because a person in her position is going to end up with nothing. She could end up losing what she loves the most.

    2. Santiago threatens to sue Teresa for manipulating and seducing him. He begs her not to leave him. She is the only one who can help him deal with the war going on in his head. She agrees to see him.

    3. Zaid wants a tipsy Juan to give him a copy of the proposals from the companies who are bidding for the eco-hotel construction. Juan says that info is private and asks what does Zaid want it for. Zaid says he has a friend who is bidding and wants to improve his proposal. He adds that Juan knows what to do if he knows what is good for him.

    4. In the presence of Osvaldo and his assistant, Santiago finds a folder from Nora that she left for him. He opens an envelope inside it and finds her contract ripped up. He calls her ungrateful. He is clearly disturbed. Consequences, consequences. . .

    5. Roberta brings the other three stooges to the room with bars to look around. She identifies it as the perfect place fpr Zaid to carry out his dirty work. She saw Ben come in with two plastic bags. Ana has the keys hopefully for another locked room. They see Gael on the floor. He is not moving. They go in and he seems to be drugged. They agree to get him out of there. They cove rhim up with a blanket. Ana recognizes her mother's scent on the blanket and asks Camila: what if Zaid killed her???

    6. Marcelo visits a crying Luisa in her office. She says that Zaid din't do anything to her but they argues and every time it is worse. She has decided to file for a divorce today. She cannot take anymore. She and Natalia are afraid of Zaid. She asks if Natalia has been around Helena and if he has been aware of their interactions. He says of course. She has been more calm since she has been in therapy. They get along well. Luisa needs to talk to her and asks Marcelo not to ask her why. He needs to trust her.

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    7. Isela ask Alfonso why he continues to insist that "Sofía" is not his sister. He clearly sees the question as: how did his father manage to find her in two seconds when they had been looking for her for years? Isela answers that is how life is. He finds Sofía having forgotten so much of her life very convenient and suspicious. She reiterates what "he thinks" happened. The girl met him at the treatment center, found out about his missing sister and decided to be her in order to save the orphans. He agrees that is his theory. She asks how she had the "super power" to pass a DNA test. He says it could be a false positive. She asks how he would feel if that were true. She wants to know what he feels for her that he doesn't want her to be his sister. She sees him only fooling himself unless he has some proof. He only doesn't want an impostor in their home. She wants hi to accept Sofía. He angrily insists that her name is Rita. Isela accuses him of being jealous because he always know that she loved him best and she did everything possible so he wouldn't fall back into his addiction. He can either accept her decision to accept Sofía or he can get out of her house.

    8. María needs to talk to Juan in person. Deluded Juan thinks that she want to get back with him. She wants to talk about Beatriz and Felipe. (Can we have a sad trombone here?) Felipe is devastated that Beatriz is in jail. Juan says he did all he could to help Beatriz. María thinks he could go to the police and tell them who forced her to make the Hong Kong transaction. Beatriz is paying for something somebody else did. That isn't right. She knows that hurts him and that he is afraid. She sees doing something for Beatriz as being the most important thing he could do. Juan cannot tell her anything because she will tell Felipe. She is sure that Felipe will find out sooner or later. She promises she will get Felipe to protect him if he only gives her a clue. She knows he cannot sleep with Beatriz in jail while he is living a comfortable life. Jail is such a dangerous place. The only thing he can tell Felipe is that the key to it all is in the video that Beatriz hid. It is a recording of her committing the crime and who ordered her to do it.

    9."Sofía" goes into Isela's room. She puts Beatriz's USB drive in a a drawer with others. She leaves the drawer partially open.

    10. Luisa confronts Helena asking what she has going on with her husband Zaid. She heard her talking to him and found out that he has been paying her all this time to keep Marcelo away from her. Did he pay her or is she his lover? Helena says they couldn't pay her to be his lover. She admits that Zaid paid her from the very beginning to seduce Marcelo and explains that first she was with Marcelo for the money but then she fell in love with him. Luisa wonders what other lies there are. Is Helena her real name? What about the story about her stepfather? She tells her to free herself. Helena says the only thing she wants to free herself from is her husband Zaid. She asks Luisa to tell nothing of this to Marcelo because Zaid is capable of killing him. She knows.

    11. The four stooges bring Gael back to Roberta's place. He is so drugged. What to do with him? They decide to put him in her bedroom and lock the door. They will have minimum contact and give him food and water. Ana says they will tell him it is all Zaid's fault and they are there to help him. Someone knocks at the door. It is only a neighbor checking that everything is okay. Roberta and Ana wants the Gael issue solved ASAP. Camila apologizes to them for getting them involved. (NO apology needed. They were stupid enough to increase the stooges by two in the first place.) Camila will solve the situation. (Sure . . .)

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    12. Luisa has only one request for Helena. She wants her to call Zaid and tell him that she will not not be working for him anymore. Helena tells her she has done that before and it didn't work. Luisa doesn't care. Luisa suspects that maybe Zaid knows something about her and is blackmailing her. She tells Helena to call Zaid and she does. Zaid answers telling her not to call him. Because of a certain call, he ended up with a serious problem. Helena answers that she is having problems because of him. She makes it clear that she will not be working for him any more or following his orders.

    13. Marcelo gives the good news about Luisa filing for divorce to his mother. His mother warns him to not get his hopes up. They could open up the Grajales investigation again. Marcelo tells her they can investigate him all they want because he is innocent. He will not miss this chance to get her back. She tells him that love conquers all. She tells him why his brother Felipe is going through a rough time: Beatriz. María tells him what Juan said about the USB. Felipe has a good idea who has it and he is going to get it.

    14. Juan goes to see Cris to tell him that he needs to think long and hard because he is destroying María's life because of his illness. Why doesn't he leave her to find happiness with somebody else? Cris guesses he is talking about himself. Juan says: why not? He has always loved her. She is the love of his life. Juan begs him to give María a chance to be happy again at the side of a man who can igve her a future. He is nothing without María. (WAH!!!)Cris tells him NO CAN DO. He loves María way too much. Juan keeps it up calling him selfish. Cris says he has always been very honest with María. The door is open for her to go when she wants to. Juan says if Cris keeps up the romance, he will fell guilty for the rest of his life. He finally goes.

    15. Zaid appears a the house insisting on having a family conversation with Natalia present. Luisa tells him to leave and sends Natalia to her room but not before he tells Natalia that none of this her fault. Luisa says that she doesn't understand because she is a little girl and being a little girl she cannot understand certain things. Zaid starts to explain (Really??? Why doesn't Luisa carry her out of the room???) that his mother wants to divorce him. Natalia asks if that is true. Natalia says she will explain it all in her room. Zaid keeps running his mouth about how her mother doesn't want their family to exist. Natalia asks her mother not to do that. Luisa explains that things are not that simple. Zaid says that is because her mother has a novio and wants to leave him behind. Luisa tries to shut Zaid up but he tells Natalia not to forget that he loves her a lot. Luisa takes Natalia to her room.

    16. Osvaldo calls Nora telling her he doesn't understand why she quit but he has heard some things . . . and wants to help her. She cannot make it with out her. She tells him she will be just fine by herself and very soon she will have her son back. He says she has no money and no home. She informs him that today she received her monetary compensation from Santiago today for him having sexually harassed her. He wants to help her with her money.(REALLY??) She informs him she is opening a business and they are going back before the judge to see who has more of a right over their son.

    17. Teresa explains to Santiago that she can no longer treat him because every time she tries to be objective with him, she is overcome by her feelings for him.He says if she stops treating him he will file a complaint against her and she will lose her job. She cannot believe he would be capable of doing that to her knowing what she feel for him. He knows she understands exactly what he is capable of. She tells him not to be so infantile. he kisses her. She tries to fight him off but quickly gives in.

  5. MAREA Page 4

    18. Felipe goes to visit Beatriz swearing he will get her out. She doesn't want him to feel sorry for her. She is realizing that there is no sense for them to get married. He doesn't get it. It is what he he wants the most. She asks him if he has ever thought about the fact that they will never have children because she has no intentions of getting pregnant while she is in prison. Does he still want to marry her knowing he will never be a father? She doesn't want to end up like her cellmate having a child behind bars with a child living inside the prison without being to experience life beyond the bars. Felipe says it doesn't have to be that way for them. He will find a god lawyer that can get her privileges. She asks privileges to do what??? They will still be in prison and she will live in fear of what a fellow inmate might do to her child. Felipe insists things can be different. She gives him an out telling him if he has other plans and wants to be a father, she will understand.

    19. María tells Marcelo how well her cake business is going. Marcelo gets a call from Leonor's notary. he wants him present for the reading of the will. he tells his mother that no amount of money that Leonor might leave him will ever make up for those seven years he lost.

    20. Felipe calls Alfonso.He wants to talk and doesn't want to be interrupted. He starts to cry and tells him a fantasy that he wishes were his life. Yesterday, he got the keys to the house eh bought for Beatriz. It is a small house with orange grove and looks out on the beach. He and Beatriz are expecting their first child a girl. Her name is Mar and he is teaching her how to ride a bike. he is taking her to her first day of school. The three of them go to see the sunset on the beach every day. He explains to Alfonso all of that will never happen because Beatriz will end up with a 30 year jail sentence. He is drowning and asks Alfonso for help. He has the possibility of getting Beatriz out of jail. (He thinks that he has the USB drive) Felipe asks Alfonso that he make his fantasy a reality. Felipe cannot take anymore.

    21. Gael wakes up in a strange room. Roberta hears him calling for help saying he doesn't feel well and tells him he is going to be fine.
    22. Santiago asks Osvaldo to take him to Nora. Osvaldo has to admit that he doesn't know where she is. Santiago tells him to find out. She calls Camila to tell her that Gael is not doing well and he could bring attention to himself and reveal their involvement at any moment.

  6. MAREA Page 5

    23. Alfonso is packing up and tells "Sofía" that his mother told him to leave if he didn't accept her as Sofía. He would prefer to live in the street rather than living that lie. She tells him not to leave. She will go before he does. She can find someplace else to live. He has every right to live there. He suggests the orphanage but knows that his father will be asking for his money back. She reminds him that the orphanage was saved by an anonymous donation. She doesn't know why he cannot let things be. His mother is happy. He grabs her face and tells her he can't because he loves her like he has never loved anyone.
    Camila walks in and is taken aback. She asks him if he "likes" their sister. He steps away. She tells Alfonso that Sofía is his sister PERIOD. They agree.

    24. Luisa tells Zaid that after all he has done to her already, now he wants to set her daughter against her. She asks what does he want. He explains that he went crazy from his anger. He lost his head. He feels things too!!! (AW!! another sad trombone) She asks him what did he win with that. He put her in this difficult position with Natalia and left Natalia in tears in her room. Does he want to make Natalia suffer? She asks what is wrong with him TWICE!!! He decides to apologize to Natalia. She stops and asks him why and why her???? What he did to her (Luisa) is unforgiveable and she is going to divorce him. She doesn't care if he threatens her, tells her that he will cut her out of the company and that she will be left with nothing. He smirks. It doesn't matter to her. She hates him and he disgusts her. He informs her that he has thought way beyond material possession. She should be worried about losing her daughter or maybe something horrible might happen to her. She tells him that won't happen because he would have to kill her before she killed him. Zaid's smirk is gone.

    25. Luisa tries to calm down Natalia who blames her for getting Zaid angry. Zaid eavesdrops from the hall. (UH, she told him to get out so why is he still circling in her house like a shark???) She tells Natalia that she herself has seen how Zaid gets angry about nothing and gets aggressive (When did violent become "aggressive"??)She reminds her when he hit Marcelo. Brainwashed Natalia says that she knows why that happened. Zaid didn't want her sharing her love with Marcelo. Luisa says her decision isn't Marcelo's fault. Natalia doesn't believe her and wants her to apologize to Zaid. Natalia is sad that she feels that way but she is not apologizing. Sometimes children want their parents to be together but being with parents who fight all the time is not good
    for them. Natalia asks if they fought because she kissed Marcelo. Luisa asks if she told Zaid about that. He barges in the room asking her how dare she make him look bad in front of his daughter. She answers that this is the last time that he is going to try to manipulate her daughter. No matter what Luisa says Natalia sides with Zaid. She isn't divorcing Zaid to marry Marcelo. Natalia doesn't believe her. She doesn't want to see her and tells her to go. Natalia is sorry she is angry with her but she will always be there for her.

    26. Osvaldo tells his mother that he cannot find Nora and is afraid that Santiago will fire him. He cannot figure out why he needs to find her.

  7. MAREA Page 6

    27. Luisa starts packing Zaid's clothes so he can get out of the house once and for all. He doesn't want to go and tells her to think of Natalia. he blames her. She says it is better that Natalia thinks it is her fault rather than know that her father he is a rapist who beats her mother, that paid Helena to destroy her life. What is wrong with him?He asks how she wold explain how she wen to bed with another man while still being married. Only a person who is a .. . Before he can call her a whore??? she slaps him and tells him he will not disrespect her again in her own home. She tells him to get out. He refuses and she insists.
    She tells him again and that she HATES him!!! (she uses aborrecer this time rather than odiar which denotes a certain extra intensity) She cannot stand him. He insists on saying so she as a lawyer won't say that he abandoned them. She has no energy for that. She wants him OUT! (Unfortunately) Luisa gives into Natalia wanting her papá Zaid to stay but that doesn't mean they are not getting a divorce.Natlaia blames Luisa for everythiing. Luisa tells him she never thought he had such a low sense of dignity that he would stay where he wasn't wanted. He still disgusts her and she will not be sharing her bed with him. She can do what she wants She reminds him the divorce will happen before he knows it and everything will change.

    28. Felipe discusses his situation with Beatriz with his mother. He is confused. Shen tells him to concentrate on the present and getting her out of jail ASAP. he asks what if he can't. The Felipe she knows can do anything.

    29. Zaid says Luisa can stay in their room if she wants. She says she wouldn't stay there if she were dead. He explain that everything he has done he has done out of his love for her and their family. The notary calls Luisa to tell her that the reading of her mother's will is tomorrow. He says he is going to need the power of attorney that she never gave him in order to obtain the will. Luisa says the police gave her an envelope with her belongings so she will look there. The people who are being asked to come are Luisa and her siblings, Isela, Juan, Zaid and Marcelo. Luisa is surprised to hear that Marcelo has been included. She calls Marcelo to help her find the power of attorney.

    30. Gael is not looking very good and Camila apologizes for everything she did to him. He says it isn't all her fault. He was violent and became a stalker. He cannot even recognize who he became. Gael forgive them all and apologizes to her.

    31. Luisa thanks Marcelo for helping her out. They are waitng to see thenotraryShe feels like she is going crazy thinking about everything her mother created being in the hands of . . . .
    Her mother was a great woman . She cannot imagine her father cheating on her but that is what Zaid said. That Zaid said it doesn't surprise Marcelo. She tells him that he can say what he wants about Zaid. He is a horrible man capable of doing horrible things. She wonders if he would be capable of killing someone. He hasn't done anything else to her but he is refusing to leave the house and is turning Natalia against her. She is afraid he will take her child away in the divorce. Marcelo says that will not happen. He will be waiting for her after the divorce.

  8. MAREA Page 7

    32.Ben thinks it is good that Zaid didn't let Leonor take him out of the will. She would have left him without anything. Zaid is sure she left him some shares out of fear that he would kill her. Ben asks if he is still going to bankrupt the Deluxe company. Zaid says the plan stands. They will rescue this chain with the money from the Spanish investors and the money from the shell company. he is sure that Luisa will return to him nice and meek and grateful.

    33. The notary says that Leonor changed her will and went through certain processes to make sure it was valid. He wonders if she felt like her end was near. Yes, Luisa is planning on talking to the police and reopening the investigation into her mother's death. Marcelo says he is not coming to the will reading. The notary says it is very important that he be there so the last wishes of Leonor can be fulfilled. Luisa agrees. He agrees to think about it. .

    34. Juan finds the USB drive. Isela tells him the reading of the will is tomorrow.
    She thinks that Leonor is going to do justice and return her fair portion of her family's fortune that Alejandro left to his own family in his will. Juan starts to have plans for the money but she tells him that the money is for their children not them. Now that Sofía is back, they should put everything in their children's names. Juan, of course, doesn't like that idea. He wants to wait until Beatriz is out of jail to move the money. Isela asks when is that going to happen. Isela wants Beatriz's money inna trust so it will be there if she ever gets out. Sofía should get more than her siblings to compensate for everything she lacked all those years. Juan doesn't think that is fair. She asks if he knows how Sofía suffered. He puts the USB drive back.

    35. Ana asks Luisa fora job at the company. Her career can wait. She has other priorities. Lluisa says she is an artist. What would she do at the company?? Ana has her reasons for wanting to work and isn't ready to tell her why yet but she will. She needs money to fix mistakes she made. Luisa is willing to give her the money. No, Ana wants to earn it on her own. She wants to work in the casino. Luisa could make her the head of personnel. Ana is worried about Zaid. Luisa tells her that Zaid does not matter at all.Ana is one of the owners If Zaid has a problem, she is to tell him to see her.

    36. Roberta tells Ben, with Zaid listening in, that she doesn't want to be a part of that business. Ben asks if she doesn't like earning good money. She says she never wanted to be a part of that. Selling drugs makes her feel guilty. he thinks it is because she doesn't want Ana to know about what she is doing. She reminds him that what they are doing is illegal putting all of the Grajales and their business at risk. Zadi takes over saying they do not care what she thinks. She is an employee and needs to get with the program.She is already involved in the business and there is no way out. He reminds her of the money she still owes him. He is giving her a week to pay him back. He wants his half-brother to sign some papers for the Paladium Construction Company.

  9. MAREA Page 8

    37. Helena has calls a Bruno looking for work. He doesn't have anything for her now. He suggests she talk to Zaid. he is doing an eco-resort working with a friend's construction company called Paladium. He told him not to ask any questions if he wanted to make some good money. She is surprised. Bruno asks if she knows what he is up to. She says no but if she find out, she will let him know.

    38. Ana tells the other three stooges that she is shocked they made her head of personnel. Ana is angry with herself that she hasn't had the nerve to tell her everything Zaid is doing in the casino. At least she has a good paying job. They can help out Ximena's family. Iñaki hates that Zaid keeps getting her own way. Ana asks what can she do? Tell Luisa he supporting prostitution in the casino?? Iñaki and Camila are left with Gael.

    39. Zaid tells Santiago that his sister only used him and now he feels like she thinks he useless. He blames her hating him on Marcelo. Santiago says that is how Luisa is. He took too long to see the traitor she is. Marcelo says Luisa will pay. He has turned Natalia against her as a way of avoiding a divorce and will do it over and over again if he has to. No, this situation cannot be repaired. The divorce is a done deal. Santiago doesn't get it then. Zaid insists that Luisa must pay. He wants her n her knees in front of him begging him for forgiveness. He also wants revenge on Marcelo who ruined his life. Santiago advises him to go on with his life without Luisa. Luisa isn't worth it. He is making her into something she is not. Zaid says he doesn't understand a thing. He is losing and he doesn't like to lose. Santiago says he can count on him.

    40. Felipe talks to Alfonso about the USB drive. He knows they still have it. He asks him to give it to him. They can still save Beatriz. Alfonso says Sofía said he only wanted to solve the case to get a promotion. Felipe says that is wrong.
    He asks if Sofía is really his sister. Alfonso doesn't know. Felipe offers to help investigate her to be sure she is who she says she is in exchange for the USB drive. He says his sister destroyed the only evidence there was. Felipe cannot believe it. He only wants the best for Beatriz. Felipe asks Alfonso to visit the casino and see what he can find out about the transfer. Alfonso is afraid he will find out that his father is somehow involved and he doesn;' know if he could turn him in or not.

    41. Camila wants it all to be over and to go home to her parents. Iñaki wants to do the same. She thanks him for being there. They get romantic.

    42. Felipe is at work frustrated. He looks through some folders and then a light bulb goes off. It has the address for Ordóñez, the police official, that Marcelo was looking for. He gives it to him. Felipe warns Marcelo that if he wants to see him to do it fast because the guy moves every six months which means he must be hiding something. Marcelo thinks he must be hiding from Zaid. They agree they are one step closer to condemning Zaid.

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    43. Ben is upset to see Ana at the casino. Roberta warns her not to get on his bad side. Ana sees the woman who was supposed to be her father's lover with a casino patron. She takes a photo and realizes the woman is a prostitute. he father would never have been with a woman like that.

    44. It is the next day and Luisa, Zaid and Santiago are having a very unpleasant breakfast with Natalia adding to the mix. Ana joins them.Santiago tells her that her sister is getting divorced. Luisa reminds them all that her mother's will reading will be at noon.Zaid is sure that Leonor will give everyone what they deserve. Luisa disagrees because Zaid doesn't deserve anything.Zaid and Santiago leave the table.

    45. Ana tells Luisa about and shows her the photo of the prostitute. Luisa agrees that her father would never be with a woman like that. How can they prove that she wasn't with their father. Luisa wants to confront her and see who is paying her to be part of the farce. Luisa calls Felipe and asks his help investigating the woman. She sends him the photo.She tells him her name is Fabiana Astorga and she is a prostitute. He is on the case. Luisa tells Ana to be very careful. Luisa wonders how Zaid would allow a prostitute in the casino. Luisa recognizes that something is not right.

    46. Osvaldo brings Santiago's assistant some chocolates, you know the "good kind." He wants Nora's address. His son misses his mother. She doesn't have it and wouldn't tell him if she did. He begs some more . She asks what if Santiago got a hold of it. He says that since he has been working with Santiago, he knows that Nora was telling the truth about him. He is the kind of guy who is into revenge. He cannot call her because she blocked him. She is not answering her either. She wonders how to contact her to see if she wants to give Osvaldo her address. Osvaldo says Santiago will not stop until he hurts her. Osvaldo gets the address and surprises Nora.

    46. Felipe finds out that the prostitute's real name is Nuria Bonfil Serratos. She has been arrested for fraud, identity falsification and identity robbery.


  11. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, that was excellent. The walls are starting to close in on Zaid. I’m so excited! Except there’s going to be a lot more of mean Zaid, and Ben too, before the good guys start winning!

    I can’t believe Juan asked Cris to give up Maria because he loves her. Loved Cris saying if Maria wants Juan she’s free to choose him. And loved Juan telling Cris that if he doesn’t let Maria go he’ll regret it the rest of his life. That kind of contradicts Juan saying it’s not fair to Maria because he’s sick.

    I wish the 4 stooges(love that description) would just take Gael to his parents. That’s the only way they can all be safe. Although no one in Zaid’s radar is safe.

    Can’t wait till tonight. I hope the will is read and Zaid is out on his a$$.


  12. MAREA

    An exceptional, all-encompassing recap Jarifa. You explained everything perfectly, thank you.

    “(Can we have a sad trombone here?)” had me smiling away.

    “Luisa tries to calm down Natalia who blames her for getting Zaid angry. Zaid eavesdrops from the hall. (UH, she told him to get out so why is he still circling in her house like a shark???)” echoed my feelings exactly. Why on earth didn’t she make him leave? SHE is the adult and Natalia is the child. She must tell her daughter she knows what is best although Natalia may not like it. Zaid manipulating Natalia was sickening.

    “He is nothing without María. (WAH!!!)” Yeah well Juan is nothing with Maria either! ☹

    I found Felipe’s rant disturbing and distressing.


  13. MAREA

    Liz, thanks. So much went on in these last two episodes. “I hope the will is read and Zaid is out in his a$$.” I so hope Leonor has revenge from beyond the grave.

    Diana, glad you enjoyed the recap and my commentary! “SHE is the adult and Natalia is the child.” So well said! In so many of these novelas, the children are included in adult issues and decisions where they have no business being or even knowing about. Every time Luisa apologizes to Natalia, I want to cringe.

  14. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you so much for that detailed account of all the drama.

    I cannot believe that Luisa is letting Zaid around Natalia now that his mask has fallen and she has experienced what an angry, crazy, violent demon he is. Only my beanie lets me accept that Luisa was fooled all these years she was with him.

    I guess Juan's only job is wandering from person to person whining and complaining. Boohoo, poor me.

    I'm starting to feel sorry for Gael. Susan

  15. MAREA

    Susan, you are welcome. "Only my beanie lets me accept that Luisa was fooled all these years she was with him." You said it!!! BTW, I need to replace the ties on my beanie since they have frayed from so much use. "I guess Juan's only job is wandering from person to person whining and complaining. Boohoo, poor me." What a waste of skin he is!

  16. MAREA DE PASIONES #52/#53 Page 1

    The notary gathers Luisa, Ana, Santiago, Isela & Juan, and Marcelo for the reading of Leonor's will. Santiago is not happy to see Marcelo. She leaves all of her worldly goods and real estate to her children to be equally divided. As for the shares of the Deluxe Corporation, they are to be divided as follows: 20% are to go to Santiago, 20% to Ana , 50% to Luisa and the remaining10% to Marcelo "who will become another owner of their hotel chain." Marcelo and everyone else is shocked. The notary assures them all that no mistake has been made. She leaves the shares she invested in the eco-resort to Isela and Juan. They will only turn out to be profitable if they make sure that the construction of the hotel is completed. Isela is not happy getting far less than what she thought she was due being Alejandro's sister. Leonor leaves to Zaid her dead husband's watch, a valuable relic, so that he remembers his godfather for every second of every day until he dies. Santiago throws a tantrum. He and Isela think that the will has to be annulled. Luisa tells them that the will will stand and they will respect Leonor's final wishes. She thinks her mother gave shares to Marcelo to compensate him for the seven years they accused him. Santiago insists he should have gotten more being the first born and tells Luisa that her "gorilla" is getting shares that should be his. Considering that these were recent changes to the will, he is sure his mother, being old, must have been going crazy and killed herself. His sisters tell him off. Isela chimes in agreeing with Santiago and noting how strange this all is. Luisa reminds Santiago and Isela how they both thought that Leonor didn't kill herself but now suddenly have changed their minds when money was involved. She tells them they will not damage her mother's memory and they will respect her mother's last wishes. Santiago insists that the last will and testament of a crazy woman cannot be legal.He wants the will annulled. Marcelo tells them all he doesn't want the shares. There is nothing that can compensate him for the seven years that eh went through. Marcelo announces he is leaving. Luisa goes to stop him. Zaid says he is the one who is leaving and is gone. Santiago is pleased to hear that Marcelo doesn't want the shares. The notary informs him that Marcelo will have to put his refusal of the inheritance in writing. Marcelo is ready to do that. Luisa tries to talk him into accepting the inheritance. She sees it as the way her mother wanted to make things right by him. Santiago screams on about how badly the family has always treated him he can prove his mother was crazy to annul the will. As he continues to raves on against Marcelo, the notary ends the reading. Luisa escorts Marcelo from the room. Santiago and Isela agree that they have to do something.

  17. MAREA Page 2

    In her office Luisa apologizes to Marcelo for her family saying when money is involved greed clouds their thinking. She explains that he will be one of the owners of their corporation. Her mother may have been many things but she had an enormous heart. She knew how to accept her mistakes and how to rectify them. His life is going to change. Marcelo tells her that he doesn't want anymore problems with her family. He is tired. She gets it and is only asking that he promises to think it over. He promises he will.

    Zaid tells an irate Santiago he is sure that Luisa talked her mother into including Marcelo. He suggests that he find a way to annull the will. Santiago asks how?? Zaid says Santiago has a psychiatrist close to him. He can have her attest to when she saw his mother she was emotionally shaken because of the death of her lover. Santiago is .reluctant saying they have a relationship and doesn't want to involve her. Zaid says this is the prefect chance for her to prove her love by dirtying her hands with him. Easily influenced, Santiago agrees.

    Juan gives Luisa information about a bid that a construction company in Mexico City is making for the eco-resort project. Juan thinks that she should go and talk to them in person about their bid. She says she can't because of the problems she is having with Natalia because of Zaid. Later, Marcelo sees the folder from the company on Luisa's desk and asks about it. She explains it is from a company that wants to make a bid on the project. Marcelo says they can go and see about the bid as a cover for going to see the recently located Ordoñez about the robbery of her house and the murder of her father being connected. She cannot leave Natalia with Zaid. Marcelo says they can take her along.

    Natalia tells her mother that she doesn't want to go with her on her business trip. She wants to stay home with daddy Zaid. Zaid insists that Natalia will stay with him. Natalia calls Ana and asks her to take care of Natalia while she is away.

  18. MAREA Page 3

    Luisa and Marcelo are at the airport. Little do they know that Zaid has followed them there and snaps a photo of them.

    Luisa and Marcelo wait for a Mr. Betancur from the construction company to see them outside the Palacio de Bellas Artes. She has to call home to make sure Natalia is okay.

    Zaid sets up his cellphone no to receive calls that are made to the home phone.
    He packs up Natalia to move. He explains that her mother has moved on to make another life without them. He shows her the photo from the airport. Natalia doesn't' want to go and Ana arrives all ready to take care of Natalia. Zaid says that he is taking care of her. They are going to spend some time somewhere else to lift Natalia's spirits. She says no, Luisa told her she is to take care of her . Zaid grabs her by the face and tells her what is what and leaves with Natalia.

    Marcelo says they could start off as a new couple. She tells him she isn't even divorced yet. She acknowledges that he is offering her a kind of peace and the possibility that she could be happy again but she cannot make that decision right now. He is desperate to make up for lost time. He will be right there waiting for her. He will love her forever. She needs to hear that. He asks her if she will give it a try when they are interrupted by Mr. Betancur who is ready for their meeting.

    Ana calls Zaid to see when he is bringing Natalia by because Luisa told her to take care of her. Little does she know Zaid is keeping Natalia in the hotel. Natalia doesn't want to live there. Families do not live in a hotel. They are not a family. He assures her that her mother will be back with them soon. She reminds him that she does not love him. He assures her he will make her mother fall in love with him again.She says that her mother doesn't love him because he scares them when he gets angry. He gets angry and says it is just one of her mother's excuses. He says it is Marcelo's fault. He stole her mother from them. Natalia tells him that is not true. Marcelo is a good man.He gets angry with her wondering why she is now blaming him.He explains he is like he is because of Marcelo. Her mother will be back soon.She asks him to promise her he will not do anything. He promises.

    After the meeting, both Marcelo and Luisa are pleased with the company and do not think they will find another one that is better.

    He tells her he is not planning on taking the shares. She says he needs to think of the status of a businessman it would give him. It also would help to erase the association he has had with her father's death. He gets angry and says that is why he is looking for Ordóñez so they can reopen the murder case. He is in this situation because of her family. He does not understand why she cannot accept that he doesn't want the inheritance. Is it because her family will not be able to wash away the guilt they feel? Luisa walks away.

  19. MAREA Page 4

    Ana calls Roberta and tells her that she is worried because she cannot contact Natalia. She is with Zaid. Roberta thinks she is worrying about nothing. Ana agrees and asks what she is doing. She is taking advantage of the fact that Gael is feeling better and she is going to make a payment. We see stacks of peso bills on her bed.

    Marcelo writes an apology to Luisa explaining that is hard for him to accept the shares due to his pride. He changes his mind and deletes it.

    Alfonso overhears a conversation between his parents. Juan tells Isela he knows nothing about Marcelo and what happens to him really doesn't matter. Alfonso tells his mother that his father is right on that subject. When a child makes a parent uncomfortable, he turns his back on him and forgets him. Juan repeats that he doesn't care about Marcelo but Alfonso embarrasses him. Alfonso says the feeling is mutual. Beatriz is in jail for something that he did and he is such a coward he preferred that she pay for what he did rather than him facing it. Juan explodes saying that is a lie. Isela wants to know what is going on. Juan blames on the drugs Alfonso must be taking. Alfonso decides to leave but one day he will prove what he is telling her. He calls Felipe and tells him it isn't easy to turn in your father but his father has to pay and not Beatriz.

    Felipe tells Luisa and Ana that he has more information about Nuria Bonfil. She had convictions for fraud identity theft, prostitution and was in jail for three years when Alejandro died. She could not be in any kind of relationship. Somebody must have been paying her to pose as the lover. Luisa wonders out loud: if Fabiana Astorga doesn't exist, how did Zaid find her on the social networks??? Ana is wondering, too. They confront Zaid about how he found Fabiana. He gives the social network answer. Ana says they searched for her on the social networks and she wasn't anywhere. Felipe suggests Zaid show them his search history on his phone. Zaid says he always deletes those. Felipe wonders if he is hiding something. He has no time to play cops and robbers with him. He has had a hard day. Luisa says he probably thought he would be getting the shares that Marcelo got. Zaid thinks that would have been fairer. She asks him what did he do. What did her mother know about him that disappointed her so much? Zaid has no idea that is why he is siding with Santiago and Isela. Luisa will not allow him to say that her mother was crazy. Zaid didn't say that. He thinks her mother was angry with him because he didn't want her to marry that stupid waiter. Luisa says that could not be the reason because her mother changed her will much later after Walter's death. She thinks that maybe her mother discovered that he killed Walter. Felipe asks him about Fabiana again. Luisa tells Zaid that she distrusts him more with each passing day. She is so glad they are getting a divorce.

  20. MAREA Page 5

    Isela has stopped taking her psychiatric meds.Her maid tries to cajole her into taking them and while doing so tells her that she saw Camila go into a doctor's at the hospital with a boy. She wonders if Camila is pregnant. As Isela is trying to deal that possibility, she agrees to take a pill and Camila arrives. As she goes up to her room Isela demands to know where she spend the night. Camila says she was at one of Ana's friends' house. U in her room, Camila relives her romantic interlude with Iñaki. Isela breaks the spell asking what she was doing with that loser she says is her boyfriend at a public hospital. Camila says she is an adult and doesn't have to give explanations to her mother. Isela reminds her that as long as she lives in her house and is supporting her she can. Camila says if she gave her her inheritance this would not be happening. Isela says to call Iñaki and tell him she want to see him immediately. Camila refuses. Isela decides she will go to her school and have a discussion with his parents. Camila says she should ask her what she really wants to know. Did she sleep with Iñaki? Camila answers that yes she did the deed with Iñaki. It was so lovely She felt loved and special and like she mattered to somebody. Isela thinks she is shameless and hopes she was using birth control.

    That night Camila finds blood on her sheet and looks worried.

    The next morning Camila finds out that her mother didn't set a place for her at the table. She wants her out of her house. She can run toher Iñaki. She cals her an idiot for having her first time with Iñaki. Camila tells her that Iñaki was not her first. She has been with lots of guys. Isela tells her the maid saw her at the hospital. Does she feel sick because she is pregnant? Camila insists that she isn't pregnant. Crying, she explains that she got HPV and it destroyed her life. Isela thinks she deserved it. Camila says she didn't deserve it anymore than she deserved that Isela couldn't love her because she wasn't Sofía. She doesn't deserve that a mistake made in her teenage years should follow her for the rest of her life. She is so sad that Isela is more worried about the number of boys she went to bed with than with rather than that she has a serious health Isela says before she was ashamed of he and now she . .. Camila finishes her sentence: now she "digusts her". Camila feels really sick and wants to lie down in her room. Isela tells her she doesn't have a room and throws her out. Camila calls Ana who says she can stay with her.

  21. MAREA Page 6

    Santiago has is assistant enjoys him doing certain sexual acts to her. . She doesn't want to do it but Santiago plays the boss card. Osvaldo sees what is going on as Santiago touches her face and walks into the office which gfives Ivonne time to escape.

    Osvaldo talks to Ivonne and tells her that he saw what was going on with Santiago and he supports her. She tells him it was the same with his wife. He now believes that Nora was telling him the truth. Ivonne doesn't let him weasel out of taking responsibility for what he did to Nora by not believing her and taking her son away from her. He misses her so much. Ivonne says he can still fix things by telling her how he feels and that he is sorry.

    Everyone in the office gets a good laugh from a text telling them that Santiago is useless as a man so nobody needs to be afraid of him. Santiago is furious and tells everyone to get back to work.

    Santiago wants Osvaldo to give him Nora's address. Osvaldo says he has it but he isn't going to give it to him. He isn't going to be harassing Nora or any of the other women.Santiago wants Osvaldo to sign off on being fired. he refuses because it is unjustified. Santiago says he was disrespectful to him in front of everyone. He hides things from him. Osvaldo reminds him it is personal information. Santiago says he could pay off anyone to say that they saw him stealing and he would be sent directly to jail. He won't let him do to him what he did to Nora. He isn't afraid and will not sign anything. Santiago will crush him. Osvaldo says they will see who crushes who.

    Santiago asks Luisa's assistant to give him the addresses of two women on the list. She refuses. He grabs her by the arm and says he could fire her. She says he can't because Luisa hired her. She asks himtolet her armgo.

    Zaid comes looking for Nuria at the madame's place. She has hidden Nuria because Nuria doesn't want anymore dealings with him. The madame says she hasn't seen her. Zaid doesn't believe her and of course, manages to see her sneaking out of the madame's place. Zaid says she needs to get out of town. Nuria goes back to see the madame because she has not money to get out of town or even to stay in town. After refusing her request for help a couple of times, the madame agrees that she will hide Nuria for a while until Zaid thinks she is gone.

    Juan tells "Sofía" that Isela is crazy and is ready to put all of her property in her children's names. She wants to give Sofía the largest part to make up for the years she was missing. He wants her to convince Isela that she has no interest in material things. She is only there for her love. The only way she will do it is if he will allow her to leave with the excuse of going to study abroad. Juan agrees.

    "Sofía" tells her mother that she has found a course she wants to take in Mexico City. Isela doesn't want her daughter leaving her again and is sure they can find a course for her close to home.

    "Sofía" and Alfonso are miserable in the current situation because they are in love with each other. He doesn't believe the DNA was legit. She threatens to leave the city if he keeps forcing the issue.

  22. MAREA Page 7

    Alfonso helps Sofía learn how to ride a bike and she falls. She ends up with an abraded thigh. Cris tries to help he but gets too close. Juan comes out and punches him. He wants him far away from his house and family. Cris apologizes and leaves.

    Helena tells Zaid that he cannot come looking for her at Cris' house and drags him outside. He is upset about the call she made to him. He tells her there is no leaving him. He knows too much about her. She says if he is going to take her to court over her stepfather, she will say it was self defense. He says that the very fact that she fled from the scene of the crime will incriminate her. She answers that she was a little girl who was afraid. He doesn't care. She is still working for him. He wants her to find out what Marcelo is going to do with the shares in the company that Leonor left to him. If he is going to sell them, he is going to buy them. She insists she will not do it and he cannot force her to. She also knows things about him. He asks who is going to believe a murderer who doesn't know where she is from. She happens to know all about dummy construction company he has set up to build the eco-hotel. She thinks that would be valuable info for Marcelo . . .


    Santiago tells Luisa that he is not happy that Ana was hired as head of personnel for the casino with out him being involved since he is head of HR for the company. Luisa assures him it is temporary and that she made the decision as the head of the company. He hopes she isn't sorry but is sure she will be.

    Gael is still staying at Roberta's recuperating from being drugged.

    Beatriz delivers her cellmate's baby. The prison doctor is impressed. Beatriz tells her how interested she has always been in medicine. The doctor wants to train her as her assistant.

    Osvaldo moves out with his son after telling his mother he lost his job and that Nora wasn't lying about being sexually harassed. He blames her for brainwashing him.



    Santiago has his assistant write that she enjoys him doing certain sexual acts to her.

  24. Marea
    Thanks jarifa, so much ground to cover. I wondered about the business trip, feared they were meeting the guy planning on giving the phony bud. Glad you cleared that up. Isela slid back into my dislike graces and Camila moved up. She has had a miserable upbringing by both her parents. Juan is at the root of most of the dysfunction if he is responsible for Sofia's disappearance as we suspect. Are Sofia and Marcelo a similar age? I imagine they both cheated around the same time, most likely Juan first and isela got back at him by taking a lover.

    You would think the prostitute would have had some earnings from her casino dates and Zaid's payout. If Zaid wants her out of town he should be footing the bill to make sure she is gone.

    If Marcelo doesn't want the shares he should put them in Natalia's name, though that would increase Zaid's determination to take her away from Luisa.

    Ok, being a female the blood on the sheets would just signal that, shoot, my period started. I guess there are other reasons for it related to HPV.

    Still say Rita and Alfonso need to do a new DNA test between themselves.

    Osvaldo has seen the light regarding his mother. I'm actually at this point rooting for a reconciliation with Nora and that he will get another job.

  25. MAREA

    Jarifa, your level of detail is incredible and very much appreciated. I’m having a difficult time keeping up especially with two hours but you your lens is sharp and penetrating, you miss nothing. Thank you.

    Loved that Leonor not only included Marcelo in the will but left Zaid a relative pittance! Leonor your penance for your sins is noted. Santiago and Isela were cringeworthy. I’m including Juan not because he said anything untoward in that scene, but simply because he is scum. What Isela did to Camila was unfathomable. No wonder Camila has issues.

    “She says that her mother doesn't love him because he scares them when he gets angry. He gets angry and says it is just one of her mother's excuses. He says it is Marcelo's fault. He stole her mother from them. Natalia tells him that is not true. Marcelo is a good man”. How could Zaid counter the painful and honest truth from an innocent without a hidden agenda? He can’t.

    Alfonso grows a stiff spine; I hope he tells Felipe everything.

    I loved Luisa standing up to Zaid, holding her ground. “What did her mother know about him that disappointed her so much?... She thinks that maybe her mother discovered that he killed Walter…Luisa tells Zaid that she distrusts him more with each passing day. She is so glad they are getting a divorce.

    I was shocked Osvaldo moved out but was pleased he did. He learned a very hard lesson. I know he was horrible to Nora, did he ever hurt her physically? Glad he stood up to Santiago. Perhaps he will be redeemable to the point he and Nora will be able to coparent…


  26. MAREA

    Kat, I found your post so it is back. Yes, this was another jam packed episode. As for the blood on the sheets "I think I guess there are other reasons for it related to HPV." Also, Camila was complaining about not feeling well. I hope this isn't headed where it could be. "Isela slid back into my dislike graces and Camila moved up. She has had a miserable upbringing by both her parents. Juan is at the root of most of the dysfunction if he is responsible for Sofia's disappearance as we suspect." I agree. I felt so sorry for Camila who told her mother about her need for her attention before and now Isela treats her like dirt? Juan is such a self-centered cowardly excuse for a man. I hope he has a very bad ending.

    Diana, thanks for sticking this out especially with you yourself recapping everyday, too. "Loved that Leonor not only included Marcelo in the will but left Zaid a relative pittance! Leonor your penance for your sins is noted." That was the perfect leftover for Zaid complete with the personalized note. Zaid cannot be sleeping very well these days. "Alfonso grows a stiff spine; I hope he tells Felipe everything." It took him long enough but I do not think there there will be any turning back. I loved how he confronted his father in front of Isela.

  27. MAREA

    Good scheduling news!

    According to the latest TV listings today, that we all know are subject to change, "Marea de pasiones" will be pre-empted on Tues. and Wed. this week, Tuesday next week and on Wed. 9/18 we will go back to single episodes when "Pedro el escamoso" takes over the 9:00 central spot. That makes me a happy camper.

  28. Marea
    Thanks so much, Jarifa. The recaps are great, I can’t believe so much happens in these episodes.

    Isela is awful. Juan too. So between them they’ve thrown out two of their children. Almost funny that Rita is the only child at home now.

    If Zaid keeps up his actions with Natalia she’ll run away! He’s just turning her against him. He’s actually doing a good job of turning everyone against him, except Santiago and Isela. I loved that the watch is so he can think of Aswaldo every second for the rest of his life.

    I’m hoping both Alfonso and Osvaldo will join the good guys and bring down the bad!

    Glad there’s not too many 2 hour shows left!

  29. Marea

    Also I wonder if Zaid is going to hide Natalia from Luisa. And not sure if I got Lorena’s husbands name right.


  30. MAREA

    You are welcome. Glad that the recaps are useful. Yes, that message with the watch was perfection. Leonor was many things but not stupid. I didn’t think of Zaid hiding Natalia from her mother. That would be a bad turn but totally possible.

  31. Marea

    Well, my comment disappeared . Susan

  32. Marea

    Okay, I will try commenting again.
    Jarifa, thank you for all the time you devote to giving us these excellent recaps.
    I cannot believe that Luisa left Natalia now that she has seen Zaid's true demonic nature. She doesn't realize that Ana is under his cruel thumb.and terrified of him. Susan

  33. MAREA

    Jarifa, so happy you will have a bit of a break this week! You have been so dedicated doing these double episodes.

    Thank heavens Vivir ended last Friday so my recapping duty is up. 130 episodes was tough...

    Can't wait until tonight!!


  34. MAREA

    Susan, you are welcome. I am glad I stuck with this one because it has improved over time to be must-see-tv. I agree about leaving Natalia with Zaid. Marcelo and Luisa are her parents. Zaid has been ONLY her step-father Also, when does a child Natalia’s age get to call the shots? At the first sign of trouble with Zaid, Luisa should have had the police remove him if he wouldn’t go on his own. She is far too acquiescent for my taste as are most leading ladies in novelas.

    Diana, 130 episodes is quite the slog no matter how much one enjoys recapping. I long for the days when we had enough recappers to cover a couple of novelas at a time in teams and you had to recap once or maybe twice a week. Yes, I am looking forward to a break this week and next! 🥳
