
Monday, September 30, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. La Historia de Juana has its gran estreno this week! Looks like Diana and Kat have taken on recaps for Fugitivas; so let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 7-9 

9-10 PM – La Historia de Juana: GRAN ESTRENO!!

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    I will put up a few hightlights for tonight.


  2. FUGITIVAS #7 Part 1

    Frida and the group arrive at the bar; Matias has a mad crush on Lisset. Carmen makes it clear to Dario that she is not happy that all of these women are going to be working there.

    There is definite tension between Alejandro and Rebeca.

    Behind bars, Elsa filled Alejandro in on everything that transpired since she last saw him.

    Gabriela invites Vincente to watch a movie with her; he arrives and is up for pizza; romance or action? Later, he gets grabby and livid, she orders him out. He leaves, insolent and insulting. Later, he calls her apologizing and calling himself an imbecile (at least he got that right). She is upset, tells him off and hangs up on him.

    The second Carmen and Frida see each other, it’s obvious it is not their first meeting; Carmen not happy to see her. Frida tells Carmen she better be quiet! Otherwise she will tell Dario that Camen’s real name is Perla and she worked for El Turco (which obvio can’t be good).

    The girls are making a mess of things, getting the orders wrong and dropping drinks. Dario questions Frida as to their experience. Paula tries to help…Frida calls the girls together and gives them a desperate pep talk. She pulls out the colorful wigs.

    Florencia surprises Ish with a lovely dinner, wine glasses and flowers on the table.

    The girls with their colorful mop tops start dancing and soon all of the patrons are on their feet having fun. The girls can move! Dario smiles away as Carmen catches Matias checking out the action. Alejandro shows up he and Lorena talk they discuss Juan Pablo’s murder and I believe he thinks she is innocent but I couldn’t make it out. Lorena introduces him to Carmen.


  3. FUGITIVAS #7 Part 2 of 2

    Alejandro comes home and Rebeca is waiting for him on the stairs. She starts in on Lorena relentlessly asking questions but he says he is her lawyer, it is natural that they are in communication…The argument escalates, it appears he is growing impatient with her.

    Dario and Carmen talk. Apparently, she wasn’t intimidated by Frida’s threat…

    Nicolas comes charging into Patricio’s office (Rebeca is there with a sour expression, hands on her hips) with Alejandro hot on his heels. He talks about his client Elsa.

    The next morning, the girls are rustling up a skillet of eggs and OJ when Matias comes in. He declines chocolate opting for coffee which he almost spits out as the girls smile. Then Dario and Carmen come in, her arm interwoven around his big bicep (we know this can’t be good). Dario tells the girls things aren’t going to work out. Naturally they are upset and Martha who is there, can do nothing to help.

    Patricio, Ish and Nicolas confront Elsa. What are the women’s plans Ish asks? Elsa is worried about her son… She eventually gives them the names of her coconspirators.

    Lisset goes to Carmen’s room and confronts her. “Que lastima” Carmen says unsympathetically. Lisset calls her “Perla” and the threat of retribution is implied.

    Ish gives Alejandro a hard time about Lorena and Ale declares she is innocent.

    Carmen goes back into the bar and starts bussing tables. She changes her tune and thinks the women should stay. Are you sure Dario asks? Yup.

    Patricio comes in with important information; he has a tape which he plays..if anyone can fill in who it was and the content, kindly do so.

    The girls are saying goodbye to Martha and Matias but Dario and Carmen come in and say the girls are staying! The girls smile with relief…


  4. Fugitivas
    I'm still without 5 tomorrow. Recaps are out for me until further notice. I thought I had added Juana to my library. Caught the last half of it on my phone tonight. I hope someone recaps it.

  5. O/T

    Kat, sorry to hear your power is still out. What a nightmare!

  6. Juana

    Kat, sorry about no power. Some here lost power but we were lucky. Our mountains have lost whole towns.

    I watched and think it’s going to be cute. It was Juana’s first day of college. She lives with her mother, grandmother and either a brother or young uncle. Before school she goes for a GYN exam. Another woman is there, she apparently is going to be a surrogate mom. A nurse, who was confused from the get go had the two folders and they got mixed up when she rounded a corner. So Juana gets the sperm. Meanwhile Gabriel is excited about this chance to become a dad. He had cancer but saved sperm before his treatment. This seems to be his last chance. His wife seems to be a model or something. She never wanted kids. The nurses figure out what happened and tell the doctor, he tears up the paper.

    Juana’s best friend works at the brewery where Gabriel is the head honcho(owner maybe). There’s a new beer but an older man in the company plans to sabotage sales. Juana’s mother is very young looking and picks the wrong man regularly. Her latest ended up being a married man. She also doesn’t seem to understand why Juana is remaining a virgin, which is common knowledge in the neighborhood. And Juana met Gabriel when she went to pick up her friend. He gave her a beer and she spilled it on him.


  7. Juana

    Should have proofread. When the nurse rounded the corner she bumped into someone. We also learn Juana hasn’t been eating well since school started. She goes in to get her bloodwork results and finds out she’s pregnant.


    Thanks, Diana. I only saw part of the episode but loved Lisset using the power she had.

  9. JUANA

    Liz, thanks, for getting us started. I won’t be watching since I spent many a season watching “Jane the Virgin” but was curious to see another take on the plot. The first episode was good. I enjoyed it.

  10. O/T

    Kat, I hope you get your power back soon!



    Thanks Jarifa.

    Lisset is an early favorite of mine. I like her spunk. It seems as though Carmen isn't quite as nice as we thought initially.

    I am not going to be able to watch tonight as this airs, I will likely watch tomorrow when posted online.


  12. JUANA

    Thank you for your recap Kat!

    I'm not going to be watching this but hope all of you who do enjoy it.


  13. Fugitivas
    Diana, thank you for the great recap.. I haven't had a chance to watch yet. By now I will know exactly what is happening.

    I thought Vincente was a nice guy , but maybe he isn't.

    Hmmm...Carmen is really Perla, and I suppose el? Turbo was her pimp. Uh oh.

    Are the girls sleeping at the bar? I was watching " The Voice" but i surfed over and saw some of dancing . It was very cute with the colorful wigs.

    I like this show so far. Susan

  14. Juana

    Liz, thank you for the recap. I surfed in and out while watching " The Voice." U thought Cinthia was Juana's mother and e blonde was her sister. I think I will watch this show. Susan

  15. JUANA

    I've never seen the lead actress before this, she acts well and has funny moments but she kinda lacks star power but let's wait and see.

    I missed the actress playing her Mom (Jenny), it's been awhile since I last saw her in a telenovela, glad to see her again

    The first episode introduced to many subplots though, wished we got to know the main characters more.

    Brandon Peniche has really improved and has more star power as galan now.


    Susan, thank you so much...

    I was shocked at Vincente's behavior which seems way out of character. But then again, we don't know the character so I'm going to hope that was a terrible lack of judgement.

    I think the girls are sleeping upstairs at the bar. I thought the dancing scene was fun too and I am enjoying this so far.


  17. Juana
    I've watched this one and just kept thinking how traumatic it must be for Juana. Mexicans always go for 'the baby is the best thing ever' plot, but I foundit a bit disturbing this time.
    Juana is lucky she doesn't follow her mum's example. 'why she remains a virgin'... Maybe because she doesn't want to end up like you , Jenny. And why the hell does everyone know she is a virgin?
    Gabriel wants a child a bit...too much. When it turns into 'my last chance' kind of talk, I get rather worried. I know men are into the whole 'my legacy' bit, but I can't think about it without laughing.
    The characters in this one are...Odd perhaps would be the closet thing I can think of.

  18. Juana

    Liz, thanks for the recap . I finally had a chance to watch. Looks like the rich wife\model ( Irina Baeva )is the bad girl, Her friend looks familiar , but I cannot remember where I saw her. The father is someone I have seen in many shows .
    Well, lets see where thks goes.. Susan

    1. The friend played Soraya in Los Ricos Tambien Lloran remake

  19. Juana

    The two guys with the galan were in Minas . The older man was a villain and the younger played a very sweet character , a friend to everyone. Susan

    1. The younger guy is Sebastian the third wheel/best friend of the lead character and looks like he is once again playing third wheel on the show since he is obviously smitten with Juana

  20. FUGITIVAS #8 Part 1

    There was much I couldn’t translate, but here are a few notes.

    The girls have been given a reprieve and can stay! Lisset and Matias share a hug and the girls are grateful and very relieved. Later, Lisset thanks Carmen who semi rolls her eyes.

    Ish keeps staring at the pictures of the fugitives, especially Lorena. Ish, Patricio and Nicolas have several meetings throughout the episode centered on the “missing” women.

    Dario and Matias help the girls get settled into a room (with a TV!!) and the girls hug Martha.

    Carmen and Dario kiss.

    As the women continued to celebrate their “freedom”, Matias barges in and confronts the girls. He knows who they are and threatens to tell his father. We are innocent Lorena pleads as Montse gets upset. When Lisset walks up to him and starts talking, he is in a trance and isn’t paying any attention to what she says.

    Elsa is out in the prison yard and sees her friend Paula.

    I believe the news is reporting the fugitivas have already crossed the border. Gabriela calls Ismael chastising him for keeping mum; she is afraid for Lorena's life.

    Florencia sees Veronica looking at pictures of her and Juan Pablo on the computer.


  21. FUGITIVAS #8 Part 2

    Matias comes back in with a list of “demands” including a video game console. He gives the girls a couple of days to come through. Dario comes in and Lisset leaves following him. She flashes a huge smile thanks him for the opportunity as she helps him restock the shelves with glasses. Martha comes in and watches them, seeing their obvious chemistry; she is none too pleased.

    Lisset wants Erick to procure the goods for Matias.

    Alejandro meets a woman, Sofia for coffee and info on Juan Pablo.

    Martha asks Lisset to sit and talk. She nicely reminds Lisset that Dario is married and to her credit, Lisset does look a bit guilty. She tells Lorena about the conversation. Lisset declares Dario is guapo but…she shares who exactly Carmen is and asks her to be discrete.

    Erick shows up with phones that Lisset had asked him for.

    Ish tells Patricio that Lorena is an assassin but he keeps recalling their kisses.

    Martha and Carmen prepare breakfast; Lisset enters and the atmosphere gets tense. Dario and Matias join the group. Carmen takes the food right from Lisset’s hands.

    Vincente joins his sister in her office. He doesn’t seem inclined to work and calls her “jefa”.

    Montse isn’t too taken with Carmen. Lisset almost slips but doesn’t say anything. The girls are given the phones.

    Ish rereads the note Lorena wrote to Gabriela and he compares the writing with something on a legal document. I am a bit confused here.


  22. FUGITIVAS #8 Part 3 of 3

    Lisset meets up with Erick.

    Matias is playing cards and Lisset enters and wants to join the game. She is waved into a seat.

    Lorena goes to visit Alejandro in his apartment. They are discussing the case when there is a knock on the door. Lorena hide as Ish enters. He wants to talk about Lorena. I didn’t get the gist of it but Ish warns him to be careful. He admits he and Lorena were in a relationship and warns him again. Lorena is in tears in the other room. Alejandro looks thunderstruck. He is furious, is it true he asks?

    “Full house” the guy says but Lisset’s hand trumps his. She picks up the winnings and smirks at Matias as the guy and his henchie stalk out.

    Por favor Alejandro says “Si” Lorena admits as she tries to explain. But it is in vain Alejandro is incensed and unforgiving. Seething with jealousy, he says he doesn’t want to see her again!

    Lisset and Matias begin passionately kissing.

    Vincente shows up and gives Daniela a rose. She asks him to respect her. He takes her hand and leads her out of the apartment.

    Florencia and Veronica are at a bar when Nicolas shows up. Then, Vincente strolls in, hand and hand with Gabriela! Florencia is upset and Veronica is open mouthed bass!!!



    How Lisset easily gave in to Erick, he messed up your plans!

    Lorena really had no reason to keep to the lawyer that the prosecutor that is on her case is someone she had a relationship with him before! But Alejandro was definitely jealous but then again he has a girlfriend with the cop, so he does not have the right to be jealous as well

    Matias probably would have told his if he wasn't enamored with Lisset!


    Thanks, Diana. Great job!

    Why Lorena would think that keeping that golden nugget of info about her previous relationship with Ismael THE PROSECUTOR WHO IS PROSECUTING HER to herself and not tell Alejandro HER LAWYER is beyond unbelievable. Not too swift and I did have hope for her.


    Thanks Jarifa!

    "Why Lorena would think that keeping that golden nugget of info about her previous relationship with Ismael THE PROSECUTOR WHO IS PROSECUTING HER to herself and not tell Alejandro HER LAWYER is beyond unbelievable". It really is, I can't fathom what she is thinking. Oh wait, she isn't!! :)

    Anon, I was also dismayed when Lisset kissed Erick; perhaps she thinks she will get more out of him with honey rather than vinegar?


  26. Fugitivas

    Dear Diana, thank you for the snappy recap.n

    That was quite a kiss between Lisset and smarmy Erick. I guess she was in prison for a long time .

    Wow, I thought Matias was so sweet with his ability when his dad was so cold to her, but now he is blackmailing the girls.

    Carmen perks is really holding on literally to her man.

    I hope Ale calms down and continues to help Lorena . The woman on the computer (Sofia) who was helping him get info on Juan Pablo looked familiar to me , but I can't remember were I saw her.

    What is the name of the one who is smitten with Dario? I don't think that I have ever seen this actor before but he has galan good looks. Susan

    1. The actress playing Sofia was on Perdona Nuestro Pecados midway but wasn't there in the end

  27. Fugitivas

    Whoops ..."ability" was supposed to be " Abuela". Susan

  28. Juana

    I’ll make a few comments in case anyone wants to discuss this.

    Juana is sure the blood tests were mixed up since she knows she can’t be pregnant. She gets a job photographing the gala event for Gabriel’s company. Meanwhile Gabriel’s best friend wants to sell him his shares as he needs the money. He’ll sell them to the bad guy, Rogelio, or to some guys Rogeli has lined up. But Rogeli finds out he went to Gabriel and shoots him on a bridge in the yard. He drags the body away. Juana heard the shot and goes to investigate. A couple of flower pots are turned over and there’s a lot of blood on the bridge. She has her camera but doesn’t take a picture. She goes to get Gabriel but Rogelio is hosing the blood off the bridge. She did get blood on her show. Will they discover this?

    Meanwhile her mom decides to visit her boyfriend. The daughter answers the door, then the wife appears, then husband/boyfriend-the seemingly happy family.


  29. Fugitivas,
    Diana, thanks for continuing to recap. I'm still without power. I'll post again when I catch up with all the episodes.


    Thanks so much Susan.

    "Carmen is really holding onto her man" is exactly right. Literally and figuratively.

    Matias turned on a dime didn't he??

    Luz Edith Rojas plays Sofia; I believe we are remembering her from Perdona nuestros pecados (among other things). I like her too!

    Chris Pascal plays Dario; he looks familiar; his credits showing him having appeared in Diseñando tu amor which is likely where I remember him from.


    1. Yes, he was on Disenando, then first boyfriend of the lead character that became a villain but the character was quite complex and Chris Pascal really did well performing the character's moral dillema. I read he just got first televisa lead role on an upcoming novela, well deserved!


    Kat, I'm so sorry your power is still out!

    Hoping it returns soon...

    I'm planning on trying to post recaps the next few nights.


  32. Juana
    Liz, thanks for the notes.
    Francisco if I remember correctly wanted to warn Gabriel Rogelio is a bad guy. I only can't remember if he didn't do it because he didn't have time or because he got scared as I remember Rog threatening him.
    Jenny... she really makes me despair.
    Why can't they give that guy playing David a main galan role?The galanes Peniche plays lack something.

  33. Juana
    Anonymous ....the actor playing David is Carlos Gatica. Love him ! He deserves a Galan role . He has so much personality and a sweet smile .
    The actress playing Juana isn't doing anything for me, and I am also not a big fan of Peniche. Irina Baeva ( Paula ) is playing another shallow rich girl.

  34. FUGITIVAS #9 Part 1

    Veronica stands up and angrily confronts Vincente, pointing her finger at Gabriela saying her sister is the murderer of Juan Pablo! Florencia tries to calm her down to no avail. Vincente unwisely decides to interject that Juan Pablo was a hustler to which Veronica take umbrage and slaps Vincente! Nicholas speaks up as Florencia merely stands there with her arms folded looking disdainful.

    Walking away, Gabriela tells Vincente to chill and he does. Gab takes him to her house. Later he tells her about his family problems, especially his father and she takes his hand in sympathy. She admits she is alone as well and he sheepishly asks her to forgive his selfishness.

    Lisset and Erick finish kissing as Matias sees the end of their embrace. Matias, quick on his feet, tells him he is Lisset’s brother. His attention is diverted as he sees Matias has brought the goods, the console.

    Veronica, Florencia and Nicolas discuss the aftermath. Ish joins them and they tell him about what happened.

    Alejandro calls Amanda for fettucine and wine.

    Martha catches Matias playing the game with the new console! She’s not mad, she just wants to play!

    Erick shows up at the bar enchanted with Lisset’s hair/wig. Dario comes in and he introduces himself as her brother. Lisset is not happy to see him and rolls her eyes.

    In the women’s room, Veronica tells Florencia that she is interested in Nicolas; she is almost frothing at the mouth. Ish is drinking a concoction that looks like Listerine. When Nic comes back to the table he sits next to Florencia and rubs her leg! Neither Ishmael nor Veronica seem to notice.


  35. FUGITIVAS #9 Part 2

    A fight breaks out at the bar; Erick breaks it up and tells the troublemakers to leave. They throw the money down on the bar and he physically throws them out of the bar.

    Amanda shows up at Ale’s. He is not inclined to talk and silences her with passionate kisses as he leads her into the bedroom.

    Seeing how effectively Erick handled things, Dario offers Erick a job.

    Veronica delusionally believes she and Nicolas are simpatico as Florencia smirks. As they prepare to leave, she gloms onto Nico who looks none too uncomfortable and none too happy. She gives him a long kiss as she gets out of the car and he looks nonresponsive and uninterested.

    Matias comes to breakfast exhausted (likely up all night playing games). Dario announces Erick is hired.

    Vincente and Gabriela have fallen asleep on her couch. The doorbell rings and it’s Lorena! Fortunately, Vincente isn’t in the room and Lorena beats a hasty retreat.

    Ale and Amanda wake up in bed and morning romance is put on hold as the doorbell rings. It’s Sofia! Amanda comes out none too happy to see her. She plants a huge proprietary kiss on Ale marking her territory. Sofia apologizes. I didn’t quite follow but I think she investigated Juan Pablo and came up with someone named “Rosario Hernandez” who might possibly be responsible for his death! She asks about Lorena. He says she is innocent. Then Sofia shows him a picture of a middle-aged woman (possible scam victim?)

    Lorena watches from behind a tree as Vincente and Gabriela leave the apartment. She can hardly believe her eyes.


  36. FUGITIVAS #9 Part 3 of 3

    The next morning, Veronica tells Florencia how happy she is; she is enchanted with Nicolas. As Florencia stares, she is rescued by her father who wants to speak with her right away. Naturally he wants the 411 on Vincente. She tells him about the previous night and Vincente being with Gabriela. He is furious.

    The girls are cleaning up when Martha and Carmen arrive. Carmen checks the register and it’s empty!! She turns and accuses the girls and Lisset and Frida fight back. Dario is going to call the police! Carmen grabs the phone and calls Patricio.

    The sisters have a quick reunion. Gabriela fills her in…

    Later the girls wonder who could have taken the money – Erick?

    Lorena warns her to stay away from Vincente, he and his family can’t be trusted.

    Speaking of can’t be trusted, Nicolas pays Ish a visit and they hug it out.

    Lorena takes her leave of Gabriela.

    Nicolas meets with the team, including Amanda. I didn’t understand his directive.

    Dario confronts Martha; he tells her the only criminal in the house is her! SHE is the one who stole the money!


  37. JUANA

    Alexis Ayala playing the smarmy villain role again! He obviously has a thing for his daughter's friend too!

    Juana's mom is such a headache, the guy is obviously a red flag and on a shallow level, he's not a catch visually as well , girl leave!

    For sure Juana's camera caught something accidentally but will probably not be seen until later!

  38. @Susan Agreed. Carlos Gatica deserved a galan role, he was such a good third wheel on Minas De Pasion. Televisa really should be taking a chance on him

    The actress playing Juana is new to me, I think she acts well especially the rapport with her mom and abuela. However, she does lack that x factor to be a lead actress, the screen presence that commands


    I think Carmen stole the money to set up the girls so Dario would kick them out!

    Erick is probably not a bad guy, he is kinda funny too, I kinda get why Lisset was drawn to him.

    Lorena acts like she's a most wanted fugitive, going in and out of their hiding place! I can't blame her sister though for falling for Vicente, look at those eyes and how he defended her! And she's still young and alone who needs someone in her life to make her happy

    Nicolas flirting on both Florencia and Veronica, I smell trouble!

    - TelevisaFan

  40. OT

    Coming soon on Univision EL PRECIO DE AMARTE starring Marcus Ornelias and Scarlet Guber. Oct. 28 at 10PM! It's a hacienda novela, so looking forward to this one!


    I agree - Carmen definitely took the money.

    I thought the flirting was all on Veronica's part; I didn't see any interest at all from Nicolas. I couldn't believe he so boldly put his hand on Florencia's knee. He isn't a good guy (much to my dismay).


  42. O/T

    Anon, thank you for the heads up on El Precio De Amarte.

    Juan Carlos Barreto and Veronica Jaspeado, two of my favorite actors are in this.


  43. Fugitivas

    Dear Diana, thank you for another recap that gave us everything that happened . I agree that Carmen most likely took the money to get rid of the girls . ( They have kind of taken over the place.)

    When Eric jumped into the role of bouncer, I figured .Drip would offer him that job, so it would have been foolish for him to steal.

    I am disappointed in Ale. He didn't waste any time making that call for a bunny hop with Amanda.

    Veronica is not very broken up about losing her movie .She is drooling over and throwing herself at Someone who us not interested in her. I can't believe the way he put his hand on Florencias knee when Ish sitting right there.

    Vincente seems to e a good guy . onward.....Susan

  44. Fugitivas

    Yikes ...hurrying ..."_Drip" = Dario. Sorry Dario. Susan

  45. Fugitivas

    Uh oh...."movie" = novio. Autocorrect hates me . susan


    Thanks, Diana. I missed this last night so I especially appreciated your very fine recap.


    Thank you Susan!

    "I am disappointed in Ale. He didn't waste any time making that call for a bunny hop with Amanda" is a great point and ITA!

    Veronica is completly unlikeable and Judas errr Nic is likewise (SO disappointed in him 'cause I love the actor). Perhaps they deserve each other.



    Thank you so much Jarifa! I am happy you enjoyed the recap.

