
Monday, September 30, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 30, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor
***Novelera will be out of town the week beginning September 30.  Would appreciate a recapper for Tuesday night's episode.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!



    "La Familia", will begin "Tuesday, October 22 at 10 p.m. Eastern Time, just one week after the premiere of Sed de vengancia."

  2. conde
    Monday, pt. 1 of 3

    I hope y’all saw the recap because I couldn’t type all that up. Is that what Mexican money looked like in the 50’s? It’s pretty but not nearly as colorful as today. This capitulo starts out all hot and heavy so I’m a little unsure of details in the first part. And maybe the other parts too, tbd.

    El conde meets with Vic about the money Vic is giving him and Vic is super excited about the new hotel(?). But Vic isn’t sure about Ger. This is why diplomacy was invented, says Ale, and tells him to invite Ger (to what?).

    Vio brings Caya the papers on the hotel, telling her she told Vic they were probably taken by the thieves. Vio asks about Caye’s past and her connection with the Altamirano. Caye won’t say but tells her not to provoke Vic more. She then brings Vio into the kitchen to meet Carmen. Carmen tells Vio it’s time to tell her the truth and spills that she is Vic’s first wife and the mother of his girls.

    Caye meets Vicente as he’s coming out of the office and greets him warmly. She wants to show him a gift and see if it’s ok for his daughter, Dolores, for her wedding. She shows him a music box, the one with the tune from her childhood music box. Vic recognizes the tune. She tells him the tune was important in her childhood even if she can’t remember why. Vic is very uncomfortable with this gift and this conversation.

    More in the kitchen with Carmen giving Vio the whole truth about Vic. Vio grabs her hand with a look of concern.

    But then we’re back to the hacienda with Josefina and her new poison herb. The former poison supplier is telling Memo, fixer of all things, about what Josie wanted and ho desperate she is. Not the worry! He’ll handle this like everything else.

    Dylan is in the office talking to and investigator (?) about the history of Josie and Benjamin. And Dylan finds out that Antonio owns the burdel. Dylan is surprised. He is surprised as he underestimated Antonio as much as he overestimated Josefina.

    Vio shows Carmen the scars on her neck courtesy of Vic. And she cries that she’s worried that her daughters, who have lived a life of luxury, won’t want her because she’s poor. But she wants them both saved, even Dolores. She tells Vio about her marrying someone she doesn’t love, the pregnancy, etc. But Vio lets her know that the pregnancy was false so no worries there. Then I missed the last of the convo but they are getting along and are now on the same team. Yay!

    Ric is in Pedro’s room looking for the gun. He finds it as Pedro comes in and stops searching just in time. Pedro asks what he’s doing and Ric says something I missed. Pedro offers him a cigarette but has a look that says either there is something about the cigarettes that Ric (and us) won’t like or he knew that Ric was lying.

  3. conde

    Monday, pt. 2 of 3

    Vio has brought Carmen to the house to see Teresa and leaves them alone for Carmen to tell Tere the big news. Carmen is very nervous but she tells Tere that what she has heard about her mother is wrong. Carmen tells the story in the third person and Tere ass if she knew her mother. Yo soy tu mama!, Carmen says.

    Mari cries and the theme song plays. David enters to tell her something important but first asks why she’s crying. He asks if it’s about Alejandro Gaitan because he found out that Ale didn’t die in the prison and someone else is buried in his grave. Mari is obviously not shocked.

    Tere remembers the doll that Carmen had or fixed a few weeks ago. Carmen cries and Tere sensitively asks about Carmen’s face. Carmen explains and they both cry and it’s a happy reunion. Carmen will never leave her again. Until Vio comes in to tell her she has to leave right now. Carmen doesn’t want to leave her daughters again and then suddenly it’s too late because Vic comes home and stares at Carmen. “Tu?”

    Carmen has found the voice she has kept quiet the last many years and tells Vic that he doesn’t dare get close to them. Vic asks Vio what she was thinking with this. Vic says Carmen is an imposter and he tells her to leave. He accuses her of calumny (a word I really like because it sounds fancy even though it just means slander). Carmen has found her yelling voice and lets him have it while standing between him and Tere.

    Amaranta tells Ric and Memo the news that Vic has headed home and they jump into action.

    Vic orders Tere to leave and she refuses to leave her mother. Lots of yelling and its very satisfying seeing Carmen stand up for herself. Then she says she has the protection of El Conde. Cara de QTH from Vic. Chao drags Tere away from Carmen while Vio takes this opportunity to get the door, where Ric and Memo have been knocking and they take Carmen home. But Vio is left there and she looks worried, rightfully so.

    Mari and Nanny talks. Nanny tells Mari that she needs to tell David the truth (but I’m more interested in the story of Vic and Carmen and Vio). But Mari does tell Nanny that Gerardo pressured the judge in the case of Alejandro and she’s worried about what kind of person she married. She says she’s very afraid but she doesn’t look nearly as scared as Vio did.

    Josie and Felipe talk and she fakes super nice when Dylan comes in the room. He asks her something about the distillery and she gives a reasonable but fake answer that Dylan doesn’t hear because he gets woozy and then faints. Felipe looks as Josie and asks if this was her. He knows his mommy.

  4. conde,

    Monday, pt. 3 of 3

    Josie is surprised that Dylan responded like this. Not because she didn’t poison him but because she didn’t think it would affect him like this. Pau comes in the room and asks about calling the doctor or doing something. Josie fakes worry and doesn’t want him moved, etc. As soon as Pau leaves, Josie sits in a chair and looks bored.

    Vio goes to Vic’s office and asks if she’s incarcerated too. He asks why she let that woman into the house. Vio wants the truth. Did he really do all that to Carmen? He doesn’t answer but just then Chao brings Luisito into the room. Vio Moves towards the very cute baby but Vic stops her. He tells her he messed up with the first wife but practice makes perfect. It’s a very clear threat. He then takes hold of the baby and chats with him while Vio can only look on.

    Dylan wakes up in bed. Josie lies about it being blood pressure or something. Dylan says he can’t stay in bed; he has business to attend to in Boston but Josie assures him that she and Felipe can handle things. He sends glances over to Pau who is carefully watching him and Josie. Josie and Felipe leave and Dylan quickly confides to Pau he doesn’t trust that woman and that she too needs to flee.

    Josie tells Felipe that the plan continues as is. I missed the rest of this but I assume it involves still murdering her THIRD husband.

    Lucrecia, who stupidly believes in Pedro despite all evidence that he’s a lying jerk, tells him team el conde is looking for evidence against him. I think she said it was team el conde, but she for sure tells him that someone is looking for the evidence.

    Tere is in her room with Dolores. She says Carmen came by. The seamstress?, says Dolores. Is something wrong with my dress? But Tere gently tells her that the story they were told about their mother was a lie and Carmen is mama for real.

    Dylan makes a call and is dialing when Josie enters and stops that saying he needs to be in bed. But he needs to call Brenden! She has a couple men grab Dylan’s arms to take him away because she's "helping him".

    Dolores confronts Vic about the Carmen story. He says it’s a lie. It’s because they are rich. She can’t believe this is happening right when she’s about to get married! The nerve of that women. I can’t remember the exact word Dolores uses but Vic knows he has Dolores on his side. Because she’s dumb. He tells her he’ll take care of this when she’s off on her honeymoon. She cheers and gives him a big hug. I sure hope she’s faking this or she’s going to lose redemption points.

  5. conde

    Monday, pt. 4 of 3 (oops)

    Memo and Ger talk but I miss it. Ger doesn’t seem so bad anymore compared to Vic and Josie, so let’s remember what he’s done because I keep forgetting: had Consuelo? (Gaby’s birth mother) killed, told her her baby died and then taking the kid home to his wife, had the Aguilars killed (or was that Leopoldo), had the brother of the current president killed, attempt on Miguel Aguilar, false imprisonment of Alejandro, probably some business shenanigans with Josie, and telling David he has be a lawyer.

    Carmen talks to Lucrecia about getting to tell her daughter who she is. She is so happy and Lu is happy for her. Then Carmen spots the article about the big event that Vic is throwing and she practically spits when she reads that the paper calls him distinguished (or some word I don’t remember). They don’t know who he really is. Then she sees the picture with him and the “Marquis” and can’t believe that this is the guy her daughter is going to marry. Look at him! I don’t remember the word she used for him when she showed the pic to Lu but it wasn’t complementary. Lu is shocked. Guess Pedro didn’t tell his tia about his upcoming nuptials? Or who they were with?

    Vic has beamed back to el conde’s and tells him about Carmen showing up at the house. Vic lies about her, again, to el conde and Ale is glad he’s there because he wanted to talk to Vic before letting Carmen in his house but since he’s there, they can talk now. Something like that. Vic still doesn’t seem to suspect that Ale is planning all this. We know where Dolores gets her smarts.

    Things are moving along quickly now! Sorry for all the missed details. It’s hard enough to catch everything in the regular shows but these ultimos capitulos are quite the challenge!


    1. K: The previews for tonight's upcoming episode will be chaotic since Ramiro is setting some explosives at the hotel we're assuming that Alejandro/Joaquin & Blabbermouth Mariana are inside of.

    K: Intriguing recap of last night's episode. Once again, Dumbass Lucrecita is still Dumbass Lucrecita wanting to help Slippery Pedro, who will eventually kill her old ass.

    Jackass Vic plotting to exterminate Carmen, who might've signed her death warrant by confronting Jackass Vic like that. I'm still worried about Carmen being in serious danger since we're still in Ultimos Capitulos.

    How long before Jackass Vic figures out that Cayetana is Amelia ?

    Paulina still living in the Zambrano House of Horrors ? I hope that knife Amaranta gave her is handy because we're in Ultimos Capitulos.

    Harrison being dragged by Buji Joise's henchmen back to his room.

    Doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living when all is said & done.

  7. conde

    K, thank you for that excellent report of everything that happened in this episode as things heat up and unfold.

    I only saw the first part , but I was tired and went to bed. I will watch the end later.

    Yikes, Why did Vi take Carmen into the lion's den? She knows how dangerous Vic is.

    Ale's revenge plan has put a lot of innocents in harm's way. Why would Ale encourage Jo to marry Dylan and put Dylan on danger? It is hard to see Ale as a hero and avenging angel with all these innocents being endangered to trap and punish the villains. Susan

  8. La Familia

    Deb, thank you. I am looking forward to this dizi. Susan

    Susan, Deb & Co.,: I plan on watching this remake of "PURA SANGRE" & I can assume it might be even more deadlier, potentially surpassing the chaos of "PURA SANGRE" where the Body Count in the Colombian original Telenovela was ridicolous.

  10. conde

    Susan- Agree about Ale putting people in danger. Dylan with Josie. Dolores with the "marquis". Leaving Vio with Vic. Carmen with Vic. Caye with Vic. It would be more forgivable if he weren't the one pulling all the strings and setting off all the bad guys.


  11. Conde
    K, thanks. I'll see if I can fill in a few details. Ger is invited to the grand opening (,or reopening, I thought maybe it was a remodel with Conde demanding all the expensive upgrades 5 star hotel in Europe would have). Ger doesn't want to go because he is on the outside with Vic. Conde tells him that he is a partner and Ger coming is in support of him.

    Ric was looking for the gun
    I don't understand the that as wouldn't you want the police to find it in his possession. It was moved from its original hiding place so he looked in a dresser drawer. That is when Pedro arrived. Ric claimed he was looking for a cigarette, which is why Pedro gave him one. Pedro was surprised (and now suspicious) since he has never seen him smoke before.

    Still no power at my place or my daughter's. She has been given a Thursday estimate. I've been given nothing.

    K & Kat in SC: I'm assuming the Gran Final will be on October 21st.

  13. Conde

    Gracias, K. You delivered a jam-packed recap. I loved the way you describe Carmen: "Carmen has found the voice she has kept quiet the last many years ... Carmen has found her yelling voice and lets him have "

    I wouldn't put it past Pedro to harm his own auntie. I sure hope Lucrecia comes to her senses.

    Poor Dylan. Ale, no space in your planning to check on him?

    Kat, thanks for the additions. I hope you and your daughter get power soonest.

  14. conde

    Thanks very much, K, for this fine recap. You've covered just about everything. I'm sorry I couldn't comment sooner, but I've been away all day. I did have a few points in mind, but I see that Kat in SC and Niecie in MD have already made them. And now it's almost time for Tuesday's episode.

  15. Out of town. I did get to see Mon epi but that will be the only one this week. My DVR will be recording. Thought I might find Telemundo on the Channel lineup in this hotel, but no.

    Excellent recap, Kat. Won 't say much because I hate typing on my phone. But it bugs me that Lucretia is so blind!

  16. Kay- forgot to thank you for filling in the details and hoping you get power soon! The pics from your side of the country look awful.


    Kat in SC: You're doing the recap of last night's episode ?

  18. Steve, I'm usually Wed. Novelera I think has last night but I read she is out of town. I'm still without power so recaps are out for me. I can watch a show here or there but can't take notes in the dark, or on my phone, as that is how I am watching the show.

  19. conde

    Since no one has said they'd do a recap, in a little while I can put up a list of some of the things I remember from last night.

  20. conde

    Here is a list of some of the things I remember from last night's episode. There's a LOT that I don't include, but....

    Gerardo tells Mari that she looks beautiful. She is quite cold to him. She mentions asking him for a divorce. She hasn't said anything lately because of his condition. She tells him that he is always so controlling. She also mentions his repeated unfaithfulness. He tells her none of the women meant anything to him. She tells him she doesn't love him. He asks if there's another man in her life. She doesn't say anything. He says he will not agree to a divorce. She replies, "It takes two to make a marriage, Gerardo."

    Lucrecia tells Pedro that the count knows he's not a marquis, and that he's trying to find Pedro's gun. She urges him to flee immediately. He says he won't leave until he has enough money for the two of them.

    Pau talks with El Conde. She tells him that Mari never lied to him and always loved him. He says that at their last meeting, she was about to tell him something important. Pau says that's something he should talk about only with Mariana.

    Pedro sees Antonio with Violeta. When Violeta leaves, Pedro appears and tells Antonio he wants to stay at the bordello. Antonio says no way, whereupon Pedro says if you say no, I'll tell Vicente about you and Violeta, and Vicente will kill you.

    Josefina is not planning to go to the grand opening of Vicente's hotel. She's obviously afraid that Dylan might wake up and escape or contact someone. Pau comes and tells Josefina that all the important people of San Jacinto will be there, and she needs to be present. She needn't worry about Dylan, since the doctor and Chole will be there. Josie reluctantly agrees.

    Gerardo tells Ramiro to burn everything to the ground. Ramiro worries about all the invitees. Gerardo doesn't care. "No Villarreals will be there."

    Pau calls El Conde's doctor and tells him that Josefina has gone to the hotel. "Please come check on Mr. Harrison."

    Carmen tells Lucrecia that Pedro doesn't love Dolores.

    Dylan and El Conde's doctor search the kitchen cabinets looking for the poison. Dylan eventually finds some liquid and hands the bottle to the doctor. The doctor sniffs it and says it could be scopolamine, the really nasty poison. I assume he takes it with him for testing.

    Teresa escapes from her locked room and goes to El Conde's, where she finds Ric Jr.

    At the hotel, El Conde and Mari have a long talk. He asks her what the letter was that she had written to him but he never received. She looks about to tell him, when Josefina comes up to them.

    Ramiro is setting up the explosion. Someone comes by and asks what he's doing. Ramiro claims to be from the gas company. The guy says the gas company was already there that morning. Ramiro chockes him to death and then continues to set up the explosion.

    Gabriela asks Gerardo to read her a story. He asks where her mother is. The nursemaid tells him she and David went to the hotel event. Gerardo races out of the room. At the hotel, Vicente begins to give his welcoming speech when BAM!!! The hotel is in flames. End of episode.

    Juanita: Thank you very much for the scaled-back recap of last night's episode. Nursemaid you're referring to is Nanny I think, who got scolded by Scumbag Villarreal.

    Speaking of Scumbag Villarreal: The dude is super controlling & desperate to become President of Mexico. I don't think anyone of importance will get killed in the hotel explosion, but we'll see.

    On the growing Body Count: The unsuspecting hotel security guard dude got choked to death by Hitman Ramiro, who will likely be asked by Scumbag Villarreal to do more jobs in the closing stretch of this chaotic Telenovela.

    I noticed Teresa escaped her locked prison/room & went to the Conde Mansion to see Ricardo, Jr., you & I both know this will NOT go very well since Bratty Dolores will open her bigass mouth again.

    Violeta: Tick-Tock little girl because you're not going to be among the living. Now that Slippery Pedro saw you & Antonio together. Bigger red flags! I hope Carmen is ready to become a stepmother to Luisito.....

  22. conde

    Juanita , thank you for the excellent that you were kind enough to provide for us . yikes !!! I haven't ad a chance to watch this episode . Things are really heating up . Susan

  23. conde

    Thanks so much, Juanita. This was great. You hit all the high points.

    When Ale asked Pau for info on Mari, I wanted her to tell him "I'm not authorized to give you that information."

    Reminder that I will do a recap tonight. It will likely be shorter than my usual.

  24. conde

    You covered what I remembered. There were a couple bits that made me laugh.

    When Dylan and the good doc were going through the kitchen, Dylan finds a bowl of something, sniffs it and says it smells terrible. The doc them checks it out and pronounces it “cumin”. Apparently Dylan hasn’t been eating much traditional Mexican food while he’s been there. I’m sure Josie only serves French style grub.

    And when Ramiro is setting up the explosion and gets caught. The guard doesn’t immediately accept his lie about why he’s there and he looks up as though he’s asking “Really? I gotta murder AGAIN?” Poor Ramiro can’t get a break.


  25. Conde

    Gracias, Juanita. You covered all the bases so smoothly.

    I'm wondering if Gabriela noted and, importantly, will remember later how frantic her father was when he learned Mari had gone to the hotel. Honestly having Ramiro blow up the hotel is, well, overkill. Gerardo has lost his mind if he thinks the authorities won't go over this with a fine-tooth comb.

    I would love to see Antonio get the upper-hand over that smug Pedro. Lucretia, do you not feel the coldness wafting off Pedro? There's no heart or soul there. Just greed.

    Vio is clear-eyed about Antonio and her future. At least he did get part of her money back.

  26. Conde
    Kat is still powerless in SC. Dondi, Thank you for stepping up to fill in for me tonight. I'm able to read the recaps at least.

    Anon: Too bad both Antonio & Violeta will NOT be among the living now that Slippery Pedro knows about the Lusting Duo. Plus, you know it's only a matter of time before Jackass Vic figures out that Violeta & Antonio have been getting freaky.

    Let's not forget about Buji Joise finding out too.

    K: Hitman Ramiro is gonna Hitman Ramiro.

  28. conde

    K, I too laughed when the spice that Dylan thought smelled terrible turned out to be cumin. I guess Dylan should never come to my place for dinner. My husband and I love cumin, and I probably use more of it than any other spice except, perhaps, salt.

    K & Juanita: Countdown to the Gran Final: 18 days left & I better see those heavu Karma anvils coming for the large group of Antagonists ASAP.

    PS: If Bratty Dolores talked to me like that, I would've poured hot grits on her face.

  30. conde #63 part 1


    Vic’s new hotel goes up in flames. Confusion and panic. People rush for the exits. Ale grabs Caye and Josie and guides them out. Gerardo arrives and is kept from entering. David shouts at Ale, I can’t find my mom! Ale goes back in. We see Mari unconscious on the floor.

    Leticia’s radio novela is interrupted for an announcement of the tragedy at the grand hotel opening. A bomb or gas leak caused an explosion. Many notable people were in attendance. No information yet on casualties or injuries, but people may be trapped. Lety shares this news with Rod.

    Ale finds Mari and picks her up. David screams for his mother. Caye screams for Ale. Ale appears and places Mari on a stretcher. He briefly comes face to face with Gerardo.

    Dylan and the Dr have coffee in the kitchen with Chole. Dylan questions her about Benny. Did he get sick suddenly? She answers that Benny was a strong, healthy man but one day, he fell ill. Eventually, he worsened and died. He was a good person. She crosses herself.

    Was Josefina taking good care of him, Dylan asks. Yes, Chole replies, just like you. She didn’t leave his side. If anyone touched his food she’d get upset, just like with you. She (Josie) scolded me today. She’s the only one to make and give you food. She didn’t even take the Dr’s prescriptions. Dylan and the Dr share an astonished look.

    Amaranta catches Lucrecia snooping around.

    Ric breaks into the Zambrano estate and overhears the help saying Pedro is gone and they don’t know where he went.

    Pedro and Antonio talk. Antonio is puzzled as to why the Count is letting Pedro pass himself off as the marquis. Pedro doesn’t get it either and he doesn’t want to take risks. He’s not going to the hotel opening. Antonio notes that Pedro is running out of money. Pedro thinks he’ll have access to Vic’s money if they still believe he’s the marquis and he marries Dolores. He plans to take their money and run.

    Lu says she was only looking for the Count’s suit, but Ama calls her out on being very nervous and she's been acting strange. Ric Jr rushes in with the news about hotel fire.

    Dylan asks the Dr to test the nasty potion right away. He needs the evidence to put Josie in prison.

    Ric returns to the estate and Ama tells him about the hotel. Ric worries about Caye and Ama worries about Pau. Ric and Ama take off to find their loved ones.

    Unfortunately, Felipe and Josie made it out unscathed. Fortunately, Pau is ok. Pau wants to check in with the Villarreals but Josie sends her off to get tea.

    Felipe tells his mom they shouldn’t have left without finding Mari. Gerardo will be upset. Josie scoffs. She’s already putting it together. Gerardo didn’t show up to the opening and then there was an explosion. Gerardo has reasons to want Vic ruined. Felipe can’t believe Gerardo would put David and Mari in danger.

    Josie asks Chole about Dylan. She tells Josie that he’s feeling better and was packing a suitcase.

    Lety and Rod go to the Count’s estate. They see Tere with Carmen and they are relieved. Tere is happy to be with her mother, but she’s worried about her dad, Dolores and Violeta.

    Josie tries to get Dylan back into bed. Dylan says he heard about the fire. He’s feeling much better and the Dr said his vitals are normal, so he sent him away. Josie is pleased to hear this. She will take care of him now. Dylan strenuously objects. I don’t need anyone to take care of me! I can take care of myself! Dylan becomes unsteady and needs to sit. Josie rushes over to him. Let’s talk calmly. You’re not well.

  31. conde #63 part 2

    Dylan blames it on the sleeping pills Josie’s been giving him. He doesn’t want to argue anymore. This doesn’t feel right, he says, this marriage isn’t right. I can’t stay here. I’m leaving for Boston tomorrow. I need time to think. Josie wants to go with him. Nope, he’s going alone. He tells her they should end this for good. He leaves the room and Josie gulps.

    Everyone is back at the Count’s estate and they’re okay. Lu marches off to make tea. Ama notes that Lu has been acting strange.

    Ale tries to figure out what happened at the hotel. Something isn’t right. They will have to wait for the fire dept. report. Ale lets Tere know her family is okay.

    Ale and Memo talk in the office. Ale concludes the explosion was Gerardo’s work. Memo notes that Mari and David were there, and Gerardo was outside the hotel. He looked desperate. Ale thinks that Gerardo didn’t know they were there. He adds that Gerardo is cornered now and very dangerous.

    Vic is in his office, drowning his sorrows. I lost everything—my dreams turned to smoke He cries over all the expensive items that went up in flames. Xiao brings him the newspaper. Vic doesn’t want to read. He becomes enraged. He doesn’t care if others were killed. All he cares about is that he lost all his money. I have nothing but charcoal and ashes in my hands!

    Xiao is still pushing for Vic to read the paper. Vic continues to shout about his fate. Xiao holds up the paper for Vic to see. There’s Vic’s pic is above the fold. The headline reads “The Dark Past of Businessman Vicente Garcia”. Vic is horrified.

    Carmen’s story has been published. Vic reads aloud, “Vicente Garcia’s first wife accuses him of mistreatment, burning her, declaring her dead and taking away her daughters.” Vic throws the paper. He’s certain who is behind this, and he wants the bastard to pay. [I assume that’s Gerardo.] A henchie comes in with more bad news, Tere has run away.

    Antonio brings Pedro the bad news—your plans are ruined. Vic’s hotel burned down. Oh, and there’s also Carmen’s story. Antonio can’t conceal the schadenfreude. He chuckles, who would have thought the distinguished marquis is marrying the daughter of a convent seamstress? Your future FIL is ruined, and you’re engaged to an unbearable poor woman. Pedro’s plans blew up with the hotel.

    Mari comes home. Felipe is there, he’s glad she’s okay. Mari snarks, you can go tell Josie I didn’t die. David escorts his mom to her room. Felipe shows Carmen’s article to Gerardo and smiles. Vic is finished.

    Vic catches Dolores reading Carmen’s story. He tells her not to read that crap. All she’s concerned about is being outed as the daughter of a seamstress. She will be the laughingstock for all of SJ. She worries that the marquis won’t marry her. Vic asks, do you believe what is said about me? Dolores doesn’t. [I think she’s in deep denial.] Vic shouts at her not to talk to anyone.

    Ale and Memo talk. Vic doesn’t know what awaits him, Ale says, and Gerardo turned out to be much more dangerous than I thought. I realized last night that I don’t care about the reasons why Mari married Gerardo. She still loves me. I’ll make the most of this chance.

    Memo is happy to hear this. Ale says when he found Mari, he was afraid she was going to die. He uncovers the little picture of Mari he has hidden in the top of his cane. That is why I always keep her close to me, he says, I couldn’t bear to lose her again. I came back to life thanks to her smile. Memo asks, what will you do? I’ll tell her everything, Ale replies, all I want is to be with her forever.

  32. conde #63 part 3

    Vic comes to the estate and tries to drag Tere out of there. He accuses Carmen of lying, of wanting money. Tere defends herself and her mother. She flashes the newspaper in his face. Vic snatches the paper and throws it. Ale appears just as Vic raises his hand to Tere. He shouts at Vic not to make a scene in his home again. He asks Vic to come to the office.

    Mari tells Nanny that Ale rescued her again. Nanny asks, what will you do now? Mari replies, make up for lost time… and give each other another chance. Nanny notes it’s different now. Mari has her own family. Mari says she can’t stay with Gerardo anymore. She hopes her children can understand. Nanny asks, has the count told you he loves you? I know he does, she replies, there’s no turning back. I’m leaving with Alejandro and telling him the truth.

    Dylan is ready to leave SJ. He’s grateful to Pau. She will always have his unconditional support. He asks, why are you still here? Do you love Felipe? He quickly apologizes for being so personal. No need to apologize she says. She has a proposal. Don’t leave. Help me take down Josie. Don’t let her get away with this. Dylan is stunned.

    Pedro comes to see Dolores. He’s got the paper. He rebuffs her advances. He’s there to see Vic. Vic isn’t there but Dolores wants to explain. It’s all lies, she says, this woman isn’t my mother. Pedro isn’t buying it so easily.
    Vic insists to Ale that Gerardo is the one behind the fire. Ale says that’s a serious accusation. It might be an accident. Can’t be, Vic says. They followed all the safety rules. Vic hands over a note from Gerardo.

    Dolores is embarrassed by this scandal. Pedro says she should have told him about this. She replies she just found out. Pedro accuses her of lying. Dolores admits her father lived with that woman, but she left for another man. She came back when she found out they were rich. Dolores asks, can we continue with our wedding plans? Pedro plays her. He says he loves Dolores, but he wants a dowry. It’s the only way he will marry her.

    Ale says the note proves nothing. Gerardo sends his best wishes. Vic doesn’t give up. He questions why Gerardo didn’t come to the opening. Ale notes that Mari and David attended. Ale says his own reputation is at stake and decides to sever his relationship with Vic. Vic tries to make a case for saving the partnership. Ale is firm on his decision. He adds that Tere is of legal age and will stay at his estate. Both she and Carmen are under his protection.

    Lety worries for Carmen. Rod says the Count is protecting her. Lety thinks the Count is like a guardian angel, risking his life for all of us. Why does he do this? She fishes for info. Rod admits he knows stuff, but he promised to keep quiet. He tells Lety she’ll know soon.

    Mari hands Nanny a note to deliver to the Count.

    David comes to see his mother. He’s glad she’s doing well. She says life is giving her a second chance and she wants to make the most of it.

    Vic is still wasting his breath with Ale. He thinks Gerardo is paying Carmen to ruin him. Memo interrupts the convo to say there were irregularities in the Count’s raffle. The original raffle balls were exchanged. Vic plays dumb.

    Ale rips into Vic. It was a big mistake to hold the raffle at his hotel. Someone is robbing me under your nose! Memo says he filed a police report. The last drawing was rigged. We need to find out who did it. Vic sweats and tells Ale he will get to the bottom of this. Ale tells Vic to file a claim with the insurance co. for the fire. He wants to recover his money, now! Vic says that’s already done.

  33. conde #63 part 4

    Dolores shows up at the count’s estate and Lu brings Carmen to see her. Carmen is thrilled. She rushes to Dolores, who holds her off. She tells Carmen she hates her. She ruined her life. Dolores spits out all the lies Vic told her about her mother. Carmen only came back for money because she’s deformed, and no man could love her. [I could hardly listen to this brat’s cruelty.]

    Carmen defends herself and says she doesn’t care about money, she cares about her daughters. It took her many years to find them. Dolores blames Carmen for derailing her wedding plans. Carmen says if he [the marquis] doubts you, then he doesn’t love you.

    Lu listens to this part intently. Dolores warns Carmen not to speak badly about the marquis. He is a nobleman who can’t stain his reputation. [the joke’s on Dolores.] She asks Carmen how she will explain this to the marquis’ family. Dolores says, if my wedding gets called off, I’ll kill myself. It will be your fault. Lu smirks in the background.

    Dolores goes on and on. She calls Carmen an ugly, deformed monster. It’s sickening, even Lu begins to look horrified at the cruelty. Carmen absorbs the blows and tells Dolores she has unconditional love for her and will wait for acceptance. Dolores declares, never!

    Vic enters and wonders why Dolores is there. I’m making it clear she could fool Teresa but not me, she replies. Dolores and Vic leave. Lu comforts Carmen.

    Antonio is in Josie’s office. He tells her won’t take the risk of killing Dylan. [coming to Josie’s office is a risk itself.] It’s our only chance, she replies. He tells her to find someone else. She tempts him with money. Antonio says he has seen a cent of Dylan’s money yet. Josie promises to make him a rich man, bla, bla. Do your part, she says, when he’s on the way to the train, kill him.

    Dylan knocks on the door. Antonio hides behind a bookcase. Dylan tells Josie he’d like to stay and try to save the marriage. Josie is stunned and so is Antonio.

    Ale reads Mari’s letter: “I’ll wait for you at our spot.” Ale thanks Nanny for bringing it and asks her not to tell anyone what she knows. She promises to take it to the grave. She says now that she sees him up close, she sees that young man with a good heart and pure soul even though he looks unrecognizable now. [I still can’t get over how Ale was so unrecognizable to so many.] Ale says the clothes are different, but he’s still the same. She begs him not to hurt Mari and she leaves.

    Contrite Ramiro tells Gerardo he didn’t know Mari and David were at the hotel. Gerardo says he almost lost his family. Next time be careful. [next time?] Gerardo asks, did anyone see you? Ramiro tells Gerardo It was a clean job.

    Meanwhile, we see a campesino walking down a road and he stops when he notices something in the water below.

    Gerardo tells Ramiro to keep a low profile for a few days. He doesn’t need any loose ends.

    The campesino goes down to the water to inspect.

    We get a flashback of Ramiro taking the begging Cordelia to her death.

    The campesino realizes it’s a decomposed corpse of a woman and crosses himself. He shouts for help.

    And we are out.


    Dondi356: Loved your full-scale recap of last night's episode. OMG Bratty Dolores is the DEVIL INCARNATE indeed. Karma better get this BITCH & soon.

    Defaming & insulting the woman, who gave birth to your uppity ass ? Really Dolores ? God does NOT like ugly at all: he's got a special diet of Karma waiting for your ass.

    As for Annoying Lucrecita: Your old ass will get Karma too once Slippery Pedro frames you for another murder or better yet, KILLS your old ass.

    Did you see Amaranta caught Lucrecita trying to get into Alejandro/Joaquin's office or room ?

    Jackass Vic becoming more unhinged. No loss there.

    I wonder how Scumbag Villarreal & Hitman Ramiro are going to react when news of Cordelia's skeletal remains are found ? The Campesino won't be long for this world I'm afraid.

    Gabriella: Get used to having Blabbermouth Mariana as your new Mommy forever.

    Noticed no Nagging Ernestina (Lorena's Uptight Mommy): HORRAY!

  35. conde

    Thanks so much, dondi, for stepping in for Kat in SC, and for producing this excellent recap. It covers everything splendidly and includes some sparkling side comments.

    My first thought about the fire is my surprise that our cast of characters all managed to escape the horrific blaze with barely a scratch. Even Mari did not suffer burns, she was simply overcome by the smoke. I don't mean to make light of the dangers of smoke; it's just that I'm astonished that a blaze that forceful and sudden didn't cause more serious injury and death. (What we saw of the fire showed large flames on both the ground floor and one floor up.)

    On a silly note, when I read "David screams for his mother. Caye screams for Ale," what immediately followed in my head was "we all scream for ice cream."

    So is Chole mentally retarded, wisely cautious, or actually on Josefina's side? I enjoyed most of her account but was surprised when she told Josefina that Dylan was packing his suitcase.

    It looks as if both Pedro and Dolores are about to get their just deserts. Such a deserving couple!

    And speaking of just deserts, I loved the scene where Vicente is moaning over what happened. The only thing he seems upset by is his loss of material things like the curtains, the rugs, the furniture, etc., and, of course, his money.

    I loved your saying "Antonio can’t conceal the schadenfreude." The perfect word!

    I was surprised and relieved when both Ale and Mari independently seemed finally to come to their senses. I wonder how long will it be before the final piece of the puzzle finally falls into place: David's parentage. Will David need consolation on the death of Gerardo? Or will he need consolation when it's revealed what a cruel scumbag Gerardo is? Or will Gerardo put the pieces together, realize that David is Ale's biological child, and try to get revenge by hurting or even trying to kill David, with Ale coming to the rescue just in time? Or will Gerardo try to kill Ale? Or Mari? with David coming to the rescue? The possibilities go on and on. There's one constant I feel pretty confident about: a Happily Ever After ending for Ale, Mari, David, and Gabriela. ¡Ojalá!

  36. conde

    Donde, thank you for that detailed account that gave us every moment of drama.

    Well, I bought scary Ramiro spared a life because we didn't see him killing Ger's lover , but I was wrong . Ramiro is a stone cold killer whose anvil will
    Probably be prison for life.

    Big bad , ruthless, heartless Vic is whining, weeping and twisting in Alexa web.

    My firemen friends would have lots to say about that fire depiction. unrealistic.

    I'm surprised Paul talked Dylan into staying . I am more surprised that Ale put him in that dangerous v marriage to begin with .

    I wonder how many dresses and hats were made for this production.

  37. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. I enjoyed reliving last night's epi through your recap.

    Looking forward to seeing what Dylan has in mind by staying with Josie.

    Amazing beanie moment, no cast members harmed in the fire, presumably only walk-ons got hurt. You'd think the front page would've had a little room for "XX People Injured in Hotel Fire."

    Dolores and Pedro - most unlikeable couple ever. I want to see them tear each other apart.

    Kat, I hope you're closer to getting power back.

  38. Conde

    I was able to watch. Many thanks Dondi. You explained in much better detail than I could have. I have a question about the guy that was strangled by Ramiro at the incendiary epicenter. Has his body been discovered? I would think that would raise a lot of red flags.

    Juanita's, you made me lol. And now I feel the need to look up that sch? German, I assume, word.

    Niecie, from your lips to God's ears. No closer. Nor is my daughter who has an18 month old, 5.5 y.o. ( who has been off school since Friday ) and being a pair of working parents that have had to continue work through this ordeal. Today I dumped the remainder of my upright freezer contents into the compost, about 7 gallons worth. All formerly harvested produce. But only a few quarts were from this year so not the end of the world. I've been giving the dogs my cooked turkey, etc. and now our old guy has the runs. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy ( as Elmo would sing). My splurge on my phone is watching this show.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.
