
Monday, September 09, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Sept. 9, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start MUY PRONTO!

PREEMPTION ALERT: On Tuesday, Golpe de Suerte will start 10 min. early and Marea will be preempted due to the presidential debate. There will be no Primetime Telenovelas on Wednesday due to MTV Awards.

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has gone to TWO HOURS!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 52-53

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #52/#53 Page 1

    The Bare Facts Edition

    Please feel free to add whatever I left out.

    Juan has a plan so that he and Santiago can take over the eco-resort project. Juan has found out that Cris has Alzheimer's so they want to annul the contract because he signed the contract under false pretenses knowing there was a good possibility that he would never be able to fulfill his part of the deal. They could also eliminate Marcelo from the project, then, too. When Marcelo and Luisa find out, she comes up with a plan. She will become Cris's legal representative so if Cris is unable to fullfill his role, she will be able to make decisions on his behalf. Juan and Santiago are foiled in their plan.

    Luisa and Marcelo are wined and dined by the Mexico City construction company rep and are impressed with their proposal. Before a nice romantic afternoon in Xochimilco with Luisa , Marcelo tracks down Marcelo Ordóñez. He is willing to pay Marcelo for the info. Marcelo has to think it over because it is a dangerous situation. Marcelo leaves him his contact info. Immediately after he leaves, Ordóñez calls Zaid and asks how much is his silence worth.

    Luisa decides that she will give it another chance with Marcelo and they spend a romantic night together before returning home.

    When they get back to Nayarit, Marcelo starts looking over all of the proposals and says that the one from that new company Palladium seems to best fit with their project. Cris tells him to talk to their rep before he makes any decision.

    Camila passes out since she is still bleeding while she is with Iñaki. He gets her to the hospital. Juan and Isela arrive and Isela thinking the worst (in their world) of her (as usual) and accuses her of having had an abortion. The doctor has a surprise for all of them. Camila has advanced cervical cancer from an untreated case of HPV. and there isn't much they can do. Iñaki tells Camila what is going on and Camila is sad but doesn't seem to have any fight left in her. Iñaki says he will be there for her.

    Roberta gives Zaid the money thinking that now she will be off the hook for selling drugs. He says that is not happening. She just paid him back what she owed him but that doesn't mean she won't still be selling for him. Zaid tells Ana what Roberta has been up to. Ana confronts Roberta with what Zaid told her. Roberta cannot deny it. Ana breaks up with her because she didn't trust her enough to tell her what was going on.

    Ben tells Zaid that Gael is no longer in tehe warehouse where they ahad him imprisoned. By choking his assistant, Zaid finds out that Ana was in his office and must have stolen the keys to free Gael from the warehouse. Ben is nervous because of what Gael might know and do. Zaid decides to take a wait and see approach. Gael goes home to his parents saying that he rigged the kidnapping because he needed money to pay off his drug dealer. In tears he apologizes. He says that they are all in danger and they need to get out of town. Ben tells Zaid that he saw Gael's family loading up the car with suitcases.

  2. MAREA Page 2

    Alfonso says to Felipe that he never got into the casino to try to get any info because he was tempted with drugs and had to leave. They agree that nobody saw the USB drive destroyed and conclude that Rita must have it.

    Alfonso saw that "Sofía" had a birth mole on her leg when she had the bike accident and he knows his sister didn't have that. FINALLY, Rita admits she is not Sofía. Rita admits she made the deal with Juan to save the orphanage. They admit that they care for each other. It is time to tell the truth to everyone even his mother and let the chips fall where they may. .

    Felipe tells Beatriz that he is getting her out. He tells her about "Sofía" being an impostor. Rita visits Beatriz next. She tells her she is not Sofía. Beatriz tells her to destroy the USB drive.

    Luisa comes home to find that Natalia is living at the hotel with Zaid with a bodyguard. Natalia makes an appearance to tell her mother that she doesn't wan to go with her. Luisa blames Zaid for poisoning her mind against her. We know that the only other person. Marcelo says he is Natalia's real father and he will take him to court. Zaid dares him to do that because if he does, Natalia will be testifying that Marcelo was abusing her. If they try to take her, they will never see her again. Luisa is concerned that the court could take custody of her.

    Osvaldo goes to Nora's place and returns their son to her. He apologizes and admits that he wasn't fair to her. His mother put bad things in his head. He saw how Santiago tried to abuse Ivonne. She forgives him. He tells her that he is going to look for work. He is not asking to get back with her but only wants to make sure that she and their son are okay. She can count on him for whatever she needs.

    Santiago manages to get a hold of Ivonne's phone and finds Nora's address. Ivonne calls Osvaldo to warn hi that Santiago is on his way to Nora's. Santiago arrives and manhandles Nora and has her on the bed when Osvaldo arrives. Osvaldo beats him unconscious. Osvaldo refuses to flee but has Nora call for an ambulance and is arrested by the police. Nora tells the police that Santiago was attacking her when Osvaldo arrived and saved her. The official tells she will have to go to the ministerio público and make a statement.

    Luisa finds out about her brother now in the hospital and makes it clear that she doesn't believe him when he says that Nora and Osvaldo set up a trap and lured him to her place. Santiago declares that she no longer has a brother adn calls her a traitor.

    Luisa visits Nora and tells her that she will find the best lawyer to defend him and get him off. Nora is not planning on getting back with Osvaldo. She is leaving town to start her business.

    Everyone who knows Helena seems to have a conflicting story about her past. Is her stepfather Cenobio Cueva in jail alive or dead??? Marcelo loks up Cenobi Cueva on the internet and finds out that he was murdered by a young blond girl who was seen fleeing the scene with a bloody hand injured by the weapon she used. Marcelo remembers a scar on Helena's hand.

    Marcleo confronts Helena and tells her he knows all about her being in cahoots with Zaid to keep him away from Luisa. Helena say it started that way but then she fell in love with him and still is. She admits she killed her stepfather but it was to defend herself after being abused every night. He asks why she didn't turn herself in. She says she was a little girl. He wants her to turn herself into the police. She says she is the only person who can get Natalia back for him. He refuses to bargain and gives her 24 hours or he will go to the police. He leaves.

    Later that day, she calls Marcelo from the beach. She tells him she is sorry for what she did to everyone. She only wants him to know that she lovED him. She is calling to say goodbye. She hangs up and walks into the ocean . . .

  3. Marea
    This episode has me shaking my head a few times. Marcelo and Luisa were totally negligent leaving Natalia. I thought it was supposed to be a day trip and yet they spend the night together (again.). Luisa being a lawyer should know they are giving Zaid ammunition in the divorce proceeding. Are they legally separated? She had no luck getting Zaid out of her family's house. Good thing she is a corporate lawyer, her family law expertise needs work. (BTW, the young actress playing Natalia is in no way traumatized by her part. Zaid must not scare her at all in real life. She seems to have a hard time not cracking a smile in most of her scenes and when she speaks).

    So Roberta manages to pay off the drug debt but doesn't quit on the spot. Get yourself away from that toxic workplace girl.

    Yvonne calls Oswaldo but not Nora! 2 calls are better than 1, or at least a text. Then Nora would have a written warning to show the police . At least Oswaldo hopefully has the record of Yvonne calling him, though in the twisted justice of protecting the Grajeles this could be turned around. Of course it was the crooked cop that arrested Oswaldo.
    Unless Helena gets caught in a riptide or a shark gets her, the body's survival instinct will kick in and she won't drown. I hope not. She needs to be redeemed of her stepfathers death and her real father discovered and Juan punished. I think this is the first episode Juan didn't appear to be in a drunken stupor.

    Did I hear ultimos capitulos in the coming next ad for the show?

    Kat in SC: I believe you did see "Ultimos Capitulos" & big question is whether or not the Villains will get their Karma anvils for their heinous crimes against humanity ?

  5. MAREA

    Jarifa, this was such an exciting, pivotal episode and you captured all the angst and agony exceptionally well. Thank you.

    There were quite a few shocking and unexpected scenes. I experienced a lot of emotions that were surprising to me. My stomach sank seeing Helena walking purposefully into the sea. I'm with Kat in hoping she comes to her senses. She is such a damaged and tragic figure.

    "NORA IS FREED AND OSVALDO REDEEMED" was perfect. I was cheering Osvaldo beating the stuffing out of Santiago who is so contemptible.
    "Santiago declares that she no longer has a brother and calls her a traitor" made me hope she prosecutes him and ensures he stays in jail for a very long time.

    It was obvious Juan and Santiago were taunting Cris but thank you for giving context to that loathsome scene. I would like to see Juan used as sharkbait...

    Camila's cancer, Gael lying to his parents, Ana breaking up with Roberta were truly eye opening and hard to process. FINALLY Rita admits who she isn't.

    Of course, some things remain consistent. Zaid being his usual smarmy self, his treachery and inhumanity show once again. I am happy Luisa and Marcelo are bonding and hope they make relatively short shrift of Zaid.

    Happy you have two nights off Jarifa, well deserved!!


  6. MAREA

    Kat, "Yvonne calls Oswaldo but not Nora! 2 calls are better than 1, or at least a text." My thoughts exactly ! I didn't get how it was only the one and not the other who was going to be the one attacked. It made no sense. "Did I hear ultimos capitulos in the coming next ad for the show?" You probably did because this has only 65 capítulos.

    Diana, thanks. This looks like it will be finishing up the week after next. I tried to cover anything of any importance since last night again was packed with plot advancing action. "I was cheering Osvaldo beating the stuffing out of Santiago who is so contemptible" I was right there with you. The scene could have been longer . . . ; ) "I would like to see Juan used as sharkbait." Given a choice, I would have liked to have seen him take that long walk out into the ocean and not Helena. I also hope that Helena manages to save herself.

  7. MAREA

    Jarifa, I always enjoy your recaps even more than the episode. I never worry about what I didn't get as I know you will cover everything with your trademark clarity and wry wit.

    This is proof positive that an engrossing plot line is possible in 60-65 episodes. No dragging things out, just action and resolution. Writers take note.


  8. Marea

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, these episodes are really busy, and everything is important.

    I’m pretty sure Helena won’t die. She needs to be discovered as the long lost Sophia and she knows Juan and Zaid are doing something sneaky with a construction company to get Marcelo locked up. I hope she is saved and they pretend she is dead while she hides at Chris’.

    Santiago deserved that beating, not only for what he’s done to Nora and the girls, but putting that phone in Chris’s face was beyond cruel. I’m sure Luisa won’t lose any sleep over her brother opting out of being her brother. He’ll be needing her more than she’ll ever need him.

    Natalia was bored and doesn’t like living in a hotel. I can’t imagine what Zaid said to her to make her refuse to leave with her mother.

    I’m not crazy about Camila but do hope she can beat that cancer. It seems like her mother just tolerated her. She lost out in the parent department. I wonder if she was born after Sophia disappeared.


  9. MAREA

    Liz, you are welcome. " . . . but putting that phone in Chris’s face was beyond cruel." I so agree. It was sickening what they did to him. Santiago, Juan and Zaid are truly despicable. I cannot wait to see how they end up at the end of the novela. I do not like Camila either but yes"It seems like her mother just tolerated her. She lost out in the parent department. I wonder if she was born after Sophia disappeared." Maybe we will find out.

    Diana, very true: "This is proof positive that an engrossing plot line is possible in 60-65 episodes. No dragging things out, just action and resolution. Writers take note."

    Jarifa: Why do I get the feeling Jackass Scumbag will plot one final scheme to kidnap the leading lady ?

    What about those embezzling youngsters ?

  11. Steve, could it be that you, like me, have seen one too many novelas? L O L.

    Jarifa: LOL. I strongly prefer Telemundo's chaotic Telenovelas anyway.

    Jarifa: Do you know when's the Gran Final of this Telenovela ?

  14. Steve, according to Zap2It “Fugitivas” starts on Monday 9/23 in the Golpe slot.
