
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of Sept. 9, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  



    The gullibility of MariCruz is annoying due to slippery folks scheming to loot her millions OMG!

  2. El Angel part 1
    On the previous page Urban asked for help on today's episode I took notes so here it goes....

    J.C. runs into Aquiles? at the hospital and asks him not to tell anyone that he saw him there. He swears he won't.

    Demian and Helena are in the reception area of the company discussing Aurora. Demian knocks her portfolio to the ground and Angel's photos so I'll put. Maggy, a receptionist, picks them up and tells Helena he is her ex.

    Angel is in the barrio shopping center helping a woman sell her clothes. She thanks him but is sorry she can't pay him anything.

    Aurora and jezebel argue about the business. Also Jezebel wants Aurora to drop the investigation about the rape. Aurora wants Antonio to testify about it. J.C enters the office. Aurora leaves. Jezebel tells J.C Aurora is crazy and despite everything Antonio did to her she still loves him.

    Helena wants Angel as a model to better represent the demographics of their location. I.e. no blond haired light eyed people need apply. Demian disagrees. She says she knows her job and to let her do it she gets Angel's # from Maggie.

    Jezebel's assistant (and lover) go at it in her office. Done just in time. Demian barges in without knocking.

    Helena calls Angel about a job .

    Demian and Edgar (was this Jezebel's assistant, I already forgot what he looks like) plot a way to make Aurora look incompetent by doctoring the computer records. Briana interrupts them (probably came in without knocking like everyone else).

    Next a stupid scene with Aquiles and other minor characters which is supposed to be comedic relief.

    Helena goes to her dad's construction project to get the scoop about Aurora, why does she hate me? Antonio tells her she was the love of his life when he was young. He left her at the altar and she never forgave him.

    Aurora and JC are at some celebration. A mother has been reunited with her daughter after 15 years. I think Aurora facilitated it. She wonders when it will be her turn after 30 years of waiting and searching.

    Back to Helena. Antonio tells her her Aurora was my first love but I loved your mother. It seems after Helena's mother died Antonio was lost without her and that is when he married Patricia. Helena tells him she lost both her parents when her mother died.

  3. El Angel #4 part 2

    Vicky and Angel are at the Dr. He wants other tests done and have her come back for a follow-up.

    Demian and Briana discuss work matters. I guess she works in HR at the business. Demian wants to get amorous with her. I get the impression she isn't happy to be his bit on the side, good enough to bed but not to wed. As he moves in for a kiss a colorful secretary enters, without knocking, and sees the almost kiss. (I think her name is Cassandra.). Mama wants Demian in her office.... As she leaves he securely shuts the door as she tries to eavesdrop. He complains that nobody knocks at this business. (Methinks you could lock your door).

    Back at the reception J.C. gets a call from a Dr. He is waking up! J.C. smiles.

    Back to comedy central. Aquiles gets a call from Carlos' mom. Carlos committed suicide. That puts a damper on the fun.

    J.C. at the hospital. It is his son that has finally woken up after 2b years.

    Cassandra wanders past Helena in the reception area (thinking you poor girl in her head). So this reception area is central stage. Everyone wanders out of their offices. Angel arrives for his job interview with Helena, Aurora glares at Helena. Jezebel and Antonio enter stage left... Aurora has a flashback to happy times with Antonio. Jezebel drags him off to her office. Now Demian enters the stage to disrupt the interview reminding her about a lunch date with him. Cassandra asks Briana, is everything ok? Aurora catches a glimpse of Angel from across the stage and their is the call of the blood. They smile at each other.

    Antonio and Jezebel "reminisce"about the past... jezebel tells Antonio that Aurora is over you, she has a new beau, JC. Antonio is surprised, as JC is his lawyer.... Jezebel is talking about Antonio investing in their firm, I believe. Numbers and percentages were bandied about.

    Cassandra wanders into the break room where the 4 stooges (aka comedy central) are sitting around a table. She chews them out for not being at their desks, then notices their solemn faces and asks who died. Insert foot in mouth. Carlos died.

    Angel gives Helena his cv orally. She interrupts and asks if he's ever modeled. That is the position she has for him. If the campaign goes well he will get an extension on the contract.
    Demian barges in ( they are actually in her office at this point) and witnesses Angel giving Helena a hug of celebration. The green eyed monster appears and Demian is very upset (what's good for the gander is not good for the goose in his mind).

    Back with Vicky and Pasquel. A knock on the door and a slimy friend knocks at the door. El Pintas. I guess he and Pasquel are great friends. Vicky gives him a dirty look. Could this slimy guy be Angel's father?

    As Angel looks at clothes on a rack Maggie comes up behind and covers his eyes. He asks her why did you lie and say you were my ex.

    Aurora dreams about Antonio. He comes into her office.

    Demian, why did you hug that guy she says it was nothing. He was happy to get a job. Demian gets all possessive. She is not amused.

    Baby woke up while I was typing this stuff up so I probably missed things.


  4. Angel/Aurora. Thanks for stepping up and doing a great job on the recap, Kat! So Julio Cesar has a son who was in a coma for 2 years? I assume we will learn the backstory eventually. What a coincidence that an employee knew Angel! Again (as in some other novelas), how big is Mexico City? Angel has such a nice relationship with his "mother," not to mention the psychological attraction to Aurora, his birth mother. I too thought it was yucky that Damian asked Briana formally to be his mistress, as did Briana, apparently. The sooner the anvil falls on this jerk, the better.

  5. Angel/Aurora. And one more thing: Did Carlos kill himself because he was rejected by Jezebel or for some other reason? I presume we will learn eventually.

  6. Angel/Aurora
    Span prof, I confess I can't recall the Carlos character from the previous episodes so whatever light you can shed there is welcome.

  7. Angel / Aurora #4

    Gracias, Kat. I will catch up with this.

    I knew Helena had to be Antonio's vs Briana being only Patricia's. It figures that the latter has a "precious" name normally used for spoiled brat characters.

    Both Juventino and Antonio are dark-haired, as is Angel. Angel has the same vertical dimples as Antonio. We know that Aurora never cheated on Antonio, so there are no other paternity suspects. We didn't see Jezabel obtain hair strands from any adult male, so for all we know she could have taken some of her husband's hair to guarantee a non-match result. I don't put anything past her.

    Juventino is Pintas. Rene Casados plays the older version of him.

  8. El angel

    Kat, thank you for an excellent recap. You answered a lot of questions that I had.

    Was Carlos the young guy who gave Jeza the music box?

    I have seen Rene Casados in many novelas . Sometimes he is the good guy and sometimes the bad guy. Susan

  9. El Angel
    Susan, I think you are right about the music box giver. It was a rather strange scene that I guess led to the suicide.

  10. Angel / Aurora #4

    That guy would have killed himself eventually if he had ever gotten jiggy with that harpy.

  11. El Ángel

    Thanks, Kat, that was great. I think I’ve been working at Spanish a lot longer than you and I’m impressed with all you understood.

    I didn’t realize Briana was Helena’s half sister. I need to write all the names and relationships down. My telenovela family tree! But we now know Demian is a real jerk. Takes after his mother.

    I thought Aurora and JC were just friends. And we can’t trust what Jezebel says.

    I loved the scene where Angel and Aurora stared at each other. There were a few stares in that scene, including Antonio and Aurora.

    I wondered who Pintas was. So not only could he be Angel’s dad, he also knows who his real mother is. If I’m remembering correctly.

    The plot thickens!


  12. El Angel

    Liz, Briana and Helena are step sisters. We haven't been given a timeline but I assume Helena was 10 or older when her mother died for her to have such strong feelings of loss of her mother (and father becoming emotionally distant). She may even have been a teenager. There was certainly no loving affection for Patricia by Helena in the first episode so I imagine she never was a mother figure to her.

    I keep measuring my Spanish journey by my granddaughter's age. I had a 5 month break in babysitting when my daughter was 8 months pregnant so I suddenly had free time in the winter months. I decided learning Spanish was a worthy goal as I have a Colombian DIL and when her parents visit they don't speak English. ironically I have yet to practice with them as my DIL is passively aggressively shunning them at this time.....she also had a baby 15 months ago. She didn't even let her family know until her daughter was 6 months old. Some days my life feels like a soap opera too.....

  13. El Ángel

    Kat, I had a lot of Hispanic kids in my class when I was teaching. I took 2 years at the community college, then was in a study group, also Duolingo and telenovelas. 11 years and I can read ok but my speaking is bad and hearing it spoken I have so much trouble distinguishing the words, unless it’s something really common or a word that sounds like English! I know people that just pick it up because they hear it a lot, I envy them! I don’t know how you can do it and take care of a baby. Sorry about the soap opera life. I feel bad for DIL’s parents.


  14. El angel

    Interesting comments ! Kat, I think that all of us think that our lives feel like soap operas (telenovelas)!! I know I do. I have used the telenovelas as an escape when I surfed into Alborado years ago and saw Fernando Colunga for the first time. I had just lost my mother and needed a diversion and the novelas have been an escape for me ever since . I have taught English to people from many different countries and have had many Spanish speaking students . I am always amazed at how quickly some people learn English. I still cannot understand the dialogue in novelas. I studied a couple years of French in high school and college, and I also can not understand spoken French ,but still remember some vocabulary words . Since novelas are my guilty pleasure to relax, I just let the dialogue wash over me and concentrate on the visual.

    1. Your television should enable English subtitles. YouTube, probably not.

  15. El angel

    I've been watching bits and pieces of this and it looks intereresting. And a nice patio is forming around it.
    I'll try to dive in this weekend and hopefully be able to join the discussions.

    I have a long history with novelas, also. Started watching with my mom when I was 10, I was lucky to be young enough to learn the language as I was watching - now I use it constantly at work (nothing fancy, just talking to tourists who visit the hotel I work in).

  16. El angel

    Bonjour, Adriana Noel, I am happy to see you again . I am slowly sorting out these characters. Marisol del Olmo (Jezabel) is the wicked witch , the polar opposite of her sweet character in "Pasion." Rene Casados( Pintas) is chewing up the scenery ! Can't wait to know your thoughts on all the crazy. Hope that you and yours are well. Susan

  17. El Angel

    I watched episode 5 and bits and pieces of the others, so I think I get what is going on for the most part.
    I won't say anything about number 5, in case someone plans to recap, but I do have some general thoughts/ questions.

    I think I understant most of the backstory, but why did Pascual just take baby Gabriel? Was he afraid of Don Miguel? What was their connection, was he just some guy Miguel ran into in the street?

    Damien is just the worst, and Helena must have very low self esteem to put up with him. He is almost as bad as his mother.

    Aurora being torn between JC and Antonio (no spoiler, it's kind of a given) will be interesting to watch. I find this triangle more realistic than the Damien/ Helena/ Angel one, as in what world would a pretty girl like Helena put up with major douche Damien?

    The Stoodges in the office are a waste of time. Is the company working on fashion? Advertising? I didn't get it.

    More later. This seems like a fun novela, a lot of convoluted stories and secrets waiting to be exposed.

  18. El Angel
    Adriana, Pasquel worked for Don Miguel in some sort of capacity. He actually did nearly literally run into him on the street with his car. He gave to baby to him and told him to leave town with him or he would kill them both (I think, maybe just the baby, it's amazing how quickly I forget little details. I'm watching way too many novelas at the same time. In my younger years I rarely watched any TV. I'm making up for it now).

  19. El Angel

    Kat, thanks for the explanation about Pascual. It's easy to forget details when we start watching a novela, too many new faces, things tend to happen fast. I kind of got that don Miguel was a bastard, but Jezebel and Damien have to take after someone, right?

    Susan, everything's good for me, busy at work and busy at home, but I'm hanging in there :)

    Since nobody posted anything about Friday's show, I'll be back with a few highlights shortly.

  20. El angel de Aurora - episode 5
    A douche by any other name would still make my skin crawl.
    Part 1/2

    Damien the Douche gets violet with Helena over her decision to hire Angel. He grabs her, throws her laptop to the floor!!! And everything is happening in front of the staff. She looks almost upset with his behavior towards her, but only on the professional matter (too early in the show for self-respect, I guess). She insists that Angel can do the work, it will be more realistic to have a real guy for the campaign. He somehow caves, but we know this is not the end of this.

    Antonio tells Aurora about being summoned to testify in her case. He also apologizes for everything and anything, but it’s too little to late. He leaves, but Aurora is shaken, she wonders how she can still have feelings for him after all these years. She runs into JC, who comforts her, and Antonio happens to see their hug. He also sees them leave in separate cars after a platonic kiss on the cheek, so that reassures him.

    Some stuff about the stooges mourning Carlos, while Jezebel remembers how she humiliated him in the worst manner. What’ s that creepy music box she keeps opening all about? Does she keep the ashes of her victims inside?

    Pintas is with Angel’s family, eating their food and creeping them out. When he finally leaves, Angel tells his parents that he got a great job. It’s just for two days, but it pays very well.

    Briana’s mom is not happy that she’s sleeping with Douchy Damien without her consent. She grabs her, leaving marks, hits her over the face… It’s a mess.

    The next day Helena is handling the shooting when Angel arrives. They get him to dress in jeans and leather and everything goes well until Damien von Douche arrives. He invites Helena to eat together, but first she needs to stop by home to change into something proper, since he is taking her to some fancy place. OMG, this guy!! Angel overhears how he’s humiliating her and protests; Damien actually punches him. But somehow Angel is the one getting scolded for being aggressive with the boss. Damien his Royal Doucheness throws a huge tantrum, demands that Angel be fired. Helena seems to be playing along but wants to see Angel later in her office.

  21. El Angel Part 2/2

    JC brings his son home. The boy gets mad with rage and somehow accuses his father when he is told that his brother died. The nurse has to sedate him.

    Aurora remembers her desperation after her father took little Gabriel, and how she searched for him in orphanages and in the street. She cries, searching for some medical document (is it the result of her rape kit?), Jezebel the treacherous comforts her.

    Pintas implies with Pascual that he’s taken action to reveal that Angel is part of the Campero family. I don’t know if it’s related, but Antonio gets an anonymous letter at home, letting him know that Gabriel is alive.

    Briana, hiding her bruises after her latest confrontation with her mother, reluctantly talks to her dad. I don’t get all the family dynamic here, but Antonio raised her since she was 10 and loves her a lot, it’s obvious he doesn’t know how his almost ex has been treating her.

    Aurora comes to visit JC at his house, sees a nurse and has questions. He reveals his son, Luis Fernando (I think) and explains how he just woke up from a coma and how he lost his other son. They bond over losing their kids, JC says that his wife died of a broken heart. Do we know what exactly happened to the boys?

    Antonio comes to search for Aurora but runs into Jezebel. He has questions about Gabriel, did Don Miguel take him away? Jezebel doesn’t know, but both her sister and her dad were a mess at the time, Aurora accused their father, then he had his stroke…Nobody was thinking about poor Jezebel.

    Briana meets Angel at the company. The Douche kisses Helena in front of Angel, just because…
    In her office, Helena scolds Angel for being violent with the company boss. And he should also stop saying that he wants to go out with her. Angel says he spoke from the heart, and he doesn’t plan to take it back. Careful, you two, the office door is open, Douchy will see you and have a heart attack.

  22. El angel
    Cher Adriana, thank you for the snappy recap as you jump right into the action. ..that Damn Dam.

    Carlos, the young employee who killed himself , gave Jezzy that music box , and she made fun of him . Wicked witch.

    Now we know that JC is a widower , but I don't think we know what happened on his son, and I didn't know that JC had another son.

    What is Pintas up to letting Antonio know that Gabriel is alive? Will he ask Antonio for money? What a creep.

    So far the leading lady isn't doing much for me . I suppose Briana will fall for angelic Angel . Onward.... Susan

  23. El Angel
    Adriana the take I had on the boy in the coma is he was upset because he killed his brother. My guess is that it was probably a motor vehicle accident and Luis was the driver. Just a guess but it fits the scenario I think.

    Aurora was looking for the paperwork on her rape. I would think the police would have it, but perhaps she only saw a Dr and in her state didn't really process who the Dr. was. I couldn't tell you the name of a Dr. I saw 30 years ago either so paperwork would be needed for me to recall a name, and mine did not involve trauma (and I've moved states a half dozen times since then).
