
Monday, September 16, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 16, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!


    Who's doing the recap for this evening's episode ?

  2. Steve, I think K usually does the Monday recaps.

  3. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 3

    Feliz Dia de Independencia de Mexico! Viva!

    Rehash of everything that’s been happening as of late. Been a busy week for San Jacinto folk! And ended with Friar El Conde revealing himself to Ruben and taking away his gun. Now what??

    Ruben is understandably shocked. And Ale digs into him about the truth of the night that Gallardo Seniors were killed with recaps of those long ago days from like two months ago.

    Mari gets home and fights with Gerardo again. She is mad about the whole Javier in jail thing and tells him to chose between her or Josefina. Seems like an easy choice, but I’m not Ger.

    Ric and Memo have joined Ale and Ruben tells them he was threatened to do this break in thing. Memories of Ale’s mom being hospitable to Ruben and letting him have tamales, while he is trying to get out of this latest mess by spilling about Pedro, telling them he’s pretending to be a marquis and wants to take everything from el Conde, as though they don't know.

    Gerardo is defending his actions to Mari but mostly he can’t do anything to help because the election is coming up. Then he yells that he’s in charge of the family, which is when she suggests a separation to fix that problem. But he tells her if she leaves, she’s going alone without the kids. Or the one minor kid because I don’t think David would stick around. But a threat’s a threat!

    Ruben, whiny liar that he is, is now begging el conde and bringing up his beloved mother. Ale tells his to get her name out of his mouth and never mention her again.

    Dylan comes to see Paulina and gives her his sympathy but he needs to talk to her about whether Sofia was really in a relationship with that boy (Javier). He asks her to trust him.

    Ruben signs something- sort of signs as it’s more the scratch of someone who is illiterate- but is still begging. If you send me to jail, I won’t last a day, he whines. Ale confers with his team and lets Ruben go for their past friendship and the memory of his mother. Ale gives him a velvet bag of doubloons or something- dinero- and tells him this is his very last chance to leave SJ and make something of his miserable life. He is then kicked out of the house. He limps away outside, crying, and before we can even place odds on his ability to change, he is shot in the back by fake Marquis Pedro. Pedro didn’t even find out what Ruben did first! That seems like a stupid mistake, but then, it’s Pedro so not unexpected. Lucrecia is gong to be so sad about how this guy turned out. Ruben would have been a better nephew. It's a low bar.

    The indoor crew hear the shot and run out to Ruben. He’s still alive and now whining that he’s going to hell. He says the names Pedro…Vicente…Gerardo.

    Dylan enters the room where Josefina is and demands the truth from her now!

  4. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 3

    Too bad Ale isn’t a real priest because Ruben is giving a full confession while Ale cradles his head. I don’t hear the details but it’s probably not good for Team Bad Guy. Ale remembers his mother making him promise to care for Ruben and give him a hand when he can. Ale makes good on this by offering his full pardon to Ruben right before Ruben dies.

    Dylan yells at Jose about the lies. Jose still lies that Sofia had just told her about the boy and wasn’t sure what to do. Josie says she told her that she’d be better off with Brenden, etc. Jose lies that she was afraid to tell Dylan the truth but she’s standing behind him when he says this and while her voice is sorry, her face is not. Dylan is mad and needs to think and when he goes away, her tears do to. You guys. I think I might have been wrong about Dylan. He can’t hold his liquor and may secretly be not rich, but he doesn’t seem to be a bad guy.

    Pedrito is at the bordello/bar with Antonio who asks him what’s up. Pedro remembers the shooting and seems he took the money bag from Ruben before leaving.

    Mari talks to Nanny and tells her the truth about Sofia about Sofia being alive. Sofia, meanwhile, is with Javier and his family. They are saying good bye to the kids and Sofia gives Leticia a letter for her mom and Leticia gives her a blessing before they head off to France. No word on how this will impact Sofia’s epilepsy treatment.

    Felipe comes into Pau’s room. She’s nervous but Felipe says he’s not going to do anything. But he does pick an argument about all that was said at the wake but it’s as calm a fight as they could have. She takes his hand and asks that they forgive each other, but he takes his hand away, wipes his greasy hair and says he has nothing to be sorry for. I missed the last thing she said to him but she’s not having any of his nonsense anymore. She does look good without the makeup though.

    Back at Vic’s, Vio goes into his office but he angrily kicks her out.

    Next day. Leticia and Pau talks, with Amaranta in attendance, about being happy for the kids who are now safe. Lety goes to get the letter that Sofia left while Amaranta gives Pau a knife to protect herself. We know she’ll need it soon since it was given a close up shot.

    Pedro is at El Conde’s with Memo when a couple guys come in and say they are investigating the theft and the finding of a dead body. Y’all know anything about that?, they ask. Pedro peeks out from under the hat he is rudely wearing indoors. We don’t know for sure yet but these guys are totally on el conde’s payroll and there to mess with Pedro.

  5. El Conde, Monday, pt. 3 of 3

    Lu and Ric talk in the kitchen about the “investigators” wanting to question everyone. Ric tells her that Ruben was the thief. Lu is worried that they’ll think she was part of it. And Ric tells her Ruben is dead, probably at the hand of his accomplice. Lu looks shocked and still concerned. The coppers show Pedro and Memo a pic of Ruben and ask if they know him. Pedro says no. Memo steps up to explain the marquis’s role there (maybe he was a bit snippy to the cops?) and the cops apologize to him. The "marquis" takes his leave of the peasants.

    Brenden apologizes to Pau. He never would have forced Sofia to marry him. Pau blames Josi and Brenden asks what kind of woman is she and that they aren’t slaves. Pau makes a sad face. Brenden IS good. Yay, I guess. Next scene is Brenden saying goodbye to grandpa since there is nothing there for him anymore, and quietly telling Pops to be careful and not to trust anyone while he pointedly looks at Josefina. I hope he gets out of SJ before they stick him with Dolores. Josi tries to talk to Dylan but he needs to go rest. Jose rolls her eyes when he leaves.

    Pedro talks to his other “accomplice”, Ricardo. Pedro wants to know if Ruben talked because if did, everything is lost.

    Gerardo talks to some new guy about something that I miss -election related?-when Felipe enters to tell him the important news about the break in at el conde’s and one guy is dead. New guy says SJ has gotten very dangerous. Haha! Gotten?

    Vic and Vio watch the news and Vic rushes out ordering Vio to stay put.

    Mari sits down to talk to David who is crying over the death of Sofia and that Javier couldn’t even say goodbye. He goes on about his hurt when he questions something she says. She’s going to tell him something but it’s secret. But is it really now? No, because she tells David about Sofia being alive and with Javier and tells him not to say anything even to his father.

    Josi enters Pau’s room and asks if she told Brenden about Sofia’s relationship with Javier. Javier was the worst thing to happen to her daughter, Pau lies, and she cries about how much she’ll miss her daughter. Pau says she should have listened to Josi and hugs Josi, who looks very confused about this show of affection.

    Nanny enters the room with Mari and David and tells them about the break in. Mari looks shocked.

    Ale is talking to Vicente when Gerardo bursts in. He wants to talk to them both. All these people need better doors.

    Speaking of needing doors, Josi is now with Antonio in her house and apparently death makes them both horny because they flirt and go in for a kiss just as Dylan walks in. What did he see? Tune in tomorrow.

    The end.


    K: Amazing job with the recap of last night's episode. I see Brendan leaves SJ & something tells me he'll be stuck with Dolores soon.

    Slippery Pedro is more dangerous & if he finds out about Lucrecita, he will kill her too.

    I was smiling as Ruben got whacked: Good riddance!

    Blabbermouth Mariana is Blabbermouth Mariana: Keep your damn mouth SHUT! You know Dumb David will slip up. Are we're sure both Javier & Sofia are in France ?

    Paulina will need that knife just in case.

    Anybody else want to predict the next villain going down 🤔 ?

  7. Conde
    K. Excellent recap. You had me smiling at quite a few of your quips.

    I can add the paper they had Ruben sign was a confession of his lying Alejandro's trial and who was really behind it. When he was in his death throws ( I was surprised they had no blood coming out of his mouth, that is a usual sign someone is dying in TV shows) he told Ale that he didn't see who shot him but named his 3 guesses, Vic, Gerardo or Pedro. The significance of that velvet sack was what Gallardo senior gave Ale after he saved the hacienda from burning to the ground. I think he hoped it would redeem Ruben.

    I'm with you on good Dylan and Brendan. The look on Josie's face at her behind people's backs scenes are priceless. What an actress!

    Brendan and Carmen's good daughter (Theresa?) would have been a nice match. Rick's son likes her but that romance hasn't progressed much and she seems older than him; but Brendan is returning to the US so 3 younger characters exit stage left....

    Steve, no predictions on deaths. Unlike you, I want all the good side to survive from here on our, their has been enough collateral damage by Ale's machinations. I feel death is too easy an out for these bad guys, but Vic should be high up there in the first to get knocked off.

    Kat in SC: I strongly prefer Ricardo, Jr., & Teresa being endgame.

    Doubling-down on Violeta NOTbeing among the living. She annoys me & at some point, she's going to push the trigger button (Smarmy Vic).

    Body Count will still likely aggressivelybe increasing in the closing stretch.

  9. Conde
    K..thank you for that great recap as the Anvils hover over the villains . wow!! You did a spectacular job of giving us every tense moment..

    First, it was so nice to see wonderful Helena Roja as Ale's mother . Wh"at a great actress she was .She was in the second telenovela I innocently wandered into Amor Real playing the villain ..the greedy , snobbish mother of the leading lady Adela Noriego.

    I loved the scene where the " police?? Were wearing big hats to confront hatloving poser Pedro. Hey, we have hats, too, Boyo! Pedro now is a killer like his father. Ironic.

    I think that Mar was talking to Ger about her dad's will .

    Regarding the "secret" about Sofie being alive , is it really a secret anymore ? How many people know the Romeo \Juliet secret ?

    Well, Adamanta doesn't have a black belt, but she does have a knife. Was she part of a knife throwing act in that circus that she and Hathappy Ric were in? Since we saw That knife pass into Paul's hand, we will probably see her use it to defend herself against either Jo or Felipe. Susan

  10. conde

    Thanks very much, K, for another terrific recap. I loved your snarky comments, such as "Seems like an easy choice, but I’m not Ger" and
    "Dylan is mad and needs to think and when he goes away, her tears do too."

    And what is it that makes Felipe continually "[wipe] his greasy hair"?

    I'm glad you, too, now feel that Dylan and Brendan are both good guys. I hope we're right.

    Yes, Pau looks better with less makeup. I still don't understand why Cayetana and Mari wear such excessive lipstick. It's more like what a clown would wear. And it's NOT the style of the 1950s.

    Brendan seems like a very sane and sensible guy, so I'm not sure why you say "I hope he gets out of SJ before they stick him with Dolores." I suspect he'd see through her VERY quickly.

    I may be wrong, but I assumed the "new guy" was the person who was sent to SJ to investigate what's been happening. I don't recall his name.

    And yes, Dylan does seem to spot Josie and Antonio kissing (or, at least, being much too close to doing so). I hope the writers haven't made this a false alarm.

    Finally, I confess that I'm somewhat nervous about the success of Javier and Sofia's leaving for France. And my admittedly overactive Imagination of Disaster has me worried as well about the note Sofia wrote to her mother getting into the wrong hands. Fingers crossed that I'm wrong.

  11. Juanita- I was assuming, based on my history of watching telenovelas, that they’d have to pair up Brenden with someone. No one gets out of these shows single! And there is no one left except Dolores. Maybe Lucretia or Vio, whichever one doesn’t end up with Memo (my money is on Vio for him), but they are both too old for Brenden. And Dolores, assuming Pedro doesn’t murder her too, will need someone when he finally gets caught. Then again, there may be several people willing murder Dolores so that may take care of her so Brenden can find a nice Spanish teacher back home to pair up with.


  12. Conde

    Gracias, K. You served up a delightful recap. Loved all the snark. Juanita has already cited my faves.

    Ale's plan for Ruben to confess to the authorities and presumably do a stint in prison worked for me. Too bad coward Pedro shot him in the back. If I'm not mistaken, this is Pedro's second murder. He stabbed Ruben's wife when he grabbed a stolen jewel from her and ran away without looking back.

    Yep, that letter is destined to turn up in the wrong hands.

    ITA both Brendan and Dylan seem like good guys. So why on earth did the Count promote Josie to marry Dylan by insinuating he was sick and wouldn't live much longer?

    Enjoyed ya'll riffing on the actors' hats. Pedro in his hat always reminds me of a kid dressing up in his pop's oversized clothes.

  13. conde

    K, I agree that many telenovelas pair up several couples at the end, but they don't generally pair up everyone. Brendan is not a major character, nor has he shown any interest in anyone except Sofia. Also, he has shown that he is sensible and perceptive. I can't imagine his finding Dolores the sort of person he'd like to marry. The novela is not at a loss for possible couples, starting first of all with Mari and Ale/El Conde (assuming that Gerardo is either dead or divorced by the novela's end), and then also Javier and Sofia, Ric and Cayetana, and perhaps Memo and either Vio or Lucrecia. I guess there's also Ric Jr. and Teresa, David and Lorena, and Ama and Pau (though I suppose since this takes place in the 1950s, we're not talking about marriage for Ama and Pau), I certainly don't think we'll see all or even most of these couples marry in the novela, but all or them seem more likely than a pairing involving Brendan. I think he'll simply leave SJ and we'll hear no more about him.

  14. Excellent recap, K. Thanks for all the great asides. Liked "doubloons or something" and "low bar" about Lucretia's nephew potential.

    OK, so I'm on board with Dylan being a good guy insofar as what we've seen to date. But I still wonder about Ale's offhanded remark about Josie and Dylan deserving each other, or something like that. He definitely didn't put a foot wrong last night, for once not buying into Josie's crap.

    Pedro, after shooting Ruben, takes the bag of money; of course he did. Pedro has used up all his "get out from under an anvil" possibilities. Also, I'm tiring of Pedro getting away with everything and the whole "marqués" plot. Hurry up and out him as who he really is.

    The knife reminds me of Chekhov's gun. Don't think she'll stab Felipe with it. He seems too guilt ridden right now to be up for an assault.

    Mariana put Gerardo in his place about the fake will. He brought up the "expert" he paid off, but Mari countered with a real expert who doesn't live in San Jacinto and can't be threatened. Seems like she wants the Zambrano property back and isn't meekly accepting scraps. But I suppose in that era in Mexico, Ger could keep her children. But, yes, David is too old to be forced into staying.

  15. conde

    This was another fabulous recap, K! I look forward to them every week. “Josi is now with Antonio in her house and apparently death makes them both horny…” I lol’d.

    Very impressed with the Harrisons, especially Brendan. Dylan has the next move.

    Extremely disappointed in Pedro. I feel sorry for Lucrecia. Maybe Ale will decide to frame Vic for Pedro’s crime. Turnabout fair play.

    I hope Sofi and Javi were sailing across the Atlantic before Mari started blabbing to everyone.

    Juanita, Felipe grosses me out with when he does that thing with his hair.
    Pau couldn’t find any takers to pray the rosary with her. Felipe said that was for girls and Josie would have caught fire if she touched them.

    Yes, Chekhov’s “knife” in this case. Pau should do some “manscaping” on Felipe. Oops, the knife slipped.

    That guy with Gerardo is the new SJ DA. Lopez, something or other.

    Novelera: Slippery Pedro will likely up the ante even further by increasing the Body Count in the closing stretch. If I'm Ricardo or Lucrecita, WATCH YOUR BACKS.

    Juanita: I am doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living.

    K: Only a matter of time before the villains find out Joaquin/Alejandro are the same person.

  17. conde

    #52 – Part 1 of 3

    So the cliffhanger was just a fizzle. Dylan really didn’t see the kiss between Josie and Antonio. Dylan asks what Antonio is doing there. Josie says something about filling her in on some accounting stuff. Narrowing his eyes, Dylan asks why she doesn’t go to the accountant’s office. After Antonio leaves, Dylan says it doesn’t look like the guy knows very much. He’s definitely suspicious of Antonio.

    Gerardo comes to see Ale while Vic is still there. They don’t look best pleased to see each other. Ale shows them a photo of Ruben and mentions that he was an employee of the Gallardos in the past. Do they know him? We get a flashback of Ruben trying to blackmail Vicente and Gerardo and of Gerardo shooting him.

    Josie tells Dylan that Antonio is her right-hand man. But Dylan says he doesn’t trust him and doesn’t want him around. Dylan is starting to behave like a 1950’s husband. If Josie didn’t think he had cancer, he’d be on the Benjamin diet very soon.

    Vic and Gerardo try to knock the other one out of balance on the Ruben issue. Gerardo says he didn’t know him but thinks Vicente does because he was the capataz at the Gallardo hacienda. Vic corrects that he was the administrator, but Gerardo must know Ruben because of the big case where he sent Alejandro Gaitán to prison. [If looks could kill.] Ale says he wants to locate the gang Ruben belongs to, the ones that killed him.

    Carmen tries to leave her job at Atelier Gallardo. Leticia asks her why. Carmen tells her about a brutal man. She tells Leticia about how her husband burned her face. Leticia wants her to stay and offers to protect her.

    Nicely dressed Vic has Oddjob digging a huge deep hole. He says this was where she was. They have to find her. He thinks Ruben was the one blackmailing him.

    David looks like he’s about to tell Lorena about Sofia being alive. Then he kisses her, and the moment seems to pass.

    Vic interrogates his daughters about whether some woman contacted them. They look mystified. He barks that he wants to know where they are every minute of the day.

    Mariana comes to see Ale. She’s worried about him because of the “robbery”. She’s relieved he’s all right. He asks if it would bother her if something happened to him. He moves around his desk and kisses her, a really passionate one. He says that they can’t keep hiding what’s happening between them. She reminds him that the last time they were at this point, he only mentioned an affair. He apologizes for that, looking pained. “And if it could be more?” Mari asks him if this is because he had a falling out with Cayetana.

    Ale tells Mariana that there was a strong affection between he and Cayetana, but it was not love. He thinks she’s held back by so many years of married life. Mari: “You know my doubts about him. And, yesterday I spoke about divorce.” His face lights up. She tells him that she wasn’t considering divorce because of him (Ale), but for herself. She says she can’t live with a man she can’t trust.

  18. conde

    #52 – Part 2 of 3

    He starts to tell her something important, but it’s too soon for the big reveal. She interrupts, saying that she has to resolve things in her life. Then they can see if they have a future.

    Teresa is crying about Sofia. Violeta, the best stepmother I’ve seen in a telenovela, comes to comfort her. She asks Violeta if her father would permit her to love a poor boy. Vio ruefully advises her to find another marqués.

    Memo is telling Vic about La Gran Rifa (the Big Raffle). El Conde has arranged to give a bit of luck to the people in San Jacinto. They will be able to buy a fairly cheap ticket, one per person each month. The prize is $1 million pesos ($52,355 now, who knows what it was in 1952). Vic tells Memo that the paintings have arrived, and he’s like to show El Conde.

    Gerardo tells Ramiro he wants him to investigate where Ruben came from and why he chose to try to rob the count.

    Weasel Felipe comes to tell Gerardo about seeing David and Lorena Aguilar together.

    Gerardo right away confronts David, who says he was studying at the library. Gerardo goes totally ballistic, calling him a coward and a traitor. He calls Lorena escuincla resbalosa (kid with loose morals). David gets angry and tells him not to speak that way about Lorena; she’s his girlfriend. It’s pretty amazing how David has the strength to withstand a full Sergio Sendel verbal beatdown. He says he’s of age and will decide for himself how to live his life. Gerardo says that Miguel Aguilar has put her up to going after David to mess with him. David says they’re going to get married whether he likes it or not. Gerardo grabs him and starts shaking him. Mariana runs in.

    It looks like Carmen’s plan to leave has disappeared. She is talking with Teresa about Sofia and how sad she is. Then she tells her confidante (her mother) about Ric Jr. and her first kiss.

    Ale talks with Memo about “the first to fall” (Ruben). We understand why Ale bailed him out and tried to help him. He promised his mother that he’d help Ruben. He tells Memo about what Ruben said before he died: Vicente, Gerardo, Pedro. And he adds that those three came running the very next day to see if he (Ale) knew anything.

    Ale confides in Memo about Mariana, that she’d considered divorce. He says he was on the brink of telling her the truth when she said that they needed to wait until their complicated lives resolve. He also tells Memo the rifa is to give back to the people of San Jacinto.

    David is quite upset. He tells Mari that his father is a despot. “Does he plan to govern the country this way, yelling for everyone to obey? [Yep] Gerardo comes in saying he has big plans for David. David says that he’s not giving Lorena up. Gerardo tells him to get his things together and leave. “You’re no longer my son.” [He never was, blowhard.] David: “All right, in this I will obey you, Señor Villareal.” David walks out. Mari is furious. She asks Gerardo if he wants David’s life to be like Sofias.

  19. conde

    #52 – Part 3 of 3

    Pedro is on his way with two suitcases when Ric tries to stop him. Pedro says the Count may know about his deception. He’d rather not end up in jail. [He thinks Ruben talked before he died.] Ric tells him that the Count didn’t say anything about him. In fact, he wants to see Pedro.

    Ale tells Lucretia that he knows where Pedro is and that he’s not who she thinks he is. He tells her that Pedro and Ruben were accomplices in the attempted robbery. [At last! I was SO tired of Lucretia being in the dark.]

    Dylan asks Paulina about Antonio. She says she’ll tell him, but he can’t say any of it to Josie.

    Josie has picked a bad day to come spitting fire to Gerardo. She’s complaining about Mariana coming to HER house without permission and threatening her. He tells her he’s fed up with fixing her dirty deeds. “If you want to complain, do it with your husband.” She says it won’t suit him to make her an enemy. He replies that it won’t be good for her to confront the future President of Mexico. He tells her to get out. Never one to back down easily, she calls him a coward who needs to learn how to control his wife.

    Paulina gives Dylan the background about Antonio. She says that Josie didn’t know the business well when Benjamin died, so she turned to Antonio. She kind of hints that maybe Antonio is embezzling, mentioning that he started a business of his own while still working for Josie.

    Gerardo tells Josie that who he’ll teach their place is Josie herself. When the election is over, she’s going to give Mariana half of her father’s business. Josie: “We had a deal!” He replies that that’s over. Mariana knows that the will was forged, and she has proof. He says something about her accepting his offer or he’ll file charges about the forged will. [I wasn’t sure if he meant to pay Josie for half of the liquor business or if she was just to hand it over.] She snarls that he has no idea about the error he’s making.

    David is very sweet. He tells Gabriela that he’s leaving because that’s what you do when you grow up. [Not that her father is a miserable tyrant.] They embrace, while Mariana listens in, crying. Mari gives him some money for a hotel, and he leaves.

    Josie comes to vent with Antonio. She tells him that Mari said she knows about her (Josie’s) infidelities. And that Gerardo said that she had to give half of the liquor business to Mariana. She says she has to get him out of her way. ]Each one of these villains wants to kill at least one of the other ones, sometimes both of them. Just what Ale wanted, them at each other’s throats.]

    David has come to honorably declare himself with Lorena’s parents. First her mother and then her father tells David to leave. Lorena tells them they brought her up to be a strong, free woman, one who makes her own decisions. “What you two just did is unforgiveable.”

    Memo comes to describe what the Count would like to happen for Colores’ wedding. Later Dolores and Violeta describe these plans, and Vicente blows up. “Do you think money falls from the sky. I’m not paying for this!”

    Ramiro tells Gerardo that the new D.A. is investigating the murder of the Aguilars. Gerardo tells him that he’s wiped out any evidence of that. And he’s arranged for some witnesses who will name Vicente Garcia. He’s the perfect target because of his crooked dealings. Gerardo says he’ll make sure he loses everything. And he, Gerardo, is putting everyone in their appropriate places.

    Ale asks Pedro how things are going with the wedding. And then he says that he spoke with the thief, who told him that his accomplice was one Pedro Campos.

    Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Great job with the recap of last night's episode.
    *Scumbag Villarreal planning to pin ALL of the crimes on Jackass Vic. LOL!

    *Slippery Pedro did NOT thrilled about meeting with Joaquin/Alejandro. Wondering what does Slippery Pedro have planned to continue his heinous crimes against humanity ?

    *Lorena's parents are DUMBASSES.

    *I hope Leticia & Co., join Alejandro's revenge plans. I knew I recognized Jessica Coch AKA Slacker Berta from "CUANDO ME ENAMORO".

    *Buji Joise nagging about Blabbermouth Mariana. What are you going to do Buji Joise ? Give Blabbermouth Mariana the Benjamin appetizer ?

  21. Sed de Venganza

    Hey, it's me. Telemundo announced the air date on YouTube for Sed de Venganza: October 15th.
    This one looks really good!

  22. Conde

    Novelera, thank you for bringing us every moment.

    It is great seeing the villains snarling and threatening each other.

    I wonder what that raffle is all about .

    Am very worried about Carmen. She needs to be at Ale's house under his protection.

    Also, I hope that Cay isn't going to confront Vic. He is spiraling out of control as his empire crumbles .

    Seems the marquesa and her little dog have evaporated0

    Well, we finally got a kiss between Ale and Mar... Finally. Susan

  23. El Conde
    I haven't caught this episode yet. But the raffle idea will benefit 1 person or family so how is that giving back to the community?

  24. conde

    Novelera, thank you for the very thorough recap! I so hope that Dylan is not a scammer and lives to give Josefina her just desserts.
    Paulina..don't lose that letter from Sofia!

    I do not see any passion between Ale and Mariana. The two actors seem like cold fish, unlike in previous novelas. Ana Brenda looks bored and stiff. Their kiss last night was more than blah. So disappointing.

    Beth S

  25. El Conde

    Would Vic really know exactly where to dig looking for his wife as it was an unmarked grave. Trees grow, land changes etc after a number of years . Chau needed to keep digging, lol. Vic buried her face down so if she came to she would dig deeper rather than freeing herself. In the flashback scene avic was dressed in a suit and tie so I guess that was during his stealing from the hotel owner years and not 20 years ago like I thought. Theresa looked at the Carmen's doll rather strangely.

    When Gerardo disowned David David called him Mr Villarreal as he walked away. How true that is.

    Why is Pau trying to convince Dylan that Antonio has been stealing from Josie. Is she just throwing dust in his eyes or does she not know there actual relationship. Ok conde is going to disburse the lottery money proceeds to needy people and start giving away of some of his wealth. That will help the people of JC.

    Weirdo: Big question is whether or not it'll be put in the 9:00 PM CST slot ? I think so.

  27. conde

    This was a great read, novelera. All the details with a bit of snark. I’ll co-sign your asides. Thanks for the vocab and the Peso conversion. I wonder how many readers know who “Oddjob” is. Got a kick out of that reference.

    It would have been too easy for Dylan to catch Josie and Antonio. But at least now his eyes have been opened. He’s taking Brendan’s parting words to heart and he’s also trusting Pau.

    I hope Ale doesn’t make the same mistake he did with the witness, and he protects Carmen.

    I was also a little disappointed in the AleMar kiss, Beth S. G rated. Well, at least it’s a start.

    Not sure what’s up with that raffle.

    David is as brave and as kind as his father, the real one, not the “blowhard”. I love Lorena, she’s just as brave and kind as David. David and Lorena are the new SJ power couple. I could understand her parents’ concern, though.

    I feel so sorry for Lucrecia. The look on Pedro’s face at the end—lol.

  28. OT Turkish Dizi

    I saw a promo for the dizi, “La Familia/Aile/The Family” during last night’s ep. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Serenay Sarıkaya star. It’s a relatively short one at 30 Turkish eps. It’s coming in October, as is “Sed de Venganza”. Is Telemundo finally ditching so much reality junk?

    I’m looking forward to watching it. I saw the first 5 Turkish eps but had to backburner for lack of time. IIRC, deb has seen the entire dizi and recommended it.

  29. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. Riveting recap. My fave: "Vic corrects that he was the administrator, but Gerardo must know Ruben because of the big case where he sent Alejandro Gaitán to prison. [If looks could kill.]" Your reference to "Oddjob" (I've watched Goldfinger a zillion times) made me smile.

    David, don't spend the cash on a hotel. Rent yourself a modest flat instead.

    I'm enjoying seeing Pau gain her footing and work her/Ale's revenge plan on Josie.

    Shouldn't Mari know from the kiss that that's Ale?

  30. conde

    Thanks very much, novelera, for another marvellous recap, filled with useful details and explanations, and, of course, humor. I loved it right from the start when you describe Dylan as acting like a 1950s husband, followed by your remarking that "If Josie didn’t think he had cancer, he’d be on the Benjamin diet very soon." Also liked your referring to Vicente's jack-of-all-nastiness as Oddjob.

    Perhaps I hallucinated this, but I thought that eventually David did tell Lorena about Sofia's not being dead. I even remember wincing at yet another person knowing the secret.

    I'm not quite sure how the raffle will benefit the people of San Jacinto, as Ale claims. Only one ticketholder will win the million-peso prize. Will the raffle also have many smaller prizes that havent' been mentioned? I guess if that's the case, then Ale's claim makes sense. Though of course it's still the case that many more people will probably buy a ticket evey month and yet win nothing, thus winding up with less money than they had.

    For some reason, I thought that Pau knew that Josie and Antonio had been having sex for many years. I kept waiting for her to tell this to Dylan, but she didn't. Am I mistaken about what she knew?

    Dondi356: Wouldn't be shocked if Carmen gets whacked. Her stupidity will be her deadly downfall.

    She should've stayed at the freaking convent.

  32. OT
    ..donde ..I saw thwt preview ,and I am looking forward to thks show . I am still watching " Amor Prohibido. ". Susan

  33. conde

    I liked the scene with Vic yelling at the girls to stay put. They look to Vio for help and she just shrugs, like "Well, you know he is". She is the best madrastra though. She and Carmen should stay friends (assuming they both survive) and help the girls together. Teresa will be fine but having to maybe get a job will come as quite a shock to Dolores.

    And loved Lorena basically telling her parents that they did too good a job raising her and she's disappointed in them. Maybe they should have gone more Dolores-y?


  34. Conde

    I thought Mar would tell David to go live with the conde .

    I guess its Been a long time since those two star crossed lovers kissed , so perhaps Marc did not recognize Ale's kissing technique.,FC was an epic kisser in his past novelas. This kiss was pretty chaste. Susan

  35. conde

    Thanks for the kind words, all.

    Susan, I also am worried about Carmen, but I have a strong feeling she'll survive to mother her girls. The Duchess told Pedro that she was leaving, going back to Spain and urged him to visit.

    Beth, I put the tame kiss down to 1950's stuff. I never saw Ana Brenda before because I've been mostly on Telemundo. I don't know if she's normally different in her roles.

    Kat, Vic remembering where to dig is a bit like Telenovela Airlines, logic-free. Pau telling Dylan things is, I believe, part of the revenge she told Amaranta she wanted on Josie.

    dondi, Glad you noticed Oddjob. I think I might have called him that once before. What really happened is that I totally forgot Xiao's name.

    Niecie, I've been thinking all along that Mri should be recognizing that kiss.

    Juanita, I also threw up my hands when it looked like David was going to tell Lorena about Sofia. But I'm pretty sure they started kissing in the street (so Felipe could see them) and it didn't happen. And, yes, Pau saw Josie and Alejandro kissing, but this was fairly recently.

    K. ITA about Lorena. So nice to see a young woman who's not a flibbertigibbet like, say, Dolores!

    1. conde

      Novelera, after reading your comment, I finally did go back and check the recording. You're right--David doesn't tell Lorena about Sofia, though I again reacted with "Oh no!" when he told her he has something to tell her. :-)

  36. El Conde #53 part 1

    Vic gets a visit from the new investigator of the city with questions about the the attempt on Miguel Aguilar.

    Vic goes to Josephina. It seems Ger has implicated Vic in the attack. Now Vic wants Josie's help to pin it on Ger. But he isn't sure if she is in cahoots with Ger. The 3 vipers are fighting amongst themselves as Ale hoped.

    Ger stops Mari who is on her way to check on David. Ger says nothing is more important to him than family, but David needs direction. Ger, I saw Josephina last night. Mari, did she tell you to lock me up in your house like she has done to Paulina? No I told her she owes you have the liquor store and that the will was false. Aren't you happy what I did for you, Mari, you should have done it when my father died, not 20 years later.

    Josie tells Vic they need to kill Ger and make it appear to be a political hit. She wants his help. She will tell him when and where, he just has to do the deed. He doesn't trust her, but if he does it and she turns on him then he will kill her son. I won't betray you. Just think of everything you will lose if Gerardo becomes president. They shake on the deal

    Miguel Aguilar confesses to his wife he has known about the romance between David and Lorena. Mom is irate, those Villarreal's killed your grandparents. Lorena says children are not responsible for the actions of their parents. I won't give him up. You don't understand (the eternal cry of the angst ridden teen.). I'm thinking what is the rush. Go public after the election. You've managed to keep it a secret thus far.

    David speaks with the count about his fight with his father. David wants to marry her. He wants a full time job at the newspaper. Conde wants him to stay in school, (he'll foot the bill)live at the mansion and write news articles. What do you think. David smiles.

  37. El Conde #53 part 2

    Antonio is at Josie's doing paperwork, Dylan asks what he's doing. Antonio tells him all that he is in charge of. Dylan thinks that is too much. Not for a young man like himself. Dylan, things are going to change around here. Pau listens from the hall. Antonio says Josie is his boss. Dylan tells him to get out. (Lot more said between them but that was the main parts).

    Antonio runs into Josie on his way out. Your husband accused me of theft and fired me.

    David tells Lorena he has a plan for their future. Mari goes to visit Lorena's parents. Miguel agrees with Mari that David is a good guy. Wife rolls her eyes in disbelief. Miguel tells her David is the ghost writer, Sylvester Davelos. She is shocked but still against the match. Miguel isn't a fan either.

    Vic is happy to read of Ruben's demise. Delores and marques enter his office, both with sour looks on their faces. The wedding plans aren't up to the Marques standards. Is it because of a lack of money? No money isn't an issue. Have the wedding you want Delores. Big hug for Daddy.

    Pedro is telling Conde it appears that Vic doesn't have the money to pay for the wedding. Conde tries to educate him it isn't a crime to be poor. More money talk.

    David talks with Leticia, he wants to speak to Rodrigo. He is still investigating the Alejandro Gaitan story. Asks her if she also knew him. He heard ale had a high society girlfriend. I don't know about a girlfriend. He attended a local wedding and danced with your mother. David is shocked to learn his mother knew him.

    Teresa, Leticia and Carmen learn from the newspaper that Ruben was the thief that was killed.

    Mari visits David at the Conde's Castle (have we decided what it is actually called? Hacienda, castle, mansion?). She doesn't like David's plan. She says she spoke with Lorena's parents, and for Ernestine it can never be ,(I forgot her name, thank you Mari for using it). Leticia tells me you knew Alejandro Gaitan. When I asked you about him why didn't you say you knew him? She tells him pretty much the same as others have told him about how good a person he was and she doesn't believe he was guilty. David, do you have any idea who was behind the murder? Nope. No idea.

  38. El Conde part 3

    Violeta brings a bounced check from the jewelry store to Vic. And the hat store, shoe store etc... it must be a mistake. He goes to his safe which is stuffed full of money and gives a roll to Chao to go with Vio and pay off the bills in cash. Vio is mesmerized by the safe full of money.

    Lorena parents meet with David (at Conde's place). They want him to think of the safety of their daughter and wait till after the election to be together. It's just a little bit longer. (I totally called that idea) David whines it's not fair. You can call and write, we won't oppose that. He seems to accept their advice.

    The bank president? comes to visit Vic. Your debt is significant. Not sure what the result of that bank talk was, seems like Vic is behind on a mortgage payment or 2. Something about cash.

    Memo tells Conde Vic's debt has tripled. Someone is keeping an eye on Caye in the city from a distance. She has an apartment in the capital. Carmen is safe ...someone is watching the Gallardo house day and night (good to see conde has learned from his mistakes)

    Dylan and Josie talk about Antonio. She tries to tell him thanks to Antonio she didn't have to sell after the poor management under Benjamin. He wants him gone and if she keeps him on she can't be alone with him (methinks he did see that kiss). Pau eavesdrops again. Good to see she has free reign of the house.

    Mari is glad conde has taken David in. She wants to resign her work with the foundation. She wants Paulina to take her place. She wants Paulina to have an excuse to get out of the Zambranos house.

    Josie visits Antonio. He called me a thief. Josie, I need you(r body, lovemaking,etc). It's just for a few months and he will be dead.

    Vic and Conde talk finances. Conde has a solution, sell me the gran hotel Altamirano. Memo comes in with briefcases full of money. $300,000. Is that enough? Vic fans himself with a wad of the bills.

    Amaranta talks with David, offers to read his cards, he doesn't believe in them. She insists.

    Vic sells the hotel. He takes the money and leaves. Conde waves memo off (after him are they planning another robbery a la Robin Hood?

    Card reading. Bim not positive what happened there. Does she reveal that the man who protects him is(Conde)is also his father?

    Leticia tells Rodrigo about David's visit. He isn't happy to hear she told him about ale and Mari dancing at the wedding. Now she realizes that Mari was the novia de Alejandro

  39. El Conde part 4/4

    Conde tells Pau her daughter is well she gives him a letter to send to her. She tells him all the dirt she has discovered by her eavesdropping. For a change they are not at Conde's. Josie comes in (It's her office). They talk about something else to throw Josie off the scent. I think they were both imprudent discussing such matters in Josie's house, the walls have ears as has been demonstrated over and over.

    Vic and Marques(Pedro) walk outside the Zambranos. I guess Pedro is still a resident there. They are talking about the wedding. Vic gives him a brief case full of money for him to invest, as the ladron Greek chorus plays.

    Josie thinks Conde is offering her the vacancy in his foundation. He wants Paulina. J, she has no experience! C, she has a good heart, that is more important for the foundation (and we all know Josie has no heart). With the great loss she just suffered he hopes having this responsibility will help her. It will also polish your son's image if she takes the job. That's the ticket! She begrudgingly acedes.

    Leticia is grilling Rodrigo about Mariana being the novia . He admits it. No wonder Mari had dead eyes when she married Ger. Rodrigo makes her swear to tell no one. It's dangerous.

    As the full moon rises Ric is now talking with Conde. The foundation stuff.

    Amaranta asks memo what is the relationship between Conde and David. Why is he staying here?

    David and Lorena get to say goodbye for now in person. ill write you every day(as the song "I'll send you all my love everyday in a letter, and seal it with a kiss"plays in my memory).

    Last scene flashes between memo and Amaranta/ Nana and Mari. Ger can't discover he isn't David's father and the cards never lie, there is a blood link between David and Conde (I think that is what she said,).


    I'm not checking for typos. I'm too tired!


    Kat in SC: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Thank you very much for your recap of last night's episode.

    *I see Alejandro & Co., have folks watching over Cayatena in Mexico City, Javier & Sofia over in France.

    *Leticia grilling Rodrigo during breakfast: Leticia better NOT open her big mouth to Carmen.

    *Alejandro/Joaquin taking the letter from Paulina. Good!

    *Slippery Pedro & Jackass Vic are gonna Jackassery.

    *Buji Josie & Antonio are the most horniest people ever.

    *Lorena's parents are right when they had good reasons in NOT wanting David & Lorena together.

  41. El Conde

    Steve, the way I interpreted it, the letter she gave Conde was a new one she wrote to Sophia. He was going to send it to her the next day The letter Sofia left for her mother may still come back to bite her. I get wanting to treasure letters from your daughter but she needs to either destroy them or find a totally safe place to hide it, with the fear it may be found always a possibility.

    Kat in SC: In other words: Javier & Sofia are still in danger including Paulina.

  43. Conde
    Steve, Sofia and Javier are being protected in France I believe. I doubt Josie has the connections nor resources to get to them. Paulina will have some protection now that she will be working for the foundation, but, yes she is still in danger. But she has her trusty dagger now, and Amaranta as backup!

  44. conde
    Kat, thank you so much for that great recap tat gave us every detail.

    Regarding ABC (the actress playing Mar), I have seen her in several novels , and this laidback, low-key portrayal is her usual demeanor . I have never seen her perky and animated . JMHO.

    Well, things are heating up . I wonder how many episodes are left.

    Ale has successfully pulled theses greedy villains into his web of revenge .

    Wow, I was surprised to see Dylan try to be large and in charge with both giggolo Antonio and bossy pants Jo.

    Can't wait to see what happens next. Susan

  45. Conde

    Susan, I also enjoyed Dylan's putting his foot down. Makes me wonder if he actually is an accomplice of Conde. I wouldn't want to be married to that cold fish Josie (only with old men that is, she's a cougar with Antonio.), but he may enjoy the benefits.

    I've seen ABC in one other show, Corazon Indomable. I watched the first 40 or 50 episodes until the stupidity of the galan and ABC's character drove me bonkers. She was the opposite of laid back and reserved in that one. The recaps far exceeded my enjoyment of the the show.

  46. Kat, I've now found your message and restored it.

  47. conde

    Thanks very much, Kat, for this excellent recap. I especially loved all your comments. Probably my favorite is "Vic gives him a brief case full of money for him to invest, as the ladron Greek chorus plays."

    I totally agree with you that David and Lorena should not make their relationship public until after the election. However, apparently even the seemingly mature David is still a teenager.

    I too am confused about El Conde's living arrangements. Apparently the place we usually see him is not the Hacienda, since when they set up the trap for Pedro and Ruben, he tells his staff he is going to the Hacienda, which is not where he is now and not where the the break-in occurs.

    And what's with Vicente? Given the contents of his safe, why does he allow his checks to bounce? And why does he feel impoverished (unless all those bills in the safe are 1-peso notes, which seems unlikely)?

    I still think that Dylan didn't actually see Josie and Antonio kissing. My feeling is that if he HAD seen them kissing, he'd have immediately gone into a rage, as we've seen him do with lesser provocation. However, I've been known to be wrong. Well known.

    I too am somewhat confused by the scene with Amaranta and David. Part of my problem is my inadequate Spanish, but another part may be that I absolutely do not believe in the cards as fortune-tellers (though apparently in this novela I have to suspend my disbelief). Anyway, as far as I can tell, Amaranta thinks that the last card David turns over should be the person who protects him, and that person should be his father, but it's not (she thinks), it's El Conde. This leads her to wonder whether there's a blood connection between David and El C.

  48. Conde

    Juanita, thanks for restoring the comment. Sometimes I have to hit publish twice for it to post. I figured my first attempt I missed. I made sure the second one i did hit twice.

    Your explanation of the cards cleared that up. I may watch a few scenes with English subtitles this afternoon. From what I saw in Vic's safe they were big bills, I saw 500 on one stack. Why it's not in the bank baffles me also, unless it is from the prostitution and gambling side of his business and he doesn't want to raise flags.

    1. conde

      Kat, I like your suggestion that the money in Vicente's safe may be from the prostitution and gambling side of his business, a side he doesn't want the authorities to know about.

  49. conde

    Thanks so much, Kat! Loved all your snarky comments. I continue to be amazed at your comprehension without much time in a Spanish class.!

    I was disappointed that Antonio didn't stick to his guns when he was angry about Dylan's firing him. I guess Josie must be fantastic in the sack, because he always goes for it no matter what she does. He's gotten huffy a few times before about her treating him like a lower-class person.

    I found Ernestina a bit annoying last night. It's probably because the casting people don't always get the best actors for supporting roles. In contrast to Miguel, she comes off as a shrew a lot of the time. But she warmed up a tiny bit upon hearing that David is Sr. Dávalos.

    Yes, the bounced checks were interesting. What I think was going on is that Vic's been working with the bank on a line of credit, and he needs to make payments on this arrangement. He'd missed two, so the bank didn't cover the checks Violeta wrote. I remember that the bank officer said he needed to bring those payments up to date with cash, just as he was leaving.

    What I remember of the hotel sale is this: It was said that there was $300,000.00 in each of four suitcases. Using the exchange rate to dollars, that would be $15,547 in each suitcase, for a total of $62,188. That seems cheap for a grand hotel in the City of Mexico even for the 1950's. But maybe there were more than four since I'm trusting my not always reliable memory. I'm pretty sure Ale plans to give the hotel to Cayetana.

    Vic tells Pedro (and Dolores) that she's his favorite child. Of course she is.

    It seems like they're going with Amaranta really being psychic and getting real things from the cards. But she's kind of a loose cannon.

    I sometimes have to pause the TV and try to remember who knows the truth about Ale. Pretty sure Miguel does, but he's unlikely to tell Ernestina, another loose cannon. And Rodrigo knows, but he also isn't telling Leticia.

    I remember Josie's eyes gleaming when she thought she'd get to "manage" El Conde's charitable trust. And she was furious she didn't get it and barely simmered down. I'm sure she planned to siphon some of it into her own pockets.

    Yes, Leticia saying that Mariana lost the sparkle in her eyes around the time that Alejandro disappeared, up to and including marrying Gerardo, was interesting.

  50. Conde

    Gracias, Kat. Fine recap. You sure give good advice! I'm glad David listened to it! ;>

    So three sets of folks are zooming in on Mari and Ale's past noviazgo or Ale and David's connection. Yep, this is feeling like ultimas semanas.

    Looks like Vio was trying to catch the combination numbers as Vic opened the safe. I know I was. He gave Vio a sour look. ITA that safe cash is dirty and Vic's got to be careful in circulating it. I'm thinking the Count deliberately wanted him to use it. Maybe the authorities traced dirty cash in the 1950s?

    The camera work on Antonio and Josie getting it on made me think someone was watching them.

    Dylan has some nerve firing Antonio without proof (though of course Antonio did embezzle and is boinking Josie). But still, I find Dylan using his ruling class authority over Antonio offensive.

  51. Conde

    Niecie, I agree about the camera work. Probably Pedro was watching. I'm not so sure it was ruling class authority as much as machismo and planning to be involved in Josie's business. She isn't doing so well in that department at this time so he probably feels he can do a better job. He had a valid point when he said Antonio needs to have bookkeeping, not just stuff in his head.

    Novelera, thanks for clarifying some of that money talk. I tune out math talk! Calculus and probability and statistics killed me in college! I have the same reaction to sports talk. Yeah, my formal Spanish class was one quarter of begining Spanish in college at the same time I was taking 3rd year college French 41 years ago. I'm doing some French now on Duolingo along with Spanish and am finding I'm confused in the opposite direction now, the Spanish words prevail. I'm at a difficult level in the Spanish levels. I just want to learn words, not worry about all the tenses, lol.

  52. Conde
    I am hoping that Carmen, Caye, and Vi front and center to witness Vic's downfall.

    I am not sure what Jo's, Felipe's, and Antonio's anvils will be. They all are killers, so I suppose jail or death awaits them . I suppose Ger will recover and cause more chaos before he gets his anvil. Ramiro might never see his bebe.
    I wonder how many episodes are left . Susan
