
Monday, September 16, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1) Week of Sept. 16, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) *** Not airing on Tues

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  

**** As of the time I'm scheduling this which is 2 week in advance since I'm going on vacation - the schedule shows ALL Unimas daytime Novealas will be pre-empted on Tues and Weds!!!


    Darcy: You've been watching this Telenovela on Unimas Dish Network Channel 271 ?

  2. El Angel de Aurora #5

    Since there was no recap from Friday, here is the stuff from its Wikipedia description:

    Antonio said he reproached himself daily for having left Aurora at the altar and begged her forgiveness.

    Patricia discovered that Briana is boinking Damian and scolds her for not telling her, which hindering her plans.

    Angel and Damian have an altercation over Helena.

    Helena told Angel he should not have let this happen, much less telling Damian he was looking to make her his novia.

    Antonio received an anonymous note -- words cut from printed matter -- that his son is alive.

  3. Angel

    During this afternoon's episode I got the call about my surgery tomorrow, so I missed about half of today's episode. Can someone take care of this and tomorrow, at least? I will be home on Wednesday.


  4. Angel

    Adriana posted something on Friday's episode early this a.m. I watched today's episode but took no notes so I would need to rewatch to do justice. I will comment on today's episode that I was wrong about JC's son possibly having had an MVA to cause his brother's death. Looks like it was a kidnapping or drug deal gone bad but I didn't understand enough of the dialogue.

    Urban, good luck with your surgery. I have retinal eye surgery in 2 weeks, spent my morning at the opthalmologist. The recovery will be tough. Have to remain face down 50 minutes out of every hour for 5 to 14 days. I'm guessing my recap days will be on hiatus during that recovery.

    Steve, I've been watching Nadie Como Tu. I recapped one episode early on but everyone else was following Vivir so I seemed to be all alone. I've really enjoyed it. I see one of the actresses will be the main character in Fugitovos, and the male lead is going to be in Juana. Am I officially in the club now I recognize various actors and can compare them to other shows. I swear Briana in El Angel looks familiar. She was in Mi Marido Tiene Familia as minor character but I thought I saw her in something else too.

  5. Angel

    Adriana, thanks so much for recapping Friday’s episode. And thanks to Kat for letting us know Also, thank you, Urban, for posting the Wikipedia.

    JC had a flashback where he found the one son who was on the ground and bleeding. I couldn’t really tell why, Was he thrown from a car or something like that? I guess we’ll find out eventually.

    I can do a little of today, but please fill in and correct me! JE says that his wife killed herself. He also asks the two best friend guys if they’ll help him with his son. This was right after the one that swore he didn’t tell anyone he saw him in the hospital and the buddy comes up and mentions that JC had been in the hospital.

    Helena ends up going to a party with an older woman friend. It was for Angel’s sister’s 12th birthday. A fun block party with a small band and dancing. At least three of the office people were there! Damien is calling Helena, but, alas, she can’t hear the phone because of the music. She gets pulled into a family picture, which worried me. But the next day at work the girl that knows Angel mentions to Helena about her and Angel dancing. And of course an angry Damien is right there. He had been asking her why she didn’t answer her phone and how he even went to her house. So no need to worry about any ramifications from the photo.

    While at her house he talked to Antonio. I think Antonio questioned why Aorora wasn’t told he was a partner. Damian said they were waiting for the announcement. He also seemed to say negative things about his aunt. And of course Jezebel was a wet blanket when excited Aurora told her Gabriel was alive.

    Patricia did a video about Aurora trying to find her abuser 30 years later and how she was after her husband.

    Please , once again, feel free to add or correct!


  6. El Angel

    Thank you for your notes, Liz!! I haven't watched yet, but I will before the next episode airs and I might be able to fill in the blanks (if there were any).

    The barrio party sounds like fun!
    A bunch of people talking loudly, eating and drinking? Sign me in!

  7. El angel
    The woman who was with Helena at the street party works in the office.
    The long haired brunette from the office looked jealous of Helena and put herself into the second family photo.
    The bad guys showed up again to make trouble . Angel's guys were protecting the partygoers.
    Looked like JC's sons were being held by kidnappers .His wife was a screaming mimi.
    At the end, Angel found a little box under his parents' bed , and he saw a newspaper article with a photo of Pintas.

  8. OT
    Urban and Kat, I am sending out good vibrations for you both)))))))))))))))))

  9. Angel/Aurora. Doesn't Mexico have laws against slander? Perhaps Aurora and Julio Cesar should go after Patricia.

  10. Angel

    The newspaper article under Angel's mother's bed is a picture of Aurora's dad. The headline says "Nieto de Don Miguel Campero Desaparacido". It looks like Vicky(is that her name) sent Angel to her room to find Vic's vapo rub or something for her arm from under the bed.

  11. El angel

    Other bits and pieces from episode 6:

    The barrio party was kind of lame, but Helena going from "I don't know how to dance" to a perfectly choreographed routine with Angel was a little over the top. I much prefered Paz and Esteban in El amor no tiene receta, who actually took the time to learn to dance together (which was funny since both actors are very good dancers).
    Helena and angel are definitely star crossed lovers, we get it, but I don't feel them.
    The old lady with Helena I believe was her nana. The blabber mouth who revealed that Helena had been at the party is Angel's very jealous ex if I'm not mistaken.

    Aurora went from "Antonio, you're lying to me about that anonimous, you bastard", to "mi hijo is aliiiive". It almost seemed like they skipped a scene.

  12. El Angel

    Adriana, I'm with you on not feeling Angel and Helena. I'm getting a bit tired of his hugging her all the time too. It's creepy. On one hand he is this angelic guy and at the drop of the hat he is ready to fight.

    The jealous not ex,according to Angel, is Maggie. She is one of the secretaries at the fashion company. I think the chubby comedic relief guy from the company likes her and is jealous that she likes Angel.

    At this point I prefer JC to Antonio as the end game for Aurora.

  13. el angel

    I have noticed in several recent novelas that guys call their mothers " jeje" ..boss? Am I hearing that correctly? Susan

  14. El Angel

    Urban isn't doing today's episode. Anyone planning a recap before I think about writing something up?

  15. Angel

    Kat, if you can write a few words about the show, that would be great!

    Also, don't get me started on Angel! :))
    He doesn't even know Helena, but he's already in luuv, and he's also rather quick with his fists, as you mentioned.
    She's a pretty girl, but she's not too bright (see DamienDouche), she should be single for a while and start combing her hair in a ponytail (so much hair touching, I can't stand it).

    Aurora and JC definitely, but too soon to be sure this is the endgame.

  16. El Angel

    Vicky is fast on her feet regarding the news article and tells Angel that whatever is on the reverse side is why she saved it.

    Demian is chewing Helena out for going to the fiesta in the dangerous neighborhood. Dona Espe tells him she invited her and they went together.

    Aurora is mad about Patricia's internet rant. Antonia apologizes on her behalf, he will make her retract it. Don't bother the damage has already been done. He then takes out the your son is alive note to show her and JC (They are at JCs house).

    Angel doctors his mother's arm. Not sure what all they talk about, maybe him trying to find a new job. Says something about Helena that seems to worry Vicky.

    Valedor and Pintas talk. He has noticed that Val doesn't get along well with Angel. Have no idea where this storyline is going.

    Aurora is not happy with Antonio and offers to leave but Antonio leaves instead. She wants to get back at Patricia for what she did. JC tries to calm her down.

    Looks like Pasquel's friend Pintas wants an in to the gang that Valedor runs. He knows a way to get a lot of money...extortion anyone.

    Angel texts Helena. Looks like she ignores texts too....Vicky I think tries to discourage his infatuation.

  17. El Angel episode 7 part 2

    Demian and Helena char as they hug she sees herself hugging Angel instead of Demian.

    Jezebel and Patricia talk about her video post (I am drawing a blank on what to call it, a Tweet, a Reel?). Looks like she is getting a lot of backlash for it. Jezebel says good press or bad press, who cares. Your name is out there. So is Patricia an unemployed TN actress? I'm not sure at this point. Well the next phone call makes me think her producer just fired her.

    JC has the 2 young guys at his house he wants them to become his son's friend and help him in his recovery. This just seems weird to me.

    Jezebel offers Patricia financial support now she has been fired. Aurora walks in. What are you doing in my house get out of here. Jezebel backs Aurora up. They argue about Antonia and Aurora slaps Patricia. Jezebel continues to back Aurora up, but gives Patricia a wink to let her know it's all an act.

    Back to JCs. The guys aren't interested in the job. JC brings him to see his son.

    Espe gives Helena relationship advice. I'm thinking Espe comes from an abusive past and recognizes the signs. Demian doesn't treat her right (Demian is eavesdropping at the door).

    JC flashbacks to his sons' death and injury. Telling it to the 2 guys . Adds my wife died a year later, suicide .

    Pintas is in a bit of a dive, his habitation perhaps, talks with Pasquel. He asks Pasquel who is Angel's father? Why does it matter to you Juventino (his other name). Pasquel wants him to stay away from his house.

    Luis is introduced to Aquiles and Glorio (finally they are named again in a scene). They say they are his new friends. This just gets weirder and weirder! Luis says you aren't my friends, guy. They try to go but JC stops them.

    Antonio chides Patricia for her video. They fight. He tells her he never stopped loving Aurora.

    Jezebel and Aurora talk about the video. Aurora wants jezebel to help her. She still loves Antonio. (Really! That JC is much better looking and didn't dump you). Jezebel is rather shocked too. And I must add, she is still wearing a single fingerless glove!

  18. El Angel episode 7 part 3

    Demian talks to Espe. I almost thought he fired her, but I think he just sent her home to rest. She needn't work on a Sunday.

    Jezebel and Aurora again, reminiscing. They discuss JC. J: Is he married? A: no. J wonders/joke about orientation. A asks about the young man that died(Carlos). Why didn't J tell her about it .

    Back in Luis' room. JC says not only your body but your heart also. You need help. Luis still wants them all to leave.

    Pasquel and Pintos scene again. Pasquel tells him it would be best if he leaves.

    Demian urges Helena to quit working and go eat lunch with him and his mother. She has too much work, looks like she is searching for a new male model. I guess Angel really lost that gig.demian talks about the video which Helena hasn't seen. Demian insists a family meal is important.

    Patricia gets in the car with Antonio. He is heading to work and he does not want her with him. She refuses to get out.

    Rfc? Glorio mentions that as they leave JC's. He wants to pay them for their time but they refuse. How about lunch ..glorious eyes light up. Nopers, we have a prior engagement. Oh, BTW don't say anything to anyone. Why? I don't understand the whole secrecy of his son and wife's death, and the coma of the other. One would think it made some news headlines in the past. Looks like the 2 amigos accept the job of a couple hours per day keeping Luis company if he pays in cash.

    Patricia and Antonio fight in the car. Aurora is not why I want a divorce, you have changed, I don't love you! Patricia is irate, opens the door of the moving car and rolls herself out into the street.


  19. Angel

    Thanks Kat, great job. You remembered everything. I thought this was a strange episode. Never a good idea to pay someone to be your son’s friend. Luis is sure to find out and then be even angrier.

    I can’t believe Jezabel and Aurora don’t know JC’s story. It was only a couple of years ago and he and Aurora seem to be good friends. Maybe he moved here from somewhere else.

    This is just a guess, but I think Pintos is going to try to use Angel to get money from Aurora or Antonio. Do we know he’s the one that raped her or am I just guessing here? Thinking that he’s enlisting Valedor and the gang I wonder if he plans to kidnap Angel. Which would make me think he could have been the one to take JC’s kids. This is my wild thinking because I don’t like that character at all.

    I hope we find out about that glove soon! And does Jezebel have a husband? She’s a real backstabber and all these years later Aurora is still oblivious.

    Patricia didn’t look to hurt. If we didn’t think she was crazy we now know for sure she is!


  20. El Angel

    Liz, I went back and watched it a second time. No way I could remember all the things without doing that. you may notice there is 30 minutes between each post as I type it up on my phone as I watch. I thought Pintas was the guilty party but now I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't want to call attention to himself by his DNA. I really disliked the characters he played in Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia and so I am prejudiced against him.

    I'm with you that perhaps JC moved from a different location, possibly to be near his son in that hospital.

    I'm not sure what happened to Jezebel's husband. He was around when she was pregnant but not sure where he is now. It may have been mentioned but early episodes I spend so much effort learning characters names the story gets lost.

  21. El angel
    Kat, thank you for bringing us all the details.

    Do we know why Pintas has two names . Rene Casados has Been in many tns , and he likes to chew up the scenery, especially when he plays the bad guy.
    He played a beloved priest Padre Tadeo in an old tn.

    Marisol del Alma (Jez) is doing a great job . How about that wink she gave crazy Pat . Unbelievable that she's has Been able to hide her hatred for her sister all these years.

    I can't figure out if JC is a good guy or a bad guy I am sure that Antonio will win the leading Lady because he is a big TN star. Susan

  22. Angel. Thanks for stepping up and giving a great recap, Kat! The upside of Angel's crush on Helena is that he is planning to go back to the university so as to be worthy of her. Vicki realizes this and becomes a little happy about the crush. Damian gets ever more creepy. Fall, anvil, fall! It was very satisfying that Patricia was attacked online and fired by her producer for her online video slander of Aurora. Well-deserved. Wonder if she'll try to say that Antonio pushed her out of the car. If Aurora had any sense she would have picked up on the clues that Jezebel was behind Patricia's online rant. And dona Espe gave excellent advice to Helena. I too thought it was weird that JC was trying to create "friendships" for his son. A psychotherapist would be a better choice.

  23. El Angel. Span prof, thanks for explaining the Vicky Angel dialogue. I was getting tired by that point as I re-watched it at 10 last night. It seemed like a silly addition so I chose to omit it.

  24. El Angel de Aurora 7

    Thanks, I was not up to recapping yesterday so if nobody posts #8 by 11AM I will put up the Wiki summary with a few additional points.

    To answer the above issue about Pintas: Yes he is Juventino and he is Aurora's rapist. Jezabel paid him to do this so she deserves the nastiest Karmageddon we can come up with.

    I am certain we will soon learn the reason for the glove and that Jezabel is blaming Aurora for it. There have been enough flashbacks that we can expect more.

    I can do today's and tomorrow's. I can't do next Friday's because of a medical test.

  25. Urban, sorry to hear you aren't up to par yet. I worried you might have underestimated your ability to bounce back. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I may try to post a few things if the little one allows.

  26. El Angel

    The little I can recall from memory.

    Patricia is banged up but nothing serious. She wants the bystanders to record it as she of course blames Antonio for pushing her out of the moving vehicle. He debugged that somehow. Did he have an
    interior camera in the car?

    Helena gets word from the ad agency client that they live Angel and want only him as their model. Demian is the jealous lover as usual. In the end of the episode she is so fed up with his jealousy she breaks up with him. (I can't remember if this is the episode they went to lunch with mom and Aurora, if so Helena kept getting texts from Angel which pissed Demian off even more. His name is mentioned to the assembled lunch mates, Angel Gabriel. Aurora goes on full alert).

    Pintas cuts and pastes another note demanding money for information about Gabriel.

    JC and son seem to be getting along better. Dad helps him out of bed at Luis request rather than calling for a nurse. Luis has survivors guilt because he was spared and not his brother.

    Angel goes to the office to get his one day pay. Aurora runs into him and they talk a bit.

    The barrio thug was in it but I forget why, maybe more working with Pintas. Seems the main guy may like Maggie. She does not seem to reciprocate.

    The new partner is introduced at a board meeting. Aurora is stunned to discover it is Antonio.

    Demon's (my new name for him) assistant at the firm has that colorfully dressed secretary over to his place. She is suitably impressed with his digs. They discuss him needing a new cell phone. She excuses herself to use the facilities. Does he delete something from her phone. I'm not sure what is going on here.

    Helena is totally fed up with Demian 's possessiveness and breaks up with him. How dare she! ( The impression I got from Demon's face).

    Hoping that gets the ball rolling for more comments, urban.

  27. Angel. It was so predictable that Patricia would blame Antonio for pushing her out of the car. I think it was neighborhood security cameras that caught that it didn't happen that way. Aurora is the second more mature woman to note that Damian is too controlling. So it's Pintas who sent both anonymous messages? It seems that Aurora is starting to get onto Jezebel. About time! And I'm so glad Helena dumped Damian! How will he take revenge?

  28. El angel
    Kat, thank you for the recap . I didn't realize that Hel broke up with Demon .

    No idea what was going on between Demon's smarmy bff ( who played the sweet youngest brother in Heredos) and the girl from the office . I guess he is up to no good.

    I guess Aurora perked up at the name Angel Gabriel . It was so sweet the way she flashed back to Gabriel as a beautiful baby as she looked at Angel's smiling face . .She definitely has Been feeling the call of the blood when ever she sees him .

    I didn't realize that Pintas was the rapist.

    JC seems to be a loving and devoted father . His son is very handsome.Hopefully, we will see his recovery. I hope JC is a good guy.

    Pat is dreadful. She is so abusive to Briana. She threw the tea B brought her in her face. Yikes ..what a horrible mother.

    Urban, I am sending good vibrations your way. We both have been on this patio for a long time )))))))). Susan

  29. Angel / Aurora #8

    Gracias, Kat.

    I completely agree that JC's attempt at buying friends for Luis is weird, but I think he is sincerely desperate. Things from Wiki:

    Victoria is determined to confess to Ángel that he comes from a wealthy family, but Pascual prevents her because they could go to jail.

    Patricia forbids Briana to mention her painful past and threatens her, Briana cannot understand how her mother can cause herself so much harm. Patricia even became physically abusive.

    Helena sends a text to Ángel to apologize for not answering his messages and asks him to come to the office to make the payment, but inadvertently sends him an image that could be misinterpreted.

    Aurora can't stop thinking about her son when she is near Ángel, he confesses that he will no longer be the model for the campaign since the owner of the commercial requested it.

    I will also call Damian "Demon" from here on. He is a possessive lunatic, as insane as Patricia.

  30. Angel

    Thanks Kat, that was great. You have a good memory. By the next day I’m remembering bits and pieces!

    When Demon’s bf’s assistant was at his apartment, when she returned to the living room he was in a robe. I thought he had been dressed, but I could be wrong.

    Helena broke up with Demon but I don’t think it will last. Aside from Briana having sex with her stepsister’s boyfriend, has she done anything else bad? Her mother is so abusive to her, but Antonio seems to love her.

    Now we know for sure Pintas is trying to get money from Antonio or Aurora. I guess he figures he won’t get caught so they won’t be able to pin the rape on him. I’ve only seen him in Mi Marido no Tiene Familia and didn’t like him in that.

  31. El angel

    Urban , thank you for providing us with all the drama that unfolded in thks episode.

    Well, we have a real morality play...Angel vs Demon.

    As soon as I saw the actor playing Angel in "minas," I knew he would become a galan. He Has such a nice smile , and he looked great in the baseball warm-up shirt. I love those.

    Why did all the employees show up when Demon was harassing Angel?

    Uh oh , looks like Fabrizio will be a thorn in Demon's side . Good!!

    Briana was beaming when Angel walked into her office . So now Angel has two smitten fans ,the brunette and Briana.

  32. Angel

    I'm still not convinced Juventino is the rapist. Maybe Jezebel got Fabriozo to do the deed, in which case Angel and Demon may be half bothers and cousins. I'm also not convinced Antonio isn't the father. I wouldn't put it past Jezebel doctoring those tests. Was DNA common 29 years ago? I'm thinking it's been more like the past 20 years.

    Liz, I disliked the actor playing Pintas in mi marido also. I did like the actor playing Demon in Mi Marido (ironically named Gabriel). It gets hard to separate them from former rolls in my mind as I watch more of the TNs.
