
Thursday, September 26, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 23, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    I'm going to comment here since it's getting late. I didn't care for Mari's dress either but I think her dark red lipstick was the problem. In my completely unfashionable opinion, she should have used pick, like Caye did, and that would have better with the dark blue dress. Or she should just wear red. Josie did look good, but she's still a murdered so no points for her.

    Still so curious to hear what Ale's plan was with Dylan since it seems he's back to being a good guy and not previously on team El Conde.

    Poor Teresa. She's going to be in big trouble for dating a boy and she can't even use Dolores's now-ended pregnancy as a distraction. I mean, sad for Dolores? But we all know it's for the best. I just hope Vio doesn't get in trouble for being a confidant for the girls.


  2. Conde

    I'll comment here also. Is anyone on for tonight's recap? I know Thursday is semi available. I'll take notes again if no one else is doing the recap. K, Mari's hair was pretty tousled also, so overall it was not her best look.

    K: Bratty Dolores will indirectly get Violeta killed. You watch.

    Kat in SC: I think Dondi356 is supposed to be doing the recap for thisevening's episode. I'm not sure!

  4. I was extremely busy all day and out at book club all evening. Not up for a recap. By the way, our group had read and discussed Solito by Javier Zamora, a young man's account of his traveling from El Salvador to San Rafel, California in 1999. He's a poet as well. Lots of good, slangy Spanish in the book, although it is in English.

  5. I watched it, took no notes. Helene is here, knocked out power line to our bump pole. I'm out also....

    Kat in SC: Assuming you or Dondi356 are doing the recap of last night's episode ?

    Novelera: I watched last night & let's just say, I cringed. All I have to say.

  7. conde

    Here are some things I remember from last night's episode:

    Pedro tells Lucrecia that El Conde killed Ruben.

    Vicente, furious that Teresa was dating a "peasant," took his belt and beat her mercilessly. Vio tries to talk sense to him, but to no avail. He probably strikes Vio with his belt as well.

    Mariana and Josie come to blows over whether Josie caused the death of Mari's father. Felipe intervenes to break up the physical fight. Pau comes and takes Mari away.

    I think Dolores reaches out to touch Teresa, who is lying in bed after her beating. In pain, Teresa tells her "Don't touch me!" and "Never speak to me again!"

    I think Mari tells Gerardo that she strongly suspects Josie of poisoning her father. Gerardo is reluctant to go up against Josie, and he asks Mari whether she has proof. Mari asks, "Have you never acted without proof?" I think she mentions Alejandro and also Javier.

    Josie tells Antonio that they have to get rid of Mariana. "She's the only one who could ruin everything," she tells him.

    Vicente goes after Ricardo Jr. I think El Conde intervenes.

    Lucrecia comes to seek El Conde's help. She tells him Vicente has beaten Teresa and locked her in her room.

    Violeta is told her documents are in order. But now she's reluctant to leave. There's something she promised Caye that she has to do. [Probably involving Vicente]

    At the very end of the episode, Ale and Mari stand looking at each other, and Mari leans forward, kisses him, and says "Alejandro, my love."

    1. Juanita: It was Carmen who told El Conde that Jackass Vic beat Teresa.

  8. Conde

    Borrowed a charging block for my phone so I can comment. Pretty sure Caye is going to get those papers they need about the hotel transfer.

    Conde and Mari met at the cabin in the woods.

    OT hurricane Helene
    I may be out of commission for a while tons of trees down all over our small town and only 5 of us on our trunk line so I doubt we will be a priority, add to that the fact that our electric line is the only one that is connected to the line laying across the road so that makes it even less likely we will get power soon.

  9. conde

    Juanita, thank you For the recap. I don't know what the characters are saying except for a few words, so I can only go by the visual. Wow, I didn't know that Jo talked to Antonio about getting rid of Mari, but I am not surprised . I also didn't know that awful Pedro told Lucretia that el conde killed Ruben!!

    That scene of Vic using his belt on Teresa was horrible . I am glad they didn't show the belt hitting Tere and perhaps Vi since she was trying to defend her .

    It looked like Ale and Mari were meeting in their old love shack.

  10. OT

    Oh my, Kat. I am sending you lots of good vibrations )))))))) susan

  11. Conde

    Juanita, thanks for a rundown of the highlights. Poor Teresa. I was late tuning in so missed a lot, but I'm glad I missed Teresa's beating.

    Kat, I hope your power is back soon.

    1. I cringed seeing poor Teresa being beaten like that last night. Made me sick to my stomach. I wonder what other unaired scenes showed last night...... I shudder to think.

  12. conde

    I was surprised that Vic showed up at confess mansion to threaten poor Eric jr. So relieved when Ale popped up to stop Vic.

    Pau was in Jo's bedroom swapping the poisonous plants with safe ones .


    Susan: Slippery Pedro is in a more deeper hole by pinning Ruben's murder on The Count LOL. Like that's going anywhere.

    I saw Snooping Leticia listening to Bratty Dolores' side of the story, while Carmen listens. I should note that Carmen went to the Count's Mansion to meet with Alejandro/Joaquin & meeting with Ricardo, Jr.,

    Speaking of Slick Ric: he needs to MAN UP & do something to protect his son next time because next time Jackass Vic threatens Ricardo, Jr., the Good Guys might NOT make it in time to stop it.

    Kat in SC: Hoping your power is back soon.

    Has anyone heard from Dondi356 ?

  14. conde

    Many thanks to Steve, Kat in SC, and Susan, for additions and corrections to what I was able to recall. And Kat in SC, fingers crossed that Helene fizzles out soon.

  15. conde

    Very busy week for me, I’ve only been able to watch pieces of each episode. The recaps were valuable. Thank you, K, novelera, and Kat. Thanks for the Thursday highlights, Juanita. “Soup of death” was brilliant, K. I hope your power is restored soon, Kat, and everyone stays safe.

    I have the recap tonight and it will be up on Saturday.

  16. OT

    Helene did fizzle out but recovering will take a while. Our local FB page, my current news source, says power may take up to a week to be restored. Last time we tried to use our generator something was wrong with it, and of course we did not get it husband is in Ocean City, MD at the Oceans Calling concert. We worried about weather affecting that and instead interior SC got plummeted. We are near Greenville. Went to bed at 9 p.m. as it is pitch dark by 8.

    We were very lucky though. Other areas seem to be worse off. We have 6 huge trees around our house and no damage to any structures or large limbs came of them. The water oak by the street is the culprit on our downed power line. If power does take a week I won't be able to recap ...

    Dondi356: Looking forward to seeing your full-scale recap of last night's episode. I noticed the preview for Monday's upcoming episode says we're now in Ultimos Capitulos.

  18. conde #60 part 1

    Alejandro, mi amor…

    Ale starts to speak but Mari stops him. Don’t deny it, she says, don’t bother saying you’re not Alejandro. I knew you’d get your answers after watching the film, he replies. Mari has a lot of questions. Why didn’t you tell me? Do you know how much I suffered thinking you were dead all this time? Where have you been? How did you become a count?

    Ale has a question too—now that you know, will you reveal my identity? Of course not, she answers, I want to understand what happened. Ale needs to understand, too. All these years I’ve only asked myself one question he says. Why did you marry Gerardo?

    Josie has Casilda come to her office. She asks her for something fast and deadly. Casilda warns her that poisons like that leave traces. Josie knows her herbs and there is one that won’t. She shows Casilda a list. Casilda is surprised. The ingredients for the Black Shroud? Josie is only missing one item on the list, scopolamine. Can you get it? Casilda shakes her head. I don’t mess with that, she says, that poison causes a painful, horrible death. Count me out.

    Vi opens the bedroom safe and finds the deed that Caye needs.

    Teary Mari starts to explain. You were dead. My father was ill and worried about me. His last wish was for me to get married. Gerardo and I were friends. He had proposed before and I turned him down. Ale feels there’s more to the story. There’s something you’re not telling me, he says. You were willing to take on the world for our love. We planned to run away. She admits there’s more…

    Josie tells Casilda her husband is dying of cancer, and she wants to put him out of his suffering. Casilda doesn’t budge. She won’t sell Josie the herbs. Dylan comes into the room. Casilda greets him on her way out, it’s great to see you looking so healthy, Señor. She shoots Josie a nasty look and leaves.

    Dylan asks Josie, who is she? Some poor woman I’ve helped a few time, she replies. She came to thank me. Dylan says, I asked about you earlier but was told you’d gone out. Josie lies, yes, I stopped at distillery to make sure Mariana didn’t cause a disaster. But I’m back now to spoil [poison?] you. [I have holes in my viewing, but I think Dylan knows Josie went to see Antonio at the brothel. Is that correct?]

    The SJ DA, Lopez Verdia, is at the Count’s estate. Memo tells him there’s a man who claims that Alejandro Gaitan did not die in the fire at Piedras Rojas and that he was taken to La Isla de Los Dolores, where he later died. The DA asks why didn’t this man speak out before? He was afraid for his life, Memo replies. The Count protected him so he could testify.

    Lopez wants to know who gave the order. Memo motions for the man, Lozada, to come in. Lozada answers that they were very powerful people. He had no choice but to obey. Alejandro’s case was fixed to get him out of SJ and make him disappear. He got out of Piedras Rojas alive. Lopez asks, then who is buried in Gaitan’s grave? Lozada explains it was a guard who wanted to help Ale and he paid for it with his life. Lopez wants the names of all those powerful people.

    Lucrecia holds her locket. Quick flashback: she tells Ale the locket contains a pic of her nephew, Pedro, whom she loves like a son. She is now bitter that Ale kept info about Pedro from her. She feels she can no longer trust the Count and that Pedro was right. She decides to help her nephew.

    Bag packed, Carmen tells Leticia she’s going to live with the Count. There are many things you don’t know, she says. Leticia knows it all. Carmen is the mother of Dolores and Teresa and Vic’s ex-wife. Carmen is shocked and worried. Leticia assures her no one else knows. She admires Carmen and tells her she will always have a home at the atelier.

  19. conde #60 part 2

    Ale asks again, why did you marry Gerardo? Why did you marry the man who ruined my life? I didn’t know, Mari replies, I asked him to help you and I [stupidly] thought he had. When David started investigating your story, I learned there were things Gerardo kept from me. Ale continues pressing Mari with his burning question. What made you marry him? Mariana, please…

    I can’t tell you, Mari tearfully answers. For years, I believed you hadn’t cared for my love, Ale says, but as soon as I came near you, I felt there was more to it. I’m sure you never stopped loving me. All I ask now is you tell me the truth.

    Mari admits, I never stopped loving you. I resigned myself to losing you. I wept at a grave I thought belonged to you. When I finally found peace, I met you as the Count. In time, I fell in love. I felt guilty because I thought that Joaquin had displaced Alejandro. Now that you know, Ale says, I hope to hear the truth. [beg, Ale, beg for the truth just like others begged you for it.] She can’t bring herself to tell him about David and leaves.

    Carmen has arrived at the Count’s. Memo gives her the name of a lawyer. It’s important you tell him all that Vic did to you, he says, and tell him about Alejandro Gaitan’s case.

    Caye tells Lu that Vic almost killed Carmen and then he took her daughters away. Lu thinks it’s good the Count offered to help her. Carmen enters the room and Caye is ready to give Carmen a makeover for the new chapter of her life. A look of confidence that says she’s a strong, determined woman.

    David meets with DA Lopez. Lopez has some shocking news for him. I spoke to the former warden of Piedras Rojas, who was in charge while Alejandro Gaitan was there. Yes, David remembers, he [Ale] died in a fire there. Lopez says Warden Lozada told a different story. We were fooled. The man buried in the cemetery is not Alejandro Gaitan. David is stunned.

    Nanny brings Mari tea and asks her why she didn’t tell Ale the truth about David. No way, Mari replies, what if Ale wants to tell the truth to David? Gerardo would go crazy. He’s capable of anything! And what about David? Would he forgive me? Nanny thinks so. You’re his mother and he knows you love him. [maybe so, but it’s not that simple, Nanny.]

    A desperate Dylan makes a surprise visit to speak with Mari. I don’t know where to start, he says, but you look like someone I can trust. He gets right to the point. Do you think your stepmother is capable of committing a crime? Mari takes a breath and wonders why he’s asking. Please, just answer my question, Dylan begs, is she capable of killing someone? Mari answers, Dylan, I think… actually, I’m certain that Josie poisoned my father. He looks horrified.

    Another lottery drawing. The winner is not present. The Count invites the attendees to go and enjoy the complementary drinks. The crowd disperses, but Caye sticks around. Vic tries to apologize to Ale about roughing up Ric Jr. Ale stops him and says, I ask as your partner, that we don’t let things get personal. Don’t go to my home to make a scene again.

    Caye speaks up. It’s nice to be back after my difficult stay in the capital in search of my childhood memories. Vic is surprised, he thought she went for other reasons. Caye says she was born there but hardly has any memories of it. Ale steps in and asks her, are you sure it’s time to talk about this? I wouldn’t want you to be sad.

    Why would you be sad, Vic asks. Ale steps in again—Cayetana suffered a traumatic experience as a child. Her doctors say that’s why she has no childhood memories. Caye recounts, my earliest memory is my arrival to Spain on a boat from Mexico. Can you imagine a 10 year old traveling alone? Vic’s jaw drops.

  20. conde #60 part 3

    Flashback: Amelia, it’s your turn to lose, Vic tells the little girl, this is your first lesson as an orphan. Life isn’t fair. Amelia shouts back, you’re a bad man! Right, Vic growls, but we’re going to the port where I’ll get rid of you! Let’s go!

    Caye continues while staring at Vic, imagine what it’s been like to remember that. Vic hesitantly asks, and… you traveled on a boat to Spain by yourself? I was placed on a boat in Veracruz, she replies. Vic fishes in dangerous waters—who would have done such a thing? Caye looks at Ale, who shakes his head not to reveal the truth. Caye says she doesn’t know, but whoever it was must have been a heartless bastard. Vic starts to hyperventilate.

    Flashback: Amelia screams for her dad. Where are you?! Vic shouts, shut up! Your dad isn’t coming back because I killed him! Understand? I killed him!

    Vic looks sick. Caye and Ale ask him if he’s okay. Vic says the smell of varnish is making him dizzy. [no, Vic, it’s the stench of your rotten soul.] And of course, he’s been overwhelmed by Caye’s sad story. He excuses himself.

    Caye is distressed and Ale asks her what’s wrong. The bastard admitted it, he told me, she recalls. He killed my father.

    Mari apologizes to Dylan for being blunt. It’s fine, he says, I asked. He wants to know how she can be sure her father was poisoned. Do you have proof? She doesn’t. But, Mari says, my father was a healthy man. He suddenly took ill, and the doctor never figured it out. He grew weaker and then he passed.

    Dylan grasps at straws of hope. If your father was older, it makes sense if he got sick. Mari shakes her head. It was all too strange. My father wouldn’t have left me unprotected. Mari explains that a portion of her father’s fortune once belonged to her mother. She was named her mother’s heir. When her father passed, Josie claimed herself as the sole heir and had a will to support it. Poor Dylan grasps again and thinks the will makes it true. Mari relates that expert told her the will was falsified. Josefina claims to know nothing, she says and adds, but who benefits the most?

    Dylan has one more question, what do you think of Antonio? Mari doesn’t hold back—they’re lovers. Dylan gasps—what?! Mari recalls, Antonio has been with Josefina since she was with my father. He’s always been by her side, helping her, keeping her secrets… Dylan interrupts to say Antonio doesn’t work with Josie anymore. Mari asks, are you sure? Would Josie allow that? There are people who knew about this before my father’s death. A stricken Dylan sinks back into the sofa.

    DA Lopez says he plans to visit La Isla. Since there was such a coverup, he doesn’t trust anyone else to investigate. David asks to be kept informed. Lopez reminds David this is sensitive information. Don’t breathe a word of it to your father. David says his father would disown him if he found out he was involved.

    Lopez thinks David is brave and he trusts him. David asks, who put together the plot against Alejandro? Why are you so worried about my father finding out? I think you already know the answer, Lopez replies, that why I want to visit La Isla. I need concrete evidence.

    Vic has the bedroom safe opened and is looking at photos. There’s one of him with the Altimiranos. He asks himself, Amelia, is that you?

    Caye tells Ale about the memory she repressed. The one that kept her from her past. Ale asks her if she wants her doctor. No, she replies, I don’t need one. I finally know what happened. She sobs as she recounts the horror.

  21. conde #60 part 4

    Vi walks into the bedroom and comments on the disarray. Vic shouts, I can’t find the documents! What documents, Vi asks. He yells, the deed to the hotel! He accuses Vi, and grabs her. We’re the only ones who know the combination to the safe! It was you! Vi plays dumb. I wouldn’t steal from you, I’m your wife! She says maybe it was in the hotel safe and the thieves took it. Vic is certain the deed was at home. We see Dolores is listening in.

    Ale tells Caye he was sure Vic killed her father. Caye wants Vic to pay. He will, Ale promises, as soon as we have the documents we need. It’s not enough for Caye. I want Vicente to experience what I’m experiencing now, she says. Ale assures, he will lose everything. Just remember we need to keep a cool head.

    Vic raises his hand to strike Vi. Dolores rushes in and comes between them. Don’t hit Violeta! What’s the matter with you? He gives Dolores a shake and tells her to stay out of this. Dolores stands firm. I’m leaving, but I’m taking Violeta with me! I won’t let you beat her like you did before! Dolores and Vi leave. [redemption of Dolores has begun.]

    Nanny is shocked that Mari dropped the bombs on the gringo. No point in lying, Mari says, I don’t want Dylan to go through the same as my dad. Nanny replies, your father realized the truth, but he couldn’t do anything before he died.

    Mari clarifies it for Nanny—Josie poisoned him. Nanny worries for Mari’s safety. Mari isn’t worried. Josie wouldn’t take that chance. I feel like my eyes have opened for the first time, she tells Nanny. So many lies, so many secrets.

    Ale and Memo talk about Caye’s situation and revenge on Vic. Ale notes Vic lost the poppy farms and the money he gave to Pedro for investment. He’s spending a fortune on the hotel. Memo adds there’s Dolores’ wedding. Ale has an admission, he never planned on letting the wedding happen. I wouldn’t let an innocent woman marry a criminal.

    Memo is happy that’s confirmed. He notes that Ric found the coins that prove Pedro is a murderer. Ale replies, as soon as we find the weapon he used to kill Ruben, he’ll face the authorities. And the wedding will be called off.

    Memo asks about Mari. Ale says she knows who I am. Memo asks, did you tell her everything? No, Ale replies, I tried, but I couldn’t. Then I asked her why she married Gerardo. I understand she was following her father’s last wish. But I’m sure there’s more to it. She’s hiding something. Maybe she doesn’t want to tell me she loves Gerardo. Memo reminds Ale that Mari wanted a divorce and that she has always been in love with him. Ale can’t shake the thought that there’s something else.

    Dylan is still reeling over Mari’s revelations. Josie enters the room and asks him why he didn’t come to breakfast. She doesn’t even know when he got home yesterday. He tells her he’s thinking about traveling to Boston. She’s surprised. I have matters to attend to, he says. [a matter of his life or death.]

    Josie senses something is wrong and asks, why are you acting like this? He claims he’s fine, it’s just a business trip. When are you going, she asks, when are you coming back? I’ll leave after the grand opening of the hotel, he replies, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back. Josie wants to know if she’s done anything to upset him. He asks, do I have any reason to be upset? She shakes her head no.

    Pau and Mari come to the Count’s estate. Pau hands Memo the herbs she took from Josie. She says that Mari warned Dylan, but they are still afraid of what Josie might do. Mari hopes that these herbs will help prove that Josie poisoned her father. Memo says they will consult with the Medical Examiner. Mari asks to speak with the Count, but Memo says he’s not there.

  22. conde #60 part 5

    Mari asks Memo, you knew, didn’t you? You’ve been with him for a long time. Pau tries to stop her. Mari continues, I didn’t forget him, Guillermo. I visited his grave countless times. Had I known he was alive, I would have sought him out. I would have left it all for him.

    Memo fumbles for an answer, I believe you, but… uh… there are things you don’t know. Things the Count went through, his suffering…. Pau shocked. What? So, it’s true? Alejandro didn’t die? We attended his burial. His mother was there. Not for me to answer, Memo says, that’s for the Count to say.

    Felipe comes to Gerardo. My mother was deeply affected by your threat, he says. I don’t threaten people, Gerardo replies, if you mother committed a crime, she has to pay. Felipe offers a weak defense of his mom. Gerardo shouts, enough! Josie falsified Benny’s will. We know that. Felipe claims that Josie didn’t kill Benny and that Mari is crazy.

    Gerardo slams the desk. He’s done listening to the same song! ¡La misma cantaleta! Felipe backs off saying he just wanted to reason with him. Besides, you, my mother and I have always helped each other. Felipe plays his card, or rather a photo of Cordelia. He found it but hasn’t shown it to Mari yet. Gerardo rises out of his seat.

    Where did you get that, Gerardo asks, did you go through my things? Felipe responds, she’s your mistress, right? Gerardo pulls Felipe into a bear hug. He warns, don’t go through my things again! You think you can blackmail me with that photo?

    Felipe apologizes. Gerardo’s had enough of Felipe. It’s time to stop being a mama’s boy and decide. Side with me or your mom. He adds, side with me if you know what’s good for you.

    Mari and Pau cross paths with Caye. Mari congratulates Caye on the movie. I enjoyed it, she says, it was thought provoking. Caye asks how is that? Mari answers, about the bad decisions we make in our youth out of inexperience and fear. As time goes by, we pay the consequences of our actions.

    Caye says the movie was a comedy. It was more than that and we both know it, Mari replies. I didn’t like the ending. True love didn’t prevail. Pau tries to stop where this is headed. Caye notes the male lead stays with the woman who always loved him. Mari begs to differ. He settled, that’s not love. Fortunately, in the real world, we can change the ending to our story. Mari and Pau leave.

    The new and improved Carmen chats with Leticia. Lety wishes Carmen had confided in her so she could have helped. Carmen says, I was ashamed, because of all the horrible things Vicente did to you. You lost your hacienda because of him.

    Lety tells her not to feel guilty over what Vic did. Carmen is very worried for Tere. She tells Lety that the Count has a lawyer that will open a case against Vic. Soon he will pay. Only thing is the girls will lose the life of luxury they enjoyed. Lety says what matters is that they will have you, their mother. Carmen worries again. What will the girls think when they find out?

  23. conde #60 part 6

    Tere tries to leave the house to see Ric Jr. Vi stops her, it’s too dangerous. Tere is determined. Vi tries to reason with her. Dolores enters with a peace offering from the French bakery. Tere refuses it. Dolores realizes she made a mistake and she apologizes. Tere turns her head.

    Dolores mentions her doctor’s appointment. She was never pregnant. It was a hormonal imbalance. She’s sad there was no baby. Tere snaps, stop trying to gain pity. Should I forget the beating I took because of you? Violeta, too. Dolores says her father will get over it once she marries Francisco. Vi doesn’t think Vic will get over it. She tells the girls she needs to go out with Luisito. She asks Vi where she’s going. Just a few errands, Vi replies, I’ll be back soon. Is Dolores suspicious?

    Caye tells Ale that Mari was there looking for him. It seemed important. She also talked about the movie; she didn’t like the ending. She obviously knows. Ale says yes, Mari knows. Caye asks, what will happen between you? Will you get back together? Ale doesn’t know. There’s a lot to talk about. Caye thinks he’s scared because he still loves Mari.

    Felipe brings Josie the news from Gerardo. He wants to investigate her. Felipe panics, if he finds out you poisoned Benny, you and I will go to prison! Josie scoffs, Gerardo can’t take on such a scandal. He’s got no evidence, and I gave Mari half the company. Felipe can’t take much more. Josie tells him to be smart and make Gerardo think he’s on his side. Then he will trust you.

    Memo speaks with Lozada. Lozada says he told Lopez the whole truth. He mentioned Villarreal, but he [Lopez] still has doubts. Memo is confident Lopez will discover the truth. He tells Lozada to stay at the designated location. If Gerardo finds him, he will be in danger. He gives Lozada money.

    Ramiro comes to Gerardo. Gerardo says Vic’s grand hotel opening is tomorrow. It’s his chance to end that bastard. His glory days are over. They drink to that. Gerardo says, here’s what you’re going to do…

    Josie goes shopping and this time, she improves on her disguise with a kerchief on her head in addition to sunglasses. She approaches a different curandera with her list. The woman says she doesn’t have those herbs. Josie asks, are you sure? I pay well. Josie shows her the money. We can work something out. The woman takes it and smiles.

    And we are out. Yes, it’s últimos capítulos!

    Dondi356: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoyed reading your super long recap of last night's episode😃.

    *Getting a bad vibe what Scumbag Villarreal & Hitman Ramiro are planning regarding Jackass Vic's grand hotel opening.

    *Those flashbacks of young Amelia (AKA Cayatena) are sad. If I was the executive producer, this Telenovela should've been about Cayatena instead.

    *Annoying Lucrecita is FUCKING STUPID. What an ASSHOLE! Helping Slippery Pedro, who will eventually kill her old ass ? Idiot!

    *Bratty Dolores is still Bratty Dolores! Those Karma anvils better be good.

    *Still scared for Carmen & Paulina.

    *Buji Joise still plotting to kill both Harrison & Blabbermouth Mariana.

  25. conde

    Thanks SO much for your terrific recap, dondi. Loved Vic's "stench of his rotten soul".

    They sure are working on frustrating Viewerville. We get the excellent scene of Mari kissing Ale and telling him she knows who he is. And she even felt guilty for falling for Joaquín. But she held onto the fact of David's parentage. What she said to Nanny bothered me, the idea that Ale would tell David, who would then tell Gerardo, causing World War III. David has more than demonstrated his ability to keep his lip zipped.

    The actor playing Dylan Harrison was very good in last night's episode. His reaction to what Mari told him was just right. And his subsequent scene with Josie, where all that devotion is missing, was also well done. But he probably should have not said anything about leaving soon and just gotten out of Dodge without even seeing her again.

    So, it seems to appear that the hints that Caye might have been sexually abused aren't true. I suspect he put her on that boat because he's the father of daughters. It would have been easier to kill her too.

    ITA about the writers giving Dolores some lines suggesting she's not completely selfish (redemption). She regrets outing her sister's relationship with Ric Jr., and the resultant beating.

    I find it interesting that what we're learning about the movie is only from subsequent talks between the characters. I was a bit confused by the remark about "settling" for some man. Are we to assume the movie showed the heroine marrying someone (Ger) because the hero went to prison?

    Really liked "new and improved Carmen". She did look great with that hairstyle.

    They sort of hinted that Josie may have gotten the herbs (the ones Pau replaced) from Casilda. But Ale warned her to never give anyone poison. So it seems that current recipe Josie got from the "Encyclopedia of Death" was a bridge too far for Casilda. I had the impression that maybe Josie might be trying to poison Mari now. Hard to do when you don't live in the same house.

  26. Conde
    Dondi. Thanks for the play by play. I could picture every scene in my mind (well except for Lozado, I don't remember that character). It gave me a welcome story to read in day 2 without power.
    Tomorrow I will hunt for gasoline for my neighbor that can't leave there county road due to trees down. They have a generator so I've gone over there twice to recharge my phone.

  27. conde

    Yup, you've done it again, dondi: another extraordinary, superlative recap! MANY thanks!! Your detailed discussion clarified a few things that had puzzled me, and of course I loved all your wonderful side comments.

    One thing I still don't understand is the result of the second raffle. I thought Vicente had swapped the tickets to insure that he would be the winner. As far as I can recall, Vicente was present at the drawing. So why wasn't he declared the winner? And if somehow he wasn't the winner, why wasn't he very surprised and upset? I guess I missed something, but I'm not sure what.

    I was surprised that in her flashback, Caye remembers Vicente telling her that he killed her father, and that he even repeated this statement. IIRC, Caye was 10 when this happened. Would Vicente reallty have been so reckless as to admit this to a 10-year-old? I can see him doing so to a crying three-year-old, but....

    So apparently Dolores was not pregnant. She simply had a hormonal imbalance. Does a hormonal imbalance cause repeated nausea?

    Yes, dondi, I think you're right. The redemption of Dolores has begun. Miracles do happen.

    Wow, even Casilda has more moral scruples than Josefina. I wonder whether a transformation will follow for Ramiro. (No, probably not.)

    So...when will Gerardo find out/figure out that David is not his biological son? And what will happen then? My guess is that Mari is going to have to tell Ale in time for him to rescue David from whatever Gerardo is likely to do. Or will it be David saving El Conde from Gerardo? Or?? (Let's hear it for últimos capítulos!)

  28. conde

    Donde, wow, thank you so much for providing every moment. I also loved your side comments.

    So, Caye called the movie " a comedy"..really ?I

    I was surprised that Dolores put herself between Vic and Vi to protect Vi. I suppose she will redeem herself by the time both Vic and Pedro fall.

    Carmen looked so pretty with some makeup and the lovely dress. Yay, Caye

    We haven't gotten much romance unlike Fernando's past novelas.

    I am amazed at all the dresses wardrobe has produced for his show . The budget must have been huge.

    OT..donde ..I am still watching Amid Prohibition. Yikes. Susan

  29. Conde
    I'm confused about the hotel ownership. I thought Conde bought the hotel from Vic, or does he have multiple hotels?

  30. conde

    Kat, I could definitely be wrong, but I think Ale bought the hotel in Mexico City from Vicente (and then had Ric steal back the money he paid). I think the hotel opening they're referring to is the one in San Jacinto, the one where Pedro has been staying. I remember Ale bleeding Vic dry insisting on very expensive art as decorations and some decorating expenses as well. I think the hotel opening they refer might be the grand re-opening of the San Jacinto hotel, with all the improvements.

  31. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. Fantastic recap. Loved your commentary, especially "[beg, Ale, beg for the truth just like others begged you for it.]"

    Looks like Viewerville will never learn why Ale had Josie marry Dylan, putting that poor man in jeopardy.

    Cayetana's movie was a comedy? Funny, I don't remember the audience laughing at all.

    Dolores is growing up a bit, just as she's about to get the biggest shocks of her life. Seeing Vic beat Teresa has opened her eyes. I'd like to see her rethink marrying Pedro.

  32. Conde
    I used my Phone last night to watch this episode. Kudos to At&t, during this historic catastrophic event they are not charging for data overages (already have unlimited but it was nice of them for others that don't). Also for the wonders of YouTube TV that saved it in a library I can access and FF through commercials.

    I wonder if the raffle ballot box was stuffed with the fake tickets and they all have the same number, Vic's. Maybe he will have someone on his payroll (Xiao?) or some underling that he thinks has less of a chance to be identified as one of his come forward to claim it.

    Yesterday I tried to get gas 20 miles away. At two stations I got to the pump and one gave me $.22 worth, the next station gave me nothing. After waiting in line at both. I decided it was not meant to be. We have a generator but no fuel and last time my husband tried to start it he was unsuccessful. He returns tonight from his Oceans Calling band concert so I will have company again at night. My son's place 30 minutes away now has power. My daughter's, also 30 minutes away, does not., I babysit her children so today I go there and get to entertain a 1 and 5 y.o. without power. They love being outside so it will be fine.

    Recappers, can someone take on Wednesday night for me? I doubt we will have power before the weekend. I'll let you know if things change.

  33. OT
    Wow, Kat, you are really hanging in there. I hope your power comes on soon..

  34. conde

    Thanks everyone.

    “Those Karma anvils better be good.” I’ll co-sign that, Steve. I would like it if Josie poisons herself by accident. But I’ll settle for someone switching out the “soup of death”.

    I feel bad saying this, but I don’t feel the heat between Ale and Mari. I never really did. Is this by design? The story is in the 50s but we aren’t.

    novelera, I’m glad Caye didn’t suffer sexual abuse. “I suspect he put her on that boat because he's the father of daughters.” That could be. Vic could have had a henchie kill the girl.

    About the movie: I guess Ale had a hand in every aspect of it. I didn’t quite understand the “settling” comment either. And I was surprised Caye called it a comedy. I think that’s what I heard.

    Juanita, “My guess is that Mari is going to have to tell Ale in time for him to rescue David…” I think that’s a good guess. Mari needs to be forced to tell the truth.

    Susan, I love the wardrobe choices for this TN, the women and the men. It’s one of the best things about the show. I’ll second the “Yikes” on “Amor Prohibido”. Wait until the end.

    Since there’s been discussion about the ladies’ make up, I went to Google. It seems the red lipstick and the cat eye liner was a style in the 50s.

    About the hotel ownership: novelera is correct, Ale bought Hotel Altimirano, which should belong to Caye. I could be wrong, but I thought Vic was building a brand-new grand hotel in SJ.

    Niecie, I also want to learn why Ale had Josie marry Dylan. Dylan didn’t deserve that.

  35. OT for Kat

    Kat, I’m sorry for your troubles, I hope you all recover soon. I can do a Wednesday recap. It will probably be shorter than my usual and it will be up on Thursday.

  36. conde

    Dondi, since I was alive and wearing lipstick in the late 50s, I can simply say that yes, women wore lipstick in the 50s, but not in what seems to me the over-the-top way we see in this novela. As I've said before, the use of lipstick in the novela (esp. with Caye and Mari) reminds me more of the way a circus clown might use it.

    Dondi356: The expletive STUPIDITY of Dumbass Lucrecita wanting to help Slippery Pedro is going to BACKFIRE on her stupid ass. That old goat will indirectly get folks killed. You mark my words!
