
Thursday, September 26, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Sept. 23, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start Monday, Sept. 30th at 9PM!!!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. FUGITIVAS has its gran estreno this week! Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has its GRAN FIN on Thursday!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas – GRAN ESTRENO WEEK: Ep. 4 (Thursday)

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: GRAN FIN (Thursday)

8-10PM – Fugitivas; Ep. 5-6 (Friday)

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. Oops, that should be episode 4, I've already lost track and I finished typing while watching Marea de pasiones


    Thank you for the fantastic recap Kat!

    "Martha tries to reconnect with her son who pretty much hates her. Turns out she killed his father. ( I'm thinking it was a case of domestic abuse)." I hadn't understood that pivotal dialog so appreciate your noting that. So now we know why Martha was incarcerated. I bet you are exactly right that she killed him in self defense.

    Thank you for noting Martha's DIL is Carmen and Matias is her grandson.

    So many close calls; I wonder how much longer the girls' luck will hold out?

    I believe it came out that Ish had an affair with Lorena (I don't know if Ish told them himself) but regardless, Patricio and Nicolas now know and Patricio is very unhappy about it. I imagine Florencia (who is already suspicious) will soon hear about it as well.

    Two hours tomorrow. Ack.



    Great cliffhanger for Ep. 4 although of course for they would escape somehow.

    One of the 5 fugitivas left is not in the opening credits so safe to say she'll get caught soon.

    Martha for sure didn't kill her husband intently hence she got released, already invested on the storyline with her son


    A big thanks to everyone who visited the patio and commented. It was appreciated.

    The time has come to turnoff the lights and put this novela to bed.

    Page #1

    1. At the hospital, Camila's family is told that her cancer is advancing much more quickly than expected and that she could die at any time.

    2. Roberta proposes to Ana on the beach and offers her a ring. Ana doesn't take it or give her an answer and leaves.

    3. At the hospital, Zaid wonders why the Bernal brothers have come to pay him a visit. Zaid tries to make a joke and Felipe wonders if he will be laughing wen he is transferred to the hospital at the penitentiary. He explains that there is a girl who has accused him for drug trafficking and prostitution. There is evidence.Zaid insists he has never been involved in either of those things. He will let his lawyer take care of it. Felipe tells him it is not that easy. They also have a video of Zaid confessing to four murders. Then there is the money he made from illicit activities and tax evasion. Zaid cannot see being charged for the goofy things that stupid Beatriz did. Felipe warns him not to mention his wife again or he will be the one who kills him. Felipe adds that several life sentences await him. Zaid chuckles and predicts that both of them will be swallowing their words. Marcelo says that is to be seen.

    4. Zaid calls Helena. He says she was right. He has nobody. She thinks that he must be pretty bad off to call the person who shot him. He tells her that they need each other. He reminds her she has no money. He wants her to help him escape from the hospital. He will give her so much money she will never be able to spend it all in a lifetime. Marcelo will never know. She is sure that nobody will ever know because Zaid's plan is to kill her when he escapes. He denies that. He only wants to get out of there and she can go away with her money. It can be a win-win. She hangs up on him.

    5. Ana is upset and goes home to talk to Luisa. She tells her that Roberta is free and that she proposed to her. Ana is worried if they take their relationship to the next level, they will be exposing themselves to those who would discriminate against them. She is worried about something bad happening to Roberta. Luisa says it is normal for her to be upset because she is about to take the most important step in her life. Luisa tells her not to let the love of her life get away. She isn't doing anything bad. She is a lover and not a hater. Ana smiles and thanks her.

  5. MAREA Page #2

    6. A masked Helena in the proper scrubs waltzes right by the police officers assigned to guard Zaid. She follows an orderly with a laundry basket full of sheets. The orderly follows her into Zaid's room. There is some poor soul unconscious under the sheets in the laundry basket. They have stripped him of his clothes which Helena gives to Zaid in a plastic bag. Zaid puts them on. They put the unconscious man in Zaid's bed and wheel Zaid out in the laundry basket to freedom. One of the officers checks on Zaid and sees a man with dark hair in the bed.

    7. Shortly afterwards, Felipe is notified that Zaid has escaped. He tells Marcelo, Luisa and his mother that Zaid was to be transferred to the penitentiary hospital but managed to bribe an orderly first who facilitated his escape. Felipe says they know absolutely nothing else. Marcelo and Luisa are frustrated. María is afraid he will come after them.

    8. Helena has gotten Zaid a boat. She has all of his money for him in a backpack. He starts to count it looking for any way she might have stolen some from him. She looks incredulous but then asks him how his leg is doing. He calls her stupid and asks her if she cannot see that he is not doing well. They did a bad job sewing him up. Helena smiles. She asks for her cut. he insists he will give it to her once they are at sea. He asks for the gun. She takes it out of her purse and points it at him. She seems to enjoy seeing him back up and not sure of her but turns it over to him. He asks if it has bullets. She says it has one.She suggest they leave. He points the gun at her and tells her to get out of there. She smiles saying that she already knew he was going alone.
    She turns and leaves. He puts the gun in the back of his pants. He smiles and breathes a big sigh of relief.He starts the motor.

    9. Helena calls Marcelo to let him know that Zaid is escaping by boat. She tells him she put a GPS on Zaid's boat. We see her placing the GPS on the boat. Marcelo is concerned this all might be a trap she is setting for him. She tells him to trust her this one last time.

    10. Marcelo tells the others the news from Helena. Felipe and María are worried that Helena is Zaid's accomplice. Marcelo doesn't want Felipe calling the police. He wants to handle this on his own. Felipe knows there is no stopping him but asks him to keep them in the loop. Marcelo tells a terrorized Luisa she is not going with him.

  6. MAREA Page #3

    11. As Zaid is cruising along, it looks like fuel has been leaking out of the boat. The engine suddenly stops. We see that earlier that Helena made a hole in the fuel tank with a screwdriver and a hammer. Zaid's leg has started bleeding again. He falls on the deck and tries to reach his backpack but he is in too much pain. Money starts blowing into the sea. He starts laughing saying he won. He got all of Marcelo's money and his girl and his daughter. He was always better than Alejandro. He continues laughing as the boat drifts.

    12. Helena goes to see Isela. Isela opens the door and announces that Sofía and has returned. Helena says she doesn't remember her because she was so very little when this all happened. She is sorry. Isela tells her there is nothing wrong. She needn't worry.It is normal. Isela invites her in and offers her a seat.Helena apologizes saying she just wanted to meet her. She cannot stay long. She has to go. Isela knows that. Isela ants to tell her so many things. She never forgot her eyes. In those beautiful eyes, she sees her little girl and recognizes her Sofía. Helena says she is no longer that little girl. Life has treated her very badly. It changed her a lot. Now she is a woman full of hatred and so very much resentment. Isela always wanted to see her come through that door and today she is here. Helena smiles through her tears as Isela tells her she is a beautiful woman. A smiling Isela thanks her. Helena assures her she is fine and is going to be just fine. She promises her. Isela agrees with her and adds that she, too, is going to be just fine and better with each passing day because she knows that she is alive. Isela tells Sofía that this doesn't end here. She loves her and wants her to know that this place is also her place.
    She belongs here.Isela knows what she is going through and that she has to go but she will be there for her, always for there for her daughter. Helena dries her tears and insists she has to get going. Sobbing she repeats herself and leaves. Isela is left crying. but then she smiles.

    13. Marcelo tracks Zaid down. He hears Zaid calling out for help. Marcelo tells him to turn himself in. Zaid sees it is Marcelo and asks how he found him. Marcelo says that Helena put a GPS on the boat. Zad says that Marcelo must known that jail is not an option for him. He takes out his gun He points it at Marcelo who tells him he has no other choice. Zaid wonders why Marcelo hasn't killed him after everything he did to him. Marcelo explains that he is not a murderer. He says that Zaid knows that. Although they were not family, Marcelo loved like a brother. He took care of his daughter and Luisa. So, now it is his turn. Marcelo tells him that Luisa is expecting Zaid's baby. Zaid accuses him of ling. Marcelo disagrees. If Zaid shoots him, the baby will have a dead father and a father in jail. Zaid hopes that Natalia, Luisa and his baby can forgive him.He shoots himself in the head and falls overboard.

    14. Helena vists Cris. He doesn't recognize her. She introduces herself as his daughter.He disagrees saying he was never blessed with children. She asks if he would not have wanted to have a daughter like her.He smiles and says of course. He says how pretty she is and calls her Helena. That is what her name would be: Helena. He loves that She starts to cry. She loves the name he chose for her. She smiles. He says there is something magical in the way you pronounce that name. It always makes his heart happy. She tells him he isALL heart. He laughs. She calls him a great man. He tells her how pretty she is.He announces he is very tired and is going to sleep for a while. She agrees and father and daughter cuddle.

  7. MAREA Page #4

    15. Luisa goes to the jail to pick up Beatriz who is grateful to Luisa for having gotten her out. Felipe appears with flowers to welcome her. They hug and kiss. Both are overjoyed never to be separated again. They love each other. Isela is also there to greet her.

    16. Marcelo is working on selling the eco-resort project to some investors. He explains that Nayarit is much more than just a beautiful place to visit. There is the culture, the extensive gastronomy and the beautiful people. He is successful and they sign on to be a part of the project.

    17. Ana and Roberta get married in a seaside ceremony on the beach. Marcelo and Natalia, with her newborn in her arms, are the witnesses. Everyone is there even Camila.

    18. Later, Natalia wants to see her little sister Leonor. Marcelo says she is right there. Natalia gives him a little kiss. Isela asks to hold the baby.

    19. Felipe has been named the new prosecutor. Beatriz is in medical school.Rita and Alfonso are together. He is still in a wheel chair. They are seriously thinking of adopting a baby from the orphanage. Beatriz asks Felipe about having a baby. He answers whenever she wants to. Iñaki is taking good care of Camila. Ana and Roberta are about to leave for their honeymoon. Santiago tells them how happy he is for them. He tells Ana their parents would be so proud of her. She says they would also be proud of him.He even apologizes to Roberta and welcomes her to the family with a hug.

    20. María tells Cris she has had the best harvest of oranges that she has had in years. The are perfect for her new wine cake. She tries to remember the recipe but Cris beats her to it with precise list of ingredients and measurements. She suddenly realizes that Cris is back. He tells her she is the most beautiful woman on the planet. He is so lucky she is his novia, his life, his light, his everything. he tells her not to be sad. She explains that he is more lucid than ever and she is afraid. She remembers the doctor telling her that Alzheimer's patients can have terminal lucidity which means that they have complete lucidity days or even hours before they die. Cris encourages her to enjoy the moment and they dance. María tells him that she loves him and she wants him to know she will always be telling him that over and over again. He assures her that even if he is not himself, he will love to hear it.They kiss.

  8. MAREA Page #5

    21. Camila tells Iñaki that she has had an incredible life. She found love without looking for it. Iñaki agrees saying that she turned his life into the loveliest life he could have ever had. He suggests they take a trip to Mexico City now that she is feeling better. He talks about all they can do as she caresses his face.

    22. Luisa and Marcelo bring Natalia and the baby to their favorite place on the beach. It has been their favorite since they were novios. Natalia asks if it can be her favorite, too. Marcelo says of course. Natalia smiles and then laughs just thinking about everything they had to go through to end up back there at their favorite place. Marcelo says sometimes you have to overcome obstacles. Luisa adds that they never lost hope. They always knew they were going to end up like this: together. They thank each other. Natalia asks what about them. Marcelo tells her that their children are the most important things in the universe to them. They all love each other.


  9. MAREA
    Another suicide! That was a shocker but we were spared trials and the requisite violent jail scenes for Juan and Zaid. That was okay fo me.

    My favorite scene tonight was Isela and Helena talking. Isela understood Helena more than she ever knew.

    My second favorite scene was Zaid shooting himself in the head and being propelled overboard.

    This turned out to be a very enjoyable melodrama for me. I am glad I didn’t give up on it. It had plenty of twists and turns and told a good story without having to cook anyone in a tanning bed. That being said, I was disappointed in the way the writers created the character of Marcelo. They made him consistently angry for too long and turned him into a one dimensional character for most of the novela. They wasted the talent of Matías Novoa. I enjoyed seeing Nayarit.

    Jarifa: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Awesome job with the recap of last night's Gran Final.
    My personal thoughts:
    1.) Zaid still a fucking coward by killing himself. Guess he wouldn't do well in prison because of all of the heinous crimes against humanity.

    2.) Looked like Camilla died peacefully on the beach the way she was closing her eyes whenever Inaki was talking.

    3.) Helena likely either fled the country or went to prison.

    4.) Assuming the gullible orderly got arrested & lost his job at tbe hospital.

    5.) Beatriz & Felipe being happily ever after wasn't shocking. Speaking of the actress, who portrayed Beatriz: she'll be on Telemundo's "SED DEVENGANZA" on October 15th, which is a remake of the Colombian Telenovela "PURA SANGRE".

    6.) Had no idea Helena was Isela's biological daughter.

    7.) Roberta & Ana getting married was beautiful. 😗

    8.) Marcelo & Luisa meeting with the investors of the project, etc.,

    9.) Liked the beachlife of the entire Telenovela including the music theme.

    10.) Not shocked about Alfonso & Rita being together. Congratulations to Felipe on being named the new prosecutor.

    11.) Cris & Maria being an item despite Cris' illness.

    12.) Marcelo, Luisa, Natalia & Leonor one happy family on the beach. I only watched because of Oka Giner, who's AWESOME.

  11. Marea

    Jarifa. I agree with you on the favorite scene with Helena and Isela. I liked her scene with Chris also . I was afraid they were going in an opposite direction in the scenes with Chris and Camila. It almost looked like Cami was about to die in Inaki's arms. And the heartbreaking near final days of Chris. I would have liked to see Helena still in the picture taking care of Chris with Maria Ines....thanks for a superb recapping job.

    I have lost power due to TS Helene! It knocked the power line and cable from the bump pole going to our house. I'm hoping that side of the pole is Duke Energy's responsibility. Since the line is in the road I imagine they will come sooner than later after the winds die down.

  12. MAREA

    Jarifa, a tour de force, from start to finish. You guided us through every word, spoken and nuanced and did an amazing job. Thank you for your time and dedication.

    Your "they love each other" always speaks volumes and is perfectly reflective.

    The scene with Helena and Cris almost had me in tears. Beautifully played by both actors. I don't know how Isela refrained from crushing Helena in her arms and although there were no hugs or kisses their gamut of emotions and words were painfully palbable and difficult to watch. I had the sense they would not see each other again.

    I also loved Maria and Cris' scene, reflecting the fragility and preciousness of love and life.

    Despite the tragedy and complexity of Marcelo and Luisa's tale, it was the secondary characters who captured our minds and hearts.

    So perhaps the child was Zaid's after all (?) Cherished and loved no matter what. I agree that Marcelo's character was rather stubborn and judgemental; Matias could have shined but wasn't given the chance. Oka did a good job and I was happy that they are finally together with evil behind them.

    Beatriz and Alfonso seem destined for their happy endings as does Ana.

    I also thought Camila was going to pass in those last few moments in Inaki's was obvious Inaki's plans for them will never have the chance to materialize.

    Zaid got his fitting end; Santiago did not.

    This was an exciting tale and overall the endings were satisfying. I really enjoyed this, thanks to your guidance Jarifa.


  13. MAREA

    Jarifa, a tour de force, from start to finish. You guided us through every word, spoken and nuanced and did an amazing job. Thank you for your time and dedication.

    Your "they love each other" always speaks volumes and is perfectly reflective.

    The scene with Helena and Cris almost had me in tears. Beautifully played by both actors. I don't know how Isela refrained from crushing Helena in her arms and although there were no hugs or kisses their gamut of emotions and words were painfully palbable and difficult to watch. I had the sense they would not see each other again.

    I also loved Maria and Cris' scene, reflecting the fragility and preciousness of love and life.

    Despite the tragedy and complexity of Marcelo and Luisa's tale, it was the secondary characters who captured our minds and hearts.

    So perhaps the child was Zaid's after all (?) Cherished and loved no matter what. I agree that Marcelo's character was rather stubborn and judgemental; Matias could have shined but wasn't given the chance. Oka did a good job and I was happy that they are finally together with evil behind them.

    Beatriz and Alfonso seem destined for their happy endings as does Ana.

    I also thought Camila was going to pass in those last few moments in Inaki's was obvious Inaki's plans for them will never have the chance to materialize.

    Zaid got his fitting end; Santiago did not.

    This was an exciting tale and overall the endings were satisfying. I really enjoyed this, thanks to your guidance Jarifa.


  14. MAREA

    Jarifa, blogger ate my comment. When you have a moment can you please repost? I've tried twice to no avail.

    Thank you - Diana

  15. O/T

    Sorry you lost your power Kat. Hope you get it back sooner rather than later.


  16. MAREA

    Steve, thanks. Yes, Oka Giner was AWESOME. I really enjoyed her performance. I am hoping Helena avoids the police and returns once the police became fixated on something else. I wish we had seen more of the beach and sea earlier on.

    Kat, thanks. It seems like we were all watching to see if Camila's hand dropped as she was caressing Iñaki's face. Yes, Helena's scene with Cris was also excellent and very touching. Here is hoping that your power outage ends soon.
    Believe me, I know what those are like. Take care with that tropical storm.

  17. Fugitivas
    Kat, thank you for the great recap as our story unfolds . Hope your power isn't out for long My cousin in Tennessee is getting lots of wind and rain . Some schools have cancelled classes.

    I am enjoying this tale so far . It looks like The cop and the attorney will both fall in love with Lorena.

    Martha's daughter in law played a bad girl in the butterfly telenovela. .Susan

  18. MAREA

    Thank you for restoring my comment Jarifa!


  19. Marea
    Jarifa, thank you for this excellent recap of the finale and for all your detailed , snappy recaps .

    Helena relished setting up evil Evil Zaid. I was a bit surprised that he shot himself , but we couldn't have our galan do it , and Zaid always wanted to be in control. When his leg was bleeding , I thought he would get his anvil by falling into the water and being sharkbait.

    I liked Helenasofia's scene with Chris and the wedding on the beach. I, too, thought that Cami would die on the beach in Inaki's arms . We all die, but dying in your loved one's arms on the beach would be the best way to leave his earth.

  20. MAREA

    Diana, thanks for your kind words. "Despite the tragedy and complexity of Marcelo and Luisa's tale, it was the secondary characters who captured our minds and hearts." I so agree. The writers really took the time to develop the secondary plots and characters. "So perhaps the child was Zaid's after all (?)" I found that an interesting twist as there were several of those unexpected twists in the novela. "Zaid got his fitting end; Santiago did not." Exactly.

    This was easy to watch.

    1. Considering that Scumbag Zaid raped Luisa: quite obvious he was the biological father of Leonor.

  21. MAREA

    Thanks, Susan. "When his leg was bleeding , I thought he would get his anvil by falling into the water and being sharkbait." Now that would have been even better than him shooting himself. "We all die, but dying in your loved one's arms on the beach would be the best way to leave his earth." That would have been the perfect ending for Camila. Seems like the writers were going to leave some loose ends like in real life by leaving both Camila and Cris alive. That surprised me.

  22. Marea

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, a great recap, the last of all the great recaps you did for this telenovela. I enjoyed it so much more by joining you and the patio. And understood so much more!

    Helena’s scenes with Cris and Iñaki were the best, as was the scene with Cris and Maria. I like that we didn’t have to see them die but I kept hoping both would live, especially Camila.

    I was a little disappointed in another suicide. It was the easy way out for both of the bad guys. And I was surprised Helena went along with the escape plan. I would have preferred to see her at the wedding enjoying her family. I have to think she will eventually return but I guess it’s enough for her to know she has a family.

    I’m glad I watched this, always looked forward to watching it and then reading all the comments



    Thanks, Kat.

    The fugitivas weren't too swift last night; not a very smart group. How many more are going to get picked off by the cops? Why isn't anyone dying their hair and chopping it off. Frida's dreads seemed to have gotten more extreme. Really??? Also wouldn't traveling solo be a lot more inconspicuous that traveling in a horde? "The clueless girls think she (Marta/La Superiora) is waving them in." Duh!

    Loved that Patricio noticed Ismael's reaction to the mention of Lorena.

    I am still on the fence.

  24. MAREA

    Liz, thanks. Watching these novelas with the patio has always made them much more enjoyable for me, too. "I like that we didn’t have to see them die but I kept hoping both would live, especially Camila." Me, too. I think we saw enough with Zaid committing suicide. Their deaths would have been a real downer since they were such good characters. "It was the easy way out for both of the bad guys." It sure was but I was happy not to have to see either of them again. Both Alejandro Camacho (Juan) and Alejandro de la Madrid (Zaid) did a wonderful job portraying broken but deadly and dangerous characters.


    I'll put something up for tonight's double header.


  26. FUGITIVAS #5 and #6 Part 1

    Brief notes/highlights

    Patricio and Dario with Martha close behind go upstairs to investigate the noise. The girls have wedged themselves under furniture and are undetected. Martha returns saying they can stay there for the night but cautions them to be quiet.

    In her makeshift bed, Lorena flashes back to Ish telling her he is married; then meeting Gabriela at the playground ready to take off and Ish accosting her.

    Carmen sets the table as Martha prepares breakfast for an army while listening to the news. She tells Carmen that after Dario’s father died, he lived with his grandparents and she distanced herself from Davio due to work. Dario appears and is his usual sour self; later he and Carmen argue about Martha being an influence on Matias. Montse calls Hugo…she needs a favor.

    Vincente joins Flor at the office; I believe Vincente wants him in the family biz.

    Florencia calls Nicolas who smiles broadly upon hearing her voice. They agree to meet for coffee.

    Lorena and crew arrive at Hugo’s. Montse introduces her friends using the wrong names. Lisset looks on with distain…He tells Frida straightaway he wants to get rid of her braids.

    Gabriela goes to see Ish and meets a smitten Vincente. He asks Ish about the problems he and Florencia are having and reinforces that Florencia loves Ish. He later sees Gabriela at the bus stop and offers to drive her home but first, a cup of caramel coffee. They learn he is Flor’s brother; she is Lorena’s sister. She later tells him Lorena is innocent. He asks for her number but I believe she demurs because she lost her phone.

    Nicolas greets Flor with a kiss on the cheek. She brings Ish up almost immediately. Is there another woman? She grabs his hand and he immediately spills the beans about Lorena. She is incredulous at first then calls her an assassin. She thanks him then kisses him on the cheek, knowing exactly how to play him for sympathy and information.

    Arturo asks Veronica where Vincente is…


  27. FUGITIVAS #5 and #6 Part 2

    Hugo has worked wonders with the girls’ hair. Montse and Frida look beautiful. Elsa doesn’t recognize herself. Lorena has a shorter but stylish cut; they call him superman. But the biggest change is Lisset with shoulder length hair parted on the side with just a wave of a curl. Frida wants to take a box of brightly colored wigs. Hugs all the way around.

    Florencia tells Veronica Ish and Lorena are amantes. Veronica is appalled; Veronica seems angrier than Flor!

    Amanda, Ale’s policewoman friend (and Patricio’s daughter) shows up at Alejandros for a pasta dinner. She spouts on about Lorena Martinez and Alejandro tries to focus her on dinner. Uh oh the doorbell rings, Ale goes to answer it and the five fugitivas are standing there!!! He tells them to go up the stairs and after she leaves he goes out and brings them in. The girls introduce themselves and Ale handles it well asking for “a word” with Lorena. Later, there is plenty of pasta to go around as they discuss the next steps.

    Martha and Matias are playing video games when Dario comes in and ruins it. Martha retreats to her room; Carmen tries to get Martha to come out but Martha demurs, looking sad.

    Ish comes home to a stern looking very upset Flor. She confronts him, she wants the truth. Is he having an affair with Lorena Martinez?? Answer me! No he says! He goes on the offense and she tearfully reams him out for having an affair with Juan Pablo’s murderer!! He goes into the bedroom later where she is on her side ignoring him. He tries to convince her to no avail; she gives him a frosty buenos noches. In another bedroom, Ale and Lorena have a sweet conversation…

    Arturo interrupts Vincente’s looking at Gabriela’s online social account to berate him some more; are we sure Arturo isn’t Dario’s father??

    Lorena wakes up and Ale is next to her (both fully dressed). The girls are on chairs and couches in the living room, sleeping sitting up. “Hot cakes” Ale proclaims. The women give lots of compliments regarding Ale. Lorena gives Ale an extra long hug when the women leave, filing out on by one.

    Vincente, being kind of stalkish, shows up at Gabriela’s. She seems put off initially but then he gives her a phone.

    Ish and his team discuss a plan for Lorena and friends.


  28. FUGITIVAS #5 and #6 Part 3

    Arturo reams out Vincente in front of everyone for being late.

    Montse shows up at the bar Erick is at and takes him away from his poker game. Surprise, Lisset accosts him outside, demanding he produce phone and fake paperwork for not only her, but her friends. He refuses. She takes his money and threatens him…

    Flor calls Nicolas to cry on his shoulder he is “the only one” who understands. He goes back into his meeting with Ish without the slightest trace of guilt.

    Elsa goes to find her son and when she knocks on the door a huge hulk of a man answers the door (hub or bf?) She calls out for her son who mercifully appears. The man pulls a gun and threatens to shoot the son but Lorena hits him on the head with a bottle. As Lorena has the guy’s gun pointing at him, Elsa hands her son a fistful of cash and tells him to go and find safety. She wipes the gun clean just as Amanda breaks down the door asking if the man is dead. Elsa puts her hands up surrendering. Fortunately, Lorena manages to escape.

    Frida surprises Martha "La Superiora" at the bar.

    Elsa and the man are arrested; she is put in the squad car as Lorena watches sadly.

    Lisset introduces herself to Dario saying she has a lot of experience and pleads for a chance for a job. He says he has to check with his wife first but we see the first genuine smile from him thus far.

    Ale is waiting for Gabriela in front of her apartment; he has a letter from Lorena for her. She is grateful and thanks him. We hear Lorena’s voice but I couldn’t translate what was said.

    Amanda informs her father of Elsa's arrest.


  29. FUGITIVAS #5 and #6 Part 4 of 4

    Ale researches Juan Pablo on the computer.

    Frida fills Montse and Lisset in on the job when Lorena approaches explaining what happened with Elsa. Speaking of, Patricio interrogates Elsa who tells them she wants to talk to her lawyer – Alejandro!! Neither Patricio nor Amanda look happy. An angry Amanda calls Alejandro – he is on the way

    As Nicolas fusses with his appearance like a nervous schoolboy, Flor arrives. A bottle of red wine is poured. Flor demurely says she doesn’t want to burden him with her problems (yeah, right) …Nicolas moves closer and puts his hand on her knee. She is beautiful, intelligent, blah, blah. As he says she is marvelous he kisses her and as he pushes her back on the couch she says no and he immediately apologizes. She gets up to leave but kisses him on the cheek again. He leans against the door, mad at himself (as he should be).

    Gabriela shows up at Ish’s office but I couldn’t translate what she said.



    As expected, Elsa was not gonna stay long out there but all she wanted was to keep her son safe and away from that man so I think that's why she surrendered

    I feel for Amanda, she's just doing her job so even if she finds Alejandro hard to resist, she'll have to prioritize her job

    Florencia seems to be longing for affection from her husband and looks like Nicolas is gonna lure her in eventually!

  31. Fugutivas

    Dear Diana, wow. Thank you for a great replay of all that happened in this double episode. Fantastic.

    I am still trying to sort out the names as even more characters are added.
    My prediction is that Lorena will end up with the sweet, kind hearted lawyer.

    I loved Hugo and his kind, magical transformation. The only one who didn't change much was Lorena

    Frida has to simmer down a little . Her giddiness needs dialing back. Uhoh, handsome Dario looked a little too happy to meet her .

    Diana, did you recognize redhaired Carnen?
    More later ...Susan


    Susan, thank you so much!

    I agree that Lorena is destined to be with Ale...

    Hugo was amazing wasn't he??

    I thought the same thing about Dario's reaction to Frida...hmmm, and Carmen seems so nice...Yes, I recognized her!

    Anon, would you kindly add your name (or nickname) to your posts so we can respond? "Florencia seems to be longing for affection from her husband" seems exactly right.


  33. Fugitivas

    Diana, is Gariela the daughter of Patricio ( Cesar Evora)?

    Anon , Hi there, poor Elsa is a tragic soul .She probably
    enjoyed her little adventure with the girls. What a scary, creepy boyfriend? Husband ? . I hope Ale can help her . Gabriela is curious about the connection. Susan


    Susan, I believe Amanda is the policewoman playing Cesar's daughter. Gabriela is Lorena's sister. :)

    Weirdo, you had mentioned you were interested in this; hope to see another post from you!



    Lorena is just basically new to prison so she wasn't hardened yet so the transformation was not that much and the actress really has such a beautiful face.

    Lisset has the one who had the major glow up! The actress playing her I've seen on Perdona and Te Doy La Vida (the nun who became an investigator), that actress has range!

    I'm invested with Martha's storyline with her estranged son Dario, I know it's gonna be a heartbreaker with all those years of longing and resentments!

    - TelevisaFan
