
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Sept. 16 - Marisela plays dress up; DB does witchcraft with underwear

Another good episode.

Marisela makes a play on words in this scene with Casilda that they tried to translate in the titles but it really didn't work. In the titles, they used the similarity between 'dumb' and 'chum'. In Spanish, Marisela tells Casilda that she will teach her to read so Casilda 'no se aburra,' (meaning to be bored or annoyed). What Casilda hears is that Marisela will teach her to read so Casilda 'no sea burra,' (meaning she won't be dumb (like a donkey, a 'burro'). So Casilda asks Marisela if she is saying that Casilda is dumb and Marisela explains and Casilda laughs.

Mauricio is making a documentary about men in the Llanos and he is going to bring movies to the town of Progresso.

Mauricio gives Antonio a book that he says will help him win Cecilia. Again, the titles got it messed up. The title of the book is, "Esclava de tu amor," ("Slave of your love") by Madame Fabulé. The titles said that the author was Madame Bovary, which is the title of a novel by Gustave Flaubert. Antonio seems a little dubious but he takes the book.

Marisela tries on Luisana's clothes, jewelry, make up and shoes. She thinks she looks pretty good (and she does a great imitation of Luisana's voice) until Luisana comes in and pratically dies laughing. Later Luisana gives Marisela the dress.

DB gets on her knees and begs Santos to forgive her but he tells her that he can't love her. She decides to get revenge on her rival, Luisana and punish those who were to blame (not her, of course) for Santos leaving her.

Santos is still trying to sort out his feelings for DB. He tells Antonio that when he is with DB, he feels weak and stupid and he doesn't like that.

On DB's orders, León brings Gervasia to El Miedo. Gervasia reveals that she is pregnant. DB forces Gervasia and León to get on their knees and beg DB to spare their lives. DB then tells Gervasia that she has to go back to Altamira and steal a bunch of stuff from Luisana's room. She does this, narrowly missing being discovered by Luisana.

Then DB does some sorcery that involves burning up some of Luisana's stuff including her underpants that DB is holding here.

Luisana discovers the missing items, which include the necklace that Marisela wore when she dressed up in Luisana's clothes. She concludes that Marisela stole all the stuff.

Antonio goes to town to break up with Federica. He starts off by having a few drinks though, which we may see Josefa use to get Antonio to believe that he had sex with Federica.


  1. Yes, Jean, my heart totally sank when I saw Antonio show up to confront Federica with a good buzz on. You know he's going to fall into the trap.

    And I surely hope the folks at Altamira don't believe Marisela stole the things from Luisana's room. I was surprised to see the necklace show up during the brujería. I had a hunch Genoveva was going to keep it the way her eyes lit up when she saw it.

    It's amazing how Edith Gonzalez keeps changing my feelings about her. Lots of pity during the scene of total humilliation with Santos. Then anger at what she did to Leon and Genoveva.

    Well, I still don't understand what El Brujeador brought in that sack, unless it was something killed for the fresh blood (I think that's what she put on Luisana's photo). I was expecting more snakes. I guess we'll see whether the author believes in brujería when we get to see the state of Luisana's health going forward.

  2. Yeah, I don't know what was in the bag Melquíades had either. I thought what DB was using on Luisana's picture was candle wax but blood makes more sense.

  3. Thanks, Jean. Witchcraft 101 : How to cast a spell on your rival~~~~~~1. Wiggle around a little bit. 2. Burn a couple of her thongs

  4. Yes, I'm going to try and remember that recipe for brujeria. I could come in handy...

  5. `Santos is still trying to sort out his feelings for DB. When he is with DB, he says he feels weak and stupid and he doesn't like that`
    Yes..don`t we all ! Well Wake up to the coffee Santos ! Marisela you
    say is the sugar missing in it !
    She is the only cerebral challenge
    to you. Wait-hope she will be truly educated, together with her charm & sangre de tauro..what a mix ! DB is too old for Santos(&CM)
    in my opinion, but she plays well.
