
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Sept. 16 - We meet Azur, the dog

Hi folks:
I totally agree with your comment yesterday, Marie Celeste. So far this is a very traditional novela. But at least the dog has made its appearance. I guess this is Mario's dog, Mambo, but in the novela, it's name is Azur. The dog recognizes good and evil people: it doesn't like Isabel and her mother. Good dog!!

Mario is still the campesino. I think it said over on TW that the transmigration, or whatever it is, doesn't happen for two weeks. Since we are running two episodes a day, I guess it will happen early next week. We got to see Salavador running around waving his arms like he was being attacked by a cloud of insects, then he collapses. I'm not sure what that was all about. Later we we see him having sex with his wife.

Antonio and Ángela were childhood friends and they reconnect with the difference in their social positions now being more important. I don't have too much of a problem with the guy who plays Antonio. He was in Zorro, too but I agree that Simón is defintely over the top and rather irritating.

Isabel cheats on her husband with Andrés.

Who wears the ugliest outfits - Nina?

or Gaetana?

Nina gets the money she wanted from Pedro José to pay her debts. If I had been PJ, I would have conditioned the payment on Nina leaving his house for good.

PJ continues to be tormented by his visions/nightmares of Salvador. He seeks Gaetana's help to find out what is going on. Gaetana doesn't want anyone to know why she is at the house so PJ says that she is a music teacher. Nina points out that she never hears them play the piano, however. Now Andrés and Isabel want to find out who she is, too.

I thought I had posted a picture of Abigail's down at heels husband, Rodrigo, who turns up but I guess not. It's funny that in English, the name 'Abigail' is two syllables and is such an ordinary name but it's almost unrecognizable in Spanish with four syllables: ah bee guy EEL. 'Nina' also sounds weird to me in Spanish. I keep thinking they are saying 'niña,' a girl or 'nene,' a baby.


  1. I've always wondered about the dog. I saw videos of Mario with Mambo and that dog looks very different from the one who plays Azur. I don't think that's something you can do with makeup *lol*.

    One character who I could never really appreciate was Angela. Could just be me though.

    The impression I got from watching this telenovela is that the original Salvador is a little slow mentally. That's why he listens to his wife and lets her boss him around.

  2. I think it's a tossup over the craziest outfits, but I LOVE that pink fuzzy purse Gaetana was carrying! Wish I could ask her where she got it.

  3. Howdy =)

    Thanks a bunch for posting for this one too Jean! It's nice to be able to discuss this one as well.

    CC - I saw a couple of clips and I agree that Mambo looked more like a standard German Shepherd, and Azur looks kinda wolfish, but maybe it was just the video quality on You Tube. I also found a clip of Mario talking about Salvador and how he was uneducated and not terribly bright (guess we see him switch between smart and dumb, depending on which soul is "driving" at the time). He joked that for the first weeks (two from what someone posted), it was actually Salvador's body that was the star, rather than Salvador ;)

    I have no idea if Eric Elias (Antonio) or Pablo Azar (Simon) get any better in this TN, but they've both gotten better since. As Jean pointed out, Elias was in Zorro, playing Renzo the gypsy, and did fairly well. Azar is currently on El Juramento, playing a character named Juan Pablo, and is doing a fairly decent job (not as good as Mario, or Fernando Colunga, but still pretty decent).

    My money's on Nina as the worst dressed (did anyone see the fuchsia outfit with the bedazzled jean jacket? It was ghastly), as Gaetana's supposed to be eccentric, and her wardrobe should reflect that.

  4. Am I missing something here? So far I haven't seen anything that could provide any clues about Salvador's intelligence or lack or same. He has been working, running, drinking, having sex, swimming (today). Only once was there any dialog and that was when he fainted and his wife was calling his name. I assume you all are talking about something that happens later on.

  5. The dog staring as Azur is not Mambo. Mario's dog is seen in the intro trailer and is very different in appearance to this dog that stars in the novela.
    I noticed they cut part of Salvador's scene when he takes his swim...darn he has such a lovely backside too.. ;) Hope this isn't a habit they stick to for the rest of the re-broadcast.

  6. Thanks, Jean . Who is Nina , and why is she staying at PJ's house ???

  7. Hi Susanlynn: Nina is Isabel's ghastly mother so she is PJ's mother in law. She seems to be planning to live in and lord it over PJ's house permanently.

  8. Howdy =)

    Jean, the comments about Salvador's intelligence came from an interview Mario did before the TN aired that I saw on YouTube. So far we've seen no evidence to confirm or deny this.

  9. Oh, by the by, thanks to Anon 6:27 for the clarification of Mambo vs Azur.

  10. I haven't watched this episode yet so I haven't seen Azur, but I have seen plenty of YouTube clips of Mambo and this photo definitely isn't him. He must have shared the role, or acted as a stand-in on occasion since one of the clips out there shows Mario directing him in a scene with him & Walter. Mambo is more attractive than this dog, which looks more like a Belgian Malinois than a German Shepherd.

    Jean, I had the same thought about the name Abigail. For being such a simple, plain English name, the Spanish version IS unrecognizable and too much of a tongue twister!

  11. Hola ya a pasado tiempo de esta Gran telenovela y me Encanta no me cansaría nunca de verla ,a la vez me da mucha tristeza que Lorena ya no este ,en fin todos sus personajes me Gustan ,pero me Llama la Atención que nadie Hable De Azur me gusta ese perrito ya habra fallecido ,si alguien pudiese d ar mas información agradecería ...
