OK, finally it happens. Ángela is an idiot (and I agree with you completely, Marie Celeste, that she is the worst dresser. It looks like she's auditioning for the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders or something). She blurts out to her father that Isabel has a lover. He doesn't believe her, of course, and has another attack, of course.
Salvador gets a bath. Neanderthal is right, Marie Celeste. Either that or he's had a stroke.
Now Ángela discovers that Isabel's lover is none other than her supposed boyfriend and daddy's right hand man at the factory, Andrés!
Isabel and Andrés caught in flagrante delicto.
Ángela runs to tell Daddy. Since the first revelation didn't kill him outright, this one certainly will but it's too late. PJ has played his last chord.
The bright white light of death has come for Salvador, too. Either that or it's the mother ship.
Gaetana feels the psychic disruption...
PJ's burial.
Salvador's velorio.
Salvador's funeral procession
PJ's soul or something brings Salvador's body back to life.
Salvador's coffin starts moving and the pallbearers drop it.
Out of the coffin (notice the cross effect..)
Here you go, Cindy. A promise of things to come-
Great pictures, Jean! Even if Salvador resembles a Neanderthal, I still think he’s a hunk. I’d be his peasant wife any time. I loved the lovemaking scenes of them, like when he ripped her blouse open. I’d take grunting, kinky-lipped Salvador any day over Andres! Lol. Seriously, I watched him and Isabela going at it, and felt nothing. They remind me of wild ferrets. Just like Dinorah and Fernando on PdG. But it’s a relief to know the death thing has finally happened and we’ll get to see more of the Mario we know and love. So far I haven’t really felt much for the other characters. Not like I did on PdG or LT, at least. If it weren’t for the opening credits and taking everyone’s word for it that it gets better, I don’t know if I would have stuck with it. I absolutely love the opening credits, especially the part where Mario is playing the piano and he gives her that piercing look. Those eyes, oh wow. Every time I see that short little clip I faint dead away. Yes, I miss the whole rest of the show because I’m out cold, haha. (Do you think you could get a screen cap of that sometime, Jean?)
ReplyDeleteA couple of days ago I ordered the official DVD set from Amazon; there was a really good price, $11.99, on the Amazon link at TW so I clicked on it and ordered from there. And, just like with PdG, I imagine I will have no self-control and want to peak ahead, at least to the good parts!
Speaking of TW, on the main forum over there, someone had started a thread about actors they wanted to retire. I skimmed through it, not recognizing 99% of the names, but one person said Mario Cimarro! They said some bad things about him, I made a brief post sticking up for him, and then somebody else came along and ranted about how they are tired of “good body-face” actors and something about how Mario has no expression. I thought, “What???!!!” I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think these people are loco! Lol. Maybe I don’t have much to judge from since I am so new to telenovelas and don’t know all the other actors, but I think Mario is a great actor and have seen some very expressive facial emotions coming from him. Take Juan Reyes, for instance, where he contorted his face in pain and anguish while making the pact to get even for his sister’s death. And then there was the silly “drunken Alcides” in the cemetery where he looked so strange (and drunk!). And now what we’re watching with the weird lip thing he was doing to look like he’s “slow” or something. Obviously not his most flattering look, but he’s doing it anyway, to emphasize the character! I just don’t understand how anybody could think that he is nothing but a pretty face and body and doesn’t have any acting skills. Oh well, at least WE all appreciate him.
Thanks for the fabu shots and summary Jean =) I have to agree with you and Marie Celeste on Angela's clothes and the fact that she's an idiot. She may have inadvertently hastened her dad's demise.
ReplyDeleteCindybin, those folks on TW most be smoking crack! You want to see an actor with no expression? Take a peek at Gabriel Soto in QE. The man is up to two looks: enraged, and constipated. He doesn't even have a face, just a body (a nice one, but we see too little of it to make up for his acting). Another one that leaves a lot to be desired is Pablo Montero in Fuego. He's up to about 3 or 4 looks - Happy, confused, and angry. He's working on sad. It puzzles me that people would think MC is just a pretty face, especially when he's, if anything, a method actor (Stanislavsky, Meisner, etc.). There was an interview in LT when they mentioned that he was always nagging the guy that played Arturo to rehearse some fight scene or another. They also discussed how MC had purchased a bunch of period weapons jewelry, etc., to bring more truth to the character. Not saying all actors need to do this, but it's usually a sign that someone does their homework, and the results are generally quite good. Just saying...
Is it me, or was Salvador's coffin way too small? When he burst out, very Incredible Hulk by the way, it looked like he had barely fit in the thing.
Incredible Hulk! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou're right though, that coffin did look too small when Salvador bust out of it. We never saw Salvador in it, dead. He wasn't in a coffin for his velorio and we just saw them nailing the lid closed without seeing him inside. I wonder why they didn't get a proper sized coffin made?
People who say Mario can't act are just wrong or maybe they only saw him in Gata Salvaje. He made GS right before PdG. I'm watching the bootleg DVD's and it's hard to believe that he could have made PdG only a year or so later. GS was so badly written, he just didn't have much to work with and I believe Mario studied acting after GS and it obviously paid off.
I posted the picture you wanted, Cindy at the end of the post. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Oh oh oh! I'm glad I checked back in before going to bed. I won't be able to sleep tonight! Lol. Thank you so much! Swoon...
ReplyDeleteMarie Celeste - Don't be so sure about Rebecca. She's going to start showing her true colors as the show progresses.
ReplyDeleteWe are now moving into the good parts aka Salvador in little or no clothing in the coming episodes. Lots of body shots (especially in the shower) to look forward to ;).
Oh, and in my earlier post, I wasn't referring to SImon being the filler character but his father. I went back and looked at it and realised how it must have sounded.
Thanks for the heads up about Rebeca, CC. I suspected it was too good to be true that she'd be a White Hat. Jean made a great point about PdG having so many characters that were supportive of the protagonist(s), which isn't often seen in telenovelas. ECCD - being a real old-school telenovela - seems to be following the more common format where the hero has only one or two allies. (BTW: I'm so glad we use initials or acronyms to refer to the titles of TN's. It seems I'm genetically programmed to type the word cuerpo incorrectly; it ALWAYS comes out as "cuerop" and I have to correct it every single time!)
ReplyDeleteCC, I also got a giggle out of your heads-up re: upcoming body shots of Mario, especially in the shower. There's an MC fan video/music montage on YouTube somewhere that includes many, many shower scenes, to the point that it's comical. (Do we detect a pattern here? I can hear the pre-production meetings: "Mario Cimarro has signed on? Ok, that's two shower scenes for sure, and maybe we can get a third if we spring for his car, phone and workout bills." ;-D) One YT viewer commented that the multiple shower scenes made it look like he had OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). I'd say it's more indicative of OCFD (obsessive-compulsive fanaticas disorder). ;-) (And oh...If I ever run across that video again, I'll be sure to post the link here.)
Back to "I'm not dead, I'm just on a spiritual walkabout": I really liked the death/transmigration episode. I was so tickled when Salvador resuscitated and the "kinky lip" was gone! I thought Mario did an excellent job marking the shift from Salvador to PJ using just his facial expression & body language. He already appeared much more attractive to me, disheveled & grimy though he still was. (Say, do you think they'll insert a shower scene here? ;-D) But until they put the sheet over his head, I wasn't quite sure if PJ was dead or not. Looked a bit to me like Andres Garcia was smiling, not dead!
I thought Lorena Rojas did a nice job here also. I'm glad to see Isabel is a little more complex than the one-dimensional, scheming gold-digger that Andres is. It's nice to see characters with layers of moral complexity; makes them seem more human & less archetypal. Angela's "waterworks" were finally appropriate for the type of scene she was playing, so good for Ms. Villela.
I do hope Azur ends up ok in all this. The way that poor dog barks and is constantly on the verge of hyperventilation makes me nervous for it. I suspect this dog won the lead part over Mambo due to it's edgy temperament; I bet Mambo was just too laid back. Like papa, like son, as they say. ;-)
I just reread my earlier post & noticed that not only can't I type "cuerpo", but I can't type the title abbreviation correctly, either. (Typed "ECCD" instead of "ECDD")
ReplyDeleteI had an additional thought: I wonder if Mario holds the record for telenovela roles where an actor has had to break out of a coffin (2), or is this a more common shtick in TN's than I'm aware of? I've only been watching them (on & off) since 1997, so in the 50+ years that TN's have been around, maybe another actor has that statistic beat.
Speaking of LT, I ran across this very short bloopers clip (1:56). I'm a bloopers fanatic & this is the first I've seen from LT. It's kind of cute, especially Dr. Max, and Ursula's "sneeze" take:
Also, here's one from ECDD that's short (1:20)& spoiler-free:
Marie, I can't type Cuerop, I mean Cuerpo, either! I'm trying to train myself to type it correctly, only because I have trouble with ECDD!