At the end of the last episode, Damien produced Andrea's ashes, and Karla was under attack by the attempted rapist. Sylvester and another guy fight him off (did Mono have the day off?), but Karla is in pain. Looks like she's going to lose the baby . . .
Flo is in the mansion with Connie, who is going off to fix some dinner if he can figure out how to use the microwave. Flo picks up the phone. Who is she going to dial? We hear the phone ringing--it's Rigoberto's cell, and he is walking right in the door. "Hello, my love," he says.
He drags her outside with the gun. He says her place is with him. He tells her not to make a sound or he'll shoot. She calls him a sicko. She does not want to go back to him.
Meanwhile, Connie is talking to Damian and Erika, the secretary-"nurse." Connie looks sad about Andrea. Damian is consoling Connie in his inimitable way: Yes, I too will miss her killer T and A (he says "caderas"--hips--and "pechos"--chest). But dust to dust, you know. Connie doesn't believe she's really dead, so Damian shows him X-rays and pictures of the accident. It's a miracle he's alive, Connie agrees. (Raise your hands if you think Damian is really paralyzed). Anyway, Connie goes on, if you're going to be a paraplegic . . . what are you going to do for love. Damian wriggles his fingers and shows he has other ways to satisfy a woman (yuck). He says it's a great irony, isn't it, knowing how he is.
Back at the club, Macarena is singing, while Socorro, Horacio and Homeless Hugo arrive for the big showdown with Karla. Horacio predicts that Karla will be angry when she learns the truth.
Socorro thinks she will be happy.
In front of the mansion, Rigo continues to torment Florencia. She says no one could love a creep like him. He asks how she could go looking for Alex, that creep who humiliated her and traded her in for a servant. She says she didn't come back to Mexico to look for Al--she came to get away from Rigoberto. She first had high hopes. She wanted a tender lover who would love her and caress her. He repeats that he loves her. She says if he loves her he must let her go.
Cut to Connie and Damian. Erika is giving Damian a sensuous shoulder massage while Connie looks deflated. Damian says he's going to return the 20 percent of shares he still has and apologizes for Connie's losing control of the company. Connie says that's the least of his problems--he resigned from the party too. For his family and Mili. Damian is touched, but he doesn't understand about Rosella, the enemy. Connie reveals the truth about Rosella. Damian says he's impactado, making this the first time I actually heard a character utter that word.
Connie picks up Andrea's ashes, looking mournful, and walks up the spiral staircase. Suddenly we hear a toilet flushing, and we realize that he has sent Andrea to her final resting place. Damian and Erica look shocked as Connie emerges from the upstairs bathroom, rubbing his hands to show he is finished with a dirty job. Back downstairs, he sits down and says, "Now, where were we?"
Macarena is trying to coax Karla out of the dressing room, and she learns that "Amparo" has arrived. Quickly, get her over here to talk to her daughter!
Back to the mansion, where there is more repetitive dialog between Rigoberto and Florencia. If she won't take him back, he won't let anyone else have her. She wishes him dead. He walks away, but holds up the gun blindly behind him and fires, striking her in the chest. (Jeez, couldn't he have missed? I really don't think Flor deserved this. Every few weeks we see one of these horrible murder/suicides in the news, and it always follows the same pattern.)
Connie, Damian and Erica come out to investigate while Rigo hides in Connie's car. Flor's last words are to tell Connie who did it and warn him that Rigoberto wants to kill Alex--save Alex! Connie drives off, leaving the others to call the police. Damian, ever the philosopher, says "See, just as I said, dust to dust."
Socorro now pleads with Karla through the dressing room door. This is another heartbreaking scene of resolution a long time coming and very well done by these actresses. She starts by saying that there are good men and bad men. She's known all kinds. She was hurt in her life too, in the same way, so that she didn't want to live. She know what it's like to have someone touching her all over and having their eyes all over. She knows what it's like to scream No a thousand times. She begs Karla to open the door and let her help.
She says she hasn't always been the best mother but she tried to do her best. When she had a baby it was the best thing that happened to her. And when she became a cook it was the best thing for them, even if her hands always smelled of onions and her world was three pots and a frying pan. She had to be strong to go out alone. "Your father didn't abandon us, she finally reveals. I was never married. Someone attacked me . . ." Suddenly the door opens, and Karla comes out and continues " . . . and I was the product of that violation?" She asks forgiveness, because she never knew. Socorro says that she is the one who needs forgiveness. Together they will now overcome everything. But Karla winces in pain--she thinks she lost the baby . . .
Cut to Rodeo, where the gang is dancing. I'm glad they went back to Rodeo for the finale, as they hadn't been there for a while. Valeria remembers how they used to have to cook while everyone else was having fun. Rocky says he liked that better, when she was helping him. Al and Mili dance with their hands. Mili is worried about Florencia, but Al continues to reassure her that whatever happens they will be one big happy family. The family is growing, Mili says, as they now have mothers and fathers. It's time to knock on wood. Mili worries that things are going too well. As the cuatacho says when things are going well, watch out. Alex says they will be together till they are 90, as they have always promised.
Back at the orange house, Nestor is cuddling the baby. He finally persuades Luciana that they have a future together.
Hugo and Horacio are now in the ER waiting room, where Karla is presumably in a treatment room. Socorro emerges to tell them she lost the baby. "Mi hijo," Hugo says sadly.
Nestor and Luci are basking in their newfound contentment when someone pounds at the door. It's Connie looking for Alex. Who is Rigoberto? he has to ask. They fill him in, and they scramble to protect Alex. Connie will go to Rodeo while Nestor and Luci remain with the baby. Luci calls Alex on the cell phone.
Cut to Rodeo, where Mili is now on stage, singing. Braulio is kvelling and pointing out to his sister that not only did Mili inherit her beauty but also her great singing voice (who knew?). He pushes Rosario to go on stage for a duet. Mili is thrilled to sing with her mother, and it all sounds okay, but we have to avert our eyes from the train wreck that is Rosario's trashy white dress with more giant black splotches. Did Gateway Computers open a clothing chain?
Homeless Hugo has gone in to talk to Karla. She says life isn't as good as he says, but he says don't worry, he speaks from experience. Things will get better. He has lost many things: "number one" lovers, "number two" money (or slang, villano?), and "number three," the trust of his band. But he's seen the light. He sees the world with new eyes, new glasses. They can have more children. But most important, they should be together. He asks if she loved the father of her "morro," and she says it was an illusion. It's too bad she lost the baby, because she was getting to like the idea of being a mother. He turns and says she has found the real Hugo and starts to pull off the wig and glasses but not the beard. Karla says don't pull off any more--I can see it's you. Hugo pulls out a big ring and asks her to marry him.
Cut to Rodeo again, where Alex is now singing to the "woman of his life and the woman who gave her life." Connie comes in looking around axiously, followed by Rigoberto. A strobe light flashes and Rigoberto fires at Alex, but Connie steps in front and takes the bullet for his son. Then Rigo shoots himself. The climactic doom music plays as we cut to a commercial.
After the break, everyone gathers around while Alex says that Connie gave his life for him. The EMTs say he still has a pulse, so there is hope.
Back at the hospital, Karla is berating Hugo for mocking her, so it was all a joke. No, he says, he had to find out if she could love him for himself, and not money. (Well, that's not was I thought yesterday. I am surprised. I still think he crossed a point where he realized she didn't want money but he still had to win her in a disguise.) Karla sneers that she supposes she passed the test. She throws him out. He and Damian were always mocking her. The first time she finally finds love it's another cruel joke. Pandroso and Mauricio don't exist.
Val calls Luci to tell her the news. She finds out about Florencia.
Hugo tells Soco and Horacio that Karla was furious, and Horacio says "I told you so," but Socorro is going in to talk to her daughter.
This is the end of the first hour. I will leave you in the able hands of 5ft for the rest.
I thought this was a great finale, but it seems that early returns are not unanimous. I'm sorry to hear that some people didn't like it.
P.S. Don't forget to watch Cristina on Monday. I think it will be good. Someone on Telenovela World managed to post photos!
NinaK: Thanks for this recap and all the other recaps you have done for us during this telenovela. I should probably reserve my comments until later - but, I'm here at the computer and have the time.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I would have liked to see the story end at the weddings - even thought Mili's headdress looked more appropriate for someone who was going hunting, or at least to the beach.
The writers really played with us. There seems to have been no purpose in dragging Flo into the ending just to get murdered. Although Connie had the opportunity at last to redeem himself by taking the bullet.
Damian got off way too light. No, I didn't believe that he was a real paraplegic. He really seemed bad to me, and yet his character provided a lot of the light humor in this story.
I hope I can warm up to the actress playing the angel in Cuidado Con el Angel. I'm already annoyed with her and the way she wiggles her head and nose.
Regards to all
First and foremost, thanks so very much to the wonderful Guapos recapping team. I’ve really enjoyed your talents and humor, and willingness to share your hard work with us all. Muchisimas gracias a todos!
ReplyDeleteI read the split verdict on the finale posted on the comments for the Thursday show, so now for my dos centavos that I wrote up right after the finale to capture my feelings.
I liked the reconciliation between Constancio and Alejandro in the hospital, it was very touching. The triple wedding with Constancio walking both his daughters down the aisle was very sweet. Otherwise, I was very disappointed.
After making her a sympathetic character who had already paid for her selfish/snotty behavior in the past, Florencia was dispatched with only a little more attention than Andrea. Speaking of Andrea, the apparent flushing of her ashes was not amusing, but distasteful.
I was greatly disappointed that Damian was allowed to skate by and avoid any real punishment for his history of misdeeds. Really unsatisfying.
I would have much preferred if the flash forwards would have ended at about 5 or 10 years, showing the happy couples and the children. I didn’t enjoy seeing everyone’s death at all. I guess it was supposed to be touching and poignant, but I thought it was just a real downer. The flashbacks to Mili & Alex on the beach for their first night together didn’t touch me at all, I already had a really sour taste in my mouth and just wanted it to end.
I really enjoyed Guapos until the last hour, but it goes down as my least favorite of all telenovela endings, no contest.
On a (maybe) less complaining note the morning after, I always find it so interesting that we viewers can have such different reactions. Our own circumstances weigh so heavily into that I guess. I like being presented with a little insight into experiences I would otherwise have no idea about, even if they are unpleasant. But I have all the experience I need with death and will continue to gain more before my own. So I have no appreciation for being witness to the deaths of so many characters I had grown to care about. I had the strong desire to turn the channel before the finale even ended, I was just so bummed out. It wasn’t the last impression I wanted to have of this show that I had enjoyed so much.
I look forward to reading everyone else’s reactions.
Hi all,just wanted to throw my 2 centavos in also. First, thanks to everyone for the great recaps - I look forward to reading them each morning before I actually start to work! Coffee run is first, Caray Caray second, then work!
ReplyDeleteI liked the ending a lot with a few exceptions. Damian did not pay at all. It would have been a little bit of justice if he had really been a paraplegic, but I didn't buy it for a minute. Just goes to show, there really are "bad seeds" or "mala hierba" that never change.
I really wish, as cheesy as it would have been, that Connie would have gotten back together with Rosario/Rosela. Although I can't stand the actress, Maribel Guardia, she's not really an actress first, she's more famous in Mexico as a singer. But, other than her "time has past, I don't have any feelings for you anymore" she really didn't give a good reason for not wanting to at least try to get back together with him. There's a fine line between love and hate, she was filled with so much hate and vengeance against him, I'm just surprised that they didn't end up together. Yes, Connie was a RatBastard, but I always had a soft spot for him, and he proved to be redeemable. Being sentenced to live out his years with Damian was much more punishment than even Damian received!
What exactly did happen to Rosela anyway? There was one scene of her with the grandkids when they were little and that was it? Don't like that they left that hanging.
Luciana dying was really sad. All the other deaths, as depressing as they were, I suppose were used to show the cycle of life (yes, pure cheese). But also, we view these novelas through our American eyes and perspective - to us, death is depressing. Mexicans have a completely different concept of death - they celebrate it in a way that we can't understand. In Octavio Paz' book "The Labrynth of Solitude" there's a whole chapter on the Mexicans view of death. They mock it and laugh in its face. The average Mexican watching this novela in Mexico views things much differently than we do. Which is what, I suppose, explains the uncanny popularity of the piece-of-mierda "Fuego en la Sangre" - maybe we just don't get it.
Sorry for the tangent. What's up with Mili and Ale's son becoming a priest? That was weird.
The ending, with Mili and Ale, was good, but a little long. He promised her they'd be together until they were 90 and it looks like they were.
By the quote they showed at the end, something to the effect of "a love that lasts through time", and obviously because Mili and Ale were the protagonists, this was supposed to be more about their love overcoming all obstacles.
For me, though, this show was more about all the other characters. Mili and Ale were almost more of a secondary storyline.
All in all, though, I have to admit I'm a total sap, and I cried like a baby through most of the last hour. Thank God my husband wasn't home - he would have been laughing his ass off!!!
Thanks again to all of you, not just the recappers - you have, once again provided me with some really, really good laughs, and I look forward to more in other novelas.
Maybe at some point I can volunteer to be a recapper, although I don't know if I'm up to the task - you guys are a lot to live up to! :)
Just a quick comment before I have to run off for an appointment. I was going to wait to comment on part 2 until later. But I think Mili's and Al's son becoming a priest made sense in that Padre Manuel the uncle was a priest. I thought each future segment had a foundation in the past, especially Connie and Damian needling each other forever.
ReplyDeleteMelissa, those are very interesting comments about how Mexican culture has a different take on death.
You should try recapping. You seem to have the knack for it, based on your comment.
I have to say that I am one of the viewers who loved the finale, even though there were some things I wasn't too fond of.
ReplyDeleteFirst off I will join in on the many thanks to the recappers.
I was sad that Florencia was murdered. I thought that maybe if she did get shot she might survive but of course she didn't
It would have been appropriate for Damian to have actually been paralyzed and I was upset that he faked it, and managed to fake it for all those years.
When Rosella rejected Constancio so coldy even I was like "ouch!" She could have at least been nice about it being her daughter's wedding day and all.
I have to say the flash forwarding through the years had me confused at trying to figure out how old everyone was at that point. And there were so many kids and grandkids I couldn't keep up.
When I saw Mili and Alex in their old people makeup my first instinct was to laugh because they looked crazy with all that makeup. But instead of laughing I started bawling! I too am glad that no one was around to see me cause I am sure I looked like a hot mess. I am a sucker for love stories and through the ups and downs love always wins. Ugh I think I'm gonna start crying now.
Well here's hoping Cuidado turns out to be a pleasant surprise.
Does anyone else agree that this telenovela was actually pretty entertaining until the whole downfall of Luciana? She needed to die in a fire, Andrea needed to be raped, beat, and left on the street, Florencia needed to fall of a cliff, but before she met Rigoberto, and Constancio needed to be shot dead at the reception.
ReplyDeleteAnd another thing, why did Mili and everyone else in the hospital linger for days, but Constani was only there for 1.5 minutes?
ReplyDeleteI was really disappointed in what happened to Constancio. I mean, Mili saves Luciana's life so that makes Luci okay to everyone, but Constancio takes a bullet for Ale and everyone STILL hates him? How much does the guy have to do to show that he cares about them?
ReplyDeleteIt would've been nice to seem him back with Rosario, but I mean come on, he could've AT LEAST been a part of the family. He gave up his carreer for them and almost died and now they look like the assholes.
Oh, and since no one else commented, I love the irony in the fact that Karla's daughter has the EXACT same attitude that she did.
Someone mentioned that not knowing what happened to rosela and how we are left hanging, makes me think that that is why we saw Florencia. If we did not get closure on her, we would have been wondering if she actually left for good. Did she think about her child? did she come back occasionally to see the child. Since Mili and al have the child, I think this needed to be done.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I too was upset watching each person die. We know what happens in the future. There was no need for that and that is more of what I will remember. It was a bummer. Also I know 90 year olds and none of them look and act that bad.
ReplyDeleteI also noticed that about Karla. That's part of what I thought was the genius of all the follow-ups. Each was very apt. I still want to reserve comments for after Part II was posted.
ReplyDeleteConnie was still part of the family--that's why he was playing with little Florencia at the beginning.
Leave it to me to be different. I loved the ending, thought it was one of the best I've seen. So many times things get wrapped up so fast in the last episode it seems rushed. Here all of the reconcilation, redemption scenes were long enough that those fantastic actors could show how good they were.
ReplyDeleteWe were also spared the endlessly trite wedding scene with Ave Maria played or sung in the background. Instead we got those charming scene of the girls with their dads walking them to their grooms and of couse there is Mili with football shoes on under her dress and her trademark hat.
When Connie took those ashes and went upstairs I couldn't help thinking he was going to pour them down over Damians head which would have been a shock. I think he flushed the urns contents because he didn't believe for a minute that Damian had the real thing.
I guess in a way Flo had to die. She was unstable and there would alwys have been the threat that she would come back and want to take the baby. And we needed some excuse for Connie to show that he really did love Al and was proud of him. It also gave us the escuse to see why he seemed to hate him so much through most of the show.
I was surprised at Roshell's coldneses. I too thought she and connie would find their way back together but she was so consumed with hate qand revenge she probably ended up alone, that we never did learn.
Will save additional comments until the final recap is posted. As for Cuidado - sorry but everything I've seen and read tells me to skip it. First of all it has way too many evil women playing their usual tarts and vixens and I can't cope with yet another orphan girl looking for parents and finding a married galan. Hope those of you that do opt to waqtch it enjoy it.
Actually, they showed Rosario/Rosela with Consti 10 years later: whether they were married or whatever is a different story. Now, I thought it was funny that Damian, like his son, pretended to be confined to a wheelchair. Also, my great-grandfather was 101 when he still traveled and walked a couple of miles every day.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what Luci was dying of. She looked awful. Was it supposed to be aids or something, she she did live on the streets and I assume did favors for her booze?
ReplyDeleteThank you to all the recappers. I appreciate all your hard work here. I've not been a faithful viewer nor reader of all the recaps, but have watched enough to keep up.
ReplyDeletedecie girl - I, too, was waiting to see the ashes come pouring down on top of Damien's head. I was not insulted by Consti flushing them because I thought Andrea was a selfish schemer who really only cared about herself. Perhaps she got what she deserved. Moral lesson to viewers with that scene: THIS could happen to you if you don't treat people right. Anyway, I laughed at that scene because I viewed it as black humor on the part of the script writers and director. Consti changed, but not totally. He was still acting like Constancio.
Too bad Florencia had to die, but she more or less abandoned her baby and never gave it a name. While that probably is not as big a sin in LATAM as an abortion, it probably ranks up there so, cultural perceptions considered, this probably was a just ending for her. But what do I know? In a way, too, it shows a woman what can definitely happen to her if she gets herself into a relationship with an abusive person. Many domestic violence relationships end up as she (and he) did. I'm thinking of it (hopefully) as a PSA-of-sorts. If Flo had gotten out of the Rigo relationship earlier, she might not have been killed by him.
I was afraid Rigoberto would take out more people before the show ended.
I was okay with Luci getting sober and liked her a lot more after that. Another PSA about getting help. She had to hit bottom and had to change her life. She showed the viewing public that there is hope, and even more, life after sobriety. Most alcoholics cannot conceive of a beating heart and lungs that work without alcohol. Too bad her family didn't do their part of the treatment, but this is a telenovela and we can't expect too much. ;-)
It was also funny when Karla was pushing Damian in the wheelchair and she got distracted and he went into a tree. I'm sorry, but that was funny in a Three Stooges kind of way and well deserved by Damian.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recap, Nina. I only watched Guapos occasionally, but made sure to catch the finale. I enjoyed the triple wedding, not so much the multiple deaths. Luci's makeup also struck me as messed up.
ReplyDeleteSomeone earlier commented that Al & Mili needed more futuristic clothing for their death scene.
The long projection into the future for all the deaths actually struck me as sorta funny, although I shed a few guilty tears. Damian and Connie were amusing stuck in the house together at the last.
La Paloma
I see so many ppl commenting on being sad that Rosela & Consta didn't end up together, but I actually think that the writers left it a little ambiguous as to whether they did or not. Remember what Luciana told Consta after he got rejected by Rosela, "don't give up, you can STILL conquer her again..." And then in the flash-forwards we see the family together in the mansion lawn with Rosela at Consta's side, and although there weren't any *conspicuous* signs that they were a couple, there were a few little hints.
ReplyDeleteRegarding why Luciana looked the way she did before she died, I'm guessing she was the first to die due to her alcoholism problems, probably had liver failure or something.
--Will reserve further comments for Part 2--
I prepared ahead of time this time: I asked my music major friend again to identify the music playing at the wedding scene. It's a selection from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
ReplyDeleteI HATED the ending! I wish I hadn’t seen it. I wish I could un-see it!
ReplyDeleteEverybody ages so fast. 10 years later, they had aged about 30 years, and they were dropping like flies.
The scene with Al and Mili on the beach was creepy. She had on so much makeup she couldn’t have any facial expression and she seemed frozen into some kind of look of unhappiness and desperation. When Al died, she just looked at him like “well, there he goes!” no sorrow, no tenderness because she couldn’t move her face. No goodbye.
The age makeup was bizarre on many characters. Luci looked like the lines on her face had been done with eyeliner pencil.
The bit about Damien and Connie at the end: I did like the affection between the two, and that when Connie died, Damien said “amigo!” But what about the moral to our story? Luci had said earlier that Connie would die alone and that would be his punishment, and here we see him almost alone in the mansion, no family around, no family to make sure his hair was cut and that he was neat and clean. Just Damien. So how did he come out ahead for changing and being a nice guy?
Thanks for a fabu recap NinaK =) It was a lot to recap and I'm glad you and 5 ft. split it.
ReplyDeleteQuick answers: money = varo. Not quite sure, where it came from as I never heard it as a kid, but they said it here a lot.
Mono went away to work somewhere. I want to say he came to the States to build bridges or something, but I'm not sure that part is right. Macarena told Damian they could still get together until Mono came back.
I agree with Bernard that Luci's premature death (she was probably in her mid to late 50s at most) and why she looked so bad was probably residual effects of all her drinking in the past. She probably still added a dew years to her life by quitting, but there's stuff you just can't erase. A friend of mine's mom died of emphysema 40 years after she quit smoking. This helped her live longer than she would have, but the previous 30 years of chain smoking took their toll.
I mostly liked the ending, though it was incredible reminiscent of the ending of Six Feet Under (the one with the family-owned funeral home that always began with someone dying and then they showed their name, birth year, and death year) in that you got to see a bunch of flash forwards with the deaths of the main characters, and some with the visit of their dead loved ones, like Horacio "picking up" Socorro. This made more sense in SFU, since it was all about death, but it was interesting in this one, especially since Al had said they'd die at 90. I did laugh at the ridiculous mustache they put on Al, and the fact that they showed age by adding facial hair.
Not sure that Damian got enough punishment, though it was satisfying to watch Erika dump him in the pool (While feigning being paralyzed, he had her wipe his bum! Yuck!) and Karla ramming him into a tree. It's hard to say whether Ros took Consti back for a while or not, but it was clear that when he died, he and Damian were all alone picking at each other with occasional interference from the nurse I suppose.
I didn't think it was weird that Al and Mili's kid went into the priesthood. They were a very religious family. I did appreciate the irony of Karla's kid being as difficult to raise as mom was ;)
Speaking of Karla, did anyone else notice her wedding dress wasn't white? It was a very pale blue. The three brides went from heavily covered (Mili), to a plunging neckline (Val), to strapless (or was it off the shoulder? I forget) and form fitting (Karla). It was quite sweet that she had Horacio walk her down the aisle. Further proof that she became a nice person.
Although it was sweet to have Al and Mili die together, and to set it in the same place they were together for the first time, what was with that hideous couch??!! And why was there a platform with flips flops there (I didn't rewind it, so maybe it was something else, but it just looked wrong. Alas, although Allison is a pretty good actress for her age, she really couldn't get a 90-year-old right. Overall though, I was pretty satisfied ;)