Relationships are ending in this one; others are beginning, including an especially icky one with Barbara and Chalo. They haven't done the deed yet, but let's just say the groundwork has been laid (no pun intended).
But "paso a paso". Let's start with the rehash. Ernesto is worried about Ivan's whereabouts. Bruno, in a moment alone with Hortensia, calls her a damned vegetable and threatens to dump Diana in Vasco's arms if Horty doesn't come through with the money. His bedside manner is somewhat lacking, I'd say...although it does get a strong response from Hortensia. Her eyes open way wide when he leaves. Actually he probably did her a lot of good. She's determined to get better now!
Meanwhile, Chalo is still laying it on thick with Barbara and she's lapping it up. First he praises her fighting ability, taking on those thugs who were following her jogging venture. Sure hope you have that same fire in other endeavors...hint hint. In addition, he proposes taking her to a little restaurant called Doña Paula's as a way of thanking her for all her sartorial advice. Reading her hesitation accurately, he assures her that none of her friends would frequent such a place, but the food IS delicious ("a chuparse los dedos"...finger-lickin' good).
Ernesto's trying to figure out where to find Ivan, and Lorena accompanies him to Bettina's but unfortunately Bettina knows even less than they do. She still hasn't even heard that Ivan's parents have died.
At work, Vasco's called a meeting of the troops. Sara's got a cocktail dress on , from the looks of the neckline, but he's not distracted. Ditto for Jacqui who's in a strapless dress. Is this office attire in the DF? Sara sneers at him not to act like the boss but he persists...he wants the records and he wants to go over every one of them. Oily Ickturo tries to gain his confidence but Vasco replies that he doesn't trust anybody at this point. Clearly he's inherited Hortensia's brains if not her rapaciousness. We need to cut back on personnel and cut back on costs, he tells them. How can I support you if you don't trust me? snaps Sara.
Don Toribio and Bettina run into Ivan's friend ,Tony, who tells them how he learned of Ivan's parents' the papers. He hasn't seen Ivan at all and while he's tried to call him, he's gotten no answer. Bettina cries, thinking about how much Ivan must be hurting, and Toribio tries to console her with a grandfatherly hug. And adds that if Ivan hasn't contacted her, he needs to be allowed to grieve in his own way.
Meanwhile, back at the firm, Sara and Arturo are making fun of Vasco. Arturo does a pretty good imitation of his solemn speech and Sara adds that he needs to go back to "saving the dolphins and get out of their way. Arturo smiles and makes his pitch: If I support you and don't tell Vasco you've been diverting funds, then I want a share. Forty per cent of your take. Sara does the "how dare you, I'm the one with power" bit but he's not swayed. All right. I'll take thirty-five per cent...I hate to haggle with a "lady". She's furious but he's got her where he wants her. For now anyway.
At the billiards hall, Ivan is shooting pool, taking a swig of someone's beer, and being confronted by one of his schoolmates who lets him know his uncle has learned of his absences and he'd better get home. Ivan is rude, as usual, and says he's sick of this kid's sermons. At least Ivan is consistent. He's rude and nasty to everyone, and I must point out, that he was plenty rude to Ernesto even before his parents died. So we can't blame it all on angry grief.
Now we switch to the clinic where Bruno and Alonso are talking about Hortensia's condition. Alonso asks Bruno to call Sara since he's avoiding her. Bruno's game, especially since he figures if he can't get any money out of the old bat, he'll extract it from Sara. Hey, I'm almost feeling sorry for our villaness!
Of course Sara is outraged when Bruno calls and wonders how he got her number. Bruno happily rubs salt in the wound, telling her Alonso gave it to him because he doesn't want anything more to do with her. What a charmer, this one!
Now a great scene with Chalo and Barbara at the restaurant. He's chewing with his mouth open, spewing food while talking at the same time, yelling for more salsa....the whole naco bit though I've known a few guys like that myself. Especially the chowing down hastily like it's their last meal. But I digress. She corrects his manners and we see she's got plans for making him the next acceptable bedmate. He schmoozes some more, calling her the queen of France. She simpers that there have been no queens in that country for at least 200 years. Hey, so what...he's got a queen right there at his table. More simpering and gooey looks. Aaaarrgggh.
Meanwhile, her soon-to-be-ex is contemplating his freedom with good pal Maruja. Jaime can't believe he stayed so long with such a superficial woman. Maruja points out that one can get so used to living badly that it seems normal. But does he ever think of marrying again? Not now, he assures her. He needs to find a job, and find himself. Until then he has nothing to offer a woman. And with his age and his paltry curriculum, it won't be easy to find a job, but he'll manage somehow. As he changes the subject by offering her coffee, she muses sadly, ah, he only thinks of me as a friend.
Bettina is still crying. Not "ugly crying" don't qualify for that category. But she's a persistent crier, that's for sure. Dad Dario tries to console her but she argues that when one loves somebody, one wants to be there for them "en las buenas y en las malas". He needs me! She also realizes she would just die if something happened to her own parents. She never realized life could be so tough.
And now we see our suffering Ivan, standing by the spot where his parents met their death. He's so preoccupied, he steps out in front of a car but is snatched back by a pedestrian. They talk about the accident because this fellow saw it and called the ambulance. He tells Ivan that the couple died instantly. Did you know them? he adds. Ivan says no, rejecting another opportunity to vent, and goes on his way.
Back at Ernesto's apartment the subject, of course, is Ivan. When is he coming home? What do I say to him? Lorena advises Ernesto not to chew him out (regañar). But things go from bad to worse. Ernesto finds chewing gum on his dining room table (Lord, this is bringing back memories!) Alex claims to know nothing about it (more memories!) but Ernesto points out that it had to be him, Gina doesn't chew gum. Alex fires back in're an hysterical ogre...Ivan was don't love us!. Lorena has to leave for class. She and Ernesto exchange a perfunctory peck (I guess I missed all the good kissing when I was down in Charlotte and then back in Columbus but without power). After she goes, the maid enters with the news that Gina has wet the bed again during her nap (oh my, more memories). Clearly Ernesto is deciding that parenthood is not for him....and who could blame him?
Meanwhile, at Paula's apartment, Bettina is also sleeping, having cried her eyes out. Dario is ready to jump back into the relationship and Paula is understandably cautious. (Victimizers want to get the past behind them and move on....but victims have long memories. That's just how it is, folks.) Dario is all confidence and "let's get it on"...his love is so strong it will heal all wounds. He moves in for the kiss but Paula pushes him gently away. " Qué?" he asks. It's just that I can't believe you're kissing me again, she replies. But then they do...a longer one...but she still looks thoughtful (as well she might!) She points out that if their reconciliation fails, it will be even more painful for the three of them than before. Of course he's sure that it's all gravy from here on.
Now Ivan arrives home and he and Ernesto lock horns. Where have you been!? And smelling of alcohol! (more parental memories...damn this is a difficult episode to recap!) What would your father think!? Don't bring him up...and quit playing papa! Get your own kids...any of those prostitutes you hang around with would be happy to give you kids, replies Ivan.
Ernesto grabs him and shakes him by the shoulders, telling him to respect him. (Frankly I thought Ernesto showed great restraint, considering....) But Ivan continues to act outraged, claiming his parents never laid a finger on him. (I'm tempted to say something here but I won't...I won't!)
Happier family times with Paula, Dario and Bettina...the latter so pleased her parents are getting back together.
Now how about Arturo and Jacqui getting together?....well, that's not going so well. She's griping about the hotel and wants to move it with her oily new lover. He reminds her that he lives with his mom. Well get me an apartment then. With what? he asks. She thinks he's making plenty of money with all his "investments" but he counters that he's not making enough to get her the digs she deserves. Wily fellow.
And now, back to Chalo's calculated seduction. Barbara's looking pensive, holding the divorce proceeding papers and they discuss her marriage. Jaime wed her because his mother liked her. And she...she was in love with love...or maybe just the routine of marriage (read, financial support here) but she grew disillusioned. Well so did Chalo. A bad woman betrayed him. The two disappointed lovers look each other over. Yep, something is definitely brewing here.
But not at Alonso's apartment. His relational skills really suck, I gotta say. Sara arrives. What are you doing here? I don't want to see you. You're crazy. He literally shoves her out the door. Good grief, I don't like the broad either, but buddy, use your listening skills for a minute. Really! Anyway, she whines at the door that she luuuuuves him and he mutters to himself, damn the moment that I ever got involved with her!
Ernesto's relational skills have hit bottom also. He's yelling at everyone in the kitchen. The chicken is disgusting, the tamarind sauce is awful. You made it Lorena?! What do they teach you in school!? She does her "poor me" look and he apologizes while Maruja calmly instructs everyone to do the chicken and sauce over.
He pulls Lorena aside for a little chat (again, an impossibility in a normally busy restaurant kitchen) and tells Lorena that he can't deal with the kids, especially Ivan who's impossible and arrived home smelling of alcohol. Lorena advises him not to take a decision that he'll regret. He's firm....he'll miss them but he just can't do it.
Decisions, decisions...Paula's not sure about hers either. And Papa Toribio is lukewarm at best about her reconciling with Dario. She asks him about Amalia. Amalia who? He's not going there so they return to discussing her situation. Bettina wants her dad to move back in right away, but Paula admits that she's still resentful. At this point, Bettina pops in, doesn't want breakfast, dad's waiting to take her to school and of course, once outside, she softsoaps him into taking her by Ivan's school.
Meanwhile, Paula's still mulling over her decision. She thought once she beat out Jacqui she'd be happy. But now she's remembering things that make her how much more Dario spent on Jacqui than he ever did on her and Bettina. Toribio advises her to confront her angry feelings but then move on and forgive. (easier said than done Papa Toribio, sez I)
Angry feelings are also the topic in Ernesto's car as he drives the kids to school. I want to talk to you after school, he says. What have we done? wails little Gina. Ivan points out that he's the one to blame so don't take it out on his brother and sister. Clearly you're fed up with us,he adds. Ernesto refuses to take the bait but repeats that they will talk after school.
Lorena's going over the same ground with Maruja and Rossy, telling them how Ernesto can't cope. Maruja, as a parent, easily understands how Ernesto feels overwhelmed. Rossy unfortunately adds, he's used to a mountain of women, not a bunch of kids. That rekindles Lorena's fear of falling in love and then being dumped like all his other novias. Maruja and Rossy backtrack and advise her to slow down with the future forward anxiety already! They've just started the relationship after all. They decide to go cheer up Zulema who's been down in the dumps ever since Sara left home. (of course we know that's not all that's bothering her)
Anyway, the scene switches to Zully lurking outside the mansion with Julian beside her, trying to talk her out of trying to see Sara. He finally succeeds just as Chalo drives up with Barbara in tow. What's that idiot doing here, Julian wonders.
Well, one thing the idiot is doing is continuing his calculated seduction of Barbara (not that she's offering much resistance). You'll feel better once the divorce is over, he assures her. You're so attractive, you'll be beating off the guys with a club! "Solterita la vida es más bonita" he adds.
Sara has managed to sneak into Hortensia's room while Augusta is absent and is whispering sweet nothings like I'm going to send you to the other world! Why don't you hurry up and die so I can have all your money and take over completely! Augusta rushes to the rescue and shoos Sara out, reassuring Hortensia that she'll never leave her alone again. (you have to wonder when Augusta sleeps or even goes to the bathroom, for God's sakes...but again, I digress).
Bettina has finally found Ivan outside of his school and he rebuffs her with the same rudeness as everyone else. She wants to "share his pain". He assures her this is an illusion. No one can. She loves him. He doesn't love her. In fact he doesn't love anybody. When you love people you can lose them. He's going to protect himself from now on. Little brother and sister watch this sad scene from Ernesto's car and then they drive off. Dario tries to console Bettina with a fatherly hug.
Meanwhile, we see that Augusta and Hortensia have worked out a way to communicate. Eyes wide open means "yes". Eyes shut means "no". Hortensia confirms that yes, Sara did threaten her, but no, she doesn't want Vasco to know yet that she can communicate. (love how all these telenovela plots thrive on keeping pointless secrets).
Well, no secret that Barbara wants to get this divorce business over with pronto. Clearly our underemployed redhead is poised to move on. But not without playing the "victim card" a bit longer. When Vasco asks her if there's any chance of reconciliation, she apart?... clearly your father doesn't care about me. Jaime takes a gentler approach, saying he understands Vasco's wish for his parents to stay together, but both he and Barbara have decided a divorce is for the best. We end this scene with a long shot of Vasco looking sad.
Omar, on the other hand is looking happy. He's just gotten his hands on Victor's prescription for Viagra and Omar's sure this is going to solve all his problems.
Ernesto, picking up the kids' toys and books in the bedroom (more parental memories although the mess was much greater in my kids' rooms) he tells himself that "it's for the best". I'm just going to hurt them. They're better off with Gladys. He calls her, tells her she's right and he's ready to turn them over.
We switch now to Zulema, Maruja and Lorena at the market where she's picking out food to prepare for tonight's dinner with Diana and Bruno. Zully and Lorena both marvel at how they both react the same way to food, being "cocineras de corazon". At the same time, Julian is with Rossy and giving her the 411 about seeing Chalo driving a car at the mansion. How did he get that work!? Well, your "hermanita" is capable of anything, quips Rossy. She's not my sister! he protests. (how right you are, Julian)
Rossy passes on the news to Lorena later, who muses that Sara is a "porqueria" of a human being and that she and Chalo are "tal para cual" (two of a kind).
Another porqueria of a human being is our Bruno who's trying to get out of having dinner with his in-laws. Diana is upset. He's fed up with the whole marriage thing. Promises he'll "try and get out of work" but we know he's fibbing.
At the same time, Alonso is talking with Florencia. Inappropriately, I might add. He tells her he broke up with his girlfriend so now nothing stands in the way of their getting married. Sure, he's kidding. But still....Knowing how patients transfer their emotions to their doctors (remember how you fell in love with your ob/gyn when you were pregnant, gals?) this is an odd tack to take. Florencia replies she'll never marry anybody because she's going to die. Not so, says Alonso. We've found a donor match and will proceed with a bone marrow transplant. She's thrilled that her prayers have been answered. I'm appalled that he's making promises he might not be able to keep. Still, as Bernie Siegel says, there's no "false hope"...certainly not in
telenovelas anyway.
Jaime and Barbara are having an amicable post-divorce chat on the steps of the courthouse. She tells him she's learning to approach life from another vantage point (under Chalo). He hopes she'll find the love she deserves (under Chalo). Off she trots, and Jaime is left there looking thoughtful. He slowly removes his wedding ring and puts it in his pocket.
Vasco is having a serious talk with Arturo about the financial problems of the business and the danger of bankruptcy. Arturo does a little fast talking about getting new accounts and purveyors and making up the losses by year's end. At the same time, Sara is reaming out Jacqui about arranging a buffet dinner for only 50 and doing it without Sara's approval. The discussion quickly escalates and Sara fires her. Jacqui demands compensation. Sara refuses. Stop by personnel, don't come back and get out of my office. It's not YOUR office, replies Jacqui. It's Hortensia's and no matter how long you're here, you'll never be able to fill her shoes.
We end this episode with Ernesto helping Alex and Gina play with some toys on the floor and telling them that they'll be going to their Aunt Gladys' home to live. Alex, quick on the draw as usual, says that Ivan is right. You're an egotist. You never liked us. You promised you'd take care of us but we're just a bother to you.
The scene ends with Ernesto looking disturbed..but I hate to say this...his disturbed look is a lot like Alonso's...more reminiscent of emotional constipation. And on that note we end.
* * *
Vocabulary, such as it is, is embedded. It's good to be back, folks. I missed the shows, the recaps and the comments. It was great to be with the grandkids, not so great to be dealing with severe storm damage and power outages on our return to Columbus. But hopefully, things will get my life... if not in this telenovela!
JudyB, I am so happy you got your power back because you do such an awesome job of recapping! Thanks! (I haven’t seen the episode since I’m on the road and will have to watch it on YouTube, so this will give me a head start on understanding and I won’t have to rewind so much). Thanks for the vocab tidbits, too!
ReplyDelete“Reading her hesitation accurately, he assures her that none of her friends would frequent such a place, but the food IS delicious ("a chuparse los dedos"...finger-lickin' good).” Oooh, could our Barb get civilized to the real world? What a thought!
“Sara's got a cocktail dress on , from the looks of the neckline, but he's not distracted. Ditto for Jacqui who's in a strapless dress. Is this office attire in the DF?” LOL! Apparently so since we’ve seen it in La Fea, Yo Amo a Juan and now QE.
“ara does the "how dare you, I'm the one with power" bit but he's not swayed. All right. I'll take thirty-five per cent...I hate to haggle with a "lady".” Oooh, an unholy alliance. I predict Jacqui will soon find herself out in the cold. Ickturo likes a woman who can get him what he wants and Jacqui can’t.
“At least Ivan is consistent. He's rude and nasty to everyone, and I must point out, that he was plenty rude to Ernesto even before his parents died. So we can't blame it all on angry grief.” Exactly!
“She corrects his manners and we see she's got plans for making him the next acceptable bedmate.” LOL! First things first, right? Get this part done before we look into anything else.
“She and Ernesto exchange a perfunctory peck (I guess I missed all the good kissing when I was down in Charlotte and then back in Columbus but without power).” LOL! You’d better go back to #59 if for nothing else but the kissing!
“Toribio advises her to confront her angry feelings but then move on and forgive. (easier said than done Papa Toribio, sez I)” How come he can tell Paula that and not do it himself with Amalia?
“Ivan points out that he's the one to blame so don't take it out on his brother and sister. Clearly you're fed up with us,he adds.” Well, that fist with my theory last night or on Friday, that he wants to see if Unc really wants them so he’s testing to see how much.
“Sara has managed to sneak into Hortensia's room while Augusta is absent and is whispering sweet nothings like I'm going to send you to the other world! Why don't you hurry up and die so I can have all your money and take over completely!” With any good luck Snortensia will have total recall when she comes to.
“Meanwhile, we see that Augusta and Hortensia have worked out a way to communicate. Eyes wide open means "yes". Eyes shut means "no". Hortensia confirms that yes, Sara did threaten her, but no, she doesn't want Vasco to know yet that she can communicate.” This is a good method for communication with some stroke victims. We even used it with a student who was a juvenile stroke victim—it was really a fairly reliable way for him to communicate and gave his family a lot of hope about his cognition. I guess it’s no surprise that telenovela writers would be aware of it.
“She tells him she's learning to approach life from another vantage point (under Chalo). He hopes she'll find the love she deserves (under Chalo).” ROTFLLLL!!!!
Love the title!
Thanks Jeanne. Appreciated the insight on stroke victims. Wasn't there one man in France who managed small signs for every letter in the alphabet and therefore(with steno help) was able to write a book about his experience? I believe it was even made into a movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to going back now and reading the recaps (well once I get all the yard waste out of the garage and down to the curb. Plus pitching all the spoiled food out of the freezer. Fun city!
Thanks for the great recap, Judy.
ReplyDeleteThe book and film you mentioned is called THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY...both terrific. At 44, Jean Dominque Bauby who was the editor of French ELLE magaine, and also a writer, after a stroke in his brain stem, had "locked in syndrome." He was able to understand and think, but not move or speak, and as you said dictated a memoir about his experience to his therapist by blinking when she said the letters of the alphabet. (actually he died a few weeks after the book was published). It's on DVD (Netflix has it) and really worth seeing. It was directed by the artist Julian Schnabel and visually is also very interesting.
Back to less artistic work, but perhaps more "fun"...
Alonso remains the same idiot. But I was disappointed that Ernesto was unable to step up to the plate. Maybe he will reverse his decision....both for the kids' sake and his own. (Frankly, since Ivan has stated he wants to live with his aunt, he should let him go and keep the two younger cuties -although it's probbaly true that Ivan is just testing him).
NJ Sue
JudyB, welcome back and I'm guessing your power outage followed the remnants of Ike? Great recap, especially with all you have on your plate now.
ReplyDeleteThe Paula character strikes me as the kind of person (I've seen this in both genders) who views each and every encounter with another human as a negotiation to be won. She'll probably make a fortune on her Mary Kay business.
Unrelated, but all the refs to Tamarind Sauce have made me curious. Does anyone have a good recipe?
Good morning NJ Sue and Mike. It's sooo good to be back. Have to tell you something funny about power outages. Everyone in Columbus has been very civilized about handling lack of traffic lights. Everyone proceeding in an orderly fashion like it's a four-way stop.
ReplyDeleteBUT....there was incipient violence at the one Starbucks that was open. The line was out the door and people were getting murderous looks on their faces as people further ahead in line took forever ordering multiple coffees and pastries. Funny but scary!
Sue, thanks for remembering those titles. An incredible story and so amazing to think how he dictated all that. His patience and the patience of his assistant...awesome.
Mike...I'll google tamarind sauce and see what gives. They were also talking about cream of pumpkin soup last night and I DO have a good recipe for that. (And by the way, my students think Third Rate Romance, Low Rent Rendezvous is a hoot!)
JudyB, my son has an (unrepeatable here...) theory about people who place long, involved orders at Starbucks. And, hey, I can Google on tamarind sauce though I appreciate your offer to do so. Maybe some of the other folks here have personal favorites.
ReplyDeleteOne more comment: ever since Cap'n Sylvia referred to "Play Misty for Me" I've been thinking how much the Sara actress does kinda resemble Jessica Walter.
Hmmm...yes, Sara does look a bit like that actress in Play Misty for Me. Can't remember her name but she had a slightly more chiseled face...and not the lipstick past the contours of the mouth like our Sara!
ReplyDeleteEvidently some people make orders for the whole office but still!...they were risking dismemberment Monday I can assure you. This Starbucks was open because the store was located in the power grid of University Hospital so they were up and running.
Thanks Judy, it's wonderful to have you back. I almost said "back in action" but I think nine hours of hauling branches and cleaning up was probably more action than you cared to experience!
ReplyDelete"Under Chalo", ha ha!! I almost dropped my cup of tea.
I've got to say Bruno is getting nastier and nastier. He's starting to display a real mean streak. I think it's funny how he and Sara secretly threaten Snorty when she can't speak. What a couple of lily-livered chicken hearts. I remind myself that Snorty deserves it but their doing it makes me more sympathetic toward her. Oh man just wait until she gets her faculties back. This is going to be sweet!
Mike mentioned that the actresses name is Jessica Walter. I know what Mike means, the clingier and more pathetic Sara gets the more she reminds me of her. Creeeeepy.
Starbucks, ugh. I avoid it like the plague, partly because of the lines and the wacky people in line ordering huge amounts of very complex items. When I get in the mood for Starbucks (rarely, because I prefer Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee) I buy a can of "Doubleshot" and let that take care of it.
ReplyDeleteHey, everyone, we passed the halfway mark and began the second half of the novela last night.
Wow...that shows how loggy I STILL am...I didn't even catch Mike's mention of the actual name. Still fuzzy in post trash haulin' mode. Counted the bags and containers of yard waste in the garage and there are 30 of them. No wonder I'm brain-drained. Now to get those suckers down to the curb!
ReplyDeleteJudy, this Saturday will be five years since Isabel went through our neck of the woods. Emilia and I both empathize completely with your situation.
ReplyDeleteIt does pass. Hang in there.
Thanks Mike. I need the encouragement. I feel like I have a heavy fog in my brain right now.
ReplyDeleteSchoolmarm..I'm wondering if maybe Starbucks just does attract fussy detailed people. The ones who really drive me crazy are the indecisive ones....uh, I'll have wait, maybe I want this...what is "this" like? Well what do you recommend? Aaaarrrgh.
Gave up coffee for years and was making do on Irish Breakfast Tea from Trader Joe's (really strong!) but when I'd did the "chief cook and bottle washer" thing at my daughter's house for the new baby, I got re-addicted to coffee. Partly because it just reminded me of being with them and those two-week baby stints are some of the happiest times of my life.
JudyB, I gave up coffee four years ago (except for rare medicinal purposes) and now drink TJ's Irish Breakfast tea! You're right, it is strong.
ReplyDeleteWow're the first one I know who drinks it too (although obviously I'm not the only one 'cause sometimes my store is "out".) Not only is it strong, it's also very reasonably priced...another plus when coffee is so darned expensive. Okay, that's it, partner, I'm going back on the wagon. Tomorrow morning I start the day with tea. I'll put the coffee in the freezer, pray for no more power outages, and save it for when my Charlotte folks come to visit.
ReplyDeleteJudyB. ^^^I want you to know that reading one of your recaps at the end of a loooong day at work is a great stress reliever for me. Your funny comments and clear synopsis of all the action plus a cuppa hot mint tea leaves me feeling rejuvenated and smiling. Thanks so much. I enjoyed all your witty observations , but my fav was ''she's looking at life from a new vantage point [under Chalo.'' Excellent...although Barb seems to me to be the kind of girl who likes to be ''on top of things [like Arturo and Chalo, for example]'' By the way, if she divorces Jaime and starts boinking poor Shallow, how does she expect to keep up her lifestyle [i.e. not working but shopping every day ]. Sorry to hear about the storm damage in your area. I hope things are getting back to normal. I missed you while you were gone , and I'm glad you and your view are back !!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Coffee Talk : About the coffee/tea discussion. I used to drink mostly Boston Mint Tea. However, after reading that recent research has shown that a little coffee is actually good for you, I have one cup every morning [one teaspoon of instant Taster's Choice and 3 teaspoons of Cappuchino mix.] Then , I have one cup of hot Boston Mint Tea after dinner. Hub drinks coffee when we go out, but he has tea at home. He is a big hombre [think Mighty Joe Juan] , and he likes STRONG tea, so he puts 3 [sometimes 4] Lipton teabags in a BIG mug. Bizarre, verdad ???? In Canada [where are older daughter lives] they have Starbucks , but they also have Tim Horton [a Starbuckish chain named after a popular Canadian hockeyn player. Hub loves to go to Tim Horton's for java when we are visiting in Toronto.
ReplyDeletep.s. #2^^^rEne Stickler may be the Mr. Coffee of Mexico [remember his nickname in Destilando recaps] , but Tim Horton is definitely the Canadian Mr. Coffee.
ReplyDeleteI can't get by without my cup of coffee in the morning. Just one cup, after I get to work. Never make it at home. Never have a second cup at work. But if for some reason I miss that one cup, I feel it all day. Strange how your body can adapt to stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteExcellent recap, I too laughed out loud at the 'under Chalo' comments. Classic.
Ah...our addictions...whether coffee or tea, they're necessary to us. Like Ferro, my dad only had ONE cup of coffee ever. But that was because he had had tuberculosis when I was 3 (at a sanatorium for 6 mos and in bed for 6 mos) and after that he was very careful with his health and always made sure to get 8 hours sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I went off coffee I had headaches for two weeks but now I seem to be able to take it or leave it.
Susanlynn...I missed your last comment on my blog line before we left town but YES...we do seem to have a lot in common. Both my parents grew up on farms and uncles and aunts on both sides still lived on farms so those are my happiest memories. We'll have to sit down sometime and provide the frosty lemonade and I'll bring the fresh mint from my mini herb garden!
Glad you all enjoyed "under Chalo"...I almost didn't put it in, never know when I'm crossing the line...but hey, Barbara's new perspective
On one other note (which I'm trying to find amusing). My son programmed the new VCR so I could see the Spanish telenovelas I missed while I was down spoiling Baby Jack and Kate.
ReplyDeleteHow I was looking forward to those kissing/ romantic scenes between Lorena and Ernesto, not to mention laughing at Guapos and Fuego. I finally sat down to enjoy myself. And found that thanks to my husband's obsession with the Weather Channel (what is it about retired guys?) I now have 6 hours of.....yep, weather. Aaaaargggghhhh!
LOL....Sorry to laugh, but 6 hours of the weather Thank goodness for Youtube. You can probably catch a lot of what you missed there. YIKES...6 HOURS of The Weather Channel instead of the disappointing ....que lastima. ''You missed some great weather while you were gone, but , don't worry, I taped it for you.''
ReplyDeleteI know, I know....RIVETING, right!? Well, for him, it is. He tunes in numerous times a day. I guess looking out the window isn't enough. It always was for me...but hey, different strokes.
ReplyDeleteHa My Uncle Ray was the same way. However, I must admit that I check the weather channel every once in awhile to figure out what to wear to work and if I need to take my umbrella...I have about a block to walk from my car to the building I teach in ...and I don't like to get wet ...and then spend the whole day teaching in wet clothes.
ReplyDeleteSounds good to me. Since what I teach leaves me drenched in sweat anyway, a little rain feels good! I've been known to creep into the grocery store afterwards (hoping I don't run into anybody I know) and someone will ask me if I've been swimming. (note to self: go home and shower for goshsakes before shopping!)
ReplyDeleteWelcome out of the fray JB, what a lovely job...title is stellar!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, loved the "under Chalo"s tooo funny. Great job, as I haven't seen it yet even, so I'm cuaght up for tonight now. Thanks again Judy!!!
PS also meant to say great title!!
ReplyDeleteWhoops I did say it!!! OK, nevermind me....
No problem Fuego...I've been like that all day. The fog rolled into my brain and it hasn't cleared yet. Hoping I'm better tomorrow. We finally learned that the tree trimmer company I called can come out Friday to clear away our HUGE 40-year-old fir tree that Ike blew over. Maybe when that's gone, my brain will go back to normal.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, glad you like the title and Barbara's new position in life. Let's just hope she enjoys it as much as we enjoy talking about it!
JudyB, if your class enjoys "Third Rate Romance", they might also enjoy "Trashy Women" by Confederate Railroad. You can check it out on YouTube. It's even funnier.