What a long strange trip it’s been, actually not really actually pretty predictable…but it is pretty to think so.
Will Ros leave before ever knowing, hugging or besoing her beautiful daughter…Oh say isn’t so. Paulo that I actually thought was named Pablo calls his crush Brau and gives him the news that Ros is leavin on a Jet Plane and apparently won’t be back again. “No Puede Ser. So here’s the game plan. Drive Ros over to the soccer fields and meanwhile Brau will gather up the posse.
Brau calls Luci who is there with the kid & Nestor. Brau tells Gloria, Horocio & Socorro (Karla’s Ma) that he is Mili’s Uncle, Ma ain’t dead and we all need to get to the soccer field and stop her from leaving.
Meanwhile, somewhere in traffic, Andrea is in one car with Damien who has a big heaping helping of McSmirk on his face. He wish he could see the face of Consti, when Consti watches the video.
Paulo & Ros are in the next car ; Mili & Al are in a beat-up volkswagon bug taxi right behind them. Alas none see the others.
Consti is being driven home by Chamaco. Consti is yelling to hurry up. Chamaco says he is driving the speed limit. Consti says drive faster. Consti will take responsibility if they are caught. As if…
Over in the Park, Bobby, Lina & Hugo are dressed in their street people garb. Bobby is strumming the guitar and Lina is banging the tambourine, so far they have made 15 pesos. Hugo is pretty nervous.
Karla finally arrives and Lina in her ultra naca stoner voice starts giving Karla some jibes. Karla really is trying to be nice to her, but for Lina it is payback time. Oh Lina, you wouldn’t be so snarky if Karla knew who you were. Hugo talks to Karla for awhile and starts singing. Hugo sings some romantic song and he sound really good. As for the lyrics, well you know me.
As Hugo is singing we see…..
Meanwhile Damien & Andrea are driving off on their new life. They are driving to Toluca. I myself have traveled that road. It goes up through like pine forest, the altitude is really high and I think you are above the leafed tree zone. The altitude is 8793 ft. However, our two fleeing lovers never get to enjoy the lack of oxygen and they start kissing and smack in a totally surprising, not used in a hundred TeleNovelas, the car runs into a huge truck. We see Damian through the windshield, but the windshield is smashed up and there is blood all over the inside.
Consti runs inside and starts racing around the house looking for Damien, up the stairs and down the stairs, no one is home. Finally he is panting so bad I think awesome, he is going to have a heart attack. No such luck.
Hugo finishes singing and he and Karla have a big lip lock as the passerbyers, give him a rousting round of applause. You can tell Karla is really enchanted with Hugo. He wants to kiss her again, but she says she can only be friends with him. He asks questions about Damien & Hugo. Karla is so over them, she has no idea where they are. She is a single mom, no time for romance.
Brau & Horacio see Chamaco and tell him that they have to go to the soccer fields. He says he can’t the Patron told him to wait. Nope they drag him off. Consti is rapidly losing any respect anyone still had for him. Consti is so last century.
Consti slams the doors of the study better known as the rent it by the hour sex studio. He sees an envelope on the desk. There is a DVD and he plays it. Now this was seriously the high-light of the show.
Damien and Andrea are in the bed. They say, “Surprise”.
Andrea---When did it start? When you were in jail, you know I don’t like sleeping alone.
Damien---and we are off to a grand life spending the money I got for 60% of the company.
Andrea---Damien is a better Amante than you.
Damien –Attention.
(jeez I was rolling at that).
Moving right along..Karla asks Hugo to let her buy him dinner. Hugo declines, but they are hawt together.
Ros arrives at the soccer field and everyone stands around staring. She is so bonita…
The poor folks are thinking she is the best thing since Pancho Villa & the redistribution of land…
The rich folks are thinking she is the best thing since the PAN party, and 70 years of rule and getting our riches back..Everyone smiles at each other, unware of the parallel universes.
The Paramedics arrive and get Damien & Andrea out. Damien says save --------- and -----------. I can’t remember their names, but dead wife and dead girlfriend of Hugo. Paramedics drag a blanket over Andrea head, there are no other people here, they tell him. Damien snaps out of his DeJaVu only it really isn’t just the sense of having done something before, Dude has had two fatal accidents. They tell him the chic is dead & by the by can we call someone? Folks I’m stunned I guess it really wasn’t true TeleNovela love…Damien doesn’t break down into the real love gritoing, angsty, Oh Gawd Oh Gawd take me…..normal TeleNovela love speak. Instead he says call my son Hugo, it is a local call.
Meanwhile, Hugo is talking love talk to Karla and telling her he is going to come and see her later.
Mili finally arrives the field of dreams and orphans. It is your Ma, it is your daughter, Al tells her to hug her, go…finally they run and embrace each other. Yadda Yadda Yadda, a moment worthy of the LifeTime channel. Actually don’t hate me, but I do think they kinda of look alike and seem to share a penchant for bad fashion and stringy hair. I wonder if they made Mili start wearing that nasty hair cause Ma was coming? Anyway there is not a dry eye on the field.
Consti sits at home ALONE..it sucks to be him. Not as bad as it sucks to be Andrea, but bad still in all.
Back at the field. Everyone is happy. Everyone gets introduced. Nestor introduces himself and Al says he is my Pa. Ya think? As the eyes glace across the uber-Anglo grouping, like yeah and if I was Consti, I’d get Val DNA tested too. Good times, good times. This calls for a party later in the real house, the comfortable house, not the Mansion of lies and bad times.
Everyone leaves and Al, Mili, Ma & baby stay behind to chat.
Hugo is in his room putting on his “The Real Hugo” disguise. He spots a card on the bed. It is from Pa.
Dear Hugo,
I’ve run off with a hawt chick. I sold 60% of the company. By the by, this would be a great time to re-hook up with Mili. Al is doing Ros Dillando (or whatever). Swoop in and she can be yours. Forget about Karla.
Have a great life…
Damien (dude doesn’t even say Dad).
Perleta has arrived to tell Consti, he is a shoe in for the Party President. So it’s not all bad news.
During the sit-down at Soccer world. Mili & Ma lament, each tells their personal story of bad times. Mili does not want Ma to get revenge on Consti. Personally Al hates him and wouldn’t mind kicking his Ass. Me too Al. Mili wants to talk to him, she sees goodness in him. Whatever. Mili does talk about growning up without the love of parents and how she had to watch him lavish love on Val, while treating her as the hire help. They stand up and Al has his arms around both women and the baby is there. Al says they are the three women he loves most in the world. I think I saw something like that once or twice on Springer---okay just kidding, Al is sincere.
The happy group get in the car and as they drive off they are followed by a dark SUV.
Over at the pole dancing palace…hey did you all know, they want to introduce pole dancing to the Olympics? Oh and you thought the ribbon dancing was festive.
Karla is telling Chunky Twin & Cuban guy about “Street Hugo” she wants them to give him a job singing. Chunky is not too down with this. I think she likes her girls, tough and money-making. Karla wants to change her life, it all isn’t money anymore.
Hugo comes downstairs and he has the card. Consti has a bad ass case of the crazy eyes. They discuss Damien. He sold the company to Ros Dillano. Hugo is like the one that Al is boinking? Consti is so desperate for his old lauding it over someone, that he says, yes…you can kill Al and get Mili back. Hugo knows crazy when he sees it. He backs off, he says he has been miserable at the house and wants to leave. Fine…Fine leave and don’t come back.
At the good house. Baby is on the sidewalk in the stroller. Someone comes up and starts messing with the blanket, it is Flor. Ros sees her and takes the baby. Flor just says she is such a pretty baby. Ros says she is the grandma. Grandma? Flor gets the CliffNotes version. You are Mili’s Ma? I thought she was an orphan. Not now. Poor Flor is left standing on the street.
The End
As for my assetment of Consti...He is was and will continue to be a RatBastard...we all know he is going to have some huge epiphany. I don't think it counts when you see the error of your ways cause no one can stand to be in the same house with you. He just is scared to be alone. He really is a very small man.
Thanks for reading these...I am going to Fuegodoom - Thurs. except I don't think it is on this Thurs.
Beckster: Thank you for the many snarky recaps. I didn't like this novela when it first started, but, the characters grew on me, and I think I'm going to miss it.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I don't get the point of Hugo's dressing in his beggar's garb and concealing his true identity from Karla. The old Karla would have been pissed off with him, but, the new Karla might think the street trio is fascinating. Of course, it may also be another example of Hugo not trusting her - but, why should she trust him? He hasn't been a prince when he didn't get his own way.
Beckster, thanks again for sticking with us, even though you didn't like this show. We enjoyed your wacky take on things, and I'll continue to read your recaps on Fuego, even if I can't bring myself to watch that more than once every couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteIn this episode, I thought Lina was trying to be nice to Karla. She said Karla was pregnant and almost gave away the secret but then covered by saying something like as a woman she has special vision. Then she let slip that "Hugo" told them.
I never thought Andrea would meet her doom in such a spectacular fashion, and so suddenly too. As Heidi Klum would say: One day you're in, and the next day you're out.
I think Hugo is trying to show Karla that someone could love her for herself. He has to show up as a stranger, 'cause she won't believe him as Hugo.
Also hilarious: did anyone notice that when Connie was running through the house yelling for Damian, at the end when he ran into the study the door came off the hinges!
ReplyDeleteMe, again. This is a belated request re Monday's episode. Luciana was explaining all the problems that Al and Mili were having she said something like that if it continues she would have to "...tomar papeles..." Has anyone heard of this expression? I couldn't find it in my limited resources. I thought it might mean to step in or jump in and do something to straighten the mess out.
ReplyDeleteI think we had that expression some months ago, and it meant take action or some such. Certainly makes sense from context. I can't find it on wordference.com.
ReplyDeleteNinaK: Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou are in rare form today, Beckster! I’m going to miss your recaps big time.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great episode. I wish Andrea hadn’t been wiped out so suddenly – it would have been great for her to have to suffer and grovel for a while.
Too bad for Luci and Vale, Al saying Mili and the 2 Rosarios are the three most important people in his life.
I liked Hugo's singing voice, but don't know if it was real. Seemed like lip-synching. Anyone know if he can sing?
ReplyDeleteBack to Andrea--there was just not enough time to digest her demise, considering what a big role she had played. I liked Monday's episode, where she was snuggling with Connie and he was dreaming of setting up housekeeping with Mili and stepmother Andrea. How heartwarming.
ReplyDeleteThat scene where the door came off the hinge and then the video was totally worth the price of admission. Best laugh I've had all week.
ReplyDeleteI really thought Andrea should have suffered more than just two seconds of pure terror, but whatever, now I guess she can burn in Hades.
Loved Hugo singing in the park. It looked like lip synching to me but I couldn't really tell. I thought he was going to take the wig off right then but no such luck.
Overall I thought this was a great episode but the eighth graders couldn't totally get it together...they really should have put two minutes into thinking of a plausible reason for Rosella to be out on the street with the baby in a stroller. It was completely weird that they all arrived at the house and, rather than just taking the baby inside, Al brought the stroller out of the house so they could put the baby in it, then everyone else went inside while Ros was still getting her things out of the car. The heck?
I'm glad you stuck with this, Beckster. Your recaps are always fun. I thought this show was annoying and too teenagerish when it started, but a few of the characters really grew on me and I liked the humor and plotting.
Thanks Beckster for sticking with us and giving us so many laughs.
ReplyDeleteI too noticed when Val was snuggling up to Nestor with her mom and the baby how their coloring all matched so well. Mili and her mom share the dark hair and eyes, like Constancio.
Andrea's departure was very abrupt. Almost makes you feel sorry for her sure to be unlamented passing. Almost, but not quite.
So was it Florencia that was in the dark SUV following Al, Mili, Rosela and the baby home from the soccer field? Or do we have another surprise waiting?
I was sure Florencia was going to just grab the baby and be gone before Rosela noticed. I did feel bad for her, she obviously has feelings for her baby. I'm sure they'll work it out amicably, but it kind of makes me nervous.
I wonder if Hugo will try to warn Mili or if he'll just stay out of it. One last thing for us to wait and see how he handles.
Flor was sitting on the bumper of a dark SUV after Ros went in, so I hope that was the only one stalking the family. Yet more unnecessary lies. OF COURSE Flor can't just say she's the baby's mother and dropped by for a visit; that would be too civilized and normal.
ReplyDeleteKarla and Hugo really are perfect for each other. I'm hoping Hugo will finally get the psychiatric medicine he desperately needs in a PSA for mental health care. Meanwhile, I kind of hope Damian falls out of the back of the ambulance and over a cliff in a freak accident on the way to the hospital. He could get caught on a branch and just hang there for awhile.
NinaK, I’m going to miss your great recaps, too! I hope at least you’ll fill in time to time…
ReplyDeleteAnd Julia, I agree that the show was very superficial at the beginning, plus I didn’t like Mili when she was in brat mode. But the humor and the great acting kept me with it and I think it’s turned into a great little novela!
Poor Beckster having to pop in and out with recaps and then get the one where Damian gets his just desserts. Hopefully we can get a group of recappers large enough so if someone hates a show they aren't saddled with having to watch it.
ReplyDeleteI caught that door screw up as well and had to laugh. One of the things that drew me deep into Novelaland was watching screw ups like that and how the show nonchalantly goes on - no cutting and fixing like in network shows. One of the first novelas I ever watched had an actor bounce off a piece of furniture, a door not stayed closed, the actress drop a prop and have to pick it up. i just love to see stuff like that.
Hugo has been testing Karla hence his bum outfit. I'd be pissed myself but could not believe that she didn't know him when she kissed him.
Florinda is back! I always thought she would show up to get that baby back. I don't know anyplace where you can just sign a piece of paper and give up your kid without a court and some witnesses, then again I don't know how Damian managed to sell the shares he stole.
Oh puleeze - Connie is running around the house wondering where everyone is. He should have thought about the little orange house and gone over. I'm still hoping he does since there would be a huge surprise waiting for him. I can't wait for that first face to face with Roshella.
Gotta love those Arangos. Hugo has been Connie's nephew for over 20 years but then makes a point of telling Connie, you aren't my uncle anymore since you divorced Luci. How nice of him to remind his tio and oh yeah sorry I sold my shares and Mili's to my lying thief of a father who ran off with your ho girlfriend and your business.
Speaking of ho's what is with Ros who has bucket loads of money but apparently only packed one pair of F me shoes?
Decie, why don't you do a recap? You would do a great job. You usually have an encyclopedic knowledge of the plot.