
Monday, October 20, 2008

Cuidado #21 Monday 10/20/08 Steffi tries to come to grips with the fact that Juan Miguel is slip-sliding away . . .

As your humble substitute recapper this evening, I give thanks that I do not have to recap this show regularly. Marichuy talks so fast and uses so much slang, it's really hard. Here's my best effort, and if anyone can fill in the gaps, it will be much appreciated.

First, my DVR picked up a lengthy overlap from Querida Enemiga, which I don't usually watch. I don't know who's getting married, but they're having dueling bachelor and bachelorette parties. In my mind, the girls' party won--there are at least six shirtless male strippers in Speedos.

Back to our lovebirds: Marichuy is trying to understand JM's relationship with Stefi. Are they really getting married? Does he love her?

We see a scene of Vivian driving away from the scene of the crime in her boat. She shouts Yes! Today I begin to live!

Inside the house, Stefi is gloating to Isa about how jealous Mari looked when he learned that JM and Stefi were "effectively" novios. "Effectively" is the operative word here, since he's just not that into her. Looking out the window, Isa says "not so fast. That naca is out there canoodling with JM in the garden."

Back in the garden, JM is telling Mari that of course he loves Stefi--he wouldn't marry her otherwise. Meanwhile, Mari gives him a recap of the whole Amador blindness fiasco, speaking way too quickly and using a lot of slang. Stalker Barbie sneaks up from behind and squeezes JM's arm a few times with a mi amor for good measure. She must think that if she says it enough times it will be true.

Amador comes to the theater, and Beatriz's friends read hiim the riot act.

Marichuy is at loose ends, so she throws rocks at a bottle.
Then she finds a cute white cat. Just then, Adrian comes by, and he offers to teach her. I'm missing a few details that may have been covered in previous episodes: 1) how did he get education? Has he been to university? 2) How come he is chosen to teach? Is he just volunteering himself, or did JM ask him to do it?

Now, everyone is at breakfast: Pat, Ceci, Stefi, Isa and JM. Stefi asks what JM was doing talking to Marichuy. I love the way she tries to keep her jealousy under wraps, but her phony smile doesn't really do the trick. Now Patricio says that Marichuy can't come to dinner because of her bad behavior. JM defends her--he says the events at the party were not her fault. Patricio thnks Amador got in to the party because Marichuy stole an invitation, but JM points out that she would never invite Amador because she hates him. Ceci saves the day when she drily points out that Amador is the grandson of the Robles. Oops.

Marichuy is still debating whether she should take lessons from Adrian, but she is swayed when she confirms that she will learn to speak like JM.

At the dinner table, Stefi orders the servants to give her "amor" more pasta. She's so happy that JM likes it, she's going to learn how to coook it herself tomorrow. That's if she can tear herself away from sliming all over him. Isa says it sounds like they're getting married really soon. JM squirms and says they'll discuss it later alone. Stefi walks him to the car and tries to push him to set a wedding date.

Back in Miami, Viv drives up to her hotel in a Jeep. She says in perfect English (no accent) that she's waiting for a call from Mr. Smith and asks the clerk if he called.

Meanwhile, Mari is eating in the kitchen, and Ceci seeks her out. Seems like Ceci prefers being with her there, and they settle in for a nice chat. Ceci persuades Marichuy to try being nice to Patricio instead of fighting all the time--maybe that will turn him around. Marichuy gives her a little salute. Now Ceci says the same thing to Patricio, and she gets him to agree not to be so inflexible with Marichuy. She hugs him and gives the same little salute behind his back.

Marichuy prepares breakfast for Patricio, including some soft-boiled eggs. She takes it out to the patio, and at first he doesn't want to eat it, so she takes it away, but he calls her back, saying he's in a hurry. She says she wouldn't be surprised that he didn't want to eat it--maybe he was afraid she was poisoning him. He seems to like it, but he won't say so.

Mayita has a sweet conversation with JM. He asks if she would like a new Mommy. She says that her real Mommy is coming back (according to Granny). But he says it's not true. In that case, she would like a new Mommy. He's great and all, but Mommies are different. She wants him to hurry up and get married to the new Mommy. Onelia overhears this conversation and is not happy.

Back to the Patio. Marichuy plops down in the chair next to Patricio and stirs his coffee and salts his eggs. She tells him about her new classes and how Adrian is her teacher. Patricio asks how Adrian could be her teacher--isn't he her boyfriend? I don't really understand the answer. She says not to worry--she'll only be there a short time--when JM gets married, she's going to live with him. Marichuy also goofs and calls Patricio "ruco," or old, then realizes her gaffe. She gets called away when her teacher comes, and Patricio sips his coffee with a smile. It seems he is thawing.

Patricio has a brief chat with Adrian. He says that Adrian should have asked him for permission first to give lessons. However, he has no intention of denying permission.

JM is driving in the car and talking on his Bluetooth. I think they're obnoxious, but at least he's utilizing safe hands-free phoning while driving. He's called a friend for an address. We soon see him disembark at Casa Amador. Amador is inside with a hideous wolf-like dog, who snarls at JM. JM wants to settle things. Amador says he didn't know that the cura locos was also a boxer. I missed something here, and I don't know how this conversation was resolved.

Marichuy is getting ready for her lessons with Adrian. She's happy because JM said she was smart, and she'd do well if she studied. Adrian doesn't like that she keeps mentioning JM. According to Padre Anselmo, JM is no saint.
They start the lesson. Adrian first makes her swear that she is going to study hard to become a cultured person.

Back in the house, another naca in sheep's clothing, or Stefi in a cheesy lavender polyester satin negligee, eats breakfast in bed. She certainly has become accustomed to the good life rather fast. Isabel lies in bed next to her, while Martirio spreads gossip. They seem to be relying on Martirio for a lot of information, but Steffi feels that Isabel is saying too much in return and tries to signal her to stop.

Adrian gives Marichuy a dictation assignment. He then corrects her. Her spelling and handwriting are those of a third grader. He then gives her a reading passage, and she struggles through it. He gives her some homework, consisting of rewriting the dictation passage 10 times correctly.

Isa and Stef plot further how they are going to get Marichuy out of the house for good.

Ceci prays to an imaginary statue and thanks the Virgin for bringing back her daughter. She also prays for Patricio to open his heart to Marichuy.

JM shows up at the house and asks for Marichuy, not Steffi. Ooops. He finds Marichuy completing her tarea out by a tree. She hides it, embarrassed, but he persuades her to show him. She has written his name 50 times! Flashback to when they met. Time for them to stare longingly while he caresses her hair. I don't think he's thinking about Steffi.

Cut to a scene of Vivian checking out of her hotel.

JM says she must love his name if she wrote it 50 times. He loves her name--Maria de Jesus. He hopes Jesus can free him of a weight he carries that keeps him from being happy. He asks her to pray for him. Uh-oh. Stalker Barbie is now looking on from between two tree branches. She has changed into a black dress and she doesn't look happy. Creepy music plays.

Back at the castle, Mayita is about to have a conversation with Dead Granny, but my DVR cut off.


  1. Marichuy is trying to understand JM's relationship with Stefi. Are they really getting married? Does he love her?
    Marichuy, the voice of the audience at home.

    About Adrian, he told Juan Miguel that he was working and taking classes. I assume they are university level classes, because otherwise he would be a high school student, thus younger than Marichuy which goes against telenovela laws. He is volunteering. I imagine if Juan Miguel had his pick it would be a woman or a grandfatherly type. Because Marichuy in vicinity of a young man=bad.

  2. Thanks for your swift, enjoyable recap, Nina.

    What else I remember:

    Patricio was asking Marichuy why she doesn't just marry Adrian if he is her novio. She caught on that he just wants to get her out of his house and told him not to worry she'd be moving back with Juan Miguel after JM gets married. I don't get her logic here, but I liked how she kept her good humor about it.

    I don't think anything was resolved between Amador and JM. At the end JM was still warning Amador to stay away from Marichuy, Amador was glowering and the scary wolf-dog was snarling.

    Good Abuelita promised Mayita that she will have a new mommy, but that it won't be anytime soon, so she should be patient.

    The last scene was very gothic: dark night, scary owl in the tree, ominous music as Mari's door opens, we see the foot of someone stealthily entering the room, Cuate starts barking alarmingly and Mari wakes up and lets out a bloodcurdling scream. End of episode.


  3. I forgot to mention that they showed Viviana getting ready to board a plane going to Madrid and London. I too noticed that Viviana was speaking perfect English at the hotel and thought the voice was dubbed in. Usually the actors are speaking English phoenetically with strong accents.

    JM and Marichuy really brought the heat and chemistry in their scene where he is caressing her hair and they are looking soulfully at each other. It was like, Oh just kiss already.


  4. Oh poor little not wish for stepmom. Is there no Spanish Version of "Grimm's Fairy Tales".

    Kid listen up..keep a torilla in your pocket so you can find your way back..Trust me, I am a survivor of "The Wicked Stepmother Syndrome"

  5. Yes, let's get on with it. I forgot to say that when Marichuy asked JM if he loved her, there was a very long telltale pause . . . er . . .

    I thought the Viv actress was actually speaking her own lines. Maybe she is American. William Levy is a Cuban refugee and lived in Miami for many years. He probably has no accent either.

  6. Wow, read this mini bio of Nailea Norvind (and read the trivia on her ex-dominatrix mother too). Her mother is Norwegian, so that explains why she looks Nordic. They also lived in New York, which explains the accent. But that's about the least interesting thing about them.

  7. Nina: Thanks for the speedy recap. I'm with JJ - for crying out loud - just kiss her and get it over with.

    I thought Vivi had some kind of accent, and that in English her voice sounded squeaky and nasal. I guess we're going on a round-the-world vacation with her. That is, until she finds out her credit has been cut off. Will she then go back to Mexico and her unreal life?

    Adrian is another of those characters who's supposed to be young, but actually looks mature. I don't know how he is going to do the job of turning Mari into Audrey Hepburn. Surely Patricio, Cedi and JM will get together and send her to a real school.

    Patricio did a real good job of warming up (thaw as said by Nina)to Mari. That girl is very appealing which makes the contrast between her and the two witches even greater.

    I don't remember anything about JM being a boxer. I think Amador made that up. He sure does deserve a good boxing.

  8. I think Amador was just joking about boxing, referring to JM punching him at the party.

  9. Yikes...thanks for that link to the bio for Nailea Norvind, NinaK...It was interesting, and the bio on her mom was beyond interesting! That lady packed a lot of living and learning into her life before she made her exit. Found myself wondering what she died of...could be anything with that bio.

    I only saw a few minutes of this after Querida but yowsa...Marichuy not only talks too fast to be understood, she talks too fast to be read....before I can finish the closed captions, the scene has changed!

  10. I too want to thank you for a speedy recap of last night's episode, Nina.

    I SAY AGAIN THEY ARE NOT FEEDING MARICHUY. IF THEY LET HER EAT IT IS AT THE KITCHEN COUNTER. I think Juan was wondering why Marichuy was not there at Lunch with them. Yes, the estúpido Judge explains, but it is still harsh to me. He just doesn't want her there. We all see this.

    I just keep thinking and saying LIVE IT UP NOW BECAUSE THEY TWO WITCHES WILL PAY FOR IT AT THE END. I extremely distlike those two FRAUDS who think they are better than Marichuy. They came from the same low class society as Marichuy. They should remember this before they open their mouth.

    MARICHUY IS THE REAL DEAL. SHE IS THE REAL DAUGHTER AND BELONGS THERE WITH HER PARENTS AND JUAN MIGUEL. IT IS IN HER BLOOD NOT the estúpido witches. Someday this will be known. The truth will come out.

    Same as you guys I can't wait until those two stop denying their passion and kiss each other. You can see the strong chemistry between them.

    There are some traits that I like about Vivana. One of these traits is that she just make up her mind and act on it. After her abusive lover beat her up and stole from her, she get even by blowing him away. Bernie, her lover, deserve it. He was abusiver and a thief. He probably did this to other women. Now he don't anymore. We see that Vivana get away with the murder too.

    Genevieve Wyatt

  11. Thanks, Nina K! It WAS hard to catch most of what Mari said. You’re a champ to fill in.

    I found Mayita’s response to a new mama unbelievable. Surely she would still be grieving hard, but instead here she is apparently thinking mama’s gone, so let’s shop for another one right away.

    I was surprised to see that Amador’s wolf is real. We had seen it in the background, but I had thought it was some phantom totem animal to represent Amador’s evil side. Of course, phantom totem animals aren’t usually chained up, so that should have been my first clue. Who keeps a wolf in downtown Mexico City, anyway?

    JM stroking Mari’s hair was a real shocker. This guy just doesn’t have a clue as a supposedly leading psychiatrist.

    I thought Viv had a light accent, but maybe I was expecting it so much I imagined it.

  12. Thanks for the recap, Nina. This is a tough show. Marichuy uses so much slang, I have a long list of things to look up every episode.

    I thought it was funny that while Viv speaks perfect English, the clerk at the hotel in "Miami" pronounced "Yes, ma'am" as "Yes, mom."

    I just love Marichuy. Her total openness and honesty turned what should have been kind of embarrassing (writing his name over and over) into probably the most romantic moment of the show so far. Just kiss already, indeed.

    Juan Miguel did ask for Stef when he arrived at the house, then for Patricio, I think, but you could tell he was hoping they wouldn't be home because he really wanted to see Marichuy.

    I think that Mari thinks she can move back in with JM after he's married because when he moved her out he told her it would seem inappropriate for young, pretty her to be living with a young, widowed hottie (not his words) so she figures if he's married that won't be an issue, public-appearances-wise.

    Did anyone pick up on everything that went on at the theater? What little I got was Israel calling Amador out for taking government money somehow? And Amador accused Israel of selling out and working for JM, and then fired Israel?

  13. Thanks for the recap Nina. I just love watching JM and Mari! I've saved this episode on my DVR and look forward to when they finally (hopefully soon) kiss. When JM came by he first asked for Steph, then Ceci, and then since he was there and no one else was he asked for Mari (you could tell he was happy he would be able to see her alone). And of course Dora was happy to tell him where Mari was.

    ITA Julia, Mari is so transparent with her emotions that her writing JM's name 50 times was so cute and his reaction was great too -- a cross between she's just adorable and danger, danger this is love. I hope the danger side doesn't win out or he'll be marrying Steph soon.

    I wish he'd just come to grips with his emotions and past and have someone else be her shrink. He really doesn't interact with her enough to qualify as her psychaitrist or protector. Hopefully getting to see the dynamic in the house (how Patricio and the wicked witches hate her and only Ceci is on her side) will cause him to act.
