
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

QE Monday 10/20 - Will have sex for clean money and enlightenment

Your regular recapper Ferro had to take the night off so Julie and Sylvia are tag-teaming substitutes.

Part One courtesy of Julie:

Ickturo has asked his mom to take off with him. She's confused and wants an explanation. He says Sara is very dangerous; she's rich and he's got her money. Yep, he ripped her off. She's Snorty's granddaughter and those jerks fired him from the company and therefore he deserves that money. Catalina gapes.

Sara is screeching her own version of the story to Bruno: Icky ripped her off like some idiot. And he'd be crazy too if he'd lost millions. She's going to end up in jail. She's sunk because of her own stupidity. Bruno wants her to explain everything - beginning with why she deceived him.

Cata doesn't want to just abandon the house. Icky says they can try to sell it later. It's now or never. He doesn't want to leave her. Does she want to stay because of that old guy she's been going with? This seems to make up her mind - she'll go with him. She's not sure what to pack. He says don't worry about clothes - they'll buy all new stuff wherever they end up.

Jacqui tells Efrain (in bed) that she's never felt so much at peace as now. He reminds her that they must reward the temple for their good fortune. She says she's willing to give all she has, including some money that Sara has that still needs to be cleaned. He is very interested in cleaning up this money - er, I mean soul. Right now, however, Jacqui is still horny. Efrain gives thanks!

Bruno is not happy with Sara. If she'd just trusted him, they could have taken off with a briefcase full of money, but noooooo, she gave it all to that guy. She wants him to help. He says what are they going to do, rob a bank? No, she wants him to take her to Icky's house. Evidently Bruno didn't know that his ex-coworker Valeria was Icky's husband. He knows where the house is and she might need him to smack Icky around or something. She offers him 10%. Ha! He wants half. She has no choice but to give in. She gets all seductive with him and says they'll be together anyway. He wants to stop at home first to pick up his gun. "Just in case."

Maruja and Jaime wait for Snorty so that they can formally announce their engagement. Jaime thinks it's odd that Maruja's so worried about meeting her, considering how long she was Snorty's employee. Maruja says it's something else to be her daughter-in-law! It's like science fiction!

Alonso and Lorena go to Paula's place. Betina thanks Lorena for giving her uncle another chance - even if only to be friends. She'd like them go to dinner and a movie with her - and her boyfriend. (Alonso's still sore that her boyfriend happens to be Ernesto's nephew.) Lorena is amused to hear that Ivan's her dance partner.

Bruno and Sara stop at his place for the gun. Sara notices some legal notice that was slipped under his door. She picks it up and puts it on the table. He takes the gun, and away they go.

Snorty tells Maruja that Jaime told her that she was at his side during the worst moments of his life. Maruja says how great he is. Snorty thinks she's a good influence on him. Snorty remembers that Maruja has a daughter, but admits she doesn't remember all of her employees. Maruja awkwardly mentions the problems the company's having now. Snorty says she doesn't expect to make all her money back, but she hopes to keep fighting for many more years. Maru and Jaime encourage her. Snorty says that's enough praise for now; she wants to get on with the reception plans.

Vasco is not so enthusiastic when Rossy and Julian tell him that their wedding reception will be at Snorty's. He doesn't want to go there. He agrees to be at the religious ceremony, but not the reception. Rossy says they'll have to pick another place. Vasco says he doesn't want his grandmother in the picture at all.

Bruno and Sara get to Icky's house. The windows are dark. First she hammers on the doorbell. Then she yells angrily from the sidewalk and tells them not to hide or she'll knock the door down. Then they try various phone numbers. She thinks Arturo's not picking up because he recognizes her phone number. (Hmm, she had the same problem with Alonso. What does that tell you, Sara? NOBODY LIKES YOU.) She calls him on Bruno's phone, and Icky answers. She says they won't leave until he gives back what he's stolen. He is highly amused to hear from her and says that the thief who robs a thief gets a hundred years' pardon. He taunts that he's far away - so far away that he's losing the signal. Ha ha! He says he'll have a drink in her honor.

Sara flips out, screeching to Bruno that Icky's fleeing the country and how is she going to get her money back?

Zulema and Omar are in bed. She's frosty and sarcastic about him getting home at a decent hour. She wants to have a serious talk. She tells him about the surgery. She says she hasn't decided yet, but it's an option. He is somewhat dismissive, thinking this is just about her thinking she's fat again. She says it's not just to look better, but also because her health could get worse if she doesn't lose weight. He just wants to know if it's expensive. He says that if it makes her feel better, she should do it, and he rolls over and turns off the light.

Is there an operation to make someone be less of an asshole?

Icky's house has another visitor: It's Jacqui. (Granted, she thinks she lives there.) She calls Icky and says she needs a set of keys. He says he and his mom are gone and they're never coming back. They're going to enjoy their lives, and he hopes the divine light of good fortune protects her now that she's left in the street!

Rossy tells her mother she's looking for another hairdo for the wedding. Maruja does not think that this is a good use of Rossy's free time. Rossy says she's quitting the restaurant; she doesn't feel needed there. She wants to work for her mother instead. And she's okay with Jaime now. (Ding! It's like magic.)

Sara sulks in bed. Bruno says he gave her a double dose of tranquilizer; she should sleep. She says she wants to die. She thanks him for letting her stay at his place. He gloats that she ended up living there after resisting him for so long. They'll have to split expenses, though, because he says he can't support her on his salary. She doesn't know how she can pay him. She had to leave her things at the old place because she had to leave without paying. He's willing to give her two weeks (quincena = fortnight) to come up with her share!

Knock knock. Is it a candygram? No, it's an eviction! Bruno owes a lot of money because Snorty never paid him. He admits to Sara that he received several notices. The boss eviction guy says they delivered the final notice yesterday. Bruno sees a glimmer of hope and says he never got it. Then dopey Sara says, "Oh, I picked that up" and takes it off the table and shows it to him. As the men begin taking his stuff away, he curses her because now he's homeless because of her too.

Jacqui is sleeping at the temple. Magda whispers to Efrain that doesn't want to have to keep her around just because he couldn't resist the urge to fool around with her. Magda thinks Jacqui's too crazy for them. "To her, all of this stupid 'Light' stuff is true," she says (just in case you weren't sure that this whole Divine Light of Good Fortune thing was a scam). Efrain is not ready to dump her yet, but Magda is getting impatient.

Jacqui wakes up and seems ready to jump his bones again.

Zulema and the family talk about the operation. Omar, Diana, and Lorena all think it sounds like a great idea. "Slim down and you'll look lovely, Mom!" Blech. Omar says "you've always been very pretty." Lorena says she'll be even more so plus her health will improve. (Second time in a row, at least, that they've acknowledged the health angle only after addressing the appearance issue.)

"I'm going to do it. I don't want to be less than other women," Zulema says pointedly in Omar's general direction. Omar looks uncomfortable.

Barb and Vasco jog into Maruja. Maruja is cautious at first, but Barb is open and friendly with her and wants to hear all about the wedding. Maruja thaws out and they have a nice talk. They are amazed at how different Snorty's become. Vasco tries to be polite.
Jaime has invited a Mrs. Galindo to help the sell the mansion. Snorty has the nurse show her around. Snorty and Jaime worry that they may have to sell the place for less than it's worth because they need to money fast. They'll also have to think about where they'll live. She's lived there all her life. She can't imagine living anywhere else.

Lorena and Zulema meet with Alonso at the clinic to arrange the surgery. Of course he thinks she's ideal for the surgery, but they need to do some tests first to make sure. They watch in rapt fascination as he picks up the phone and starts pushing buttons. (Just think how exciting this would be for the characters in FELS.)

Bruno and Sara seek lodging at a considerably less fancy section of town than they're used to. The landlady looks at this well-dressed couple suspiciously. Bruno says that someone (either an orderly or a janitor, whatever "afanador" means) told them she has a free room. This person was apparently the landlady's goddaughter. "She told me 1000 pesos," Bruno says. The landlady smirks and says she was mistaken - it's 1200. It went up. Ha-ha. They have no choice but to accept.

It's not as nice as the place Chalo used to have. Sara complains that it's filthy. "Take it or leave it," he says. She says she'd love to get out of there, but she can't. She swears a bloody revenge on those who have ruined her life.

Part Two courtesy of Sylvia:

After the commercial Sara tells Bruno and her reflection that she needs to cry, but it will be the last time. From now on it's vengeance that will sustain her. She swears vengeance on the entire family, possibly starting with Alonso whom they can use without arousing suspicion. This perks Bruno up.

Al is pleased that Lorena convinced her Ma to have the surgery, she'll have a better self image just like his first gastric bypass patient did. He's very proud of what he can do, it's his passion, he says rather dispassionately. Al, demonstrating he's not exactly a master of good timing, tells Lorena he loves her. Zuly shows up and is worried that she might somehow end up in Bruno's hands. Al assures her absolutely not. Hear anvils anyone?

Tori lurks outside Cat's house, he rings the bell, no answer. Que?

Bettina and Ivan are at dance class where they perform their routine. For a kid who didn't know how to dance he does a pretty good job. A couple of girls seem to be jealous of Bettina, they don't understand why the instructor picked her to dance, she's not that good. One girl thinks Ivan is hot and wants to figure out a way to dance with him. Instructor compliments our cute couple on their improvement.

Avon-Lady Paula runs into Raimundo. She starts to tell him about all that has happened recently, i.e. she's single again, but he answers he's in a bit of a rush, it was great to see her, later. She stares after him.

Regreta sticks her boobs in Omar's face and asks to see him tonight. Impossible, he replies. She tells Omar that she'll see Zuly at Maruja's wedding but don't worry (boob squeeze), she won't give anything away. Omar looks concerned, serves him right.

Julian tells Jaime to get ready, they're going to have a bachelor party (despedida de soltero = farewell to being single). Jaime's on the verge of being a wet blanket but Julian says it's his first marriage and no way is he going to walk down the aisle without partying down at his bachelor party.

Bettina and Ivan practice some more because he made a mistake and she almost fell. The mean girls watch the routine from outside the window. Bettina trips on nothing and sprains her ankle to the amusement of the wicked peepers. Uh oh, one of the little brats admits to putting talcum on the floor to make her slip!

Over at the clinic Al tells Bruto he's been looking for him, he shows him that he ordered new tests on Zulema. Bruto tells Al to butt out of his business with his mother in law. Lots of chest puffing, long story short, this scene allows Bruto to find out that Lorena is really Diana's sister. Al updates him on Sara's scam. I'll hand it to Bruto, he keeps his cool and answers what does he care about Sara and the Armendariz family? They can all go to the devil. Al shakes his finger and tells Bruto to respect Lor and her family. Bruto tells Al to be careful that the sister not end up an idiot like Diana or Al might have to slap her into shape. Al shakes Bruto and calls him a perfect idiot, he'll teach him how to behave himself like a real man. They argue and chest puff and Bruto says "You're a coward!" "No, you're a coward!" "No you are!", and so on. Bruto threatens Al and says one day he'll get knocked off his high horse. This endless cycle of insipid insults is ended when Al is called to an exam room.

The patient is Bettina and she wants to keep dancing for the competition but her ankle hurts badly. Ivan tells Al she fell hard. After Al's expert foot rotation examination he pronounces she won't be able to dance for several days. Poor kid, remember when you were young and you didn't get to do what you wanted most?

Bruto calls Sara to tell her that 'La Gorda' is in the clinic. Bruto tells her that she had the kind of tests one gets before an operation. He'll try to find out why she's in there and maybe they can use it to their advantage. This animates Sara, the sooner the better.

Torbi doesn't understand why Cat doesn't answer her phones. What's up?

Al arrives at Casa Pobre, he tells Lorena he's there to see Julian because they want to have the bachelor party at his house. He asks Lorena will there be only girls at the bachelorette party? Uh yeah, she says, except for the strippers, don't tell Jaime and Julian in case they get jealous. (The girls are going to have a stripper? Will it be El Intocable? Oh I hope I hope I hope!!!) Lor asks won't the guys have chicas who take off their clothes? Al looks confused.

Julian and Vasco show up with the beer. Julian makes Lorena promise not to tell Rossy there will be strippers or there will never be a wedding. Zuly is shocked to see the beer and Diana is all 'Mom, get real'.

Torbi and Bettina urge Paula to go the bacherlorette party.

Maru and Rosy have decorated their house in bright balloons for the party. Zuly, Lor and Diana show up and they all get some sort of party favor. Lor announces that all the night's activities must remain a secret or Julian might not step into the church. This sets off a round of shrieking. Regreta arrives and is introduced to Zuly, Diana and Lor. "Greta, you're the one who works with my husband, right?" asks Zuly. Regreta smiles like a vampire.

Regreta says she's happy to meet Zuly but tonight they are all single women. She says Omar speaks highly of Zuly and she's lucky to have a great guy like Omar. Witch. Time to drink.

Over in man land the guys are doing tequila shots and standing around a tub of beer.

Regreta, twirling a weenie (or maybe a shrimp) on a stick, sneers at Zuly and thought-bubbles, "Ay Fatso, if you only knew". This is to ensure that any tiny bit of sympathy we might have had for Greta has now been dashed upon the rocks.

Rossy starts dancing, opens the door and a stripper more or less dressed like a cop arrives. Then another, then hooray, El Intocable AKA Gaspar! Thank you Ferro for giving us your night!! Intocable turns on the music and announces the young bucks have arrived. I'll say. "Too many clothes!" the ladies yell as the boys do the bump and grind in unison.

Jaime tries to get the guys to smoke a cigar by explaining its significance to bachelors but Al keeps looking at his watch. Does he want to leave? No, Vasco says they have a surprise. Ding dong, a Stripper dressed more or LESS as a schoolgirl arrives and Julian diverts her to Jaime.

Over at Casa de Las Mujeres the three strippers, now only in their little tighties, entertain the ladies and a conga line is formed.

Back in man land Jaime and Julian are handcuffed while the schoolgirl dominatrix unbuttons their shirts and lap dances on them. Then she corners Al, who eludes her, then Vasco. She tries to peel off his shirt.

Final Stripper Tally:
Women - 3 plus extra bonus points for our beloved El Intocable
Men - 1

Bruto arrives to their "home" and tells Sara they're in luck, he found out that Al is going to do gastric bypass surgery on Zuly. Sara sneers, isn't that the one that makes you lose weight? She snickers ominously that anything can happen in the operating room.

Gaspar/El Intocable, rock on fluid hips...


  1. I think the guy's stripper was actually from the WWF(wrestling).
    She looked like she could take any of the guys two out of three falls easily.

    But like the only taxi in the DF,
    there is only one female stripper.

    Gee, looks like this post beat out Judy B on this one.

    M from Westlake

  2. I just stumbled on this saying on a vocabulary list for Juan Q .and thought it applies to last nights episode.

    Al quirofano y al matrimonio no hay que meterse sin anesthesia.

    To the operating room and to marriage, you can't enter without anethesia !

    M from Westlake

  3. Julie and Sylvia, thanks so much for the dynamic, detailed recap.

    Julie, your question: "Is there any operation to make someone be less of an asshole?" was priceless! If only... Also, "they watch in rapt fascination as he picks up the phone and starts punching buttons. (Just think how exciting this would be for the characters in FELS"). A novel idea for our Fuego folks but I don't think the characters are quite up to that level of excitement or though process yet.

    I thought Zulema's rationale for considering the surgery of "I don't want to be less than other women" was the saddest moment of last night.

    Sylvia, I imagine most women meeting the spouse of the man they are having an affair with would have the grace to be embarrassed and feel at least some semblance of guilt and remorse. Not Greta. Her reaction was to revel in the situation and call Zulema fat. I agree completely that "this is to ensure that any tiny bit of sympathy we may have had for Greta has now been dashed upon the rocks". Amen.

    JudyB, I'm hoping you have a less depressing espidode tonight to recap than you've had the past few weeks. I guess it will depend on when Zulema's surgery is scheduled.
    Diana in MA

  4. Except for all the strippers last night, there wasn't a lot of comic relief. Still, I found the constant parade of visitors to Icky's house pretty amusing. Talk about being a day late! (Not to mention a few dollars short, in Sara's case...)

    Oh, Greta, Greta. What can you do to make me hate you more? I'm sure you'll show me.

  5. Good point, M from Westlake. The stripper's legs were even more muscular than the amazing Liz Vega's from Duelo. (Wouldn't it have been clever if she'd been the stripper?) I notice they never really showed us the female stripper's face, it was always covered up by her wig.

    And thank you for the dicho reminder, I think it's even more apropros to this show than to JQ. Good call!

    I for one am quite sick of the characters commenting on Zulema's size and calling her "gorda". I really wish they would knock it off.

    Julie, I laughed out loud at your operation crack. Omar and Greta were certainly not shown in their best light last night.

  6. Thanks Julie and Sylvia for this great recap. If only people could have personality transplants...

    Yes Greta is now doomed for her wicked mocking of Zulema. But I'm really concerned about Zuly and our wicked duo. Could Zuly die or will it be the novela induced coma?

    I hope things aren't really bad for you tonight JudyB.

  7. Hi folks...and especially M from Westlake!...Yes, I usually read and comment early (get up at 6 am) but had a really early class to get to this morning....actually fun to read late and enjoy the other commentors.

    The scene with Zulema and Omar in bed was priceless (though painful). She wanted to talk to him seriously BUT HAD TO ASK HIM TO TURN OFF THE TV. I've had this same husband's eyes keep drifting back to the screen and since he has trouble hearing me (or his children) even when the TV is off....well, you get the picture. I thought it was a nice, realistic touch.

    Also, I hate the whole operation as health benefit promotion. There are many side effects from this surgery and a lot of them are bad. They're promoting this like it's the heavenly cure for not only health problems but marital problems as well. ugh...gag me with a spoon.

    But hey, Julie and did a great job. And thanks for using the Juan Querendon vocabulary list, M from Westlake. We love that list!

    And finally, I can just see Jacqui by the side of the road, holding her sign saying "Will have sex for....." Should be a real traffic stopper.

    Thanks too for my buds who are worried about me getting a crappy episode tonight. It must be my karma...the universe is trying to teach me least I'm sure that's what the Divine Light folks would say!

  8. Thanks for the recap, y'all.

    JudyB, I hope you get a nice pretty, fun wedding tonight.

    When Bruto made the comment about "a thief who robs a thief" I just thought, "Bruto, you are NO Fernando Colunga."

    The girls' party was fun, but the boys' was totally lame. Since we could never really see the stripper's face I thought she was going to turn out to be someone we knew.

  9. Thank you both so much for covering for me, I got to listen to rich men argue about stupid stuff for three hours at my meeting. I am going to track down schoolgirl stripper on youtube. I'm glad you guys got Intocable and I'm glad it was you and not me, that would have been completely wasted on the one male recapper. How well that all worked out!

  10. Also - I'm glad you put that stripper count at the end, because when everyone finds out that each party had strippers, you KNOW that the women are going to be all upset at the men for having ONE even when they had more. It's a lock.

  11. Man I wish the video quality on youtube was better. It never seemed to matter before.

  12. Thanks , Julie and Capn Sylvia , for that most excellent tagteam recap. That was a pretty interesting episode. Viva, Intocable !!!!...why do I never get invited to showers featuring male strippers ??? The last one I went to had an Eiffel Tower centerpiece and teeny tiny sandwiches , strippers. The bachelor party was pretty lame . Doesn't Julian have any studly young friends ???? The party list was short..Omar, Vasco, and Slow. Why didn't they at least invite Torby??? He probably would have been the life of the party. And did you notice that there was only one stripper [whom I think might have been a female impersonator looking at those massive calves] but 4 cases of beer...Priorities. Poor Bettini...Your question about youthful disappointments propelled me back in the 4th dimension to decorating for THE BIG WINTER DANCE with live evergreens and then coming home and breaking out in hives. many people fallen on bad times...Art imitating life , perhaps. I've stopped reading the newspapers I am submitted to more of the same in this novela. I'm feeling a little sorry for Jacki...what a dumb bunny. It appears that she wants as much of that Divine Light as Efrain has the strength to give her. Jacky, maybe it is time to look for a job. I'm happy to see Sara and Bluto together and impoverished...that just might be punishment enough . I hope Regreta gets her just reward ...Karma's coming, Regreta , so that nasty smirk is going to get wiped right off your feline face. Well, thanks , Julie and Sylvia. I love this site many fun commentors and gifted recappers. It's always a pleasure to drop by each day and share a few smiles and a little snark.

  13. This is the second time I've subbed and gotten to bond with my old pal Gaspar. I believe we must have a psychic connection, thanks perhaps to the Divine Light of Good Fortune.

    Chris, you guys definitely got robbed in the stripping department. If they could only afford one they should have gone for Liz Vega; one of liz is easily worth three guys.

  14. Thanks to the Julie/Sylvia tag team ;)

    Susalynn, the problem is that there are two kinds of parties: bridal showers and bachelorette parties. To my great dismay, most of the people I hung with at the time of my wedding preferred the former, while I was happy to skip it and just do the latter. We didn't do strippers or even my first choice (middle eastern restaurant with a male belly dancer) because of my MOH's schedule, so we settled for Indian food and Troy on the big screen (Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom in the buff, 'nuf said). I have no idea why so many women were so turned off by the idea of a bachelorette party, but there ya have it. The ones that went had a ball and so did I. Hubby definitely got lap dances (he refuses to confirm or deny, but there was glitter on him, so I'm pretty sure I know where it came from) which was fine by me. My only complaint? The guys brought him home to drunk for me to benefit =( Wait, I had a point here... Oh yeah, in Mexico they don't do bridal showers like they do here (mostly about the gifts and canapes) but play goofy party games and do skits and basically get closer to what would be known as a bachelorette party.

    As for the complaining, I don't think Rosy would have a leg to stand on if she went after Julian for the stripper, but I'm pretty sure he told Lore the wedding would be off if ROSI had strippers at her party. Either way, he also would have no leg to stand on since he had one at his own shindig.

    JudyB - I'm with you on the bypass issue. They make it seems as easy and safe as getting a cavity filled, when we're talking about major surgery and a complete lifestyle change. A friend of mine who had it was an extreme case as far as post op complications are concerned, but the fact remains that it WILL take a while to heal, you WILL have to change your eating patterns (and the fact that you will barf anything past two ounces will be a not so gently reminder of it) and that some people eventually gain the weight back because the opening can expand if you don't follow all your doctor's indications (and sometimes even if you do). Guess all that talk wouldn't fit into an episode though. Now we all get to join in the concern for Zuly's surgery complications. Hope Sara and Bruto's plan doesn't work, or that it's something St. Alonso can fix.

    Wonder if Ivan will dance with the mean girl, or if he'll blow off the competition without Betina. Here's hoping that ankle heals fast ;)

  15. The relatively quick weight loss often means a lot of loose skin that doesn't magically shrink up all by itself, too. I guess they didn't mention that to Alonso when he was in Quebec.

    If Zulema is in urgent need of rapid weight loss, the surgery could save her life (assuming no complications, and good post-op compliance on her own part). But that's not how they're framing this. It really bothers me that they always mention the cosmetic "benefit" and self-esteem boost FIRST and they haven't discussed counseling (dietary and emotional) at all.

    And what is it going to do to her self-esteem if she thinks she's going to end up cute and skinny, but instead ends up with big saggy pouches of flesh where the fat used to be? Feh. This makes me grouchy.

  16. Not to mention, the weight is a SYMPTOM of her problems, and surgically causing it to disappear won't fix them. She needs serious counseling before she does this, because she has been eating for emotional reasons, not because of real hunger.

    I knew a lady who had a gastric bypass, and she lost a LOT of weight, and then her husband had an affair with a woman who was even heavier than my acquaintance was to begin with...seems he liked the women who had those issues, for whatever reason. So then she had more emotional issues than she started with. That story has nothing to do with anything; I just felt like sharing. Oh, yeah, my point was that having surgery thinking it will fix your relationships is crazy.

  17. I may have to eat my chef hat now! OOUCHH!! ¡Pobre de Ernesto!

  18. You won't be dining alone. If you have to eat your toque I'm sure a few of us will be joining you.

  19. I'm going to eat a whole plate of hats. so what if I get fat? I can just have an operation!

  20. Ugh, I don't watch this show, but I hope those attending these parties are the "bad" characters. I would NEVER have had a bachelorette party with male strippers, and neither would my friends. And my husband never had any bachelor parties with strippers, and neither have his friends. They also don't drink. I can't imagine marrying a man who would do these things. And I have talked to so many men online who think nothing is wrong with going to strip clubs and bachelor parties with strippers and drinking. It's like they think they have to do this to prove they are a man and fit in. I have even talked to WOMEN who think nothing is wrong with men going to strip clubs or watching a stripper! I have talked to women who don't even see anything wrong with being a stripper and who have been to strip clubs themselves! It is just unbelievable.

    Also, I see the a-word was used in this recap. This is not the first time I have seen such language on this site, and I have spoken up about it but it hasn't done any good. I just don't understand how women can casually use the a-word. I can't bring myself to say it at all! If I quote someone who has used that word, I will spell it out.
