
Monday, October 27, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel Oct. 27, 2008 - JM and Chuy share a kiss; Steffie has a temper tantrum; Viv and Lety reunite

(personal note: I'm back and suffering from serious jetlag. I hopefully caught most of the errors, but if there are still some remaining, I apologize.)

EPISODE 21 - Oct. 27, 2008:
*Highlights from previous episode: JM tells Steffie and Pat that he wants Chuy and will be with her "cuesta lo que cuesta"(no matter what). Steffie gets angry and has a temper tantrum. Later in Steffie's room, Steffie vents her anger and Isa warns her that they could lose everything.

Tonight's episode:
* JM and Rocio are arguing outside the castle by the car. Chuy listens; JM asks her to leave; Chuy doesn't leave. Rocio vents her frustration over her brother's decisions and stomps inside. JM follows her.

* In the front hall near the stairs, Rocio tells JM off and stomps to her room.

* JM and Chuy are standing on the walking bridge in the garden. She asks him why he is being so nice to her. He says because she deserves it. He asks if she loves him; she says yes. They kiss.

* Ed corners Nelson outside Nelson's apartment building. (Ed isn't happy.)

* Chuy comes to her senses and breaks away from the kiss. JM leaves her alone. She cries.

* Ceci lays in her bed, clutching the little bouquet of flowers and thinking about Chuy. Mirtirio enters; Ceci explains her depression over Chuy leaving the house.

* JM and Mayita meet at the stairs. She is worried about him. He explains without any details. They hug and share a secret (something about the soul, I think.)

* Ed grabs Nelson's t-shirt and holds him against the column, and forces Nelson to take him to see Elsa. Nelson has no choice but to agree.

* In the living room, with lots of windows, Nelson brings Ed in to visit Elsa. Ed confronts her about her feelings for him and Nelson. Nelson reasons with her to tell Ed the truth. Elsa thanks him and agrees.

* Chuy sleeps in her bed - she tosses and turns as she has her nightmare again (where she's chased through the woods). She wakes up shrieking through the entire castle.

* JM, Rocio and Granny Onelia wake up and run to the hallway. They talk with JM about the Chuy's nightmares; JM says he will handle it and runs into Chuy's room (the hero to the rescue).

* JM finds Chuy in her bedroom and gives her a big consoling hug.

* Ed asks Elsa for the truth. Elsa doesn't deny it, she wants to be with Nelson and her feelings for him are real. Ed sighs and accepts it.

* JM watches Chuy lay in her bed. He strokes her hair as she falls asleep. He remembers their kiss earlier that night.

* Viviana is desperate, apparently all her credit cards are maxed out and she's running out of cash. She thinks her old friend Lety (Maite Embil, "Rita" in Pasion) will help her out.

* Chuy is washing windows and dancing and singing to the grupero music on the radio. Cuate sits and watches. As Chuy starts to play with Cuate, guess who shows up to ruin the moment - STEFFIE. Steffie begins to insult Chuy by saying she's not a real princess but a lowly subservient 'naca'. Chuy takes great offense to it and defends herself. Steffie thinks Chuy is really interested in JM and thinks Chuy should just admit it.

* Lety is in bed having tea when Viviana calls. The old friends are excited to talk with each other, and are especially excited when Viviana reveals she's in Spain.

* Steffie point blank tells Chuy to leave JM alone, he's hers and not Chuy's. Cuate starts barking as Chuy yells back at Steffie. Chuy picks up Cuate and leaves. Steffie glares and grits her teeth.

* Lety invites Viviana to stay with her in Madrid - for two weeks they can be together in Madrid. Viviana wonders about Lety's husband, Gus. Lety says no problem, he's apparently out of town on a trip. Viviana hangs up and is excited by the prospective plan.

* Pat calls JM - looks serious.

* Steffie and Onelia sit down on the patio. Steffie spreads the gossip to Onelia about Chuy's stay and untimely quick departure from Pat and Ceci's house.

* Pat and JM discuss their differences about Chuy - they forgive and forget. Pat also puts in a plug to remind JM about marrying Steffie and becoming a part of his family. JM agrees that it will be a new life, clean slate.

* Chuy finds JM alone and asks him about the kiss last night.

* Steffie and Israel (her boy toy) in JM's office. She flirts about her interest in JM; he knows her better and thinks she's only interested in herself. She doesn't deny it.

* JM explains to Chuy about his intentions with the kiss. She tells him she's thinking about 'naranjas' (slang meaning 'nothing'). He asks if she liked the kiss. She turns shy and quiet. He then asks her to tell him about her nightmare last night. She doesn't respond. He explains how he can help her get passed it. She's wonders if he thinks she's crazy. He explains how talking it over with him will help. Chuy has her reasons and doesn't think anyone can help. Chuy picks up Cuate and leaves.

* Steffie slaps Israel, who in turn grabs her arm and refuses to let her use him.

* Chuy talks with Cuate in the front garden. They talk about Chuy and JM's kiss last night. They continue on their walk.

* Mayita is talking with Granny in Fantasyland about her papa's illness in his soul. Granny does her best to explain about JM's guilty conscious and his need to pray for G-d's forgiveness. Granny assures Mayita not to worry. Mayita happily gives Granny 2,001,500 besos.

* Chuy is talking with Balbina and another maid in the kitchen. Chuy is demonstrating her own torta recipe. Onelia enters and orders Chuy to get back to her own work. A butler enters and says Padre Anselmo is outside to see Chuy. Chuy gladly leaves the room. Onelia throws out Chuy's torta sample.

* Chuy and Padre meet on the garden bridge. They argue over the secret he kept from her (about her mother).

* Ceci and Isa discussion Ceci's depression. Isabel tries to cheer her up by discussing Steffie and JM's wedding plans. Ceci still misses Chuy.

* Chuy is upset with Padre Anselmo. Padre tries to reason with her. Chuy is still upset over being mistreated, abandoned and disillusioned. Padre continues to try and calm her down. Chuy is still upset, and Padre consoles her with a hug.

* Isa explains again why Chuy had to leave the house. Ceci knows the reasons but still wants Chuy there; she thinks of Chuy as her second daughter.

* Padre prays at the church for Chuy to be protected. JM enters and wants to speak with him about Chuy's nightmare. He wants Padre to tell him the truth.

* Nelson and Elsa get married in a small civic ceremony underneath a big white tent. The artist friends are the witnesses and guests. At the end, the newlyweds kiss and everyone starts to dance.

* Padre and Jm discuss how the nightmare has really effected Chuy's life, and how to help her and get her to talk with JM about it.

* Chuy is in the bedroom as JM enters. He wants her to go with him to his office. She asks 'about what?' He grins and stares at her.

* JM brings Chuy to the office; she recognizes her friend, Israel, sitting at the desk and says hello before JM takes her into his office.

* In the office, JM has Chuy lay down on the sofa. JM has her relax and close her eyes (to hypnotize her).

* Steffie and Balbina are outside of the castle. Balbina tells her that JM and Chuy just left.

* JM gets Chuy to talk to him little by little about her nightmare. She says the person has big hands. He asks about the location. She starts to get scared and wants to stop. JM hugs her.

* Steffie can't believe JM and Chuy together. Balbino says it's true.

* Chuy tells him how she wants to find her family, but last night, something happened. She closes up again and won't answer JM's questions.

ADVANCE: Chuy continues her therapy session about her nightmare, as JM starts to deal with his own guilty conscious.


  1. My goodness, eeyore! Bless your heart! You certainly were jetlagged--at times you totally lost me. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow; your efforts are indeed appreciated.

    So Nelson did marry Elsa. That's a surprise, and I have this bad feeling it's going to be a disaster and the grass ain't greener on the other side. Does anyone else notice a pattern on this show--people marrying/going to marry people they don't really want to marry?? It's like an epidemic or something. 1. JM and Viv--we didn't see the back story, but with his ridiculously passive personality when it comes to women, I'll bet you money it's an exact repeat of... 2. JM and Steffie, 3. Elsa and Ed, 4. Nelson and Elsa, 5. who's next? JM and Elsa are related, so it must run in their gene pool. Meh.

    I'm glad Ed didn't act like a caveman with Elsa, and left gracefully instead.

    Does anyone, with the exception of Ceci and JM, realize that nightmares can be the result of trauma? Like Mari is screaming for fun or something. Uncaring jackhats, all of them.

    Mari and JM's chemistry is great.

    Stupid Steffie has nothing to do but fly around on her convertible broom to JM's castle and job ten times a day. What a loser. Mari has left your "papi's" house like you planned--stop following her! Mari should have treated the cow to a bucket of water all over her head and that nice blue dress.

    Can someone fill me in on what Pat and JM were talking about on the phone, and that weird scene with Steffie love/hating on the guy in the office? I thought he was Israel, and that was JM's office, and then she was going all "ho" on him, but now I'm just confused. WTH?

    I was wondering where I'd seen Lety. OMG--it is gRita from PASION. LOL! She was so nice, I didn't recognize her.

    Here we go with compressed time or something in the script. What constitutes as "months"? Viv has been gone for "months", and JM is supposed to marry Stupid Steffie next month, as if a bunch of time has passed, and Pat and Ceci don't seem concerned that their beloved bruja is about to marry some guy that she hasn't dated and who has been a widower for about a minute... and the seasons don't seem to have changed. Is fall and winter in Mexico all green like summer? Is that what's throwing me off? I swear it looks like maybe two months have gone by, if that.

    What are Viv and Lety going to be up to, I wonder?

  2. eeyore, Chuy told Jm That she was thinking about "naranjas", slang for nothing.

    stephe, the time line on this show is kind of out of whack. At one point there'll even be a mention of YEARS, even though it doesn't feel like it. I appreciate that they don't want to make things seem too rushed, but they need to do a better job of it.

  3. Yes, I'm with you on that, bijoux. :)

  4. Thanks for the recap eeyore and please get some sleep.

    Stephe, I enjoy your name changes ;)
    and your analysis of people marrying for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps the writers want to show how wealthy people (JM and Else) marry (or almost marry) for position. Then with the anticipated challenges Elsa and Nelson (and eventually JM and Mari are anticipated too) will probably face this is to show us you need to really know your mate and not just run off in some fantasy of who you think s/he is.

    I'm kind of ticked off that it seems (based on the preview) that JM is Mari attacker. I've put aside the whole he is her psychiarist thing but potential rapist.... I'm less comfortable with this scenario (back in day, I stopped watch GH b/c of the Luke and Laura she fell in love with her rapist insanity).

    OK back to fantasy, I do like the chemistry between JM and Mari. Their talks in her room and the looks they give one another are really cute.

  5. Eeyore: Thanks for the recap.

    What surprised me in this chapter was the warm way that Onelia received Stefi. I thought that Onelia was somewhat put out with Stefi for snagging her son-in-law so soon after her daughter's death.

    When Mari gave the "naranjas" reply to JM, I thought she was telling him this is just a bunch of baloney.

    Nelson and Elsa's wedding sure brought back memories of the '60's and hippiedom. It's been a long time since I've heard of anyone dancing to tambourines at a wedding.

    The teaser at the end of the chapter annoyed me a little. Are we supposed to believe that JM attacked Mari. That is what I thought we were led to believe in earlier chapters. Maybe, I hope, Mari and JM will have matching pesadillas, e.g., she's being attacked and he dreams he's an attacker.

  6. Thanks Eeyore!

    I'm with you, Pasofino. If JM is Marichuy's attacker, it really ruins everything. We all do stupid things in our youth, but not evil things. There's got to be some other explanation.

    Onelia is just sooo awful. Throwing away Marichuy's cake shows just how petty and hateful she is. I don't understand why she's given so much authority in the house. I'm kind of worried she will take the cue from Stef & Isa and frame Marichuy for stealing, and I've always been afraid for Cuate. But hopefully she realizes JM would see through anything she might do and kick her out.

  7. They have been leading us to believe that JM is the attacker (based on the pre-show synopsis, which says that Mari learns something about JM that makes her run away), but I just can't believe that is actually what happened. I still think it will turn out to be that he was somehow involved peripherally and was unable to stop the attack and feels guilty about it.

    I also thought it was Israel who was flirting with Stefi. Love the way she said she wanted to know what it would be like to make love with a "Don Nobody" like him. Like she's a somebody . . .

    Did I miss something in how the marriage came about? Did it just suddenly happen?

  8. Thanks Eeyore. Feel better soon!
    And Good Stephe I love, love, love your new moniker to separate yourself from Bad Estefania! Wild! I was also totally unprepared for the impromptu wedding. I had written a script in my mind that Elsa would be punished for her hurting Ed by Nelson going all "free spirits can't commit" on her. But no.

    The bucket of suds on the blue dress would have been another rewrite I would have favored as MC got a message to the HO!

    Lety is in for a real surprise when she realizes that Viv is clinging to her because her bank accounts and credit cards have all been closed. Leti is about to be USED big time. Good thinking on JM's part but it will bring Viv back home sooner lookng for money. And other than wanting to have grandma near Maya, I can't imagine why JM allows his nasty suegra Onelia to dominate the house like she does. Especially forcing MC to become a servant and JM just let it happen even though the agreeable MC went along with it so easily. What a dufus. I am intrigued by the suggestion that he is in the nightmare. somehow. Thanks Karen, Pasofino and NinaK for your observations on this. I missed the opening episodes of this show so didn't get the implications.

    Stephe, my understanding of the phone conversation with Pat and JM is that Pat needed to placate JM and assure himself that JM wasn't mad at him and his assenine behavior. Since he seemed to expect that JM would agree with him about condemning MC and then realized by JM taking MC off to his house that it might all backfire on the HoDaughter, he was just saying he knows he is tough and outspoken but he wants to make all wonderful between them, the men, since they are soon to be suegro and yemo in la familia. JM was just too agreeable in my opinion but I guess the lights haven't gone on in his head about the rush to marriage and SO MANY other things.

  9. Elsa is not my favorite character but she seems to really love Nelson. I am not sure vice is versa but they have a lot more in common than she has with Ed. And sorry but Ed is as boring as a bowl of cold oatmeal.

    I don't think Onelia genuinely likes Stef, but they both despise Mari and that unites them. It's like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". And Onelia bought the story that Mari is a thief and worse, hook, line and sinker. Ir's about time JM found a nice apartment for Onelia and got rid of her before she does Mari some serious damage. Rhonda, I'm also scared for little Cuate.

    Stef was messin' with Israel, thinking she had the upper hand because her novio is his boss. I was shocked when he grabbed and kissed her and so was she. Ha!

    I have no idea how William Levy is viewed as an actor, but I think he's doing a great job as JM. He has the most soulful looks I've ever seen on a man. I think he acts very natural, especially in his scenes with Mari and Mayita. He's a laid back type of guy but very expressive. When he was telling Mari to close "both of her eyes", they were both laughing as if they were genuinely amused with each other. I will find it hard to watch this if JM was the rapist of Mari or anyone else. It would be horribly ironic to have Amador as the would-be rapist and the hero as the actual rapist. I think Mari has been through enough.

    Vivian's friend has no idea that she is inviting a viper into her nest. Viv is up to no good, we can be sure.

    I don't know anyone else who watches novelas so I look forward to reading all of the recaps and comments. I always wonder what all of you will have to say.


  10. Dear Julia, et al:
    Thank you for clearing up my confusion about the Padre. How could dear, sweet, Cecilia think that beast could be her daughter? I can't wait for Isa to get her come-uppance and Mari and JM live happily every after.
    Ever the romantic,

  11. It was so mean when Onelia stopped Mari from baking a cake with the servants. I think she alluded it to being some kind of low-class cake that they wouldn't eat. Mayita would have enjoyed some cake, but this crazy lady is more concerned with having the upper hand.

  12. P.S. Eeyore, I hope you're feeling better and get some sleep! Travel is so much fun, but the getting there is no fun!

  13. JJ, I agree with you about Elsa really caring for Nelson and finally making a stand for herself before it was too late. I actually like Nelson so much too. Perhaps this will slide this story off to the side quickly though since it has just had all the fire taken out of it by Ed's acceptance and now the quick wedding between two people who genuinely want to be together. That sounds the death knell in most telenovelas. Agreement and pleasantness just don't have a chance against foul deeds and ignominy.

  14. This episode gave me whiplash! So much so fast! Thanks for the recap; it helped clarify the whirlwind.

    It was really sweet when JM and Mayita were talking. She said he was really hot and she worried he was sick (he WAS looking rather flushed after that long kiss!) and he said he wasn't sick. Then he said he was sick in his soul, and she asked, "where is the soul?" and then he said no, it was in his conscience ("where is the conscience?") and he said it was very deep in the heart and mind and hurts when you've done something wrong. I love those daddy-daughter scenes.

    Two major things I didn't expect: Elsa and Nelson's sudden wedding and Israel and Stef's kiss. What was Israel thinking? As satisfying as it must be to torment Stef in any way, surely it isn't worth the cooties.

  15. First I like to say THANK YOU for the recap even though like Stephe says , you lost me too at times, Eeyore! I appreciate that even though you were tired and jetlagged you still recap for us. Thanks a lot.

    I totally agreed with you, Stephe on lots of things you mention in your comments. I think we are on the same wavelength with this novela.
    1. I notice the pattern on the show of what you said --people marrying/going to marry people they don't really want to marry?? It's like an epidemic or something. I thought at first it was about image in upper society people of Mexican culture that are concerned about appearance and keeping within their own group, but now I am not sure now that Nelson and Elsa. I am glad that she went with her heart instead of what her parents wanted and said she should do. I too am wondering about the choice that Elsa made. It seems that Nelson is a guy that is not a high achiever. He could have turn into a bum. We will see now that he is married if his life direction will changed.
    2. I said so about the nightmares that results from trauma - I keep saying that Marichuy needed help before. No one was caring enough to help. You are right, Stephe, all of them are uncaring jackhats. THEY ARE MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THEMSELVES THEN ANYONE ELSE.
    I think the judge should be recalled or something. He didn't care enough and was not reasonable. He is so like the two witches who are so into themselves and their fake world. THEY SAY ALL BAD THINGS AND NAMES OF MARICHUY WHEN THEY THEMSELVES ARE NO BETTER. THEY CAME FROM THE SAME BACKGROUND. iT WILL bE eASY TO gET THEM bACK THERE.
    3. i JUST Love this statement you said that I had to copy and paste it here. I Totally agree. "Stupid Steffie has nothing to do but fly around on her convertible broom to JM's castle and job ten times a day. What a loser. Mari has left your "papi's" house like you planned--stop following her! Mari should have treated the cow to a bucket of water all over her head and that nice blue dress." NOW Leave Marichuy alone now that she is not in your precious fake parents' house. You got what you wanted. Marichuy wants to do something to help when she stays at someone's place, for example, she cleans the windows from the outside or help the kitchen staff with cooking. She doesn't act all prim and proper and stuck up like stupid witch Estefania.

    This gets me to the big question or preview of this novel and that is mention by Karen. ". . . that it seems (based on the previews) that JM is Mari'a attacker." To me, this would explain the story that was outlined in the synopsis of this novela. Marichuy leaves JM. It say she discovers something about Juan Miguel's past, a secret that makes her leave him and refuse to ever see him again. Like I said this would explain the synopsis.

    I would really understand why Marichuy had too. I won't get into it here. I will see how the story goes before I bases my assumptions and comments.

    Thanks fellow comments for your thoughts and comments. I agree with you.



    If Juan Miguel is the attacker, we see him as the hero in this novela at the moment maybe this will change. Remember the introduction of Rene Stricker as the "El Leopardo" (the Leopard) as the rival for the affection of Marichuy in the future. This was in the synopsis too. Maybe is the hidden hero of this novela. I am just wondering.

    There are other novelas in the past or present that change heros after awhile in the storyline and this might be it.

    I like Juan Miguel, but he to me has too many problems with women surrounding him that he needs to take care of him before he will ever living happily ever after. There is Viviana still alive, Estefania wants him, and Onelia is ruling his house.

  17. Genevieve: You write the most insightful comments. You leave no doubt as to where you're coming from.

    I sincerely hope that JM does not turn out to be the bad guy. Although he does seem to be a man who is overcome by self-loathing. Whenever a self-torture opportunity presents itself, he jumps right in. I forgot about the Rene Strickler/Leopard part. That should be interesting.

  18. Thank you Eeyore, for coming through for us!

    I think Israel’s kiss was a hostile F-you kiss meant to shock Stef and put her in her place.

    I was surprised too about Nelson actually marrying Elsa. For me she’s turned into quite a sympathetic character, but I had also thought his free-spirit approach would put off their marriage for a long time.

    I don’t think JM was hypnotizing Mari in his office, I think the whole thing with the couch and close-your-eyes is the old Freudian approach to analysis. Why they couldn’t have the same conversation in the castle, I don’t know. Maybe it was just to set up the scene where Stef finds out he’s left with Mari.

    Steffe – you are too funny!

    I think William Levy does fine when he’s not posing. I mean, have you ever seen anybody normal who goes around with their mouth partly open, showing a couple of front teeth? That’s a model’s pose to look sexy and breathless. I had to bail on Pasion because I thought I couldn’t look at the lead lady’s two front teeth for several months. To me JM is at his best in his scenes with Mayita because he doesn’t do the dishy-guy routine.

    Meantime, I sure was glad to be in Madrid with Viv. At least she’s traveling, laughing and having a good time, and she’s not stuck in some house where everybody is mean.

  19. Maggie, I did think JM was hypnotizing Mari, and it crossed my mind that he is mixing professional with personal behavior in an unethical way.

  20. I thought, "This is JM's professional method of getting Marichuy to open up?!?" It seemed completely inappropriate, but the way they were both acting it seemed like they were playing a game more than preparing to discuss the source of all her torment.

    That, and his previous technique..."Come on! Tell me tell me tell me! I have to know everything! Tell me tell me!" I am no mental health professional, but I would think a more suitable method would involve establishing an atmosphere of comfort and trust and encouraging the person to WANT to discuss the matter, like get Marichuy to decide for herself that it's worth the pain and discomfort in order to get past it.

    Maggie, you expressed perfectly why I thought Israel kissed Stef. I just couldn't think how to phrase it. And she's not even married to Juan Miguel yet, so why does she dare to treat his staff badly/flirt with them?

  21. I too am ticked off that it looks like JM is being set up to be Chuy's attacker (Karen, I remember the Luke/Laura thing too, and did NOT appreciate it!). Something huge is going to separate JM and Chuy after they finally come together, and that just might be it. However--I also believe (hope) that we're being set up, and that, like NinaK said, JM was there and unable to stop it, but someone else was the rapist, like AmaLoser or even Adrian. *fingers crossed*

    Onelia is so distasteful, I hate to even see her coming and she's not even real! LOL The castle servants are a nice bunch, hard-working, yet she goes out of her way to treat everyone--them, Mayita, Chuy, JM--like they're something the ducks crapped out on the driveway. I don't even know why she has a place to live. :(

    That wedding was quick. I kept waiting for Elsa to wake up from a dream, but no, it was real. (It did look fun, and she looked happy.)

    Thanks, Cheryl. Pat was all quiet and looking like he had his "hat in his hands" when talking on the phone, and I didn't catch his words but I thought, well that can't be--he's a jackazz! So he was smoothing stuff over, huh? Well.

    I agree, J.J.--Levy's best moments seem to be with Chuy. His face and eyes simply transform and get so soft, and I forget all about how he did something stupid earlier and I forgive him every time. LOL! And when he's with Mayita, nice stuff.

    There is Viviana still alive, Estefania wants him, and Onelia is ruling his house. You are right, Genevieve! TOO many problems with women.

    And the self-loathing... you've got something there, pasofino.

    Stupid Steffie is like an "Onelia in training." The castle servants have enough abuse from the old bat, but the younger bat living there too??? Gah! No! As Steffie's bad behavior changes day to day, so will my Caray!name. Bah.
