
Monday, October 27, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Oct 27 - Julian reprises his amazing 10.0 on the UCS

Wondering how much longer we have to suffer through “ER – Clinic #23” I looked at it appears that there are 110 episodes and tonight’s is number 89. 21 more to go after tonight. I hope to God that Zulema isn’t in her coma for 20 of them.

Alonso is told that he has been found guilty of negligence and is fired. The same lady who just fired him tells him how great he is and that he should work somewhere else. Lady, you just FIRED him.

Julian won’t shut the hell up about Alonso being ‘el desgraciado’. I’m not going to be able to stand repeating all the details, Julian is deserving of a punch in the face about now. He and Lorena argue.

Alonso packs up his stuff and gets what for him passes as emotional.

More B.S. from Julian and Lorena. Diana comes in and agrees with Lorena. Rosy too. He is an idiot and won’t listen to reason. He doesn’t care about his mom, he only cares about VENGEANCE!

Bruno the snake comes in and tries to be nice to Alonso. He tells Alonso to just leave this incident off his resume and he’ll find a new job.

The girls complain about Julian. Boooooooring. I hope the Zulema thing gets wrapped up quickly, whatever the outcome. This current thing is just plain painful. Lorena says she’s staying with Alonso no matter what, it wasn’t his fault.

Bruno gives the news of Alonso being fired to Sara, who isn’t quite so happy. Bruno says it’s the best day of his life.

Barbara shows up at the lesser house to see the baby. Diana still isn’t used to the new Barbara. Lorena starts talking a bit funny, like she’s delusional. “Yes, when my mom returns…” Diana has a look that says ‘yeah right, I think you are losing it.’

Bruno is at the bank, some guy passes out and they call for a doctor. Bruno says, “Why, I’m a doctor!” Maybe he’s going to save a life and have a change of heart. Which is ridiculous but hey look at what we’re watching here. Bruno gives CPR, then starts crabbing about the ambulance taking too long when his extremely weak CPR doesn’t work. Sara rides in a cab and thought bubbles some stuff. Bruno’s lame CPR finally works, the guy starts breathing and the ambulance shows up. The ambulance leaves and Sara’s cab arrives. Sara actually gives him crap for helping the guy, I guess she forgot she isn’t upper class any more. He gives her money to pay the rent (I think) since he has to go the hospital. He actually has to stand there and defend his life-saving (though lame) actions to Sara. What a bitch.

Lorena talks to Zulema, she tells her she gave the help a raise. I’m sure Zulema cares about that right now. She goes to Alonso’s office and it’s empty. She finds his ‘doctor of the year’ or whatever award in the garbage. A nurse comes in and tells Lorena that Alonso was fired.

Alonso gets home and Toribio tries to comfort him.

Lorena tries to call Alonso but his cell phone is off. Nobody answers at his house either.

Alonso and Toribio discuss the Zulema case. Al swears he did everything right. He tells Toribio that he got fired and doubts himself. Toribio yells at him for doubting himself. Etc etc. Zulema I’m begging you, just wake up so we can move on. We need some fun back in this show, or at least some ridiculousness instead of just dread all the time.

Julian is having trouble at work, since he’s so preoccupied with VENGEANCE and talks back to his boss, I think he’s cruising for trouble.

Victor tells Omar he’ll help him however he can in this difficult time. Omar the wuss then tries to make up with Greta. He somehow let her get the upper hand even though she was the one that was totally in the wrong when this fight started yesterday. He’s such a loser these days. WHO CARES if Greta isn’t talking to you? If you believe all the crap you told Zulema at the hospital, Greta can take a hike anyway, right?

Bruno tells the friend of the guy he saved that the guy is doing fine now. Did he say the guy had a heart attack? I guess it can be resolved that fast. The friend goes on and on and on about how different ‘Fabi’ is. He’s a living legend. Maybe he’s that “most interesting man in the world” from those Dos Equis commercials?

Lorena’s friend whose name I can’t remember, from school, offers condolences. Lorena continues to say that maybe Zulema will wake up. Ern’s music plays and Ern arrives. He tries to comfort Lorena. I keep expecting Alonso to show up and start a fight.

Bruno is still talking to the friend of Mr. Heart Attack. I’m watching Youtube so I don’t have the captions to help, my apologies. I guess Mr. Heart Attack is a real playboy. Bruno thinks this is funny. The guy continues to tell of the living legend that is Mr. Heart Attack. The guy is rich, this gets Bruno’s attention.

Toribio tells Paula what happened to Alonso.

Bruno and guy continue to talk. He tells Bruno this is his lucky day, I guess saying that he’ll get paid well for saving the guy.

Greta tells Omar good night, leaning over so 90% of her boobs are exposed. So far that has been the lone bright spot of this otherwise horrible episode. This might be the most low-cut sweater I’ve seen someone wear in an office. I think you can see her navel through the deep cleavage. In other words, it’s awesome. Anyway Omar complains about her being ‘indifferent’ to him, when he really shouldn’t care. She’s playing him like a fiddle. He then has the nerve to get jealous when she says he’s the one who ended it so she should be free to whatever. Never mind, I can’t make myself care. He’s acting like a teenager. Loser.

Rosy tries to talk some sense into Julian, who is so F’ing stupid he thinks it makes perfect sense to ruin his job, family, and marriage as long as he gets to denounce Alonso. My God I don’t think I can take another scene with Julian at this point.

Lorena whines to Diana that she can’t track down Alonso. She wants to assure him that she is with him. The doorbell rings, but it’s not Al, it’s Hortensia.

Julian and Rosy fight. He leaves and she cries.

Hortensia came to give them some money to help out with Zulema’s care. Lorena resists but finally seems ready to accept.

Mr. Heart Attack is up and about, he comes in to see Bruno. Maybe it wasn’t a heart attack. They talk about playing golf. Mr. HA gets out his checkbook to donate some money to the clinic, which I’m sure Bruno will steal. 50,000 Euros is his first offer, at Bruno’s stunned silence he raises it to 75,000. Bruno tries to hide his erection at all this money talk. I hope that doesn’t sound crude, but the way he shifted around in his chair and the look on his face, I truly believe he was getting aroused. Bruno actually tells the guy he has to see boss lady, guy says he’ll see her when he gets back from Cancun. Anyway, the guy thinks destiny has brought them together, he wants to talk more when he gets back from his trip.

Sara complains about her cheap food, worse than at the orphanage. She says it’s inedible. She talks to the empty room about her grand plans. She has become a caricature at this point, multiple scenes a day where she explains her nefarious scheme to an empty room while trying to look menacing.

Oh GREAT another scene with Julian, just what I wanted. He has broken out his UCS 10.0 form again, full red face and everything. He’s getting drunk at a bar. Rules must be different in Mexico, the bartender gives him the bottle.

Lorena reaches Paula, looking for Alonso. Alonso is there but waves at Paula to say he’s not there. Paula hangs up and gives Alonso a look.

Diana tells Lorena that it was ok to take Hort’s money. Lorena continues to be delusional and get mad that people won’t accept that Zulema is going to wake up. I guess since it’s on TV it’s possible.

Alonso whines that he can’t face Lorena. Paula tries to be supportive.

Diana actually calls out Lorena, saying that being delusional might make things worse. Lorena tries to say she’s just being hopeful. I don’t agree. Anyway this goes on for a bit.

Paula tells Alonso to buck up.

Ern has dinner with Jimena and discuss the whole situation. She is actually pushing him to take advantage of the situation, Ern wants to take the high road.

Bruno looks up some info on Mr. Playboy while Sara bitches. Bruno wants to try and get some of his money. Sara finally stops being a pain, realizing she has to be nice to Bruno to get some of the cash. Bruno starts cooking up a plan.

Julian comes home and Rosy lays into him with a vengeance. He wanted vengeance, he got it, just not how he wanted. She is beside herself, wanting Julian to get up and go to work. Zulema and Jaime arrive home, Rosy runs out crying and tells Zulema everything that has been going on. I guess she didn’t even know about the coma.

Lorena comes over to Alonso’s house and finds Toribio there. Toribio starts crying because he can’t make Alonso feel better. Alonso emerges from the back room, Paula and Bettina are with him. Everyone leaves the couple alone. Alonso won’t look her in the eye. She wants to be together, he is feeling too sorry for himself to agree. He tries to sort of break up with her, but isn’t very convincing. He says them being together is impossible. Lorena looks end of episode impactada. So I guess we have 20 episodes of them being broken up and then getting back together at the end, or something.

I discovered that youtube even has TV commercials for each episode, so I can get some previews, but nothing interesting – Al tries to dump Lorena, Sara has delusions of grandeur. Same old same old. I have to say that this last week has been just wretched. My wife says it’s time for her to start watching with me so she can see the good part of the show, the last few weeks are always best, but I told her to wait, this show really stinks at the moment. Here’s hoping things shape up.


  1. Oh good I am first or perhaps almost by the time I post. Thanks for the faster than lightening and humorous recap. These people are truly annoying right now. Omar is especially a dipstick with his jealousy of the woman he is supposed to feel remorse over wanting but is remorseful that she is getting over it so easily. What a couple of losers.

  2. Thanks for the recap Ferro. You're right have your wife watch this stinker when things pick up. Hopefully this Zulema in a coma/Al as evil doctor will end soon -- its such a downer.

    I'm glad the writers had Diana mention Barbara's transformation; you don't even recognize her anymore but at least its positive. Maybe they'll show us Jackie in the convent.

    Omar continues to be idiot and now his son is too. At the rate those two are going, Sara and Bruno don't need to do anything but watch the family fall apart.

  3. I guess we are now at rock bottom before things start looking up, right? We hope?

    I am baffled at Omar. One day it's 'mea culpa mea culpa' and the next it's 'Zulema who'? I'm optimistic about Zulema but Omar is sliding too far down the slippery slope.

    I'm with Karen, more Jaqui in the convent please. I wonder who she'll find to boink there? Do you suppose they have a pool boy? I just don't see her taking a vow of chastity.

    Thanks Ferro, even when things are dismal you are a riot. Funny link to the Dos Equis commercial. Julian deserves the wrath of your razor wit.

  4. Ferro, given this was such a rotten episode, you’ve done a masterful job and there were plenty of belly laughs (and no captions at that)! Thanks!

    “This might be the most low-cut sweater I’ve seen someone wear in an office. I think you can see her navel through the deep cleavage. In other words, it’s awesome.” ROTFL! Ferro, thank goodness they put something in to keep you hooked!

    Fafy Cuenca is the Heart Attack guy. I figured he must be a real person based on all his buddy’s hype, so I ran a Google search. Nope, it appears he’s just for this show, as far as I can tell. If Sara is a caricature, he’s even more of one. I think I’ll have to call him Fluffy because he doesn’t seem to have anything at all he stands for.

    Omar is a major jerk. Greta is a supreme manipulator and he’s walked right into it time and again. She finally found someone she can lead around by the……neck.

    Julian is a major jerk. Like father, like son. Zulema will NOT be proud of them, should she come to any time before Cap. 110.

    Speaking of getting led around by the…..neck……your assessment of Bruno salivating (and more) with the prospect of Fafy’s money had me rolling around, laughing. You nailed it! Only a guy could come up with that—I would never have thought of it. But the way he goes after Sara when she’s being ugly should be a clue to what turns him on.

    Thanks again.


  5. I thought the scene with Fafy's friend going on and on about the Greatness of Fafy Cuenca went on way too long, but at least it was a few minutes of silliness during which Julian wasn't being a total dick.

    Bruno's idea, I believe, was for Sara to seduce ol' Fafy and inherit his money when he kacks. Which means they'll try to pull off at least one more caper before this thing ends. Honestly, I'm looking forward to it if it means less time spent on the miserable Zulema thing!

    Let's just hope that Zulema doesn't wake up with amnesia. After the horror that is FELS, I truly do not want to see the amnesia plot gimmick ever again unless it's astonishingly brilliant. There should be a mandatory three-month waiting period and possibly some counseling before any amnesia story idea is implemented.

  6. I'm just calling for a complete boycott of all amnesia plot lines, forever. I don't want to even think about how upset I will be if she wakes up with amnesia. I don't think there is enough time left in this show for them to do that, but who knows. Ugh just the thought. Maybe Julian can get hit and get amnesia just so he'll SHUT UP.

  7. Thanks for the recap. You definitely hit the nail on the head with Bruno's salivating. At this point, it's much more fun watching Bruno and Sara plotting then the family weepfest.



  9. Thanks Ferro and ditto on all the comments.

    I couldn't believe the Greta-Omar scene. When she says she wants to be free to find someone else and he asks her whether she's already found someone, she --with her dress cut down to her navel,who has spent weeks seducing an unwilling married man-- asks whether he thinks she's a "cualquiera" (spelling??)And the boob apologizes. He certainly was not above being nasty to Zulema. Why is he so whipped by Greta?

    Maybe all of Alonso's whining and insecurity will lead to a full-fledged breakdown, while Ernesto, taking the high road, will continue to support Lorena...and they will end up happily ever after.
    I don't know about Mexican medical schools, but aren't doctors trained to emotionally deal with patients, mistakes, and told not to treat people close to them because they might get emotionally involved and make bad decisions? Everyone is always talking abotu what a wonderful doctor/surgeon Alonso is, but somewhere along the way he didn't learn some important lessons. It makes sense for him to be upset, but not falling apart the way he is. Lorena deserves a grownup man and not a neurotic who falls apart when he encounters adversity. I am still hoping that we are being set up for Lorena to wind up with Ernesto.
    NJ Sue

  10. I would be more than willing to support your bill to ban amnesia plots. How about adding a rider that also squashes coma plots, these hospital scenes are enervating as well. And Julie's idea of requiring counseling before allowing amnesia scenes needs to be modified to the snarky bloggers getting the therapy!

    Yes, Bruto's salivary glands work best with dirty girls and dirty money or him getting to pound on soft delicate face tissue. What a doctor, wish he could stitch up Julian's mouth during an idle moment at the clinic.

  11. Ferro, thanks especially for the breakdown of those two characters, Sr Infarcto and Santiago. I thought Santiago was a slick hustler w/ no relation to Infarcto because of the way he was talking to Bruno in the waiting room. Kind of a Ratso Rizzo kind of guy. Sr. Infarcto looked sort of "Vegas-y" or Eurotrash w/ the sissy powder blue ascot. The checkbook act made me wonder if they were pulling a Nigerian letter scam in person or something.

    Still pulling for Ernesto & Ximena though I'd love to wash the goo off her face. Probably a better looking girl beneath the Merle Norman coating.

  12. I thought something similar, Mike - I thought Fafy and his pal were con artists, the way they were laying it on so thick. I guess that's why Bruno looked them up - to make sure that Fafy really exists and that this guy was really him.

    I don't suppose Bruno has much to be conned out of anyway. And it's funny that Bruno and Sara think she can get Fafy's money. I figure that an accomplished playboy like Fafy is already quite familiar with all of those schemes, and won't be fooled by her.

    It was just like when she was fooling around with her "mentor," that guy from the cooking show. She got a job out of it, but he was smart enough not to ever give her any "loans" or let her wreck his marriage. I would expect Fafy to be at least as shrewd as the cooking show guy.

  13. Super recap Ferro, especially nice diversion of the link to the world's most interesting man...I looked that up before because I was wondering from the commercials if there was any correlation to reality, and well, of course there wasn't, just like this, but it's a fun website for sure, especially if you are bored at work... :)

    I haven't watched this much lately honestly, which makes it even weirder because it's like all of a sudden everybody is different...que the heck?

    Julian needs an artic swim...Al, even with his life looking pretty bleak, actually, he could also use an artic swim to perk him up a bit and maybe get him out of his monoact.

    Omar, now that I think about it, deserves an arctic swim too for being such a loser and needing to wake up and see what he is screwing up.

    Man I can just keep going here, because Sara deserves an artic swim inbetween two colliding icebergs, Bruto too...

    And hell, while I'm at it, maybe an artic swim is just the thing to rouse Zully out of her coma!!!!

    Don't ask where I got this idea from..... :)

  14. Umm, Fuego, where did you get this idea about Arctic swims?

  15. Oh, you can get a rooster shirt:

    That's not the best price I've seen, but it was the first site I found that had prices in US currency.

    If your Spanish is good, you might have more luck on one of those auction sites like mercadolibre.

  16. Sorry about that - that was meant for the FELS recap.

  17. When I read the cleavage thing I almost peed.. too stinking funny... I am so ready for them to get on to things and do the happily ever after as far as I am concerned Sara, Bruno and Greta can just link arms and happily skip off to hell together..

  18. What plot contrivance. A doctor shouldn't lose his job because of an unexpected complication during surgery. Maybe for pushing a patient into a surgery she didn't seem ready for, but they didn't address that. I mean, Zulema isn't dead, and doctors can kill patients just because they're caught up in their personal problems and still keep their jobs. I learned that from watching House.

    Can't believe anyone could get away with wearing a top like Greta's to the office but I'm glad it made the episode bearable for you, Ferro. It reminded me of Desperate paraphrase, "are you going to work, or for a mammogram?"

  19. You asked.....

    don't know, really, it just came to me which is why I didn't want to be asked cause there is no reason just came to me, and then I just kept envisioning more people swimming, and the possible benefits they might reap. Just one of those weird days....:)

  20. Fuego, that's as good a reason as any! Maybe I'm sensitized to cold because of the front that blew through here yesterday with a lot of wind, rain and dropping temps.

  21. I hate the cold so an arctic swim sounds like a terrible punishment to me. Throw 'em in!
