According to Greek mythology there are five rivers that separate Hades from the world of the living, they are: Acheron - the river of woe; Cocytus - the river of lamentation; Phlegethon - the river of fire; Lethe - the river of forgetfulness; Styx - the river of hate is said to circle Hades nine times. And Sofia is crying out all of them and you are all going to cross at least one so let's start rowing:
Juan has returned from nowhere with no memory of nobody and no event. Feo and Gabi discuss how scary it is if the idiot has no memory of what was done to him but it may come back. Sofia yells some more at Juan. Gabi and Feo plan to take Juan out of the equation.
Juan looks at Abuelo with confusion and doesn't return his reaching arms with a hug. But tells him that Pablito said he was a general and very wise so he has come to ask for aid. Meanwhile Sofia cries into Acheron, Cocytus and mostly into the Styx. We want to drink from Lethe. She discovers Caprichio is visiting Abuelo and heads down for a new audience.
In the bakery Franco discovers that Pablo has sent Juan to Abuelo's. [I sure wish Quintina wouldn't slap Pablito on the head all the time. It may be authentic but it really bothers me.]
Sofia alerts the sob sisters who head toward Abuelo's bungalow. Abuelo is telling Juan he needs proof that he lost his memory no one believes it. Sofia harps like a true daughter of Gabi that she is sure that Juan is bad and took her daughter and meant her harm and yadayadayada.
Damien sits in his living room with a friend telling him that he saw suffering in Juan's eyes like he suffered when he lost his children and can't help but feel for him. He had wondered how his first meeting with Juan would be and now that it has happened he finds Juan an honest man. He feels sure that Juan isn't responsible of the disappearance of the daughter.
Meanwhile Jimena and Sarita turn on the harpy sniping. Abuelo says Juan isn't a monster. Sure he is! Sofia grates across my nerves like fingernail on blackboard. She tells Juan to leave but wait Gabi shows up just in time to give Juan one of her motherly hard slaps across the face.Wonder if Juan remembers being slapped by her before? Everyone Elizondo looks on with hard set jaws.
Juan organizes a daughter hunt, only a year late but with such fervor, onlooking Gabi calls him poor imbecile, he's never going to find her. Hidden in plain sight seems to work on the stupid. The great search party/posse is no match for the sheriff's SUV trucks. Sheriff Mutton Chops arrives to arrest Juan while, OH Great! Coyote to the rescue lurks in his black SUV, muttering quietly he will be sure that no one does harm to those Reyes boyz. Sheriff insists he can't leave him free, Juan must come with him peacefully and should do it for the sake of his daughter, this threat/plea is punctuated with guns pulled, cocked and aimed at Juan.
A great riot ensues but Juan quiets the crowd with assurance that he will go with the sheriff peacefully, and gets off his horse. Brotherly Oscar tells sheriff there are no proofs of Juan's guilt. The crowd gets restless, but the noble Juan gets off Caprichio, the Sheriff tells his men to cuff him (esposenlo: remember handcuffs are called esposas, yeah, wives, isn't that special). Padre Tadeo shows up and assures the sheriff that Juan is a good man and he is sure he is innocent too.
Sofia gripes venomously at the altar adding depth to the Styx. Paddy Tad shows up to assure her Juan is innocent, honorable and surely saved his daughter from a worse danger. Sofia pours more venom and tears towards Acheron, Cocytus and always more to Styx. Sofia can't imagine who else would do her so much damage as Juan, obviously no one would harm her. [Doesn't explain why I want to strangle her barehanded, but...] But surely the Virgencita is longing for a long cool drink of Lethe water. PadTad remembers all the ugly confessions of Feo but he can't break the confessional secrets so he doesn't name Feo which any idiot would know without PaddyTad's help. So she accuses PaddyTad of condemning Juan with his silence. She leaves in fury to cry some into the river Phlegethon (which sounds suspiciously close to the river of snot but in Greek or Latin)
Oscar and Franco visits Juan behind bars. They want to work on freeing him, he wants them to work on finding his daughter.
Speaking of hidden in plain sight, where's Waldo is continued with the orphans and the lovely nuns beaming about their luck to have the support of the lovely Gabriela and Sofia. If only they knew.
Gabriela demands that the sheriff condemn Juan immediately to a life sentence there is not need of an investigation. Vehemently wanting pain and suffering made visible at her demand, she attacks next the brothers as they exit the cell area. Oscar says all of the village know juan is innocent and they are off to prove it. Gabi make a big fuss of being robbed of her precious granddaughter. Someone new to slap, [hurry boyz, find the trail no matter how cold]
Eva consoles Sofia who cries streams of Cocytus and Styx. Damien shows up to have to hear Sofia condemn Juan for his cruelty to her. Damien tells her that he saw in Juan, the pain that he felt losing his children and surely that she felt losing hers. Sofia cries some Acheron and Cocytus and moves into Styx and tells Damian to go away if he isn't going to join her in condemning Juan she doesn't want his company. More river flow of Phlegethon and Styx.
Why did you do this to me Juan why why why why why Styx, Styx, Styx, Styx. Cocytus, Cocytus, Cocytus...
Well what do you know? Old drunken framed guy is still in the jail for being framed for Bernardo's death. He tells Juan he knows he didn't kidnap his daughter. How do you know this? I worked for Feo. Don't trust them, he says sincerely. [Really now what a grasp of the obvious.] They are your enemies. Everyone knows you. you didn't steal yoru baby . Can you help me with proof of my innocence? Yes, he has plenty of time to work on anti Feo projects so they have a plan.
Quintina discusses Juan's plight with Franco and Oscar while they wrap sandwiches in cloth hobo bags to go off to search for the baby. They discuss that Damien wants to help them clear Juan but also wants to boogie with Sofia. What to do? They need his help and power. The jailer announces a guest to Juan and guess what it is Damian.
Quintina and Oscar discuss amid the dismal crops the overdue mortgage and how 1000 haciendas are not worth having Juan found again. She offers plans to go back to the old place and adds that she is a fast packer if needed, when a messenger suddenly brings a letter for the Reyes with the news in it that the mortgage back payments have been paid in full.
Gabi and Feo fight over the fear that they will be discovered for stealing the baby. She reminds him again that not only will he have the law to deal with but he also killed Libia and the Reyes will never forgive that. She does great threatening with no tears. Stones don't have water in them. She should be careful, Feo has neither tears nor a heart.
Damian explains to Juan who he is and how he wants to help, tells Juan his story of his losing his children. Juan says that is regretable but it isn't enough reason to go so far to help him so there must be something else. Juan tells him he doesn't know who to trust or not to trust or which group to put Damian in. He only trusts his brothers. [Or at least he thinks they must be his brothers.]
Quintina shows up at the bungalow, accuses Abuelo of paying the mortgage, he claims he has nothing to say to her still, but he did not pay it and doesn't know who did pay it. He promises to investigate and makes some obscure notes in his big detective book. She tries to look over his shoulder but they are still not quite warm with each other.
Damian goes to Doctor Cardiology and hears the story of Juan being lost in the jungle with his daughter Doctora Hotlips. He learned part of the story when he showed up to find his daughter. Why are you interested? asks Doc. Damian answers, because Juan is now in the jail accused of kidnapping his own daughter.
Juan, Franco and Oscar chat in the jail as they tell him about Damian and his offer to help find the baby. Juan waxes bullish, Are you friends with him or no? They hem and haw, Yea! But why? Juan pushes. Well they finally admit that he doesn't want Sofia to suffer any more. He is in love with her. Juan with no memory apparently can remember to be jealous.
Damian explains to Doctor Cardi his need to help Sofia so she can regain her daughter regain her calm and happiness and then maybe she will want to boogie with him.
Juan throws a proper fit that Damian wants to rob Sofia even if he can't remember just whose she is or even who she is. The boys try to calm him. He agrees that no one is to blame for what has happened in his absence. He calms down.
Rosario comes to hug Sofia, she wants to help, Rosario cheerily tells Sofia that she has been more than a friend, a true sister. Sofia protected and supported her and returned her dignity. Sofia quickly turns the tears on saying Rosario is lucky, she has her son but Sofia has lost her daughter, for fault of that worst of all ratbastards (canalla) Juan. Sofia swears she will never believe in love or love another man again. She cries some Styx tears, some Cocytus, some Acheron and moves toward a bucket or two of Phlegethon. Rosi thinks out loud for just us that Feo has something central to do with this but why doesn't she tell Sofia of her suspicions. At least Rosario has a brain, maybe she knows it won't help Sofia to stop crying.
Armando is yelling at Feo about the snatching of the baby and letting Juan rot in jail for the crime. and Rosi overhears. Rosi tries to creep away but knocks over a broom and alerts Feo. He opens the door to see her tiptoeing away so grabs her and strangles and hurts her with plenty rancor about what she was doing spying on him, when Armando finally talks him into taking his hands off her throat and tells Rosi to get out of the room. Feo then accuses Armando of protecting Rosi which Armando smartly denies. Feo warns him to be very careful, very careful. no tears.
Sofia shows up at the jail and pours a few buckets of River Acheron into the cell. [Me? I am going to look for that bottle of chilled Lethe water I left in the fridge.]
Next: Well, Doctora Hotlips will help Juan, she tells Sofia that Juan arrived in the village injured with no memory and no baby. He is not lying about any of it.
Cheryl, thanks for your funny recap. All I can say is I am never tuning into this show again until Sofia finds her HIJA!!!! NJ Sue
ReplyDeleteThanks NJ Sue. You must be a night owl like me up so late if you are indeed in NJ now. I needed to do something to keep my spirits up. There is much to be annoyed by in this telenovela right now. However, I just saw on the 10:00PM show that Damian has just shown up to see Juan in jail and the cameraperson gifted us with a beautiful split screen of two of the handsomeest faces in telenovela land. Holy cats, these two are pretty boys. Couldn't we all use some swimming scenes though.
ReplyDeleteI too am SOOOO tired of la llorona Sofia night after night after night! We need some more bread kneading and guys swimming in their bvds! Like the pic of your now famous doggy!
Last week there were a few scene of Sarita by herself in her room probably thinking about Franco and a new song was playing. It sounded like Sarita singing. Could she really sing? If it is her, it sounds pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI never thought I would see Armando Stick up for Rosario. Good thing for Rosario otherwise Fernando will abuse her some more.
I'm glad that Leonora is still there. i tjhought I had seen the last of her in the Las Barracas village. I would like to see her interact with The 3 sisters and Rosario. I wonder if Leonora and Damian will hook up instead.
Interesting that Nabor would feed Juan some intel at the jail cell. I thought that he was so scared of talking that he won't even confide in Padre Tadeo.
I guess we will see Nestor and Leonora testify in court on behalf of Juan.
Off Topic: I just noticed that Querida Enemiga is about to wrap up. Didn't they just start? It's quite a short telenovela like Pasion.
Nice shot of Willa!
ReplyDeleteCheryl, thanks for the recrap and the meandering Greek version of Julie London's "Cry me a River". Very funny all (Someone new to slap)!
ReplyDeleteLet's pretend Sufria is made out of play-doh and that we can twist her little head off when she starts to cry and smash it under our Doc Martens if we still have them.
And why does the search for Baby Reyes have to start at night? And, what's up with the purple spots on Coyote's head?
Oh for those innocent days of longing for swimming scenes.
I was out tonight and didn't even set the VCR since Friday night I felt like I wasted an hour of my life finding and viewing it on youtube! Sounds like I made the right choice tonight. So Damien is not a complete idiot, at least not yet. Maybe he should hook up with Juan (just kidding), but they would be awfully pretty!
ReplyDeleteSo when I read the "sob sisters" my brain thought SOB sisters which then made me LOL swapping "sisters" for "son".
Maybe if they take Juan for a swim he will remember! Its worth a try!
Thanks..very funny
ReplyDeleteI love that word Phlegethon, now I think of a giant river of snot. It indeed have a muscousy sound to it.
During most TeleNovelas, my outloud comments run along the lines of "Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaase, what a Tool", however in this suckfest of shallow emotions, "STFU Sofie, no wonder you were _____________"
Feel free to fill in smacked, shot, set on fire, whatever.
How come JD or jaildude is still in jail, why hasn't he been moved to an actual prison? I know he just loves when a Reyes gets put a cell. Let the good times roll, it is always like the freekin Barum and Bailey truck pulled up, get the shriner mini cars out and let the clowns start driving up and down the hall..beep beep
Sofie STFU
Cheryl: Thanks for the wow recap.
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to go on a baby-hunt, always go at night on horseback and hold torches in your hand. It's easier to find babies in the dark when you have no plan, don't know who you are or what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, then you make great leader material - look at all the guys who followed Juan.
Secondly, where did Juan's scars go? The man was shot in the head (face), looked really bad and bloody for a while. The blow was so bad that it caused amnesia. The shot must have gotten to the last few brain cells that Juan had working. This may be a rare case of perpetual amnesia. At least it looks like it's going to go on for a painful while longer.
Sofia, Sofia - I just can't stand it when you appear on the screen. You pick on the one person who really loves you. Come on - surely the thought that Feo and Momma Gabi were somehow involved in the disappearance of your daughter might have crossed your warped brain.
Thanks for the recap Cheryl. I missed the first 5 minutes so I guess I missed Coyote. Bummer. I kept wondering why his SUV didn't pop up out of the ground. I have a really bad feeling that Rosario and Armando's days are numbered. And Armando was starting to be ok.
ReplyDeleteSo if they are looking for a baby and there is an orphanage in town why did it take a whole year before anybody thought to check with the good Sisters? Inquiring minds want to know....
Cheryl: great stuff. Loved the Greek interplay of themes but we all know the FELs staff would never think of intertwining classic mythology into this crapfest.
ReplyDeleteLoved the torchlit search party that's only a year too late. Yes, nighttime is the best time to go a-baby hunting. Yeesh.
Damian is like a breath of fresh air in a fetid swamp. I bet he gets over Sobfia PDQ when he meets hootchie mama from the jungle. (Hmmm, he ponders, do I want an endlessly sniveling, black gown wearing downer of a chic or a smokin' hot, luscious lipped, educated doctor babe? Yeah, tough call there.)
By the time these rocket scientists find mi hija, she'll be driving a black Escalade, wearing some snakeskin boots & running the Bad Love Bar.
Lame, lame, lame. That's all I can say about this episode. What was Coyote doing? Why was Muttonchops arresting Juan (on the word of Sobfia?!). WHy didn't someone think of checking the orfanato when the baby disappeared? More wheels have fallen off...I just looked at the word verification- "COMON"...Exactly!
ReplyDeleteGreat recap! I loved the Greek tie in.
ReplyDeleteI am so over the STUPID Elizondo girls. I will be plenty pissed off of ANY of them end up with a Reyes. Sniveling, self-righteous, and not one brain cell between. The venom shows the bloodline from Gabriela. I will watch until the end just to cleanse my brain. Did the writers mean to totally alienate all the viewers to the supposed heroines? What a lame story line.
However, I did like seeing Coyote and the double frame of Juan and Demian was fabulous!!!
You know if I fast forward through all of Sobfia's scenes and also the commercials I can watch the show in about 10 minutes! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the support, kind readers! Yes a dark night torch lit search party on horseback is the only way to go when a one year old is likely to be crawling or lurching uncertainly in the dry ice forest where she has been hanging out every night since her first day. What a plot turn.
ReplyDeleteWhy did Coyote have those weird spots on his head? I wondered about that too, Creemelo. It wasn't on the window, they were actual spots on his head. Is this actor sick?
Ibarramedia and Maggarita have both fun next scenes to bring Leonora, the Doctora Hotlips back to the screen. She would be great match for Damian.
I fear that Feo is building up steam to kill again. He hasn't succeeded in bumping anyone off for many months, right? Likely targets, Sofia and Gabi: we should be so lucky; Rosario and Armando: I hate to see redeemable people popped off; Padre Tadeo: obviously knows too much but has kept the secrets more or less well. Hmmmm? who else? Wonder if he would mess with the beautiful Damian?
Connie, Not only is it fast to watch but even when I am writing while watching, lately the dialog is so inane and repetitive, I can just polish the spelling at the end and have the piece ready to publish in about one extra hour. Where are Maria Zarattini (Alborada and Pasion's writer) and Kari Fajer and Fernando Gaitan (Destilando Amor's writers) when you need them. I looked up Lilliana Abud, who gets first writer credits on this dog. She actually has been involved in writing some good stuff, so who knows?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recrap, Cheryl. Sofie lines. Juan Lines. Lots of crying. More crying.
ReplyDeleteI second the motion for some swimming scenes. Or shower scenes.
I missed that double-frame split screen of D and J. Waaaaaaah! That must have happened when I turned around. Waaaaaaah!
Search party in middle of night for one-year old--- who is lost and wandering in woods, and raised herself from birth. Oh, hey, look what I just tripped over! Einstein award! Golly gee whiz, do you really think they'd even know what the kid looks like a year later??
And I'm getting rather P.O.'d at Paddy Tad. He has a real moral dilemma: Break his vow of confidentiality and let them know what Feo has done to all the dead people and the baby, OR stay quiet and maintain his job security. Ummm..... tough call, Fr. Bouffy. Looks like he's keepin' his paycheck for now, in this bad economy.
Okay Doris and Crying Scene Fans: remember in Alice in Wonderland, how Alice cried and cried, then when she swallowed the magic potion and got tiny, she almost drowned in the pool of her own tears.
ReplyDeleteNow, if Sufria cries enough, maybe, just maybe, there'll be a flood and the Reyez will have to take their shirts off and swim to safety. C'mon, Damien, you too!
(and if the actor playing Coyote is sick and has purple head spot disease, please have him leave his hat on, as the song says.)
ooops! I meant "Doris and SWIMMING scene fans"!
I detest sniveling SnotfĆa. Don't these writers know that a spunky heroine with at least a few redeeming personality traits is key to a good telenovela? The end of this story will never justify the means.
ReplyDeleteI think it is definitely time for a swimming scene. Including Damian and Coyote. I guess I missed the purple head spot thing. I'll watch the DVR tonight. Does Juan look bigger and more handsome since his stint in the jungle. His shoulders seem really wide.
ReplyDeleteI'm not happy with all of this foreshadowing implying that Rosario's days are numbered ("I've got to warn Sofia if it's the last thing I do!"). They'd better be bluffing with that.
ReplyDeleteHave we seen Eladio lately? Did he die and I forgot all about it? Or is he just waiting backstage until a relapse does him in?
Ibarramedia - saw your question about QE - yes, that was a pretty short run. I think that's actually the default length for most telenovelas, but then they get extended. My personal feeling is that if a show is doing well, they should stick to the original story line and don't extend it (don't weaken the planned story arc or wear out their welcome) - do a sequel instead. Let people regain their appetites for it and take some time to hype it up before starting the new one.
But does anyone listen to me? NO.
And I'm sure there are excellent reasons for not doing it that way. It's just what I'd prefer to see!
I noticed the spots on Coyote's head. I thought maybe he cut himself shaving or something.
ReplyDelete"She actually has been involved in writing some good stuff, so who knows?"
ReplyDeleteYes she has. Did you watch La Madrastra? BuaHahahahahahahaha~!!!!
I noticed the spots on El Coyote's head, too, and wondered what was up with that. Ew.
Sofie’s Song (To the tune of Cry Me A River)
ReplyDeleteI think Juan stole mi hija
And left me for a whole year too
So I’m gonna cry me a river
Cry me a river
The writers give me nothing else to do
Now he’s back in Puebla
I should be happy too
But I’m gonna cry me a river
Cry me a river
The writers give me nothing else to do
This weepin, this wailin’
I’m out of my head
Shedding buckets of tears
Can’t remember, can’t remember
That’s what he said
I wonder if he met some women
Maybe even done some swimmin
But that’s all for tomorrow
In the meantime there’ll be nothin new
I’m gonna cry me a river
Cry me a river
The writers give me nothin else to do (4x fadeout with echo)
Google ‘Cry me a river Julie London’ for the original
Abuelo P
Good recap, Cheryl! My husband and I wondered too about the spots on Coyote's forehead but since the shot was taken from outside his SUV, I really think they must have been from drops of water on the windshield....
ReplyDeleteWe're both hanging in there even though Sofia has gotten on our last nerve.
Fuego in AZ
Good song, Abuelo P!
ReplyDeleteIbarramedia: Querida Enemiga is going to end up with 110 episodes. I think that is just about right. I think Pasion had just under 100. I prefer the "short" telenovelas. The extended ones, like Fuego (I think there will be about 190 episodes) and supposedly Cuidado really drag on forever in the second half.
BTW, the previews made it look as if Juan actually recovers some of his memory tonight, but it's probably a tease.
It seems that they try to shoot for increments of approximately a hundred. LFMB was almost exactly 300 hours. I think 100-ish is fine. 150 might be a little better. I think you need to have something really good to justify 200.
ReplyDelete300 is just plain insane. I have mostly happy memories of LFMB, but I think those memories would be just as happy if it had been only 200.
ReplyDeleteI just received some intel that Fuego is ending On Sunday 11/02 with 207 Episodes/Capitulos A two hour Gran Final. I don't want to know yet though so hopefully no one cheats ahead. ;)
And I'm really glad that Dra. Leonora is still there. I love all the girls and my top 3 are Sarita,Rosario and Leonora.
Slight OT:
Funny how Querida Enemiga will End very soon and fuego here will still be going strong.
Cuidado con el anghel just bored me.
Al Diablo Con los guapos and Juan Qerendon seem to have Dark humor in it.... Different From Fuego.. Like the Flushing of Andreas ashes by constancio or the rapid aging and Damien and Constancio still acting stupid... I hope Fuego's ending is better.
What are the best telenovelas storywise and Character development wise? Or are they all devoid of logic?
Yeah, thanks for the great song, AbueloP. It works for me. I will look up to see if it is on youtube or itunes too. thanks for remembering the original was with Julie London.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I need to go back and check the Coyote moment to see if the spots were in on his head or on the window. I hope it was the window, I just didn't have time to look closely during the recapping. Coyote is one of my very favorite characters ever, though I am not sure why.
Wasn't Tio Vicente helpful in the past? I've forgotton how since it was eons since he was on. But the bros should have called him (forgot, no phones) I mean contacted him when Juan anf the baby disappeared. And Pedro is somewhere nearby so he can visit Unibrow in jail but has not helped in finding Juan. Where are these time wasting sideplot guest stars when you need them. How fickle they are. G in CA
ReplyDeleteG in CA - you are thinking rationally and this telenovela defies logic. It's the effects of radioactive nuclear waste. We must remember to wear or Telenovela Beanie Hats, or at least our AFDBs.
Ibarramedia: So we can wrap this mess up on Sunday? Hallelujah! And that means our meandering little plot goes into hyperdrive, right?
ReplyDeleteHope it's true.
p.s. Abuelo P: great re-write!
If it ends on Sunday in Mexico, that means 3 to 4 more months here. Which, for plot pacing purposes, is freakin' forever. Things typically don't wrap up until the last week or so.
ReplyDeleteIbarramedia asks: "What are the best telenovelas storywise and Character development wise? Or are they all devoid of logic?"
I haven't watched enough of these to recommend any "best" of anything, but I can promise that some are much better with character development and plot.
Most have more logic. I'm not saying they're perfect, or that they don't sometimes have big holes in them, but usually they make a lot more sense.
BUT most telenovelas do not have such a luscious pastoral setting, great soundtrack, all-star cast, colorful costuming, etc. all rolled into one. And sometimes I even appreciate this show when it's being shamelessly silly, as long as it's the fun kind of silly and not the "I can't believe we're wasting time on this unfun crying and whining" kind of silly.
ReplyDeleteMy personal favorite for top writing, directing, producing, character development and lushious scenery is hands down "Alborada" from 2005. Carla Estrada has a golden touch with any project. Although I personnally loved it, her "Pasion" was not nearly as well received even though the same team put it together. And they both had Colunga. So go figure. I liked the historical detail of both but Beckster suggested that Mexican folks might have thought the vocabulary and plot line were a bit stilted and difficult.
I, don't know, what did you all like best??
Ibarramedia - IMO "Alboarada" had good character development and logic. Better than most. I missed "Pasion" but always read good things about it.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with watching one of these on the 6-hr DVD (and even a 10 or 12-hr DVD) is that it's like watching the novela in warp speed and you miss a lot of the character *and* plot development. It's often like watching a pinball machine, IMO.
Even at that, LaMentira dragged the entire 2nd half of the 5-hr, once she was exposed. I was real glad it was only a 5 hr DVD.
I didn't watch, but all the Coyote comments are cracking me up (especially you Creemelo!). Maybe the radiation is finally getting to him and he will soon turn stupid.
ReplyDeleteSo, if when you rent these on DVD they are about 10 hours, is Fuego going to be like 1? Really, just go from swimming scene to shower scene, back and forth, one good crying jag for Sophia and you pretty much have covered it.
OMG, it ends Sunday in Mexico so we get 3 more months of snivel & drivel???
ReplyDeleteMy beanie can't take it. I'm going to need a helmet.
Hi Molly, I'm just sayin', I'd hate to lose my favorite bad guy to purple spot head disease. Hope it's nothing serious.
ReplyDeleteBTW, pretty sure I saw Rigo last night in the Midnight Baby Search Posse.
Keeping my fingers crossed for him too.
Maybe we should be praying to the Virgencita, if she can break away from listing to Sufria.
Talk about a love-hate relationship. I cannot bear to watch this any more and have switched to Telemundo's "El Rostro de Analia." But, I still faithfully read the recaps because they are so great! This has got to be the sappiest, most mindless piece of crap that Televisa ever came up with! Yet the recaps are hilarious and priceless!
ReplyDeleteI sure hope Purple Spot Head Disease isn't contagious! What are the symptoms? :-) Maybe Coyote should line his hat with foil.
ReplyDeleteCoyote's purple head spot disease - well, we know he's not as idiotic as many in this TN. Maybe that's because he wears his AFDB (beanie) too much, and that gives him purple head spots - like when people would wear hard contact lenses for too many hours and make their eyes sore.
ReplyDeleteDoris, I love your analogy - the condensed novela DVDs are like watching a game of pinball. Precisely!
As for the following comments, I'm no expert on TNs, so take them with a grain of salt.
TN length - Pasion was around 100 caps, and it was written VERY tightly. Sometimes you would have three plot developments in a single cap. That is exceptional.
The original Colombian Fea, BLF, had about 170 caps. It didn't meander aimlessly like some, and it didn't get lost in a black hole of filler. But it was certainly not as tight as Pasion.
Conclusion? To write a good TN in 100 caps, either it has to be very tightly written, or you have to trim down some of the detail or side plots. OTOH you can have a good, solid, complex TN in about 150-170 cap's. I get the impression that anything over 200 cap's has problems with filler, stagnation, etc.
I love complex character development. I particularly like the "noble second-best galan" (NSBG) type you see in so many novelas, if he is well developed. The soldier in Amor Real, I thought was well done. Santiago in Pasion - not enough depth. Aldo in LFMB - the only poorly developed character in the show. Surprisingly, the NSBG in Tontas (which we'll probably never see here) was one of the bright spots in a poorly written TN. Good conflicted character, strongly driven in two opposite directions. That's what makes the NSBGs such fascinating characters.
The soldier in Amor Real, I thought was well done.
ReplyDeletepaula dustbunnies - would that be Mauricio Islas' character Adolfo? That was a great character and a very well-acted role! I liked AR because something happened in every episode. I think Adolfo died, and that scene was very well done. Gosh, I even cried when Rosario died.
Cheryl, thanks for the recap. Naming the rivers was a bonus. Too bad we still have a few months to go, if it remains this same river of drivel we're stuck in now.
ReplyDeleteLa Paloma
I think the Virgincita has probably stuffed her ears with cotton balls by now. She's as sick of Sophia's sniveling and whining as we are. Are we really supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if that is the case then there is a problem. I can't think of anyone on this list who isn't sick of her.
ReplyDeleteGreat character development - you'd be hard pressed to find any set of characters developed better than the original Colombian Fea. Incredible depth, complexity, and consistency. Almost TOO much for some people, because they were developed in such detail.
ReplyDeleteThe Mexican Fea inherited the incredible character development, except where it strayed from the original: Aldo, Lety after the resort (#250), and Omar's redemtion.
Veterans, tell me please, are there any other novelas with characters as well developed as the Feas? If so I want to find them.
Thanks, Cheryl. I am confused about something. When Sofia went to the convent and saw the 3 baby girls, I thought that she suspected that one of them might be her daughter [Duh]. However, since she is still weeping and wailing and pissed at Juan, I guess the idea that one of these 3 little girls in the local convent who are the same age as her baby ...well....nope ???...nothing comes to your mind , Sofia??? ...Like 2 + 2 = ..... Nope...Really???...Nothing ??? Ibarramedia~~~I only started watching telenovelas a few years ago, but my favorites are all directed by Carla Estrada and all star Fernando Colungs and are directed by Monica Miguel : Alborada, Amor Real, and Passion....excellent storylines and character development. The combination of those 3 talented people seems to produce a kind of synergy that results in excellent novelas.
ReplyDeleteSusanlynn, I too thought Sofia was sizing up the three cherubs as possible daughter material. It is interesting that Gabi knew the baby was taken to this orphanage but she doesn't seem to know which one is her granddaughter. I guess we are supposed to believe that Gabi has one ounce of humanity in her with her tenderness toward the babies. Very odd that Sofia would rather rant and rave at Juan than develop an interest in these babies. Since Gabi fears Sofia getting wind of the babies, it is probably inevitable they will lock horns over them in the future.
ReplyDeleteI second Susanlynn's post. Amor Real, Alborada and PasiĆ³n were all three incredible novelas. Carla Estrada is the QUEEN of period novelas. There was nothing boring about any of those, and I was watching the clock each evening waiting for them to start!
ReplyDeleteEven if the writers are determined to stay away from 21st century technology, a simple blood test would shed some light on whether Sufria could be the mother, right?
ReplyDeleteClearly, not an option here. The Insuferable One (Sufria) even has the gall to tell Eva "You don't understand my pain, at least you know your daughter is somewhere safe."
how come la fuego en la sangra is not on tonight??
ReplyDeleteAnon at 9:31, Wed. - Here in New Mexico it is delayed only 30 minutes. Sen. Obama bought a half hour of television time to make a speech on his candidacy. All Univision programs are on but delayed by this half hour. I hope where ever you are you can see FELS if later.
ReplyDeleteGabby is faking the tenderness. Remember she was talking to the nuns. What are the odds that 3 "European" newborn female infants were abandoned in that sleepy little pueblo? I blame the lack of phone service.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when Quintina slaps Pablito, too. It seems that if Pablito even looks at Quintina he'll get slapped.