
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Oct. 29,'08 Can We Just Fast Forward Through The Next Two Weeks?

Alternate title: Alonso, Julian and Omar star in Asshats 'R Us
Alternate title 2: Team Ernesto rapidly overtaking Team Alonso

I'm a little woozy tonight. My husband's been in the hospital since Sunday night so this telenovela is way too much like reality. Well, maybe not. He immediately had a lot more tubes and gizmos inserted than poor Zulema, even though he was just experiencing some chest discomfort. The good news is that he'll be coming home tomorrow, albeit with another stent in one of his arteries. Zulema, on the other hand, is shaping up to be in a coma for forever (or maybe it will just seem that way).

So let's get on to the riotous fun, shall we? Gabriel Soto is doing a great job of looking depressed. He was born to play this role, unshaven, dopey and unable to make eye contact. He's dealing with his depression by rejecting Lorena when she needs him most. Here's a sample of the dialogue. Alonso: I'm guilty. I'm the only one responsible. My conscience won't let me continue on with you. Lorena: Don't reject me when I need you most. My mother will wake up, we'll be happy. Alonso: She will NEVER wake up!

At this point Lorena hits him. Hit me more! he replies. Our love is cursed. Lorena hangs in there, asks him to stay by her. Tells him she forgives was just a mistake. But Alonso can't accept her forgiveness because he can't forgive himself. So you prefer feeling sorry for yourself rather than struggling through this with me? she concludes. However, Lorena gives it one last try, hugging him tightly and telling him she wants him there beside her when her mother wakes up. His reply is to tell her to leave. It's over. And so she does, crying quietly as she walks outside.

The writers interwove this painful exchange with a dopey meeting of Clara, Don Toribio, Paula and Bettina. Clara's coming on strong, telling Paula and Bettina that she and Don Toribio are "intimate friends" but she'd like it to be even more intimate by moving in together. After all, she's be a lovely stepmother and a wonderful granny. Bettina and Paula roll their eyes and say "sure". Don Toribio's doing a little eye rolling too.

Julian is lurching home after a prolonged drunk and Rossy is doing the typical enabler routine (which I'm sure we would all do with confronted with this problem). She makes him take a shower, doses him with hot strong (cargado) coffee, rubs cologne on him to try and cover up the stench of booze, literally puts on his socks while he complains that she's treating him like a little kid. She snaps back that he's acting like one. Indeed.

Maruja (a word that means "homebody" by the way) and Jaime arrive back from their honeymoon, all aglow, and land smack dab in the middle of the Rossy/Julian scene and the news that Zulema is in a coma. They go to the clinic to see Zulema, find Diana by her side and Diana tells them that her mother could stay this way for years. No hope unless God does a miracle. (Again, not good procedure, given that patients in comas can hear what people are saying. Lorena is much better at this later in the episode...telling Zulema what's going on and reassuring her that they are "holding her place" in the business they're planning).

While this is happening, Rossy has managed to rassle Julian all the way to work (or at least to the escalator) and is now pushing him to go up. He calls her "terrible". No, I'm not "terrible"...I'm your wife. But you are "terrible", she answers sadly.

Okay, this is all so grim, I'm actually glad to see the next scene is in Bruno and Sara's cheesy bedroom. She's printed out a lot of articles on Fafy (or whatever his name is) from the internet and is planning her seduction campaign. Man, I'm actually rooting for her! This scenario actually beats all the sucky self-pity and drunkeness going on elsewhere. Our vixen notes that Fafy will be "un hueso dificil de roer" (tough nut to crack) but we don't doubt for a minute she'll be up to the job. Go Sara!

Okay...more downbeat stuff...but not awful, really. Hortensia is taking a farewell tour of the huge company kitchen, reminiscing that they had the capacity to serve 6,00 meals and had hosted banquets for embassies, Secretaries of State, the dinner celebrating Independance at the Palacio National in '86, desserts for the King of Spain. This was HER space, HER place and no one dared to contradict her. (well those of you who watched from the beginning sure know that is true!) Augusta asks if she doesn't feel like starting over but she says it was a one-time thing for her. What she did wish was that her children and grandchildren could have reaped the benefits of her industry. Very pensive now, she asks Augusta to leave her alone with her thoughts for a moment.

Now we have Greta in one of her going-for-a-mammogram outfits (thanks Julie). Jaime tells her he never imagined that she was Maruja's friend. She has the grace to apologize for hitting him and then they get into a Zulema discussion. Jaime admits Zulema is probably better off dead. Greta agrees (and how!) and suggests he try to get Omar to snap out of his funk and get on with life.

At the lesser house, Maruja is talking with Lorena and learns that Alonso has dumped her. Diana adds that Julian wants to put Alonso in jail. And what do you do with your pain, Lorena? she asks. I try not to think about it, I concentrate on the catering business and going ahead with the business plans that mom and I talked about, she replies. Not quite so perky these days, but still plucky, our Lorena.

Omar, on the other hand, in deep in his own pity party. The guy actually has the nerve to complain about Zulema leaving him "so alone"!!! Jaime points out that Omar is not alone, he has Jaime, Diana, Julian and Lorena (not to mention Greta...if he only knew). Omar recognizes that the girls are handling the crisis more maturely than Julian (or you yourself good buddy!) and congratulates Jaime on his new found happiness. Big brother admits he never thought he could love again at this late date. Omar's eyes light up...evidently he's thinking of possibilities if Zulema dies. Gee, gotta love this guy. NOT.

But we do love Ernesto and Chef Hawt is making headway on his TV program while Lorena apportions the orders to Matilde and Diana. He's talking about cornmeal muffins made with love. Something he learned from a special friend. An ingredient which he now puts into every recipe he makes. He's a better chef and a better man for having known her. Lorena gets all googly-eyed (as do we) and Diana points out that Ernesto still really really loves her.

Okay, got a phone call from the hospital (no problem all is well) but I missed a little of the next scene. But evidently Alonso's family is taking Bettina to a 15th birthday party where she's meeting Ivan. They've dragged Alonso along because they don't want to leave him alone in the apartment. Bettina asks him to walk her up to the door so everyone can see her handsome uncle. Ernesto is walking Ivan up to the door. The two galans meet in High Noon style. Alonso starts to turn away but Ernesto calls him back. He asks about Lorena. The conversation goes something like this.
A: I broke up with her.
E: Don't do that. She needs you now more than ever.
A: I love her with all my heart but I don't deserve her.
E: Don't give up. Everyone makes mistakes but you can fight your way through this. Start over.
A: I don't deserve another opportunity.
E: Do it for Lorena. Do it for you!

When Alonso lumbers back to the car, Dad wants to know if Ernesto said something insolent. No, he was supportive, answers Alonso. Who'd have ever thought Ernesto would be so mature, Toribio notes later. We need to find you a specialist who can help you. A psychiatrist...I'll look for a recommendation tomorrow.

Plans are afoot for a family cooperative..Lorena is seeking advice on permits and location for the business she and Zulema were planning but Jaime and Maruja propose a cooperative with Lorena, Rossy, Jaime, Maruja (possibly Diana and then Patty, a non-family but good friend) where all would have an equal share and while profits would be small at first, eventually it should be a big success. And of course Lorena would be in charge of the kitchen.

Then a rather odd scene, later that day, when Maruja goes jogging in the park and crosses paths with a perky Barbara pushing Saulito in his carriage. Miss Babs wants to know if Jaime lived up to his billing on the honeymoon. Ha ha just kidding. (Barbara, not me) Then they coo over the baby, and Maruja confides that she'd love for Rossy and Julian to give her a grandchild. They start to discuss the Zulema situation but since Barbara doesn't want Saulito to see or hear anything negative, they nix it.

A dumb comedy scene with Jaime nearly electrocuting himself while messing with one of Rossy and Julian's blenders. This hardly makes up for all the deadly drama of the past few episodes. Rossy also confides that she can't do a thing with Julian. He's drunk all the time.

Omar and Greta continue with their dreary exchanges. She tells him she's quitting. She can't go on working beside him, pretending she didn't fall in love with him. He's upset. But his guilt prevents him from enjoying her favors. She points out that he had no problem when Zulema was viable. Why quit now when she's in a coma? No can do. He's just too guilty. Lovely. I think I prefer an up-front villain like Sara to a half-assed sinner like Omar. But hey, just personal taste.

And another breakup...this time with Vasco and Diana. He can't understand why she isn't ready to take the relationship to the next stage and concludes she doesn't love him....slamming out the door before she can explain what her problem is. And Rossy and Julian are still fighting. He's been out all night, drunk. Comes home and collapses on the couch. She wails that he can't go to work like this. They'll fire him! He tells her once again to stop treating him like a kid.

We have a little melange of scenes....first with Lorena teaching her old folks cooking class and telling her group the secrets of making a vegetarian posole that tastes "meaty" (I'll include a couple of recipes down below but neither uses Zulema's secret ingredients...mushrooms and pumpkin blossoms). Then she's visiting her mother, gently brushing her hair and telling her what's going on with the family and Alonso. We have a creepy scene with Omar looking distant and dopey while Lorena hugs him and another with an unshaven Alonso swallowing a few pills the psychiatrist prescribed while Toribio begs him to at least take a shower and make an effort!

More fighting with Rossy and Julian. He's going out for another night of drinking "with friends". She begs him to stay home with her. Nuthin' doin'.

A better scene (much better!) at the institute. Lorena is talking to Patty about joining the family business she's starting with Maruja, Jaime and Rossy. She has Zulema's recipe book in her hand, drops it and who should appear and pick it up but our galan. (He even has nice hands. Think about that for a moment, gals).

She laughs. He says he was just trying to help. Patty scoots off. He sits down. There's some flirting and some teasing going on about whether or not Lorena will let him look at the book. He ends by suggesting it should be published as a Bible of Home Cooking and an homage to Zulema. And he has just the editor for it.

Several other brief scenes. Maruja comes home from shopping and Jaime, good husband that he is, carries all the bags. She's getting used to this great treatment. Diana's moping around the house now that Vasco has disappeared, admitting to Lorena that she's afraid to be intimate with a man after what happened with Bruno.

Bruno and Sara meanwhile are hatching the Fafy seduction plan. She's modeling a great dress (Bruno complains that it cost him "un ojo de la cara" but she reminds him it's an investment). He quizzes her on what she knows about our elderly playboy and she's letter perfect. His favorite sport is golf. He likes Paris in the Autumn, Venice in the Winter, Vienna in the Spring and Rio de Janeiro any time of year! An apartment in New York and Paris, a ranch in Argentina, houses and haciendas all over Mexico (I'm sure I've left out some stuff but you get the idea). She's ready to really play it cool and achieve what all those other women in his life haven't....marriage! Hey...I'm all for it. A wedding right now would be a real relief!

They set up the sting. Bruno's meeting Fafy and his syncophant sidekick in a restaurant. Playboy admits he paid for ignoring Bruno's medical advice at first and felt rotten. But then he followed it to the letter and felt great. And what's more, he was so impressed with Bruno's morality and ethics. When he offered the fat check for the clinic, Bruno didn't even ask for a cut ("tajada"). What a guy! Bruno modestly admits that he lives to serve.

At that point Sara walks in, looking classy in her new white dress. Fafy notices and is interested.
And here we end. Another phone call so I didn't really get the previews....but let's hope something positive happens!
* * * *
Ill give you the ingredients for a couple of posoles. If you're really interesting in making one, just google one of the 7,000 plus recipes on the internet!

Vegetarian Posole.
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, diced
1/2 cup water
3 carrots, sliced or grated
3 cups vegetable broth
1 15 ounce can hominy
1 15 oz can crushed tomatoes
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 tsp. cumin
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1 tsp. chili powder
fresh cilantro for garnish

Rachel Ray's Posole
2 pounds pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 tsp. salt, pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp. oregano, plus more for garnish
1 to 2 tablespoons canned chipotles chiles in adobe sauce pureed with 4 tablespoons water
1 30 oz. cans hominy
1 bay leaf
2 medium onions, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
For garnish, in addition to cilantro....
6 radishes, thinly sliced
1 large avocado, diced
2 limes cut into wedges
corn tortillas, warmed in oven

Hey now, I've gotten you started. Gather those ingredients, head for the kitchen and make something happen!


  1. Judy B , hope your husband is feeling better.

    Someone remarked on the absence of wires and tubes on Zully , we must remember there is only one machine and tubing , wire set at clinic # 23.

    It is rotated between patients and we never got to see it when Zully had her scene. Her turn was usually late at night.


  2. Judyb.~~~Sending good vibes for you and your hubby. I'll read the recap later. I've been wondering where you were because I haven't seen any posts from you lately.

  3. Why is it that the more I have spoken up about you ladies using the a-word, the more I see it? I am so tired of scrolling through these blogs to get to the one I read, and seeing this word. I saw it not once but twice in this entry. I don't understand how women can casually use such language. I never talk that way, even in front of my husband. As I have said before, if I am quoting somebody saying that, I will spell out the word. I just can't even bring myself to say the word!

  4. So it's only bad if women say it? Phew! Ass.
    Cindybin, I think you are trying to gently hint at us to stop saying that, but I don't think that will work. In general it isn't even considered a swear word these days. We're always pretty tame here on this site, we've all held back from using any stronger cursing. I'm sorry if you are tired of seeing that word, but it's just a word. I don't mean this as a rebuke, just a friendly note to say that complaining about the word ass appearing in these recaps is probably a waste of time. If others disagree with me, I'll respect that, but we've all gotten pretty good mileage out of the word ass, helping us not resort to anything more vulgar.

  5. Judy, I just saw your picture over in the sidebar. You look like such a nice, decent woman--I can't imagine you ever using the a-word. I'm sorry to rant about this, and I don't know you and am sorry about your husband and all, but this just drives me nuts. It's not just you but others I have seen casually use this word as well in these recaps. Women need to think about how they come across, the impression they give. My husband would croak if I casually used such language. I'm not trying to be nasty, I'm trying to help women realize how they come across. But I suppose you'll be all mad and offended. And then that will make me even MORE upset, because I'm trying to help you and make a point. When I used to post on a certain lowcarb site, there was a group of women there formed a little weight loss challenge group called the Kick*ss Club. I was appalled and tried to talk to them about his, about how they were coming across using such crude language. I thought they would THANK me and vow to change the name of their group. But of course they were all mad and offended and did NOT change the name of their group. And then that upset me more than ever! I was trying to HELP them! Anyway, I was just scrolling down and saw that word TWICE in this entry and it set me off. I hope you will take my advice the right way and not be offended. But you probably will be. Sigh...It just makes me so mad when women talk like this! Like I said, when I look at your picture I can't imagine the a-word coming out of your mouth, and yet here I see it twice. I couldn't help but see it scrolling down, and this is not the first time I've seen it on this site, used by other women.

  6. Ferro, I can't believe this! Of course you took my post ALL WRONG. Oh this just makes me even MORE angry!!! Don't you get my point? Of course it isn't bad that just women say it! It's bad when men say it too! But can't you understand my point?! When a woman says it is just seems so much more vulgar! Now I am so mad I am just shaking. Yes I know it is just a word! But I am trying to HELP you! And of course I get a nasty, snide comment back! Of COURSE!!! Forget I ever said anything!

  7. Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your hubbie! I'm glad to hear he's coming home though. You're a real trooper for recapping with all that going on. I hope you know your dedication is truly appreciated.

    OK, I'm going back to read the recap now...

  8. JudyB, you are awesome! You have taken a goofy episode and made it worth my time—thanks for the terrific recap! I am so sorry to hear about your husband and hope he will be recovering posthaste.

    Re: Zulema—I think she’ll be in a coma just long enough to totally shrink her stomach/appetite and her corpulent self, she’ll come out with rosy pink skin and looking like she’s been working out for months, and win Omar back—and not be hungry for anything since she hasn’t eaten in forever. She wouldn’t need a bypass then, right? I’m just saying.

    Gabriel Soto does make a great slob. Also, he makes a great two-word actor. “I’m guilty.” No need to pay him for extra lines here.

    “The writers interwove this painful exchange with a dopey meeting of Clara, Don Toribio, Paula and Bettina.” With these writers, it was probably their idea of comic relief.

    “Rossy is doing the typical enabler routine (which I'm sure we would all do with confronted with this problem)” Yep, especially as a brand-new bride. Our spoiled Rossy is growing up quickly. Our spoiled Julian isn’t.

    “Maruja (a word that means "homebody" by the way)” Wow! Thanks for the tidbit!

    Darn Greta for working on Jaime to side with her. She will pay.

    “Omar recognizes that the girls are handling the crisis more maturely than Julian (or you yourself good buddy” LOL!

    If Lorena can get a small business loan from the Tanda (was that it?), maybe she can set up biz in Hortensia’s old kitchen. She’s very familiar with the supply closet…

    “She has Zulema's recipe book in her hand, drops it and who should appear and pick it up but our galan. (He even has nice hands. Think about that for a moment, gals).” ROTFLLLL!!!

    Mark – one machine and tubing…..ROTFL!!

    Cindybin, the best way to avoid language that you personally don't like is to avoid using it yourself. You are the only person you can count on for that. Or, you can read the Esmas Capitulos instead of these, if reading specific words is bothersome to you. There are lots of words they never use on Esmas. In fact, there are few words in their capitulos, so you can count on them being totally sterile.

    JudyB, you’re a gem!


  9. Judy B., thanks for such a great recap,especially given the fact that your husband is in the hospital. My husband has had 3 stents, and even though it is considered a "simple' procedure, I remember how anxious I was. Hope he quickly recovers.

    Since Alonso said that all the books he's read about people coming out of comas don't provide the reasons, I am betting that Zulema will survive. And since our saintly Lorena keeps saying she feels deep in her heart that Zulema will survive, I'm betting on her.

    And Ernesto has not only been good with Lorena, but also quite a 'mensch' with Alonso. I am beginning to feel deep in my heart Lorena will wind up with him. NJ sue

  10. JudyB, What a wonderful trooper you are to give us this wonderful recap replete with not one but two posole recipes while you are certainly concerned for your husband. My thoughts are with you both and I hope this was an escape or respite from worry to throw yourself into writing and translating.

    I am sorry that Cindybin has decided to berate you and all of us for using the word ass. It just isn't worth her tirades. Stop it please, Cindybin. Especially criticizing someone valuable to our community like JudyB who is such a wonderful writer and faithful blog friend. This is perhaps not the sanitized site you apparently need.

  11. Howdy =)

    JudyB - Kudos for a fabu recap and for getting it in through all your running around. Hope your hubby is up and all healed up in no time!

    Cindybin - I like, I actually like you, but there is a simple philosophy you desperately need to grasp: "don't yuck their yum." There are worse things to say than ass (George Carlin wrote a fabulous monologue on the subject). You also apparently missed the two replies to your chiding post on Guapos - one from the recapper explaining the origin of the word "half-ass" (it refers to the tool once used during, I think Colonial times, for carving fireplaces, and Melinama's warning to not attack her recappers. We realize that you may have the best of intentions, but you must also realize that this is a free country with free speech and majority rules. If 98% of the blog users are ok, and especially when they prefer something, that's the way it's going to go. There is one thing I take offense to: You don't even watch this show! If you don't want to see the word, just hit Ctrl + F and type Cuerpo, or use the shortcut on the sidebar. There is no reason for you to read a recap that's just going to make you unhappy. I'll give you an example: I hate Howard Stern (and ass is probably the least offensive thing that man says), not only because of his language, but because he can be downright mean. Still, I caught one episode while visiting friends, was subjected to his radio show twice (on long road trips, I believe the driver has the right to pick what the stereo plays) and never watched or listened to him again because I hated them. Having said that, I was quite upset when Clear Channel banned him (joke's on them 'cause he's on satellite radio making far more money now) because the fact is: he only does what he does because he has an audience. He has the right to entertain them, and they have a right to listen to him. And the people that go on his show and get picked on, have every right to not go. Anywhoo, that's my soapbox on the subject. If you don't like the posts, don't read them. Just saying...

    Back to the TN at hand - I second Schoolmarm's theory that Zuly will come out of her coma many pounds lighter. Did any of you read "Valley of the Dolls"? They had a treatment called "the sleep cure" for detox and weight loss (didn't work if there were too many drugs in your system) that put their patients to sleep for a long period of time, thus having them avoid the starvation and withdrawal pains. Not the system I'd recommend, but it somehow seems less drastic than gastric bypass!

  12. Wow Judy, who knew Maruja meant "homebody"? Leave it to you to find out that tidbit!

    Man, I sure wouldn't want to be Fafy's nuts with Sara the nutcracker on the prowl.

    At the risk of sounding insane, I thought Dr. Dull looked pretty hot stumbling around in his cute little bun-hugging jeans and too-small sweatshirt. I'm still on team Ernesto but what a relief to see Al out of his doctor coat. Now if only he would shut his self-pitying yap.

    I love Ernesto even more after his kind words to Al and offering to help Lor with her mami's book!

    Margarita, Valley of the Dolls? Now that is a blast from the past!

    Awesome recap JudyB. I know these depressing ones are tough for you but your keen wit sure helps the rest of us wade through these tough telenovela times.

  13. P.S. I forgot to thank you for the pozole recipes. Thank you!

  14. JudyB, I'm keeping you and your husband in my prayers and am glad that he will be coming home. You seem like such a lovely person, I wish you and your family nothing but the best.

    A wonderful recap (amazing, under the circumstances). Loved your analogy of Alonso "dopey and unshaven and unable to make eye contact". LOL.

    Sara and Brutus appear to have committed the perfect revenge crime. I can't imagine any other despicable act casuing such widespread pain and heartbreak. With one vile act, they've managed to devastate just about everyone. These episodes are heartbreaking and very hard to watch.

    I want Ernesto to end up with Lorena for the right reasons and that can't happen until Zulema recovers and Alonso is exhonerated. Enough tragedy -let's have a few enjoyable episodes before this wraps up. Diana in MA.

  15. Judyb~~~Just read your recap as I ate my breakfast. You are a gem delivering your usual excellent and insightful recap in the midst of your own personal telenovela drama. I hope that your hubby is home soon and feeling great. Wow...this was a downer of an episode. Isn't it interesting how family dynamics are affected when a family member dies or is in some type of crisis [illness, operation, accident, addiction, etc] Every member of the family reacts differently...some with strength, others with weakness...some with anger and hopelessness and grief...others with hope and courage. Julian and Omar are certainly the weak links in this chain. The women are the stength of the family ..especially Lorena who has been raised without a family and has had to develop her own personal strength. Omar and Julian don't seem to have any real connection. If Omar were a good dad, he would be trying to help Julian , but Omar can't even help himself. I'm wondering if Bluto and Sara are being scammed and Playboy is a big bag of wind. Well, I hope so because nobody deserves to be taken advantage of more than Bluto and Sara. Yeah...that Bluto is such a giver. And ..I was so proud of Ernesto and his supportive talk with Slow...Whataguy. Now, he's a keeper. I do feel sorry for Slow, but like Julian and Omar , he is weak and instead of being proactive and positive, he is just rolling over and playing dead. This helps no one. I liked Lorena's response about just keeping busy and hopeful...been there, done that...It's the only way to survive any tragedy. You've just got to keep on keeping on. Thanks, Judyb...and hang in there, honey.

  16. I don't get the change in Omar.
    When the garage burnt down he struggled to repay the owner,tried to find a job ,etc.
    Suddenly he seems completely different.

    Perhaps we missed when he was at Clinic # 23 and misunderstood when a doctor asked a patient if they would mind if they performed a frontal lobotomy to help their condition ?

    Poor Omar thought they said "would you like to move to the front of the lobby?"
    And he replied yes I would.

    That could explain his current condition.


  17. Wonderful recap, JudyB, especially with all you are going through.
    Prayers for you, your husband and the rest of your family.

    I too, think Zulema will wake up a shadow of her former self. I hope her first act will be to whack Omar upside the head with a large object!

    Go Team Ernesto! Rah, rah, rah! Yay!!

  18. JudyB, echoing Emilia here. Hope your husband will be up and about in no time.

    Couple of random observations:

    - The "I'm guilty" bit reminded me of a great SNL skit from a long time ago that rivals last night for utter insanity - transcript at:

    - Does anybody else think Zulema's head is propped at an unnatural angle? Looks like her airway would close.

    - The lighting techs on this show are great! Zulema looked cadaverous last night, and I remember an outdoor scene a few months ago with Barbara lit a greenish shade that was ghastly.

    - Where is Don Vito Corleone to grab Julian and Alonso by their shirts and scream, "You can act like a man!!" in their faces?

    And, JudyB, amazing concentration on your part to put this together while your guy's in the hospital!

  19. Good one Mark! Between you and Mike's SNL reference I almost inhaled my tea.

    Hey Emilia, maybe Zulema can take a whacking lesson from the producer Alan Zimmerman's wife, eh? It helped knock sense into him. Remember when I mentioned that I watched QE on my sis's gigantic screen? Well Zulema was another one who looked absolutely beautiful with a big gigantic head. I agree with your prediction that she will emerge from her coma like a beautiful phoenix.

    As JudyB points out this TN has a goofy way of weaving short comedic plot lines into the long tragic ones. On one hand it helps break the deep depression but on the other hand it sometimes startles me.

  20. Cap'n Sylvia, you strike an entrepreneurial chord in which Emilia could hire on with Televisa as an iron skillet wielding coach. The many dents up side o' my head bear silent witness to her skill.

    Plus we were talking the other night about visiting Mexico and I wouldn't object to early retirement. Hmmm...

  21. Mike, I just read the Compulsion scene too. Thanks for the snorting good link. "Her immaculate maddness" indeed.

  22. Thank you for the great recap, vocabulary and recipes, Judyb. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. My husband had a stent (his first) put in a few months ago. It's always frightening to see someone you love laying in a hospital bed, they look so weak and helpless, even a big man like my husband. He recovered quickly (with a new dedication to a healthy diet) and I hope yours does the same.

    I think Zulema will come out of this too. I hadn't even considered the weight loss that would occur, Schoolmarm, excellent point. I don't know what to say about Omar other than he's really weak and disappointing. Julian is also showing a big weakness in character.

    I'm kind of bugged by the fact that Lorena went from being engaged to Alonso to being engaged to Ernesto and now seems to be going back again to Ernesto. It just seems kind of wrong that the choice of a future husband is so interchangeable. But with all the other disappointing things happening here I guess I'll let that go. I much prefer Ernesto, but honestly, Alonso is probably a pretty good match for Lorena.

  23. Oh no! Good luck to you and your husband, Judy. And thank you for the pozole recipes. I would definitely eat that!

    I agree with anyone who says Alonso looks 100x better when he's a little scruffier. Come to think of it, Ernesto could use a little mussing up as well.

    So it looks like tonight's the beginning of Operation Fafy. Should be interesting. And it's mine, all mine!!

  24. I remember that thing from Valley of the Dolls! (That's saying something, because I don't remember much about that book.)

    It'd be terribly expensive, though, it'd do nothing to prevent you from continuing to overeat when the treatment is done, and as for exercise - depending on how long you're asleep you'd lose a lot of muscle and need physical therapy just to walk.

    Also, the drugs needed to keep someone asleep that long probably aren't good for you... you'd have to detox from those too.

    Yeah... I know it's just a book. But it's true that Zule should be lighter if she comes out of the coma. And maybe feeling that she has a new lease on life would give her more motivation to avoid overeating. (I sure hope she doesn't still want the surgery after all of this!)

  25. Hi Guys...Just got my husband back from the hospital and set up in a bed downstairs so he doesn't have to trot up and down stairs for a couple of weeks. Now I just have to locate our cat as she is a great healing companion.

    Alas, this is Bob's second go-round. He had two stents put in three years ago when he had a heart attack. This was closure in a different artery.

    BUT the good news is that he says this time he will follow the recommended exercise plan. Keep your fingers crossed.

    Love to one and all for your caring and good wishes. We need 'em!

  26. All my best to you and your husband Judy, get that magic healing cat put to work.

  27. Thanks for the great and hilarious recap!!! I am glad your hubby is home now and I am sure he is too!! Just be sure to take it easy yourself!

    Also loved the funny alternate titles you gave!! It would be nice to fast forward for a while since Julian is being so childish right now. He needs to snap out of it! And Alonso and Omar???Sheesh!

    Look forward to tonight's! Fafy doesn't know what he's getting into with evil Sara!

    Thanks for the pozole recipes!

  28. JudyB, thanks for an excellent recap, and hope your husband recovers quickly. You said this time he'll follow more of the doctor's recommendations, and that's just like Fafi Cuenta, who initially ignored them, but told Bruno he felt better when he followed them.

    CindyBin, I am also not wild about vulgar language, and I just about never use it myself. But there's no good reason to get upset about it, because it's just a fact of life these days. In a way, it's like if a woman walks into a party in a super revealing outfit. My wife would never do that, and some people are amused, some offended. But unless it's illegal, it's best just to let it pass.

    Oh, and I'm getting a little tired of Alonso's self-pity. I'm actually thinking of switching to Team Ernesto.

  29. Judy, I'm so sorry about your husband's scare, and I'm glad he's doing better. I was worried about you when I didn't see any comments from you yesterday!

    For me, the saddest part of this whole episode was Vasco's ditching Diana...I mean, he knows her history and why she wanted to wait, and here she is in the middle of a family crisis...just doesn't seem like the time to be demanding and impatient, and I thought it was out of character for him.

    A sleep cure sounds really nice right now...

  30. Thanks for the recap JudyB and I will be praying for your spouses quick recovery. You were so kind to do the recap and recipes during this trying time and we all so appreciate your efforts.

    Come over to team Ernesto Hombre. I think Al's a nice guy as well just not for our Lorena.

    Vasco's actions are really out of character. I think the writers are trying to generate drama b/c the Vasco we've come to know would not break up with Diana at THIS TIME.

    I have to agree with Mark about the change in Omar's character as well. It's so out of left field. The writers should have foreshadowed something as opposed to him just become a huge idiot.

  31. It seems to be part of telenovela script writing that it's OK for characters to turn on a dime. Like a great old poem from the past:

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I'm schizophrenic,
    And so am I!

  32. I haven't finish reading, just wanted to tell you my prayers are with you and your husband.
    Ok, now back to the recap

  33. Judy, you know we are all pulling for you and your husband's speedy recovery!!

    Thank you for your time to work on this recap despite your other concerns, you are a trooper!!!

  34. I've weighed in on the Alonslow/Ernesto challenge before and am definitely in Ernesto's camp!

    But, to his credit, Alonslow stays in character. Despite all his mewling and groveling, it is all about Alonslow.

    Someone throws crap on his girlfriend, does he go to her support showing love and trust? Hell no, he goes to get the shovel to bury her! How could she do that to him?!

    His one true love is grieving in the most tragic of all losses - over a loved one who is gone but still there - and all he can think about is his poor little self! Screw him!

    But, then, that is his character and why, please dear screen writer, he cannot wind up with Lorena of the Cross!

  35. Mike, you think this on-the-dime turning is bad, have you ever watched an American daytime soap? A character who lasts 5, 10, even 10 years or more will swing from super-evil to ever-so-sympathetic and back dozens of times. The psychology of these changes always makes sense within the story, but it would never fly in real life.

    One reason I appreciate telenovelas is that there's not enough time for the characters to go through these crazy phases more than once or twice!

  36. Oh Mike, thanks for the great poem, I haven't heard that for years. AND, it is still true!

  37. ASS? What's wrong with the word ASS?! It's just another word for butt or behind, a perfectly respectable part of the human body, like arm, leg,.... (fill in the blanks). It's also a word for an animal. What do you have against those cute donkeys? Shakespeare uses it in his comedies and if the Grand Master of English drama doesn't find it objectionable, who are we to complain? "A Kingdom for an ASS...", oops, I think that was Horse.... Never mind.

    Thanks for the great recap.

    Zulema is going to wake up. I have only seen 3 telenovelas so far but the rules seem to be fairly simple.

    And Lorena is going to end up with Ernie, if I have anything to say (which of course I don't) BUT Anslow, as much as I pity him, doesn't deserve her. He betrayed her three times, the first time when he didn't trust her and treated her like sh.... (fill in the blanks, don't want to offend tender beings), the second time when he was in the sack with Sarah and now, when she needs him most. However, Anslow will be exonerated and we'll have to find a honey for him. I still vow for Valeria, she needs to come back.

    Christa, the optimist

  38. I still vow of Valeria.... I meant of course vouch.

  39. Judy, I am so glad I decided to read this recap today, because not only did I get to read your amusing recap, but I got to read the latest chapter in the Cindybin one-woman campaign to remove the word ass from all web sites in the United States. Cindybin, this must keep you very busy. At least it keeps me laughing.

    Judy, glad to hear your husband is home.
