
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Querida Enemiga #88 – October 24, 2008 – Alonslow’s …..Career.….Is on the Line and Team Ernesto Respectfully Holds Back Cheers

My most sincere thanks to Maricruz for filling in for me the last two weeks. I deeply appreciate her enthusiasm and her awesome skill for the recapping, as well as her support!

From yesterday, Lorena sadly hovers at Zulema’s hospital bed, talking to her Mami softly, telling Zulema how much she and all of them love Zulema.

Julián’s honeymoon has ended abruptly with the news that Zulema is in a coma, and tonight he’s home and devastated. Omar tells him it’s not clear how long her coma will be and she’ll be here the whole time where they can take care of her. Julián mourns that she’s not really living a life, it’s a hell. She doesn’t deserve it. Rossy tries to comfort him. He’s inconsolable and demands to see her. Alonslow makes the mistake of showing up and Julián’s determined that Alonso’s going to pay. Julián’s definitely having a bad hair day, and makes a scene in the clinic waiting room. He demands to know what Alonslow has done to his Mami and calls Alonso all kinds of ugly things, including murderer even though she’s not dead yet. Rossy and Omar form a conga line to hold him back. Rossy and Diana try to calm him by yelling at the top of their lungs. Julián yells that his Mami is like that and Alonslow’s to blame, so Alonslow dutifully apologizes. Again.

Lorena, meanwhile, is hanging out with the aforementioned Mami, recalling old times. Earlier this week, actually, since she’s only known her Mami about two weeks—as a Mami. She’s recalling Rossy’s/Julián’s/Maruja’s/Jaime’s wedding when her Mami told her they could spend the rest of their lives making up for lost time. Zulema’s in lala-land, O2 tube firmly in her mouth, clearly a captive audience for Lorena. Lorena reminds a comatose Zulema they made a lot of promises about spending time together and they have to follow through. She needs to see her Mami play with her children and they’ll call her Granny. Lorena begs Zulema not to leave her alone.

Toribio’s book study gets interrupted by Paula, who wants to know what’s up. He’s poring over the books to try and find something that will help Alonslow. They lament the situation Alonslow has found himself in. Toribio notes the situation has affected him both personally and professionally—but that’s not fair, Paula thinks, because he’s an excellent doc. They’re just waiting on the investigation results. They moan in harmony and wish they could help. They can, though—they can comfort him.

Rossy isn’t having much success in a) calming Julián or b) comforting Julián. All he wants to do is blame Alonslow and assert no one hurts more than him since she’s his mother. Rossy keeps trying, though—lots of folks come out of comas. Julián insists there’s no hope. She points out that Zulema’s still alive! Julián is just not going with this program, after all, she’s unconscious! She’s only breathing because she’s hooked up to a machine!

Alonslow has the happy duty of assuring Omar and Diana that there won’t be any charges for Zulema’s extended stay in the Ritz-Clinic #23. Diana wants to know how long he’s talking about here. He can’t say, though—doesn’t have any good answers for anything.

Julián, looking worse than when he thought he was a total failure, cries out to Rossy that his mother is everything for him. Rossy tells him that’s why he has to keep hoping. Julián hits a homer when he points out she’s trying to make it easy but it wouldn’t be if Maruja was the one laid up in there. He continues to yell about this crime that’s been committed. Rossy continues to try to calm him, and he accuses her of trying to defend Alonslow—and by the way, Julián wants to be left ALONE. He wants to see his Mami, hug her….Rossy tells him enough already. She yells at him—she’s not letting him see his mother when he’s like this—it’s not fair to her or him. She reminds him about how Zulema raised him to be strong, and what he’s doing now doesn’t reflect any of it. Julián quiets, thinking about the wisdom of her words.

Zulema keeps breathing through the tube. Your recapper hopes she’ll come out of her coma as quickly as Vasco and Hortensia did. Julián comes in and cries “it’s not fair” when he sees her. Lorena gives him a concerned look from her chair next to Zulema. Julián cries about an 8 on the UCS because it is so UGLY to see him cry (he really needs to work on that—Ernesto could give him good manly crying lessons) and Lorena gives him a hug as he collapses to his knees next to her as they face Zulema.

Rossy sits in the waiting room while Omar paces in front of her. Rossy remarks that Julián appears to have calmed and Omar points out that she’s the one who must him and make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish. But, it’s a nightmare. They muse over how this could have come about. Omar says he’s not sure, but at least she didn’t suffer as they are. Rossy wants to know about any hope for her to awaken. Omar just shakes his head, bemused and sad.

Vasco is there for Diana as she hangs out in the waiting room. She tells him about the scene Julián made and how he tried to hit Alonslow. Vasco understands why he’s upset, but there’s no reason to become like that. They all love Mamá is Diana’s response, but Julián was the most attached to her. Vasco reiterates the need to keep the faith. Diana worries that Zulema might be suffering and Vasco comforts her with a hug. He knows these things—being in a coma is like being asleep. There’s no suffering. Diana feels alone, and Vasco understands while he reminds her she still has him for always. She notes he’s always been there when she’s needed him and he says he always will be, if she allows it.

Ivan and Bettina handle the waiting teen-style, with videos. She’s sad for Tío Alonslow. He feels super-guilty about what happened. Ivan tries to cheer Bettina, that Lorena still has reasons to be hopeful. It’s not like it was with his parents. Bettina wonders if it doesn’t still hurt him a lot and he admits he’s never going to stop hurting over it. Ivan describes dreaming about being with his parents, on a trip, they hug him….and Bettina tells him that’s lovely. Yeah, but it’s hard when the fantasy bubble bursts when he wakes up. He agrees, though, it’s lovely to see them even like that.

Matilde opens the door to find Bárbara, who wants to know if there is any news. According to all the family, they can only wait and hope for miracles. Bárbara cannot imagine this family without Zulema—but fortunately, there’s a little person who can help give them some joy. Matilde says Saulito is awake—would Bárbara like to see him? Of course! They go in to see him and Bárbara begins chanting to him in motherese [Ed. Note: it’s a real concept in language acquisition, and our Bárbara is a master at it! Whoda guessed??] Saulito is the king of the house! Matilde remarks that he seems to reallllly love Bárbara’s voice. Bárbara is totally cool with that. He knows that his grandmother loves him lots (think singsong). She picks him up to cuddle, commenting on how much he weighs. It’s the best cuddling she’s ever had, outside of Chalo. They exchange baby chitchat and smiles. ¡Qué bárbara! (That’s your Recapper’s feeble attempt at a play on words—whoda thunk Bárbara would be redeemed so beautifully?)

Alonslow mopes and worries in his office, recalling the operation and the moment he knew something was going wrong. Then Lorena’s horrified face looms in his mind as he gave her the bad news and she refused to accept it at first, wanting him to give her hope. He jumps up from his desk and sweeps all the stuff on it to the floor and against the wall with a couple of swift moves, making a racket. Conveniently, Bruto is right there at the door, ready to respond instantly to a friend in need. Indeed. Alonslow tells Bruto to leave him alone. Equally conveniently, Dra. Serrano is close enough to pop in, wanting him to cover an emergency, and notice the mess while she’s there. “You okay?” [Ed. Note: Duh.] Bruto answers for him, clearly he’s lost it (he’s going through a crisis). Alonslow excuses himself and dashes out, leaving Bruto in charge of putting his own spin on it and setting Alonslow up for a bigger fall later. Nope, don’t need to put him in charge of any emergencies at the moment, Chief. He’ll screw them up just like he did that surgery (okay, I extrapolated a little bit here). It’s too difficult for him to be here. Could be risky, too. She sighs and leaves Bruto savoring sweet success.

Dra. Serrano follows Slow down the hall and stops him. Dr. Palma is right, in his current state, Slow can’t help anyone. Slow doesn’t give a rip what Dr. Palma says. (He should). She gently scolds him and Slow asks her pardon. She urges him to take the day off and Bruto shows up just in time to second the motion. “Gee, you look like H***.” (Okay, I extrapolated that one, too). Bruto recommends a tranquilizer. (Like the one Sara gave Chalo?) Slow tries to refuse but the Dra. insists. Slow is commercial angustiado.

Dra. insists again, because they need the docs at 100% and if they aren’t, they have to get some rest. Bruto REASSURES Slow he doesn’t need to worry for the patients. He’s got Slow’s back. Slow tries to protest but the Dra. won’t risk the patients for his mood. She second guesses herself as Slow strides away, totally dejected, and Bruto seizes the moment to tell her she did it right. She strides off and he smirks again.

Sara grabs her phone and fusses at Bruto. She’s sick and tired of being cooped up. He’s got good news. What news? Alonslow’s been sent home. An attack of nerves. Sara’s hostile but pleased enough and Bruto says they’ll see each other later. Sara tells herself without Slow she has no reason to hang out there. She looks for any loose change or valuables Bruto might have left laying around in his dresser, nightstand, whatever. Nothing.

Lorena mourns this turn of events to Rossy, who listens well for a change. Why?? It’s a bad game of fate. Twice her Mami has been taken from her. Lorena worries for Slow, who feels so much guilt—it’s an accident! He didn’t take her from me! Lorena gives herself a pep talk—Zulema will recover, God is fair. He won’t let her go. They hug as Lorena’s tears come—a 3 or 4 on the UCS. Nicely done, Lore.

Hortensia has Joaquina get Bárbara on the phone for her as she works the office at the big house. Bárbara updates her—Hortensia had no idea about Zulema and is shocked.

It’s Omar’s turn to sit next to Zulema and tell her how much he loves her, how sorry he is, etc. He cries ugly. Julián must have learned from Omar. Omar didn’t dare to tell her how much he loved her before she went into the OR and now he’s plenty sorry. The guilt wouldn’t let him look her in the face and tell her. He’s sorry he’s been unfaithful, hasn’t treasured her enough, hablablablabla. She’s been the one love in his life. He misses her. If God gives her back, he swears he’ll dedicate his life to her and make her happy.

Diana, Vasco and Bárbara make a lovely little domestic picture in the living room of the lesser house. She’s thinking of feeding the baby and Bárbara volunteers her opinion that Diana really ought to let her fix a bottle because it’s not good to breastfeed when she’s nervous. [Ed. Note: Your recapper is astonished that Bárbara is so rehabbed that she’s actually offering helpful tips here.] Diana thanks Barb for helping take care of the baby so well. Barb tells her what a joy it is—he’s such a little charmer. She launches into an apology—she recognizes she’s behaved very badly with Diana. And lots of others. She asks pardon. Diana says it’s forgotten. Bárbara says Diana has to be strong, because it could be a long haul. Bárbara assures Diana she can count on her through this, especially at the most difficult times, and Diana appreciates it with a bemused look. “And you’re going to be with her, too, son—right?” Bárbara asks Vasco. He looks uneasy but agrees he will be right there. Bárbara declares that nothing will make her happier than seeing them together and Vasco’s unease increases. Diana looks at him with tears rolling down her face.

Toribio and Paula have come to join the waiting party at the People’s Clinic #23 and are met by a scowling Julián. Julián immediately accosts them with claims that Alonslow is a murderer. Paula defends her brother. Toribio tries to acknowledge Julián’s distress, good shrink that he is, but his son is not at fault! Lorena and Rossy look on, worried. Julián stubbornly continues to issue invectives about Alonslow’s culpability and Toribio tries futilely to convince him Slow’s not at fault, it was an accident. Toribio points out he’s as much a father as Julián is a son, and everyone’s losing something. Julián storms off. Lorena welcomes the help Toribio offers, though. She and Rossy thank Toribio and Paula for coming. Lorena turns to scold her brother. He wants to know whose side she’s on. Rossy scolds him – he’s her brother! Julián scolds back—she’s engaged to HIM. He stalks off with Rossy trailing, frustrated.

Toribio and Paula find Slow in his office and try to comfort him—but it’ll never go away, never. Toribio isn’t going to let it conquer his son. Slow just comments woodenly (there’s a surprise) that Julián blames him. He’s afraid to leave his office because he might bump into Lorena. Paula urges him to go home, then (what, through that window?) [Ed. Note: Soto’s totally wooden personality and acting style are PERFECT here.]

Lorena continues to cry softly in the clinic waiting room as Hortensia is wheeled up and reaches out to her. Lorena jumps up—don’t touch me! She pours out her anguish for all the years that she was deprived of her mother because of Hortensia taking her from her family. Lorena wasn’t with her Mamá when Zulema was fine, when she could hold Lorena, and it’s Hortensia’s fault. Hortensia has no answer for that and is commercial angustiada.

Hortensia would give all the years back if she could. Lorena’s not ready for forgive and forget yet. The harm Hortensia did was huge. She couldn’t be at her mother’s side all those years and now it may be too late. Hortensia tries again to apologize—her heart is torn over this, a woman so full of life! Lorena continues—she was taken from me TWICE! You can’t understand what that means! Yes, Hortensia assures her, I can from just seeing you. Hortensia stands and asks permission to be by Lorena’s side to comfort her, to offer the affection she should have since Lorena was born. She begs Lore to understand that she will have to beg Lore’s pardon the rest of her life for what she’s done. But if Lore lets her be nearby in those moments that are saddest, it will be a great blessing for Hortensia. Lorena shoots back that she doesn’t understand why God is putting her to such a great test. But she thanks Hortensia for coming. Hortensia tells Lore she knows that her hugs won’t replace those of Lore’s mother, but they are offered with much apology and a profound love. Again, Hortensia reaches out and this time Lorena comes to hug her back, a little unsure. Apparently, Santa Lorena IS ready to forgive and forget after all.

Rossy and Julián continue their fight. He wants to sue Slow, because he’s a murderer. Rossy is incredulous. Qué the heck? He’s a good man and isn’t at fault for ANY thing. Julián retorts his mother is like she is at the moment because of Slow and if they sue him he’ll never harm anyone again. He has to pay for what he’s done to my Mamá. Rossy tries her best to dissuade him, but it’s futile. She asks him to put himself in Lore’s shoes. He doesn’t CARE about Slow or Lorena. His mother is like she’s dead. Rossy can only shake her head in frustration.

Lorena tells Hortensia that her Papi is bad off, and maybe Granny better talk with him—he’s in the chapel. Hortensia goes off to see him.

Julián decides it’s time to call Joel and Rossy tries to stop him, but too late. He declares to Joel that a doc caused a misfortune to happen to his Mama and Julián wants to sue the doc. Lorena is horrified as she overhears. She wants to know what’s up. Rossy summarizes and Julián tells Lore not to try to defend Slow. Lore is impactada.

Hortensia has abandoned her wheelchair, so Nurse Augie walks her to Omar. He seems touched that his Mamá has come to give him support and thanks her. In this sacred place, she tells him, she’s asking his forgiveness for opposing his relationship with Zulema. Ave Maria plays in the background, lovely Muzak for a hospital chapel. Omar was very happy with Zulema. In spite of everything. Hortensia assures him they must pray for her to come back. What’s the prognosis? Not much hope. Hortensia tells him how sorry she is to hear it, and squeezes his hand.

Julián insists that Lorena should not be protecting someone who caused such misfortune for a life. She tells him she understands and he accuses her of being “part of Alonso.” It was an ACCIDENT! Julián can’t demand that Slow go to jail for it. Julián is NOT changing his mind. Rossy pipes in that she’s tried a thousand ways to tell him this. Lorena tries in vain to reason—think about what you’re saying! Alonslow wasn’t trying to harm us! What would he gain by destroying his career? Julián wants to be sure Slow can’t operate on anyone ever again. He’s a danger to people! The fuss continues and ends in a stalemate. He finally tells her he’s not surprised she’s with Alonslow because she barely knows them and hasn’t really had time with their mother like they have. Lorena looks like she got slapped. Rossy is appalled that he would throw in such a low blow. Julián stalks off and Lorena is frozen in place with the insult. Rossy assures Lore that he’ll have to beg her pardon forever on his knees. Lore sinks down into a seat, speechless with hurt.

At Paula’s apartment, no one can coax Alonslow to eat. He’s just not hungry. He closes his eyes and sees Zulema—and there’s nothing he can do to save her. Toribio tries to give him a pep talk—he did what he could, he’s a great doctor. Bettina wonders if there is anything he could do to revive her. Slow tells her there’s no way. Bettina wisely reminds him she’s not suffering and is in God’s hands. Paula doesn’t want him to keep beating himself. Slow is worried about how Lorena is reacting and Paula tries to reassure him—she’s mature, not like her crazy brother. She’s not going to lay the blame at your feet. They continue to try to comfort him, and Bettina goes around to put her arms around him from behind. She assures him they are going to help him. We’ve got a great new look for Slow tonight—it’s totally wooden, the commercial angustiado look. He’s getting good mileage tonight, because here it is again. Maybe the casting folks were on to something.

Bruto gets a visit from one of the good old boys in the clinic and feeds him a line of bull about what Alonslow is feeling at the moment. More points for Bruto. He tells the guy how Dra. Serrano couldn’t let Slow attend at an emergency, he’s lost it. The other doc trusts Slow’s character. Bruto says he thinks Slow’s a strong doc, but…..and proceeds to plant doubts. The other guy agrees that Slow over-identifies with patients. Bruto tells him about the patient with leukemia—now that he’s remembering it. (Nice touch). She died, too, by the way. Slow thought of her as a friend, Bruto earnestly confesses to the colleague, who winces at the thought.

Back at the lesser house, Rossy still looks distressed, Julián is still vowing to sue the heck out of Slow, and Diana is new to the topic. She thinks the hospital will sanction him if he is truly at fault. Julián can’t understand how they can all defend Alonslow!!!! Diana and Julián fuss a while, and forgive your recapper for not giving it verbatim as it is getting Very Tiresome. It might even be Downright Annoying. The doorbell rings and Rossy runs for it. Attorney Joel joins the happy family group. Joel tells them how sorry he is to hear about Zulema. You say you want to sue the doc who operated? Yep. That wretch, Alonso Ugarte, Lorena’s fiancé. Joel is impactado.

Ernesto comes up behind Lorena, who sees him and melts into his arms. [Ed. Note: You got me at the first look, Ern. Engagement’s off.] How did he know? Ivan told him. Lorena tells him about her poor Mami—and Alonso was operating. Ernesto wisely says nothing, just gives her a lovely empathetic look.

Joel tries to explain to Julián that the clinic will investigate, and then they’ll have enough information to pursue. He points out it is important for Julián’s sister, and perhaps the investigation might show that Slow actually didn’t make any mistakes. . Julián erupts again, and there’s no dissuading him. Julián is convinced the clinic folks will try to cover up for Slow. Joel disagrees. Rossy and Diana support Joel’s position—Joel wants to wait a little. Julián sets his jaw and shakes his head.

Ernesto comforts Lorena in the waiting room—what a difficult situation for Alonso. They lock gazes, both very somber, while they talk. Lorena is sure Alonso’s not at fault, it was just a medical accident. Ernesto affirms he’s sure that’s the case. It’s such a misfortune. Lorena thanks him for coming. Ernesto hesitated to come, but came anyway—he didn’t want to be inappropriate, though. Lorena assures him it was the right thing to do. Ern continues that at a time like this there is little—maybe nothing—that would comfort her, he wanted to see her, be with her, offer his help. She thanks him and remarks that she’s barely gotten the opportunity to enjoy her mother. God HAS to return Zulema to her! He can’t take her now when Lore’s just found her. Ernesto wisely says nothing and gently takes her into his arms. [Ed. Note: Any guesses which team your Recapper has her money on?] A tear slips down her cheek over his shoulder.

Bruto’s back in the cave he shares with Sara. He makes a smirky remark about Poor Ol’ Alonslow. The investigation is in full swing. The results should be in any second. Bruto’s in a hurry to dance on Alonslow’s grave (his ashes). Sara swallows but Bruto doesn’t notice her dismay. If Slow is washed up with Dra. Serrano over this, Bruto can get himself back into the directorship. Sara jeers that would be good since they pay him so miserably. Bruto is going out to get something to eat—is she coming with or should he bring her something. Sara’s not hungry. [What’s more, she’s been wearing the same jammies for days now, and they must stink.] He goes, and Sara wonders why she hasn’t realized her vengeance yet. It still hurts, dang it! If he begged her on bended knee, she might forgive him. But she knows it ain’t happening. He earned this for choosing Lorena over her, so suffer, fool. (Okay, I added that last part.)

Omar finds the perennial Greta messing around in his office. ;-) Victor’s gone already, so Greta approaches Omar as he sits down at his desk and tells him she doesn’t like to see him this way and he is going to have to be strong. He can’t collapse now that Zulema’s not here. “Zulema’s NOT dead, Greta,” Omar asserts and gives her a wary and thoroughly annoyed look. Greta responds that in a way, she is. She adds her rationale and Omar muses that you might say it would actually be better if she did fade out in a few days. Then he feels guilty for saying those things. Greta was almost empathetic there for a matter of seconds and then her real self reemerges—she wants him to look at his options—cry at the foot of Zulema’s bed waiting for a miracle that isn’t going to happen, or find his own happiness. My happiness? Although it seems like a lie at the moment, this sadness will pass. You’re alive and have every right to begin all over. Omar stands slowly and tells Greta she’s a monster. How could she think like that? Does she think he’s as self-centered as she is? Greta looks like he slapped her, but it’s a look of commercial disbelief and mild outrage.

“You want to take advantage of the tragedy of my wife to get back with me?” Now Omar is outraged as he paces toward the door of the office behind her. Greta tells him not to talk to her like that; she’s never wanted bad things for Zulema. Not her, not anybody. [Ed. Note: Right. Keep telling yourself that, zorra. How about all that thought bubbling you did at the bachelorette party—if Zulema only knew? We have it on tape.] He spits back that nevertheless, Greta already has plans for him. Greta goes on the über defensive. She’s not to blame for the misfortune—he shouldn’t treat her like she is. She NEVER has made anything bad happen to Zulema. [Ed. Note: Having been in Zulema’s position—well, not the coma part—I’d say that the person who seduces another’s spouse by constantly chipping away until he caves in probably has done a bad turn to the unsuspecting cuckold. But I suppose that depends on what the definition of “is” is in Greta’s mind.] Omar asks her to forgive him. Greta’s a pit bull with a bone, though, and she’s got the upper hand. Greta complains that all she’s ever wanted of him was love. Don’t treat her like she’s self-centered. He protestingly asks her pardon again. She only wanted to remind him that he’s still alive, unlike his wife who is among the living dead, poor thing, and he shouldn’t be like that. He protests with more feeling that he can’t think about a new relationship. She asserts she’s just talking to him as a friend, but if he doesn’t want that, he can plant himself at the foot of her bed, crying, if it’ll make him feel better. She starts to storm out the door and he reaches for her, calling her name. She puts her hand on his chest and stares straight into his eyes. Talk to me when you persuade yourself that I am not trying to take advantage of your misfortune. [Ed. Note. What a performance.] THEN she storms out, leaving Omar pensive.

Lore, Diana, and Saulito are all ready for bed—the latter staring at the ceiling where there is no doubt some huge clown face to keep him amused during the taping. Diana sits on Lore’s bed and tells her about Joel’s visit. Don’t tell me that Julián still wants to sue Alonslow? Is that going to bring the miracle cure for our mother? Lorena gets up to pace in frustration. She wonders what Diana thinks. Diana’s unsure—on the one hand, she sees his point, why wouldn’t anyone make a profit out of someone else’s misfortune (why wouldn’t one make more firewood out of a fallen tree-my best guess on the dicho, but Maricruz will have to enlighten us), but on the other hand, my mother….Lorena breaks in. Only God can bring our mother back. Even if Alonso rots in jail, nothing’s going to make this happen. Diana just doesn’t know. Lorena points out Alonso’s her fiancé! Her fiancé was the one left her mother that way!

Rossy tries once more to persuade Julián not to sue Alonslow. He tells her once again (for the last time) he’s not changing his mind. He wants that bas***d to go straight to jail. She doesn’t want him to be vengeful and he points out he’s not the bad guy here. Rossy tries to talk reason and he yells that sooner or later Lorena is going to realize that Alonslow is at fault. He’s the one who has killed my mother! Rossy is frustrated and angry as she points out that his mother IS ALIVE. He tells her to stop it and she spits back he’s the one who needs to stop. Rossy shakes her finger at Julián and tells him he needs to put himself in Lorena’s shoes and not make her suffer more. Julián changes the subject; they better just go. He storms out and leaves Rossy clasping her hands, a deep frown on her face.

Alonslow takes his turn at Zulema’s bedside, begging her pardon for leaving her in this condition. What happened? Everything was going well. Zulema just keeps breathing into the tube. He’s sorry, he never meant to harm her. He’s so afraid of hurting someone else and keeps asking himself what did he do wrong? Again, he begs her forgiveness.

It’s lovely outside and Bettina and Toribio are taking advantage of the good weather for an ice cream treat. But, Toribio isn’t eating—he has no appetite for it. Bettina teases him gently—she’s never known him to turn down ice cream—that’s pretty strange. She urges him not to feel badly, he’s supporting Alonso like the good Dad he is. Put aside that psychoanalyst persona. Tori agrees. He’s blinded and can’t be objective about it anyway. But he sincerely believes that Alonso is not at fault. Bettina agrees with that—but what can they do to convince Alonso to see it the same way they do? Just keep telling him over and over, and remind him of what you said last night. Bettina wonders what she said. It’s all in God’s hands. Bettina tells Toribio that’s not just in this case, but always. He tweaks her nose lovingly.

The jury is in at People’s Clinic #23, with more docs than we’ve ever seen in the halls, and a nurse. Dra. Serrano calls the meeting to order with lapdog Bruto at her right hand. Nice symbolism for us all here. Bruto wonders why Slow is missing. Dra. Serrano thought it better that they hear the results without him for the moment, based on Slow’s crisis the day before. Another doc asks if it’s true he refused to see a patient in emergency the day before. Dra. S explains that he was in crisis mode himself and in no condition to treat patients, so Dr. Palma took over. Bruto helpfully adds that the case was complicated and Slow wouldn’t have been able to handle it. In that state of mind, of course, he means. (Smirky smile). They go through the results of the investigation, step by step. Dra. Castillo from the office of the Secretary of Health gives them the report. She notes the trace substances that were found in Zulema’s system, and the docs are taken aback by the combinations, which clearly would result in an allergic reaction and toxic shock with body system failures. They figure that Slow didn’t adequately test and check either Zulema or the supplies in the OR prior to the surgery. If he had been more careful, he wouldn’t have ordered karmabencina when the first negative reaction occurred. The conclusion is medical negligence. Dra. S is dismayed—that cannot be! Some of the docs are supportive of Alonslow, some not. Bruto smirks a little at the heated discussion.

Slow goes to see a little patient. The child doesn’t want Slow to check him—in fact, the child gets downright vehement and wants his Mami. A little girl patient comes over from her bed in the children’s ward and tells the boy to let the doctor check him, and it’s not true what they told him about the doctor. Right, doc? Slow wants to know what they told him. Well, that you killed a patient. Slow is impactidíssimo—well, as much as he ever shows it.

Lorena is hard at work cooking. She tells Matilde they have to keep up with the orders for Zulema’s sake. Matilde is surprised and Lorena tells her she got up very early to take care of this. The business can’t collapse; Mamá would never forgive us! Matilde goes off to make the deliveries. Lorena looks at the stove and thinks back to the early days when she cooked with Zulema and they were clearly on the same wavelength. Sad but apparently determined about something, she pulls a cookbook out of a drawer. Is it that cookbook that Zulema gave Sara thinking that Sara was her daughter and Sara threw it under the bed?

Dra. Castillo is concluding her report. The Secretary of Health has recommended that Alonslow’s contract be revoked, and possible criminal action be taken as decided by those affected. [Ed. Note: Won’t Julián be excited to hear this news?] One of the docs is incensed that they would throw out a good doc. Another disagrees, if he was a good doc, he wouldn’t have been negligent. Dra. Serrano brings them back to order with a curt word or two. More fussing among them and Dra. Serrano asks Bruto’s opinion, which he’s only too happy to give but acts like he’d rather not for good effect.

Ximena must love to visit Ernesto’s apartment. Here she is again, finding out what’s up with his life as he hands her a glass of wine. Isn’t she one of the pair who got you drunk, Ern? If she didn’t invite herself, he’d forget her, she tells him. Ern tries to deny it. We know better. Ernesto tells her he’s been pretty busy. What, got a new girlfriend? No way. He saw Lorena yesterday, though. And? Ernesto tells Ximena about the terrible tragedy of the surgery that went bad. What a horror! And the poor girl just found her mother! The worst part is that Lorena’s current boyfriend, Alonso, was the surgeon. Ximena laments the turn of events—seems those two are star-crossed (they’re never going to get together). Ernesto gives her a thoughtful look. They both sigh.

Lorena cries at Zulema’s kitchen table, apron still on from the good deed she did for Mamá. Julián has cleaned up and comes to the kitchen. Lorena gives him a sad, reproachful look and Julián just looks back at her from the entry, casually resting his arm on a counter. His countenance changes a little, as if maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit of her pain is registering in his cloudy brain.

Alonslow has come to the chopping block. You called for me, Dra.? Dra. Serrano asks him to sit. She has the specialist’s report (peritaje). We’ll have a board meeting, I suppose, he asks her with some hesitation. She tells him that the medical review group met. He should have realized, he muses to her, but anyway, what was the conclusion? Tell me what it might be, Dra., he requests as she simply looks at him sadly. Medical negligence. Alonslow looks like if they gave him a good strong onion, he might cry. [Ed. Note: Even if I am on Team Ernesto, I hope they clear Slow fast, because he might be a doofus but he’s a great doc and cares about his patients tremendously. Plus, Bruto shouldn’t get away with it. So there.]

Monday: Alonslow loses everything. Bruto celebrates his triumph. Alonslow mourns his fate. There’s a wedge between Alonslow and Lorena, and Ernesto might have a second shot.



  1. Terrific recap, Jeanne.

    I was so upset when Omar began to apologize to Greta that i totally lost the thread of their conversation. Thanks for your comprehensive explanation of it. what is Omar's problem??? One second he's telling Zulema that if she survives, he'll devote his life to her, and then once again he seems to be taken in by Greta.

    I am on Team Ernesto and this episode has given me hope. Alonslow is acting like a child, and is avoiding Lorena. What about acting like a grownup and giving her consolation and trying to see what is going on with her, how she feels, etc.? Ernesto, once again, acts like a grownup. He risks her rejection by coming, and then is very appropriate in supporting her and not saying anything negative about Alonso. I think that if the writers didn't want her to end up with Ernesto, they would have either kept him away or portrayed him less positively. Maybe this is an idle hope, but....
    NJ Sue

  2. Thanks, NJ Sue! I totally agree with your analysis about the writers taking this direction with Ernesto and Alonso. Your hope is my hope, idle though it may be. Go, Ern!


  3. ....and I am so Put Out with Omar. He's being a Jerk.


  4. I hope Ernesto will end up with Lorena but I don't want Alonslow left in the cold. What about Valeria?

    Christa, the Optimist

  5. Christa, I have wondered if Al would end up with Val, too. She's about due to reappear, isn't she? She was always there in the beginning, so it makes sense.


  6. With Ickturo out of the country, I would think Valeria would have a great excuse to come back to the city (to close up the house, if she has any partial ownership of it) and maybe even get her old job back.

    I didn't see any sign of chemistry between Ernesto and Jimena, so that's good...

    I'd complain that Greta's dead to me, except I always found her a bit crass to begin with. Now she's unbearable.

    Thanks for explaining the Big Doctor Meeting, Jeanne. I couldn't follow that at all. Weird that they didn't detect the expired (I swear that's what Bruno said Wednesday, "caducados") drugs. But maybe the drug decomposes into something else and that's what they found in her blood.

  7. Schoolmarm....thanks for a wonderful recap of a truly miserable episode. We're really in the pits with this one. The only highlight of the evening was Ernesto's appearance and hugs. (more of that please, writers).

    And while I wanted something to break up Alonso and Lorena, it was certainly not this way. I hate seeing Alonso so consumed by unmerited guilt, hate seeing Zulema in a coma and hate what Julian's doing right now.

    However, two things set me off last night and made me angry...which was good...better than being distressed.

    1) People in a coma can HEAR you. So what the H...was Omar doing confessing his infidelity!!!?? That would hardly give a fragile person to will to live, more likely dispatch them to the sweet hereafte even faster! (Oh, eventually she might want to come back so she could bash his head in, but the first knowledge of infidelity is a terrible shock and she's already dealing with plenty).

    The other was Barbara's assertion that you shouldn't nurse a baby when you're upset, better to bottle-feed. Again, absolutely not! Nursing calms both mother and baby, especially since Diana's been away from the baby a lot at the hospital. Mother's milk is always preferable to formula and the skin to skin contact is very calming, reassuring and healthy for both.

    Okay, climbing off my soapbox now and getting breakfast.

    On top of everything else, Ohio State lost last night. WAAAAAH.

  8. Judyb~~~Uh-oh..Ohio State won. That will not put my s-i-l [an alumnus] and Hub in a good mood....or Papa Joe and most of the people in my neck-of-the-woods. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas ? I agree completely about the bad advice from Barbara concerning nursing the baby. That would have been the best thing that Diana could have done for the baby and for herself to soothe and relax them both. Right on , Sistah Judy. I also agree that even though I've voted early and often for Hot Chef , I don't want Alonslo ruined by Sara's and Bluto's dirty dealings. Who will save the day for Slow and Sweet Zully ? And , as for Regreta...she's just plain pathetic.

  9. Whoops...Judyb---I misread your message about Ohio State. Hub and S-i-l and Papa Joe and my neighbors are indeed happy this morning. For me, es no importante.

  10. Hey an alternate universe Ohio State WOULD HAVE won the game...unfortunately we're living in this one. Anyway, glad to know Hub is happy. Somebody needs to be. Actually this probably spared us qualifying for some fabulous Bowl Game and then being destroyed on national TV ruining a whole lot of parties here in town.

    Glad someone agrees with me about the nursing....I'm so sad when people give it up quickly.

  11. Judy B when a person comes out of the coma can that person remember what you said ?

    It would be easier for Omar to confess this way ,it would be hard
    to face a person and come clean. He is also covered in event of her death by thinking at least I let her know I regretted my indiscretion.


  12. Yes, a person can remember...often with embarrassing results...if people have discussed inappropriate things in the person't hearing.

    In my opinion, Omar should not confess under any circumstances. The knowledge would be deeply painfull to his wife and is unnecessary. What is the point of her knowing his betrayal? She can't do anything about it other than be deeply hurt. If he wants to relieve his conscience, he should confess to a priest. And then make sure he is a good and faithful husband in the future.

    However, not sure how they will work it in this telenovela. She may not remember or she may...and grant forgiveness for sure as that is the principal theme in these stories.

    But as Alonso said once (to Paula) Es más facil perdonar que olvidar) even if she forgives, she'll always be haunted by the memory, wonder if he's thinking of Greta when he's making love to her, and wonder what he's up to if he's out for some time or talking on the phone late at night.

  13. Jeanne, Thanks for the consummate recap. You are still on top of your game, girlie! After rejecting the early really cruel part of this telenovela, I am now a pretty constant viewer but I think I may be the only female canvassing for votes for Alonso, the wooden lipped. No one pays any attention at all to my theory of star billing predicting outcomes. Perhaps you may think I missed some important pro Ernesto moments while I was in Spain. But, be that as it may, I still think Alonso has done penance a plenty by helping discover the DNA of the real daughter and brought the rightful family together. Sara was an impossibly beautiful siren/vixen so I guess I can forgive Alonso his slip in falling so hard for Sara to emphasize her charming power over the other characters. Ernesto has made a miracle recovery of his womanizing past and is too old for Lorena. I know, I know, neither characteristic has much power in the cultural milieu of telenovelas.

    On the medical knowledge being fomented by this TN, the most disturbing is the notion of running forward with gastric bypass with no psychological intervention or even plan for the before and after impact of this shocking treatment. Being a luckier than Zulema survivor of it, I treasure that while the surgeon was the most brilliant I could find, the psychological therapy team was probably more important in a truly good outcome.
    I haven't had babies but think Judy and Susanlynn are dead on about the benefits of the mother/baby reunion under any circumstances. I do think she was trying to allow her future suegra to be a good samaritan however so probably no harm done. At least little Saul was held, cuddled and loved dearly, no matter what went down his bitty gullet at that one moment.

    And why is no one paying attention to Bruto's undoubted ill will toward his former suegra? I get annoyed when the writers overlook these big obvious errors of continuity.

    Well it's all stimulating for our communal coversations so Great Episode recapped by a real master recapper. Thanks again. It is fun to have you and Maricruz both on these Friday episodes so we have two great recappers to lead us on great discussions on the weekends. I'm off to the river with Willa and Cisco, catch you all later!

  14. 1. I agree about Valeria being just the one to help Alanzlow. She's a professional colleague [knowledgable about these crisis in medicine], his age, likes him as a friend and is compassionate; in addition to being lovely to look at.
    2. Omar! get some back-bone and maintain some boundaries w/ Greta. Can't stand that woman.
    3. I wish these people would cut out the asking someone to "forgive me". It just puts more pressure on the wronged person. It also pressures the wronged person do give something else. Forgiveness has to work itself out over time. And most of all NEVER forget. That would really be crazy.

  15. Great discussions here. Hi, Cheryl~~~Hope that you and Willa and the Cisco Kid enjoyed your walk. Hub and I just got back from ours. After a gray day of rain and wind yesterday, today is a picture perfect fall day here..clear blue sky and about 60. We walk in a park that is about 4 miles away . I used to go there swimming as a kid, but the pool is long gone and now there are pavillions, walking trails, and a playground. Anyhoo, I thought that Ernie and Slo were about the same age, but then, I am a terrible judge of people's ages. Well, I'd better correct some tests and do some organizing.

  16. In my experience, ya can't just say, "Oh, yes, give him a bottle, I'll just sit over here and let my milk puddle up in my eyeballs!" When ya gotta nurse..... (not to put too fine a point on it...)

    I too, hope they bring back Valeria. She and Alonso seemed to do well together. Plus, she is super smart so maybe she will get to the bottom of Alonso's medical mess.

    As for Greta, she can join Sara and Bruno in the trash compactor. We're going to need a commercial size one for all the baddies in this show! We need a special punishment for Omar - he was always my favorite. (sob!)

  17. Thanks, everyone, for the wonderful comments! Wow, lots going on in this novela, all right--of course, it IS in Últimas Semanas.

    Julie, I think you are right about the expired drugs, and my sense was he used those because he could get access more easily. I still can't figure how he could put them into a "fresh" package, though. Remember that he was dealing with the black market drug guy early on? I wondered if that was how he pulled this off, getting expired drugs that were going to be discarded and weren't being so closely counted, then added something from the black market stuff--they didn't say it as far as I remember, but I wondered. My sense it that what he added to it made the difference and he didn't do the adding in the OR, but did it outside so he could make a very fast swap of the packages that were all ready for the following morning. Sort of like how they marinaded those steaks the night before the banquet.

    I agree that Greta is pathetic, and she deserves some bad fate, IMO. Omar is a doofus for cheating with her, of all people--but then no one decent would be cheating with him anyway.

    Cheryl, it's wonderful to see you again here! I've wondered how you've been! Give Willa a big hug, and we're coming your way in May so we'll keep you updated. ITA about no one paying attention to Bruno's rancor at his M-I-L. But, that's a TN for you.

    It makes perfect sense that Valeria could be the one to sort out the medical mystery and nail Bruno. Wouldn't THAT be awesome? Brilliant, Emilia!

  18. Good point about the side effects of not nursing when you've been away from the baby for a while! Emilia. I can tell you've nursed your babies, and clearly none of these writers have. Oh well....

    And Emily (isn't it interesting that we have an Emily, an Emilia, a Julie and a Julia)...well...yes, the constant "perdoname" going on is totally annoying and out of line. If the victim chooses to forgive as a way of freeing HIMSELF from the pain of the past, great! but the victimizer has no right to ASK for forgiveness. They might ask if there were any way to make up for the harm that they did...but they can't wheedle forgiveness which is what the whiny "perdoname, perdoname" does. Talk about adding insult to injury!

    Cheryl...that is very interesting that you've had this surgery. Can you tell us a little bit more (only if you wish, obviously). Like how does one deal with the restrictions on amount? and the "dumping" that happens when one doesn't restrict, etc.? To some extent, almost all people use food as therapy, (it tastes good, you feel good after eating) so to have the amount of natural therapy suddenly restricted would be tough, I would think.

  19. Oh, and Jeanne...I came across "echar leña al arbol caido" in my Streetwise Spanish book and it means "to kick someone when he is down".

    Certainly what Julian (and a few others) are doing to poor Alonso). Those anvils can't fall fast enough on Bruno and Sara, as far as I'm concerned.

  20. I know we have some Fernando-lovers here, so if you goggle ''manana es para siempre telenovela youtube]] there are a bunch of videos about his next novela which began in Mexico on October 20....scenes from the show and the cast on interview shows. Let me just say that there are lots of familiar faces , but I did not see Ana Martin and it looks like someone else [who looks familiar to me but I can't place her] is playing his mamacita. I couldn't understand much of the dialogue but I understood the shots of Fernando in a just a towel and Fernando kissing just fine. The guy should be teaching classes on the art of kissing. And good news...there are phones in this novela...the bad news is that Sergio Sendel is in it...uh-oh..How many phones will he smash???...or maybe he has some new schtick for each novela. It looks good...beautiful horses......beautiful scenery....and beautiful Fernando. I can't wait. Maybe it will be my Christmas present if Fuego ends in December and this novela begins in its place. more running through the jumgle.

  21. Schoolmarm ,it would be extremely easy to fresh package drugs. Remove the label from the expired drugs , paste on a new label you print up with a non-expired date ,voila,fresh drugs.

    Just like in a supermarket where they take meat which has an expired date,take back to the meat department, repackage and put on a new pull date. And it is perfectly legal.


  22. Uh, Mark...please don't tell me you're in the supermarket business. Sounds like a good time to become a vegetarian!

    Susanlynn...I'll definitely check out Fernando in Mañana es Para Siempre...thanks!

  23. Judy B , No I'm not in the supermarket business. I'm a retired cabinet maker. Now I started making guitars just because it was something different.

    Does anyone know what the large , fat guitar mariachi bands use is called ? If I could find plans or dimensions I think I'd might make one.

    Don't worry the meat would still be fine.
    So go ahead and enjoy that juicy steak !

    When my brother got home I told him about OSU and he was delighted ,sorry.
    Boy,there is all sort of info floating around this site.


  24. Mark, you are probably referring to the guitarrón. Mariachi bands use some other guitar-looking instruments as well (guitarra de golpe and some other thing I can't remember the name of), but the guitarrón is the crazy-big one.

  25. JudyB, from your Streetwise Spanish, that definition sounds perfect. I got the one I put in the recap from Wikiquotes, where there are pages and pages of Spanish dichos from various Spanish-speaking countries, but that particular translation didn't quite do it in the context. Yours does. Gotta get myself that dicho book.


  26. Thanks, Mark, for clearing that up. So, my thoughts may be right on target about how he engineered that. It's not clear though, from what I heard him say about the switch.


  27. Great recap! Yes....this novela has been too depressing lately, what with all the crying and coraje in it!!

    I agree with Emilia about Greta joining Sara and Bruto in a trash compactor!!! Hopefully they will all get their punishments!!!

    Really, Omar is being a real @ss right now......Too bad Zulema didn't wake up and slap him up the side of the head...he needs it!

    My husband was glad that Texas won...barely. He graduated from there, I didn't so I don't get that excited about it.

    Also hoping for Ernesto and Lorena somehow getting back together!

  28. Thanks for the great recap Jeanne. So sad I missed the great conversation but happy to see so many responses.

  29. I don't have time to read the whole thing now, as your recaps deserved to be read carefully, not in a rush. Tomorrow I will give it a proper reading. I have to jump in and say one thing, though, we witnessed history with this episode. We hit another full 10.0 on the UCS. Julian matched Duhlina for the ugliest crying ever, as someone pointed out in yesterday's recap or comments. He is the male representative as the perfect ugly crier. Congrats Julian! He had it all - red face, drool, mess of tears, his hair was all mussed up, but to top it all off, he was hysterical and angry and at the same time completely ass-backwards on what he should even be crying about in the first place. A truly remarkable performance. To think it came in the middle of what might also be the most depressing episode of any TV show I've ever seen.

  30. Ferro, you're too funny!

    Jeanne, what a delight to read your most excellent recap after a long weekend away. The last couple of episodes have been depressing, but they are also rather complex with a lot of interesting things going on. I recall not liking this TN much at first but it has definitely improved.

    Poor Slow, after dissing him so badly in the past I now feel bad for him and a little guilty for making him the butt of many jokes. I don't want him to get the girl (though I suspect Cheryl is right and he will in the end) but I certainly do NOT want him to lose his career and possibly have charges filed against him. My only consolation is that the more Alonslow suffers now the greater Bruto's come-uppance will be.

    Oh dear, the thought of poor Zuly stuck in a coma and hearing Omar's confession is unbearable! He really is an ass. I wanted to slap him.

    Thanks again Jeanne!!

  31. How about a one-way ticket to Doll Hospital Island for Sara, Bluto, and Regreta. ...and if Omar doesn't shape up and fly right, we're buying a ticket for him , too.

  32. Have any of you seen "Amigas y Rivales" ?

    I remember flipping back and forth between what I was watching to check out the girls.
    I remember seeing Slo in it and thinking this guy cannot act at all.
    I remember all the comments about botox ,unchanging expressions , etc.

    So I researched it this morning and came up with the following explanation.

    The story line goes:Ofelia gets AIDS and Ulises a.k.a. El Feo (Slo) wants to marry her despite her circumstances. He is "EXTREMELY UGLY" and everyone makes fun of him ,until Ofelia is shot and she thinks she will die,she sends him to get acne treatments , plastic surgery,and exercise so that he will be attractive to other women after her death. Gotta love this girl.
    She doesn't die though and some of her best friends are after Ulises as well as many teenage girls.

    So ladies remember when you find that frog , don't kiss him when your girlfriends are around !


  33. Yes Mark I do remember Amigas y Rivales; it was one of my early novelas and I really did enjoyed. That's why I'm a little shocked at Al (Gabriel Soto) being so stiff so often. Though he played a spaz as El Feo, he was animated whenever you would see him. In this novela, he usually only animated when angry.

    Hilarious comment Ferro. Julian cries the worst and for the worst reason. Idiot!

    ITA with Sylvia regarding the lower Al goes the worse Bruto's downfall should be -- I hope. Based on the past, Sara will try of him, probably after he tries or does hit her, and she'll kill him/set up his death.

    I was flabbergasted after reading the Omar/Regreta exchange. I don't understand how he can continue to be so dumb. I hope I don't have to see a character have such a terrible arc again. I can handle the redemption -- wow, who is this woman inhabiting Barbara's body? -- but Omar's fall from grace has been wretched to watch.

  34. Thanks, everyone, for your kind words about the recap! It was a tough one to do and be snarky.


  35. First, of all, remember I'm on team Alonso. But I actually agree that 1) he's too emotionally attached to his patients, and 2) he shouldn't have operated on his future mother-in-law. At the very least, he should have talked this over with Dra. Serrano, and gotten written permission. Bruto is the lowest form of humanity, but he is actually a brilliant doctor in some ways, having figured out what drug to switch, what Alonso would do to stop the allergic reaction, that what Alonso did would make it worse, and that Alonso could be blamed for medical negligence.

    Mark: The guitarrón is a 6 six string acoustic bass, and it apparently inspired the first modern acoustic bass guitar, which looks like a regular guitar, but just has the four bass strings (and a much thicker neck than a regular guitar). If you are a guitar builder, you should definitely try to build a guitarrón. I play guitar, and I love mariachi music, but no stores in my area carry any of those instruments.

  36. Hombre, excellent point about how brilliant Bruno is. Too bad he's evil or he'd be a fabulous doc.

