I haven't watched this show for weeks, but I get it. The Situation: It's been exactly a year since Juan disappeared on the night of his daughter's birth and the daughter is gone too. Everybody thinks Juan did it.
Actually, Gab has her granddaughter stashed in a convent with two other one-year-old girls (do we know who they are? Did Gab steal them too?) and has informed the nuns that, if they don't find a good enough home for the tots, she, Gabriela (who throws around a lot of money here so is very popular with the good sisters) will adopt the threepack herself. "You are too good," they say.
Gab reminds them, no doubt for the 100th time, that JUAN REYES caused all this trouble and has damaged Sofia irremediably. "Sofia will never recover! But as much as she suffers, I suffer more than she does because I'm her mother! That's why I'm so good to these three babies. They're like MY three daughters!" The nuns smile approvingly.
Wow, life in the rainforest has been good for Juan, I see: he shaves now, and his clothes are very clean. Nice work, Babe Doctor! Babe Doctor's daddy tells Juan: "Your name is Juan Reyes."
Juan's side of this and all following conversations: "Wha? Who? My name is Juan? I have a daughter? I have a wife? I don't know anything." so I'll just call this speech "Juan's Lines."
Babe Doctor's daddy explains The Situation and Juan decides to leave immediately and set things right. Babe Doctor's daddy warns, things won't be so simple.
Now, did y'all notice Juan didn't even ask the doctor WHERE his hometown was? No, after some goodbyes, to his indigenous buddies and a nice donkey and to collagen-lips Babe Doctor (she makes a feeble attempt to get him to run off someplace with her but he holds fast) he just jumped on Capricho and said, "take me back to the woman I love." Soon after, though, he gets off the horse and soliloquizes redundantly and at length (Juan's lines), while gazing up at the moon.
Oscar, Franco and Quintina are glad Pablito is back and show it by cuffing him quite a bit and telling him not to leave again. He misses Juan. This script is so, so lame.
Sofia has become a lunatic. She fondles baby clothes which conceal music boxes and spends a lot of time at church. She wears octagenarian black and cries and says the same thing over and over and over and over and over.
Capricho brings Juan to the church courtyard. "You want me to go into the church?" Capricho paws, "Yes." Good horsie! Juan goes in, he hasn't forgotten how to pray, Sofia comes in, she doesn't see him for a while, then she is all impactada and her eyes go misty and her hands tremble as she reaches out for him and touches his face and yadda yadda, but see Juan's Lines, above.
Sofia's Lines: "I don't believe you, where's my daughter, you're lying, why did you steal her." Juan's lines, Sofia's lines, Juan's lines, Sofia's lines, the padre comes in and he starts up with the same thing. Finally Sofia faints and the Padre tells Juan to leave. Juan leaves. Padre recaps the whole story to Jesus, as if Jesus hasn't heard it enough times already.
[By the way, you might wonder: "If Juan remembers nothing, how come he's so sure he didn't steal his daughter?" Continue wondering.]
Demian and some dudes want to start a mutual aid society. They say forlornly, "In the old days Sofia would have been a lot of help with this, but now she's just a wandering sniveling useless lunatic." Nonetheless, they will proceed. They would like to start by bailing out the Reyes brothers, Franco and Oscar, who after decades of doing nothing whatever besides watching Juan work, are now very busy, they bake bread and pull weeds, but that doesn't help pay the mortgage - the evil Uribes hocked the place up to the eyeballs and the boys are in arrears and it's gonna get foreclosed. The other mutual aid guys don't have dough and therefore can't do much but Demian does have dough and so, secretly and nobly, decides to pay off the mortgage himself. He tells the financial guy, "nobody must know I'm doing this."
Leaving the mortgage office Demian runs into Juan who, booted out of the church, is now wandering about aimlessly, repeating Juan's Lines to himself and to Capricho. He is also waiting for noble Capricho to move them along to the next important destination.
Demian, guessing, calls: "Juan?" Juan: "Do I know you?" and Juan's Lines (see above).
Sofia repeats Sofia's Lines to her sisters and then has a new thought: Juan LOST their daughter somewhere. So now she adds "Where did you LOSE her?" to "Why did you STEAL her?"
Oscar and Franco are weeding, it's a hot day. They look up. Through the shimmering heat, they see, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's - No, it's Capricho! And who's that on Capricho? It's Juan! They jump and run, all happy, and embrace Juan. He looks confused. They haven't yet noticed that he is acting funny when the ending credits roll.
Monday: Crabby tells Furd that Juan is not dead! She cries!
Thanks for the "recrap," melinama. Yet another lame episode but at least Juan is home. Sorry you had to put up with it.
ReplyDeleteI Juan-a-brain probably wishes he had never left the jungle.
Juan's hair is now more bouffant than Padre Tad's. Must be that soft jungle water.
How is it that these people cry rivers out of only one eye?
I was waiting for Sobfía to whup Juan up th'side of his head with one of those saint statues, and consequently cause his memory to return. No deal. Wah.
I love the FFWD button on my remote. I'm stayin' tuned, though. Impactante stuff coming soon.
Thanks for the recrap Melinama. I so enjoy this group and our chats about this poor novela gone awry. At least Juan is back. Your "Juan lines" and "Sophia lines" were great additions to our snark dictionary.
ReplyDeleteThanks y'all. I didn't mind the redundancy much - it makes the recrap all the easier!
ReplyDeleteMelinama: thanks--you gave this episode everything it deserved and more. It was a whole lotta waa-waa-waa. Sufria was even distressing poor Father Tad with her rant.
ReplyDeleteAnd, why does Crabi look so genuinely happy at the orphanage? As I recall, Feo told her not to ask what he did with the baby, 'cos "she didn't want to know," hinting that it was dead. Oh, I give up.
Melinama, Thanks for the fun recap. You got the jackpot episode of the last several weeks. Caprichio was at his absolute best, what a horse! So much more direct and eloquent than anyone else on the show.
ReplyDeleteFunny too, the boyz working in the hottest part of the afternoon in what looked like a really unproductive activity.
I don't know if I can stand Sofia carping and yelling ala Gabriela style for long either. At least the jungle nonsense will be low key for a few episodes.
Thanks for the recrap, Melinama. Remember when Feo had those women stone Sofia...where are they now when we really need them. Juan, run, run fast back to the jungle. And take Capricho with you. G in CA
ReplyDeleteYou know, there were two hours of my life I couldn't get back today. I took my daughter to the insipid High School Musical 3. The only that made it worth watching was how cute Zach Efron is. He has that up on these boys and this completely redunant lame ass story. Then I realized I didn't set my tape, so I came home and watched it all on youtube, and there went another hour of my life! I don't know why I thought just because the preview showed Juan coming home, anything would really happen!
ReplyDeleteAnd really, the dad doc knows he wanted and there are a bunch of freaks back home, but he doesn't think to go with him and tell them all I found him in the jungle and he doesn't know any of you? He's as good a doc as his daughter. That apple sure didn't fall far, heck it might still be hanging on!
Muchas gracias, Mom Melinama. You are a saint (good thing Slofia has no idea where you live, or she'd be crying to you too). ReCrap--LOLOL, doris!
ReplyDeleteAfter yesterday's episode, no way in hell was I going to watch THIS ONE before coming here to read the ReCrap FIRST, something I don't usually do. I usually like to be surprised. Not this time. I suppose that after spending some weeks working hard to create realism in my own scenes, tuning in and watching this disasterous script (by PAID writers, no less) become even more of a massacre has finally taken its freaking toll. ARGH!!! I needed a Fast Forward Plan ahead of time.
Juan's character has already been screwed all to hell, which pisses me off royally. Now here we go with Damian. I paraphrase: "Though I've been in town a week, maybe two, and I don't really know her at all, and she's always wandering around in a brain fog or a real fog, I MUST NOW declare aloud that I luvvvv the Crying Chick in Black and will marry her." Where was the "like"? A few dates? The deepening of affection and blazing passion erupting? We have months to go yet. Do we really need another Dim Bulb Dude on this show? WTH??? GRRRRRR.
On a better note: R.I.P., Shriveled Porn Dude. Who'da thought he had that much fluid inside him? Wow.
I am glad Juan is home with Capricho. But as the writers are just going to ruin it with more insufferable dribble, I'll keep the pink bizmuth handy. *nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, HEY! Pepto Bizzzzmol*
Yes, I have lost it...
loved the "Juan's lines, Sofia's lines, Juan's lines, Sofia's lines and then the Padre recapping it all for Jesus who'd heard it all ad nauseum before!
ReplyDeleteYou might enjoy a better written telenovela but your talents would be wasted on a good one...please send this recap to the writers and producer in Mexico...they need this critique!
Thanks Blog mom...you really made my day.
Then I realized I didn't set my tape, so I came home and watched it all on youtube, and there went another hour of my life! --- molly
ReplyDeleteHopelessly addicted and sadly shaking my head. (BuaHahahahahahahahahahahaha)
I honest-to-God was laughing out loud for the rest of this episode (channeling Beckster watching novelas in Mexico with in-laws) from the moment Capricio pawed the ground to tell Juan, "Yes, this is where you get off and go into that church." Buahahahahahahahahahahaha (more maniacal laughter..... known as the FELS Effect)
I almost fell off the couch when Gabi and Sor said "one year." Isn't everything important in groups of "veinte" (veinte años!) Why not veinte meses??? Inquiring minds want to know. Oh never mind. The script went awry ages ago. Eight graders have a short attention span.
As for myself, our (only) son's wedding is four weeks away from today. ("Mi hijo!") Shall I channel Sobfía at the event? Buahahahahahahahahah
Mindless !#$@ like this is just what I need. If I had a real plot to keep up with right now, my brain would melt down.
Melinama: Thanks for recapping this episode. Now we know for sure, Capricho is the smartest character in this novela.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Melinama , for that excellent recrap of all the crap. I'm glad Capricio took Juan out of the jungle, but I must admit that I like him in the white pjs [those shoulders] , and so I'll miss the leisure look. You hit on a very efficient way of recrapping by using the phrases ''Sofia's lines'' and ''Juan's lines.'' Good thinking. And so , now Sofia has a new line !!! Yippee ''Where did you LOSE my daughter???'' Great. [By the way, Juan is now sporting the same hairdo as my dentist Dr. John S. I'm confused about the little girls in the convent. I thought Ferd didn't tell Crabby what he did with the baby , so how does she know that one of these little sweeties belongs to Sofia and Juan ??? Also, why is she paying attention to thees babies if she originally wanted Sofia's baby never to be born. I am confused. And, that Demian...what-a-guy ...bailing out the boys ...By the way, I have no idea what Franco and Oscar were doing sitting in that field which seemed to be growing nothing but weeds and unenthusiastically pulling them with their hands,,,,are there no hoes in Mexidoon...whoops...please don't list Rosario's backup dancers as an answer to this question. I mean gardening hoes.
ReplyDeleteGood recrap, Melinama.
ReplyDeleteROFL butter biscuit stephe!! I happened to catch the shriveled porn dude spewing fluid as I was loading the dishwasher, and wondered why he was leaking so much fluid!
Sofia is so dead to me. She sure sounded like her mama, screeching vile blame and shame.
I did stop to watch Capricho, my favorite...
Susanlynn, yah, what's with the pulling weeds by hand, get those boyz busy with the hoes!
ReplyDeleteAnd, what happened to the serenade company that Franco and Oscar were going to start up?
Ah, the joy of two super-awesome recraps in a row. Thanks, Beckster and Melinama.
ReplyDeleteAh, the pain of two super-ridiculous episodes in a row, although I enjoyed porn-dude's puking death and Pablito's rescue. The highlight was Capricho pawing the ground to tell Juan where to get off. Juan does the confused and stupid look really well, he must have a natural talent for it. (Sorry, all you EY fans.)
I couldn't believe it when they said a year had passed since Juan and the baby disappeared. And how big the babies were! It just goes to show, in Mexidoom time is stretched, compressed, and absolutely pummelled and violated.
La Paloma
I'm getting some very strong Aldo vibes from Demian. Remember Aldo from La Fea Mas Bella? Handsome guy, shows up, saves a few kids, animals, saves the company (read: hacienda) with his money, falls in love with girl....way more level headed than main hero, but not as emotional...
ReplyDeleteWaitaminute - do I detect an AMNESIA storyline? It was fate that caused me to quit this show a long time ago, in order to miss this. I don't even know what made me browse this recap, I have been completely away from this show for months. Now I feel like I dodged a bullet. DOWN WITH AMNESIA STORYLINES! If you ever hear of someone picketing in front of Televisa complaining about amnesia stories, that will most likely be me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome recap..
ReplyDeleteMelinama..embrace it, allow it..
just give in the total suck.
Lower expectations..my creed
I am giving two to one odds..that when the Juan bullet to the brain, what is my name tale, will end with him begging for forgiveness and Sofie grudgingly allowing him to worship him.
Juan, I know you want to find you kid, if for nothingless than to see if the "Slow Gene" was passed along. You know like you & baby sister, but otherwise Sofie would be not my problem.
Sofie is as dead to me as she must be to all the Saints in Heaven, it certainly took long enough to figure 1)your kid is down the street 2)Juan was stayin a block and half over.
Hi. I have been reading the recaps for months but this is my first time posting.
ReplyDeleteFirst let me say "gracias" to all. I am trying to learn Spanish so I have been watching telenovelas with the captioning on. But this one has really confused me. How the h@ll did a year go by? How did Juan spend a whole year not having a clue who he was, and with no memories coming back? Lastly how could anybody cry for an entire year and wear the same black dress...mio dios Sophia, suck it up.
I really appreciate all of your help in figuring this out. Without the recaps I might have lost my mind trying to translate some of this nonsense. Keep up the good work.
Hi Terymom and welcome!
ReplyDeleteFerro: Dr Phil had a segment on the other day about complete amnesia. This lady took an unknown pill that a stranger in a bar gave her...(she thinks, but she can't remember!) It put her in a coma and when she woke up: presto. Permanent amnesia. If we knew what that pill was, maybe we could get Juan the antidote...
Wait, maybe WE should take the pill after every episodio.
I like that idea, amnesia after every episode, so we can tolerate watching. I too have WTF moments, what is with Gab all sweet and nice in the orphanage. Is she just SAYING she will adopt the three pack, and then when she gets the little tykes home she'll throw them in the well?
ReplyDeleteBeckster you are so funny about needing to find the baby so they can see about the slow gene. also sofia and juan living minutes away from each other ROTF ROTF. Definitely something wrong with the brains.
ReplyDeleteHombre, I agree with the Aldo thing. He is doing the same thing Aldo did. He also presents more stable as aldo did and he thinks he is god's gift to the world, as aldo did.
Hombre, I got my story crossed. Aldo acted like he had his act together, as does Damien. Aldo thought he was god's gift to the race, as does Damien and both display little emotion.
ReplyDeleteIs she just SAYING she will adopt the three pack, and then when she gets the little tykes home she'll throw them in the well?
ReplyDeleteYep. Gabi said she would raise them and treat them like her own daughters? Ack. Heaven help those poor, innocent babies!
I was wondering about how old those babies looked, but the acknowledgement that it had been a year really did throw me for a loop. During how much of that time was Jimena in her stupor? Have the Reyes boys not grown at least one crop in that time? And Gabriella fawning over those babies was just creepy.
ReplyDeleteJuan's lines and Sofia's lines are great! I wonder if they actually script those, or just tell them to improvise from within their four approved lines in random order!
ReplyDeleteNever compare Aldo to Demian, Demian is actually well meaning, but just dull and a glutton for wan girls with red chapped nostils from terminal crying. Aldo was cheese in a can, Aldo was Cheezewhiz on stale saltines. You know how you can tell the difference?
1)Demian doesn't not look like an aging boomer with bad 70's surfer hair (Andy hair WKRP)
2)Demian realizes that short really short cut off levi shorts haven't been seen since the village people broke up.
3)Most importantly Demian did not try to make Juan feel stupid & useless (kudos to Demian--gawd I can't say I would have had the fortitude to not mock Juan)
All said and done..Damien is a Tool, but a well meaning Tool, with a personality destroying since of dullness
A question --Why is the baby with the straight hair and bows wearing earrings? Did her mother pierce her ears before abandoning her at the orphanage? Can this show get any stupider??? NJ sue
ReplyDeleteNJ Sue: don't ever, ever ask that question. :o}
ReplyDeleteJust let it go, let your brain float like, oh, like a canned pear half in partially-set red jello...
Hello Terymom, misery loves company, welcome!
ReplyDeleteNJSue, to these writers that would be like throwing down the guantlet and challenging to make it even stupider! I think they will rise to your challenge!
Okay, so if it has been a year, not only how long has Jimena been out, but how long have she and Oscar been going at it and why isn't she prenant? Which lead me to another thought that was just gross and I have spared you all. The awful vision will just be mine. Blech!
Demian is in an Aldo sort of role, but he doesn't make me gnash my teeth with his boring smugness the way Aldo did.
ReplyDeleteMelinama, with "Juan's lines," I believe you may have revolutionized the art of recapping.
Actually Crabi probably wants to adopt the little orphan girlies so she can bite their heads off like the preying mantis she is.
ReplyDeleteAnd, just because we haven't posted it for awhile, here is a really long list:
Recapping of FELS = Recrapping of FELS
FELS = Pelo en la Sangre / Pelo en la Masa
Bread-making 101 with Juan & Sofi = Panography
Juan & Sofi version of Pilsbury Doughboy dough baby created during Panography 101 = Abominable Breadman
Hermanos Reyes = Crumbs, Dimples, & Fuzzy / Knights in White Satin
Hermanos Reyes according to Gabi & Fer = Ratbastard Reyes Bros
Juan = Mighty Joe Juan /Juan Solo / Lassie / Juan the Impaler / Tarzjuan (in rainforest) / Juanny Weismuller (swimming)
Juan w/injuries & amnesia in rainforest = the Swamp Thing
Juan with amnesia = Juan Doe / I-Juan-a-brain
Juan’s dim bulb dialogue lines repeated over & over = Juan’s Lines
Hermanas Elizondo = Lamb Chop, Sneerita, & Spunky
Hermanas Elizondo in matching dresses = Stepford Holly Hobby dolls
Sofia = Little Bo Peep / Sofie Ingalls Wilder/ Snofia / Snofia White/ Slowfia /DOHfia/SobFia/Sloberfia
Sofia while being courted by Damian = Sofia Seconds
Sofia’s whiny dialogue lines repeated over & over = Sofia’s Lines
Sarita = Crabi Jr.
Primo Pedro = the Gorilla / Fuzzy2 / Fuzzy Butt / Fuzzy II/ Franco’s Replacement
Pedro when baking = Bigfoot Bakes
Franco = Original Fuzzy
Pablito in search of Juan = Hucko El Fino
Three Daughters of Juan & Sofia == Threepack
El Jefe = Unibrow / UniJefe / UniDad (to Pedro)/ Jeff (as in Hef?)/Unibrow Tio
Tio Vicente = the Anti-Gabriela
Padre Tadeo = Father Bouffy /Pad Tad / Pad Taddy
Gabriela = Crabiela/Crabi / Guanabana/Soursop /Slapzilla / MadMom / Crabzilla / Crabi is a B-word /
Fernando = Feo/None Fer Nando/Furd
post-marriage to Crabi = Some Fer Nando
post-fooling around with Raq = Lots Fer Nando
Armando = Right Armando/Whig/Bigote/Arm
Rosario = BonBon/BomBon
Hermanos Uribe = The Tweedles/Big Tweedle/Short Tweedle
Benito = Bonito
{BRUNO is Octavio’s BF}
Raquel = Raq/ Raqui Raccoon
Ruth Uribe = Root /Root Root / Root tell the Troot
Damian Ferrer = Dancing Star
Dr. Mentiroso Matasanos / Dr. Quackquack
Maracuya = Marayucka /Yuck/NiurYUCKa
Don Bernardo’s Horse = Mr. Ed
Capricho = Lassie?
Donkey = Eeyore
Padre’s Burro = Platero
Comisario = Mutton Chops
Demian Ferrer’s Chlean wine = “Boone’s Farm Chile”
Dra. Leonora = Babe Doctor / Babe Doctora / Hot Doc / Dra. HotLips / Dra. Lust /Dra Luscious Lips/
Jungle Hut of Babe Doc = Babe Hut
Witch Doctor = Crocodile Shaman w/Keith Richards Doll / Diaper Dude
Mean Rancheria Boss = Shriveled Porn Dude/Porn Jefe/Skeletor/Shrivelguy
Hacienda San Agustin = Hacienda de Agony / Hacienda de Horrors
Staircase at Hacienda San Agustin = Staircase of Sorrows
Battle of the Haciendas (Las Elizondo vs Los Reyes)
Abuelo’s Cabana = Magic Cabana
Hacienda de los Robles Reyes (formerly Hacienda Uribe) = the Double R
Hacienda de los Elizondo & Escandon = the Double E
Ciudad Serdan = Black Hole of Intelligence
Scary Woods on Edge of Town = Rape Forest / Dry Ice Forest
Imaginary Setting of Story = Mexidoon / Mexidoom
Defined area of Mexidoom = bubble dome over Mexidoom
Spelling Bee Acting = standing in a row and repeating lines
Televisa = Telerisa
TV Azteca = TV Apesta
FELS Sequel starring Pablito as adult = Fuego en el Balcon (FEEB)
(Gracias a Hombre de Misterio)
Intelligence Scale of Characters: from top to bottom we have:
- Horses, burros, dogs
- children, such as Pablito
- all the villians
- Padre Tadeo and Don Agustin
- Quintina and family
- Eva and the girls
- Franco and Oscar
- our hero
Manana es Para Siempre has already started. Fernando Colunga is not a pirate -- yet. Maybe he'll become a pirate and that will salvage the storyline.
ROFL at everyone's comments. Y'all are awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping up with that list, PanQue. Yes, let us reconnect with our lists this weekend. Here goes Gramps:
Grandpa Augie’s Hilarious Costumes & Personalities
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Emperor Napoleon
3. Pancho Villa
4. Greek hoplite
5. charro/gaucho/vaquero
6. St. Emiliano Zapata
7. The Devil (the point of whose tail always manages to be touching a woman's forehead or her breast
8. Fernando de Salamanca (Pasion)
9. The Muffin Man [pasofino]
10. Hans Christian Andersen [pasofino]
11. Cupid [connie]
12. El Matador (complete with sequins and red cape)
13. Bob the Builder (by the way, keep your hands off Gramps’ hard hat, you Crabby bitch)
14. Daddy Warbucks (with a wad of cash big enough to buy TWO cars and give one away, plus gold coins galore)
15. The Red Baron–Don Quixote combo (straight off our Augie wish list! Hoorayyy!)
16. Marcus Welby, M.D
17. Hugh Hefner
18. Five-Star General
19. Elementary school student (and... porque was that? Anyone know?)
20. Mr. Green Grocer (selling veggies)
21. Rip Van Winkle
22. Captain Nemo aboard the Nautilus
Augie's Hilarious Toys
1. spy telescope
2. war board and tin soldiers
3. semi-pornographic postcards
4. toilet plunger arrow and coat hanger bow
5. Sherlock's pipe
6. technicolor dream serape
7. big brass magnifying glass
8. money sock in a box
9. Bat-cycle with Robin-sidecar (minus the superhero logos)
10. space ray gun (instead of a revolver)
11. plastic red dragon with roaring action
12. plastic red T-Rex (we have yet to see any animation from the dino)
13. stuffed primates hanging inside his jungle-themed cabana (a lemur, a massive black gorilla that reminds me of General Orko of The Planet of the Apes, and a cool hand-Muppet with aviator glasses)
14. ear horn (for listening to conversations in other rooms)
15. the sword Excalibur
16. working submarine periscope (in his cabana, painted like a tree)
17. collection of brass bugles (small, medium, and large)
18. classic newspaper soldier hat
19. blue elf sleeping cap
What we would like to see Augie costumed as:
1. Genghis Khan
2. an Egyptian pharaoh
3. Zeus
4. a vestal virgin
5. an astronaut
6. Frankenstein
7. a masked lucha libre wrestler (preferably the late, great El Santo)
8. Torquemada (the Grand Inquisitor, throwing Mean Mad Feo into a Pit of Doom)
9. The Orkin Man (DDT bug exterminator spraying Crabby and Furd) [ninak]
10. in drag [susanlynn]
What we would NOT like to see Augie as, EV-VAH:
A Bombon Assassin
Th-th-that's all, folks.
Thanks, Panque and Stephe, for your lists. They're a riot. And the jello thing goes on the sidebar.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of sidebars, somebody asked awhile back if we can get our current recappers' pics on the sidebar, if they're not there already.
Just read PanQue's list over AGAIN, just for the huge laugh. ROFL! Couldn't help it.
ReplyDeleteI was trying to explain to my best friend the other day just how Shriveled Porn Dude looked, but wasn't really getting anywhere because face it, the guy was really horribly indescribable. But then it hit me and I told her, "Picture Burt Reynolds back in his hayday, with the big mustache and the big belt buckle... now suck all the air out of him."
That worked.
The jello brain with the pear half in it is just too funny.
ReplyDeleteI have a brain jello mold I received as a birthday gift from one of my sons -- usually I make brain colored jello and put gummy worms in it for Halloween, though once I made green jello with red grapes in the brain for Christmas dinner for the little kids to enjoy.
Will have to try making a brain jello with half a pear in it -- maybe call it I-Juan- a - Jello.
PanQue: too funny!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me what flavor Jello comes in "brain color"!
Creemelo, you mix either peach or watermelon flavored jello with lite evaporated skimmed milk, and some drops of green food color -- it really comes out brain colored. If you put gummy worms in, you can't see them until you slice the brain, and then they stick out and look like they are worms coming out of the brain, aaack! Tastes good though.
ReplyDeleteI used to make finger jello with gummy spiders or worms in it for my sons, the licorice spiders are the best because they look real. But one year made a pan of green jello with one really large gummy rat in it -- I imagine that the brain jello with half a pear in it would have a similar effect.
This is a company that sells brain jello molds -- they also have an alien dissection jello mold that I would love to have someday. Seems the brains are sold out for Halloween right now, but if you put brain jello mold in search engine there are other styles (like half a brain) available elsewhere...
Thanks PanQue--Growing up at your house must have been a hoot!
Creemelo -- I don't think we've grown up yet...
Attention : If anyone needs a brain mold IMMEDIATELY , I saw one advertised in Sunday's Target ad. They showed it being used as an ice mold for a Halloween punch.
ReplyDelete...and there's a sale on gummy eyeballs at Target, too. ...so you might as well pick up a couple of those and toss them into your cart while you're there.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody. Great recrap Melinama. When Slofia was screeching at Juan, all I could think was where is Crabi when you need a good smack! I can't even stand looking at Slofia anymore. I usually fast forward or switch channels. Yuck. She give me a headache. I remember not to long ago we were debating the meaning of the word Pues. That was my email word of the day today. So here it is:
ReplyDeletepues, conjunction
Tengo sueño - ¡Pues vete a la cama!
I’m tired - Then go to bed!
I have a question from a few days ago. Didn't Demian overhead Fernando intimadating Dr. Matamoros (or whatever his name is) and find out some incrimating stuff? Also has he shared said info with anyone else?
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to see Juan at home again, but I hate this story line. Sophia has gone beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned and I hope Juan doesn't end up with this idiot! Think of the gene pool!!! Sophia is not what I call heroine material. You can certainly tell that that apple didn't fall far from the tree. She is definitely the daughter of Gabriela.
And I do hope that Rosario ends up with someone nice because she is the only one that truly deserves to.
I think Demian saw Feo talking with Dr. Gomez (aka "Dr. Matasanos") on the night that Demian rescued Gabi from the well - but I DON'T think Demian heard what they were saying.
ReplyDeleteI think he just knows that Feo is having private conversations with the doctor, away from Gabi and the girls, which certainly looks suspicious.
Thanks to one & all for a barrel of laughs, recrappers & commenters alike. Missed Thursday & Friday but no worries...everyone's input is infinitely better than the real deal.
ReplyDeleteSo it's been a year since Juan has been MIA? Wow. This space/time continuum is really out of kilter. And mi hija has been hiding in plain sight all along...go figure.
Love the recap of nicknames & Abuelo's alternate personalities. If nothing else, FELs brings out the creative genius in all of us!
teresita - I think of him as "Dr. Matamorons"
Love that - Dr. Matamorons.