Alright, now that I've vented my spleen, let's get to the recap. We have a little rehash of Sara and Bruno in their low-rent digs, musing on how best to take revenge on Alonso and the family. They decide that sabotaging Zulema's bypass operation is the perfect opportunity. Sara caresses Bruno's leg, pleased that he's such a go-to guy. Ay yi yi, what's not to love?
Now the aftermath of the "despedidas". Julian has the mother of all hangovers and Rossy's fuming because she thinks he may have a guilty conscience as well. They both end up assuring the other that they each just indulged in "sanos esparcimientos" (healthy relaxation, recreation) during their respective parties. Rossy decides not to kill him just yet as that would deep-six the wedding.
Aftermath 2: Paula's at Alonso's apartment noticing the mess and then adding slyly...You should have seen Lorena last night! Alonso immediately shows some jealousy so she quickly assures him it was nothing and lights into Don Toribio for dating Catalina, mother-in-law, so to speak, of that witch who took her Dario. Don Toribio protests that Catalina is "just a friend" and rolls his eyes in long-suffering.
And speaking of witches, schemer-girl, who engineered Bettina's accident, jumps up to join Ivan in the contest, assuring the teacher she knows all the choreography but is ready to put in as much extra time as possible to practice. Ivan is bummed but Bettina tells him to do it for "both of us" so he agrees. (I'm much too worried about Ernesto to fret about this little subplot but hey...whatever).
Rossy, meanwhile, is continuing her torture of the hairdresser. This time the coiffure she requests makes her head look like broccoli....or a salad...and the poor guy is ready to shave her head rather than start all over. Lorena pours oil on troubled waters, convincing him that he's the ONLY man in the world who can make Rossy a beautiful bride. He finally agrees as long as Rossy promises to keep her lip zipped while he's working.
Now we see Rossy and Lorena, all gussied up and Lordy, with a ton of eye makeup on!...even by Televisa standards Lorena looks like a racoon. An attractive racoon yes, but still..... Anyway, big embrace. Wedding nerves. You're my" amiga de alma" etc. At the lesser house, Omar is helping a equally nervous Julian get ready (he has his tie turned backwards) and we have an awkward little scene where Julian assures him he's the best father and husband ever... and the man Julian most admires in the whole world. Omar looks uncomfortable. As well he should.
Back to Rossy's house. Doorbell rings. It's Chef Hawt bearing gifts. Lorena's impactada at seeing him. He's impactado period, managing to mumble only that she's beautiful, that he had to see her, NEEDED to see her. She reminds him frostily that they agreed it was over and he apologizes for being self-centered enough to try one more time. Ye gods, this guy is so whipped right now!! I think he should just undo that fussy little chignon of hers, throw her over his shoulder and haul her off into the bushes... but no, he apologizes some more, kisses her chastely on the cheek and leaves. She raises her eyebrows. I want to smack her. Moving on.....
We're in a beautiful church and Rossy comes down the aisle on the arm of Vasco, smiling at one and all. Some smoochy kisses at the end of the ceremony. No gold coins or "lazos" around the couple but whatever. Scene shifts to Redeemed Acres where the reception is being held. Greta sees Omar and gives him a smoldering stare. He looks like his pants are too tight. The party continues.
Ivan is late to the reception because of all the extra practice he had to do with the talcum powder wench. He wants to spare Ernesto driving him, afraid that seeing Lorena will be painful. Ernesto assures him he already saw Lorena that morning so no reason not to drop him off. Ivan says he'll manage to find another way home.
Now that the religious ceremony is over, the civil ceremony, which includes Maruja and Jaime begins. Rossy and Maruja really do look like mother and daughter. There's an impactado moment when Hortensia appears, walking with a cane, and very dolled up, asking if she could be one of the witnesses. Maruja answers that she would be honored. The papers are signed, Lorena and Alonso, Zully and Omar. Hortensia and whoever.... Lots of kisses. Lots of pictures.
Greta comes up to flirt with a very nervous Omar. She assures him it's normal for a secretary to speak with her boss at a party and goes on to gush about what a beautiful house he grew up in. You must have been very happy! No....I learned about happiness later....with Zulema. You say that to hurt me, fires back Greta, but I know you're VERY HAPPY with me...happier than you are with her.
Hortensia's in the dining room inspecting the food, looking a bit like her persnickety old self in the company kitchen. Zully is defensive about the simple dishes, noting they didn't really have the budget to do more. Hortensia assures her that what impresses her is the tenderness and love with which the food was prepared. And Zully's united family. Only I am out of place, adds Horty sadly. I thank you for caring for my son and for giving him what I couldn't. Zully looks mollified but a little flummoxed.
At that point, Hortensia sees Vasco, holding Diana's baby, and lights up like a Christmas tree. You came, son! Only because of Jaime and Julian., he retorts. As Diana enters, Hortensia asks for forgiveness once more. Diana gives it; Vasco won't. He's still far too angry.
Our hapless Ernesto is in front of the house, dropping off Ivan and sighing Lorena, I know you're in there. How I wish I were with you. (as do we, chef, as do we)
More reception frivolity as Lorena and Rossy are talking about being sisters; Julian complains that he's been downgraded, he and Rossy start teasing each other with sexy soccer double entendres (red cards, penalties, you're my big scorer, full-time and overtime etc.) and some more kisses.
Dear clueless Zully has gone over to personally thank Greta for "what she's doing for her". Greta assures her that she's seen nothing suspicious. Omar works hard and is a perfect gentleman. Yes, Zully answers, but something's going on. I know that. Indeed.
Ivan, in the meantime, has scoped out from Bettina that there's nothing formal between Alonso and Lorena. Tio Alonso would love for there to be but there isn't. He can't wait to let his own tio know, but alas Ivan has left his cellphone at home.
It's bouquet throwing time and I hope, if you saw this, that you noticed Barbara jumping around like a madwoman. I'm surprised she didn't catch the bouquet. It went to Diana who then exchanges meaningful looks with Vasco. So what does Alonso do? grabs some flowers out of one of the table decorations, presents the mangled blooms to Lorena and asks her to be his novia and marry him. There's a decorous pause while he sweats it....but then she says "yes", she accepts. And even more surprising, adds, "let's forget the past". Not often you hear a woman say that! He promises to love her all the days of his life. (This is the only thing that gives me hope. If he promises that, it ain't gonna happen...not by telenovela rules, right?)
Okay, switch to the guy we really want Lorena to marry (though she doesn't deserve him at this point). He's driving around aimlessly, his "animo en el sótano" (down in the dumps) when Jimena, showing a lot of 38 Long cleavage, calls and tells him to meet her at their old stamping grounds where they have delicious margaritas. She's ready to give him a shoulder to cry on and then some. He's convinced, does a screeching U-turn and heads for the bar.
More celebrating back at the reception. Barbara is congratulating Maruja and Jaime on their marriage and Jaime is wishing her the best in return, noting that they have HALF their life ahead of them. Now Barbara knows he's a changed man! he never used to be that optimistic.
"Pastel, pastel, queremos el pastel!" So the cake is brought out, Maruja and Rossy get into one of their endless arguments over who's going to do what, and finally their husbands step in and cut the cake themselves. Rossy's happy they're not going on the honeymoon together. So are we.
Ivan's in the house, borrowing a cellphone from a waiter (who's worried Ivan's not going to pay for the calls) and trying to reach Ernesto. He gets sidetracked though and decides to kiss Bettina instead. Paula and Greta arrive just at this moment. Paula goes into a Heimlich-worthy choke. Ivan vamooses. Bettina is embarrassed. Greta helpfully adds that Paula has "metido la pata....hasta el fondo" (really put her foot in it).
Chef Hawt is getting seriously sloshed, sucking down martinis like they're water. But not even a thousand martinis can dull his pain. Not even as an adolescent has he been in love like this. He's paying dearly ("con creces") for it. The cellphone keeps ringing but he refuses to answer. It's not Lorena, he knows the kids are fine; he doesn't recognize the number.
We flip back to the reception where Zully is gushing with happiness over Lorena's engagement. After all, Alonso is the one who gave Lorena back her family. And now they have so much to catch up much to look forward to...a wedding, Lorena's graduation, her first child...(Oh Lordy, I hope they're not going to have Zully die on the operating table!? Noooo, they wouldn't do that.....would they?)
Anyway, back to our suffering chef. Jimena has ordered him a taxi since he's three sheets to the wind. He assures her he's got "muy buen cabeza". "Pero mal trago" she replies. ("trago" can be drink but it can also mean "experience") She leaves. The phone rings and this time he answers. It's Ivan telling him Lorena and Alonso aren't novios. Ernesto celebrates by finishing his umpteenth martini, ordering another and gulping down Jimena's leftover margarita as well. This doesn't bode well.
Back at the lesser house, Zully and Omar are proposing a more decorous toast, with little cups of leftover Christmas cider. To Lorena and Alonso! from one wedding to another! Diana adds. The phone rings and Omar excuses himself (as well you should!) It's Greta, wanting to tuck him in with a "good night" and imagined kisses all over his body. He complains that he's blushing but doesn't hang up. When Diana comes in to find him, he quickly says, Fine. I'll talk to you at work tomorrow about those orders. His daughter is impressed with his work ethic. (Ah Diana, you're in for a big letdown, I fear.)
Diana, by the way, didn't encourage talk of marrying Vasco immediately, noting that she has wounds to heal and doesn't want to inflict her bitterness on anyone. We have a little PSA with Alonso noting that some women spend their whole lives with these worthless abusers.
Paula comes back into the room at her apartment just as Greta is hanging up from talking with Omar. What's that smile? she asks. Just talking to someone I'm crazy about, answers Greta. They propose a toast to Maruja's happiness and Greta adds that she's going to get a man all for herself as well.
Toasting as well at the lesser house, with Alonso saying front of your family, I vow to dedicate my life to making you happy ,Lorena.
WHOOPS. This tender moment is broken up by a Mariachi band. Man, how many times have we seen this scene!? Still, I love it. A very sloshed Ernesto is out there wailing a long-lost love song. He sings pretty well but he's 3 to 6 beats ahead of the band. A grim-faced Omar wants to go out and talk to him. A red-faced Alonso wants to go out as well. Lorena pulls rank and goes out herself.
Very painful scene for Team Ernesto. (Is there anybody on Team Alonso?....anybody?) Anyway, he lurches towards Lorena, hugs her and tells her he knows she's not with Alonso so she must still love him, right? We switch back and forth between inside (Alonso keeps wanting to charge out and lock antlers with Ernesto) and outside (where Lorena's trying to avoid being kissed and explaining to Ernesto that she's now engaged) CRASH!!! Lightning? Is this a parallel to the thunder that cracked when Ernesto and Alonso confronted each other outside the hotel in San Martin? The weather symbolism in this one is making me nuts. Are the "heavenlies" involved in Lorena's love life? Do we care? Anyway, Alonso and Ernesto face each other, Ernesto drunk, Alonso all red-faced and swaggering. Ernesto tells him to love Lorena, never hurt her again and pretty much implies he'll tear him to pieces, given the chance. Then he turns sadly to the Mariachi players and says Let's go.
Alonso is still plenty testy. What did you tell him? he asks Lorena. That we're engaged and that I love you. (Ugh. I hate writing those words but what can I do?'s in the script).
Drunk, sad Ernesto. Now drunk sad Greta. All weepy and self-justifying. I'm not a bad person, not a traitor, not a "robamaridos", I'm in love!! I want a man....a man to love me, to look at me with desire, to look at me like I'm a woman! she laments to Paula. She ends up admitting she's in love with a married man....and that the man is Omar.
Actually, this scene was played well and I thought Greta was rather "simpatica". Well, until she referred to Zully as that fatty. Then I was done. Paula tries to take the bottle away and talk some sense into her but nuthin' doin'. Paula goes to bed and Greta collapses on the couch after finishing off the tequila. Another major hangover in the making. Not to mention the rest of the emotional fallout.
Meanwhile, our little child of light, Jacqui ,is noticing that her guru's ardor has cooled. Seems he's got orders from the Divine Light to stop dedicating himself to carnal pleasures. Higher work awaits. Has Jacqui thought about going back to her ex? Well, no, she hasn't. Our two New Age cons will have to come up with another scenario for our gullible disciple.
Greta and Paula are now having a morning rehash of the night before. Paula is outraged that Greta would sabotage someone else's marriage, knowing herself what it feels like. Greta wants unconditional support from her friend and when she doesn't get it, storms out, saying forget the chilaquiles (what she wanted for her hangover breakfast). Recipe follows at end of recap.
Well, that was ugly, but back at Redeemed Acres it's all peace and love. Hortensia and Augusta are sharing fond memories of the night before. Hortensia is happy she could say good-bye to her house with all her family there. And what's more, actually having a good time rather than faking it.
Another morning rendezvous....not quite so perky, with Sara and Bruno. She's miffed because they're eating in a cheap restaurant. But when she finally tries the food, she has to admit it's pretty tasty. They continue plotting to get back at Zulema and the rest of the family when Bruno is called back to the hospital.
And then who comes in but Lorena and Alonso?! ready to breakfast as well, with simple food and lots of kisses. Sara grinds her teeth and vows revenge.
Next time: Sara tells Alonso and Lorena to enjoy their happiness because it won't last. Lorena assures her that it will and that Sara is going to pay for her evil deeds.
* * * * *
Simple chilaquiles recipe for a hangover:
6 corn tortillas, cut into strips
3 T butter or oil
1/2 cup diced onions
1/4 cup chopped green chiles
1/2 tsp. salt
6 eggs
1 cup shredded Jack cheese
red or green salsa
Cut tortillas in strips and fry in butter or oil until crispy. Pour in onion,chile egg mixture and cook until partially set. Sprinkle with cheese, let it melt and top with salsa. Enjoy with plenty of coffee, hot as the devil and sweet as love (the way Brazilians make it...but that's another story).
Yes, this is super-simple and there are thousands of recipes for chilaquiles using all kinds of ingredients and salsas made from scratch. But if I were treating a hangover, this is how I would do it. 'Nuff said.
Que??? I haven't read the recap yet, nor watched this episode, but I have a queasy feeling in my stomach. Cakes, is this what you meant?
ReplyDeleteRedeemed're very clever JudyB.
Omar looks like his pants are too tight...Ha ha ha! You're killing me now.
No no no no no!!! Alonslow and Lorena engaged? I'm definitely going to yack. I'm depressed and I haven't even watched the episode yet. We on Team Ernesto are definitely bummed out but you were on fire with your recap amiga! Very funny and lively. Thank you for that. I think I'll have to have a copa before watching the episode, must build my strength up, but no martinis. Wahhhhh!
JudyB, thanks so much for the quick and great recap of a happy/sad episode. It was nice to see the marriages of Rosy and Maruja. But for Lorena to accept Alonso not only as a novio, but as a fiance was just too much too soon. And when Ernesto showed up, I was hoping Alonso would get jealous and crazy and make her change her mind. no such luck!! Is it just my imagination, but did she look sad when she told Ernesto?
ReplyDelete(Incidentally,I couldn't agree more that she looks like a raccoon with all the eye makeup she's been wearing lately). Since jimena is always showing up, and seems to be a nice lady, I'm assuming Ernesto will wind up with her. Damn!!!!
As for Greta,she was abominable. But I have to agree that the actress did a good job in almost making us feel sorry for her.
I know we have a while to go with this, but the thing that kept me interested was the Lorena/Ernesto romance. Without that, I think the show will definitely suffer.
NJ sue
Thanks for making the most of a super-bummer of an episode, Judy!
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure that it's cool to assemble a bouquet out of spare parts from the wedding decorations.
I wish Paula had offered Regreta a sardine milkshake for breakfast.
I didn't think Mean Girl was a good dancer at all.
I love eggs, and I'm sure I'd love chilaquiles at almost any time, but not with a hangover. Just a bowl of egg drop soup for me, thanks.
I have a question for all.
ReplyDeleteAssuming you had no preference to see Lor & Ern end up together what would your first impression be
if your saw Lor and Ern for the first time ,say they walked in the room you were in,would you think they were:
(A)Husband & wife.
(B)Sister & brother.
(C)Father & daughter.
M from Westlake
(D) Professor and protege!
ReplyDeleteHe looks just a little bit too old for such a young girl.
But so does Alonso. Except that he looks more like he could be her brother because of the blond hair.
Oh JudyB, I am so sorry you got this episode! How could she accept that lame bouquet (from a wedding center piece, from this guy she let hang around for the past few weeks) and not give our guy --can you guess I'm on team Ernesto-- a chance at all? I was so through with her tonight... I was completely saying "Que the heck" and "you've got to be kidding me" (but alas no jokes, not even bad ones) when she accepted Slo.
ReplyDeleteI was so sad and upset (for all of us on TE --Team Ernesto-- and especially for you JudyB b/c of having to recrap this episode) I seriously am contemplating finding out how this thing ends b/c I must be honest with you...if she ends up w/Dr. Dull, I'll be beyond vexed!
ReplyDeleteDon't be vexed. Have faith. Don't want to be a spoiler, so I'll just say Sara can still break up Lorena and Dr. Dull. There's still weeks of episodes left and they'd never let the odd couple be together that long without another breakup.
Julie, maybe Paula can make Regreta a milkshake with her bass-o-matic. I agree that the actress (Greta) is doing a great job, as evidence by the fact that I absolutely loathe her. I was proud of Paula for giving her the boot.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what was Snorty drinking for breakfast, a Pepto-Bismal smoothie?
Check it out here:
Thanks for the recap, I am missing many parts of this lil drama.
ReplyDeleteOkay, now Lorena is engaged to dumb ass right? I know she was engaged to Ern, but they broke up cause he boinked some girl before her & Lorena started dating right?
WTF, she took Al back after he boinked Sara, treated Lorena badly.
Okay so what am I missing here? I mean granted Alslow did do the DNA thing...but still?
JudyB: A stellar recap as always. You always capture the humor and drama perfectly.
ReplyDeleteWhy oh why didn't Ernesto listen to your advice about Lorena to "undo the fussy little chignon of hers, throw her over his shoulder and haul her off into the bushes"?? If he had all of us on Team Ernesto would be singing an entirely differnt tune this morning.
The wedding scenes were well done and it was nice to see the 2 couples on the path to a (hopefully) happy life together.
It was painful to watch Lorena telling Ernesto she was with Alonso. However, I thought the 2 suitors handled themselves entirely differently. Even after Lorena just agreed to marry him, Alonso was ready to rush outside, red faced to confront Ernesto. This is exactly what he did when berating Lorena months ago after believing Sara's lies about Chalo. Couldn't he be a little gracious and didn't he think Lorena could handle the situation herself? He is still the same, self-centered, quick to anger person he was months ago. Nothing's changed. On the other hand, Ernesto was gracious in defeat.
I guess I'm refusing to accept the inevitable but I can't believe things are going to end like this. I still think something may happen so Erensto and Lorena end up together. Stubborn Diana in MA
Well, when I look at all the discussion this recap has generated today (already!) I know the writers are doing their job. They have us ALL UPSET and that seems to be telenovela strategy right up to the very end.... marchin' down the aisle moment.
ReplyDeleteKaren, hold off and don't peek at the end. You'll spoil the tension of not knowing who Lorena will end up with....and that truly is part of the fun. Smart of the crafty writers to balance them out perfectly...Alonso, first billing, first beau and now DNA hero. Ernesto, first love-making, way hotter, and three adorable kids already! Could go either way.
Diana...ah you tender-hearted lady! I too was writhing during the Mariachi scene. Poor Ernesto, poor baby! Still....maybe he'll have some retroactive compassion for all the women he bedded and then rejected in the past.
For some strange reason, I still have a soft spot for bad girl Greta. The actress is such a great comedienne...she was even funny in her sprawling sleep on the couch flop. I'd like to see her in a more sympathetic role sometimes, 'cause she's a hoot.
My two cents:
ReplyDelete- The worldly Ernesto needs to get his head out of the dark and stinky and see Jimena for the class act, grown up friend that she has been, is, and will be, in addition to being closer to his age.
- Alonso who lives with his father and seems to be a kind and gentle soul would do well with the kind and gentle, raised in a convent (literally) Lorena.
Hola Mike! At last, someone for Team Alonso (not that I'm joining or anything, but love different points of view).
ReplyDeleteThinking back to M from Westlake's question....sure, Ernesto is way older (and way more experienced) than Lorena. But a lot of the men I know are married to second wives a good 15 years younger than they are. Ernesto is just getting a leg up (so to speak) on the process.
When, one day, he marries for the second time, hey, maybe it will be an old schoolmate of Gina's. Eeeeeuuuuww.
PS. Now Mike...we've heard your opinion. Waiting to hear from Emilia. Equal time y'know.
ReplyDeletePPS Okay, Julie, I haven't had a hangover since I was 18 and drank too much green beer on St. Patrick's Day. But truth be told, I wouldn't eat anything on a hangover....for at least a day. Just don't handle "likker" well; must be due to all those non-drinking Southern Prebyterians in my background.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I made the chilaquiles egg dish last night after that bummer episode and it was tasty. (Didn't make me feel any better though)
Me again...have to post this before my son gets back on the computer to finish his paper.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to choose sides and post virtual yard signs. I'm thinking on Team Ernesto we have:
NJ Sue
Diana in Ma
And who else? Time to vote early and often....
On Team Alonso
M in Westlake? (correct me if I'm wrong)
Now let the voting (and opinions) begin!
ReplyDeleteGREAT RECAP...!!!
Thanks Judy for your perceptive and humorous recap, per usual. Stories in ultimos capitulos are so much more fun than eternal dramas like FELS right now.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying this side betting on the choice of swains but I will sign up on the underdawg, Alonso team. I think his simplicity that matches hers as well as his star rating for the telenovela will make him the winner in the end.
In Alonso's defense - not that I am on his team - he's not the one who showed up drunk.
ReplyDeleteSince I once gave the equivalent of an unwanted, drunken serenade (granted I was probably half Ernesto's age at the time) I can't judge Ernesto for that. But I can see where some women would be turned off by it. Especially when their whole family is there - when they see it through their family's eyes, it's got to be even more awful.
My mom dumped a fiance for showing up at her parents' house drunk one night. It is definitely Not Cool to do that.
I agree that Alonso's "simplicity" is a good match for Lorena. And you'd think that after the bad taste that Aldo's "sabor de vida" left in my mouth (from LFMB) I'd want her to run screaming from Ernesto.
ReplyDeleteBut Lorena seems to have more personality when she's around him. Not to be more corny about it, but she has more "sabor." And she really did change Ernesto, too.
I can't honestly say that Alonso is chopped liver, but on the other hand, I don't like his possessive streak, plus there's the fact that Sara-germs don't wash off. And how do we know that he won't fall from some other woman's treachery the next time? Are we sure he's learned his lesson?
He was always pressuring Lorena for sex before. Ernesto never did. I wonder how long Alonso's willing to hold out this time.
JudyB I'll try not to look but this type of tension is not my cup of tea. Thanks anon for your words of was just so awful watching Lorena accept that lame proposal.
ReplyDeleteJulie you are so nice towards Al. However in Ernesto's defense he was sad hurting drunk and when confronted with the awful truth went away quietly. Though he certainly doesn't get points for showing up drunk, he gets huge points for leaving when asked. I'm so with your view Diana in MA; Al was still being a jerk.
And I'm still lost on (as Beckster put it) how Al, who was with Sara and treated Lorena really badly, can be forgiven but Ernesto can't.
First of all, I completely forgot to thank Judy for her recipe. Thank you amiga! We always mayke Chilaquiles for breakfast Christmas morning (don't ask how the tradition began, it's a long story). The recipe is basically yours except we use a couple of Mexican white cheeses instead of Jack.
ReplyDeleteJulie, Alonso may not be chopped liver but Ernesto is definitely paté.
Heh, did you like how I spelled 'make'? Very Chaucer, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Karen, Beckster and all the others who are baffled as to how Lorena can forgive Al so quickly but still be distrustful of Ernesto. So what, Torbi said Al isn't a womanizer, big deal, he showed an alarming lack of judgement and good taste by bedding Lorena's evil sister. Is she ready for a lifetime of dumb?
It's Ernesto all the way for me!
ReplyDeleteM from Westlake
Karen, Please try and hang in. I know it's getting harder and harder to watch each day but don't lose faith! As many have pointed out, there's still time and still hope. Diana in MA
ReplyDeleteFinally some of us Team Alonso's can come out of the closet! I thought I was the only one. I like Alonso because he's more a quiet, steady type. I also like Jaime. Maybe because I'm more of a quiet, steady type. I think Ernesto just comes on a little too strong for quiet, steady, earnest Lorena. I also didn't like it when he saw Lorena and Al hugging in San Martin, and without any explanation, punched Alonso!
ReplyDeleteI also liked this episode because several of the ladies looked extremely good to me, namely Paula (who always looks good) and Diana, whom I used to think was too whiny, but is really looking nice these days.
Ernesto, definitely!!
ReplyDeleteAlonso is way too jealous. And the "Sara cooties" will never wash off.
Then again, Omar was my favorite actor on the show until his horrific downfall, so what do I know!
I can't bear to see you guys suffer about Lorena and Alonslow getting together. DON'T WORRY. Not a spoiler, but there are weeks and weeks to go.... It's much too early for a done deal.
ReplyDeleteI love your recaps. There often so much more fun than the show itself.
Christa, the Optimist, rooting for Ernesto and Lorena
JudyB, I was thinking for once you got a nice happy-happy episode, and then THAT! Ugh! Too soon, but the way she is still thinking about Ernesto and looked sad when she told him about the engagement gave me hope. Would it help if we all wore "Team Ernesto" T-shirts?
ReplyDeleteOr, here's a crazy idea, since Lorena doesn't deserve Ernesto anymore: Ernesto and Paula. There are enough layers of awkward there that it might be the perfect telenovela matchup, what with her daughter dating his nephew and her brother with his ex. Think of the family get-togethers!
Brilliant recap.
Well, I was off to lunch at a Mexican restaurant (with some exercise buddies) while all this interesting voting was going on.
ReplyDeleteOkay, M in Westlake, I did indeed have you pegged wrong. Sorry!'re in good company with Hombre de Misterio. Wonder which way Ribera Joe would vote?
You fellas argue convincingly for Alonso, but we women are having trouble with the "Sara cooties". Our reasoning is simply Other women before you met me....okay.
Other woman (alleged best friend) after you met me, NOT OKAY. Just can't seem to get past that.
On the other hand, if Chef Hawt continues to teach and be on TV, he's going to have multiple opportunities to cheat ,unless Lorena's working with him (as opposed to being at home wiping noses and bottoms of little ones). And the best predictor of future behavior is.....past behavior. Unfortunately, that little piece of wisdom argues against Alonso as well.
Shoot!...the only person our Lorena should end up with is some solid guy like our Mike or our Hombre de Misterio! Problem solved.
PS Sylvia...I also use some kind of Mexican "melting cheese" that I get at the supermarket also. It's not as heavy as the Monterey Jack and comes both "picante" and "non-picante". I'm sure the kind you get out on the West Coast is even better, but hey, we Buckeyes do what we can.
Ann....happy to add you to Team Ernesto and Cheryl, you're hanging out with the guys on Team Alonso. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteOn Lorena's wardrobe, we've finally decided the dowdiness of it is meant to show how unmaterialistic she is. Clothes simply don't matter. I find myself annoyed by the sweaters that are shorter than the tops, the faded baggy (but not in a cool way) jeans etc. but again, the message is...this person is so stellar, the outer wrappings don't matter. At least the wardrob departments give her nice dress-up clothes....but then damnit, she goes and gets engaged to the wrong guy IMO!
Hombre & I are right and I look forward to Ferro weighing in. The Ernesto camp would create a train wreck.
ReplyDeleteSara: had she afflicted Alonso with the French Pox, he would have surely noticed it by now. Though I admit that, being a doctor, he may have availed himself of a prophylactic dose of Salvarsan or Mercury.
Hmmm...while I was prattling on, I missed "Christa the Optimist" and Julia.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, welcome Christa...I think this is the first time we've heard from you. Always enjoy new commentors and especially optimistic ones.
Team Ernesto t-shirts sound like a great idea, Julia. Make mine long-sleeved, it's getting chilly in Ohio! Also.....
Julia, your idea of pairing Ernesto with Paula is just twisted enough to work. Still, with all those people dating their stepsisters and brothers, it's beginning to sound like something in a double-wide trailer. Maybe not.
And JULIE....want to hear more about your drunken serenade! I think I quoted a poem by Matthew Arnold when I was looped and then ended up getting really mournful. Not exactly great dating material.
Mike...missed your latest too...and yes, we definitely must hear from Ferro. Remember also that CheryinNewMexico is on your team. It ain't just the guys against the gals.
ReplyDeleteAs for train wrecks, the track record for any marriage is iffy...most people worry more about losing their jobs than their marriages, but the latter is far more likely.
That's why we love you tried and true guys. Three cheers for our fellas!
I'm all about Ernesto cause face facts, being that Lorena is so much younger...just saves that ugly Amante phase it seems all TeleNovela guys of a certain age go thru. Yes, Omar, Little Blue pill; I am talking to you.
ReplyDeleteI just always see Gabe Soto as a total tool & to his credit he has not disappointed me in this one.
Hmmm....yes, Omar-Little-Blue-Pill...wonder how that is going to play out? For sure nobody is going to be requesting Team Omar shirts!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think Julie could market some OMAR YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! tee-shirts and they would be brisk sellers....even in this downturned economy.
ReplyDeleteHow about a shirt w/ Greta's face and the words "Where Is Freddy Kruger When You Need Him?"
ReplyDeleteOooh...Mike, that's a scary thought. Especially since I still like Greta (I know...ridiculous!) but there's a vulnerability and desesperation underneath her wisecracks and her crappy behavior that makes you sympathize with her loneliness. At least that's the way the actress plays her and I believe it's how the part was written...who knows?
ReplyDeleteActually, you're lucky I even know who Freddy Kruger is. After I spent most of Psycho under the theater seat, I have never seen another horror movie ever.
Ha judy, excellente recap, horrible episode!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!I know, I know, put my beanie back on and be a good little mindless gnome. Sigh....
ReplyDeleteLoved "flummoxed" and cool that you put in the chilaquiles recipe.
Ah Lorena....I want to kick you. Man, days ago before you saw one stupid hug you were so all over this Ern guy for the resto fo your life and now you want to be with someone who has boinked Sara?// Sorry, but this is the worst ever.
These characters have been fairly rational and normal and now this?
Triple sigh....
SUPER SUPER recap Jud!!!!
hey Fuego...thanks for those kind words and I assume we may put you on Team Ernesto! (t-shirt is in the mail).
ReplyDeleteYes, Lorena deserves a good kicking....maybe in the head since that's where most of her problems seem to lie.
However, perhaps we can assume that since this is such an obviously WRONG decision (sorry Mike, Hombre and Cheryl) it will be turned topsy turvy once more before the final episode.
Time to start a Team Optimist. We'll make Christa group leader.
Oh and Sylvia...forgot to say..."Alonso may be chopped liver but Ernesto is definitely pâté!" Awesome. Belongs on the sidebar, amiguita.
There's not much to say about my "drunken serenade." It was a typical drunken dialing incident, and there was no actual singing involved. The recipient was amused (but not charmed) and put it on speakerphone without telling me. (This was back when there weren't a lot of speakerphones in the world, so I didn't suspect that he was doing this.)
ReplyDeleteThe people who heard the speakerphone barely even knew me, but were nevertheless horrified that he had done that. (After all, how do they know he's not putting their calls on speaker too?) They told me about it the next day. (Like I wasn't horrified enough already.)
The tale goes downhill from there, but I was forever cured of my drunken-dialing habit.
Yep, Julie, sounds painful. I believe we'll put the speaker-phone guy on Freddy Kruger's hit list. A bit extreme perhaps but hey...
ReplyDeleteOr maybe we'll just fix him up with Sara!
Wow we've had an active day today. Thanks for your encouragement Diana from MA; I'll hang in there for you all.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of Julie creating the Omar is dead to me T-shirt. As JudyB said even in this economy, sign me up for one.
Hombre - I really like Jaime too but am firmly on team Ernesto. It could be my tall, dark and handsome bias but no, Al's personality is not good either (for me).
And even more surprising, adds, "let's forget the past". Not often you hear a woman say that!
ReplyDeleteI would say more than 'not often' - like never ever before in the history of forever.
I'm going to even shock myself and say I'm on Team Alonso, and here's why - I am on record as being fed up with Lorena, so now I think she should just go with Alonslow and the two of them can go be dumb together. Meanwhile, Ernesto, who I like better, can move on to some other woman who has some more sense. I haven't actually seen Jimena, (I've been busy and keeping up with just the recaps) but I imagine she is plenty hot and from what I've read she's a good person. He deserves that instead of flaky Lorena. So I say Alonso & Lorena forever! makes it easy to design and sell T-shirts, so if someone really wants an "Omar is DTM" shirt, have at it! But since we've only got like 5 weeks left or something, and a few weeks after that we'll have forgotten most of this, I'm not sure it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteSomeday, however, if I'm sufficiently motivated (or if someone else is), it'd be pretty easy to design paper dolls and clothes for those, maybe post them as PDFs somewhere for people to print and cut out. That'd cost nothing. You could also make paper "shirts" with bulletholes, stab wounds, lipstick stains, shark bites, excessive body hair, etc...
I really don't have a lot of design skill... I'm better at talking about this stuff than doing it. :)
Ok so.. Is anyone else a little concerned for Ernesto here?? I get the feeling there may be a drunken accident or something.. You know ultimas semanas an all... Just sayin..
ReplyDeleteMauni in Wa
Yeah, Mauni in Wa, I was thinking the same thing...especially since Jimena made such a point of his not driving, I thought, "for some reason he is going to decide he has to drive."
ReplyDeleteFerro, maybe Vicente has finally rubbed off on some of the ladies...Lorena must be a Fuego fan. "Olvidemos eeeeeeeellll pasado..."
Thanks for your excellent , as always, recap. First, put me down for an Ernest Ernesto teeshirt. I thought the drunken serenade was kind of sweet. Hub only came who a little drunk once. I cured him by getting him [all 6 foot 200 pounds ] into the passenger seat of his new Mustang and then driving him to my parents' place in the fog. He sobered up REALLY fast. I'll bet this would have worked for Lorena [considering the way she drives]. I really am starting to think that we might have a sudden switcheroo near the end, and Lorena just might end up with Old Ernie. And, by the way, I've alraedy decided that in the event that this doesn't happen in this novela, it will still happen in MY own personal universe. In other words, in my mind, in my world, Lorena is ending up with Hot matter what the writers have written. I do this a lot in my real life, too. And, have I mentionned lately how much I really detest Regreta ??? Well, I do. I think I hate her more than Sara , the crazy psychopathic killer. Regreta knows Omar is a family man, but she just doesn't care because...SHE NEEDS A MAN. And, do not even get me started on Omar, the Weak and the Spineless. I hope Zully gets slim and gorgeous, hooks up with Intocable, and kicks Omar's sorry old behind to the curb. Horty has done a complete 360 ,and ,might I add, is looking pretty good . The extended bed rest [and neardeath experience] seem to have done wonders for her, her hairdo, and her wardrobe. I'm glad you cleared up the scene of thrifty pennypincher Slow recycling the centerpiece flowers into a little ''will-you-marry-me'' bouquet. I thought he was making a consolation bouquet for Lorena since she lost out to the taller, quicker, possibly more desperate Diana on the bridal bouquet toss...and I had been thinking it was kind of a sweet gesture conveying the idea of ''don't-worry-you-didn't-catch-that-bouquet-but-there's-still-hope-that-you'll-get-married-someday.'' I wonder if Teleflora offers anything like this ??
ReplyDeleteThanks for your excellent , as always, recap. First, put me down for an Ernest Ernesto teeshirt. I thought the drunken serenade was kind of sweet. Hub only came who a little drunk once. I cured him by getting him [all 6 foot 200 pounds ] into the passenger seat of his new Mustang and then driving him to my parents' place in the fog. He sobered up REALLY fast. I'll bet this would have worked for Lorena [considering the way she drives]. I really am starting to think that we might have a sudden switcheroo near the end, and Lorena just might end up with Old Ernie. And, by the way, I've alraedy decided that in the event that this doesn't happen in this novela, it will still happen in MY own personal universe. In other words, in my mind, in my world, Lorena is ending up with Hot matter what the writers have written. I do this a lot in my real life, too. And, have I mentionned lately how much I really detest Regreta ??? Well, I do. I think I hate her more than Sara , the crazy psychopathic killer. Regreta knows Omar is a family man, but she just doesn't care because...SHE NEEDS A MAN. And, do not even get me started on Omar, the Weak and the Spineless. I hope Zully gets slim and gorgeous, hooks up with Intocable, and kicks Omar's sorry old behind to the curb. Horty has done a complete 360 ,and ,might I add, is looking pretty good . The extended bed rest [and neardeath experience] seem to have done wonders for her, her hairdo, and her wardrobe. I'm glad you cleared up the scene of thrifty pennypincher Slow recycling the centerpiece flowers into a little ''will-you-marry-me'' bouquet. I thought he was making a consolation bouquet for Lorena since she lost out to the taller, quicker, possibly more desperate Diana on the bridal bouquet toss...and I had been thinking it was kind of a sweet gesture conveying the idea of ''don't-worry-you-didn't-catch-that-bouquet-but-there's-still-hope-that-you'll-get-married-someday.'' I wonder if Teleflora offers anything like this ??
ReplyDeleteSorry about the double post. I had a looong day at work and finished the day by crying boohoohoo to Hub about it before coming in here to the office to escape into the computer and the Wonderful World of alternate universe and drug of choice. Now, I'll go have a cuppa tea...or maybe a glass of wine now that I've whined. ~~~Susanlynn, Ernesto's campaign manager , searching for a catchy phrase for my teeshirt which I plan to create with one of Hub's old teeshirts and a Magic Marker bacause I am too cheap to buy one...think Alonslo here
ReplyDeleteIf Teleflora offers anything like that, I bet it's a lot more expensive! :-)
ReplyDeleteSusanlynn looking for a catchy phrase, how about "Fry me to the moon"?
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you had a wretched day at work!
Cap'n~~~I like it. Or how about ~''If you can't stand the heat, Alonslo, get out of Ern's kitchen'' Or maybe ~''Chefs bring the heat.'' Or perhaps ''Vote for Ernesto..Now , you're cooking !'' See...escapism is good...I feel much better now. But A cocktail just might make me feel better and , perhaps, help me come up with funnier campaign slogans.~~~Susanlynn, off to find her muse
ReplyDeleteWoohooo...I go off to work and things get crazy here. I like "Chef brings the heat". "Omar you are dead to me" might get funny looks unless we only wore it to our only little Querida Enemiga reunion in...say...Paris?
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Mauni in WA....yep, we're worrying about Ernesto's driving big-time. And if he gets in an accident, why you know he'll end up in Alonso's clinic....where Sara and Bruno are sabotaging everything (and where there is probably a shortage of needed medication because of Bruno's black market deal.
So hey, time for us ALL to have a drink (I might sip some Blue Moon current wuss favorite) and chill out.
If we decide the t-shirt thingy is too complicated, I going to go back to my old standard...the voodoo doll. I've done my share of sticking in pins, I can tell you....and honest to God, in one case the poor fellow came down with terrible aches and pains which he ascribed to a baseball injury.
Sometimes I scare myself..I really do. (This was years ago, mind you....Still...don't rile me.)
This is my first comment here, but I just had to say: add me to Team Ernesto!
ReplyDeleteMy reasons are: 1) there's nothing worse or more annoying/tiresome than a man with a jealous streak, 2) Sara cooties and 3) he's so DULL and when he's with Lore it rubs off on her ... in fact, she always looks like she wants to yawn and cuddle up under an afghan with a cup of tea when she's with him.
Yeah, I don't fully trust Ern (that whole thing about past behavior and future behavior, you know) but he's passionate and there's chemistry between him and Lorena. And I think he truly loves her. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Go, Ern!
Oh and yes, Ferro, dang it!!! no, we NEVER say "let's forget the past"....we always remember it and we can get upset about it all over that! There's never enough groveling.
ReplyDeleteThe creepy scientists did some brain scan comparing men and woman and while you fellows had nice little emotional compartments (think Bill Clinton) we just lit up all over the brain.
So yep, you're right....and you're also on Team Alonso. I getting riled? Nooo...'cause I like your reasons. You're ready to kick Lorena to the curb and so am I.
Wow...Allie4ern...what an interesting handle. Feel free to comment copiously now that we know you're on Team Ernesto!
ReplyDeleteNot sure the guys are appreciating the chemistry as much as we are. The boring factor is definitely a drawback. I remember one of Alonso and Lorena's first conversations after they met and it was boooooooring...which is not usually the case when two people first fall in love. You can talk for HOURS and HOURS.
Like the afghan and tea image though...maybe I'll chill out with those two tonight instead of my Blue Moon beer.
Late to the party here, Judyb. Fabulous, fun recap -- especially for such disturbing episodio.
ReplyDeleteYes, Cap'n Sylvia, that's what I meant.
I am definitely on the E-Team as opposed to the A-Team. Granted Ern is a scary hothead (which would drive me crazy were I Lore) and impatient in his own way, as well as seemingly much older. Maybe I just would love to be in Lorena's shoes and dull Slo is better for a small town girl like her, dunno.
Alonso is still a hothead himself and just as jealous as ever. He can be just as much a brute as Bruno or Ernie if push came to shove. Otherwise, why should he demand to know what she told him? I mean, they just got engaged again and yet he's so threatened by Lorena and Ernie's past that he's upset thinking she could be so easily swayed with a serenade?
Sara is still a poisonous viper and I wonder if Slo or Ern might die trying to protect Lorena from something Bruto and Sara scheme up and put into play.
Just want to add that there's nothing wrong with Ernesto. I totally understand the intensity of the connection between Lorena and him. I certainly would not be surprised if Ernesto ends up winning.
ReplyDeleteI just think Alonso, even with his hot-headedness, is a very good person, who made a terrible mistake when he was snowed by Sara, and fell under her spell.
This is different from Omar, who is totally wrong with his affair with Regreta.
Wow great recap and great comments, I haven't seen this episode, but as soon as I get home I'm checking it out. JudyB you rock, and just for the record Team Ernestoooo all the waaaaay!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is for all of you that are in Team Ernesto (Not a spoiler) enjoy!!!
If two people thrive on boredom, then they should probably be together. It's probably a recipe for stability!
ReplyDeleteBut I don't think Lorena really thrives on boredom - it's just that after all she's been through, she probably can't take any more excitement.
(Is everyone else seeing the new comment form layout? I love it! It's no longer on a separate page!)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely an improvement in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteHombre, fantastic link and so many familiar faces. Snorty and Tori together, Jaqui cleaning toilets, Lor leaves some hunk at the altar for Ernesto (hooray!), and was that Icky in jail and in a wheelchair?
Oops, I meant fantastic link MARICRUZ. Sorry about that.