
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fuego - Mon. 10/20 - Cry Wolf? Cry in a well.....

We start with Sofi giving Sara a pep talk to return to her man Franco despite what Sofi feels about Juan; and when the tables turn and Sofi gets the pep talk to let herself be in love with Demian, she refuses to listen to Sara. Turn about is fair play, Sofi dear.

Jime and Oscar are kissing again, and she reminds us that just because she's boffing him every night doesn't mean she's forgiven him. Hmm, ok....anyway he is confused like me. But no matter what he doesn't want her to stop kissing him so he says whatever it takes.

In another room in this swinging hacienda, Franco shows up and forces Sara to submit to his luscious lips. She struggles like a caged animal, but succumbs....

In yet another room of this hacienda loca, Sofi tells herself she can't be with Demian because she hasn't forgotten Juan. Poor Demian. I say run far from this clan of goofballs, and don't quit running until you get to our border and look us up!!

He also pines for her, and flashes back to meeting her.

Doctora is happily wiping sweat from our Juanito when in his stupor he calls out again for his nina. Yeah, that smarts, and she gets mad.

Ha, I was warned about this, seems Gabi has fallen into a well. Well, well, well. She whines that no one knows she's there and she screams she's alive!!!! She hears voices of her past who torture her that appearances are all she worries about. She hears Bernardo and Libia, but cries for Feo.

Juan talks to the local guy about being careful of those animal traps out there. He thanks the guy for saving him, but it wasn't him, it was THE BLACK HORSE. Juan gets excited at this thought.

Sofi wonders again to herself why Juan doesn't come back and where he is, when a servant wanders in and Sofi gets the idea that Feo knows where her Ma is. She goes to wake him up, but he is awake, already musing that Crabby is eating worms right about now. Sofi rouses him out of bed to go look for Ma, but he sloughs it off as Crabby just being Crabby. He tells himself they will look for her, but won't find her because it's too late, Ha ha ha......

Meanwhile, Crabby whines and screams and says she's dying. She's in her bed clothes, isn't she. Wow. She holds her heart.

Back in el Bosque, the local guy shows him that Capricho hasn't moved since he got here. Juan wants to know who this horse is.

Finally, Sara has had enough lovin' and she yells at Franco to leave. For the thousandth time she tells Franco she doesn't want to ever see him again. Oh and she hates him. Again he doesn't listen and proposes a test. She hits him with things. Again.

Oooooooh, but then he begins whacking her on her pompis with a book, could it be a bible? She smiles after he leaves proving to us, yes, she does like S&M.....

Sofi shows up and Sara blames it on a cockaroach....yeah that was some insect.

The boys Reyes depart the haci the way they came, by rope and window. All of a sudden they hear something. Franco wants to inspect, but Oscar says they better go.

Sofi and Sara decide to search for Mami dearest with or without Feo, but he goes.

Jime talks to herself and goes on a fishing expedition and wonders what she should do about Ma being gone.

Maid tells Demian that Sofi is worried about Ma's disappearance.

Oh no, the Bombon is back, in full metallics this time. They treat us to incongruent shots where she's wearing a skirt and then not, and then it's on her again... does anyone else notice that this incredibly sexy woman never really moves her hips....? Weird.

The workers tell of the last time they saw Crabby, but Feo thinks they are useless because they didn't see her after a certain point. He calls them useless but Sofi tells him to cut it out he's not helping.

We flash to Mami still whining in the well. Demian rides by and it sounds like he may have heard her....

but commercial.....

And then she lets out a death scream and he hears that for sure. Yep, he's the savior and finds her, but is it too late? She's out cold. In true Indy Jones style he ropes himself down, ties her on and he and the magic white horse haul her out. Amazing trick. He gives her mouth to mouth, and she wakes up screaming she's dead. Too bad she's not, should have just let her believe it and then put her through hell. Now she screams she's alive.

Back at the Haci, Feo finally decides it's time to look for her, but alas, she's found them first. Dem brings her back and Feo orders a doc, but curses Dem for finding her.

Everyone watches her freak out for a while in her bed. They all thank Dem for saving her. They say he saved her life. He tells Sofi he loves her so she could count on him for anything. He wants to wait even to make sure she's ok before he leaves for the night.

Jime who was slinking around tells herself at least the doc has arrived, but maybe she needs to keep going out even if she gets discovered.

The doc arrives to the still freaked out Crabby. She tells him they tried to bury her alive.

Feo goes to to "thank" Dem for saving his wife. He says he can go now everything is fine. Dem will stay for Sofi, but Feo says no, you have nothing to do here, but Dem wonders if maybe he's jealous, since he used to be the husband. Dem doesn't buck to Feo's pressures and things get nasty quick, but Dem doesn't play with Feo's toys and says he's not going anywhere.

Doc says Ma is fine, just a little upset, but the girls challenge him and he claims he knows her well and she's fine. Cry Wolf anyone? The girls are mad and want another doc.

Medicine man is cursing Juan again with a few bunches of weeds. A local couple shows up screaming their baby is dying and that maybe they should go to the doc. Medicine man says the doc will kill the baby, and if they don't want that, stay here. he says something about the baby having a bad eye.

Sofi goes down to send for the other doc, but Feo says, nope I'm the husband I have the rights to decide so Sofi shouldn't intefere. This of course pisses off Dem who comes over to her defense, but you know, our little Snowfie is defending herself quite well actually. Another warning from Feo to Dem to bug off. Dem calls him a coward. They have stare down, and we'll have to wait to see who wins.

Is it just me or did I miss a segment? It seems this one was only four instead of the usual five??? Oh well, you can add if I'm missing something.....


  1. Fuego: Thanks for the recap and details that I missed.

    One odd thing I noticed about Juan besides his face being shaved is that at times he also has a new hairdo. It kind of reminded me of Javier Bardem's 'do in No Country for Old Men. Anyway, this is where my mind wanders during this novela.

    Gabi really put on a performance last night. She went from murderously mean to absolutely terrified with some kind of nightmare in between. Is it too early in the story for her to have an epiphany? The ghosts who visited her in the well were Dickensian in character. But, she's far worse than Scrooge.

    Damian is so hot. He stood up to Feo - but, does Feo now have his name at the top of a new hit list. He foiled Feo's plan to get rid of Crabi and dominate Sofi. Feo even tried to blame Gabi's disappearance on Rosendo and crew. Isn't he so clever.

  2. Thanks for the recap. Last night helped to explain the white clothing the "Natives" wear, the dirt hardly sticks to you even when you are down in a well.mhm

  3. Thanks, FdeRdeR for the 'cap, and to all cappers for the last week and a half. I returned home, and read all the recaps for the days I missed, and you guys did an outstanding job! I agrree with others that the caps are better than the episodes...what a goofy episode- the mentioned changing wardrobe during Rosario's routine, Franco and Sarita kissing his hat's lipstrap, and the terror scene in the well. Diana Bracho did a good job of being terrified- I wonder if she has the same phobia as Crabi and the crew threw her in the well... Why doesn't Juan just jump on Capricho, and let hime take him home? Oh, that would be too easy...

  4. It seems unfair that a grouch like Crabi should get mouth-to-mouth from a hottie like Demian. Oh well...

  5. Fuego - thank you for the recrap. ;o) I did not get a chance to watch and won't have time to watch the VCR. I'm on wedding count down. 4 1/2 weeks and counting. It's getting a little hectic around here.

    Have Franco and Sarita consummated their marriage yet? I'm thinking the answer is no. If they could, I think Sarita's attitude in general would be soooo much better. I'm just saying....

    Too bad I missed Crabi in the well. Maybe she'll get tossed down there instead of just falling. I am curious to see if Feo does her in, or visa versa.


  6. Good job, Kris...the folks involved in this have to be ready to shoot themselves, no? But you hardy recrappers are holding up well. Wishing you all the best and the patience of a saint!

  7. No, Doris, Franco and Sarita still haven't done it yet. I don't know what she's saving herself for (obviously not her husband since even he wasn't good enough for her). She's not going to get a better offer, except possibly from Pedro, but she wasn't willing to give him the time of day either, so... yeesh. Telenovela galans are wasted on telenovela heroines!

  8. I'm fed up with Hot Doc! First she shuts Silvestre up every time he talks about Oscar's visit to Las Barrancas. Then she tries to shut down Juan's thinking process (feeble at best) about why Capricho seems to know him so well. I was disappointed that there was no reaction shot from Juan when Capricho followed him as he always does when Juan walked away. And, yes, Dorado Dave, if Juan-a-Brain had one he'd get on the horse and let it take him home.

    Looks like Sofía and Sarita are going to get Hot Doc's papá to take a look at Crabi, so she will live to spite another day.

  9. I think both Juan and Dra. Leonra said that Caprichio's appearance and following Juan were probably just a coincidence, although Silvestre said the horse seemed to know Juan.

    Since Dr. Matasanos was paid by Feo not to cure Crabi, that's why he said she's fine. But the other doctor may find otherwise.

    Since Demian had to ride for miles on his horse to get to Casa Augustin, how was Fatima able to get to Demian's house so fast, on foot?

    I liked the way Demian stood up to Feo at the end, although Feo did say something like "I don't make idle threats", so he might devise some scheme against Demian.

  10. I fixed my errors...

    I'm totally unimpressed with hot doc, she is so violating the hippocratic oath by not doing what's best for her patient....

    I have to say I'm impressed because as wishy washy as Snowfie is, she's not taking crap from Feo any more....i say good for her.

    Poor Capricho, he's like, cut it out you big dummy stop playing in the forest with the leprechauns and lets vamoose out of here. Duh!!!

  11. Thank yo for the recap. It sounds like we are all on the same page on this one. How indeed does a man in white pants go into a hole in the ground and come out with nothing on them? I wish I had had those pants when my kids were little. No laundry for me! :) And I was waiting for Juan to get on Capricho's back and fly back to Brigadoon. But no. I usually think that Feo looks like a snake but last night he had that rat look about him. He's so nasty. I wonder if Coyote will make an appearance and threaten Feo because of Crabi. Hmmmmmm

  12. Sorry. I can't spell today. Thank you not thank yo..

  13. Thanks for the recap Kris. I salute and your diligence 'cause these people are muy loco.

    It is unfair that Crabi got mouth to mouth from Damein. What kind of punishment is that?!! If many of us knew that would be the outcome, we'd all find a well and save poor Damein from one of the craziest novela families I've ever seen (though I must admit I'm not a novela veteran).

  14. Thanks, Fuego. And on it goes. I'm worried about the gorgeous Damien. I am afraid that Ferd has just penciled him on his hit list. Well, Caprichio has found and rescued how is that poor horse going to get him home. I think the writers are actually sixth graders at Mexidoon Middle School.

  15. Surely they won't kill off our new hottie! What amazes me is that all these people live within walking distance to one another but they don't know each other and have never seen them before. Oh wait, my beanie is falling off. There we go...much better now.

  16. Great recap. Laughed out loud about Sarita liking S&M, must be all the years of abuse from mom.

    So the writers have Juan have a serious flashback petting horse that is not his, but his horse shows up and nothing! Rosario's skirt are on the tip of the inconsistancy iceburg!

  17. I keep waiting for one of Rosario's bon bons to knock one of the dancers off the teeny weenie stage. That whole scene with Sarita and Franco was gross. She was acting like a 5 year old and he was just slobbering all over her. Yuck. He's got to be the worst kisser ever. :) I have a hard time finding it romantic.

  18. Thanks for the recap, Fuego RR. A true labor of love on behalf of those of us hanging on with a stubborn wish to see this mess through to the end.
    The most rewarding part was seeing Crabi suffer in the well. Also the white pants and white horse of Damien doing their part in the rescue.
    No fair that the white horse got to do something heroic, while Capricho is stuck with I-Juan-a-brain, who won't leave when he has a chance.
    The plants the witch dr. was shaking looked like carrot tops to me. But, they might have been some exotic jungle flora.
    La Paloma

  19. Thanks for a great recrap...very funny. Silvestre is definitely following the Hippocratic Oath while Hot Doc is breaking every doctor/patient rule there is. Hope Juan sues the heck out of her when he regains his senses (hah.) Also Rosendo went to fetch Dr. Matasanos who teleported to the hacienda as I think Sofia/Sarita? or Sofia/Damien? were still in the same conversation when Rosendo left and the Doc arrived. The writers are so lazy they don't even try to make anything make sense. G in CA whose loyalty to E Y is being severely tested.

  20. The baby had the "evil eye". Meaning that someone (I believe the doctora was mentioned)put a curse on the infant. My question would be, "What does parsley have to do with it?"

  21. As much as I hate the Doctora storyline, I don't want to dislike Leonora herself. I'd appreciate it if she gave me some cooperation on this matter!

    However, if she's going to continue this way, I'd like to see Sofia kick her ass.

  22. Juan has bug bites again. I guess they need to buy another can of bug spray.

  23. Thanks Fuego, for great recap! I always enjoy seeing that the recappers and other viewers notice the same inconsistencies that I do.
    I thought Franco was smacking Sarita with a poetry book that he always carries around with him, being so romantic and all.
    I agree with whoever mentioned Rosario's dancing...she can shake her tassles alright, but oddly she's not a very good dancer; just mostly pokes her knees in different directions and bounces.

  24. C'mon, give her some credit. She swings her hair around too. That's very impressive to those of us whose hair doesn't swing nicely!

  25. Well, Julie, MY hair-swinging and head-bobbing days are over for sure!
    Rosario is actually one of my favorite characters...I guess if she was a swell dancer she'd be just too perfect.

  26. I like her too. She doesn't seem to fit in with these other nutty people.

    Oh! Rosario + Demian! Maybe that could work out. I don't think he's really noticed her, but she sure seemed to notice him. I bet she could get on his radar if she really tried. :-)

  27. You'd think she'd show up on the radar screen, wouldn't you? Yet how many nice guys really pay attention to her? (except poor Bobby).

  28. Last week there were a few scene of Sarita by herslef in her room probably thinking about Franco sna a new song was playing. It sounded like Sarita singing. Could she really sing? If it is her, it sounds pretty good.

