
Monday, November 10, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel- November 10, 2008

Filling in just for today.

JM finds Marichuy and Adrian walking down the stairs. JM wants to speak with her either today or they never will. Adrian pleads with Marichuy to send JM away and JM yells at Adrian to desist. Marichuy agrees to speak with JM alone but on the stairwell. She tells him to say what he needs to say and then leave.

Ceci is at home making treat bags for the orphans. Patricio asks her what is wrong. She says that she is thinking of Marichuy and Estephania.

Back at the stairwell he tells Marichuy that he never meant to deceive her, he wanted her to get to know the real JM and to get her forgiveness. He has never forgotten what he has done and believes god put her in his path to have her forgive him. She says something which I cannot understand. She then sarcastically asks JM that didn't he tell Padre that she needed to now behave like a woman? Yes, but a woman that learns to love responds JM. Well you have taught me to love, but first you taught me to hate. That hatred is deep in my heart and you cannot take it away. It is in my head and in my blood. It flows throughtout my body. This body that you attacked that night responds Marichuy. The same body that was full of emotion in my arms asks JM. You love me yesterday and you love me today. Do you not Marichuy?

Mayita is in fantasyland with Abuela and informs her that she asked her dad not to bring Marichuy to live at the house because her mother will be back.

Marichuy confesses to JM that she loves him, but that was the other JM. He no longer exists. JM says no, I am still here. Marichuy responds that she cannot see that anymore. JM cries.

Ceci is hurt that Estephania threw in her face that she gave her up when she was a baby. The veil has been lifted and Ceci now sees an uglier side to Estephania.

Marichuy is yelling at JM to go. She runs up the stairs to Cande's apartment crying and starts to remember JM crying and asking for her forgiveness when they were on the beach.

Eduardo and Estephania are dining out. She brings up JM and Marichuy and tries to get Ed to give up the goods. He changes the subject and starts to talk about her.

The witch Onelia is sprouting ugly and mean things about Marichuy to Mayita and that if she were to come live at the house they will have to leave. JM overhears this. (finally! maybe he'll throw the witch out)

Estephania returns to the house after having dinner with Eduardo. Ceci asks if she went to visit Rocio and how is she doing? Estephania responds by saying horrible. Isa scolds her about the manner in which she responded. Oh, well reponds Estephania. She deserves it for listening to the good for nothing Marichuy. Ceci looks at her with disgust. Also they have separated she informs the group at the table.

Onelia has the nerve to ask JM why he is trying to make her look bad in front of Mayita. JM (finally he has grown a pair) says no it is you who are making me look bad in front of my daughter. Making her dislike me and hate Marichuy. Onelia says she never wanted him to marry that welfana and he should have listened to her. JM says that he runs his own life. Onelia responds by saying that the wedding should never have taken place. JM comes back with my mistakes are mine and are no business of anyones. He then tells her that Marichuy will not be living at the house because she left him. Are you happy?

Viv in the hotel room getting drunk and talking to herself. She doesn't care who JM married just the fact that he did. Wait til he finds out that I am alive.

Cande comes back from delivering the clean clothes and asks Marichuy what is up. Marichuy says that JM came to see her, but will not be returning.

Adrian goes to see the Padre and asks him to help him anul the marriage. (he is really annoying me) Padre cannot help him since the marriage was consumated. Adrian refuses to believe it.

Onelia is scolding Rocio saying that if she has listened to her she would not be in this predicament. And that JM and Marichuy are no longer together.

Back in the hotel room Viv is talking about going back to Madrid. Speaking of which Leti and Gutavo are talking. Leti is sad that Viv has not called and wonders if she will return. Gustavo says forget it. You have the kids, my brother and me. Leti says that you are always working and the kids are at school or playing with there friends. If Viv does not call me, I will be calling her to come back.

Marichuy is outside washing clothes with Purita's mother. She tells Marichuy to forgive him and not to forget that she is his wife.

Ceci is visiting Rocio in the hospital. Ceci tells Rocio that if she needs anything to call her. And if not she will come to visit anyway. As she is leaving she comes face to face with JM.

At Cande's apartment another Padre comes in and wishes to speak with Marichuy. He wants her to forgive JM and to return to him.

Gustavo does not want Viv to come back and tells this to Leti.

Ceci says she came to visit Rocio and that she was just leaving. Rocio comments to JM that Ceci is such a nice woman. Rocio changes the subject and says that she notices that JM looks sad. Then point blank asks if Marichuy left him. JM does not want to talk about it.

Viv is outside Mayita's school again. This time she lets Mayita see her. She runs up to her mom and is so happy to see her. Viv lies to Mayita and tells her that her dad tried to kill her.

Padre is telling Marichuy to go back to JM. Marichuy refuses. She cannot forgive.

Estephania spots JM and says that she heard that he is separated. She feels sorry for him.

Cande goes to the castle to retrieve the dog. Cande and Onelia are arguing and Cande tells her how JM attacked Marichuy years ago.

Viv plants lies in Mayita's head that Marichuy and her dad were together when she was there living in the house.

JM walks up as Onelia is hearing the truth about what he did to Marichuy. Onelia asks if it is true and leaves in disgust.

Vicente's mother gives him a letter that Rocio wrote. She breaks up with him.

JM tells Cande to inform Marichuy that whatever she wants to do he will comply.

Tomorrow: The witch Onelia tells Estephania what Cande told her about JM and Marichuy.


  1. Good morning,Gloria. Thanks for the recap.

    The padre switch was a little baffling. I think someone in a prior comment said the first Padre Anselmo had died. You'd think that there would be some introduction so that we all wouldn't think we were having brain lapses because I heard Marichuy call the new padre, Padre Anselmo.

    I might as well get it off my chest. Dear, sweet Marichuy is giving me a crick in my neck - she always has her head tilted to one side and talks a mile a minute. I thought she talked that way because of the part she's playing - but, after accidentally watching RBD over the weekend - I found she talks that way all the time.

    As to JuanMi - at last he answered Onelia back, and with a little anger. This guy really gets it from all directions. It seems that every female, except his sister, is out to get him. Cande couldn't even keep her mouth shut when she went to pick up the dog.

    Didn't you notice that Ed had a reaction to Stefi's hand on his at dinner? I just couldn't tell if it was lust or disgust.

  2. Thanks for the recap. I do not have time to watch this episode. I heard also that the first actor playing Padre had died, so I guess they're just substituting someone, and there would be no way to explain it in the script. What would they say? Hey, Padre, you look different. Did you get plastic surgery?

    Remember in Guapos they replaced two actors with no explanation.

  3. Thank you for your very full recap, Gloria. I was surprised they didn't do some kind of "in memoriam" note at the end of the episode if the first actor died. I've seen this done on other novelas and it would have seemed less strange than just having both actors appear in different segements. I know we cannot discuss the private lives of the actors, but I am sorry to hear about this. I liked the first actor.

    Viviana also told Mayita that Juanmi and Marichuy conspired together to kill her so they could be free to be together. This little actress is doing a good job of going from a sweet little girl to a brat, but with what the mother-daughter viper team of Onelia and Viv are planting in her head, it's no wonder she's acting out.

    I noticed that both Stef and Onelia recoiled when Rocio tried to kiss them, while Ceci and Mercedes both were so loving and affectionate with her and were not turned off by how her face looks. I think she is supposed to look really disfigured, but the makeup team was apparently not up to the task. I was more distracted by the pimple Viv had on her upper lip than by Rocio's supposed horrible injuries.


  4. I think the death of one of the actors in the middle of the show is probably an exception to the rule of not discussing the private life of the actors. It is surprising that they didn't have an "in memoriam" posting.

  5. I think Mari's just calling the new guy Padre Anselmo was supposed to inform us that this was the same character. Probably in Mexico the illness and death of the original actor was more in the news, so people would have been aware that the switch was coming.

    FINALLY JM starts to push back at Onelia and Ceci gets real evidence of Stef's horridness. A shift in the currents will be a nice change...but NOT if it involves Ed and Stef getting together. Ugh, gross, pitooey! I thought he looked disgusted when she touched his hand but why was he having dinner in the first place? Is it the last step in his program to take off the last half-ounce of fat for the bodybuilding competition? You only have meals with people you can't stand, and the nausea helps you eat less?

    Alas, I won't find out until Saturday, at least. Thanks again for subbing for me, NinaK, and thanks for today's excellent recap, Gloria.

  6. Hello there, folks! Thanks, Gloria for your recap and do that.

    One thing that I would like to say is THOSE PEOPLE CAN'T KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT WHEN IT COMES TO SENSITIVE THINGS THAT their friends told them. Rule Breakers: Padre to Adrian, Eduardo to Fakey (witchy Estefania), and now this episode Cande to Onelia. WHY?

    Adrian - get over it! Ths ship has sailed a long time ago. Marichuy is just going to be a friend. If someone says that you are like a brother to them. It will never come to anything. What about Purita? She seems like she is interested in Adrian on some level.

    Onelia, captain witch (Isa) and assistant witch / fakey (Este) are belong in a ditch with sticky garbage.

    These rich people are all nuts or something I beginning to think.

    We will see what happens tonight?


  7. Thanks for some awesome pinch hitting Gloria ;)

    I think the weirdest part of the PA switch is that they did it mid episode. Wouldn't it have been cleaner to reshoot those scenes with the new guy so we could just see the one? And showing the transition clips with the old PA surrounded by candles was a little eerie. Still, the show must go on... RIP to the previous actor (never got his name).

    I was so disgusted with Viv at manipulating her own daughter to get even with her ex. When she called Mayita over all I kept thinking is that the poor kid could have gotten run over.

  8. Thank you for the recap, Gloria. I loyally check the site everyday to see what the characters were actually talking about during the episodes because I do not speak or understand Spanish. I never miss an episode though. So thank you once again.

    How does William Levy cry just like that? His eyes get really red-rimmed so I don't think it's just eye drops. It just seems difficult to believe that someone that gorgeous is legitimately a good actor.

  9. I have to say it is a tad strange to see Cande and Onelia getting all worked up over Juan Miguel's semi-ambiguous treatment of Marichuy - even if their anger is warranted - when Amador actually tried to rape her among other "advances" and folks just laugh off his antics. Sheesh, how come he gets such a break and poor JM is getting the book thrown at him from all sides??

    Also, yeah the sudden switch of Anselmo was weird, but I suppose it had to be done. I'd seen that there was another priest, and it even seemed possible that it would be the Isa/Stefi duo killing off Anselmo but I'm glad they didn't write him out. IIRC Anselmo hadn't been in many cut scenes if any, so maybe those few, though rather jarring, were a way of showing tribute to the first actor. I believe he was Miguel Córcega...RIP.
